• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤


Muggonny needs help · 1:09pm Last Sunday

My good friend Muggonny has been in dire financial straits before, and I know that most of y'all will remember my blog about that. Well, now he needs help again. Except, it's not necessarily for him, it's for his sister and her extremely young child. I admittedly don't have the funds to spare myself at the moment (I'm on a brief Empty Pockets Ice arc, if you will) but it'd be wrong of me not to boost this, given what a good

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Hey, remember that thing I wrote? · 8:23pm May 20th

The rough, experimental little piece about the pegasus tribe? Well, it's now a polished little piece in its own right. If you liked the early version, give this one a read, upvote, and comment. More words to follow, soon.

[Adult story embed hidden]


Hello gamers · 7:16pm May 12th

I have been so quiet lately because I have been hard at work (also, I have some important happenings irrelevant to this blog) on some updates. One of those is a brand spankin' new story for Mother's Day. It has been in the works for a few years now. That's right, ya boi wrote a normal Mother's Day story. Probably.

Catch the SFW flavor here:

TThe Depth of Motherly Love
[TEEN VERSION] The most enigmatic of monsters will not carry the ugly faces of one. A young draconequus named Discord has yet to learn this, and mortals may never do so. Oh, and the first lamia is created amidst all this turmoil.
Ice Star · 12k words  ·  17  2 · 198 views

Or the NSFW flavor here:

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Reader interaction poll! · 9:02pm April 7th

Please check it out here.

Since comments are a little scarce and I’m new to long-form mature fiction, I wanted to do a quick survey. It’s all anonymous but it’s going to be very helpful because of the content slated to appear in the next few chapters. Your votes will help me gauge reader feelings and the intensity of how graphic things will be.


Pretty Pony Poems · 4:03am April 5th

Lately, I have been going through various complete entries in Missing Pages that were too short to publish. I decided that "Just Weep" shouldn't be left to gather dust there. I've since published it as its own story with the addition of eight new poems about Celestia (and Luna) so that it is long enough to count as a one-shot according to the site's minimum wordcount rule. If you read the original poem, please check out the new additions and give them an upvote and some comments. I'm not

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ICE STAR WROTE HORSE SEX · 6:43pm April 1st


Yes. I did. Two horses having normal horse sex. It's a completely serious story, but I decided to go out of my usual skill area for April Fool's Day. If you've been following Stay Golden and you want a quick peek of what's to come, this story is for you.

It's also getting a lotta downvotes for not being porn. RIP in pepperoni.


I had a few chapters of backlog left. Or, a modest update. · 10:34pm February 16th

I started catching up on what I could yesterday when I saw the crazy amount of notifications I had accumulated. It's certainly going to take me a while and then some to read all of the stories that were published recently. I'm not doing too good; I'll have a blog about that sooner or later. Until then, know that I have some updates for Marigold's story that have been edited and are waiting for readers. The story is nearing the minimum length for a novel and has had so much effort poured into

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Hi, it's been a while since I've been on here. But enough about me. I need y'all's help. · 9:23pm January 6th

I'll make a blog about the shit I've been up to some other time. Right now, I'm kind of having a huge emergency -- except it's not impacting me. It's impacting my boyfriend. He's disabled and trying to get a car... the problem is his family is filled with other people who are disabled and they have no working vehicle. They live in poverty. I'm broke from getting my friends -- as well as him and his family -- many Christmas gifts. I have nothing near the money to help them get an emergency car.

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Please help my friend Muggonny not end up homeless · 12:36am Oct 23rd, 2023

The link to his GoFundMe is here: https://gofund.me/a5df3af5


RATINGS ARE OPEN · 2:26pm Oct 13th, 2023

Act two begins! Get ready for more Marigold over the fall and winter. Now, there is the bonus of the ratings no longer being disabled. Please be sure to give these stories a thumbs up if you enjoy them. My M-rated stories tend to get very few upvotes and many downvotes, and they're certainly not related to quality. Upvotes will also help make this story more visible across the site and to prospective readers, so all in all, you're just doing me a huge favor in showing appreciation for my work.

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