• Member Since 6th May, 2013
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The abandoned infant's cry is rage, not fear.
~Robert Anton Wilson
A week into Twilight's role of princess and all is at peace. She adjusts to new duties as a princess, while still keeping up with her friends and her books. However, the sky is always calmest just before the storm. An innocent outing planned for an astrological event seems to send a look of unspeakable terror into the eyes of Celestia.

A reckoning half-a-millennium in the making is about to crash into Equestria and it will put the bonds of harmony to their ultimate test.

(Update: If you enjoyed so far, please also enjoy our new Prequel One-shot: Love Bites )

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 45 )
Comment posted by Zamairiac deleted Sep 30th, 2013

This is great, probably one of(if not the) best OC alicorn story ive ever read. I look forward to the continuation of this.


excellent work, you should try to post a pair of chapters at a time, day by means, with each chapter much difference between this story go unnoticed

He's like Sauron really but... In the right XD

Dude!:pinkiehappy: I was totally going for that, but I didn't know if it was going to translate well. Thank you for noticing and thanks for the favorite.

4935624 Cool. You just need to straighten a few things out like Pinkie instantly believing Sauron as being brought around fanatics telling you the God Emperor is a lovely person isn't going to be dissuaded by said Sauron. Yes he is right but she doesn't know that and even of she did believe him she'd be caught between her own belief in Celestia's glory and the truth. Meh basically the only problem I had XD

Meh, I like it how it is. I think it speaks to Pinkie's ability to become instant best friends with everypony she meets. Besides, I'm doing the exposition for it in the currently in-progress chapter.

My god I am loving this story!!!

I was hooked from the start and just kept reading and now it's been two hours!

The development of the story is at a great pace. The interaction with the characters are spot on I feel.

And dat prince!! So good!!

This is so going into my "Greatest Works" category.

Ok this was pretty good so far :)

Not going to lie. The lack of views suprises me greatly.

I know, right? The feedback I've been getting has been great and it shows up in its groups and on the home page. Meh, what can ya do?

damn, now this is what i call a good chapter dude

even though there were a few spelling mistakes the chapter is really good, keep up the good work and also im shipping Pinkie and Uriah.

Ah, nerp, I thought I got 'em all. Where'd I goof? :pinkiesad2:


Pinkie kicked her unconsciously kicked her back legs as she wrote. Every so often she would stop, puzzle over what to write next and roll her men in her mouth, then went right back to it. She'd been thinking about Uriah's letter all day and couldn't wait to reply to it. She lied down on her bed, an old cook book in front of her to rest the parchment on, and gummy curled up on her back. She couldn't get more cozy if she tried. After a few last little editions, she held up her work to check it over.

There are two misspellings in this section.

The pegasus was the first to speak. "Oh, no! Poor princess Celestia."

Poor Celestia? What about the poor bastards who got torn apart and eaten?

Now all I can think about is Mark Hamill as Uriah's voice.

I had to do a double take to make sure I didn't actually use the line anywhere. Are you telling me I actually put out Mark Hamill villain vibes. Oh my god, thank you!

Though, I will say, if you haven't seen the new Masters of the Universe series on Netflix, Hamill also played their Skeletor. THAT makes me think of Uriah.

One day I'll have a definitive voice in mind for him. Sometimes I'll lay awake at night, think of him doing a musical number with the goblins, and I can picture the late, great, Mr Vincent Price.

Edit: Crap I really did use the line, just in the prior chapter. Curse my hubris!

Man i love Uriah's character so much and also awesome chapter dude, keep up the good work!!

im really starting to like this story now, keep up the good work!!!!

You monster! How dare you make me cry like that for a goblin!

Which one? I cried for both! I knew full well I was writing Scrivvler in just to kill him off, but when I hit the point of "We promised...remember?" I had already imagined all these little scenarios for a prequel story and how their friendship might grow. As he was dying I was imagining how he lived. I freaking love being a creative.

Man! Luna drank deep of that celestial Kool Aid, huh?

At least Prince aged paper can see the world for how it truly is.

Comment posted by KingPotato deleted Nov 14th, 2021

Man! I just gotta cheer for Uriah! Not many villains would be as successful as he is, or they would already begin changing to be "good".

This is a truly great read, and I can only hope there's more of it in the future!

Comment posted by shademaster24601 deleted Nov 14th, 2021

now that was a good chapter, keep up the good work. also i dont know what to write here so my comments are pretty dull sorry.

.... Damn.
That one pulls out the tears. A real Element of Loyalty - not when it's easy, but through the worst to the end.

Give that sun witch hell.

Completely forgot about this story and the thing is in my story's to track tap

I wonder how he is going to handle Tirek if Celestia caves to his demands. He'll have to kill him. If not, Tirek will just tell everyone about the deal he made with the prince. The citizenry of Stalliongrad and Appleoosa are also going to be a problem. Or perhaps he just knows Celestia well enough that she will refuse.

Don't you worry, Uriah's got it covered. He's got cleverness and a positive attitude. He looks at every new occurrence and thinks...i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/264/842/220.png

Huzzah, an update! :yay:
I love this story so much, can't wait to know more! Best wishes to you, shademaster

Comment posted by EvilTreerat deleted Oct 19th, 2022

Just finished binge-reading this story. Loving it so far.

I live. Still working on it. I just got to get my scheduling together.

Wait wait wait if that room with the magic mirror under the crystal empire brings back the spirits of the past and they were all dead and Scarlet didn't show up then does that mean she might still be alive?!

No, baby girl's dead. She just wasn't ready to say goodbye yet.

But don't worry. Like the man said, "no one's ever really gone."

So, I just read through this whole story in one day, and I don't regret it! I'm actually scandalised that your story hasn't gained more traction, it's been a great story so far.

I personally love that Celestia is portrayed as a flawed individual, the duality of her, Uriah and their angst is a really unique subplot that I haven't seen before.

Can't wait to see what you do with our dashing anti-hero next!

You're the second person to use that exact phrasing. Like it's always been positive, but it's never blown up. But it always ends up on a few new lists every time a chapter goes up.

Thank you and stay tuned, we're approaching the witching hour.

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