• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 12,460 Views, 342 Comments

Choose Your Own Adventure: Lyra’s Quest - Wanderer D

A Semi-CYOA starring Lyra with others as secondary characters.

  • ...

New York


“What does that even mean?” Lyra grumbled, blinking away the spots in her eyes.

“I think it’s just telling us the designated name it has for the universe we’re currently in,” Twilight said.

“Where are we, anyway?” Spike asked.

The group looked around them. It was nighttime, and there were several trees around, but not enough to be a forest.

“I think it’s a park,” Vinyl stated.

“What makes you think that?” Octavia asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, the fact that it’s surrounded with huge buildings...” Vinyl smiled, pointing a hoof at the structures raising past the trees. “Not very creative... but very, very big.”

“Wow, that’s impressive!” Spike gasped. “Have you ever seen buildings like that, Twilight?”

Twilight Sparkle shook her head. “I’ve seen something similar in Manehattan, but they weren’t that big.”

“Maybe we should go meet whoever lives in this world,” Lyra said. “Humans? Vorlon? Narns?”

Twilight frowned. “I don’t know if we’ll meet the same species that were in Babylon 5; this is a different universe, remember? They didn’t have unicorns in their universe so we might not exist here either.”

“Hm, that’s a good point, Twilight,” Octavia said, glancing at her. “What do you suggest?”

“How about we plan what we’re doing with what knowledge we can gather...” Twilight said, studying the area. “How about we sit under that large tree over there?”

“Looks good to me,” Lyra said, walking towards it. “I wonder if we’ll be able to get a set of hands in this world?”

“You still want hands, huh?” Spike asked.

“Of course!” Lyra raised an eyebrow, looking at the young dragon. “That is the whole point of having a Hands secret society!”

“Well, whatever it is they have here, I just hope it’s not dangerous,” Octavia stated as she settled down next to the tree, resting her Cello Case against it.

“Honestly, I don’t mind as long as they have Nightclubs!” Vinyl grinned. “And a city this big? There must be hundreds!”

“Is- Is she salivating?” Twilight asked.

“Yes,” Octavia sighed. “I have to live with this every day.”

“WAH!” Spike yelped as something flew around his head. “Make it go away!”

Twilight’s horn flashed and the small creature found itself floating over the dragon, wide-eyed and shaking. “Oh, Spike, it’s just a bat.” Twilight chuckled, releasing the small creature, which immediately shot up into the tree.

Spike shuddered. “I... I just don’t like bats, Twilight, you know that... little bloodsuckers...”

Twilight sighed. “Spike, I’ve told you that’s just a myth! There are no such things as vampires.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “I guess, Twilight. I mean, it’s not like we discovered that aliens were real.”

“That’s besides the point!”

“Guys,” Vinyl interrupted. “Save it, I want to party, and the more you two argue the less likely it is that it will happen soon.”

“We should also rest a little before anything else happens,” Lyra added.

Twilight sighed as she lay down on the grass. “I just hope that the first beings we meet are friendly.”


The door slammed open, making the group in the living room jump in surprise. “Guys! You will never believe what just happened!” the female bat exclaimed, grinning widely.

“Oh, it’s you, Foxy,” Chip sighed, slowly picking up his fedora before sitting down.

“‘ello luv,” Monterrey Jack chuckled as he patted Zipper on the head. “It’s alright, mate, it’s just Foxglove.”

The fly sighed and flew happily around the bat before settling down on Monterrey Jack’s shoulder.

“Foxy!” Dale called, running up to the bat and hugging her. “Ready for our movie night?!”

“Wait, I want to hear this; what happened to you, Foxy?” Gadget Hackwrench asked, walking into the room while cleaning her hands with a rag.

“Oh, it’s the most amazing thing!” Foxglove giggled. “I just saw three unicorns and a dragon!”

All motion in the room ceased.

“Did you say... ‘unicorns’?” Gadget asked. “Golly! But-”

“But they’re not real!” Chip interrupted.

“Tell that to them!” Foxglove said, still grinning. “They’re sitting just under the tree.”

Without missing a beat, the rodents had all run out to one of the branches and were looking down at the group of unicorns, the pony and a small dragon.

“But... how’s that possible?!” Gadget asked. “Dragons and unicorns aren’t real!”

“Don’t you remember Darby Spree?” Chip asked after a moment of thought. “He was a leprechaun and also not supposed to exist.”

Gadget fidgeted. “Well... you have a point.”

“This is amazing!” Dale shouted. “We should talk to them! Or invite them over! Or ask them to grant us a wish! Don’t unicorns grant wishes?”

“Too-right!” Monterrey Jack said. “I’ve heard that if you touch their horns you can wish for anything. Why, I remember an old friend of a friend of my second cousin once met one and got a sweet mustache... I betcha I could get’em to get me some chee-heeesee...”

Dale’s eyes lit up with wonder as his smile grew.

“Hey, calm down!” Chip ordered drawing everyone’s attention back to him. “We have to come up with a plan. If they are real unicorns and a real dragon, they will be in danger if humans catch them.”

Gadget gasped. “They might take them to a lab and experiment on them!”

“Right, so let’s think of a good place to-” Chip stopped, looking around. “Where’s Dale?”


“... and that’s how Quantum Physics can explain ice cream.” Twilight finished.

“Wow,” Vinyl whispered in awe. “And to think, all I wanted to know was how they had crammed all that music into the crystal they gave me.”

“Oh...” Twilight blushed. “Sorry.”

“Well, as interesting as that was, we still don’t know what to do,” Octavia said, stretching. “What do you think, Lyra?” she asked, turning to face her friend. She blinked. “Lyra... you do know that you have a chipmunk tugging at your horn, don’t you?”

Lyra’s eyes slowly move upwards. “Is that what that is?” Her horn glowed and levitated the rodent up to eye level. “So, what’s the deal, chipmunk?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Lyra, it’s a chipmunk; they don’t talk.”

“They do wear nice shirts though,” Vinyl said, approaching the rodent as it floated in the air.

“Hey!” the chimpunk shouted. “Let me down! I want my wish granted!”

Spike elbowed Twilight. “You were saying?”

Twilight blinked and sighed. “Why am I not surprised?”

“Wish?” Octavia asked, approaching the chipmunk. “What makes you think that Lyra can grant you one?”

“I touched her horn! Unicorn horns are supposed to grant wishes if you touch them!” Dale explained.”

Lyra raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Hey! My friend’s friend’s friend’s second cousin said so!” Dale replied defensively.

“Twilight, come over here,” Lyra ordered.

“What? No. Why... no, you are not touching my horn, Lyra!” Twilight took a step back. “You have your own horn, touch that one!”

Vinyl snorted. “That sounds sooo inappropriate, Twilight.”

Twilight groaned. “Don’t make juvenile jokes... Lyra, the chipmunk is clearly misguided.”

“Dale!” another voice shouted.

The ponies and dragon looked up to see a strange flying device made with a bottle and a balloon spiral down to them, followed by a familiar bat.

“Cool!” Spike said, looking at the machine in awe.

The plane landed next to them, and a large mouse jumped out, running to stand in front of the ponies and raising his fists, ready to fight. “Okay, you unicorns! Put my buddy Dale down, nice’n quiet!”

Twilight sighed. “Why are things never simple?”

Foxglove flew up to Lyra and hovered in front of her. “Please, please put my Dale down gently?” she begged.

Lyra sighed and lowered him down, only for him to be immediately glomped by Foxglove.

“Um, thanks, Foxy,” Dale said, blushing.

“Well, we’ve met some of the locals now,” Octavia said, nodding at the mice, chipmunks, bat and... fly. “How do you do? My name is Octavia, these are Lyra Heartstrings, Vinyl Scratch, Twilight Sparkle, and Spike the Dragon.”

“Hello,” Chip said. “My name is Chip, that’s Dale, Foxglove the bat, Gadget Hackwrench, Monterrey Jack, and Zipper. We are the Rescue Rangers.”

“Rescue Rangers?” Spike asked after everyone absorbed the information. “Rescue who from what?”

“Oh, we’ve had all sorts of adventures,” Gadget said. “But before we get to that, we need to take you to a safe place.”

“Safe?” Twilight asked worriedly. “This area is not safe?”

“Not for long,” Chip said. “When the day comes, it’s going to be full of humans!”

The ponies and dragon exchanged glances. “And... that’s bad why?” Vinyl asked.

“They might want to perform experiments on you!” Foxglove quipped.

“Or put you on display!” Dale added.

“And since you can do magic, you can be sure some of the bad guys will want to get their hands, or paws on you,” Chip stated.

The ponies looked at each other.

“Well then,” Lyra sighed. “What do you think we should do?”


1) “Well, I might know a bar where we can hide them, don’t know if they’ll fit in there though,” Monterrey Jack said.

“Or a nightclub?” Vinyl asked eagerly.

Monterrey Jack twirled his moustache. “I think I know of one that just opened.”

2) “We can hide them in one of the warehouses in the docks,” Gadget said.

3) “If I knew enough magic I could try and make them our size...” Foxglove said, earning a curious glance from Twilight.

Voting Closed! The results:

1 - 4 Votes
2 - 6 Votes
3 - 18 Votes