• Member Since 27th Aug, 2013
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Fixation on death aside, this is lovely —Soge, accidentally describing my entire life



This story is a sequel to The Library of Discord

As Queen of an entire universe, Galaxia’s role is to create and set in motion as many planets as possible. This leaves little time to spend on the individual souls that live on those worlds. However, when she is presented with a soul that has yet to select a world after a vast amount of lifetimes, she decides to try something different: do everything in her power to find a place that the soul will want to stay indefinitely.

Editing help from Soge, Amphicoelias, Starscribe, InquisitorM, Jane, and Devas.

The sequel to this story is also a sequel to The Library of Discord.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 49 )

Editing help from Soge, Amphicoelias, Starscribe, InquisitorM, Jane, and Devas.


And offered to Super Trampoline but editors are allowed to say no to a project and still be good friends. :twilightsmile:

Her mother had given her daughter’s

Ditch the apostrophe.

... this story blew my mind! You did an amazing job of humanizing beings with unfathomable cosmic power. I never once felt lost even when reading about notions that should be exploding my tiny little brain. The concepts in this are just marvellous, too. If I've got any complaints, it's that Pinkie doesn't really do much in the story, but then, I guess it wasn't really about her in the end? Still, this is super, I loved it. ^^

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that souls cannot be destroyed.

Have you been reading Pride and Prejudice?

I'm so glad I got to blow your mind! There are a ton of concepts explored in this and I'm glad they all came through clearly.

Fixed :twilightsheepish:
No I haven't read Pride and Prejudice since...
I was reading through it about the time this was written. Woah. :rainbowderp:

How'd I know?

1. I'm reading it myself, too-- for English class. (What a load of rubbish, if you ask me.)
2. The first sentence goes:

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

Those ideas you tried worked out perfectly. That was incredible! You blew my mind too!

a dragon that had died in infancy

and once a short lived life as a dragon

What is with you and dragons?


I'm glad you liked it. :)

6646864 Editing help from Amphicoelias even though he lives 6000 km away because Amphicoelias needed something to procrastinate and it might as well be in the service of helping create more Library of Discord.

It's ethereal midnight tail

The Nightmare used it’s horn

You stole it’s home and it’s purpose.

What do you mean, it’s home?

Darn apostrophes! Shoo! Shoo!

An interesting origin for Pinkie Pie, but the nuclear physics is downright cringeworthy. The idea of point particles as mechanisms is interesting, but you're basically thumbing your nose at the limits of the strong nuclear force. Yes, magic can probably alter that sort of thing, but to a reader from a universe where anything with an atomic number higher than eighty-two is unstable, casually mentioning atoms with triple-digit numbers or higher without any acknowledgement of the issue feels ridiculous.

And then there's the climax, or rather the climax of the series premiere from Galaxia's prespective. Her implanting the ideas into Twilight cheapens the revelation and the first step of Twilight's journey from the little unicorn with no friends to the living embodiment of Platonic bonds. You out-deus ex machina'd the original, which is frankly impressive, though for all the wrong reasons.

The side story is intriguing, but it has absolutely no bearing on the plot. I'm sure it will be covered in the sequel, but for now, it just feels like a shaggy dog story that took up the first part of every chapter.

So, yeah. There are some fascinating ideas here, but the stumbling blocks are more like face-height walls.

Well darn. Sorry it didn't live up to your expectations. :ajsleepy:

but to a reader from a universe where anything with an atomic number higher than eighty-two is unstable, casually mentioning atoms with triple-digit numbers or higher without any acknowledgement of the issue feels ridiculous.

Fair point. My goal was to create something unsettlingly alien, even down to way atoms behave. I probably succeeded too much on this, as it ended up being incredibly jarring for you and ripped you out of the experience.

Yeah... :twilightoops:

Is was supposed to be a good introduction to Hope as a character and a reaction to finding the outside of the Library of Discord. But you're right, it does mostly exist for the sequel.

Thanks for the help.

No way... PurpleSmart is the emo soul? :applejackconfused:
Interesting work so far. :twilightsmile:

:facehoof: I should have remembered the tittle of the story... :derpytongue2:

The soul would be born into this family. It would be bored, but not understand how bored it was. It would live in ignorance, unable to understand the concept of laughing, smiling, and the colorful world that surrounded its gray existence. That spark, that change when the soul would experience laughter and other emotions for the first time had to be enough to get it to appreciate existence.

Considering the end result I would say her plan worked a little too well. :pinkiecrazy:

“Let’s give her all the colors at once! That should be flashy enough.” Cosmos flashed Galaxia a grin before racing to get to the rainbow maned filly.

So that's how the Rainboom happened. :pinkiehappy:

“Hold on a moment, how much magic are you planning on giving her?” Galaxia asked as the filly dived toward the ground.
“You’re right, I’m not giving her nearly enough,” said Cosmos.

... and this is one of the guys who run the multiverse... very reassuring. :derpytongue2:

“I just had that rainbow teach her to smile!” Cosmos grinned before scrunching his face. “And… I might’ve given her a glimpse into the creation of Equestria in the process, but I don’t think it’ll have any lasting effect.”

Guess we know who created Discord in the first place now... :pinkiecrazy:

Interesting work, well done. :twilightsmile:

I love your comments and encouragement! :pinkiehappy: Thanks so much for reading!

I didn't quite follow the ending, right at the end. [SPOILIES]

The source of the Trillion atom, I think, is from the universe that had mastered atom-crafting. By reprogramming the way that their atoms work, they were afforded atomically precise manufacturing. Presumably, they used this to create a 'signature atom', one so large and unique that it would be one of a kind. This atom would make a great 'tracer', something to be sent out, retrieved, and studied. I'd imagine that you could design a Turing complete computer inside one of these tracers that could do all sorts of things. All that's left is to send it out(Library of Discord style) to logarithmically find the edge of the universe.

Galaxia says that larger atoms exhibit more sapience. I may be misunderstanding this, but I feel that 'demonstrate' would be a better description. In a world driven by entropy, larger atoms become unlikely. However, intelligent systems like us humans with particle accelerators and the earlier mentioned race have broken this trend by forcing larger atoms into existence. These atoms could not exist naturally so are therefore products of sentient design. Again, atoms like these would be great for sending messages because their existence proves the power of the sender.

The end of the story suggests not only that these large atoms are at the core of souls, but that one was maliciously sent by another race as revenge for stealing a star. If I understood that right, than the Trillion atom sent was either an artificial soul manufactured and designed to corrupt Equestria or the alien race had distilled one of their own souls to the atom and sent it. Both seem like uncharacteristically malicious choices from a society advanced enough to develop these technologies.

Regardless, it is turning early in the morning and I've gotten far too little sleep lately so I think that I'll cut these thoughts short. Despite the questions above, I did enjoy the narrative and concept of this story! As you can see, it got me thinking, which I'm glad for.

Sometimes her approach was an avatar, a soul that would help the world by reincarnating along with all of the other souls on the planet.

Was she, perhaps, the last Airbender at some point?


I love your theories! :D
I go into more detail on the mystery of Trillion in the next book. But I can explain a few things now.

The end of the story suggests not only that these large atoms are at the core of souls, but that one was maliciously sent by another race as revenge for stealing a star. If I understood that right, than the Trillion atom sent was either an artificial soul manufactured and designed to corrupt Equestria or the alien race had distilled one of their own souls to the atom and sent it.

Nightmare Moon wasn't sent from another race. She was a Trillion that had peacefully minding it's own business, guiding a sun around. But one day she found that her own body would not move under her command. Some outside force had taken it over and started moving it in a regular, consistent rhythm. After several thousand years of being annoyed that her own body was not hers anymore, the Trillion abandoned itself and headed to Equestria to attack Celestia in some way. It was a sun before, so it didn't have much in the way of plotting, but it was able to take over other ponies before eventually making her way to Luna. The "shield" that Hope places on each Trillion actively prevents two souls from occupying the same body. But Nightmare Moon didn't have that and so she was able to enter and take over Luna. She spent a long time in Luna plotting out ways to have her revenge. From Luna's memories of the stories her parents told her, she knew that the sun had been taken from a separate universe. And so she plotted for a long time about what she would do if she met "Galaxia" that had stolen her former body.

the Trillion atom sent was either an artificial soul

No Trillion is artificial. If anything, the shields that Hope puts on every soul is what is unnatural. Their shields contain many different spells: backups of all former lifetimes (encrypted), monitors so that Hope can locate them quickly, vagueness spells so that it's impossible for any race to figure out what the souls are actually made of (normal element), and others.

Galaxia says that larger atoms exhibit more sapience. I may be misunderstanding this, but I feel that 'demonstrate' would be a better description.

I like "demonstrate" better as well, so I changed it in the story. Thanks!

While a fun idea, I'm going to go ahead and say that humans don't exist in this multiverse.

These things. All of these things.

She paused, thinking it over. “Higher elements demonstrate a tiny amount of sapience the higher the atomic number. With element ten thousand used to guide plants and the highest fusible element—element one hundred thousand—used for animals.”

One would then have to ask why stars have infantile, unprotected souls.

I'm calling it right now, Discord is the atom!

Our travels had led us to a wall that went on forever. And once we found out where that wall ended we would have a corner of the multiverse, and then someday we would know the exact size of the multiverse.

How can you be sure there is a corner at all? For all you know the multyverse is so dern big that a seemingly flat surface of the wall actually slightly curves into a sphere.

Everything bipedal ended in disaster, despite a variety of social constructs.

Oh, is that so? :trollestia:

The meta humor is not lost on me. :rainbowwild:

Perhaps it could be better suited in a more neutral family? Something tight-knit, but not necessarily visibly happy, a gray family with little extreme in any direction

Rock farm here we come! :pinkiehappy:

But this world was a different experiment, and with some prodding from Cosmos and special permission from Hope, she had been allowed to have the avatars of this world be immortal and skip the reincarnation process

The way I'm interpreting this so far is that there is one King or Queen in each universe in the Multiverse since Galaxia operates many Galaxies not just one it seems to be more of a name so I assume the entities know as Cosmos and Hope are the same way too.


Was the multiverse in the shape of an oblate spheroid, like most universes were?

How do they know that now? :trixieshiftright:

I thought they were convinced there was a corner somewhere.:trixieshiftleft:

Oh I see they are comparing the shape of the multiverse vs the shape of most universes within it.

Minotaurs, no, their isolated pockets of civilization on islands wasn’t too different from the lifetime it had spent as an Interlacer

What do you mean by Interlacer?


I also would be interested in knowing how you choose this name.


After many more vast jumps and setting up a teleportation relay, we reached a consensus that the edge of the multiverse was completely straight

I don't see how you could reach a consensus without actually reaching a corner. For vast that your teleportations might be the multiverse could yet be so much bigger that you could just perceive that it's straight still.

We took satisfaction that perhaps we could surpass them yet.


He had been reincarnated into a King around the same time she had,

Around in the same time in eons.

the behavior from their previous unknown lifetimes somehow warranting the role

So there is a higher power overseeing this universe rulers.

“I nearly forgot! What year is it!?”
“It’s 200789805—” he started to rattle off before she cut him off.

:rainbowlaugh:To get so wrapped up in what you are doing that you forget to keep track of time.

Although I'm curious about how the universe overseers would measure time exactly? :twilightblush:

Hope prefers we leave worlds in progress alone,

Could Hope be the higher power implied? :trixieshiftright:

Or could Hope just be an overseer of a specific aspect of planets everywhere?

“I’m not letting any atom on this world move another micrometer until you tell me what you’re planning on doing to Pinkamena,”

A micrometer isn't actually a unit of measurement, but if it was it would be way too big to measure atoms with. It would be used to measure things like bacterias and cells which are way bigger than atoms.

Try using nanometers instead.

“To be honest, those last few spells unstopping time were all you. You should have been using a spell that only stops time, not the spell that flips the states,” Cosmos snickered


Cosmos is best universe overseer.:trollestia:

“And… I might’ve given her a glimpse into the creation of Equestria in the process, but I don’t think it’ll have any lasting effect.”
“You—wait, what?” said Galaxia flustered. “Nevermind, forget I asked. What’s going to happen now?”

Oh, oh god, that's priceless. Absolutely priceless.

Besides, having an idea in a mind is one of the hardest things I think these souls have to deal with. There could be hundreds of ideas bouncing around in the mind of a pony all at once. The true freedom for them is picking out the most important ideas to try to put into practice first.

OMG! This just adresed and perhaps settled the "Destiny" over "Freewill" controversity that this narrative was shaping up to be. :pinkiegasp:

Besides, this is a sentiment that I can oh so strongly empathize with.:pinkiehappy:

“I think you need to learn the fine art of delegation, Galaxia. If you can’t think of anything, ask Celestia to take care of it, that’s why we have Princesses

Cosmos is best god, no freaking doubt about it.:rainbowkiss:

And then he jumped up through the portal. His alicorn form dissolved into something else in the void between his universe and this one, what form Galaxia didn’t see before the portal collapsed away

Could it be that Cosmos is unfact the multiverse overseer and he is just pretending to be at the same level as Galaxia?:trixieshiftright:


It took a while, but we eventually found where the wall met with another wall. Instead of enclosing us inside, leaving the multiverse smaller, it jutted outward at a one hundred and twenty degree angle.

The wraith smiled. “While you were scanning Luna’s soul for memories, I was scanning yours.”

Alright, now you can panic.

What the Nightmare said was impossible, only a King, Queen or Hope itself could read her soul.

That she know of. But Galaxia has already being stabilised as not being omniscient despite her vast knowledge beyond human comprehension.

Hope themselves had given her sets of Elements of Harmony to place on worlds. They were designed to right any wrong, and there was no part of her that needed to change.

This confirms Hope is definitely a higher power.

I have to say this was undoubtedly the coolest explanation I have ever seen for how the main six got their cutiemarks and how they came together to defeat Nightmare Moon and all it took was someone to zoom out and build up the universe (and multiverse) around where Equestria exist. Then work from there inwards making everything we learned relevant. It's a brand new original perspective, a fresh approach of how to tell the story. This idea could be recycled to be used for other premises with unfathomable results.

I particularity enjoyed the confrontation between the wrath and Galaxia. Up to that point Galaxia seemed capable enough to be infallible, but that turn of events actually was enough to doubt how everything was going to turn out. Delicious tension, I love it!


“We did not. This… Trillion, as we call it in this form, was not created or manufactured by us. In fact, in order to find more we have to filter through dozens of universes worth of suns, and even then we may only find one or two.”

It's a mystery! Can't wait for the sequel to get this answered.

So many questions,
How are trillions created?
How can they exhibit sapience?
What else can they do?
How much influence they have over their environment?
What's the key difference between trillions and souls?
Are there even bigger atoms out there?
If not could they exist some how?

We know that Hope tempers with souls; but this line if thinking leads to an even higher power being responsible for creating the multiverse and the machines known as atoms and indirectly everything in between...


The "shield" that Hope places on each Trillion actively prevents two souls from occupying the same body. But Nightmare Moon didn't have that and so she was able to enter and take over Luna.

I don't think this "shield" was mentioned in this story so make sure you remember to add it on the next one.

So then let's see if I'm on the right page: Souls are formed by atoms of different sizes with those in the hundred thousand atomic mass being fully sentient life forms. The larger the base atom the more sapience it demostrates. The trillions are advanced enough to control solar bodies.

I wonder if being like Galaxia, Luna, Celestia or Discord in their pure forms are a soul that has a base atom that is more or less complex than a trillion?

FYI, the average human brain is estimated to have about 100 billion neurons.

6647390 It might be sarcasm, or satire for part of the author.

Much like Machiavelli's The Prince.

I mean the sentence "it's a truth universally acknowledged" is such an over the top way to claim something it practically beggs for controversity to arise. xD

6665101 The narration of something so alien is precisely what I like the most about this story. It's also why I love it like no other. It's imaginative and pretty clearly explained.


All that's left is to send it out(Library of Discord style) to logarithmically find the edge of the universe.

You mean the edge of the multiverse, it was mentioned that most universes tend to have a shape with no edges.


About the elements.

Does the idea of stable elements that goes way beyond human knowledge seems more far fetched to you than the popular idea that there is a multiverse with countless universes within it?

Excuse me, but I find that notion silly.

And then there's the climax, or rather the climax of the series premiere from Galaxia's prespective. Her implanting the ideas into Twilight cheapens the revelation and the first step of Twilight's journey from the little unicorn with no friends to the living embodiment of Platonic bonds. You out-deus ex machina'd the original, which is frankly impressive, though for all the wrong reasons.

I agree, but not just this moment, just about every action Galaxia and Cosmos made had me wondering about how that seemed to create an scenario where "destiny" was what made everything possible and "free will" had little to no impact. But just when I thought that was going to undermine the value and significance of the events, the author had Galaxia bring the issue to question to Cosmos.

I felt the arguments provided in their dialogue were valid in showing how despite all the tempering these powerful beings had on their lives, our heroes were still ultimately responsible for choosing their destinies out of their own free will.

“Cosmos, we have to do something.”

“Need I remind you that you were the one worrying about not giving ponies enough freedom.”

Why do you think she was worried if there was never a chance things wouldn't go the way she planned?

“Wait, hold on there, do you plan on following her entire life?” Cosmos slowed down his dance, looking at Galaxia.

“No, just enough to get her on track. To let her choose,”

There is a strong emphasis on free will.

She stared at him, unable to say anything for a moment, before shaking her head and finally asking, “How do I get four ponies to go to Ponyville of their own free will?”

“I think you need to learn the fine art of delegation, Galaxia. If you can’t think of anything, ask Celestia to take care of it, that’s why we have Princesses.”

Besides, having an idea in a mind is one of the hardest things I think these souls have to deal with. There could be hundreds of ideas bouncing around in the mind of a pony all at once. The true freedom for them is picking out the most important ideas to try to put into practice first.

As you can see just giving Twilight the ideas wasn't enough to take away all the credit.

It's a matter of whether one is willing and able to accept there was still a significant role for free will involved in all the events that where nudged by Galaxia and Cosmos.

But I can see how if the story doesn't manage convince you of that then all this work wouldn't seem nearly as magnificent as I see it.

This added explanations to the original narrative might cheapen the value of the events, but add depth, they make understood how the events fit in this universe the story hasillustrated and the importance of Galaxia as a crucial part of the story.


I never said the intervention took away all the credit. Just because it cheapened Twilight's actions doesn't mean it made them worthless. However, one of the major aspects of the series premiere was that Twilight had to work without her beloved mentor; she had no guide but herself and her friends. Having a super-alicorn "cast a few idea spells into her, making sure Twilight made the connections between how her friends behaved and the Elements" lessens the impact by a significant degree (but not to zero.)

Oh, and since you asked:

Does the idea of stable elements that goes way beyond human knowledge seems more far fetched to you than the popular idea that there is a multiverse with countless universes within it?

Excuse me, but I find that notion silly.

There may be islands of stability further down the periodic table. We don't know. We don't yet have the technology needed to synthesize those nuclei. However, even optimistic estimations of such an island put it at element 164 with a half-life measured in minutes.

There may be something outside of our universe. We don't know, and we may never know save through theoretical models. The technology needed to detect such things, much less access them, goes well into the super-Clarkean.

Basically, we know a lot more about how atoms work than how the multiverse does. Both may yet surprise us, but my money's on the latter. So yes, I do find stable nuclei with four- or five-digit atomic numbers more far-fetched than structures larger than a single universe. (Also, remember that I wrote a story literally entitled Parallel Universes for Dummies. I'm pretty biased in this regard. :derpytongue2:)

7146254 Well alright then.:moustache:

But what do you mean exactly by super-Clarkean?

Technology so advanced that to us, it's indistinguishable from magic.

7146333 Oh I see, I got to remember that term for later use. That term of a phenomenon that might come in handy in a future conversation, you get that often when you are venturing into the unknown.

After all, If you were to do so much as to show the internet today to a person one hundred years ago it wouldn't be strange to see them compare the concept to magic.



What do you mean by Interlacer?

It's a call-forward to a minor detail that happens in the next book.

I also would be interested in knowing how you choose this name.

I had originally had her name as Asvayujau, a Hindu Goddess of happiness. I thought it was thematically appropriate. But after spending a lot of time thinking about it, I really didn't want any references to actual human religions. So I needed a name change. I jammed letters on my keyboard between the characters for Asvayujau, then I deleted and added some until I got what I thought was a pretty nice sounding name: Asvarel.

Try using nanometers instead.

Switched! :twilightsmile:

“To be honest, those last few spells unstopping time were all you. You should have been using a spell that only stops time, not the spell that flips the states,” Cosmos snickered

Cosmos is best universe overseer.:trollestia:

Isn't he? I laughed so hard writing him :rainbowlaugh:

I have to say this was undoubtedly the coolest explanation I have ever seen for how the main six got their cutiemarks and how they came together to defeat Nightmare Moon and all it took was someone to zoom out and build up the universe (and multiverse) around where Equestria exist.

Why thank you! :yay:


I don't think this "shield" was mentioned in this story so make sure you remember to add it on the next one.
So then let's see if I'm on the right page: Souls are formed by atoms of different sizes with those in the hundred thousand atomic mass being fully sentient life forms. The larger the base atom the more sapience it demostrates. The trillions are advanced enough to control solar bodies.

Previous versions of the epilogue were ridiculously huge infodumps, so some of the answers to your questions got moved to the next book. :twilightblush:

I'm pretty sure I cover most of this in the sequel, but here's how the soul system works in this multiverse:
Element 1 Hydrogen: The only substance in the entire multiverse. Can be given instructions that have to be obeyed. Contains 1 electron, proton, neutron and (unlike our universe) a single copy of a multitude of other kinds of quarks.
Elements 1-118: The kind of elements that would appear on a periodic table. These are by far the most frequently used. A King or Queen can assign elements different properties during their universes Big Bang Spell.
Elements 118-10,000: More Elements that a King or Queen can work with, but they get increasingly disobedient the higher the atomic number.
Elements 10,000-100,000: Somewhere around the 10,000 mark, elements can start to disobey the commands given to them by Kings and Queens. This makes them suitable for use in plants and animals. Depending on the culture wanted, Kings and Queens consider plants ideal for element 10,000, and animals for element 100,000. The higher autonomy for animals makes them more interesting.
Elements 100,000-999,999,999,999: Currently unattainable. Many, many experiments have been conducted but elements in this range cannot be synthesized currently, and none have been found naturally in the multiverse.
Element 1 Trillion: The true essence of sapience. Currently unsythesizable and indestructible. Absolutely everyone in this multiverse has a Trillion as the base element that guides them. Hope takes Trillion and adds monitoring spells to them and calls the end product a "soul."
(Trillion) + (Hope's Monitoring Spells)--> Soul

I'm so glad you so thoroughly the story. I hope you enjoy the sequel too :yay:

7196175 I think it might have been rude of me to not answer you here when I first read your comment.

Thank you for responding, I just didn't see anything else to add at the time.

Sorry for not thanking you sooner.:twilightsheepish:


Scheming plans by moonlight,
Fighting Celestia by daylight,
Never running from a real fight,
She is the one named Nightmare Moon!

She will always turn against her friends,
Celestia, be ready to defend!
She is the one that'll make the day end
She is the one named Nightmare Moon!

That soul sounds like my mother-in-law. There is just no pleasing it.

Jokes aside, I stopped the sequel to this story and came to this one. I'm liking it much more.

It's a good thing you stopped. That next chapter in Reincarnation or Immortality has a lot of spoilers for stuff that happens in this book. :twilightsmile:

I'm liking this story a lot. I can buy this premise much better than Discord being in love with Flutter.

"If the soul mentioned a happy memory, or any clue to go on, then that would be enough happiness to justify leaving them there for lifetimes on end."

This sounds horrifying, and if this is the system that the Queens and Kings intentionally created, they're evil.

Thanks for getting that song stuck in my head. Maybe I'll be able to get it out before the end of next year.

Is it still playing?

Author Interviewer

A little too much "here's exactly how everything happened" but if nothing else, I'm impressed you made Nightmare Moon a greater threat.

The multi verse could be so big you perceive it as straight, even though it’s a sphere. That would be pretty damn big.

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