• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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Denouement, Thy Name Is "Fluffy"

For the first time in eons, the Strip of Flurries was no more. The swirling clouds dissipated from the arctic skies, giving way to a frosty breeze that rolled and undulated over the northern wastes. All that remained of Stratopolis was a smoldering plume of smoke and flame to the north, and even that was settling, falling, receding into the glowing skystone fields beyond reach.

The waters below had become a placid sheet immaculately reflecting a field of stars above. Against the cosmic canvas, three dark shapes floated tightly together, cruising their way southeast and away from the turbulent northern edge of the world.

"He had lived eighteen long years in that damnable city," Seclorum muttered, leaning limply against a bulkhead inside the Tarkington. On either side of him, thoroughly exhausted ponies laid down peacefully, getting some much needed sleep. "When ill-fortune befell him, he... wasn't all that shocked or sad about it." The old enforcer gulped, staring off at the stars beyond the open door in the side of the ship. "He simply accepted what happened... as well as what he felt like he had to do."

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. Her body was freshly bandaged in several places, and she fluttered across from Seclorum, weathering the cold breeze from the arctic air outside. "I wish I could have been in two places at once," she said. "The Sword of Solstice could totally have cleaned the gunk off him."

"Hey..." Seclorum smiled weakly. "You were off being a hero for the rest of us."

"Heh... it was Pilate who saved the day, not me."

"You know what I mean." Seclorum cracked the kinks in his neck and spoke, "If it weren't for you, none of us would be here right now. You risked your neck to make sure we got off that friggin' death trap. I'm sure, if worse came to worst, you would have given your life to do the same thing." He winced slightly. "Like Aatxe did..."

"He really held back those nasty creatures, huh?" Rainbow remarked.

"Oh, totally." Seclorum nodded. "Gave us the window of opportunity we needed to book it to the Tarkington. He may never have gotten the chance to set hoof on his ship again, but his spirit's here... running the thing from the inside out."

"Yeah. Just using a pale stallion with a red mane as his host."

Seclorum chuckled dryly. "That agreement was between Prowse and Aatxe. But, so far, Prowse is keeping true to his word. I've... uh... never been very good at running airships. I've always been a ground soldier. But I have no doubt Prowse will be able to get us to where we need to go."

"And just where is that?"

Seclorum sighed, rubbing his chin as he muttered, "To be honest, I've never thought it straight through. I guess I never thought we'd actually get out of that place." He looked at Rainbow fixedly. "We obviously have to swing by Xona, so that Arcshod can properly escort his majesty home. But... where would we go? What province or border, I mean?"

"Pretty much any one you'd reach first," Rainbow said with a smirk. "What, with the war being over and all."

"And that just blows my mind..." Seclorum gazed thinly out the starry doorframe. The Noble Jury and the Lounge's ship cruised within spitting distance. "After all I've given... an entire life of hard work and fighting..." He grimaced slightly. "Peace could happen overnight? True peace?"

Rainbow gestured. "You saw it happened here in the Wastes, didn't ya?"

He glanced at her again. "That's different. You are different. I mean..."

Rainbow simply stared at him.

His ears folded. "You... really... truly brought a stop to the war on the eastern front, didn't you?"

"Well, I had help..." Rainbow smirked, her tail swishing back and forth. "That nasty chaos dragon didn't exactly pile-drive itself into the ground, though..."

Seclorum sat back on his haunches, shaking his head. "It amazes me. You're capable of kicking so much flank, and yet... in the end... you're all about changing the world, aren't you?"

Rainbow gulped. "For the better, I hope."

"You find that hard to believe?"

She hung her head. "Every so often, the body count certainly makes me think twice."

"And if you hadn't flown this way...?" Seclorum blinked. "Could you imagine the cost of a war that would waged on? Or the toll that Stratopolis would have had on me and everyone I cared for...?"

Rainbow said nothing. Her face hung between a smile and a sigh.

"There was a time when I thought that being a good soldier meant taking the moral risks that nopony else could afford to do," Seclorum said. "Because you always knew that you were tasked with accomplishing something for the greater good."

Rainbow tilted her head up. "What do you believe now?"

"Now, having met you, I'm starting to believe that the strongest ponies are those who do what they object to doing, so that others can more properly enjoy the peace that they themselves sacrifice." He grimaced slightly. "For the longest time, I neither loved nor hated what I did in war. I just... pretended not to care." His nostrils flared as he stared off into space. "I'm suddenly not very proud of a lot of things."

"You couldn't afford to feel. I can understand."

Seclorum glared at her. "Can you? Do you?" His lips curved slightly. "With the kingdom of harmony you've described having come from?"

Rainbow fidgeted.

"I now know I was wrong about what I did in Stratopolis," Seclorum said.

Rainbow looked at him.

He sighed and smiled wearily. "Mercy and kindness would have saved our hides long ago."

"I dunno if it would have saved you, but I'm pretty sure it would have made things better," Rainbow said. "That's the least you ponies deserved while you wasted away up there."

"We didn't deserve anything that we didn't earn," Seclorum said. "We were prisoners long before we were ever dumped into that floating turdtropolis. Between the war, fealty to a heartless empress, and hatred for a race of unicorns that... quite frankly... I find pretty alright..." He leaned back against the bulkhead, sighing. "I dunno about everypony else, but—speaking for myself—I've been a prisoner for a long... long time."

"Do you feel free now?"

"Almost." His eyes darted up to Rainbow's. "Could that be what you gave Josho?"

"Well, he more or less gave it to himself."

"It's a great feeling." Seclorum nodded. "And a sad one. For the first time in decades, I feel scared for my own flank, and I think it's rather riveting."

"Enjoy the rush." Rainbow smiled weakly. "And make the best of it." Her eyes narrowed. "By making sure other ponies do too."

"I'm certain it's what Aatxe would have wanted."

"That, and cleaning the crap out of his ship."


"The energy reserves are fluctuating," Props stammered, trotting circles around the central dais of the Tarkington engine room where the manacrystal was situated. "It's been somewhat erratic, but I do believe I've stabled the manaflow through several lateral conduits. If you keep the buffers rotating on a regular basis, you'll have enough juice to get you to either continent and back."

"That sounds brill, Propsicle," Prowse said, standing in the doorway to the engine room. "You've done a mighty fine job."

She kept pacing. "Still, as soon as you get to the mainland, you'll wanna get the core replaced. That and get a full rehaul of the steam thrusters. Many of the interior pipes are blocked up with frozen grime and it's gonna take—like—a gazillion pony hours getting all the kerfluffle washed out so everything is squeaky cleany again!"


"I-I guess I could try running a manaconduit towards the ship's bow so that we might construct a crude energy discharge device that the Tarkington could use to ward off pirates between here and Xona, though I really don't think that's gonna be a problem since the sexy tattooed guys are no longer wanting to tear airborn ponies' tails off and—"

"Props..." Prowse hobbled over and pulled her towards him with his good forelimb. She shivered slightly staring up at him with bright blue eyes. He smiled. "Slow down for once..."

"Did..." She blinked. "D-did you want to discuss tweaking the starboard stabilizers? Cuz I'm still working on that!"

"I just want to hold my niece," he said, leaning in to nuzzle the top of her head. "And tell her how proud I am of her."

Props smiled crookedly. She sniffled and rubbed her cheek against his stubbled chin. "I-I can make you even prouder! Wait until we get back to Gray Smoke!"


"We can re-open the shop!" She grinned from ear to ear. "With all the gizmo-smarts you've gathered between here and there, you can set up a new bustling manaconduit trade!" She winked. "We'll show those bit-grabbing sooters who's who!"

"Props, lass, I'm not going back to Gray Smoke," Prowse said.

Props gazed up at him, her jaw dropping. "You're... you're n-not?"

He slowly shook his head. "I made a promise to a very good friend of mine," he said. "Aatxe gave me this ship for one express purpose—and that's to get the rest of these ponies to safety."

"But... but we'll be going back to Gray Smoke afterwards, r-right?"

"I lost bloody everything when the changelings replaced me, remember?" He sighed through a weary smile. "I'm a broke stallion. All I've got is a few good deeds to do, and then I'm having to climb my way back up to the top."

"Well, I-I can give you a boost! Just leave it to me, Unky Prowsy!" She smirked, bouncing in place. "We'll get you a new shop in no time! I've learned quite a few things in my poofing around the clouds, y'know!"

"I've no doubt of that, Propsicle. But you have to understand—"

"You've always wanted to be on top of the metal trade! You're not exactly ancient, Unky Prowsy! We can get you back on track!"

"What is it you want, lass?"

"To... to h-help you..." Props blinked, her lips quivering. "Don't you believe me?"

"I do," he said with a nod. "And I also know that I've got plenty of fine mares and stallions on board this here Tarkington to help me all the same. I've got a nice future waiting for me. You know this too."

"Well... s-sure... but I could be helping you to, y'know..."

"Is that what you want?"

"I... I want..." Props bit her lip.

Prowse stared quietly at her.

She sniffled and leaned her cheek against his chest. "Seeing Kera alive and squeaky again," she murmured. "And Ebon and Eagle all kissy kissy... and Mr. Handsome in one piece again..." She whimpered inwardly, her eyes watering. "I want that too. I want all of it." She hiccuped, burying her face in his chest. "Mmmmf... Pilate and Belle are nuzzling each other. Elma's making miracles happen. Rainbow's performing backflips. Josho's not farting for once..."

"Hmmmm..." Prowse gently patted her shoulder. "Do you remember, Propsicle, why I took you in so long ago in the first place?"

"Mmmmmm..." She sniffled and nodded against his chest. "Mmmm-hmmmm..."

"I made a promise to your folks that I would give you a family." He caressed her mane. "And a home." His face grew long for a brief moment. "If I drag you away now, I'd be breaking that promise with them."

She tilted her teary face up towards him. "I adora-love them, Unky Prowsy." She gulped. "The whole fluffy kitten bag full of them. I wanna see them get someplace safe and happy. And... and I don't think they can make it without me."

"Pffft. You kidding?" He ruffled her mane. "Toilet-headed pegasi be damned! You're the backbone of that ship! I don't care how many bloomin' sword-hilts Rainbow shoves into her muzzle."

"Heeheeheee..." Props giggled, rosy-cheeked. She rubbed her eyes dry but nevertheless stared up at him with a pouting expression. "But I looked around so super-long for you. What kind of a niece would I be if I let you go now?"

"Heh... are you bloody kidding?" He kissed her forehead and smirked into her face. "You think you can get away with me that easily?"


He chuckled. "I ain't sitting down on this 'changeling business' just because I got my arse saved by a bunch of explosions! There's more to all this than just the survivors on board the Tarkington. Once I've returned Lasairfion and the rest to their hometowns, I'm gettin' to the bottom of this whole mess. If that means heading east and snooping around Val Roa, then so be it. Face it, lass, Gray Smoke is no longer the life for me. Pffft... I was gettin' sick and tired of that rusted chimney factory anyways..."

"Really?" Props' eyes sparkled. "Then why'd you stay there for so long, Unky Prowsy?"

He winked at her. "You think it was all about you taking care of me?"

Props bit her lips, suppressing a happy squeal.

He nuzzled her once again. "I love the hell outta ya, lassie. And I'll be damned if this is the last I see you. But for now..." He caressed her chin. "Go where your heart takes you. It's what I've always bloody done, and look at what life's given me! It's dropped you in my lap from across a frozen sea. And—odds are—your rump will come bouncing my way again."

"Yeah..." Props giggle-snorted with a nod. "With extra rump-tastic-ness!"

"Now that's more like it." Prowse winked. "I knew that the tiny filly that used to climb into potato launchers was still inside ya."

She sighed and quietly wept into his chest. "Mmmm—I never thought I'd find my inner potato launcher againnnnnnnnn..."

"Go east, my girl..." He patted her shoulder as the two rocked as one. "Spread the joy of potato launchers everywhere you go..."

"I will, Unky. I willlllll-hi-hi-hi-hilllllllll..." She sobbed for joy.

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