• Published 17th Apr 2014
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Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH15: Trolling the Mood

“How… -huff- huge… -huff- is this freaking tower!” Dash yelled as they turned down another corridor

“No clue, actually,” answered Dante.

“How're you even tired, you’ve been in the air this whole time. Nice to see that you’re all healed up by the way.” she said exasperatedly.

“Because, Applejack,” she said, teasing her with AJ’s own unwanted nickname, “We’ve been climbing this thing for like, ever. We haven't even reached the top yet!”

Twilight looked over at her, an eyebrow raised in confusion. “Dash, we are heading down, remember? Toward the basement.”

Instantly, Pinkie materialized in front of her, startling her into crashing to the ground. AJ bent over laughing. “Didnt you grab that thing before Mr. Jester showed up?” she asked.

Dash picked herself off the ground and glared at the pink haired time lager. “Looks like you’re really enjoying that power, aren't you,” she growled. “This is the 5th time that I told not to do that! Next time, I’m gonna electrocute you!”

Pinkie merely giggled and patted Rainbows multicolored hair before disappearing altogether, reappearing mid bounce about 20 feet away. “You’ll have to catch me first~” she teased.

Now thoroughly pissed, Dash jumped to her feet and charged at Pinkie, fists covered in sparks. Over and over she tried to catch or grab her, but each time, Pinkie would just use Quicksilver to move out of the way, teasing her and laughing the entire time. While everyone else moved forward, those two would chase each other backwards, forwards and even sometimes into the air.

Dante watched the scene with somewhat detached interest while Twilight sighed. “Wasn't she just complaining a second ago about being tired?”

AJ laughed “Didnt she also just get her life sucked out?”

Rarity smiled. “I’m just glad that there doesn't seem to be any lasting damage.”

Twilight looked back at here too friends, still chasing after one another, and smiled brightly. “I really am glad that she’s okay though, I was really worried about her.”

Dante threw a glance over his shoulder at the girls following behind them, They all seem so concerned about each others well being, the blondie looked like she would bring the entire tower down if her friend had died back there. In fact, Lady scaled this huge tower just to take revenge for her mother, on her father no less. Even Luna went so far as to- Dante’s thoughts screeched to a halt as a feeling flew down his spine. It was familiar, and it caused a smirk to spread across his face.

Twilight stopped when she noticed that Dante had stopped walking. “Dante, what’s up?”

“We’re here,” he said pointing next to him.

The others looked at where he was pointing, and noticed a large out of the way door surrounded by lights that Twilight and the others somehow passed without noticing.

AJ lifted up her hat to get a better look. “Now how in the hay did we miss that?”

“Probably cuz he didnt want us to find it, but he can’t hide from me. Grab the rugrats, and hang back, I need to have a little chat.”

“With who??” asked Rarity.

Ignoring her, Dante went ahead and opened the door.

Stepping into the hallway, the girls began to hear an agitated voice echo out. “Come on!” as well as the tell tale sounds of someone pacing back and forth. Dash noticed that the further in they got, the larger Dante’s smile grew.

“He’s freaking excited..” she thought

Finally, all of them came out of the hallway into a large circular, metallic room. Pacing around the center faced away from them, was a tall man a wearing a blue long coat with three tails, a snake like pattern tracing up the right side of the jacket. In his left hand, he held a long black sheathed katana with a white handle.

Dante held his arm out, and motioned for them not to move, he himself then began to walk forward.

“Why isnt this working!” the man growled. “Is there something missing? Must more blood be shed?”

“So he was the one who killed Lady’s father….” thought Twilight.

“You seem to be in a bad mood, big brother,” said Dante, strutting out into the open.

Virgil turned and faced his brother, his hand going straight to the handle of his blade. “Dante!”

“So, my mother’s amulet was actually the key to opening the door to the Demon World…” he chuckled a bit. “Good plan, Pop.”

Just the opposite actually,” the man began. “Originally, it was the key to the Demon World, but was given to the humans as a gift.”

“That sounds incredibly stupid,” Dash whispered, only to get a slap to the back of her head, and a shush, from AJ.

Dante scoffed and shrugged. “It doesn't matter to me one way or the other, more importantly, I’ve come all this way,” Dante pulled his sword from his back, and pointed it directly at his brother. “I’m sure that you have time for one more game, right, Virgil?”

Virgil unsheathed part of his blade, before simply resheathing it. “Why not, but what about your friends? Won’t they join in as well?” he said, glancing back where Dante had entered from. Seeing that he knew that they were already there, all five girls came out into the open.

Dash was glaring daggers at Virgil, but was otherwise silent. AJ was more focused on watching Dash to make sure that she didn't do anything stupid. Pinkie looked between Dante and Virgil with a nervous smile, and Rarity’s jaw instantly dug itself into the floor, hearts taking the place of her eyes.

Twilight took this chance to ask something that was on her mind. “Virgil, you two are brothers by blood right.”

Virgil’s eyes locked on to the violet haired girl. “Indeed, we are, and I intend to use more of his to undo daddy’s little spell. Will you also stand in my way?”

“If so then why do you too instantly resort to fighting one another.”

“Hey, he started it!” Dante called out.

“If Dante had simply relinquished his half of the amulet, then there would be no fighting. Instead, he chose to stand in my way.”

“But why do you need it? If you could beat Dante and take his anyway, why do you need to become any stronger?”

“I do not need to explain myself to you, child.”

“Hey, who said you could talk to Twilight like that!”

Virgil simply turned back to Dante “I see that you’ve taken up babysitting, fitting,” he said coldly.

“Don’t ignore me!”

“I can’t help it if the ladies just can’t leave me alone,” he said, gazing at the reflection in his sword. “Too bad you just can’t say the same.”

“If I remember correctly, there was another woman with blue hair that followed us around 10 years ago. I must know, did you end up killing her after all?”

Dante seemed slightly taken back by this coment, anger flashed across his face. “Maybe if you had actually stuck around, you would know.”

“Sorry, but after what happened, I needed to research a few things. It is thanks to that girl that we stand here today,” he said. As he moved into a fighting position, a white shimmer began to shroud both his arms and legs.

Twilight had a bad feeling. “Dante… who’s he talking about?”

“Don’t blame this all on her.”

“Blaming her? Were you not listening? I was thanking her,” he said calmly. As he fully took his fighting stance, the white shimmers flashed to reveal twin silver gauntlets that covered both his arms and his legs.

“Now, you never answered my question, Is this game of yours two player?”

“Of course, we lost our third player, remember.” grunted Dante. Rushing forward, he stabbed at Virgil at a high speed. Virgil easily dodged the stab attack, and countered with a roundhouse kick. Dodging, Dante jumped backwards to put some distance between them. Pulling out his guns, he unleashed a hail of bullets at his brother.

In the blink of an eye Virgil avoided the bullets, and closed the distance. With Dante wide open, Virgil quickly delivered a series of harsh punches that sent Dante slamming several inches into the wall.

“Is that it, Dante? Did you lose your skill in the short time since we last met?” he glanced over to the girls, Twilight had erected another barrier just incase some straw attacks came their way. “Or are you holding back because of them?”

Dante dug himself out of the wall, a smile wide on his face. “Don’t get your panties in a twist, I was just checkin’ out your new gear. I would love to know where you got it?” Dante rushed forward, and delivered another few swipes with his sword with improved speed.

Virgil, now finding himself unable to break away from his brothers onslaught of sword strikes, simply resorted to parrying his attacks and countering when he could. “Well, some blind demon broke into the room, and spouted some nonsense about telling me something earlier,” he said, aiming a punch at his brothers face,

Dante blocked the punch with his face with the side of his blade. “So you killed it and took it’s demon arm,” he said, pulling a gun out and shooting a few rounds.

Virgil quickly jumped into air, avoiding the shots, and flipped before bringing his leg down in an a falling axe kick. “You should learn how to finish the job, and stop leaving me your leftovers.”

Dante dodged the kick as it proceeded the severely dent the metal in the floor. “Maybe you should start doing your part in cleaning up our dads mess, instead of trying to make it worse.”

On the far side of the room, the girls continued to watch the fight in stunned silence. None of them could comprehend the level and speed at which those two were fighting, what was worse, was that it seemed that neither of them had even begun to take the fight seriously.

“Those two are goin at it like two starvin hoboes over a piece of apple pie, but their talkin like they’re just sittin around havin tea.”

“How can they just have a casual conversation while trying to kill each other?” Dash

Pinkie placed a small machine over her left eye and ear. Facing the two demon brothers, Pinkie clicked the button on the side of the odd machine causing numbers to appear over the pink screen in front of her eye. Once the numbers stopped changing, she gasped loudly. Leaning over to Dash, she stage whispered in her ear. “Dashie, Dashie! Guess what their power levels are!”

Rarity simply continued to gaze at Virgil with hearts in her eye.

Twilight was currently trying her hardest to sort out the various conflicting topics in her head, while still trying to analyze the brothers individual fighting styles. “Who were they talking about earlier…..…Virgil’s style seems to differ from Dante’s by...… is this what it’s like to see two masters fighting…… Virgils using a brand new weapon, and Dante hasn't used any of his others yet, why……….how can they just casually talk while…..… Why can’t they just talk it out… well I guess they're already talking it out but-”

Twilight’s thoughts came to a halt when both Dante and Virgil suddenly stopped fighting.

“You know what, for once you’ve got the right idea,” said Virgil as he examined his gauntlets.

“What about?”

“Don’t think that I haven't noticed that you haven't used any of the other demon arms that you have. And here I am using these. If we’re going to fight over dads power, we should at least honor him by using his weapons.” Virgil banished his gauntlets and gripped his katana handle.

“Well look who’s finally taking that poll out. Although,” he said examining his sword. “You’re the only one fighting for power, I only want my amulet back.”

“Then enough with the warm up, it’s time to break the seal,” Instantly Virgil became shrouded in a sphere of dark blue energy. His figure completely covered. When it disappeared, Virgil’s form was completely replaced with a demonic version of himself. His voice carried with it, an eerie fear inducing echo. “with your blood!

Dante only scoffed and released his own devil trigger. Even through the shield, the girls could feel the demonic energy coming off of them in waves. Dante told them earlier exactly what a devil trigger was. It was essentially an unleashed state, where he would give in to his demon blood, and become more powerful, and much more savage. Even though Dante had only recently gained access to his, it still made him made him more powerful than all 5 girls combined.

Now there were two of them, and she shuddered to think how much more powerful it would make the one who had more experience in using it.

In an instant, Virgil disappeared and reappeared behind Dante, slowly sheathing his blade. When it clicked shut, dozens of small slashes appeared all over Dante’s body causing him to grunt in pain, blood spilling forth in large volumes. Dante dug his sword into the ground to keep upright.

“Dante!” the girls screamed.

Pathe-UGH!” Suddenly Virgil bent forward when a large vertical slash made itself apparent on his front. Reaching from his shoulder, across his chest, and to his hip. Blood spilled forth in volumes similar to Dante. Looking over his shoulder, Virgil saw Dante stand back up, his wounds completely healed. Dante growled as he readied his blade.

I see, so you haven't yet learned to speak, how ironic since you normally never shut up,” he grunted. Standing up, he revealed that his wound had already healed as well. Both Dante and Virgil proceeded to engage each other in furious combat, both trying to inflict as much damage on the other as they could, and both sent strike after strike at each other, causing sparks to fly off each of their blades whenever they clashed, and blood fly to out in all directions. Each wound inflicted by the other healed instantly, however, the brothers knew that the damage wasn't the point…..

It was about who’s devil form would release first.

From their girls point of view, Dante and Virgil had simply disappeared from their respective spots, and after a few shockwaves, instantly reappeared in the middle of the room, fighting furiously in a blur of motion, sparks, and blood. No one, even Dash with her sharp eyes, could make out any of their individual swings. All they knew was that with each clag of their weapons, a shockwave got sent out that tore a crack in Twilight shield. Twilight, AJ, and Dash were worried about what would happen if the shield broke, Rarity was worried about how to get the blood stains out of her dress should the shield break. Pinkie was worried about whether or not she could end the fighting by stopping time and switching their weapons with rubber chickens.

The fighting continued for a full thirty minutes before Dante’s trigger wore out first, Virgil got a few hits in before his also wore out, causing Twilight to let out a sigh of relief. Both of them were breathing heavily, but neither let up in their attacks despite being unable to instantly heal. Now, any damage dealt could make or break the fight.

“We have to stop this, they're going to kill each other if this keep up!” Twilight yelled.

“But how, if we go in there, who knows what might happen.”

Twilight re-enforced the shield when three stray gunshots tore into it. “I know but I can’t hold this up much longer. Rarity, do you think that you can stop them with your telekinesis?”

Rarity continued to stare at Virgil.


~Currently inside Rarity’s head~

Rarity stood side by side, under the moonlight, next to a dashing man with glorious slicked back silver hair. Under them, sat a balcony of the purest crystal. Attached to the balcony sat a several story tall crystal castle. Glittering and sparkling in the moonlight, it’s spires were angled just right so as to reflect a spotlight upon the couple it supported. The castle overlooked a beautiful garden, filled to the brim with every kind of flower known to man, and several known to others. Everything existed to be perfect for the two gazing out on it. The man turned to Rarity and began speaking.

“We’ve done it my dear. We have defeated the seaweed haired witch, and rescued your friends. We have taken back this crystal world from their corrupted god, and have been named their king and queen, and, we are finally alone. Everything is perfect, and the worlds are at peace.”

“Please, Virgil, I couldn't have done it without you. You make me complete in a way that no man has,” she declared.

“Nonsense, you are perfection incarnate,” he replied.

“No, you are!”

“No, you are!”

“No, you are!”

“No, you are!”

“No, you are!”

“No, you are!”

“No, you are!”

“No, you are!”

“No, you are!”

“No, you are!”

Author's Note:

:trollestia: Next chapter!

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