• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

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Once Burned, Twice Props

“This was not caused by regular manafire,” Roarke droned as a beam of red emanated from her helmet, scanning a chunk of local debris. “Most of the structural pieces are frayed at the top, suggesting a force collapse.” She turned and looked to the side. “Breeder?”

Pilate ignored the address and continued scanning a fallen pylon with his manasphere. He pivoted about from the fringes of the collapsed building. “There’s a thick layer of sediment over the other, older stains. It’s obvious that this place has seen its fair share of exhaust and smoke, but something cataclysmic happened here to level the entire place to the ground.”

“Yeah… uh…” Rainbow Dash flew circles around the ruined site. “You think like a friggin’ explosion?!” She frowned. “It’s nice of you guys to be studying this junk so closely, but how is this getting us anywhere?”

Bellesmith and Eagle Eye trotted up from within a hollow part of the warehouse that was still standing. “We just got done scouring the interior,” Belle said.

Eagle gulped and added, “There’s no sign of any bodies. Actually, the place is kind of ransacked. I mean, we know it’s a blown up building and all…”

“But there’s no sign of any possessions,” Belle remarked, shrugging in the sunlight wafting down through that remote section of the Bronze District. “No bed. No desk. No office work.”

“And certainly none of the large metal stuff that you’d find inside a shop for working on engine parts,” Eagle Eye said. “I really doubt all of that stuff would have been incinerated in one single swoop.”

“Looters,” Roarke grunted. Everypony looked at her as she muttered through her helmet, “The ponies of this place would easily leap into a burning building to grab something they could resell on the black market. Half of the junk that was in here when the missile hit is likely lining the shelves of some illicit shop in the Rust District.”

“Now, wait!” Belle frowned. “We have no way of knowing that a Spark-forsaken missile hit this place!”

“Don’t we?” Roarke gestured towards the mess. “There are plenty of incendiary burns.”

“And yet no metal fragments suggestive of a foreign projectile,” Pilate added. “Let’s not jump to conclusions.”

“What if it was arson?” Rainbow Dash asked from above. “Like… maybe somepony burned this place on purpose?”

“Or maybe it was all just a horrible accident?” Eagle Eye asked. “All it takes is a single engine core going bad or… y’know… a stove…”

“I don’t think there’s any way of telling for sure,” Roarke said.

“Indeed.” Pilate nodded. “Whatever happened here, it was an incredibly long time ago.”

Rainbow Dash rubbed her head and asked, “Like, what? Days? Weeks?”

“Months, most likely.”

Belle bit her lip. She looked at the others, then at a blonde figure standing, drooped before the mess.

Rainbow Dash let out a breath. She hovered down to the pony’s side and approached her gently. “Hey. Props. Look… this is pretty horrible and all, but there’s still so much we’ve yet to figure out. So, uhm, chin up and all, okay?” Rainbow Dash smiled nervously. “Like Belle and EE said, they didn’t find any… I mean… they didn’t see… uh…”

“Uncle Prowse loved this shop almost as much as he loved me,” Props’ voice said from behind her goggles. Nopony could see her long face from where she was quietly perched. “It was his life… his livelihood…” A single sniffle lit the air. “How could he possibly let this happen?”

Belle leaned in and whispered into Pilate’s ear. “Beloved, what if the Ledomaritans--right after kidnapping Props, that is--”

He nodded and patted her shoulder back. “The thought did occur to me. Shhh. Let’s not be so swift to jump to conclusions.”

“Sounds pretty conclusive to me,” Roarke droned.

Belle hissed at her to be quiet.

Rainbow Dash gulped. “Props. Come on, girl. Look at us. We’re in this together. Where else could your Uncle be if not here, huh?”

“He…” Props’ body shuddered. “H-he…”

At that precise moment, Ebon Mane trotted out with something. “Uhm…” He bit his lip. “Propsy? I found an object inside. And… uhm… well…”

“What is it, Ebony?”

“I… I don’t know how to break this to ya…”

“Just show us, Ebon,” Rainbow Dash said.

The stallion sighed. Fidgeting, he revealed a metal forelimb in his grasp. The hinges were snapped clean at where the brace would have attached to a grown pony’s shoulder.

Props held the thing gently in her hooves. She gazed at it intently, her shoulders starting to buckle. “This… this is…”

“Oh, Props…” Belle, misty-eyed, trotted closer. “I’m so… so very sorry. Is there anything we can do?”

“This is… is…” Props spun about with a bright grin. “So super fantastic!”

Belle blinked. “Buh?”

“Woohoo!” Props hopped and bounced in circles. “I knew the old stallion wasn’t no idiot! Heehee! Oh, Uncle Prowse! You are a genius! A super awesome crafty cleverific genius!”

“I… uh…” Eagle Eye scratched his head with the edge of his shield. “I don’t get it.” He turned aside to the others. “Did she get her wires crossed?”

“Nope, and neither did my Uncle Prowse!” Props stood tall and proudly waved the metal forelimb about, pointing at the shoulder joint. “See the fasteners?! These go to the prosthetic attachment plugs attached to his body frame! They’ve all been unscrewed neatly! This wasn’t blown off or pulled off or even yanked off!”

“She has a point,” Roarke said. She slid her helmet open and pistoned her lenses out to get a better look. “I’ve seen Imre work on similar things for young Searonese in training. This is the work of somepony masterfully detaching this from a body. I doubt any explosive or fire would have detached these pieces so cleanly.”

“So… it was removed on purpose?” Pilate remarked.

“Abso-tap-dancing-lutely!” Props squeaked. “Uncle Prowse was always talking about making a new forelimb someday! I’d tell him, ‘Why, Uncle! Why not make it sooner? You’re growing older and your beard is like a rose bush by now!’ And he’d be all, ‘Nope! Nosiree, Propsette! Not until I’m ready to go on an expedition, wee lass!’ And you know what this means?!” She grinned a crescent moon. “He’s finally decided to make the trip that he always wanted! He’s probably halfway to the storm reaches in the north by now! Or the southern seas! Or… anywhere! Woohoo! You go, Uncle!”

“I… uhm…” Rainbow Dash gulped. “I’m not sure this could mean that--”

“I gotta go see if he left any other stuff lying around here!” Props galloped around the wrecked building. “Maybe in the back!”

Roarke groaned and clopped after her. “Better make sure she doesn’t trip and fall on something that’ll skewer that smile of hers.”

“I’m just freaked out by the fact that she’s still smiling,” Rainbow Dash said.

Ebon Mane shrugged. “That’s Propsy for you.”

“Is there any truth to it, though?” Belle asked with a concerned expression. “Could her uncle have gone off somewhere, Mr. Mane?”

“I don’t know,” Ebon said.

“And just why would he have burned this place after he left?” Eagle asked.

“I don’t know!” Ebon growled. “Perhaps other ponies did it, for all we know! I wouldn’t put it past half the Sooters who live in this place!”

“Perhaps some of the local ponies might know something about it,” Pilate remarked.

“I agree,” Belle said with a nod. “We should ask around. Try to see if there’s a friendly soul hereabouts who knows what went down here.”

“It’s worth a shot,” Rainbow Dash said, following Pilate and Belle as they trotted off. “Let’s split up.” She did a double-take and glared back at the others. “But not for long! Okay?! Let’s meet right back here and tell Props what we find!”

“Sure, okay,” Eagle Eye said with a nervous nod. “I’ll… uh… hold the fort here.”

Rainbow and her two closest friends exited the dead end.

Eagle Eye shifted his weight from one side to the next. After a pause, he turned and looked into the burnt, collapsed building.

Ebon Mane was trotting lonesomely, quietly inside, resuming his search. His body became a depressed shadow amidst the dimness of the shattered domain.

Eagle Eye bit his lip. He turned and gave one last glance towards where Rainbow Dash has flown. Then, with a deep breath, he trotted in after Ebon.

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