• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

  • ...

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Pretty Blue Moon Princess

"I... I don't get it, is something supposed to happen?"

"Shhh! Can't you see she's trying to cast a magic spell?"

"How? She's got wings, not a horn."

"What do any of us know what a pegasus is capable of?"

"Aren't all pegasi tomcolts with squeaky voices?"

"Okay, now you're just being facetious."



"Belle? What are we doing up here? It's super dark and chilly."

"Just give it a few more minutes, Kera. Besides, aren't you used to the cold?"

"The grasshoppers warmed me up."

"Egads, will the both of you be quiet about the grasshoppers over there?"

"Hey! She used to be a street urchin! Cut her a break!"

"I'd start at cutting her hair. Yeesh. That stuff gets everywhere when you pass her by below deck."

"Then keep your muzzle shut when you're around her."

"Heehee! Yeah! Keep your muzzle shut when you're around me!"

"Hey! Can I stick my mane into other ponies' mouths too?"

"No, Propsy."


"Shhh! I think something's happening."

"Ugh. Finally."

"Quiet! We might all blow up if something goes wrong with the spell!"

"Nope," Rainbow Dash said, spinning about in the moonlight as she turned to face the rest of the crew. "Nothing to worry about!" She pointed at the pale glow wafting off her pendant in a steady aura. The skystone above them all likewise flickered with a dull crimson as the vessel cruised lazily over mountaintops on autopilot. "The line's connected! We should be hearing you anytime soon, princess!"

"Princess?" Ebon Mane squinted across the deck. "Is she talking to Propsy? Bellesmith?"

"She certainly isn't talking to me," Roarke muttered metalically.

"Isn't it obvious?" Josho fought through a yawn to say, "She's talking to fruit basket over here."

"Ugh!" Eagle Eye rolled his pretty violet eyes. "I thought once I said goodbye to Crimson and Phoenix, I wouldn't hear anymore of this! For the last time, I don't want to hear anything about—"

Luna's regal voice drifted magically from the air around Rainbow Dash and her pendant. "Greetings, beloved Rainbow Dash. We beseech thee yet again."

With a soft gasp, Eagle fell back on his haunches with sparkling eyes. "Oh blessed spark a real-life princess..." He squee'd.

"Whoah..." Ebon Mane murmured.

"That's so coolerific!" Props interjected.

"How interesting," Luna's voice hummed. "We see that thou hath reunited with thy companions. However, we heareth more than we had assumed thou hadst possessed a month ago."

"Yup!" Rainbow Dash smirked. "I've got myself a convoy! Pilate and Bellesmith, you already know." She pivoted about on hovering wings. "Say hello, Pilate and Bellesmith!"

Like timid foals in a pale spotlight, Pilate and Belle leaned against each other and collectively mewled, "'Hello, Pilate and Bellesmith.'"

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat.

Belle bit her lip and smiled nervously. "Eheheh... I mean... ahem... Your Highness, Princess Luna of Equestria, it is an honor once again to be in your presence."

"Your royal subject Rainbow Dash has done many things for us since we last had a discussion," Pilate added. "Her loyalty is amazing, beyond description."

"Unngh..." Rainbow Dash facehoofed and grumbled under her breath, "Again with the wrong A-Word..."

"Is this for real?" Kera leaned into Belle and attempted to whisper. "We're talking to a horse princess from another part of the world?"

"A foal!" Luna's tone took on that of mild surprise. "We had not anticipated somepony of thy statue, young one. Please, tell us, what bringeth you to this juncture, our little pony?"

Kera's eyes went wide like green saucers. "Uhhh... uhhhh..." She nervously crawled and hid herself behind Belle's flank. "Uhhhhhhhhhh..." Belle chuckled and patted her bushy head.

"Kera's the kid whom Belle and Phoenix picked up in Blue Nova," Rainbow Dash said with a calm smile. "Remember me telling you about it last night, Your Highness?"

"And what a long and elaborate tale it was, Rainbow Dash." The pale light fluctuated slightly. "We take it the mercenaries from Franzington are no longer in thy presence?"

"Well, one is," Rainbow Dash said. "Though, I think the pony's seventy percent less 'merc' and just thirty percent more 'nary.'"

"Snkkkt—Don't introduce me yet!" Eagle Eye hissed. "I... I-I don't know what to say! I m-might explode!"

"Fear not, fair one. Our power is that which maintaineth harmony. We have not caused anypony to explode in over five thousand years, and we seriously doubt that we wouldst break such a record now, especially when dealing with such a kindly sounding mare as thyself."

"Uhm..." Eagle Eye shivered while Josho tried not to snort beside him. "I'm a stallion, Your M-majesty..."

Luna was silent for a while. "How fascinating..." Some more silence. "And you once carried a sword?"

Eagle Eye blushed redder than the skystone above him. Josho leaned in. "Ahem. He's not only swung a sword around, Moon Princess Lady, but Eagle Eye has saved my fat flanks on more than one occasion. Don't let his copious mountains of sissiness overwhelm you or whatcrap."

Rainbow Dash was gritting her teeth so hard they almost cracked down the center. Shew flung the mother of all glares in the former enforcer's direction.

"My my, how poetic this one is. We detecteth many layers of military experience in this one."

"Heh... Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I am a soldier," Josho said with a smirk.

"He used to kill a lot of Xonans," Eagle Eye muttered. "If that counts."

"Right. Same thing. Plus rations."

"It is simply inherent in his tone. What is thy name, if we may so politely inquire, veteran one?"

"Josho, Your Moonness."

"Thou art a bold and fearless one, Sir Josho. We hath been around mortals enough to know the depths to which they have extended their fragile selves in this turbulent world."

"Heh..." Josho smirked aside at Eagle Eye as he nudged the petite stallion. "She knows about that one night in Bangclop."


"Oooh! Me! Me!" Props rolled forward like a blonde ball and beamed. "Tell me about my mortality next, Pretty Pink Princess Pony!"

"Props..." Rainbow Dash groaned. "Princess Luna is neither Pink or—" She went cross-eyed, winced, and blurted, "She'snotpinkokay?!" She panted nervously.

"Fear not, Rainbow Dash. We understandeth thy meaning, and we are quite certains the others do as well."

"If you're not pink, then what are you?! Huh? Huh?! Huh?!"

"We dwelleth not on the superficial nature of our external qualities, but if thou wisheth to know so much, we possesseth a coat and matching mane that are dark blue and mysterious as the night."

"Ooooooooh..." Props smiled wide. "I bet you'd look really good on a day that I was thirsty."

"Yeah, she would—" Rainbow Dash did a double-take. "What?"

"Hey, uhhhh, Princess of Moon-stuff?" Props waved her hoof.

"What is it, child?"

"Heeeeee! She called me a foal! Ahem..." Props teetered forward. "Is there a reason why you sound like you've got a bunch of ponies rattling around in your head?"

Rainbow Dash facehoofed for the upteenth time that night.

"It is a difficult thing to explain to outsiders beyond Equestria, much less those who dwelleth in our kingdom today. We have recently been recovering from one thousand years of disconnect from our royal subjects. A millennium ago, it was customary for a figure of our regal standing to speak to our subjects in the royal 'we' and to use intense volume when addressing the Court of Canterlot. So far, we hath managed to speak at a far quieter tone. As it stands, speaking through traditional means hath proven to be a difficult habit to introduce into modern society."

"Well, if it's so hard, why not just drop it?" Props asked with a wide smile.

"Props, come onnnn..." Rainbow Dash moaned.

In the meantime, Luna was recovering from an awkward lapse in speech. "Curious..." She eventually muttered, "It did not occur to us to simply drop the tradition altogether. We suspect that this might make things a great deal less uncomfortable during weekly meetings with the royal cabinet."

"She... uh... she didn't mean it, Your Highness!" Rainbow Dash said with a nervous titter. "She's just spitballing! Props does that a lot..."

"Hey!" Props frowned with her forelimbs crossed. Ebon chuckled a few steps away.

"Do not be so quick to judge her harshly, Rainbow Dash. She is your friend, and though she may have an eccentric way of expressing her feelings, her knowledge and intelligence rings true."

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. "Er... right." She pivoted about, although avoiding Props' gaze. "I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have been so quick to—"

"Why does paint bucket fumble over herself?" Floydien grumbled. "This is most glimmerific spit Floydien has heard in years."

"Thou must be the pilot of the Noble Jury. Rainbow Dash told me about thy curious qualities."

"What what what?!" Floydien stood up, throwing Simon off his shoulders as he dragged a cloven hoof threateningly across the deck. "What has paint bucket said about Floydien?! Intends to steal Floydien's soul, she does! Yes yes?"

"Nothing of the sort, brave elk. As a matter of fact, she described thee as possessing a great deal of generosity and patience."

For once, Floydien's red eyes calmed down swiftly. "Brave...?"

"Thou hast been through many ordeals, as we understandeth it. The name of thy ship speaketh for itself. Thou possesseth a great deal of nobility to have assisted Rainbow Dash and her dear friends so much. If thy exterior was far less abrasive, we suspect that thou wouldst win the hearts of ponies instantly. Thou hast already won their trust, after all."

Floydien's shoulders relaxed as he lowered back on folded limbs. "Floydien... is only abrasive because so many boomers have tried to steal him and Nancy Jane..."

"It is a different situation now, yes?"

"Mmmm... yes yes yes..." Floydien gazed off into the stars with a dull expression. "Floydien has shared Nancy Jane with friendly boomers. They are annoying, but they don't wish to harm Floydien or Floydien's beloved." He gulped. "Simon, on the other hoof..."

Kera blinked, then chuckled nervously. "Eh heh heh heh..."

"We heard another stallion chuckling earlier. Were we incorrect in this assumption?"

"Pssst!" Props looked over. "Ebony! The Pretty Princess Pony is talking about you!"

Ebon gulped and raised a hoof. "Uhm... h-hey there, Princess Luna, Your Majesty, Ma'am. It's just me... Ebon Mane..."

Luna was silent.

Ebon began sweating. He and a few other ponies exchanged curious glances.

"Your Majesty?" Rainbow Dash squeaked. "Is everything okay?" She blinked, then pivoted to glance up at the moon. "I wonder if the spell got disconnected—"

"Thou hast a fascinating voice, sir. Tell us, Mr. Mane, from what land doth thou hail?"

"Uhm... Not really a land, Your Highness," Ebon remarked, shivering slightly. "I've lived for over a decade in Gray Smoke. It's a city in the air."

"And thou art not a pegasus?"

"I'm afraid not, Your Highness. No wings. Just the hooves of a starving culinary artist. Eheheh..."

"Thou art a cook, then?"

"Well, I at least try to be, Your Highness. Lately, it's been a bit difficult to grab the materials I need for cooking."

"We see. Rainbow Dash, this stallion is quite talented. We can hear it in his humble demeanor. You wouldst do well for thyself and thy friends if thou were to provide him with the supplies that he needeth. There is nothing that holdeth a group of traveling companions together better than a pony talented in food."

"Heh... We'll get right on that tomorrow, Your Highness," Rainbow Dash said in a relieved breath. "We were already planning on stopping somewhere in the morning to gather fruit, grain, and meat."


Rainbow Dash paled. "Erm..."

"She's lived a long time," Roarke's voice rolled like quiet thunder. "I don't suppose she's got any hunting tips."

"Do we hear the tone of an experienced warrior?"

Roarke said nothing.

Rainbow Dash waved her hooves with a wild expression.

Roarke sighed, then eventually droned, "You are right, Your Highness. I am quite experienced in chasing down game. However, for your loyal Rainbow Dash's sake, I'm going to stick to creatures who can't talk."

"I'm totally not chowing down on whatever Roarke catches, Your Majesty," Rainbow Dash swiftly squeaked. "Just because these ponies eat meat doesn't mean I'm gonna!"

"Fret not, Rainbow Dash. We trust that thou hast the proper wisdom to acclimate oneself to this culture, much less the myriad of kingdoms thou hast passed through already." The pale aura flickered. "Roarke, we senseth a disgruntled tone in thee."

"Jee, you think?" Roarke grunted. The entire deck shuddered; Rainbow nearly choked on her own tongue.

"We suspect that thou hast lived under the reign of royal authority for a long time, and thou hast come to regret it."

Roarke took a deep breath, the hairs on her coat rising and falling. "I've come to learn that, to get by in life, one has to rely on one's own talents and one's talents alone." She cast a pair of reflecting lenses in Rainbow's direction. "Depending on a higher power makes one weak."

Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Doth thou consider us to be a goddess?"

Roarke took a deep breath, then uttered, "I've only ever known one goddess in my life. She died ages ago. If you ask me, that's all goddesses are good at."

"We have been alive for many years, and if there's anything that we've learned, it is that the things that truly deserve to be immortal are that which cannot be salvaged from the jaws of death."

Roarke sighed and gazed aside at the drifting mountaintops. "Yeah... that's pretty well put..."

"We wouldst like to know more about thee in time, fair Roarke. It wouldst seem as if thou knoweth quite a bit about immortal qualities."

She frowned. "If you could see me, then you'd know I'm not exactly 'fair.'"

"And yet, thou art in Rainbow Dash's company."

Roarke's brow furrowed curiously at that.

"Aha ha ha ha..." Rainbow Dash brushed the sweat off her blue brow and grinned with reflective teeth. "Isn't that cute? Ahem... so... anypony else have anything left to say to the Pretty Moon Princess?"

Kera raised a hoof.


"Is life lonely on the moon?"

Rainbow Dash's hung open. She pivoted her plastic grin about. "Anypony else?"

"Oh come on!"

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