• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 24,326 Views, 1,579 Comments

As Sweet As Lavender - Draconian Soul

The world sees her as an abomination. They see her as a gift.

  • ...

Welcome to the Group

Lavender bounced around in excitement, much to her mother’s dismay.

“Would you sit still, darling?” Rarity asked, grabbing at her eccentric daughter. “I’m trying to fix your hair.”

“Why does it matter?” Lavender asked. “I’m just going to get it dirty when I go play!”

“That doesn’t mean I’m going to have my daughter walk out like a complete mess. Now sit down and let me finish your hair.”

Lavender folded her arms in defeat and planted herself on the floor, allowing her mother to curl and straighten her hair.

“I know you’re excited about being able to play with your friend today, but a lady must always look her very best.”

“Fine,” Lavender groaned. “Can you please hurry up? She’ll be here any minute!”

Rarity tapped Lavender lightly on the arm. “Young Lady, I will not have you taking that kind of tone with me! If you keep acting like that, you can forget about your little playdate, understand?”

Lavender turned away and sighed. “Yes ma’am.”

She sat quietly as Rarity continued working on her hair. During the procedure, the doorbell rang, causing Lavender to perk up almost immediately.

“I got it!” Spike yelled, rushing down the stairs to answer the door. He opened it up to see the light yellow filly standing outside the door.

“Well hello there,” Spike greeted. “I’m assuming you’re Lavender’s friend Sugar Snap, right?”

The filly remained silent, staring wide eyed at Spike.

“Uh... hello?” Spike waved his hand in front of the fillies face, but received no reaction. “You’re not scared of me, are you? I’m not violent at all, so don’t worry! You can even ask my wife; I’m as gentle as a…”

“You’re tall!” Sugar Snap exclaimed, smiling widely. “And cool!”

Spike’s worries of the little girl being scared of him had faded as she complimented him.

“Why thank you, little one,” Spike responded, giving her a toothy grin.

“Ooh! Those are a nice set of teeth! Lavender wasn’t kidding when she said she had an awesome dragon dad!”

“Ah, stop it... You’re gonna make this old dragon blush!” Sugar Snap giggled at Spike, who was grinning wider at the barrage of compliments being thrown at him.

“Can you breath fire? Can you, can you?”

“Without a doubt,” Spike gloated. “Wanna see some amazing flames?”

Sugar Snap eagerly nodded her head.

“Alright, kid. Stand back and watch in awe!” Spike waited until Sugar Snap was at a safe distance and took a deep breath. He exhaled and blew out a huge stream of green fire. The flames formed themselves into a giant ball, floating magically in the air.

“Woah!” Sugar Snap fawned over the abilities of Spike. “You’re magical, too?”

Spike nodded proudly, folding his arms and giving a smug grin.

“I wish my daddy could breath fire like you. The only thing that ever comes out of him are belches.”

“Looks like we aren’t too different after all,” Spike chuckled. “But I’m sure you didn’t come here just to meet me. You have a friend waiting for you upstairs. She’s been talking about you ever since you met her.”

“She has? Well, good to know she likes me enough to talk about me. Can I go see her?”

“Knock yourself out.” Spike led the filly inside pointed towards the stairs. “She should be in my room right now. It’s on your immediate right as soon as you get on the top of the steps.”

“Thank you, Mr. Spiketacular!” she responded, giggling as she ran up the stairs.

“Spiketacular, hah… I like it…” The dragon grinned, heading towards the kitchen.

Inside Rarity’s room, Lavender rubbed her fingers together in boredom, pouting for having to sit for so long.

“Mooom, are you done yet?” Lavender asked. “I want to get up!”

“Almost, sweetie,” Rarity chimed. Her attention was glued to every detail of Lavender’s hair, not quitting until she was sure her hair was perfect.

“And… we’re… finished! See, that wasn’t so hard, now was it?”

Lavender bounced up and headed for the bedroom door. “Yay! Now I can go and see if Sugar Snap has come yet!”

“Hold on, Lavender. Don’t you want to see how you look?”

“I already know how my hair is, Mom. It looks the same as it always does.”

“But it’s always good for a lady to check her appearance before she leaves. Don’t want to leave any detail out.”

“But I don’t ca…” Lavender withheld her statement and looked at her mother’s pleading eyes. “Fine, I’ll take a look,” In order to please her mother, Lavender walked towards Rarity’s vanity mirror. She playfully approached her reflection, wagging her tail in happiness.

“Well, look at this awesome dracony!” Lavender said to the reflection. “How are you? Me? I just made a friend with a pony. Yeah, I know, I was surprised myself. Turns out you are amazing to gain the attention of a school filly. I stun myself sometimes with how cool I am!”

“Are… are you talking to your reflection in the mirror?”

Lavender paused and slowly turned around. Standing right at the door was a giggling Sugar Snap, catching Lavender in the act.

“Why hello there, dear,” Rarity welcomed.

“Oh… um… hey,” Lavender said, blushing in embarrassment.

“Hiya! So, does she do that often, Mrs. Rarity?”

“Well, as a matter of fact, she likes to play with my mirror every time she…”

“MOOOM!” Lavender groaned, trying to hide her humiliation. “I don’t do it that often, really. It’s just… well sometimes it’s nice to try to give yourself some confidence. It’s not always easy being a dracony...”

“I guess,” Sugar Snap responded. “So, are you ready to go?”

“Of course!” Lavender exclaimed. “Mom, I can go now, right?”

“Of course, Lavender,” Rarity replied. “Just be back before dinner. Sweetie Belle is leaving tonight, and I want us all to eat together before she goes.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Lavender ran towards Sugar Snap in excitement. “So, what do you have planned for us?”

“Oh, you’ll see when we get there,” Sugar Snap responded. “I wouldn’t want to ruin the fun.”

“Sounds good to me!” Lavender scratched her head and looked hopefully at Sugar Snap. “Sooo… we can forget about the whole talking to the mirror thing, right?”

“Nope!” Sugar Snap denied, sticking her tongue out.

“Why did I have a feeling you would say that?” Lavender replied, placing a claw on her face. “You won’t tell anyone, will you?”

“Maybe I will, and maybe I won’t,” Sugar Snap teased. “All depends on how you cooperate today.”

“Cooperate on what?”

“Can’t tell you ‘til we get there.”

Lavender shrugged and followed her friend, leaving the house.

“Bye Dad! Bye Mom!” Lavender waved at the two, who returned the gesture.

“Have fun, you two,” Spike stated.

“Be safe now, kids.”

Once the two children left the house, Rarity feigned weariness, falling directly into Spike’s arms.

“What’s the matter with you this time?” Spike asked. “Did doing Lavender’s hair suck all the energy out of you?”

“Might as well have,” Rarity pouted. “I thought having a little girl would be nice; somepony in the family who would appreciate cleanliness. But what do I get? A wild, rambunctious little girl who would rather play in dirt then look pretty.”

“And that’s my problem, why?”

“Because you made her that way,” Rarity teased, lightly jabbing at Spike. “I blame you for turning her into a tomboy!”

“Yeah, cause that’s an actual problem that I should feel sorry for,” Spike responded, flicking his tongue at her. The two laughed at each other for a while.

“But honestly, I kind of wish that Lavender would at least try to take some interest in what I do,” Rarity sighed. “I don’t feel like I connect to her well.”

Rarity frowned heavily, concerning Spike. He took his claws and began tickling Rarity’s belly.

“S-Stop it!” Rarity bucked her legs and giggled like a little school filly. “That tickles! S-Stop it….” Numerous loud hiccups escaped Rarity’s mouth, her cheeks reddening from the act.

“So, has my queen cheered up yet?” Spike asked. Rarity nodded and gave Spike a light kiss on the nose. “As for Lavender, don’t worry about it. She loves you with all her heart; I’m sure you’ll gain a better connection with her. She’s just a kid after all. She’ll probably grow up and start connecting with you better when she’s older.”

Rarity softly smiled at Spike. “I hope so, Spike. I hope so.”


“...And then Princess Cadance caught him, and using the Crystal Heart, he beat up that mean, evil King. And that’s how my daddy became a hero of an entire empire!”

Lavender kept telling stories of how great her father was, with Sugar Snap listening intently.

“You really do have an amazing family!” Sugar Snap complemented.

“Eh, it’s no big deal.”

“No big deal? Your mother is an element bearer, as well as one of the most famous dressmakers in Equestria! Your father is a fire breathing dragon! A fire… breathing… dragon! I would love to trade places with you.”

“If you lived with them for a week, then you’d change your mind,” giggled Lavender.

“If you say so,” replied Sugar Snap, skipping down the streets of Ponyville.

“So, when you said you wouldn’t talk about the mirror thing if I cooperated…” Lavender began, trying to piece together what Sugar Snap could possibly want, “what exactly am I going to be cooperating with?”

Sugar Snap grinned widely. “Oh, it’s nothing too demanding. Just you having to commit a lot of your time to a special club, that’s all.”

“That actually sounds a bit demanding,” Lavender stated.

“Ah well, you can deal with it.”

Lavender rolled her eyes and continued following Sugar Snap, sharing short conversations and playfully teasing each other as they reached their destination. The two eventually entered Sweet Apple Acres.

“Well, we’re almost there!” exclaimed Sugar Snap, back stroking through the air. “Apple Bloom said she would have the place spruced up by the time we got there.”

“Spruce what up?” Lavender questioned. “I’m not really liking being kept in the dark like this.”

“Hey, there she is!” Sugar Snap ignored Lavender’s concern and darted off towards the mare in question. Lavender just sighed and did her best to keep up with her.

“Hey, Apple Bloom! Is the treehouse finished yet?” Sugar Snap asked eagerly. Apple Bloom was about to buck the tree until she heard the little filly call out to her.

“Well, howdy there, Sugar Snap,” Apple Bloom greeted. “Howdy, Lavender!”

“Hi, Apple Bloom.” Lavender looked around for another pony that would normally be helping, but saw no one. “Isn’t this usually something Applejack would do?”

“Well, under normal circumstances, yes, but she has a little situation that’ll make her unable t’ work for a while. So Ah’m filling in for her!”

“What’s the situation?” Sugar Snap asked. “Did she break her legs?”


“Is she sick?”


“Stomach pains?”

“Close, but not quite.”

Sugar Snap stood with a hoof to her chin, trying to think of what Applejack’s ailment might be. “I give up! I can’t think of anything. Lavender, do you think you could give me a hoof?”

Lavender looked up at Apple Bloom, confident in her answer. “Is she having a baby?”

“Right on the money!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Caramel and Applejack made it official just a few days ago. In fact, the guy proposed to her on the same night! It was pretty cute to see how nervous he actually was!”

“Wait, they weren’t already married?” Lavender inquired, puzzled by Apple Bloom’s statement.

“Nope. Gonna get hitched in a couple of months. I think Rarity was asked to help plan the wedding.”

“But I thought that babies only came when two ponies are married. At least that’s what my mom always tells me,” Lavender stated in confusion.

“Well, it’s just…”

“Apple Bloom, how are babies born?” Lavender asked.

Apple Bloom gulped loudly. She didn’t want to have to explain that to a pair of young children. She nervously looked away and tried to veer away from this current topic.

“So,” Apple Bloom clumsily began, “because of Applejack’s circumstance, I wasn’t able to fix up much around the clubhouse, so you’re gonna have to use it as is.”

“Aww,” Sugar Snap moaned. “But I wanted the place to look all special when I made Lavender a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

“You what?” Sugar Snap turned towards Lavender and smiled widely.

“Oops! I guess the cats out of the bag now! I want you to be a part of the CMC’s with me.”

“If you haven’t noticed already, I’m a dracony,” Lavender reminded Sugar Snap, “I don’t think draconies can get cutie marks.”

“But you don’t know if you can’t get a cutie mark! It doesn’t hurt to try. Besides, it will be fun!”

“I don’t know…” Lavender was hesitant to accept the invite. Being in a group of ponies didn’t really sit well with her.

“Ah personally think it’ll be a great thing for you, Lavender,” Apple Bloom encouraged. “Ya might even make a few more friends other than Sugar Snap.”

“See! Even Apple Bloom agrees with me! Come on. Pleeeeeeeease?”

Sugar Snap stared pleadingly at Lavender, trying to sway her to join. Lavender sighed, watching the pitiful display her friend was putting on.

“Okay, fine,” Lavender groaned. “I’ll join the CMC’s if you’ll stop making that face.”

“Great!” Sugar Snap flew in a short loop through the air. “Come on, Lavender! The clubhouse is over there!” she flew off into the distance, leaving Lavender behind with Apple Bloom.

“Well, what are ya waiting for?” Apple Bloom chuckled. “You should probably go catch up to her.”

Lavender looked at the direction that Sugar Snap fluttered off to, giggling lightly. “She really can’t take no for an answer, can she?”

“Not really,” Apple Bloom answered. “Reminds me a lot like her mother, except a tad bit sweeter.”

Lavender shared one more laugh and ran off to catch up with Sugar Snap. She ran until she reached the tree that held the clubhouse. It looked structurally sound, painted red with a orange roof. She could only assume that Sugar Snap made her way inside the clubhouse, so Lavender climbed the ladder and entered inside.

The interior was simple, but each wall had a painted portrait of the founders of the organization. Sugar Snap stood in front of the portrait of Scootaloo, admiring it.

“You know, I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t leave me behind like that,” Lavender complained.

“Well, you caught up, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but still, you could have waited for me or something. You’re the one who wanted me to be apart of this club in the first place.”

“Well, I guess you have a point,” Sugar Snap admitted. “I was just eager to get you to join the Crusaders!”

“Um… are there other’s coming?” Lavender asked, noticing there wasn’t anyone else inside the clubhouse. “It’s kinda empty in here.”

“Oh, they’ll probably come in about an hour,” Sugar Snap stated. “The club meeting doesn’t start until ten.”

“Sooo, why are we here so early?” Lavender asked. “Why couldn’t we do something else instead?”

Sugar Snap turned towards Lavender and began to explain. “Well, I like to show up early enough to make sure everything is in order for the other members. Plus, I want you to help me clean up the place.”

Lavender frowned. “So you basically had me come here to help you clean up?” She moaned, slumping down on her hind legs.

“Well, that and to convince you to join the group. You aren’t mad are you?”

“I’m a little agitated,” Lavender admitted.

“Ah, well that’s good. I probably wouldn’t care if you were mad anyways,” Sugar Snap snarkily responded. Lavender rolled her eyes at her response. This was looking to be an interesting friendship alright. “Also, you won’t be alone for too long. I got somepony else to help us out with the work. He should have been here about five minutes earlier, but nooo. He has to be late, as usual.”

“I don’t think losing five minutes is going to hurt anypony. Who is he?”

Before Sugar Snap could answer, the two heard someone try to climb their way up the ladder.

“Um, Sugar Snap, I’m here.” The voice sounded familiar. It was soft and sheepish, kind of like...

“Fizzle! You’re late again.”

“Sorry, Sugar Snap,” Fizzle meekly began. “I don’t try to be late, honest. It’s just that… I…”

He stopped moving once he climbed high enough to notice Lavender. Her sight alone caused him to look down and flop his ears. “Oh… I see you already have someone helping you. That’s fine. I-I’ll just go now.”

“Stop right there, Fizzle!” Sugar Snap halted his attempt to escape. “First you come late, and now you want to try to run out on me? Who do you take me for!”

“Well… I didn’t…”

“No excuses. If you aren’t going to help, then you can’t be a part of this group.”

Fizzle looked frightened of her, nodding his head in compliance and climbed back up the ladder, entering the clubhouse.

“Good. Now that we’re all here, how about I introduce you two to each other. Lavender, this is Fizzle. Fizzle, Lavender.”

Lavender looked coldly at Fizzle, causing him to shift his gaze towards the ground.

“Um… do you two already know each other?” Sugar Snap asked, scratching her head.

“Yeah,” Lavender sharply replied. “This is the colt that called me a ‘lizard’.”

“Wait! HE’S the ‘jerkface’ you were talking about?”

Fizzle plopped to the ground and lowered his head in shame, looking as if he was on the verge of tears.

“I-I’m sorry…” he replied weakly. “I didn’t mean it… I was… I just…” He remained on the floor, dragging his hoof along the ground. Lavender didn’t know what to make of this. She wanted to stay mad at the colt for calling her such a horrible name, but on the other hand he genuinely seemed apologetic… and miserable looking.

“Knowing him, I think he’s a little too sensitive to be a jerk,” Sugar Snap whispered to Lavender.
“Try and be a little gentle with him. He probably called you that by mistake. He also does pretty much whatever I say, so you won’t have any problem with him.”

Lavender looked at the sulking colt, this time with pity. “You aren’t too demanding with him, are you?”

“Naw. I just ask him for some stuff here and there. I do have a heart, you know.”

Lavender slowly approached Fizzle and sat down in front of him.

“Um… hi.” Fizzle refused to look up. He glued his eyes at the floor board. “Could you please look up? I’m not going to hurt you.”

“B-But you’re going to yell at me,” Fizzle stated. “all because I was being stupid and called you a lizard...”

“You said you didn’t mean it right?” Fizzle only nodded, still refusing to look up. “Well, if you’re sorry, then why would I yell at you about it?”

“I-I don’t know, I didn’t mean it, it was…” Fizzle jolted when he felt a claw touch his chin, Lavender forcing the colt to look up at her.

“Look, it’s okay. I’m not going to yell at you,” she reassured. “I’m just really frustrated with everypony thinking I’m a monster.”

“I don’t think you’re a monster,” he replied softly.

“You don’t?” Lavender asked, tilting her head in confusion.

“I... I actually think you’re really cool looking.”

“...You do?”

Fizzle nodded, a small shade of red forming on his face.

“Well, thanks,” Lavender responded, laughing softly. “You know, now I feel like a jerk for being so hostile to you.”

“D-Don’t feel that way. I deserved it anyway…”

“You deserved being called a jerk about as much as I deserved being called a freak.” Lavender smiled widely at Fizzle. “How about we start off fresh?”

Fizzle looked up at Lavender, his face reddening even more. “Sure… if you want…”

“Have you two kissed and made up yet?” Sugar Snap intruded. “We don’t have all day! The other’s will arrive pretty soon.”

Lavender let go of Fizzle and lifted herself back on her feet. “Gee, you’re kinda bossy. Have you ever considered learning something known as patience?”

Sugar Snap thought about it temporarily. “Nah. I like being bossy.”

“I can tell.” Lavender stuck a tongue out at Sugar Snap playfully. She looked back at Fizzle and motioned over to him. “Well come on, let’s help Ms. Bossy Pants clean up this clubhouse.”

“Uh… sure…” Fizzle weakly smiled and got back on his hooves.

The rest of the time was spent making sure that the clubhouse was in manageable shape for the other members to enjoy. Sugar Snap dusted off the podium and straightened the original CMC’s portraits while Lavender swept the floors. Fizzle on the other hand was busy organizing a chart. Out of curiosity, and being extremely bored of sweeping, Lavender approached him to see what he was doing.

“So, what are you up to?” she asked.

“Well… um… it’s a chart to keep up with… with previous and current members,” he stammered. “It shows who are still with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and who… well… graduated from it by getting their cutie marks. We throw a ceremony to those who get their cutie marks to congratulate them.”

Lavender looked at the chart, noticing that only a few ponies had the clubs insignia by their portrait. “It doesn’t look like too many actually got their cutie marks.”

“Well… no, not yet. But we believe that it takes the support of others to get it. That’s why this meeting we’re going to split each other off into small groups.”

“How many are in this club?”

“Um… I’d say around 14.”

“Does that include me?”

Fizzle was shocked by the question, turning towards her wide eyed. “W-Wait, you’re a member now?”

“Well, Sugar Snap wasn’t going to let me say no. Why else would I be here?” Lavender laughed.

“S-So you’re going to be here like... all the time?” Fizzle’s face reddened even more at the thought of being around Lavender longer than school hours. Hoping that she wouldn’t see him blushing like this, he quickly turned his head away.

“Probably. That isn’t a problem is it?” Lavender said, removing some of the dust from her claws. She noticed Fizzle had his back turned and walked over to face him.

“You okay?”

“Uh, I’m f-fine!” Fizzle turned away yet again and covered his face with his hooves, making sure Lavender couldn’t see him. “It’s just.. allergies! Yeah… really bad aller… aahh… ACHOO!”

“Uh huh…” Lavender wasn’t buying his fake sneezes, but for the sake of not embarrassing him she decided to let it go. “Well, I hope your allergies clear up soon.”

“T-Thanks,” Fizzle replied, refocusing his attention on the chart, occasionally taking small glances towards Lavender while she continued sweep around the clubhouse.

The trio continued working until the clubhouse was completely spotless. Once they were finished, Sugar Snap flew towards them and patted them both on the back.

“Well done, team!” she complimented. “Even though you two kept goofing off for a while, we still managed to get done with some time to spare.”

“Well, your constant nagging helped us get done faster,” Lavender taunted.

“Well I’m glad something did motivate you,” Sugar Snap stated. “Now that we got that out of the way, all I want for you to do now is to enjoy yourself.”

“As long as I’m not on cleanup duty all the time, then I think I will.”

“This was just a one time thing. You won’t be doing this too often; Snap’s honor!” Sugar Snap put a hoof towards her heart and crossed it.

“I’m not sure how reliable Snap’s honor is, so I’ll take that promise lightly.” Lavender looked outside the clubhouse’s window, noticing a few colts and fillies talking as they trotted towards the tree. “Hey, Sugar Snap, Fizzle, ponies are coming.”

“Oh good! So it’s time to start!” She leaned her head out of the door and smiled widely. “Lavender, welcome to your first club meeting!”

Author's Note:

For the record, I no longer care how many heart attacks you guys have, I'm not paying for the emergency room. But all the same, I really hope you like this chapter.

Only 1 more chapter left before another time skip; our little Lavender is about to grow up.

And as always, thanks for the support, point out anything that bothers you in the chapter (I'm always looking to improve) and the next chapter should be out soon. Enjoy you lovely people.