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Lucky Seven

The only man to get a 2015 fanfiction into the 2024 feature box | Join my Discord and come chat!


This is a Doctor Who crossover (as if that wasn't already obvious), so if you don't like Doctor Who, why are you here?

This story ignores all canon past The Return of Harmony.

For years, the Time Lord known only as "The Doctor" has traversed throughout time and space, helping numerous beings out in the process. He's saved entire planets. He's defeated entire armies. But now comes the biggest challenge of all.

He has to travel with a pony of all things. Well, in any event, it's better than a Dalek or a Cyberman!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 186 )

This is coming along nicely if I do say so myself. Now, I have never watched Dr. Who, but this is still quite enjoyable to read. I can see that you are going to make Cloppie quite happy. I look forward to reading more of this as it comes out. Keep up the great writing!

Comment posted by SolidFire deleted May 18th, 2013

Finally, it is here!



Just jabbing your kip, man. Though I'm not a Whovian, I'm enjoying it so far :pinkiehappy:

“Well, there goes the element of surprise,”

Oh ho ho ho, I see what you did there!

Noice cliffhanger. But it's a Friday, so be prepared for a mob at your doorstep... Hmmmm, maybe on Tuesday.

Pretty good. But I don't get upset at cliffhangers. :P
It is an interesting story though, I'll admit that.
I want to see more before I decide to favourite it, no offence.

I'm not a Doctor Who fan... but I like this nonetheless. :twilightsmile:

Congrats on getting featured!

Will read later, but I'd like to point out one thing you are sadly mistaken about; Eccleston was the best Doctor.

2624586 Make true statement, read immediately afterwards. :coolphoto:

The most obvious yet most awesome gift one could write for Twilightclopple. A well executed Tennant adventure with Spitfire at his side and a sweet emphasis on insanity. Nice.

Also a big I Love You for getting this out now. This was easily my worst day since years. Getting a bit Tennant is just what I needed. Cliffhanger? Sorry, ran out of anger.

Just... why didn't you give us "Doctor who?"? It can't be overdone. :fluttershbad:

“Something terrible is going down through the entire town,” i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/268/555/60f.jpg

Interesting story so far. Can't say I was expecting Filly Celestia at the library.

2624657 Wow, I'm flattered that my story lifted your spirits :twilightblush:. I do hope you enjoy the future chapters, though.

And seriously, have a nice day!


This story has made my day !!

Nice story and great touch with the theme song video :pinkiehappy:

Alright.. you got my attention. Hit me with your best shot

I agree, David Tennant is indeed the best doctor!

Wait a sec. Isn't this that fic I edited? Not sure if it is (and if it is, what happened to the rod scene) but if it is, then congrats on getting featured.

And if not, still congrats. :pinkiehappy:

2625698 I don't believe so, but thanks anyways! :twilightsmile:

That's right, I left you with a cliffhanger INSTANTLY.

You son of a bitch. RAMBO MODE ACTIVATE! *takes of shirt, ties red cloth around top of head and gets M-60 out*

While I like David Tennant, and believe he's an amazing actor, as the Doctor, I like Matt Smith and Peter Davison the best. And no, I am not off my rocker. :ajsmug:

The doctor is so awesome, especially David Tennant :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by ela567 deleted May 26th, 2013

same here i LOVE doctor who fics but damn it i never watched an episode except the 3 first episodes of the 4th doctor which was pretty great :D as for this story so far i like it :) pacing would be nice but great story non the less xD

im liking this all the way

Sev, I told you instant-feature!

Great story, as always.

hmm well i could do something productive with my life or read the next chapter hmm NEXT CHAPTER IT IS

totally awesome! oh how with the doctor get out of this?? :D cant wait xP

And everyone forgets about the guy before Tennant... WHY??? (Commenting on the comments)
Great story so far. Also, you're welcome. You may not remember what, but I gave an idea.

Liked and faved.
...Or not. FIMFiction doesn't want to let me like your story D:

I'm lovin' this. Always been a Whoovian ever since I saw the first episode, and a mixture like Spitfire and (my all time favorite actor)David Tennant has some interesting thought to it. Favorited, and liked.

:eeyup::coolphoto: A brilliant idea for a birthday present. Although, personally, while David Tennant IS awesome, my favorite doctor is Jon Pertwee :rainbowdetermined2::rainbowkiss:

2626294 Considering all these hardcore Whovians think I got his personality down, I'm gonna have to disagree with you.

Second, Spitfire doesn't have a set personality, and why would she be scared of him? None of the companions in the actual show were freaked out by the way he acts, so that's out the window. Plus, she's a daredevil. I doubt much would faze her, including his appearance.

Also, it is not being rushed. The Doctor has asked people to join him right after meeting them before. You must not have watched Classic Who.

Oh, and by the way.

It is poorly written, it doesn't even sound anything of the Doctor

That should say "LIKE the Doctor", not "of the Doctor". But what would I know? Apparently my story is poorly written.


I think the Doctor would be a little more surprised that a talking, flying, equine is standing directly in front of him.

Because the Doctor hasn't seen other strange creatures in his adventures, so obviously, a flying pony would freak him out, of all things.



Each chapter does feel like an episode, especially with the intro in each chapter :twistnerd: Something tells me that there's gonna be a battle of wits on the next chapter. :trixieshiftleft: Or obviously something chaotic for the Doctor. Then again, he's already a madman, isn't he? :rainbowlaugh:

Continue this fic... That is all

:eeyup: YOU FUCKING SUCK SEVEN STOP WRITING just kidding good work old bean:moustache:

Comment posted by Shadymist deleted May 25th, 2013

2626294 Ok let me tell you exactly why you're wrong. Prepare to be informed.

Why in the hell would the Doctor be shocked? He's faced down aliens trying to kill humans! He's fought killer robots and statues. But no! One little 4 foot tall pony with wings! So scary!

Spitfire should be shocked? She's a daredevil, she does crazy things all the time. It's practically her profession, based on what we've seen. Not to mention, she was surprised, just not on the 'Scream Bloody Murder!" level.

Rushed? Dude, it's a 2000 word prologue, and a nearly 5000 word first chapter, yeah, definitely rushed there speedy.

And finally, the crowning achievement fail you've made.

It is poorly written, it doesn't even sound anything of the Doctor

of the Doctor

Yeah, this story is definitely poorly written.


2627251 Actually, according to Wikipedia, and ME, it's Eccleston.


thanks! I can count on you to correct me being stupid, buddeh!

2627258 NYEH! I was going by Rachael's spelling! I think? Oh well, at least it still sounded the same...

I posted that before I saw yours.

I transfer that buddeh speach to you.

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