• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤

More Blog Posts444

  • 1 week
    Muggonny needs help

    My good friend Muggonny has been in dire financial straits before, and I know that most of y'all will remember my blog about that. Well, now he needs help again. Except, it's not necessarily for him, it's for his sister and her extremely young child. I admittedly don't have the funds to spare myself at the moment (I'm on a brief

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  • 2 weeks
    Hey, remember that thing I wrote?

    The rough, experimental little piece about the pegasus tribe? Well, it's now a polished little piece in its own right. If you liked the early version, give this one a read, upvote, and comment. More words to follow, soon.

    [Adult story embed hidden]

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  • 3 weeks
    Hello gamers

    I have been so quiet lately because I have been hard at work (also, I have some important happenings irrelevant to this blog) on some updates. One of those is a brand spankin' new story for Mother's Day. It has been in the works for a few years now. That's right, ya boi wrote a normal Mother's Day story. Probably.

    Catch the SFW flavor here:

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  • 8 weeks
    Reader interaction poll!

    Please check it out here.

    Since comments are a little scarce and I’m new to long-form mature fiction, I wanted to do a quick survey. It’s all anonymous but it’s going to be very helpful because of the content slated to appear in the next few chapters. Your votes will help me gauge reader feelings and the intensity of how graphic things will be.

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  • 9 weeks
    Pretty Pony Poems

    Lately, I have been going through various complete entries in Missing Pages that were too short to publish. I decided that "Just Weep" shouldn't be left to gather dust there. I've since published it as its own story with the addition of eight new poems about Celestia (and Luna) so that it is long enough to count as a one-shot according to the site's minimum wordcount rule. If you read the

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Back to Blogging About How My Followers Should Properly Utilize Their Eyeballs · 7:29am Apr 11th, 2021

It's no secret that I've not been able to throw words at my follow base recently. Or certainty not anything that wasn't already pre-written months in advance. While this is tough, I'm looking forward to summer and diving back into all my languishing projects, of which there have been more than I would like to admit lately. What I have also been overdue on are a few blog posts. I have art that I have been meaning to show off, but this isn't that blog. Not quite yet. I've still been doing small amounts of editing here and there, but even before the amount of editing I did went from 'Yes, this is a thing Ice Star does' to 'Yeah his editing and capacity to handle anything more than the crushing weight of absolutely horrible things right now has slid into the VERY MUCH CANNOT section' I intended to blog about some stories. This is that blog, and in it, I no longer will kindly ask that you view things with your eyeballs. Even if it is not effective, I will be telling you about these stories that you should absolutely be sliding those fuckin' greasy-ass, weird-motherfucker sight organs all over.

Especially when said stories are free.

TGaymer Girls
Sunset and Wallflower are about to start streaming, but Wallflower’s insecurities rise to the surface just before showtime.
Hellblazer · 2.3k words  ·  70  12 · 1.3k views

The first story up is pretty poggers, if I do say so myself. My friend Hellblazer has written her first story, and it is one dedicated to gamer representation. If you're looking for a short dose of angst/comfort done well and realistic queer themes, this is the most poggers selection that I may share. Sprinkled throughout are also some puns, because puns are excellent and if you disagree, your shin bones are forfeit.

TLike a G5 Too: This Time, It's Actually Like G5
What better way for a franchise to reboot itself than with a boardroom full of old, white men trying to figure out what the hell a "yeet" is? Anyway, here's to new horse.
PresentPerfect · 1.9k words  ·  116  27 · 3.5k views

Whether you're planning to skip out on G5 and continue to enjoy G4 ponyfic or are excited for it, this is worth checking out. Have you ever wanted to read comedy that will make your soul crumble to dust in the BEST way possible? Do you want to witness a story on FimFiction actually use 'yeet' in it? Well, if you've been mercilessly crammed into the goat cages in my basement and are weeping for the sweet release of something more merciful than death, this is the story for you! I promise! It made me smile! There are goofy trans jokes! Therapy may not be free, but this story is! You will have fun! That's it! You'll just have fun, no 'or else' to it!

At least, not yet.

I actually have many goat cages in my basement too, cause 200+ year old houses that campuses gobble up as housing are whack as shit. They're built-in, lined up in rows like big jail cells, and have lots of room for nifty locks. Best of all, they're suspiciously people-sized!

...Or maybe they're just intended for people who really like stacking goats in inhumane conditions?

[Adult story embed hidden]

It takes a lot to get me to even consider touching a mature story. Thankfully, this one is a diamond in the tough of porn and gross, abusive porn on the site. It's an m-rated romance story that fans of SFW stories like myself don't have to turn away from. I edited the first two chapters, which are easily young adult rated. For those who want thoughtful insights into trans representation, Trixie being Trixie, and stellar Starlight character drama, gobble this up.

EUnderachiever of the Year
Gallus wants to ask Silverstream out but has no idea how! Perhaps he'll turn to someone with more experience for help...
FamousLastWords · 5k words  ·  125  3 · 3.1k views

For those who want something more scandalous, I present to you a story that depicts some of the most brazen of acts. Premarital hand-holding, direct eye contact, and goofy e-rated romcom shenanigans all threaten to corrupt the youth in this story. Cadance and Shining Armor serve as fun support to two awkward bird teenagers who just want a night at the Grand Galloping Gala to go right. Like Gaymer Girls and The Sum of Her, this one is also brimming with positive messages.

TWondercolt Weekends
What do Wondercolts get up to on the weekends? An EQG anthology!
BlueBook · 6.1k words  ·  39  1 · 1.3k views

For another positive story, I edited a chapter in this anthology. Like Hellblazer's story, it comes from a relatively new author on the site. Blue Book doesn't present the reader with a comedy of errors or psychological portraits dummy thicc with drama. Instead, this is a simple, fun story about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash (in the Equestria Girls setting) going on a date and realizing that they can build a romance together. If you want to read an easy-going exploration of the common anxieties of two teenagers, this is the story for you.

[Adult story embed hidden]

Last is a dark and sinister story from another good friend of mine (shut up and allow me some nepotism y'all), Not Enough Coffee. Unlike the one-shots that I've been featuring so far The Sum of Her being the exception) this is a multi-chapter journey. There are already two chapters available, and some of Coffee's best writing is ripe for y'all to gobble up. Graphic nightmares and trauma that blurs the sense of reality that Octavia endures as we explore her psyche. The relationship she has with Vinyl Scratch is on thin ice, and Octavia struggles against unusual, nightmarish magic alone. This story is severely underrated, and it is a perfect break from anyone tired of the legion of stories written by those who become big names in treating traumas like rape and incest as desirable, light-hearted, or fetishes. If you want more stories like this on the site, or have been struggling to find one, giving this a read is sure to suit you.

Comments ( 22 )

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Google how quick can Duolingo teach me Chinese

Na ningejitolea milele kukugusa
Maana najua kuwa unanihisi kwa namna fulani
Wewe ndiye wa karibu zaidi mbinguni ambayo nitakuwa milele
Na sitaki kwenda nyumbani sasa hivi
Na ninachoweza kuonja ni wakati huu
Na ninachoweza kupumua ni maisha yako
Na mapema au baadaye, imeisha
Sitaki kukukosa usiku wa leo
Na sitaki ulimwengu unione
Maana sidhani kama wangeelewa
Wakati kila kitu kinafanywa kuvunjika
Nataka tu ujue mimi ni nani
Na huwezi kupigana na machozi ambayo hayakuja
Au wakati wa ukweli katika uwongo wako
Wakati kila kitu kinahisi kama sinema
Ndio, umetokwa na damu kujua tu, uko hai
Na sitaki ulimwengu unione
Maana sidhani kama wangeelewa
Wakati kila kitu kinafanywa kuvunjika
Nataka tu ujue mimi ni nani

F̵̩̲̞̭̭̣̮̘̣͇̼̈́̉̎́̄̈́̅̈̉̾̈́̈͝͠͠L̴̛̝͍̞͖̳͓̬̲̋̑̈́̿̊̿̽͋̋̂̚͝E̵̡̺͇̊̇̀͊̈͋̾̈́̿̈́͐͝U̸̧̡̡̪̩̦͚̖͙͍̾R̶͓̼̯͗͒̐̔ ̵̡̙͎͈̦̱̩̱̹̳̬̳̠̱̈́̄̂́̋͛Ą̸̗͇̟͚̣̺̟̟̺͉̟͛̈́̒̆̌͑L̴̞͇̳͈̤͐̀̏͐̋̔͌I̴͕̫̥̼̜̓̅̄͐̍̔̂K̶̢̛̛̖̻̲͍͉̩̠̘̯̙̈́̎͐̓́͝ͅṴ̴̢̂̉͜͝W̷̡͙͙̠̭͈͈̮̰͇̜̺̺͌̊͜ͅĄ̷̢̱̓̑̍̉̓̈́̚ ̸̡̺͈̬́͊̓͛̀̋͊͛͛̇͊̈́̏̀͝H̴̢̲͚̹͎̝̫̦̯͉̜͇̖̘͒̃A̴̡̜͚̗͕̭͖̲̼̠̠̮͓̼̜̽͒̅̏͑͊͛͝P̴̡̡͔̹̠͉̪̍̎̄̕A̶͕̘̜͎̩͉̥̩̞͓̼̓́́̑̅̽̏̒̿̆͂̈͊̃̓ ̷̨͍̾̃̊̐̌̚F̷̨̜̱͇͎͉̦͇̱̰͖̹͂͌̊̅̿͒͛̊̊́̊̆͘͝L̶̢̰̼̹̻͕͙͕̲̗̼̟̫͚̿̈́͆̓̀͑̏̈́̿͑́͂̐ͅE̶̎̂̏̿̓́̓̔͜͠Ư̷̻͇͆͒̎̀͌̐̈́̇̾͋̋͗͜Ŗ̴̰̩̗̼͇̅̂͂̅̐́͊̈́̀̈́̈́͘͝ ̶̡͙̱̬̘̦̟̝͈͍̼̒̂̋̏͌̓͐̑Ȧ̴̢͈̟̦͔̖̭̣̑̇̆͑̽̿L̷̢͔̜̺̞͎̮̞̬͊̓͂Ị̴̤͙͕̻̱̹̮̰̖͚̘͈͍̉̓̒̋̒͊̆͛̕͝K̷͖̖̥̳̼̏̂͛͆͌̽͜Ǔ̸̗̭̪̦̭͚̖̦̾ͅẆ̸̛̫̬̼͇̒̾̈̈̌̀̾̑̃̉͜͠͝Å̷̦͙̙̚ ̵̡̛͈͕̟͎̽̆̒͆̽̀̇̕̚H̶̛̭̝̙͎̞̻̮̣̲͖͉̖̊̇A̴̢̪̺̳̲̹͍̬͔̫̓͗P̷̡̨̨̲̞̬̤͖̲͍̥͉̻̪̓̇͗̈́̋̾͆̔͘͘͝A̴̢̨̡̰̼͎̠̙̘͎͉͚̣̿̈̀͗̉͛͌ ̵̨̡͇̭̝̳̗̝͍̦̩̤̉̉͐͌̅͛̓͛̉͑̂͠͝F̶̛̼̯͆̾̉͋͛̈́̀̿̔̕̚͜L̴̟͈̲̻̣̹̖̩̩̒́̔̎̊͂͋͌Ę̸̹̳̰͇͉̤̼́̀͑͐͒͐̈̆͝͝U̷͎͎̱̥͓̺̞̯̒́̍̑̄̆̇̆̾̔̄ͅͅR̸̖̺̈́ ̵̧̻̟̒͌͐́͋́̀̾́̈͂̌̉͝͝A̸̙̞̮͛̋̀͊̃̈́̿̽̈́̇͒͜ͅL̴̡̡̢̬̺͉̣̼̼̆̾̌̚Ḯ̴̩̘̱̯̱͍̟K̶͔͚̦͖̠͙̰̲͓̉ͅÛ̵̲͖̫̤͍̗̦̌̔̽́͆͑̈́̉͝͠ͅͅẈ̷̢̱͛̚A̴̳͖̲͕̳͛̌̉̃̏ ̴̨̛͔̰̌͗͐̈́͛̆̅̓̉̐͊̈́̈͠H̷͓̱̼͓͓͔͕͕̺̰̅̏̀Ȧ̵̡̤̘̱̖͙̟̝̈͝P̷̡̧̡̱͕̖̰͍̬̩͎̌͂̾͜͝A̵̙̲͎̬̥̠̒ ̴̰̐̊̈́́̍̔͝͠F̴̢̺͍̈̈́͋͛̈̋͂̕͝͝L̷̢̡͇̲͍̭̼̹̘̦̜̠̙͈͋̀E̴̩̝̺̪͕̠̤̣͙̟̭̾̋̌̂͒͌̆̒̋͂͒̔͝͝U̶̧̟͇̞̺̙̩͍̪̔̊̎̐͐́̒̉̇̓͊͑̿͛R̶̨̢̼͔̈́̽̇̿̑̅̇̏͐͌͝ ̴͓̩͎̋́̓̓͘͠Â̷̢̡̧͕̖̥̰͓̂͋̋̂̉̍͂̔̄́̅͆̃̚͜L̵̢̬̤͎̤̤͈̞̳̊̆̈́̉̍͗̏̕̕͝͠I̴͎͖̱̿̇̆̔͝K̴̘̻̯͇̹̻͛́̉̏̈́͘͜U̶̬̞̙͈̲̯̾̔̍̆̅̓̄͊̉͘ͅW̷̱͚̮͚̜̳̹̆̔̊̀͝Ą̸̡̝̪͇̝̜̮̀̀̀̈́͌͆̔̽̀̅̿̒͘̕͘ ̷̘͇͆͛̓̑͑̽̕̚̕͝Ḣ̸̛̬̤̦̦͇͍̐̽̉̑͛̾̽͊̓͋͘Ä̴̢̹͔͓̩̭̱̞͎̖͍̝͕́̅̄̈́̈́̍́̽̆̚̕͘̚͜͝P̸̬̖̻̝͍̫̠͕̙̥̪̔̓̍͒̾̈́̾̚͝͠A̵̧̜̗̥̪͌̋̈́̈́͂̊͊̆̓͂̔̍͒̾̈́ ̸̨̢̧̪͕̮͍̬͍̜͇̬̆̓̎̽F̶̲̣͕̼̱̍̌͒͑͗̔͒̂͋̈́̅̀̚̕L̴̳͐͐́͋̅̈͂̑̆̓̾͌̄̈́E̷͈̙̪̳͈̩͎̺̙͔̒̒̊̔̆̉̔͘͘ͅU̷̲̹͕̰̥̭̿̔̋͋̄̀R̵̭̮̙̝̦̬̐̊̈́̐̾́̇̓̓̍̓̆̎͝ͅ ̴̡̣̲̔̅̈́͂͌͋̉̉̓̚A̷͚̟̱͋͜L̵̺̈͑͗͆̆͋̄̀̔̉͑͘͝I̵̧̡̛͖̻͎͖̖̬̖̽̅̆͗̎̐̂̃͜K̶̤̟̝̗͖̫̻̻͘͠Ủ̷̧̨̼̝̙͓͍͖̪̳Ẇ̶̢̛͉͙͎͖̥̹͕̤̹̗͚̟͑̈́̏͌̈́̈́̃̅A̷͔̰̯̩̭̐̾̍̋͋͌͒͒̎̏͊͋̽̉ ̸̡̯̞̥̰͚̲̰̬̣̍͗H̴̙̪͗̀͋̍̂̈́̆̋̄̈́̑̈́͝A̶͚̪̙͉̟͕͍̻̳̺̋̂̐Ṕ̵̺͉̻̬͋̈́̂A̵̤͊̾̋̔́̄̑́̇̋̄̕̕͝
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Brb converting all the assignments I submit to my professors in the future to whatever the fuck this is

Í̷̹̺̣͈̭̰͚̲͙̟̥̲̜̙̱ͅͅ ̸̨̧̰̟͙̞̘̭̳͇̦̫̘̳͎̝͉̻͓̜̺̜̩̳̓̽̌͝ͅḍ̷̨̧̡̨̺̥͕̯͍̼̪̘̰̟̰̱̱̪̩͉̻̭̘̪̈́͆̈̉̅̐̚͝ͅo̸̢̡̰̩̱̬̰̙͙̥̬̦͍̤̰̺̥̬̯͓̞̗̼̓̏͊͆̿̆̀́́͘̚͜͠n̵̢̨̨̧͉̗̖͇̹̹͉̯̤̭͙̻͖̘̼͆̀͝'̸̛̠̟̳̪̪̜̝̠̾̈̆͆̑̂́͆̃ṯ̷̛͖̤̺͙̟̭̙̑̈́̐̓́͑̃̆̀̿̓̈́́̀̀̌̇͋̆̓̆̂̃͌͠ ̸̨̢̢̢̢̮͙̖̖̜̳͔̣̝̞̠̣̰̫̽͑́̆͆͒̽̀͝t̷̰̖̠͓͇̔̂͐̆̃̇̓͝h̴̝̱̗͔̙͔̳̤̎į̴̪͈̬͍͇̫͍̻͕̣̳̫̖̏̃͂̔̉͋̍̓̅͋̽͆̎̿̕̕ņ̴̧̡̠͓̘̭̤̤̣̥̭̖̪̟͙̩́͗̄̾͐̐ͅk̴̘͖̠̿́͊́̈̿̆͊̌̒̉̋͊͌̊̔̚̚͝͝ ̶̨̱̣͈̳̟̗̮͈̦̦̬̮͈̰̣̮̀̂̿̈́̏͋̎͂̆͒͐̇̈̂͒̌̌̑̚̚̕͜͝͝ͅt̶̢̛̹͓͚̱͋͛͌͂͌͛̈́̑̽̊̀̓́͛̒̐̔̈̏͗͌̚͝h̸̪͉̫̲̬̬̾̆̇̈́͊́́͆̈́́i̵͕̻̬̼͚̥̹͍̽͊̉ͅs̶̛̛̞̒͋́̅̈́̎͆̀̀͑̓͛̍̌̉͌͆̕̚͠͝ ̵̢̧̪̖̲̰͖͕̳͙̠̠̥͖̫̾̀̌͒͑̑̔͛̾̿̽͛̓͘͜͠i̴̢͙̦͖͕͈̤̖̘̦̬͔͉̳͉̣̔̋̄̉̔̈́̿́͐̐̈́̔͊͑̈̋̽͜͠ś̶̢̢͓̫̠̦̠̳̜̫̟̳̥̼̥͇̰͕͎̝̥͓̺̐̾̌̏͊̾͛̈́̾͂͛̌̊̈̆͜͝ ̷̰͈͔͉̳̮͔͔̱̝̝̜̫͙͊͗̒͑̍͆͑̓͐͂̓̈́̈́͜ẇ̸̧̰̣͍̹͇̼̮̞̻̦̜̹͕͍̮̲͙̝̥͔̺̝̄̓̐͛̑̅̋̀̐̚͜͝ḩ̶͔̰̫̼̖͕̳̥͇̹̰͎͎͓͇̤̎̐̐͒̅̓̌̇̇͛̃̋͌̏̾͐́͘͝͝͝͝a̵͍̹͉̗̤̬͑̓͗̇̿̈͛͌̔͌̂̎̚t̸̡͚̝̲̘̝̭̟̿̃͗̌̉̈̈́͒̄́͋̔̉̈̀̓̾̃̈́͂̐́̃̿͝ͅ ̵̢̨̛̯̣̤̼̱̥̼̮͚̥̭̹̠̪̣̜̟͇̪̺̎̀̅͆̿̎́̒̍̂͆̋̾͜ͅỵ̴̠̰̥̰̦̲̣̪̤̭͍̰̼̝̰̟͕̰͂͒́͋͌̐̒̑̇͛͗̑̃͋̽̄̃͂̋͌͗̑͘̕̚͘͜ͅǒ̸͔͛̀͋̄u̷̗̳͒̀̊͆̓͌̀̌͆̆̽͌̓͝ ̸̗̥̭̐͑͛̈́̑̓m̵̨̡͔͕͉̹̹̝̳̈́̌͆̏͊̈́̽͛́̍̌̃̎͛̄́͗̀́̕͜͝ḙ̸̛̝̩̟͙̣̼̲̥̱͔͖̰͌̄̂̑̇̎́͌̔̀̇̾̕͜͝͝͠a̷̢͍̤̻̼̘̻̺̞̗͖̼̱̬̳̺͖̣͓͕͋̇̅͐͆ͅn̷͚̭̟̤̜̦̩̪̼͇̩̩͆̐̆̓̀̉͝͝ͅt̶̛̝͔̀̿̈́̔͗͆̀̈́̉̓̽̎͊͐̒̎̈̐̔́͘̕͜͝ ̷̬̭̤̦̩̦̬̠̣̰̝͓̟̳̖͚̤͔́̃̈́̒̾͂́̾̂̈́́̿̍̈̎̈́̊͋͗̎ͅb̸̢̭̞̜̪̳̫̫͉̽̓̏̈̓͛́̽̀̀̈͗̎̌̕͝y̶̧̨̡̨̖͔̖̜̞̘͔̱̟̝̫̝͍̞͇̲̹̺̰̲̩͒̈́̓̓̅̔̋͆͆͑͛̆̅̃̈̔͂͌̓̋̑̕͘̕͠͝ ̴͔͇̝͉̩͍̺̌͛̋͝y̴̡̨͉͕͍̯̼̮̠͕̘̭͕̰̪̯̟̬̱͉͒̑̿̀ͅȯ̷̯͙̲͙͔̳̼̰͛ȕ̷͕̣͖̤̬̟̼͇̝̙̘̩̈̃̏̐̀̋͌͘͘͠ŗ̶̗̪̘̳̖̝̝̪̜͙̆ ̴̡̡̢̧̰̳̜̝̲̣͔̱̦͙͚̹͖̘̗̮͍̠̺̂͆̍̕f̶̣͍͚͉̮̣͎̪͙̦͈̪̣̣̻̜̏̿̊̏̃̆̄̕͘͠͝ǫ̶̢̼͕̩̘̯̝̦̩̱̩̲͇̯̬̈́͗̐͛͛̔̏̀̍̃͜ͅͅl̶̖̼̺̪̀̏̍̓͂͊̈́̔̇̃̽͐̉́̍̂̈́̀́̕l̴̨̛̛̟̖̱͓̻̪̲̟̖͍̳͈̳͓͙̫̯̖͍̺̝̫̅͐́͆̌̑̿̕͝o̵̧̗̟͓͕̜̜̼͎̹̻̟̙̝̺̗̹̻͚͐̀̈̾̀͛̔̿̄̓͂̕̚͜͠͠ẅ̸̯͓͔̺́͜ͅḕ̷̡̬̠͈̠̬̻̰̤̫̱̭͉̝̦̗̜͖̥͙̰͍̈́͆̈́̎͋r̵͉͉͇̥̤̭͙̦̭̘̈́̈́̿̍͂̈̓̉̏̎͛͒̚̚̕͠͝͝ͅs̵̨̢̧̨̻̠̝̦̞̗̮̲͉͓̞̯͈̬̤̟͖̾̓͆̀͋̈́͜ͅ ̵̨͎̞̮̞͚̠̰͔͕̺̬̯̲̼͉̼͕̙̠͎̖̥̙͐̀͗̊̿̃͗̂̓͒̿̕̚̕͝͠ų̴̛͇̊͆̐͛̀̆̌̐̉̉̾̑̂͘͠͠s̵͚͕̱̏̀̈̀̄̉͛͐̇͋͐̊̐͝͝į̶̠̲̰͎̝͍̎̓̉̓̓̌͒̽n̸̺̺͊̈́͆̿́̏̍̋̽̽͝ģ̴̢͇̻̦̜͂̉̔͗͂̊̆̿̚͝ ̷̢͈̼̗͇͓̗̰̭̙̲͌͂̉̒̍͆͛̈́͋͊̎͂̑̿̑̍̾̕̕t̶̨̛̛̛̠̫͙̰͇̬̺̞͚̱͎̝̙̣̼͓̪̖͖̭͎̓̃̊́͊́̈́̌̒͗̆͛̀̋͒͂̒̀̈́̕͝͝h̴̢͍̖̞̯͇̝͕̺͎͋̑̂̉̍̀̍̕͜͝ͅe̴̱̝̗͛͆͌̐͐̕͝ͅị̵̡̛̭͚̼͇̝̟̮͙̼̲͚̳̙̤̰̞̬̝̣̺͐͋̂̈̍͐̉̄̿̾͂̀̅͆́̌̚ͅr̵̢̢̡̛̞̤͕̗͚̗̹̻̻̜̝͎͂̔͐͌̍̔͑̏̽͆̉͌͌͊̈̄̍̈́͌͗́̽̇͠ ̶̢̬͙̖̲͇͙͈̼̦͚̖̮̲̈́̔͌̋e̷̡͚̦̤̘̣̦̞̠͒̋͌̓̎͒͌̏̿̔̚͜͝ỷ̷̛̛̦̬̦̄́̓̈́͒̔̆̓̑̃̇̓̈̎̅͗̔͘͝e̵̝̺̮̥̋́͐̿̀̄̋̾̏̉̃̐̎̏́̽̌̔̔̅̓̐̂͝s̶̨̛̪͍̺̙̦̯͖̼̬̪̲̼͉̯͎͓̼͔͍͐̒̿͛͌̋̐̉̏̊̉̐̋͜ͅ


This is too legible bro

I haven’t been diagnosed me with that illness yet

That "Like a G5 Too" story seems incredibly mean spirited, especially for a show that's not even out yet. Seems less like comedy and more like someone's "darn kids get off my lawn!"

Thanks for promoting my story friend! Means a lot to me!

Author Interviewer

say whut :O

Making fun of things before we know anything about them is what I do. :B But I clearly failed to communicate the main point of the story, which is that G5 will be full of cringeworthy attempts by aging white executives to connect with "the youths" via misaimed application of half-understood memes and slang.

I say words and publish them about why you did good!
It’s not really like that, the story is short enough read and see.

And how do you know that? It's not even aired yet. We have character names and a couple of screencaps, along with the most basic of synopses.

Google how do I get back to reading

We have staff interviews and other bits and bobbles too.
Use your eyeballs.

Joke's on you, only one of my eyeballs is reasonably functionable!

K this is random and has nothing to do with your blog post but I felt the deep urge to communicate this:

I'm asexual. I literally don't give any fucks.

I JUST realized this pun now and I'm kicking myself for not recognizing it sooner

It used to be my bio for the longest time. I’m glad it made you smile!

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