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I am an avid experiencer of fantastical worlds through the medium of written communication

Chaos and order theory

The nature of chaos and order have always been defined. But what I haven’t found a definition to as of yet is the morality of it, and how two such absolute opposites work together on some things when they both literally contradict each other. So I thought about it and came up with this theory on how I see chaos and order defined, what they are, and the morality of them. Please excuse any rambling and or grammar mistakes.
In order to even start to talk about the ethics good/evil of order and chaos, we must first define what order and chaos are. The definition of order is “the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method”(google definitions). That means in a world without chaos and only order there would be no free will, because everything would have a set pattern or method it goes by. By only being able to do that pattern or method the person or object cannot change anything to the way it wants because that thing it wants will probably not coincide with pattern or method that it has. Therefore to choose or change something because of a want is chaotic and can’t be in a world of total order. Also in a world of perfect order there is no way something can go wrong because everything would have a set pattern or method to what it does and if anything were to go wrong that would mean that something didn’t do its set pattern. Which in a world of perfect order can’t happen. It also means that there would be no miracles.
Because a miracle is “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws” (google definitions) In a world of perfect order there could not be surprises because that would mean something unexpected had occurred, which if everything has its own pattern it would constantly be doing the same thing over and over again. There would be no change. If something were to change in a world of perfect order (like someone dying) then what would happen that piece of the larger pattern is no longer functioning soon all the pieces of the patterns would stop functioning because whenever the piece of the pattern stopped functioning whatever it did would stop happening. And if whatever it was stopped happening then anything affected by that thing would be unable to do their piece of the pattern. And if the pattern stops then there would not be order. So in a world of perfect order there would be peace and everyone would be equal but there would also be no miracles, no free will, and no change.
Chaos on the other hand is not any better. The definition of chaos is “complete disorder and confusion” (google definition). So if in order everything has a pattern or method then in chaos literally defined as “disorder” there would be no patterns or methods. Nothing would ever be the same, because if the same thing happens repeatedly that’s a pattern and a pattern is order. Example gravity in a world of chaos wouldn’t exist because gravity is something that constantly does one thing over and over again (a pattern) pull things to its center of mass. Actually in a world of pure chaos there would be nothing and everything at the same time, or to phrase it more correctly it would contradict anything and everything it does all the while contradicting all the contradictions in an ever expanding event where everything would contradict itself while never contradicting itself because if it kept contradicting itself then that would be a pattern (a type of order) and not chaos. Basically we would never know if we ever went to a world of chaos because when we got there we would have arrived at every possible moment ever while never being there (and because there would never be a “world of chaos” because if that world was constantly a world than that would be a form of order and order as stated previously could never exist in a “world of chaos).
Now I cannot tell you how to live your life or what to believe in regards to order and chaos. But I can and will tell you my interpretation of chaos and order in a moral stance. Starting with order it provides safety, security and a sense of belonging and purpose for those who live in it, which in general is “good”, but it takes away hopes, dreams, miracles, free thought, and identity that is something I would consider to be “evil”. In the end it is not something I can say is a particularly good or evil thing, and is more of a amoral concept. Mostly because it is impossible for a world, that doesn’t have any change ever, to come into being, because for such a world to come into being something would have to change, and for change to come, pure order could not be present thereby making the world of pure order not a world of pure order. The same goes for a world of chaos, for it to exist there would have to be a smidgen of order somewhere to make that world of chaos an actual world. And if there is order the world would not be a world of pure chaos.
In our world people define chaos as evil and order as good and that both of them cannot exist where the other is, but in all reality this is not true. As stated previously both chaos and order are evil and both are good and both are neither. However there is more to order and chaos than just that. There are times in our order filled lives that chaos is a good thing and order is bad, and vice versa. Chaos in this world is what make lightning strike causing a forest fire, an idea flicker in an inventor's mind changing the entire world with his thoughts, losing or finding a priceless artifact, or even something so simple as choosing something over another based on personal preference.
Chaos is not always a destructive evil force, it is also the force behind change. Whether that change is considered good or bad is up to those who view it and how they see it. For example you get a new higher paying job. This piece of chaos has many things it affects the person who now has a higher paying job and the job that he had, that is no longer being done by him, the new guy’s (the guy who gets the lower paying job) life will be affected. As well as any and all who are affected by the job the new guy has. And all the people the new guy knows. the cycle of change could and does spiral out from there. That one piece of chaos could be viewed as good, because you and another guy got better jobs, but it can also be viewed as bad, Example let’s say the job you got was the job of someone who was fired by mistake. Then the guy who was fired would think of the bit of chaos as bad and would probably wish that it had not happened. So chaos is chaos doesn’t care about what it changes as long as something changes in an inconsistent way. While on the other hand order makes things consistent, like gravity, growth of crops, and seasons.
One thing that chaos does that is generally considered evil is death, however this is not right. While death may be an agent of change, and change of chaos, Death is also very much needed to have our world survive. If no one ever died then the natural resources that we consume/are made of would dry up and no one would ever have any kids, we would all always starve, and we would eventually either lose our minds from boredom or find some way to get out of living every moment of our life so we don’t lose our minds from boredom.
To define how order and chaos effect each other I built something that for lack of a better term I call the Harmony spectrum. Because chaos and order as defined above cannot exist in the same place but are seen working together all the time we must assume that chaos and order are the absolutes and the extremes of the spectrum, And that there are parts of the spectrum in which they mix. So far in my contemplations I have found 10 main forms of a chaos and order mix. They are, the extremes (the absolute values of the spectrum) chaos and order, the imbalanced mixes chaotic order and ordered chaos, the balance point (where chaos and order are represented in equal amounts) Harmony, the indirect mixes chaos-order and order-chaos, the two mini spectrums (the points in-between the indirect mixes, the imbalanced mixes and the Harmony line) the chaotic spectrum and the ordered spectrum, and the Harmony line (a line that separates the ordered spectrum and the chaotic spectrum, and runs through the Harmony point).
Since I’ve already defined chaos and order, I will start with the imbalanced mixes and the Harmony point. Chaotic order is when most everything is order related but there are some chaotic elements involved. Our world is a perfect example of chaotic order because there are some things that no matter how hard we try we will never be able to explain, but for the majority of the things we find there will be a reason why or how, it is there or what it is made out of. Ordered chaos is something we will struggle to comprehend just like we will always struggle to comprehend chaos. But it in theory is the direct opposite of our reality, where most everything is chaotic and unexplainable, however there are some found constants that are there due to some piece of order there. Like a world where most everything is chaos, but it maintains a set volume that the chaos resides in and around or a world where there is only so much chaos possible.
The Harmony point is the very perfect balance where chaos and order reside in perfectly equal proportions. Where chaos neither rips all order apart and order doesn’t define everything, it would be a world of constant change and yet there is an underlying order. An example of this would be a planet where it maintains weather, gravity, and basic mass. But said planet might change into a world made entirely out of stone, then brass then bubbles etc. The planet could rain chocolate and hail sports cars, only to have all of this absorbed into the white parts of the ground. It would have some of the natural laws and completely disregard others. This kind of world is the world a normal person would think of as a world of pure chaos but it is not. So this kind of world is neither order nor chaos but a perfect joining of the two therefore I called it the Harmony point. The Harmony line is an extension of the Harmony point across the different chaos and order spectrums.
The Indirect mixes is when the first principle is how something is carried out, and the second principle is what, why, and when the thing is carried out. For example the order-chaos indirect mix would be an ordered way that chaos is carried out but chaos is still the ending effect, it may be more or less directed chaos, but it would be chaos all the same. Chaos-order would be the opposite, things are directed in a chaotic fashion, but result in some form of order. It might not make sense such as ice-cream falling on a banana could result in a complete reversal of gravity, while ice-cream falling on a shoe could start a supernova. What order does will still have its effect but how that effect affects something could have a completely chaotic meaning.
The chaos and order spectrums include all infinite varieties/combinations/saturations of any of the three other principles it touches. For example the (U) order spectrum could produce all of the different varieties/ combinations/ saturations of chaotic order, order-chaos, and Harmony line. But the (L) order spectrum would provide any and all infinite varieties/ combinations/ saturations of chaotic order, chaos-order, and the harmony line. The chaotic spectrums would do the same for their respective sides. Thus I will make an end of this theory Because this is all I have thought of for the time being.


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