• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 12,460 Views, 342 Comments

Choose Your Own Adventure: Lyra’s Quest - Wanderer D

A Semi-CYOA starring Lyra with others as secondary characters.

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Babylon 5

A quick note to B5 fans: Don’t try to scrutinize this too much, I’m placing this shortly after Sheridan’s return but before the whole Vorlon/Shadow war really explodes. Meaning, what? A few hours? XD It’s... a moment in time.

“IDs,” the Drazi bouncer said, looking down at the tiny purple reptile with the moustache and a top-hat for a moment before raising his eyes to meet Marcus’. “Or no entrance.”

Lyra looked at the Drazi in annoyance. While humans were intriguing, they were not necessarily attractive... and the Drazi less so... they resembled humanoid reptiles in appearance with a ridged brow and ridged scales down the back of the head. This particular one was green-scaled, while she had seen some that were purple and brown. She had yet to meet one that was remotely friendly.

“As I said, these are new guests who have no ID,” Marcus repeated himself. “You can check this credit chip; it’s tied to the special credit for new races by order of the Captain.” He showed a small card to the bouncer. “They are diplomats.”

The Drazi did not looked convinced.

“Listen, friend,” Vinyl spoke up. “I am actually a business pony and I am interested in what this place has to offer for future enterprises. I don’t think your employer would be too happy if he found out you had let a possible exclusive deal pass because of protocol.”

The Drazi cringed. “Fine, fine! Go in. See if I care.”

“You should,” Vinyl said as they all marched in. “It’s your job, after all!”

Marcus shook his head as he led them into the Dark Star. “I can’t believe I suggested this! By the Seven Sisters and Avalon, bringing two unicorns and a minor dragon into a Strip Club! The captain is going to kill me,” he muttered, then paused. “Delenn is going to kill me. She’ll talk to me about morals and duties and preserving innocence... oh bloody hell, this is not going to end well...”

The place was full of aliens of all shapes and forms, although again, mostly bipedal. Most patrons sat at the big tables overseeing the dance area where females of every species danced and twirled as they slowly disrobed.

Vinyl Scratch started nodding her head to the music from the moment she could hear it. “Oh yeah, this is what I was talking about.”

Lyra sighed. “But how will this help with our quest?”

Marcus looked down at her. “I keep hearing about this ‘quest’ of yours, but I haven’t heard what it’s about.”

Lyra sighed as they all sat down. “Hands.”

Marcus slowly raised an eyebrow. “Hands?”

Lyra nodded. “I’ve always wanted hands instead of hooves,” she said. “I can play my lyre well enough as I am, but imagine the possibilities!” She looked around. “Up until today, humans were a myth... and now... I’m in a bar with one *squee!* and I’ve also seen so many other species with... with hands! It’s not fair!”

Marcus blinked and hesitantly patted the unicorn in the back. “Uh... there, there, having hooves can’t be that bad, right?” He paused. “Wait... you play the lyre?!”

“Bah!” A voice said next to them, and they turned to see a familiar face sitting right next to them. “Hands! Hands are overrated,” Londo said, not taking his eyes of the dancer who was sensually making her way towards the Centauri Ambassador. “Useless things, sure, you can use them to point at someone, or even to lift things, but in the end, they just give you grief.” he shook his hands dramatically. “Trust me, Little Pony, you are better off without them. Or you could get tentacles, those are useful.”

Marcus rolled his eyes. “Mollari, why am I not surprised to see you here?”

“Surprised?” Londo chuckled. “Yes, I guess you could be, but given the circumstances where else would I be? Hm?” He smiled at the dancer. “Let me tell you something: I have learned that I do need to relax a bit before everything goes to hell.”

Marcus shook his head, then pushed Mollari aside as the dancer suddenly tried to stab the Ambassador. Deftly grabbing her wrist, the ranger twisted, dragging her off the table with a scream of surprise. She landed in a heap as the music stopped and the patrons stared in horror.

Londo, looking a bit shaken took a sip of his glass. “And that is why I have to relax.”

Shortly after the would-be assassin was dragged out and presumably taken to security, the group had settled down on a table overlooking the rest of the bar.

“So, I have a question...” Londo said after a moment. “Didn’t you bring two unicorns and a dragon?”

Marcus blinked and cursed. “Lyra, where’s Vinyl Scratch?!”

The music went silent as two spot lights turned on at the back of the main stage. The crowd quieted down in confusion; this was clearly not the usual start for the Dark Star’s main attractions.

Drum-based music emanated from somewhere as smoke filled the back of the stage. The music increased the tempo as chanting voices gave it a mystical feeling. Slowly the lights dimmed and where the smoke was now stood a certain white-coated unicorn with a blue and neon-blue mane, smiling cheekily at everyone in the club, the large purple-tinted sunglasses making it look like she was looking at everyone there when she looked around. The tempo increased and a double-beat jumped into the background music.

“Alright everypony!” Vinyl Scratch shouted, “Ock has given me the green light to party up this place!” she started nodding her head as a low beat surged from the hidden speakers. “Prepared to be awed by Equestria’s premier DJ!”

Her horn flared up with blue energy to the astonishment of all aliens present as strange black discs of some sort were levitated out of her saddle bags. With a sudden scratch the music changed into a much more modern beat.

“But don’t think I’ll take away your usual entertainment!” Vinyl grinned. “I wouldn’t dare! So with that in mind, bring your hooves, or hands, up for... Illleeena!” she announced as a stripper danced out from the backstage.

The crowd gave a whoop as the Centauri woman twirled around the stage.

Marcus slowly closed his mouth.

“Great, now we’ll stay here for a while,” Lyra groaned. “How am I going to get my hooves on some hands? Couldn’t we have gone to the Zocalo?”

Mollari chuckled. “Well, my dear equine, if you really want hands I wouldn’t buy them in the Zocalo...” he shook his head. “Here’s some free advice: You might want to go to Dr. Franklin to see if it is even possible to do what you want.”

Lyra blinked. “What? With all of this you can’t give a pony hands?”

“It seems Vinyl is having a lot of fun, Lyra,” Spike said. “What are we going to do? I’m still hungry and you still need your hands, but we can’t leave her here!”

“Bah,” Londo interrupted, his speech slurring after drinking even one more shot of whatever he was drinking. “I’ll call Vir, he can take her back to you. I’m sure that is within his capabilities.”

Lyra looked at Marcus, who shrugged. “I think Lennier was getting together with Vir today, you don’t know either of them, but they’re trustworthy.”

“Yes... Vir is both trustworthy and harmless,” Londo groaned. “A most tragic combination. I have tried to...” he thought for a moment. “Iron it out of him, but he insists on being nice. What type of Centauri is nice?”

Marcus shook his head. “I can tell Ock to only let Vir and Lennier pick Vinyl up,” he offered to Lyra. “But it’s up to you.”


1 - “I think we should wait though, your friend won’t stay all night here, right?” Marcus said.

2 - “I really want to go to the Zocalo,” Lyra insisted. “Please Marcus?” she turned to Londo. “Can you promise Vir will watch over her?”

Londo nodded, pressing a communicator. “Vir, I’m at the Dark Star, I need you here.”

“Oh my,” a worried voice was heard. “I’m not going to like this, am I?”

3- “If we’re going, why don’t we go to Dr. Franklin’s first, Lyra? It makes sense to have an expert tell you if you can get hands...” Spike suggested, noticing Lyra’s eyes straying to the door.

Voting Ends: Midnight Fri 6th of April
And the winnah iiiis: 3! By a landslide.

Also remember, all comments and constructive criticisms are welcome along with your vote! ^_^