• Member Since 11th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I am 26 years old, I'm a grown man who loves Sudoku Puzzles!


K-9 Mark I has stumbled into Fluttershy's garden and at first Fluttershy being shocked to see such an unusual creature in her garden, she sees how adorable he looks and takes him to see the rest of her friends. Later, she gets more than her friends to see the metal wonder pup.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 25 )

I remember K-9, from watching Tom Baker as the 4th Doctor.
Damn, showing my age.
I am following.


This is good stuff

*see's when the chapter was made* Its cancelled, isn't it?

7733254 No. I'm still working on the next chapter one bit at a time. College and general laziness have gotten the better of me a few times. I have no promise on the next chapter.


7772317 no thank you! I'm surprised someone remembers the fourth!

The last 2 chapters of the story are very good/ I am glad that you updated this story.

Just read this story in one sitting...and I love it. Of course, I adore K-9, so I was predisposed towards loving it.

And now, of course, I'm anticipating the Fourth Doctor and Leela coming to Equestria, and Pinkie Pie gorging herself on Jelly Babies.

(1) Can anyone guess where this was from?

Power Rangers, Billy's first response when meeting Alpha for the first time.

Doctor what?

Damn it Starlight! Can't you do anything right? You should have said "Doctor who?".

Even dimensional travel is still theoretically improbable!

Are you ignoring Equestria Girls?

What if they start to attack him?

Those ponies, attacking? What a joke.

I think you quoted Billy's initial assessment of Alpha 5, but it's been ages since I saw classic MMPR.

8096296 Oops, I'll fix that dimensional travel line.

Slowly but surely Fluttershy shall become machine

It's so confusing that it's funny keep it up or be EXTERMINATED!!!!!!!

how long until the next chapter reply or be EXTERMINATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't have plans at the moment. Many things have taken my time. I'm mostly doing my YouTube now.

Oh ok

p.s What's the name of your youtube chanel?

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