• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 24,301 Views, 1,579 Comments

As Sweet As Lavender - Draconian Soul

The world sees her as an abomination. They see her as a gift.

  • ...

Famous First Words

It was early in the morning and Rarity was busy with one of her many projects. With Spike out getting the groceries and Opalescence lazing around the house, the task didn’t seem too demanding. She dwelled in her rare moments of peace without the purple man child bothering her. Focused and full of energy, the fashionista continued sewing her projects to perfection, humming softly to herself to help pass the time.

She kept a steady pace as she sewed, snipped, and formed her fabric into beautiful dresses. She was in her zone, remaining focused on the task at hoof. That was, until she heard crumpling sounds coming from behind her.

“What in the…” Rarity turned around to find the source of the noise, seeing nothing but a room filled with her organized mess.

“Hmm, It must have been my imagination,” she shrugged it off, continuing her current work. “Now, just a little bit here, and there.” The rustling sound returned. It sounded as if someone or something was scurrying around the room.

“Spikey? Opal?” Rarity was growing a little wary and nervous. She put her unfinished work down and began searching for her stalker, seeing faint shadows brush past her every now and then.

“Dear, if this is one of your pranks, it is not funny!” she whined, hoping the intruder was a friendly face. Paranoia built up when there wasn’t a response.

“Um, anypony here?” No answer. In fact, the rustling noise ceased. Rarity looked around the work room; having an eye for things, she noticed that some of her sheets and fabrics have been moved or crumpled slightly. Something was there.

“Okay, I’m not playing anymore! Whoever this is, come out n…”

A sharp pain interrupted her statement. She winced and gritted her teeth, trying to avoid shrieking in agony. With an annoyed look, she turned her head towards her tail to see the culprit.

The tiny purple dracony (for a lack of better term; Pinkie was ecstatic when she learned her coined term was officially being used) was biting down on her tail, growling playfully and looking at her mother for approval.

“Sweety, I told you before, Mommy doesn’t like playing this game with you,” Rarity groaned, her pitch higher than she would have liked. “Please let go of my tail, darling.”

Lavender didn’t understand what Rarity was saying, staring at her confusedly. Why wasn’t she laughing like her daddy did when she played this with him? Maybe she had to tug on her tail harder.

Lavender bit down and began to pull at her tail.

“YOUCH!” Rarity couldn’t hold her screams back anymore. Lavender, frightened that she might have done something wrong, released her mother’s tail and began to quiver, tears welling in her eyes.

“Oh dearie, Mommy's not mad,” Rarity said, leaning towards the shivering whelp. “It barely hurt. Honest!”

The alabaster mare smiled warmly at Lavender, who in return nestled against her mother. Rarity had to hold the tears back in order to keep the little one from becoming worried.

“Guess who's home!” A familiar, happy go lucky voice echoed through the kitchen. “Anyone awake yet?”

Rarity grinned as she levitated Lavender, causing the child to giggle with glee. The purple maned mare planted her child on her back, positioning her so she wouldn’t fall off.

“Let’s go see what Daddy brought back,” Rarity said. “Oh, and if you wouldn’t mind, could you not grip onto my back? Last time you did that you nearly broke skin.”

The oblivious little toddler leaned forward playfully, falling on her face and laughing hysterically because of it.

“I’ll just hope that’s a yes and pray for the best,” Rarity sighed, trotting towards her husband.

Spike had set down the group of brown bags, containing a restock of food from the market. He started to unbag the groceries when he saw the two ladies of the house enter, gracing him with their presence.

“Good morning, you two!” The purple drake smiled at both of them warmly. “Hope I haven’t kept you two waiting long.”

“Not at all dear,” Rarity smiled back. Lavender hopped off Rarity’s back and ran directly towards Spike, smiling as she trotted toward her father. Spike kneeled down to attempt to meet her at eye level.

“And what do we have here? Looks like the little one is already up and about this morning!”

“Appa! Appa!” Lavender called out reaching her arms out and clenching her hands for the drake to pick her up.

“Alright, but just for a minute,” Spike agreed. “You’re getting heavier every day!” He grabbed Lavender and lifted her up, faking a groan to emphasize how big she was becoming. After patting the elated baby dracony’s back, he noticed that his wife’s tail was unkempt and messy, uncurling slightly at the base.

“That wouldn’t happen to be a new tailstyle would it?” Spike asked, knowing very well what had happened. It took every bone in his body to not laugh.

“Do you honestly think I did this intentionally?!” Rarity wailed. “Our daughter decided it would be fun to sneak up on me and try to rip my tail off!”

Rarity heard her husband giggling at her trauma, agitating her slightly.

“This isn’t funny!” she snapped, her voice escalating in tone. “You two can play those games with each other as much as you like, but I want no part of it, especially if it means losing my tail in the process!”

“But I tug your tail all the time and you don’t complain about it,” Spike teased, giving a sly smile. “In fact, you tend to like it.”

It took every moral fiber in Rarity’s body to not launch all of the groceries at the childish dragon she called a husband. She just rolled her eyes and sat at the table, going through the groceries.

“Let’s see what we have here,” Rarity began, picking through the groceries. “Cashews, lettuce, milk, carrots, another stuffed mouse for Opal since Lavender tore through the other one, chocolate pudding, and my facial crème.” She smiled at Spike, proud that he managed to get what they needed. “Well, if there’s something that you are good at, it’s paying attention to a li…”

Rarity cut herself off when she noticed something missing. She rummaged through all the bags again, causing Spike to worry a little.

“Something wrong, Rares?” he asked.

“Yes, there is,” she responded coldly, turning towards him to glare directly into his eyes. As easily as she could melt Spike’s heart with her loving gazes, she could also freeze it with her vicious ones.

“Could you tell me where my iced oatmeal cookies are, Spikey?” she asked him, staring directly into his eyes. A small bead of sweat began to form across his face. Lavender looked at him blankly; she was still too young to understand everything that was going on, but she knew one thing…

A glance from Mommy could only mean bad things.

“Well..um…they ran out of them, so I had to come out empty handed,” Spike replied nervously.

“They ran out this early this morning?” Rarity raised an eyebrow, unconvinced by what he was saying.

“Hey, they’re pretty popular cookies I hear!”

“I see.” Rarity walked closer to Spike, leaning in really close to him and giving him a wry smile. “Well, you want a tip, darling?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Next time you decide to eat my cookies,” she began, licking her hoof and rubbing it across Spike’s crumby face, “make sure you get rid of all the evidence.” After cleaning the cookie bits off of the culprits face, she gently smacked him on the cheeks, soft enough to not hurt him, but stern enough to set her point.

“I specifically asked you to get those cookies so I could have something to snack on after I was done with my projects,” she scolded. “They were supposed to be a little stress reliever, a reward for a day’s hard work, and you ate all of them like a pig!”

Lavender noticed there were a few more crumbs on the other side of her father’s cheek. She stuck her forked tongue out and lapped the sugary chunks off of his face, smiling innocently.

“I’m sorry Rarity,” Spike responded, staring at Rarity with beady, apologetic eyes. She hated when he did that. He looked so innocent and helpless when he gave her those eyes, almost like a child. The anger she held for her husband at the moment slowly dissipated. She sighed and softened her expression.

“I swear sometimes I’m dealing with two children,” she giggled to herself. “Alright, I can give you a chance to redeem yourself. Sugercube Corner has these divine macadamia and white chocolate cookies that taste heavenly! I want you to bring me back about ten of those.

“Ten?!” Spike exclaimed, flailing one arm around while holding Lavender in the other. “Those cookies cost like seven bits a piece! That’ll leave me dry for the rest of the week.”

“Well darling, you should have thought about that before you inhaled all of my oatmeal cookies,” she stated deviously, pecking him on the cheeks. “Oh, and take Lavender with you. I would like some of these projects to be done in peace.”

Spike groaned at Rarity’s cruelty. “You’re lucky I love you, otherwise I wouldn’t put up with this,” Spike teased.

Rarity stuck her tongue out at him and then bypassed him, flicking his face with her tail. “You’re lucky I love you, otherwise I wouldn’t let you live here,” she retaliated, heading back to her work room. Spike just chuckled and grabbed Lavender, holding her up to his face. Still as innocent and oblivious of the situation, she happily giggled while being held by her father.

“Ready to go, Lavender?” Spike asked the toddler. She just flailed her arms around playfully in a fit of laughter.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He put the light purple on his shoulders, allowing her to ride him and walked out the door.


The streets of Ponyville were active as usual around this time of day. Many of the residence sat and talked with old friends, or made light conversations with the merchants in town. Spike made his way towards Sugarcube Corner with Lavender on his shoulders, nibbling on his green ear.

“You really like chewing on things, huh?” Spike laughed at the growling little dracony. “Ever since you got those tiny choppers in, you’ve been pouncing on us quite a bit!”

Lavender continued gnawing on her father’s ear, causing him to chuckle. Unlike the fashionista, Spike couldn’t feel the sting of Lavender’s bite, which made playing with her more manageable.

As the two traveled towards the shop, Spike noticed he was getting a few stares from a few ponies. Even though it was expected at this point, it made him feel slightly uncomfortable and a little agitated. Many of the stares were stares of malice and misunderstanding towards the offspring. Most of the citizens didn’t approve of the child’s existence; while not as vocal about it, it was clear that there was some hesitance in accepting the fact that something like Lavender could possibly exist. At one point, they were even congratulated for their ‘abomination’, something that brought Spike’s blood to a boil. The purple drake didn’t want to think about it too much, so he blocked out all the looks he and Lavender were receiving and focused on walking.

Reaching Sugercube Corner, he entered into the shop with intent to purchase his goddess’s treats.

““Welcome!” a bubbly and familiar voice called out from behind the counter. “Welcome, welcome!”

“Hey Pinkie,” Spike greeted, putting Lavender down. The whelp whimpered slightly once she was planted on the ground, but then preceded to feed her curiosity, exploring the floury floor. “How have you been doing?”

“Oh I’ve been doing just super!” she exclaimed, elated to see her friend again. “How about you!? It feels like I haven’t seen my favorite customer in ages!”

“Pinkie, it’s only been four days,” Spike laughed.

That’s too long!” Pinkie cried out dramatically, “especially when it means I can’t see little Lavie!!” Pinkie turned towards the dracony, making playful faces at her. Amused by the puffy maned mare, Lavender went into a laughing fit, clapping at the show she was receiving. It wasn’t until her belly began rumbling before her face went stoic.

“Ungra! Ungra!” Lavender exclaimed, opening her mouth wide and pointing a claw at her tongue.

“Ungra? Is that some kind of draconic speech?”

“No Pinkie,” Spike chuckled, finding her random ignorance cute, “she’s saying she’s hungry. She doesn’t know how to speak quite yet.” Spike looked at the hungry infant, who still was pointing at her tongue hoping to be fed sometime soon. “Hey Pinkie, could you do me a favor and find Lavender something to…”

Pinkie dashed to the kitchen and returned with a small batch of cookies, smiling widely.

“…eat.” Spike was stunned at how quick Pinkie had ran off and came back.

“What kind of pony would I be if I didn’t look out for the little cutie!?” she stated, leaving from behind the counter and heading towards Lavender. She gently nudged the surprised dracony onto her belly and started tickling it, causing her to giggle and buck her legs.

“I appreciate that Pinkie,” Spike thanked, “but if you don’t mind, could you find something more…hearty than cookies, maybe some nuts or vegetables or something? I don’t want my wife to kill me for ‘spoiling Lavender’s appetite’.”

“How would she find out?”

“Trust me, she has ways of finding out.”

Pinkie brought a hoof to her chin, thinking about what she could possibly have for the hungry dracony. After a little thought, a light bulb went off in her head and she rushed back to the kitchen. She came back with a small bag.

“These are some pecans that we were going to use for our special caramel brownies, but I think feeding that little belly is more important!” Pinkie gleefully said. “Here you go little Lavie!”

Lavender walked towards the bag, sniffing it out of instincts. Once she found out what was in the bag, she dug her claws in and picked up the nuts and popped them into her mouth, munching on them with a content face. Spike smiled warmly at the little glutton as she stuffed her face with the delectable treat.

“So, what brings you here today!?” Pinkie asked, bouncing back to the counter.

“I’m here on an important task: feeding my wife’s sweet tooth so she won’t kill me,” Spike chuckled. “I ate her special oatmeal cookies on the way home from the store this morning.”

Without warning, the pink bomb gasped loudly, receiving a confused look from the scalely drake. “Were they the ones with the white frosting lathered all over them!?”

“Yep, those are the ones.”

“OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH!!” Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing all over the place. “Those cookies are just sooooo good! I haven’t had them in weeks but when I did it was a flavor explosion in my mouth! So chewy, yummy, and frostastic! They are the best cookies I’ve ever tasted! Better than the ones the Cakes make!” Pinkie then leaned into Spike and whispered (or what she thought was whispering) into his ear, “don’t tell them I said that though!”

At that moment, the whole world would have known what Pinkie said. In fact, Spike was almost positive the owners had heard her, especially since they were giggling slightly in the background; but for Pinkie’s sake, he decided to go along with it.

“Don’t worry Pinkie. I won’t tell a soul; dragon’s honor!”

Pinkie seemed satisfied with his answer. “So I suppose you’re here because she made you buy her some more goodies?”

“Sounds about right,” Spike replied. “So do you have…”

“Super yummy macadamia cookies?!” Pinkie finished.

“Um, yeah. And could you make sure they have…”

“The white chocolate bits?! The ones Rarity seem to like a lot!?”

“Yeah those!” Spike smiled, impressed by her ability to read into what customers wanted.

“Nope, we don’t have any today!” Pinkie answered, still smiling.

“Oh, I see.”

“But, I can make a batch for you if you want. The wait will be around an hour.”

“Really, you’ll do that?”

“Anything for a friend!” Pinkie winked. “And I’ll even give you them half off!”

“Oh no, Pinkie. You don’t have to…”

“But I want to! Just looking out for the cookie monster!” Pinkie grabbed Spike’s chubby cheek and pinched it. He was glad no one was there to view that, otherwise he would die of embarrassment.

“I appreciate it Pinkie,” Spike thanked. “I’ll see you in an hour. Lavender, let’s go home!”

The infants ears perked after hearing her name being called and she ran towards her loving father. She stood in front of her father, flicking her tail in anticipation.

“So what does my little glutton want?” Spike teased, knowing exactly what she wanted.

“Appa!” she cried out holding her arms out as normal. “Appa Daddy!”

Spike did a double take at the response he received. “Um, what was that, honey?”

“Daddy Appa!” she called out clenching her claws as usual. The proud father could feel tears welling up in his eyes. His daughter’s first words!

“OH MY!” Pinkie gasped, “Her first words! Her very first words!”

Lavender’s smile began to diminish slightly. She didn’t understand why her daddy wasn’t picking her up. She instead resorted to grunting in agitation. “Daddy, Appa!”

“Oh yeah, right.” Refusing to keep the baby waiting longer, he extended his arms out and lifted her up, causing the smile to return to her. “Looks like we have something to tell Mommy when we get back home.”


Taking a break from her busy schedule, the elegant, violet maned mare reclined on her divan, brushing a relaxed Opalescence. She had already dealt with her tail situation, so grooming the lazy cat felt like the most sensible thing to do next.

“How much do you want to bet that Spikey will return with only a few of my cookies intact?” Rarity giggled. Opalescence just responded by stretching her claws out.

“Ah, but I know he doesn’t mean any ill will towards it. He’s my big dopey dragon, and I love him regardless. Though I wish he didn’t help raise such a wild child.” Rarity sighed slightly, remembering the outcry Lavender caused when she messed with Opalescence’s mouse.

The small infant tore the toy into a fluffy mess, causing the spoiled cat to become outraged and start swatting at her. Of course, Lavender not knowing any better thought it was just a game, so she swatted back with her claws, hissing playfully at the Opal. This was enough to make her retreat from the menacing child and accept defeat in the hands of a baby dracony.

“Maybe it’s just her innate instinct,” Rarity thought. “After all, she is part dragon; maybe that’s how they play as babies.”

“Rarity!!” The mare’s ears perked at the outcry. She hopped off her seat and headed towards the front door, noticing Spike holding Lavender, but not her treats.

“So, what happened to my cookies?” Rarity asked coldly.

“Now’s not the time to be worrying about your silly cookies!” Spike exclaimed. “I have some good news.”

“And that would be?”

Spike grinned widely, his pearly whites on full display. Rarity was starting to get anxious; anything that had Spike glowing with happiness must have been good.

“Well, what is it?”

The small infant cocked her head towards her mother and began to smile.


Rarity couldn’t believe her ears. She covered her mouth with one of her hooves at the revelation of what her daughter had just uttered.

“She …she just spoke!”

“Yep! She spoke her first words at Sugarcube Corner,” Spike declared proudly. “Though this is her first time saying Mommy.”

Tears of joy began to trickle down Rarity’s face, the mascara she had on slowly ran down her face.

“Oh, and about your cookies,” Spike began to explain, “they didn’t have any in stock, but Pinkie offered to bake you more…”

“Oh, forget about those things,” Rarity waved off, still smiling brightly. “This more than made up for your misbehavior this morning.”

Spike held the puffy cheeked Lavender out, chuckling. “Well thanks Lavender! I wish you would have said something before I ended up buying her stupid cookies!”

“Don’t blame her for your incompetence,” Rarity teased. “It wasn’t her fault you ate them on your way home.”

Spike rolled his eyes, staring lovingly at the giddy dracony. “Yeah, I suppose so.” Lavender giggled in response, holding her arm out to be held closer by him.

“I wuv yoo Daddy!” Spike’s lips quivered at her first sentence. He brought her closer to him and said the most appropriate thing he could say at the moment.

“I love you too, my little Lavender.”

Author's Note:

I hope you guys still like this. If you think things are going slow, be patient. There will be much more to look forward to, and next chapter Lavender will actually have full speach, so her interaction/character will be fleshed out more.

Also, you guys are cray-cray! Over 600 faves in a day :pinkiegasp:?! You're all nuts...in a good way :pinkiehappy: