• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

  • ...

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A Dizzying Account of Things

"So... uh... is she..." Rainbow Dash scratched her chin and turned to gaze sleepily towards Pilate. "Is she pulling on through?"

Pilate cracked the door shut to Belle and Kera's crew quarters. He then tilted his head towards the pegasus. "It is difficult to say. There really is no measure for this sort of a thing. She'll most likely be dealing with these scars for the rest of her life, as will the rest of us."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "I understand. Believe me."

"I'm simply glad that Elma came to us when she did. The sheer amount of magic that Kera can channel is unbelievable. We were quite close to losing another part of the Noble Jury."

"I heard a lot of screwy stuff went down while she was losing it."

"Nothing we can't live without," Pilate said. Then, with a nervous chuckle, he said, "Nothing Mr. Floydien can't live without."

"Yeah, but we all know how much you like maps and books n'crap."

"Regardless, most of that stuff is behind me. Behind all of us." Pilate leaned back on his haunches. "I'm good at following maps, Rainbow Dash. I'm not quite so good at making them."

"Val Roa's east of us, right?"

"Er... from what I understand."

Rainbow smiled wearily. "Then all we need is for a few good ponies to point us towards it and we're good. Who needs a map?"

"Well... erm..."

She shrugged. "I got along just fine without a map for the longest time."

"Yes. And it served you well."

"It could serve us all well, you know."

"But it's unknown territory, Rainbow," Pilate remarked with a gaping expression. "I know we haven't yet got evidence of any wars or tyrannies taking place, but it's still a whole new continent with hitherto undiscovered—"

"We have the Sword of Solstice," Rainbow said with a smile. "We have first access to the voice and wisdom of Princess Celestia." She winked. "I think we've got things covered in the safety department."

Pilate took a deep breath. "Yes... yes, I suppose we should look on the bright side of things. Erm..." He winced. "All puns forgiven."

"Spoken like a true blind zebra."

"Props has the skystone working. Kera may be struggling, but at least she's speaking again. Roarke's on our side once more. You're no longer having your dizzy spells. We're about to make landfall at any moment—"

"Four times."

Pilate's ears flicked. "I beg your pardon?"

Rainbow sighed out her nostrils and murmured, "I've had dizzy spells four times since we left Stratopolis."

"Four... t-times...?"

"Mmmmf..." Rainbow Dash nodded, gazing off down the second floor corridor. "I can't very well count the moments that happen in my sleep."

"Rainbow...!" Pilate hissed with a shocked expression. "Why haven't you told anypony? Are they happening more frequently? I-I mean, are they worse than before or—"

"Eh, it's about the same, really," Rainbow murmured, kicking at the floor with a loose hoof. "Truth is, they never go away. I'm just super thankful that they haven't recently screwed me over while I'm having to kick monster butt or fly at the speed of sound with tons and tons of ponies' lives depending on me."

"Is..." Pilate gulped. "Is it the book?"

"It's me, Pilate," Rainbow said. "Everypony knows that."

Pilate sighed, hanging his head. "But nopony as well as you." He swallowed. "I suppose, with all of the many-many horrible things that we do battle with on a regular basis, it's so terribly easy to forget that the biggest crisis of all hasn't ceased to plague you."

"I wouldn't call it the 'biggest' crisis, dude," Rainbow said. "The 'lamest,' sure, but that's my thing to deal with."

"Not by yourself, Rainbow."

"Pilate..." Rainbow leaned forward with calm eyes. "Everypony here is a super awesome group. I have no doubt that—if they all wanted to—they could keep the Noble Jury flying forever. But that's not gonna work for everypony. And besides, who wants that? You all need a place to settle."

"And what of you, Rainbow Dash?" Pilate asked quietly. "Have you put more thought into that now that we're almost clear of the Wastes?"

Rainbow stood up straight. "There's only one way for me to ever settle."

Pilate was silent.

Flexing her wings, Rainbow shuffled past him. "You should rest. Stick close to Belle and Kera. They need you."


"With the observation room wrecked, I really have no snazzy place I like to sleep. Not that I could get much shuteye anyway." She headed towards the crawlspace and pulled herself up the ladder rungs. "I think I'll hang out up top and wait for sunrise. I still got lots to chat with Her Highness about."

Once she was gone, Pilate silently hung his head, turned towards his room, and slid inside quietly.

Inside the mess hall, Eagle Eye sat on a sofa facing the port side windows. He was slumped down with his chin resting on his folded hooves. Silken violent hair draped over his head as he gazed lethargically into the metal surfaces of the bulkheads.

Something cast shadows against the manalight. Ebon trotted over, exhaling with relief. "Yeahhhhh... feels like it's been ages since I gave the kitchen that good of a scrub down." He paused, blinking down at Eagle Eye. A tiny chuckle escaped his lips. "Looks like I'm not the only one who's sleepless."

Eagle Eye said nothing.

Clearing his throat, Ebon leaned against the sofa. "I heard there was... er... some unpleasant business downstairs where Elma was bunking."

"Hrmmm... I wasn't privy to the conversation," Eagle Eye muttered. "Something to do with poor little Kera."

"Or perhaps you couldn't hear over Josho's snoring?"

"... ... ..."

Ebon fidgeted. "I... I-I'm sorry. That was inappropriate timing for a joke—"

"No. It was..." Eagle exhaled. "It was pretty funny."

"You seem exhausted. Perhaps you'd rather sleep where it's less bright?"

"It's not sleep," Eagle Eye droned.

"Then what's bothering you?"

The stallion didn't say anything.

Ebon bit his lip. At first, it looked like he was collapsing in slow motion. Whatever the case, with little hesitant shudders, he drooped down until he was lying on the sofa besides Eagle Eye. Leaning over, he softly rested the weight of his head and mane against the ex-mercenary's.

"We've been through so much... but we're past it now," Ebon murmured in a shaky voice. "We should be happy. Don't we deserve to be happy?"

Eagle Eye took a deep breath. He reached over and wrapped a hoof around Ebon's shoulder. "I am happy. I'm just... I'm just tired as well. But... it's different." He sighed out his nostrils and gazed at the portholes once more. "Everything is different."

Ebon fought the urge to reply, but failed. "I don't want you to be different."

"Hey." Eagle Eye raised Ebon's face so that they were gazing at each other. "Hey. Look right here. It's me. Okay? I haven't gone anywhere and I'm not about to."

Ebon gazed anxiously at him. After several seconds, he cracked a soft, weak smike. "Okay...."

Eagle slid both forelimbs forward, enveloping Ebon into a tender hug. Ebon sniffled once, but quieted as he nestled his chin into Eagle's soft mane. All the while, Eagle remained staring quietly—pensively—into the corners of the room.

Hours passed. Somepony fell asleep before the other. The night carried on.

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