Granted Wishes

by Some Leech

First published

In a bid to get some action, Button Mash and Rumble open a pandora's box...

There's nothing wrong with getting laid - unfortunately, such a simple desire may come with unexpected consequences. After a botched attempt to summon a succubus, Button and Rumble unleash a sensual creature upon Ponyville. Will everypony enjoy themselves? Yes. Are the ponies going to get exactly what they wished for? Not quite...

Kinks Include: Male on Male, Size Difference, Oral, Anal, Double-Teaming, Mind-Break, Corruption, Mild Transformation, Feminization, Many Creampies and Money Shots, Cumflation (Cum Inflation), Mpreg (Male Impregnation/Pregnancy), Infernal Dealings, and Plenty of Sin

Author's Note: All ponies in this story are of age

Artwork by gimmemysmokes (Twitter @gimmemysmokes)

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Chapter 1

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“This is so stupid,” Button Mash groaned, rolling his head back while he sat on the couch. “It would be dumb enough if we were just wasting our time, but we’re going to get in deep, deep trouble when Twilight realizes he stole that book.”

Setting a candle on the floor, Rumble grimaced up at his friend. “First of all, we borrowed the book from Twilight’s library - secondly, what makes you so sure it won’t work?”

Button peaked a brow and met his companion’s gaze. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe the fact that succubi don’t actually exist.”

“And how would you know that?” Rumble countered. “Listen, you’ve seen Discord, everypony’s heard about Tirek and Grogar, and there was that crazy incident with - uh - whatsername.”

“Cosmos,” Button asserted.

“Yeah, her,” Rumble affirmed. “All I’m saying is that there’s a chance succubi are real.”

Shrugging and reclining, Button stared up at the ceiling. “Whatever. If Twilight finds out you borrowed,” he grumbled and airquoted with his forehooves, “her book, this was your idea.”

Scrunching his snout, Rumble turned his attention back to the task at hoof. Neither he nor Button had been very successful with their respective pursuits of romantic interests; they’d both been turned down by young mares multiple times, most of their old classmates had or were in relationships, and it wasn’t like Ponyville was exactly brimming with prospective paramours - bearing all that in mind, spurred by a growing desperation, he’d come up with a simple, albeit somewhat bizarre scheme.

With all the wild tales and legends of creatures that defied reality, ranging from the benevolent Great Seedling to literal demons, he’d decided to roll the dice and try to summon a being that could tend to his and Button’s carnal needs. Almost everypony had heard about succubi, the arcane entities that feasted off the sexual love of stallions and colts alike, so he figured trying to call upon one couldn’t hurt anything ~ right?

Stepping over to the open tome and reading over the ritual, he glanced to the arrangement of candles on his living room floor. Since Thunderlane was gone for the weekend, off to perform in Manehattan with the Wonderbolts, he and Rumble had the place to themselves. The way he saw it, one of two things was going to happen: either their arcane attempt would prove successful, they’d have the time of their lives, and they’d end up with a story nopony would believe, or nothing would happen, he’d pick up some pizza, and they’d play games until they passed out - either way, excluding the chance of Twilight noticing one of her books was missing, he didn’t have anything to worry about.

Completing the diagram displayed in the old, dusty book, he stared down at the moth-eaten velum. Parts of the incantation were easy enough to read, like the list of ingredients and the steps in the process, but some of the details had been lost to the ravages of time. Bits of text were rubbed away, the corner of one page was missing, and the language was a very antiquated variety of ponish, but he was fairly certain he’d gotten everything right.

As he trotted in a circle and sprinkled salt from a shaker behind him, he motioned with his free wing over at Button. “Grab the lighter and the pin.”

“Pin?” Button quipped, slipping from the couch. “Don’t tell me we have to -”

“It’s just a drop of blood,” Rumble interrupted, “don’t be such a foal about it.”

Button cursed under his breath, though he did as he’d been asked. While he still thought the whole idea was silly, the sort of thing two colts did on a dare, he wasn’t going to complain too much. Rumble was his oldest friend, they’d done wackier stuff together, and it wasn’t like he had anything else going on this evening. Stopping in the foyer, he plucked a safety pin and lighter from the door-side desk.

“You want me to turn the lights out when I get back in there?” he called.

“Yeah,” Rumble called back. “It doesn’t say anything about it being dark, but I figure it’s not a bad idea - plus it’ll add to the ambiance.”

Turning and trotting back into the living room, he sat the items down on the coffee table then walked to the wall and flicked the light switch. “Now what?”

“Now we light the candles, offer a drop of blood, and say the incantation,” Rumble explained, taking the lighter and pin in his wings. “Don’t worry, I wrote it down on a scrap of paper for you.”

“So do I stand across from you or something?” Button pressed, stepping around sigil on the floor.

“I think so?” Rumble warily replied as he lit the candles and handed the note over to his friend. “It’d be weird if we were holding hooves for it.”

“Weird and gay,” Button laughed.

Snickering to himself and tossing the lighter onto the couch, Rumble wandered to the opposite side of the mark. “Yeah, that would be pretty gay.”

As far as he could tell, there were only two things left to do. Holding the pin in his teeth, he lifted and stuck the sharpened length of metal into the supple frog of one forehoof. Having hurt himself far worse in the past, getting everything from scraped knees to getting the wind knocked out of him, the pain wasn’t that bad. Tossing the fastener to the opposite side of the circle and to Button, he extended his injured forehoof over the outermost line of salt.

“All we need are three drops -” he noted, “after that, we say the incantation at the same time ~ got it?”

Wincing as he pricked his hoof, Button dropped the pin. “You are so buying us pizza after this.”

“Yeah yeah yeah,” Rumble carped, watching as two crimson drops fell from his hoof. With no need to look at the book, having memorized the odd words, he nodded. “On three - one, two, three!”

Klaatu Barada Nikto!” they uttered in unison.

Button held his breath and looked around the room, waiting a small eternity for something - anything to happen, until it became evident that his doubts were well-founded. “See, I told you that -”

In the blink of an eye, the candles went out. Given how late it was, with the sun having set hours ago, it wasn’t shocking for the room to be dark, yet the gloom in the den seemed preternatural - eerie even. Sensing his pulse quicken and a chill run up his spine, he slowly exhaled and noticed his breath fog before him.

“D…did it get colder in here?” Rumble sputtered, shivering in place.

Nodding, Rumble swallowed hard. “Y…yeah, maybe it’s -”

Mmmmmmmmmmm,” a deep hum cut through the air, silencing the young stallions and making the blood in their veins turn to ice.

Unable to move, the pair watched as the shadows coalesced into a figure. Tall - far, far too tall to be any ordinary pony, the beast took form as the candles reignited around it. Neither pony budged from where they stood, trembling like leaves in the wind until two pinpricks of emerald light appeared above them. Rumble and Button gasped and practically lept back as the fruit of their unholy labor was made manifest.

Interesting,” it breathed, its rich, sonorous voice coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. “Very interesting indeed…”

“H…holy Celestia,” Rumble stammered, quaking from the tips of his hooves to the top of his head. “It…it worked!”

Glancing over at his friend, Button stood mute and motionless. They’d certainly summoned something, that much wasn’t up for debate, though he somehow knew something was amiss. Instead of a short, curvaceous, and demonic mare, the figure before him was titanic, easily as tall as Celestia and with an order of magnitude more muscle. Staring up at the behemoth, he cleared his throat and drew its gaze.

“W…why can’t we see you - like fully see you?” he asked, trying and failing to put steel in his voice.

Dipping its head, the beast closed its eyes. “Pardon. It’s been so, so long since somepony has called me that I forgot my manners. Behold…”

The shadow enshrouding the figure dissipated, giving both stallions their first true look at the eldritch hulk. Its form was that of a pony’s, although it was far different than any equine either of the two had seen before. Sporting cloven hooves, a pair of horns twisted into a helix, and cat-like eyes, the monster appeared as though it had crawled from the abyss - then again, if the spellwork was correct, that’s where it had come from. Its mane, tail, and whites of its eyes were jet black, while its coat, save for golden highlights on its forelegs, were a brilliant carmine. Neither Button or Rumble could have said what a demon was supposed to look like, yet they both inherently realized their plan had worked.

“May I?” it intoned, waving down at the circle.

“What do you - wait,” Rumble grunted, cutting himself off. “You’re not going to hurt us ~ are you?”

Laughing heartily and dismissively waving a hoof, it smiled and exposed a pair of savage, dagger-like fangs. “Perish the thought. You summoned me for a purpose, and I doubt that purpose would be to harm you - either of you.”

Sidling around the circle while making sure to leave the salt undisturbed, Button inspected their otherworldly guest and came to a shuddering halt. “You’re a stallion?!?”

“And what gave it away?” it mused, grinning down at the little earth pony. “Was it my size, my voice, or…”

Going quiet, he hiked a hind leg to display his groin and underbelly. Button went slack-jawed with his eyes practically bugging out of his head, although Rumble couldn’t see what had his friend so shocked. Hurrying around to join his companion, he looked to the beast’s nethers and spied a pair of grapefruit-sized balls and the thick, fleshy sheath of a stallionhood. While they had successfully called upon a creature of Tartarus, it was instantly apparent that something had gone awry.

“You were supposed to be a succubus,” Rumble pouted.

Eyeing the open book, the goliath pursed his lips. “Perhaps an error was made. Succubi and incubi, like myself, are exquisitely similar in a number of ways. If you break the seal and give me some measure of freedom, I’m sure I’ll be able to clear all this up.”

Button and Rumble exchanged a look and wordlessly shared their concerns before the latter spoke. “Before we even think about doing that, I need two things: your name and a promise that you won’t hurt us.”

Darling,” it purred, its lips twisting into a smirk as it locked eyes with the comparably diminutive pegasus, “I’m a being of pleasure. Unless you and your friend are masochists, I won’t hurt a hair on your cute little heads. As for my name, you may call me Gilded Baron.”

“W…what will you do if we let you go?” Button croaked.

Turning his gaze to the earth pony, Gilded shifted slightly. “I’ll do whatever you’d like me to do. I will leave when you’re satisfied or by sunup, whichever happens first.”

There were few times in Rumble’s life when he wasn’t sure what to do, but this was easily the craziest one of them. Gilded seemed congenial enough, promising no ill will to either himself or his buddy, and it wasn’t like they weren’t in the hometown of the Elements of Harmony; on the slim chance that things did go wrong, he’d bet his bottom bit that Twilight and her friends would come charging in to save the day. Extending a hoof over the line of salt, he peeked to his side, saw Button give a hesitant nod, and broke the seal.

Yes,” Gilded groaned, stepping forward and out of the sigil. Arching his back, he shook out his mane and stretched. “I’m in your debt, truly.”

“Don’t sweat it,” Button murmured as his eyes wandered up to the mammoth’s flank.

Gilded beamed and lowered himself to the floor, flicking his tail and erasing the crest as he went. “Forgive me for my impudence, but what are your names? It would feel wrong not to howl your names while you fuck the cum out of me…”

“I - What?!” Rumble coughed, backing away. “Dude - uh - w…we’re not into stallions.”

Maintaining his smirk, the demon rolled onto one side. “Not to dismiss your assertion, but I’ve heard that many, many times before. Perhaps you should help yourselves to a long, thorough inspection of my assets before coming to a hasty and frankly disheartening decision.”

Button inched closer to the lounging creature, moving without thinking. Gilded’s voice was the embodiment of sin, dripping venomous lust with every word, yet his tone and the way he spoke were only one of the beast’s facets. Though it was painfully obvious that their visitor was a stallion, and a darn big one at that, its form and figure were captivating.

Full, broad hips, an ass that could make even Celestia jealous, and a pair of pillowy lips made Gilded just as feminine as masculine. Wandering around to the incubus’ backside, he flinched when the demon splayed its hind legs and flicked its tail out of the way. The view of the creature’s balls, each of which being almost as big as his head, was disconcerting, though that wasn’t what held his attention.

“I see at least one of you has fine tastes,” Gilded snickered, reaching down his belly and past his package. “You can give yourself a closer look. I don’t bite - that is unless you ask nicely.”

He’d seen more naughty bits than he dared to count, seeing as how creatures of all types in town rarely wore anything whatsoever, although the sight before him gave him a moment for pause. Gilded’s pucker was, in a word, a thing of beauty. Incredibly large, hewn of silken flesh, and with a gold ring pierced through its distended, supple rim, the beast’s glistening backdoor sang a siren’s song to him.

Gilded giggled and pawed at his distended, winking hole as the pony drifted closer. “There you go. As I said, I’m all yours - well, you and your companions for the evening…”

“Button,” Rumble snapped, “what are you doing?”

“Just - um…” Button absentmindedly answered, fixating on the doughy ring before him.

The longer he looked, the more enticing Gilded became - worse still, as he drew nearer to the beast, he was beset by an ambrosial aroma. Instinctively sniffing at the air, unsure of what he was smelling, he came to a startling realization. A heady, almost intoxicating musk was radiating from the incubus, clouding his thoughts and setting his pulse to quicken.

Sneering, Rumble marched forward and up to the demon’s face. “What did you do to him?”

“What did I do?” Gilded parroted, innocently holding a forehoof to his bosom. “My dearest Rumble, I haven’t done anything to your friend - in fact, I believe you should ask him what he’s doing to me.”

Rumble peered down the beast’s belly, past its steadily emerging stallionhood, and over to his friend’s face. “Button!”

He smells nice,” Button dreamily remarked, breathing hotly against their guest’s pucker.

“Not to brag, but I do more than smell nice,” Gilded arrogantly added. “From what I’ve been told, I’m a veritable feast for the senses.”

Gazing up at the beast’s mouth, Rumble scowled. “Maybe to somepony who’s gay…”

“You mortals,” Gilded scoffed, “always so caught up with your little classifications. Attraction and pleasure aren’t restrained by such trivial notions as sexuality. If you truly are concerned for your heterosexuality, by all means, I’d be happy to put these cock-pillows to good use.”

“I…” Rumble fell silent as Gilded opened his maw and extended a tongue that had to be at least a foot long.

With a forked tip and bearing a number of gold studs down the center of its length, the sinuous, dark appendage’s dexterity was made apparent. Coiling in upon itself, the long, slick, muscular slab of meat beckoned him with its tip. Despite himself, subconsciously wondering what forbidden pleasures such a tongue could give, he felt a shiver run up his spine.

Dipping his head lower and peeking under the stricken pegasus, Gilded eyed his host’s goods. “If nothing else, allow me to give you a blowjob as a show of gratitude.”

“I…I don’t…” Rumble mumbled.

Regardless of the fact that Gilded was a stallion, he had little doubt that the demon could show him delights few if any mortals had experienced before. Turning his attention back to his friend, he gulped when he noticed Button wantonly sniffing the beast’s backside. He’d never, ever stick his dick in a dude, no matter what they were or where they’d come from, but getting sucked off but an incubus wouldn’t make him gay ~ right?

“Would you like me to beg?” Gilded lamented. “I’d prefer to keep my dignity until - Mmmmm…There’s a good colt…”

Closing his eyes, Button succumbed to his urges and ran his tongue around their visitor’s rim. A cocktail of flavors exploded on his palate, setting his mind alight and spurring him on. He’d never touched anypony in such a depraved way - for buck’s sake, he wasn’t even into anal, yet the unfamiliar taste and bouquet of the incubus practically demanded he submit. Disregarding but aware of his hardening stallionhood, he lapped at Gilded’s ass.

Observing the little earth pony for a moment, Gilded swung his gaze back to the pegasus. “I should consider myself fortunate that one of you isn’t timid…”

“Timid?” Rumble repeated, knitting his brow.

“It’s quite alright,” Gilded condescendingly sighed, reaching out and patting the pegasus’ head, “not all stallions can be domineering studs. Perhaps you’ll be lucky and find a mare who’s even more submissive and sheepish than yourself - that way you may feel some small modicum of pride in your -”

“S…shut up!” Rumble spat. “You said you have to do what we say? Fine! Lay on your back!”

Flashing his teeth, Gilded carefully rolled onto his back. “Seems I struck a nerve.”

“If fucking your face is the only way to keep you quiet, I guess that’s what I’m going to do,” Rumble growled, stepping over the supine demon’s outstretched head.

Buck it - he’d been moments from excusing himself and heading to his room, allowing Button to revel in whatever obscenities he liked by his lonesome, but it was time for a change of plans. Who the buck did this Gilded asshole think he was? He was Rumble, the one and only, and he was not about some fancy-talking, big, kinda handsome hellish stallion talk down to him - not now and most certainly not in his own home! Turning his head and looking under himself, he met the incubus’ gaze.

“Suck my cock, bitch,” he snarled.

“With pleasure, sire,” Gilded cooed.

Though he was straight as an arrow, Rumble stepped forward and presented his semi-rigid length. He’d wanted to have a cute, mare be the first pony to grace his dick with her mouth, but he supposed beggars couldn’t be choosers - that and a part of him wanted to put the big, rude bastard in his place. Demon or not, Gilded wasn’t about to question his unshakable heterosexuality - not now and not ever.

As a pair of soft, exquisitely warm lips wrapped around the tip of his length, nursing his flare, he closed his eyes and tried not to think about the utterly massive, gradually hardening cock in front of him. Hearing Button groaning softly into the brute’s backside, his ears twitched when a sensual moan cut through the air. He’d realized Gilded sounded kind of marish, in an odd sort of way, but the incubus’ sensual, contented hum made his hair stand on end.

He could practically see it, some big, beautiful succubus hungrily slobbering on his tool, and the thought alone sent blood surging to his stallionhood. His hips bucked reflexively, moving of their own volition and causing the beast beneath him to sputter slightly. He had to admit that the blowjob felt ok, although the excitement he felt from making the demon gag was electrifying.

“You like that, slut,” he jeered, steadying himself and thrusting into his guest’s face.

Plowing his turgid length into the incubus’ muzzle, he basked in the power he was afforded. Gilded may have been bigger than him, older than him, and undoubtedly stronger than him, but he was a pushover - just a needy bottom-bitch with two holes to be filled. He lowered his head, peeked down his chest, and watched as the demon’s lips mopped his pistoning shaft. Maybe this wasn’t as bad as he thought - after all, it wasn’t like balls were touching or anything! Growing increasingly pleased with his imperious position, he chuckled.

“H…hey Button,” he chirped, “you having fun back there?”

Button withdrew and gasped for air, feeling certain that he’d heard somepony call his name. “W…what?”

“You having fun back there?” his friend repeated.

“Y…yeah,” he responded, licking his lips and staring down at Gilded’s winking, saliva streaked hole.

He would have never, ever figured he’d end up eating a demonic pony’s ass, much less an incubi’s ass, but to say he was elated would be an understatement - moreover, he wasn’t the only one enjoying himself. Drawn by the sound of a meaty Thwack, he shifted his gaze and noticed the titan’s tool slapping against his belly. While it was a bit off-putting to comprehend, some sliver of him was aroused by the fact that he’d turned on the colossal beast.

Turning his eyes back to Gilded’s big, muscular cheeks and the inviting, likely cavernous entrance nestled between them, he was stricken by an idea. Gradually dipping his head and stepping to one side, he aligned himself with the infernal stud’s rear and took a lungful of air. It was completely impulsive and bordered on the absurd, but he was compelled to take the plunge and do something crazy - literally.

Driving his snout to and into their guest’s tush, he earned a low, guttural groan of bliss from Gilded. It would have been impossible for him to explain it, barely understanding it himself, but making the eldritch creature feel good made him feel good. On the frequent occasions when he got himself off, it was common for him to fantasize about how well he’d treat a mare, bringing them from one climax to the next, and the principle apparently applied to creatures of the same gender.

The fleshy ring yielded as he drove himself forward. Having his head in a demon’s ass felt far, far better than it should have, though the bizarre experience came with a price. The sweltering heat, the smell, the taste, and the bliss he afforded the otherworldly giant were incredible, beyond what any mortal pony could afford, which evoked a prudent and terrifying question ~ since Gilded’s ass was as phenomenal as it was, how good would it feel around his dick.

His stallionhood jerked up and beat against his tummy at the thought, snapping him from his stupor and virtually demanding he reconsider his priorities. Pulling his head free and shuffling back, he was given a glimpse of the demon’s dark, inviting depths. Had somepony told him he’d ever do anything lewd with a stallion, he would have laughed in their face and called them insane - now though, peering longingly at the incubus’ behind, he did more than just consider the notion.

The way he saw it, there was no reason not to seize the initiative and do something brash. Other than being presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity, the sort of thing he could joke about at bars when he was older, he couldn’t rightly say Gilded was a natural creature of any variety! Rearing onto his hind legs, he lurched forward, locked his forehooves over the demon’s thighs, and brought his stallionhood to the beast’s entrance.

“Are you seriously going to fuck him?” Rumble squawked.

“Yeah ~ and?” he countered, kissing the tip of his length to Gilded’s pucker. “I don’t want to hear a word, given what you’re doing right now.”

Lowering his gaze from his friend’s face, not wishing to mire himself in a childish, petty argument, he bucked his hips and sheathed the entirety of his cock in one smooth, effortless stroke. He’d assumed that Gilded would be relatively loose, considering his enormous size, but he was proven wrong in an instant. Like a velvety vice, the incubus’ hole seized hold of his shaft and began milking him.

Though he may have been a virgin, he had a decent grab on biology. Like most orifices, an anus could clench or relax, that was it, yet Gilded’s entrance exerted a level of control that defied belief. It could have - should have been impossible, but he swore it felt like every inch of his dick was getting massaged and lovingly squeezed at the same time.

Oh Celestia,” he groaned.

The stimulation proved all the inspiration he needed to abandon his reservations and start thrusting in earnest. Pounding away without the slightest bit of restraint, he peeked up and watched Gilded’s dick begin drooling pre-cum like a broken faucet. The demon didn’t just like the way he was getting fucked, he loved it! Aroused beyond all reasoning, he spontaneously reached out and rubbed the titan’s length.

Rumble’s lip curled in disdain as his friend started stroking the incubus off. He may have been getting his dick sucked by a stallion, but even his depravity had its limits - or so he thought. Looking over and seeing the blissful expression on Button’s face, his disgust grew tainted by curiosity. There was no possible way that fucking a giant stud could feel that good ~ could it?

“Come on,” he huffed, increasing the speed and force of his thrusts. “It can’t be that -”

It’s amazing,” Button bleated. “I…I don’t - Mmmph - c…care if this is gay or not!”

Steadily beginning to doubt himself, Rumble scanned his friend for any sign of deceit. Button was as straight as he was, never once having shown even the slightest interest in males of any persuasion, yet he was railing Gilded like it was the last day of his life. Not sure what to think of the strange development, he was shaken from his thoughts when the warmth around his stallionhood was replaced by the feeling of open air.

Master,” Gilded began, “is something wrong?”

“No,” he pouted. “Just keep sucking my -”

“Forgive my impertinence, but might I make a suggestion?” the demon interrupted. “Since you’re clearly a stud who likes to conquer his lovers, perhaps you’d like a tool more fitting for the job…”

Looking back, he met the incubus’ eye. “What do you mean?”

“If you’ll allow it, I’ll give you a small taste of my power and endow you with a stallionhood that could make any mare or stallion, even one as experienced as myself, squeal with delight,” Gilded explained. “Though such a gift would come with a -”

“Yeah, sure, whatever,” he groused, flippantly waving a wing. “Just quit talking and - Gah?!”

His eyes widened, his nerves went alight, and a wave of euphoria washed over him. It took everything he had to stay standing and weather the inexplicable onslaught, stumbling slightly to one side in order to maintain balance, but the odd sense of vertigo and elation ended as suddenly as it began. Hearing an amused chuckle over the sound of Button’s hips beating against their guest’s backside, he frowned and dipped his head.

“What’s so darn…” he trailed off as he peeked down at himself.

Where once his modest stallionhood had sat, an absolute behemoth of a dick rested. As big as his leg, covered in ridges, and snaked with large, angry veins, his endowment had been transformed into an abomination - an abomination capable of destroying any hole he crammed it in, but an abomination all the same. At a genuine loss for words, delighted and horrified in equal measure, he whimpered when Gilded readjusted and started tonguing the head of his cock.

Mush better,” Gilded slurred.

“Did I ask you to keep talking?!” Rumble barked.

Determined to put his new tool to good use, he forced his stallionhood into the beast’s snout and picked up where he’d left off. The blowjob from mere minutes prior had been pretty nice, vastly better than the feeling of his own hooves or wings, although the sensation of stretching the demon’s throat was much, much better. His eyes never strayed from Gilded’s throat, watching it bulge obscenely with each of his plunges, while his passion eclipsed his frustrations.

This was where he belonged, taking charge and subjugating anypony he liked, and it fanned the flame of his desires. As he gave a particularly brutal plunge, one which made the incubus loudly gag, his balls slapped against the beast’s face. Gilded may not have been a succubus, but maybe there really was a silver lining to summoning the colossal stallion - if only to put the hellish entity in his place.

Hearing his friend furiously grunting, he begrudgingly turned his attention back to Button. “Pace yourself!”

I…I can’t,” Button whined.

He’d often mused about how long he would be able to last when he was finally able to get laid - unfortunately for him, even his most realistic estimates had been a bit generous. He couldn’t have been screwing Gilded for more than a hoofful of minutes before he rocketed past the threshold of what he could withstand. Already well beyond his limit and feeling himself starting to flare, he hilted himself, threw his head back, and cried out in bliss.

The climax was like no other, making every other orgasm he’d ever had look downright pitiful in comparison. His balls snuggled up to his groin and pumped their load through his pulsing length and into the demon’s quivering depths. Feeling something hot against his forehoof and hearing Rumble curse, he forced one eye open and peered down at the giant.

Gilded’s gargantuan stallionhood flared and erupted what had to be pints of thick, rich foal-batter. Not only was his output beyond belief, more than enough to knock up any mare several times over, but the force with which it shot from his spasming cock was staggering. Painting his abdomen, chest, neck, and Rumble in his seed, he quaked and rode out his apparent ecstasy.

Come on!” Rumble seethed, leaping back and mopping a gobbet of jizz from his cheek. “For buck’s sake!”

Lifting his head, Gilded weakly coughed. “My apologies, Master. Would you like me to clean you off?”

Ew - no!” Rumble rebuked.

Though he was upset, the true reason for his anger wasn’t because he’d been glazed in demonic spunk. Button’s prick was smaller than his, even in its unaltered state, so to have his friend literally plow the cum out of the demon darkened his thoughts with another sin entirely - envy. Growling and wiping himself off, he leered over at his companion.

“And what about you, fair Master,” Gilded continued, looking down at Button, “would you like me to clean that heavenly dick of yours?”

Draped over their guest’s groin, heedless or uncaring that his face was on the incubus’ colossal coin purse, Button wearily nodded. “Yes, please. J…just give me a second…”

Move,” Rumble shouted, storming over to his friend. “I’m about to destroy this big bastard’s ass.”

Button shuffled back, unsteadily dismounted the beast, and pulled his cum-slathered stallionhood free. His euphoric afterglow was legendary, as incredible as his orgasm in its own right, and he couldn’t help but smile because of it. Drunkenly trotting past the fuming pegasus and up to Gilded’s head, he stopped and craned his neck when the demon rolled over and stood.

“Get your fat ass back down here,” Rumble bellowed.

Coolly looking over his shoulder at the incensed pegasus, Gilded bowed his head. “If you’re going to rut and claim me like a mare, would it not be appropriate for me to bend over for you, Master?”

Moments from chastising the incubus, Rumble ground his teeth together. Like it or not, Gilded made a compelling argument. As the titan turned away from him, he peered up at the giant's rear. Though he was loath to admit it, Gilded did have a nice ass - so nice that he paid little mind to the pair of gargantuan nuts and flaccid, enormous cock hanging from the beast’s loins.

Slowing, Gilded smirked back at him. “Or I could always ride you…”

The assertion immediately sparked his interest. Plowing Gilded from behind would have been ok, especially now that he had a tool capable of testing the incubus’ limits, but being ridden could kill two birds with one stone - in that he’d get his prodigious, demonic dick wet without having to be reminded his plaything was a stallion. Easing himself down and flopping onto his back, leaving his pillar-like cock to stand proudly at his groin, he waved at his equipment.

“Get to it then,” he tutted.

“Of course, Master,” Gilded breathed.

He lay motionless as the giant shuffled back, squatted down, and impaled himself on his length. The blowjob had been fantastic, but it paled in comparison to the scalding, taut confines of the demon’s tush. Having to bite his bottom lip to stifle himself, he stared down at the colossus’ big, staggeringly soft rump. From where he rested, he could almost believe his stallionhood was sheathed in a mare - almost.

Effectively sitting on the pegasus, Gilded demurely brought a forehoof to his lips and giggled. “Is it everything you hoped for, Master?”

With his mouth going dry, Rumble gave a reluctant nod. “I guess…”

“Then allow me to pleasure you,” Gilded purred, lifting his waist and unsheathing a fraction of the pegasus’ shaft.

Without any warning whatsoever, the incubus threw his ass downward once, raised his hips, then repeated the motion a second, third, and fourth time, until he was slowly fucking himself on the young stallion. His technique was impeccable, constricting his hole on the upstrokes while relaxing on his plunges, and he had no shame about expressing his gratitude. Moaning out and filling the air with his sinful voice, paying his own endowment no mind, he put his tremendous body to work.

As much as he would have liked to rail the huge bastard from behind, he had to admit that the view of Gilded’s hole rhythmically swallowing his monstrous stallionhood was amazing - plus it felt even better than it looked. Propping himself up with his wings, he attempted to buck his hips in tune with the demon’s descents - alas, every time he tried, he was crushed under the incubus’ immense weight. He ultimately threw in the towel, understanding and begrudgingly embracing his somewhat submissive place.

“And you,” Gilded whispered, igniting his twisted horns and levitating Button from the floor, “allow me to express my gratitude for your essence.”

“I…I don’t - Hnnnngh,” Button groaned as the beast leaned in and effortlessly fellated his length.

Still reeling from having just cum, the stimulation of the impromptu blowjob made him mewl and convulse uncontrollably. With one forehoof on the demon’s spiraled set of horns and the other on the creature’s ear, he weakly bucked into his guest’s face. He was exhausted in more ways than one, wishing for nothing more than to lay down and give himself a breather, but being unexpectedly sucked off fortified his bestial desires.

Rearing back as quickly as he’d begun, Gilded hovered him away and mopped his length clean. “Much better.”

Button glanced down at himself, sensing that something was wrong but unsure of what in the world it was, and balked. His stallionhood had doubled - no, tripled in size and was only a stallionhood in the vaguest sense. With a spear-like tip, girthy mid-section, and odd traceries along its shaft, his dick was no longer that of a pony’s - rather, it reminded him of a…

“Dragons are such fascinating creatures ~ wouldn’t you say?” Gilded sweetly inquired, giving the wicked cock-head a fleeting kiss. “With this, I’m sure you’ll have all the mares and stallions begging you to breed them.”

He hadn’t signed up for this, being perfectly content with the endowment he’d had for his entire life, but he’d be lying if he said his new equipment didn’t fill him with enthusiasm. Caving to his lust, he tightened his grip on the demon’s horns and pulled Gilded forward. To Tartarus with it - causing a scene or getting strange looks because of his mismatched tool would be a small price to pay for having something that would put any stallion to shame.

Seeing Gilded turn ever so slightly without breaking his pace, Rumble glowered when he noticed their visitor blowing Button. Why the heck was his friend getting more attention than him? Wasn’t he enough to satisfy the incubus by himself? Summoning his courage and every ounce of strength he had, he forsook his inhibitions and plowed into the demon from below.

It was odd - for his entire life, he’d always had an aversion to males, finding the thought of doing anything even remotely sexual with one revolting, although that wasn’t as much of a factor as it had been an hour prior. He was no longer a virgin, he’d summoned a creature from another realm, and the rapturous sensations accosting him were everything he’d dreamed of and more ~ so what did it matter if he was balls-deep in a stud? Freed from self-imposed limitations, he set his jaw and went all out.

The trio worked in perfectly chaotic harmony. Button and Rumble flew into an absolute frenzy, railing their otherworldly guest like a pair of mongrels, while Gilded sensually satisfied them both with ease. His imposing size and formidable strength belied a grace and eroticism that few mortals had ever known, and the pair of young stallions were not prepared for what he had to offer.

Though neither pony could know it, Gilded pushed them each to their limits in tandem. When he sensed one little stud getting close, he’d shift his focus to the other - balancing their pleasure perfectly until just the right moment. His ears twitched, the cock around his tongue pulsed with every beat of Button’s thundering heart, and the stallionhood he rode began to flare, bringing his motions to a smooth halt.

Colts,” he began, pulling back and freeing his muzzle, “would you two be kind enough to indulge a small request?”

Covered in sweat and panting openly, the pair wildly eyed him in silence before Rumble spoke. “W…what request?”

Gilded gave Button a peck on the cheek, set him down, and let his actions speak for him. Turning in place, spinning on Rumble’s stallionhood, he faced the supine pegasus and leaned forward. As he sandwiched his gargantuan endowment between himself and his winged host, he peeked back and winked at the little earth pony.

“Be a dear and show that hole of mine a little lovin’, darling,” he snickered, ignoring the squirming stud beneath him.

Peering at the incubus’ pucker and Rumble’s cock lodged in it, Button practically threw himself on the colossus. There’d been a time when he would never have fucked a stallion, much less one who was already getting fucked by his best friend, although he’d moved past it. The pointed tip of his length smoothly stretched the demon open and nestled up beside his companion’s, allowing him to jack-hammer away at the beast with reckless abandon.

Tested and found wanting, Rumble’s sanity fractured the moment he felt Button’s endowment glide against his shaft. Pinned to the floor and breathing in Gilded’s alluring scent with every gasping breath, he did the only thing he could do - he braced his hind legs and started rutting the beast as hard and as fast as he could.

What began as a peaceful evening and a lighthearted attempt to call upon an eldritch lover with which to sate themselves had taken a disastrous turn. Both Button and Rumble snarled and plowed Gilded like wild animals, having lost themselves to their lust. Though neither said it, unable to form a coherent word, they didn’t merely enjoy themselves - they were utterly enthralled.

The hedonism could have lasted seconds or eons, sundering the corporeal restraints of time itself, with only Gilded having the slightest inkling of how long the impassioned tryst went on for. He relished their efforts, savoring their little bodies, fiercely burning spirits, and enhanced endowments - regrettably, all good things could and inevitably would come to an end. Sensing their impending release, he willed himself to the edge and pushed himself up on his forehooves.

Rumble blinked rapidly as Gilded’s chest parted from his face, though the sight which greeted him caught him off guard. Looking down his chest, he was greeted by the demon’s cock-head. There was only one thing he could do, though his past self wouldn’t have allowed him to do it. Extending his wings and sitting up as much as he could, he hotly made out with the demonic stallionhood’s bloated, flaring tip.

No sooner had his lips graced the hot, soft, slavering dick bobbing in front of his muzzle than the incubus came. Pints - nay, gallons of seed flowed into his mouth and down his throat; the influx was so great that ropes of jizz sailed out of his nostrils and choked him of air - nevertheless, in spite of the cloying spunk surging into his belly, or perhaps because of it, he met his climactic end.

Feeling Rumble’s cock throbbing and pumping essence into the demon, Button joined his friend in a tumultuous sea of ecstasy. As he wailed to the heavens in bliss, his shrill, almost marish voice sounded unfamiliar to his ears. With his hips fitfully bucking and twitching, adding his foal-batter to the pegasus’ cum, he fell still atop the titan’s rear.

Gilded only stirred once he’d rode out his rapture, standing and unceremoniously unsheathing both the stallions’ softening lengths. His job was done, he’d delivered forbidden pleasure to the pair that had brought him into the world, but he was far from finished. Nonchalantly laying down next to them, he rolled to his side and obscenely splayed his hind legs.

“You two made quite the mess,” he laughed, playfully contracting and relaxing his cum-filled pucker. “Come clean me up.”

Neither of the stallions said a word, though they ponderously got their hooves under themselves, wandered over to him, and did as they’d been told. Button meandered behind the beast to lick the tide of jizz flowing from the beast’s ass, while Rumble dully began licking their guest’s package clean. It was possible to break a pony in mind and body, but only a creature like Gilded could shatter a pony’s soul.

“I believe I’ll keep you two ~” Gilded contentedly noted, turning his attention from one stud to the other, “would you like that?”

Looking up to his face, the duo dreamily smiled and replied as one. “Yes, master…”

Chapter 2

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As he trotted through town, Thunder smiled and nodded to the ponies he passed. It was yet another beautiful day in Ponyville, with the sun dipping toward the horizon, and he was looking forward to seeing his little brother, getting a good meal, and sleeping in his own bed. While there wasn’t anything wrong with going out and performing with the Wonderbolts, nothing quite beat the creature comforts and familiarity of his home.

He slowed as he approached the front door of his house, reached into a satchel slung around his neck, and retrieved his key. There was no way for him to know if Rumble was in, what with it being the end of the weekend and all, but that was nothing to be worried about. As long as his brother hadn’t trashed the place in his absence, everything was going to be just fine.

“Rumble,” he called, unlocking and pushing the door open, “are you…”

His eyes widened, the words died in his throat, and he stood motionless, as he was unable to process the scene before him. The foyer and the living room were a mess, a strange smell hung in the air, and he could hear what sounded like grunting coming from deeper in the home. It didn’t look like they’d been robbed, but that did little to explain what had happened.

Pressing onward, he stopped in his tracks and lifted a forehoof. His lip curled and his brows knit when he noticed he’d stepped in something thick, white, and sort of sticky, shifting his concern to frustration. His best guess was that Rumble had spilled some ranch dressing while staying up gaming, probably with his friend Button Mash, though why the little pegasus hadn’t cleaned up after himself was anypony’s guess.

“Rumble - I swear to Celestia,” he grouched, storming in the direction of his sibling’s room, “we are going to have a chat about -”

Oh buck!”

He faltered, recognizing his brother’s voice in an instant, but quickly hastened his pace. He was tired and hungry, so he’d be darned if he was going to spend his first afternoon back home tidying up after somepony else. Coming to Rumble’s room, he threw open the door and froze. For the second time in what couldn’t have been more than a few minutes, he’d stumbled upon something unexpected.

Laying on the floor and facing one another, Button and Rumble feverishly sucked one another off. Shocked couldn’t begin to describe the feeling of stumbling upon such a hedonistic display. He went to turn and back away, mortified for having interrupted something so inappropriate, but then he noticed it - the sheer enormity of the young stallions’ endowments.

Blinking in disbelief, with his curiosity eclipsing his embarrassment, he leaned in for a closer look. It wasn’t like he’d ever tried to inspect either Rumble’s or Button’s equipment, paying them no more mind than he would any other stallion, yet the size and shape of the tools they hungrily nursed upon simply didn’t make any sense. His brother’s stallionhood was monstrous - literally monstrous, and the little earth pony’s dick seemed more like a dragon’s than an equine’s.

Rambunctious little things, aren’t they?” a rich voice purred in his ear.

Stumbling forward and nearly falling over the pair of shamelessly sixty-nineing stallions on the floor, he wheeled around. Looming in the hallway, mere inches from where he’d just been standing, was an absolute behemoth, the sort of figure that made even Big Mac look small in comparison, and it was not a pony - well, not any sort of pony he’d ever seen before. He stared at the unfamiliar creature for what felt like ages, watching as its lips curled in a smile to reveal a pair of savage, dagger-like fangs.

H…hey - Cough - Thunder!” Button chirped, breaking his concentration and causing him to look downward.

“I - uh…” he murmured as the little stallion casually continued sucking his brother off.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out something was wrong - badly wrong. Rumble and Button, two stallions he could have sworn were straight, were so busy pleasuring one another that they barely paid him any mind, he realized it hadn’t been salad dressing he’d stepped in minutes prior, and there was a gigantic, imposing something within their home. Shaking his head and gathering himself, he glared over at the newcomer and tensed.

The colossus closed its eyes and bowed deeply. “Where are my manners? You must be Thunderlane ~ correct?”

“Who wants to know?” he breathed.

“I am Gilded Baron,” the creature replied, its voice even and low. “Judging from that look on your face, I assume you have questions - several in fact.”

Feeling no less ill at ease, he risked a glance down at his brother. Neither Rumble or Button appeared injured, though the way they were acting, not to mention whatever had happened to their stallionhoods, was disconcerting to say the least. Learning over at the beast, he tried his best to figure out what he was looking at.

Gilded may have had the fundamental form of a pony, though he could already tell that his unwanted guest was anything but a usual equine. The twisted helix of two horns, his size, the huge teeth - the more he saw, the less he was convinced that the intruder was Equestrian at all. As he met the fiend’s cat-like eyes, his thoughts swirled.

“Come, let us not disturb them further,” Gilded intoned, turning and waving for him to follow.

He wanted to flee, to rush off to tell Twilight that something had broken into his house, but he wasn’t about to leave his little brother alone with the mysterious behemoth. Hopping over Rumble and Button, he peeked into the hallway and spotted the interloper trotting toward the den. Whatever had happened, regardless of who this Gilded creature was, he was going to get to the bottom of what was going on.

Storming into the living room, he growled. “You better start talking and talking fast…”

“Of course,” Gilded hummed, facing him. “As I said, I’m Gilded Baron, an incubus from the abyss. Were it not for your brother and his friend, I wouldn’t be here.”

He blinked and stared over at the creature in awe, struggling to process what he’d just heard. “So you’re a demon?”

“Yes,” the beast responded.

“And my Rumble summoned you?” he pressed

Smiling back at him, Gilded nodded. “Him and Button, that’s correct. I was led to believe they were attempting to procure a succubus to entertain them for the weekend, though I think I met their lecherous expectations and then some.”

“You…you had sex with them?” he gasped, instinctively stepping back.

“It would be more accurate to say they had sex with me,” the fiend tittered with a smirk. “But I digress - yes, we’ve done the deed more times than I can be bothered to count.”

“But they’re not gay!” he insisted.

Leveling his tush at him, Gilded peeked back over his shoulder and flagged his tail. “Are you absolutely certain about that?”

“Yes, I think I’d know if…” Thunder couldn’t finish, gazing at the beast’s swollen, glistening pucker.

Unless Gilded had suffered through some inexplicable accident with some donut glaze, there was only one thing leaking from the demon’s ass - jizz and lots of it. If what he’d been told was right, there hadn’t been any laws, worldly or otherwise, broken. Rumble and Button were both old enough to consent, even if they were only barely legal, and neither of them appeared to be distressed by any stretch of the word - if anything, it seemed like they’d been enjoying themselves.

With his mouth going dry, Thunder stared over at the creature. Over the span of less than half an hour, he’d discovered his brother wasn’t as straight as he’d once assumed, learned fell creatures of the abyss were real, and found himself talking with a living, breathing incubus - all in all, it was a lot to take in. The good news was that nopony had been hurt, and that Gilded was surprisingly amiable for something that was supposed to be the embodiment of evil - the bad news was that now he had to make heads and tails of everything that had happened in his absence.

Recalling Rumble’s gargantuan, tartarian endowment, he shivered. “So did you - um - do anything to their - er…”

“Their stallionhoods?” Gilded quipped. “I merely equipped them with something a bit more suitable to their tastes. The enchantment is completely reversible and harmless, if that’s a concern.”

The news was a bit of a relief, but there was one more pressing question he needed an answer to. “Does this mean you’re here permanently - like, now that you’re here, are you free to roam the world forever?”

With a hearty laugh, Gilded shook his head. “Goodness no. I’m here on a contract - a simple covenant with simple terms. I’m here for the weekend, a mere few days, and I’ll be returning from whence I came once my time is up.”

Huh,” Thunder grunted, seating himself and rubbing the back of his neck. “So Rumble and Button’s stuff will go back to normal when you leave?”

“Just so,” the demon affirmed. “If I may be so bold, try not to go too harshly on Rumble or Button for calling me here. Being young, impulsive, and desperate to sate their amorous appetites, the pair did nothing wrong.”

Eyeing the behemoth, he weakly shrugged. “I guess.”

“Plus they’re good stallions and meant no harm,” Gilded added, steadily wheeling around to face him. “It’s a shame I won’t be able to stay for longer.”

Thunder quirked a brow over at the incubus. “You don’t want to go back?”

“That’s a part of it, but I was looking forward to meeting you,” the beast explained. “Your brother speaks quite highly of you, singing your praises when he’s not ensconced with other endeavors, and I’ll freely admit that you’re quite easy on the eyes.”

Averting his gaze, he uneasily chuckled. “Coming from an actual incubus, I’m not sure how much that means.”

“More than you might assume,” Gilded snickered as his eyes drifted down to his flank. “Your height, build, that bold mohawk of yours, those beautiful eyes of yours - I dare say I’m a bit envious of your marefriend.”

Feeling his shoulders go slack, he sighed. “I don’t have a marefriend…”

It was true, though he wished it wasn’t. Despite his best efforts and years of trying his hoof at dating, nothing had ever panned out for him; to add insult to injury, his fellow Wonderbolts would often endearingly bully him for his floundering with romantic affairs. While there wasn’t anything inherently wrong with being single, there wasn’t much he wouldn’t give to find a special somepony for himself.

“Coltfriend then?” Gilded inquired.

“What? No!” he insisted, torn from his melancholy by the assertion. “Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay, but I’m not into stallions.”

“An enchanting, handsome stallion like yourself is single ~” the incubus gasped, holding a forehoof to his chest, “surely you jest?”

Solemnly shaking his head, he peered over to the monstrous stallion’s face. “I wish I was.”

Gilded grunted and got to his hooves, rising to his full, intimidating height. “That simply won’t do, unless you’re more of the ‘bed them and leave them’ type of stud.”

Again Thunder slowly threw his head from side to side. “If I’m being honest, I haven’t had much luck there either. Why am I telling you this?”

“If I had to take a guess, it’s because I asked,” Gilded noted. “Come now, stand up and let me have a good look at you.”

Pushing himself up, he stood and kept his eyes on the floor. Comparing himself to an ordinary stallion’s sexual achievements would have been embarrassing enough in and of itself, but he and the fiend weren’t even in the same league. While he’d only just met Gilded, it was as clear as day that the creature exuded amorous energy from every pore - so much so that he almost felt humiliated to be in the beast’s presence.

Gilded lazily circled him and hummed contentedly to himself. “And you’re absolutely, undoubtedly certain that you have no interest in stallions?”

“At this point, I’m pretty sure I’d know if I was,” he muttered, glancing up at his guest. “Why?”

“Simply because you’re ravishing,” the demon breathed. “Were you to don some lingerie and put on a touch of makeup, I’d have a harder time controlling myself than I already am.”

As he listened to the fiend’s claim, images of himself prancing about in marish attire traipsed through his head. He may have had a well-developed hindquarters, mostly because of all his dedication in the gym, but the notion that somepony, be they otherworldly or otherwise, would claim he was in any way feminine struck him as laughable. Pushing the intrusive concept from his mind, he pinched the bridge of his snout and closed his eyes.

“Some turquoise lipstick and a hint of blush would suit you well - quite well,” Gilded mused. “I’d gleefully trot through Tartarus with you clinging to my side, regardless of whether you were wearing a skirt or not.”

Suddenly understanding exactly what the giant was implying, Thunder started. “You think I’d be a bottom?”

“Well you’ve definitely got the build for it,” Gilded tranquilly answered, eyeing his rear before looking up and over at the wall. “Such a pity…”

Following the incubus’ gaze, Thunder scrunched his snout when he saw the clock on the wall. “I’m guessing you’ll be going soon.”

Unfortunately,” the demon groaned, “unless…”

He remained silent until it became obvious that he had to press the subject. “Unless what?”

“Unless somepony wishes to extend my stay -” Gilded huffed, “alas, I won’t be able to savor your company for long. Not to wax poetic, but it would have been such a joy to broaden your horizons and show you sinful joys you couldn’t possibly comprehend…”

Against his better judgment, Thunder licked his lips and caved to his curiosity. “Such as…?”

“Pampering you beyond measure, treated like a Princess, and leaving you satisfied in every conceivable way,” the fiend whispered. “To put it bluntly, I may just convince you to second-guess your opinion of studs…”

As the behemoth brought a hoof under his chin and lifted his face upwards, Thunder trembled. With an astonishingly gentle touch, honeyed words, and heavily-lidded eyes, the beast had made it abundantly clear what his intentions were for him. As he went to look away, feeling his heart starting to race, the titan leaned in close and smirked.

“Would you like that?” Gilded cooed.

To his amazement, he wanted to say yes. As he’d mentioned, he wasn’t bothered by gay stallions - heck, one of his best friends, Soarin, was gay, yet it wasn’t until that moment that he’d ever entertained the idea of becoming intimate with a stallion. He held his ground while dwelling on his unexpected dilemma and grappled with the concept of succumbing to the creature’s wiles.

Nopony would know,” the incubus breathed, his voice fainter than a whisper. “Why not treat yourself and taste the forbidden fruit? At worst, you’ll be able to proudly say that you aren’t gay…

“B…but…” he feebly stammered, unable to meet the creature’s eyes, “what if Rumble or Button -”

“They’re too busy entertaining one another to pay us any mind,” Gilded cut him off. “I feel like the real question you should be asking yourself is ‘what do I have to lose?’”

Fully prepared to make a rebuttal, Thunder paused and pursed his lips. Gilded’s argument was so persuasive that he struggled to make an objection which wasn’t motivated wholly by his bias on the matter. Ignorant to his arousal, not noticing his stallionhood gradually slipping from its sheath, his bewilderment left him completely defenseless and allowed the giant to kiss him.

The sensation of pillowy, velvety lips against him brought him back to his senses, yet he didn’t retreat. With his eyelids fluttering and blood running hot, he swooned - swooned! It was only when he felt a thick, powerful tongue creeping into his muzzle was he wrenched back to reality. He leapt back as quickly as he could, stumbled over the coffee table, and sent himself crashing to the floor.

Oh dear,” Gilded exhaled as he stepped over and offered a hoof. “Are you alright, darling? It wasn’t my intention to startle you.”

The breath hitched in Thunder’s throat as he peered up at the giant towering over him. The look of concern in Gilded’s eyes clashed sharply with the beast’s frightful size and aesthetic, and it captivated him. Remaining where he lay, feeling smaller than he had since he’d been a mere colt, he drank in his guest for the first real time.

While he’d initially been troubled by Gilded’s threatening fangs, powerful build, and uncanny appearance, he was stricken by just how attractive the incubus was. It was easy to see how a great many mares or stallions could find themselves enthralled by such a creature. He shifted slightly, becoming aware at the awkward angle he was twisted in, and attempted to push himself up - attempted in that, as soon as he moved, a golden aura surrounded him.

Ah ah - my sweet,” Gilded tutted, levitating him from the floor as if he weighed nothing at all. “Allow me to bring you to your chamber for some rest. Though my time is short, it would hardly be fitting for me to forgo expressing my gratitude to such a gracious, accommodating host. You’re weary, stressed from all the surprises you returned home to, and you deserve to relax.”

“R…relaxing would be nice,” he numbly admitted.

“That you do, dear, that you most certainly do,” Gilded softly stated, bringing him to his bosom.

The demon’s body heat against him was a soothing balm, the heady, rich musk filling his sinuses with every breath was oddly bewitching, and the sweet flavor of the behemoth’s forked tongue on his palate was ambrosial - still, as phenomenal as those facets were, they were nothing compared to how insignificant he felt compared to his eldritch visitor. He’d spent most of his life being the biggest stallion in the room, ever since he’d had a growth spurt in his teens, yet Gilded was an order of magnitude greater than him. Fidgeting slightly as he was turned belly up, carried not unlike a Princess, he smiled an uneasy smile.

Gilded slowed as he entered the dimly lit room and made his way to the bed. “And here we are. Should you ever wish to see me again, I’m sure Rumble and Button would be happy to show you the ritual they used to bring me here.”

Pushing himself on one hoof, he frowned. “You’re…you’re leaving.”

“I’m afraid so,” Gilded drearily said.

Thunder understood that he was at a crossroad. On one hoof, he could let the fiend return to the unholy pit he’d come from - on the other, he could in theory prolong his visitor’s stay. There was no reason for him to do anything for the demon, yet he couldn’t shake the impression that he should get to know the creature - if only a bit more. As the beast turned to the door and made a step he threw out a hoof.

“Wait,” he blurted. “You said you wouldn’t have to leave if somepony wanted you to stay?”

With the barest hint of a smirk creeping across his muzzle, and a twinkle in his eye, Gilded shifted and stepped closer to the bed. “That is the case, yes, though there’s nopony who would want -”

“You can stay -” Thunder declared, “I…I mean, if y…you want to.”

Gilded grinned from ear to ear as he continued to draw nearer. “You…you mean that ~ don’t you?”

Unable to keep a smile from his face, he turned his head up at the beast. “Y…yes.”

“My dearest Thunderlane, I am in your debt,” the demon humbly rumbled. “As a show of my deepest appreciation, let me to…”

Thunder pouted his lips and closed his eyes, seeing Gilded’s beauteous face creep closer and closer. As the incubus locked lips with him, he shivered from his hooves to the top of his head. The first kiss had caught him off guard, but he was prepared - no, eager for the second. Folding one wing behind the demon’s head, he welcomed the long, forked tongue that slipped into his maw.

Gilded groaned, fanning the flames of his unspeakable, impossible desires, as he held the beast tightly. The passion coursing through him was unlike anything he’d ever experienced, fracturing the ignorant proclivities he’d adopted as truths. Soarin often teased him after shows or practice, telling him he’d find a cute coltfriend for himself after giving up on mares, although he’d never given the banter any credence - now things were different.

The kiss was incredible, beyond description, even if it ended far too soon. Chasing Gilded he withdrew, he opened his eyes before being gently pushed onto his back. The giant placed one tremendous foot beside his hip, then mirrored the movement on his opposite side, while he nervously reclined. It became clear that his guest wished to join him on the bed, although it was strange to have somepony step over him in such a way.

Continuing forward, Gilded giggled. “Just look at what you did…”

Thunder initially kept his eyes on the demon’s face, but his attention was drawn away by the sound of a dull smack. As he looked down the beast’s chest, his eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. Swaying from the demon’s groin, leveled at him like a canon, was the biggest stallionhood he’d ever seen.

“Go on,” Gilded urged, taking another step, “it’s your fault I’m so excited.”

Laying fully on his back, Thunder gazed up at his visitor’s endowment. His own stallionhood, by all accounts being of a respectful size, was downright insignificant in contrast to the incubus’ length. As he inspected the throbbing, leg-sized shaft swaying just above him, his mouth started to water.

He moved without thought, propping himself on his wings and bringing himself closer to the hellish cock. With a tip as broad as his hoof, snaked with veins, and with a striking mahogany color, Gilded’s tool was dreadfully glorious. Knowing what was expected of him, he yielded to his lust and licked his visitor’s tool.

Gilded approvingly hummed above him, adding yet another layer of thrill to his beleaguered thoughts while spurring him on. Like an eager neophyte growing more fervent, he lapped away at the demon’s cock with less and less restraint. Some vestige of himself, of the stallion who’d sworn he’d never have any interest in bedding another male, pleaded for him to stop, yet it withered away with each stroke of his tongue.

Flinching as Gilded moved, wandering further up the bed, he was presented with the demon’s plump, weighty balls. Stars above - he was in awe of just how much of a stud the beast was. He moaned as he buried his snout in the thick folds of flesh between the creature’s length and nuts, huffing at the infernal musk that clawed at his mind. This - this was a real stallion, one who could claim anypony he so chose, and it was an honor to venerate such a being.

His lips and tongue, his hooves, his wings - he put them all to work at worshiping the titan. This was the way things were supposed to be, the rule of nature that the weak serve the strong, and he was fortunate that Gilded allowed him such an opportunity to learn such a lesson. Ignoring his aching, drooling stallionhood, he put all his focus on his lover.

He came to a shuddering halt as the word flitted through his brain. Lover, that’s what Gilded truly was. Demon, stallion, incubus, huge, suave, charming - his guest was all these things and more, yet a paramour was what truly defined him. The epiphany was liberation incarnate, freeing him from his self-imposed shackles and sending him into a frenzy.


The voice went in one ear and out the other, barely registering as he mopped the sweat from Gilded’s balls with his tongue. He could have spent hours under the stud, basking in the glory of the divine beast’s splendor - sadly, it wasn’t meant to be. Gently forced to the mattress by a soft glow of sorcery, he frantically watched the demon hop off the bed.

“I…I’m sorry,” he pleaded, knowing he’d transgressed. “I didn’t mean to -”

Ssssssssssh,” Gilded hissed, smiling broadly and moving him to the foot of the bed. “I’m not upset with you - in fact, I’m elated that you’re showing your true colors. A lovely mare like yourself shouldn’t be ashamed of their wants.”

“M…mare?” he repeated as his hind legs were magically lifted and splayed.

Rearing onto his hind legs, Gilded placed his forehooves to either side of his hips. “You’ve spent your entire life thinking you’re a stallion, but look…” he softly remarked, shuffling forward. “You’re just a cute little mare who’s desperate to be bred ~ aren’t you?”

Feeling the unfathomable weight and heat of Gilded’s stallionhood gliding over his groin, Thunder peered down his chest. He wanted to be pinned down and rutted like a needy mare in heat, and that longing drove him to the brink of madness. What little rationality he had left screamed at him, telling him that to be defiled by something so monstrous was reckless at best and dangerous at worst, but he didn’t listen to it. Peeking up at Gilded’s face, he locked eyes with his mate.

Aren’t you?” Gilded repeated, just as softly and sensually as before.

I…I…” he unsurely began, finding it difficult to speak. “I am…

Rolling his hips back and bringing the tip of his length to bear, the demon snorted. “Thank you, Thunder - now then, tell me what you really crave…”

Hot breath washed over his face, his chest heaved, and he was so hard that it hurt - in spite of all that, he knew what he had to do. Lifting his head ever so slightly, he kissed Gilded once again. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to handle what was going to happen, but he wanted it all the same.

He pulled back after a moment, leaving glimmering strands of saliva connecting between his and Gilded’s lips, and held his lover’s gaze. “Breed me…”

“As you wish,” Gilded uttered, “but first…”

A wave of bliss flowed through Thunder, prompting him to squirm in glee. While he couldn’t say exactly what had just happened, his best, most logical guess was that Gilded had done something to prepare his body for what was to come. With his pucker winking against his mate’s bloated cock-head, he nodded and gave his consent.

Gilded drove his hips forward, gradually increasing the pressure on his entrance. To his bewilderment, his virginal backdoor gave no resistance to what should have been a harrowing intrusion. Bolts of pleasure assailed him, causing a delicate, marish whimper to creep past his lips as his depths and needs were filled.

Pre-cum flowed from his twitching shaft, painting his belly and pooling in his navel, while his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His masculinity, the very concept of being a stallion, was flensed away from his being, revealing a side of him he’d never known existed. His athletic build, his bravado, and his sexuality crumbled to ash as he blossomed into the being he was meant to be.

The revelation of who and what he was was apocalyptic and led to the strongest climax of his entire life. Ropes of jizz spattered his chest and up to his chin, his rapturous wail rang in his ears, and a profound joy filled him before Gilded had even hilted him. In defiance of the impossibility of it all, he basked in the joy of his metamorphosis.

“Dearest,” Gilded murmured, cutting through the fog of ecstasy, “do you want it?”

Y…yes,” he bleated emphatically, clenching around the root-like trunk of the demon’s shaft, “more than anything!”

Withdrawing a portion of his monstrous stallionhood, Gilded braced his hind legs. “Good.”

Thunder’s pucker was drawn out by his lover’s backstroke, fighting the behemoth’s retreat before being stuffed back in. Gilded’s first real thrust was mind-meltingly incredible, making his hooves curl and back arch in glee, and it was quickly followed up by a second, third, and fourth. It was all he could do to howl and bleat like a bitch in heat, relishing his role as a warm, fleshy sheath for the stud’s cock.

The entire situation was insane. Less than an hour ago, he would have sworn that he was as straight as an arrow - now he was being plowed by somepony he’d only just met and was loving every second of it. His initial climax had crippled him and made him question everything he’d come to know about himself, but it was his second orgasm that undid him completely.

Even at his best, the quickest he could go a second round after cumming was around twenty minutes, enough time to recuperate and get himself collected - that was now a thing of the past. His refractory period was gone, erased in its entirety, allowing him to blow a second load before he even realized he was able to do so. The pitch of his voice shifted up an octave, stars danced through his vision, and his backdoor spasmed wildly around the girthy, pistoning length rearranging his insides.

Precious,” Gilded hummed, pecking his cheek. “We’ve only just started and you’ve seen the light. Not to worry, I’ll plow every drop of seed out of you before we’re through.”

Thunder tried to thank the demon, to confess his unimaginable gratitude, yet all he could manage was an incoherent scream. He could never have fathomed that this was what mares experienced. The pleasure and intensity of being conquered, of submitting one’s self to a creature so much bigger and stronger than you - it was the embodiment of ecstasy. Rocking forward and back atop the sheets, doing nothing but moaning and whimpering to the heavens, he cracked open an eye and looked down at himself.

The imprint of Gilded’s stallionhood rhythmically appeared and disappeared within his abdomen, coming up to the base of his rib cage. He was nothing more than a cock-sleeve for the titan, an outlet for the beast’s desires, and that unquestionable truth brought with it pure, unadulterated happiness. His only regret, if he had to name one, was that he’d squandered most of his life without learning his place sooner.

He came more times than he dared to count, each one being more powerful than the last, until Gilded’s promise was fulfilled. His balls ran dry, having expended his essence long before the demon was even close to being finished with him, and yet the tide of rapture never seemed to end. If somepony had told him that he’d died and gone to heaven, that this was the eternal paradise that many believed in, he would have believed them.

After some time, though he couldn’t fathom how long, Gilded grunted and brought him back to the present. “Darling, I’m - Nnnph - close…”

The flaring stallionhood in his guts, the incubus’ breakneck pace, and the sheen of sweat on the demon’s hide told him what he already knew and gave him some sliver of strength - not much, but enough to make a declaration. “B…breed me!”

Like the invocation of the spell, the two words gave him what he so deeply desired. Gilded sensually groaned and hilted him, burying every inch of his length as he came. The scalding heat of a tsunami of seed surged into him with every throb of the demon’s cock, bathing his interior and marking him as his lover’s mare. Their voices cut through the air and echoed off the walls, a fitting crescendo for the consummation of what they were to one another.

Collapsing atop him and falling still, Gilded breathed heavily. “I hope it was as good for you as it was for me, dearest…”

I…guh…” Thunder unintelligibly groaned, unable to form a sentence.

Turning his head and instinctively locking lips with the incubus, he closed his eyes and savored the tenderness of the moment. What had to be nearly a gallon of spunk sloshed around inside him, distending his belly and giving him a pregnant look, but he was content - well, mostly content. He abruptly pulled away and brought the passionate exchange to an end, his bliss tarnished by a concern.

“How…how long can you stay?” he timidly asked.

“My sweet,” Gilded sighed, caressing his cheek, “I can stay as long as you’d like me to stay - besides, I won’t go anywhere until our imps are born.”

“Our - Mmmn,” he groaned, sensing something shift within him.

Within his depths, something stirred - something that caused the corners of his lips to turn up. As inexplicable as it was, he could feel life blossoming within him. Gilded, in all his infernal glory, had somehow done the impossible and enacted what could only be called a miracle. He lifted his head and kissed the demon’s cheek, overjoyed with what would be a new chapter of his life.

“Tell me, love,” Gilded hummed, “is there somepony in town who could help me - us with our little family?”

Y…yeah,” he replied, “I know just the pony…”

Chapter 3

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Filthy knit his brow as he sat at his desk and rifled through one stack of paper after another. Managing a number of businesses was enough of a headache in and of itself, but his stress of late had been on an entirely different level. Finding the particular form he was looking for, a bank statement from one of his heftier accounts, he smirked.

“E…excuse me,” a voice timidly asked, drawing his attention to the door.

He scowled and lifted the piece of paper, paying his visitor no mind. “I’m busy…”

“I can see that, s…sir, but you have a guest - two in fact,” the butler stated.

“If it’s that bitch and her attorney, tell them I’ll see them in court,” he snarled while his mood darkened.

The servant shifted nervously in place and drew his baleful gaze before continuing. “It’s neither of them, sir. Sir, you know I’m not one to interrupt you without due cause - with that in mind, I implore you to go to the pool. I…I really don’t know what to make of them and I was not about to question them.”

Peaking a brow, Filthy scrunched his snout. Randolph had worked for him for nearly two decades, ever since he’d gotten his mansion, and was reliable to a fault; there wasn’t much the older stallion hadn’t dealt with over the years, from Diamond Tiara’s petulant outbursts to irate customers demanding his attention, which made his sudden behavior odd. If there was somepony in the manor who had the butler out of sorts, he’d need to deal with it personally.

“You said they’re by the pool?” he asked, unseating himself.

“Y…yes, sir. When I told them I’d go fetch you, they said they’d be waiting there for you,” Randolph sputtered.

Trotting out and patting the wizened servant on the back, he snorted. “I’ll tend to them shortly. Thank you, Randolph.”

He wasn’t expecting anypony, and he most definitely wasn’t pleased with the fact that his uninvited guests had flippantly seen themselves to his pool, yet his curiosity eclipsed his ire. It wasn’t uncommon for him to have Princes, business moguls, or tycoons from abroad swinging by to rub elbows with him, so there was no telling whom he was about to meet. Trotting downstairs and through the foyer, he made his way to the back of the mansion.

As he approached the exit leading to the patio, a hopeful thought came to mind. He didn’t know many ponies in the legal field, excluding the small hoofful at the law firm he used, but there was one who might be able to help him. White the chances were extraordinarily slim that Judge Haymaker would spontaneously pop in to say hello, having somepony in his corner who could influence his impending legal battle would be invaluable.

Stepping outside and into the noonday sun, he forced a smile - a smile that faded as soon as he laid eyes upon his guests. There were two figures lounging at the poolside, just like he’d been told, although neither was familiar; one of the ponies appeared to be a gravid mare wearing a bikini, while the other was an absolute giant of a stallion. He remained where he was, studying the pair and attempting to make sense of what he was seeing.

“Filthy Rich, I presume,” the colossus called, waving and trotting over to him. “I must say, you have a lovely estate.”

Having to crane his neck to look up at the approaching titan, he swallowed hard. “I - Ahem - thank you, mister…?”

“Gilded,” the behemoth smoothly intoned, going so far as to give a small bow. “And this fair creature is Thunder.”

H…hello,” the slate-grey mare bashfully greeted, brushing a lock of mane away from her face.

“Thunder…” Filthy didn’t finish - couldn’t finish as realization dawned on him.

The coat, the long, flowing mohawk, the golden eyes, and the cutie mark made the pony easily recognizable, though that didn’t make a lick of sense. Thunderlane was a stallion, a pretty robust one at that, yet the demure, pregnant creature before him was anything but masculine. Assailed by more questions than he could count or wrap his head around, he blinked and tore his eyes off the pony’s rounded belly and up to the giant’s grinning face.

Chuckling lightly, Gilded reached out and rested a hoof on his shoulder. “If you have a moment, I’d love to have a chat.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” he muttered, staving off the temptation to eye up the feminized pegasus. “If you’d be so kind, follow me.”

While he led the strange pair into the home and to his lounge, his mind reeled. Thunder was almost unrecognizable, reduced from a well-built stallion to a curvy, apparently knocked-up femcolt, and Gilded - well, he wasn’t sure what to make of Gilded. The beast clearly wasn’t a pony, not an ordinary one in any instance, though that wasn’t enough to bother him - if anything, he was fascinated by his peculiar visitor.

Moving into the parlor, he motioned to a sofa and wandered to the bar. “I would ask you both if you’d like a drink, but I don’t think an expectant mare should be having anything too hard.”

“Very astute, Filthy,” Gilded noted, closing the door behind himself. “Darling, be a dear and make yourself comfortable and try to behave yourself.”

Thunder gave a small nod and meandered over to the couch. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Daddy?” Filthy snickered, pouring two glasses of cognac. Turning and smiling at his oversized guest, he offered one of the snifters. “You’ve got her trained well.”

Him,” Gilded politely corrected as he took his drink, “but I can see how you’d be mistaken. Hidden behind that imp-filled gut of his is a stallionhood - of course he struggles to get hard nowadays, but it’s not like he uses that little thing much nowadays anyways ~ do you, sweetheart?”

N…no,” Thunder mumbled, averting his gaze and fidgeting atop the sofa.

Looking the goliath over, Filthy helped himself to a sip of the exquisite vintage. He was far from a scholar or scientist, but he could tell that Gilded was an otherworldly being of some fashion ~ how could he not be? With a spiraled pair of horns, cat-like eyes, fangs, and a size that dwarfed even Rockhoof, his guest would have fit in alongside beasts like Discord, Cosmos, or Tirek - nevertheless, his sensual figure and charming demeanor were quite captivating. Taking his time and appraising his eldritch visitor, he only concluded his examination with the giant chuckled.

“Would you like me to give you a little spin?” Gilded mused. “While there may not be a pole in here for me to traipse around, I’d be more than happy to indulge your curiosity.”

He gave a little shrug as he swallowed his brandy. “If you’re inclined.”

Gilded beamed, stepped back, and languidly turned in place, displaying himself without the slightest bit of hesitation. Though he was quite literally a huge stud, heavily built and with slabs of muscle heaped about his profound frame, his physique and grace was staggeringly sensual. Leveling his ass at his host, he leaned forward, pressed to the floor, and spread his hind legs.

“I hope it’s to your liking,” he whispered, winking over his shoulder, “I spent a lifetime working on it.”

Sensing his stallionhood slipping from its sheath, Filthy approvingly grunted. He’d fooled around with more stallions and mares than he dared to count, and he wasn’t above entertaining the exotic being if the opportunity presented itself. As the colossus flagged his tail and exposed his succulent, glistening backdoor and plump, heavy balls, his urge to do more than simply look grew.

Gilded reached back, prized his buns apart, and swayed his hips from side to side while peeking back at him. “Care for a taste?”

He was inclined to say yes, if for no other reason than to get a better look at the titan’s hind quarters and package, but he abstained and shook his head. “Maybe later. Tell me, what brings you to see me?”

“To the point, handsome, and with exemplary tastes - Filthy Rich, you do not disappoint,” the behemoth purred, straightening up and turning to face him. “I came because I have a proposal for you.”

“Before we get that far, I need some clarification,” he began, swirling and peering into his cognac. “I presume you’re from Tartarus.”

“An incubus like myself could only be born and raised in such a place,” Gilded giggled.

“And that,” he continued, nodding over to Thunder, “is your doing?”

Trotting around him, the titan nodded. “Guilty. He, his brother, and this delightful little earth pony named Button Mash have been gracious enough to let me stay in this world for a time. As happy as I am with them, I have aspirations - aspirations that require a cunning, good-looking entrepreneur to assist with.”

Filthy’s brow furrowed as he gazed at his reflection in the amber drink. “As engaging as that would be, you’ve caught me at an inopportune time. I’m going through what I predict will be a financially devastating divorce, I’m not as young as I used to be, and I don’t have the funds available to ensconce myself with any new business dealings right now.”

“You wound me, Filthy,” Gilded theatrically gasped. “I would never visit such an esteemed stallion and ask for anything - on the contrary, I’m here to offer you something. If you’d agree to work for me, I’ll give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

Heh…” he mirthlessly laughed before taking a draught of his brandy. “You underestimate how deep my desires run. Unless you can -”

“Renew your youth, bestow you with unimaginable wealth, and give you a veritable harem of affectionate, sex-crazed pets who could and would fight for the right to worship you?” Gilded smugly asserted. “My dear, what part of everything did you not understand?”

“And power?” Filthy pressed, temping down his enthusiasm.

Reaching out and drawing a cloven hoof under his chin, Gilded locked eyes with him. “More than you could possibly imagine. If I can do that to him,” he murmured, glancing over at Thunder, “just imagine what I could do with you.”

Filthy unflinchingly gazed into the demon’s brilliant eyes. “What assurance do I have that you will deliver on this promise of yours?”

The giant shied away, lifted a forehoof, and summoned a piece of rolled scroll from the ether. “This contract guarantees everything I’ve said. If you pledge yourself to me as my vassal, I’ll hold up my end of the bargain.”

Grabbing and unfurling the piece of parchment, Filthy poured over the contents. Transactions and agreements were commonplace in his line of work, although the one he’d been handed was to the point and simple. There were no misdirections or legal jargon, a complete lack of nebulous details, and not a single questionable clause - in short, the document seemed too good to be true. Unless he was mistaken, he’d just been given a solution to all of his worldly problems.

“Perhaps a taste is in order,” Gilded cooed, shaking him from his trance.

“A taste of - Hnnnngh,” he hissed as a golden aura overtook him.

The world spun around him, he stumbled, and his vision swam as he was stricken with the most terrible sense of vertigo he’d ever experienced. Though he wasn’t in pain, the dismay of having no idea what sort of spell had just been cast on him made it impossible to think clearly. He fought to remain standing, willing his body to comply with him, while he sensed his body changing.

There were potions and spells that could rejuvenate somepony for a price, yet the arcane forces afflicting him were vastly more powerful than anything he’d tested on himself before. His heart hammered in his chest, sweat beaded on his brow, and he felt feverish - in spite of all that, it wasn’t until something pricked his tongue that he knew something was wrong. Turning and looking over at a mirror behind the bar, he went wide-eyed.

Gone was the stallion past his prime, replaced by an athletic young stud who looked like he was ready to take on the world. Many of the hallmarks of who he was remained, such as his mane, the color of his coat, and his eyes, although he was both taller and more brawny than he’d ever been. As he smiled at his reflection and revealed a pair of savage canines, his visitor drifted up behind him.

He turned and smirked up at the fiend, pleased to find they were closer to eye level with one another. “I must say, this is rather impressive.”

“Honey, you haven’t even seen the most impressive part,” Gilded breathed, listing to the side and peeking beneath him.

Following the demon’s gaze, he lowered and turned his head. Darned if he could say how it wasn’t the first thing he’d noticed, but his stallionhood had undergone the most drastic change. Looking more like a fifth leg, his endowment was nothing short of monstrous. He seated himself in a flash, wanting - no, needing to get a closer look at his newfound gift.

Staring down the gargantuan stallionhood affixed to his loin, he forgot all about his troubles. This - this was a cock that could conquer anycreature, regardless of whether they were male or female, and the notion of wielding it filled him with glee. Even if his whore of a soon to be ex-wife robbed him of his riches, he could easily make a new life railing ponies on stage or for erotic films.

He turned his fang-filled maw up to his visitor and was startled to find the demon looming inches away from him. “I won’t be able to give you a complete assessment until I’ve taken this for a test drive, but I am impressed.”

C…can I suck him off, Daddy?” Thunder sheepishly inquired, drawing both his and the fiend’s attention to the sofa.

“Not now, dearest,” Gilded tutted. “Remember, good mares are seen and not heard.”

The mention of mare tickled Filthy’s fancy, though it raised a question. “If you don’t mind me asking, why not just refer to Thunder as her?”

“Because it’s more demeaning to remind him that he is - pardon, was a stallion,” Gilded answered. “You, however, are the genuine article. Your place would be at my side, not beneath me - that is unless you would like me to demonstrate how delightfully sensitive your prostate is now.”

His pucker clenched upon hearing the word. “Honestly, with the way things are going, I could see myself -”

The door swung open and Randolph poked his head inside. “Sir, is everything…”

Trailing off, the older stallion gawked at him. “Everything is fine, Randolph, thank you.”

“A…anything I can get for you, s…sir?” the butler stuttered, keeping one hoof on the doorknob.

Impulsive glancing to Gilded’s big, juicy rear, he nearly said lube. He felt amazing, he looked better than he ever had, and it was like his libido had more than doubled. Suppressing the raging beast that was his sex drive, he shook his head and closed his eyes. There was a deal to be struck, and he wasn’t going to succumb to his impulses until the ink was dry.

“That will be all, Randolph,” he huffed.

Waiting until the servant had departed, Gilded lowered his head. “Well?”

“Where do I sign?” Filthy flatly asked.

Easing himself onto the carpet, Gilded flopped onto his side. “Signing is so gauche. I much prefer something more intimate.”

Filthy inched closer to the beast, given his first glimpse of what his guest was packing. His equipment was huge, large enough to permanently ruin even the most amorous pony, but Gilded’s tool was phenomenal. Like a larger, more intimidating version of his newly upgraded pride, the colossus’ stallionhood did nothing but stoke the fires of his lust into an inferno.

“If my terms are acceptable, I propose we have a bit of fun,” the demon groaned, rolling to his back. “We’ll seal the deal by an exchange ~ agreed?”

“Agreed,” Filthy nearly blurted. “You know, for a stud of your caliber, I’m a bit surprised you’d lay on your back for me.”

“Takes one to know one,” Gilded countered, “but that’s enough chatter for now. As you’re about to find out, my mouth is good for much more than talking.”

As he followed his instincts and stepped over the supine incubus, Filthy attempted to make sense of everything that was happening. He’d agreed to enter a covenant with a tartarian goliath, been given a new lease on life, and he was seconds from swabbing his throat on something his common sense told him would never fit in his muzzle. Had he not felt certain that he was awake, he would swear Luna was playing some perverse trick on him.

The sight of Gilded’s nethers, the aroma of musk, the sensation of the beast’s body heat against him, and hearing the sinful, expectant hum from his guest told him that he was in fact amongst the living. Ordinarily speaking, he would have conducted himself differently and possibly even gone off to see Twilight about his unusual visitor - fortunately for both him and his guest, he was caring about something like that. With his marriage ending, his daughter probably hating him, and the all too real chance of going destitute, there wasn’t much he wouldn’t do to save his skin - at least that’s what he told himself.

He bucked his hips the moment Gilded’s soft, luscious lips wrapped around his cock. Sweet, merciful Celestia, either his dick had become much more sensitive than normal or the incubus was an artist when it came to blowjobs! Fucking the demon’s face, he eagerly put his enormous bitch-breaker to use and turned his attention to the immense stallionhood twitching and drooling before him.

Come to papa,” he hummed, lifting the weighty length up to his face.

Gilded was exceptionally well-hung, but he knew better than to let that scare him off. He may have only known the big bastard for a hoofful of minutes, but he’d already pegged the fiend as a prolific switch, one who was just as inclined to get rutted as to do the rutting, and it was refreshing to spontaneously cut loose with a kindred spirit. Opening his jaw as widely as he could, he leaned in and brought the tremendous cock into his maw.
The exotic flavors that bathed his palate were rich and earthy. Moving his head forward and back, dragging his lips and tongue along Gilded’s girthy shaft, he savored the experience while screwing the incubus’ muzzle. While he wasn’t opposed to kicking things off with a sixty-nine, his thoughts lingered on the memory of his guest’s bloated, juicy pucker.

As with a great many things in life, he firmly held the reins and took the lead. Whether he was on the giving or receiving end of things, taking it up the ass or breeding somepony, the control he held was a key component to what got him off. He grunted and stepped back, annoyed that he wasn’t fully hilted in the grand beast’s muzzle, and gave a particularly brutal thrust.

“For - Nnnf - somepony who wants my help, you sure act like you don’t want it,” he growled, freeing his mouth of the massive, drooling stallionhood.

The sound of Gilded gagging and choking on his monolithic, hellish length filled him with glee. There was a chance he was stepping over a line, giving the fiend more than he’d bargained for, although that wasn’t his problem. He was the one who’d been made an offer, the demon needed him, and he was going to prove himself to the big, seductive stud who’d come to pay him a visit.

He closed his eyes and halfheartedly made out with the beast’s cock-head, neither willing to completely commit himself to a blowjob or ignore his guest, and contentedly sighed. Seconds dragged into minutes and longer still, while he plumbed Gilded’s esophagus. Any lesser creature would have passed out long ago, starved of air and going limp, but not the incubus; instead of tapping out and trying to get away, the behemoth doubled down and began bobbing his head harder and faster than ever.

When it became clear he wasn’t going to outlast his new business partner, Filthy abruptly rolled his hips back, unsheathed his terrifying endowment, and hopped back. “I hope your ass is as good as your throat, slut.”

Gilded calmly stood, turned away, and presented himself like a mare in heat. “Only one way for you to find out, sir.”

Tickled by the show of respect, he trotted forward and pressed a hoof to the fleshy donut that was the fiend’s entrance. “Oh yeah, this is a fine cunt. It’s almost a shame that I’m gonna leave it a gaping mess.”

“No offense, but you’d be the first,” Gilded whined. “I can’t remember the last time somepony - Aaaaahn!”

Sinking a foreleg into his guest’s ass, Filthy looked over at Thunder. “Move that standing mirror over her. And you,” he continued, glaring at the incubus’ face, “keep your eyes open. I want you to watch me wreck this pussy of yours.”

Gilded’s eyes fluttered, his hole quivered, and a gout of foal-batter gushed from his untouched stallionhood. The spontaneous ejaculation was rewarding and confirmed his suspicions, leading him to drive his foreleg deeper. While he realistically had little chance of breaking a nigh-immortal sex demon, he was going to do everything in his power to test that.

Waiting until Thunder had ponderously situated the mirror just to his side, he reared onto his hind legs and brought his free forehoof into the cleft of Gilded’s rear. If one hoof was enough to make the big bitch blow a load, he couldn’t wait to see what a second would do. As he wrenched his slickened foreleg free, he steadied himself, pressed his forehooves together, and forced the pair of limbs into his guest.

Yes,” Gilded howled, flipping his mane from his face.

“You like that, bitch?” Filthy snarled, sawing his forelegs over the fiend’s gargantuan p-spot. “Bet it’s been a while since a real stallion showed you a good time…”

Peering back at him, the demon nodded. “Too long!”

“Good, because I’m gonna own this fat ass from now until morning,” he laughed.

Burying his forelegs up to his shoulders, he pressed his chest to the beast’s weighty nuts. The excitement of dominating a creature so much larger, older, and more powerful than himself was intoxicating. Gilded could undoubtedly destroy him, be it in bed or otherwise, so it was a privilege - no, an honor to lay such a fell creature low.

He gave the beast no quarter, stretching Gilded’s hole and basking in the power he was afforded, until he could stand it no longer. His stallionhood may not have been quite as brutal as the combined might of his forelegs, but it was his ultimate weapon. Removing his forelegs from the demon’s rump, he marveled at his work.

“I gotta say, that’s one heck of a hole of yours,” he laughed, seeing the slack, yawning entrance grasping at nothing. Shifting his attention over to the submissive pegasus, he flagged his tail. “Put that mouth of yours to work while I’m breeding your daddy.”

Watching Thunder nod and trot around behind him, he locked his forelegs over Gilded’s hips and shuffled forward. It was incredible how getting rutted could change somepony. Some, like himself and the incubus, were largely unaffected by getting plowed, enjoying it just as much as anything else in life, although the experience could and often did break stallions. The Wonderbolt used to be a paragon of masculinity, a stallion who colts looked up to, yet the mere act of having a dick in his ass had turned him into a servile, obedient cock-hound.

“And don’t you dare rub that clit of yours,” he barked, making the pegasus flinch. “After I’m done and you eat my cum out of Gilded’s ass, I’ll fuck the cum out of you myself.”

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” Gilded added, smiling back at the femcolt, “I’ll let you suck me off when he’s railing you.” Swinging his gaze up to Filthy’s face, he smirked. “He’s got the worst oral fixation.”

Effortlessly sliding into the incubus’ guts, Filthy hilted himself in a single plunge. “Speaking of oral, you’re gonna put those lips to use after I’m finished.”

Mnnnnn - yes, sir!” Gilded brayed, seamlessly throwing his hips back as he started thrusting.

Beating away at one guest’s ass, while the other tongued and french kissed his hole, Filthy was in heaven. Gilded’s depths were phenomenal, far hotter than usual for a pony, and his pelvic control was in a league of its own. Even after having a pair of forelegs stuffed into his needy cunt, the beast constricted around him with startling tautness.

As he turned his gaze downward and watched Gilded’s cunt clinging to his pistoning shaft, being rhythmically pulled out and driven in by his plunges, he flexed his groin and angled his thrusts downwards. He didn’t have to make the effort of getting his guest off, but he did so all the same. There was something magical about making a stallion, particularly a mountain of one like the fiend, cum from anal alone, and he was going to see how many loads he could pound out of the titan.

Wet, obscene noises of the incubus’ battered cunt mingled with the heavy Whud Whud Whud of his hips beating against the demon’s sculpted, pillowy ass, while the trio groaned and whimpered in bliss. He and Gilded were the loudest, almost contending with one another, but even Thunder, having his face jammed between Filthy’s cheeks, hummed and moaned while putting his mouth to work. The symphony was worthy of the abyss, utterly indulgent and depraved, and it grew louder with every passing second.

Filthy draped himself over the giant’s back, grabbed the beast’s luscious mane and pulled. “Scream for me…”

And scream Gilded did. Trembling from hoof to head, with sparks sailing out of his horn, the incubus bucked his hips and painted the floor and his underbelly in his scalding essence. The rapturous wail, paired with the sensation of the behemoth’s trembling depths, was electrifying and pushed him closer to his limit. He knew he wouldn’t be able to last for forever, already sensing the telltale signs of release, though he was going to hold himself back as long as he possibly could.

He didn’t keep track of how long he managed to hold himself back, too busy stemming the tide of unimaginable pleasure to give it any mind, but his climactic end struck him with devastating fury. Snarling through gritted teeth, he wildly fucked his guest while pumping what felt like pints of seething jizz into Gilded’s backside. As he slowed to a halt and glanced downward, an odd revelation dawned on him.

Though he’d just cum, he was still rock hard. Even on his best days, back when he’d been a teen, it would have taken him at least ten minutes to get an erection - mercifully and wondrously, the arcane enhancements Gilded had given him had taken care of that. Positively elated and more aroused than ever, he flew back to plowing the beast with all the vim and vigor of a lucky colt on prom night. He was going to find out how much endurance he really had, and there was only one reasonable way he could do it.

By the time he’d completely exhausted himself, having expended every drop of his seed in and on Gilded, the sun had long since set. Covered in sweat and gazing up at the ceiling, he heaved air into his chest and grappled with the enormity of his evening. He was sore, his balls ached, and his magnificent, monstrous stallionhood lifelessly rested between his parted thighs, yet he hadn’t been so happy and satisfied in - well, he honestly didn’t think he’d ever been so happy and satisfied before.

“Just so you know,” Gilded whispered, drawing his attention down to the demon snuggling against his side, “we will be doing this regularly.”

“I had no doubt of that,” he laughed, kicking his hind legs up and grabbing his fetlocks. “Care for a turn?”

Wide-eyed and with a stunned expression, Gilded stared at his face. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised by your enthusiasm, but I’d be more than pleased to repay the favor.”

Filthy chuckled, then outright laughed, before composing himself enough to speak. “Just so we’re clear, I’m not going to end up like Thunder ~ am I?”

Hardly,” Gilded groaned and batted a hoof. “Thunder is a precious little thing, and I love him to pieces, but he was meant to be a broodstallion - you, however, are destined to sire many little imps of your own.”

Wondering exactly what the aforementioned imps could look like, yet fantasizing about impregnating some slutty stallion of his own, he smiled. There weren’t many ponies he’d like to pump a foal or two into, but there was one particular one who may be of use. He rolled onto his shoulders and lifted his ass into the air while Gilded stepped over him.

“Once we’re done, we’re going to Canterlot,” he remarked as the demon’s stallionhood nudged his hole.

Prodding the pony’s entrance, Gilded leaned his head to the side and peered downward. “We are, are we?”

“Yeah, there’s - Oh buck,” Filthy wheezed while he was steadily impaled. “T…there’s a Prince up there with more land and bits than he could - Hah - ever need, but the stingy bastard isn’t willing to part with - Mmmph - any of it.”

Falling into a glacial rhythm of rutting him, Gilded crushed his prostate. “Between the two of us, I’m sure we could convince him to share…”

Filthy shifted forward and back, keeping his balance while watching a massive bulge disappear and reappear in his abdomen. Having his insides be rearranged by something so absurdly huge felt far better than he thought it would, but there was something he could do to elevate his pleasure. Shifting slightly, he closed his eyes and nursed on his stallionhood.

Although he had yet to ask what Gilded’s plans were, the finer points of the demon’s machinations could wait. It had been ages since he’d fully given himself a good time, having been too busy with his stuck-up bitch of a wife and spoiled brat of a daughter, so he’d earned a bit of fun. Imagining all the things he’d do with his new friend with benefits, his mind drifted to the white-coated, blonde-maned, blue-eyed stallion he was going to exploit in every conceivable way…

Chapter 4

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Gah!” Blueblood yelped as he bolted upright in his bed.

Slick with sweat he looked around his darkened chamber, his wide, wild eyes. The drapes on his open window fluttered in the breeze, drawing his attention over to the side of his room. What in the world had been going on with him? He hadn’t had nightmares since he’d been a colt - then again, to call the dreams he’d been having recently frightening wasn’t quite right.

He shifted and went to slip from his bed, intent on getting a glass of water to soothe his frazzled nerves, and went still. Feeling a warm dampness on his groin, he lifted the cover and gave a deep, annoyed sigh. This would be the third time in the last week that he’d have to sneak his lines into the laundry room, but he had little choice in the matter. If his servants found out he’d been having wet dreams like some lustful schoolcolt, questions would be raised - questions he would rather not address.

Slipping from his mattress, he quietly pulled the blankets and sheets off his bed and wiped down his slickened nethers. It was exceedingly rare for a stallion of his standing to go without in any regard, being both healthy and wealthy for his age, yet his true tastes were a well-guarded secret. While he may rub elbows or flirt with mares at social events, that was merely to save face and keep up appearances.


He froze and a cold pit formed in his stomach, hearing his name. His eyes shot about the chamber, panic gripped him, and he reflexively backed away to the door. Had somepony gotten by his guards and snuck into his manor? Was somepony out to get him? Could one of his staff members be playing a trick at his expense? Glancing into the gloomy corners of his room, he squawked when he bumped against something large, warm, and immovable.

“Don’t hurt me!” he bleated, wheeling around and stumbling over his own hooves. “If it’s bits you’re after, I’ll…”

He fell silent when he saw whom - rather what was lurking behind him. As tall as Celestia and at least twice as broad, his visitor gazed upon him with glowing, cat-like eyes. It, whatever it was, seemed to be a twisted, infernal form of a pony, sporting a coiled set of horns, gleaming fangs, and what appeared to be cloven hooves, yet it made no move to pursue him. Unintentionally backing himself into a corner, gripped with fear, he blinked when the giant gave a low, reverent bow.

“My most sincere apologies, Sir Blueblood,” it - no, he rumbled.

“W…w…who are you?” Blueblood stammered. “What are you?”

Straightening up, the fiend brought a cloven hoof to his chest. “I am Gilded Baron,” he serenely responded, “and I’m not here for bits.”

“T…that doesn’t answer the other question,” he pressed, still uneasy but feeling slightly less threatened than he had moments prior.

“My dear, sweet Blueblood, I’m an incubus,” Gilded purred. “While you may not have heard of me, I know all about those naughty little desires you’ve been keeping secret from everypony…”

Incubus? His secret? What in the world was this thing talking about?! His home was warded by layers of protective magic, he had a small retinue of soldiers who secured his estate, and there was no possible way the creature would have any knowledge about what his desires - unless…

Cocking his head, he ran a forehoof up his neck and to his cheek. “This is a dream ~ isn’t it?”

“Oh it’s so much more than a dream,” the colossus chuckled. “Are you not fully aware and in control of your actions? Can you not feel the warmth of your frog against your face? Do you not feel even the slightest thrill by finding yourself with a big, dominant stallion who’d be more than happy to deliver you to the gates of ecstasy itself?”

The giant’s sonorous tone and impressive physique was enough to distract him, but he resisted the urge. “If this is better than a dream, and I’m not saying it is, prove it?”

With his heavily-lidded gaze never straying from his face, Gilded’s lips twisted into a smirk. “Perhaps this will convince you…”

A flash of golden light momentarily blinded him and caused him to cover his face. The sorcery would assuredly alert his guards that there was a trespasser in his room, if he was awake and this was actually happening, giving him some small comfort. He blinked rapidly, clearing his vision and giving his eyes time to readjust to the shadows around him.

“What did you…” he trailed off, spying a second figure standing beside the demon.

“This is Thunderlane,” Gilded began as he caressed the pony’s back. “Go and introduce yourself to our host, darling.”

Trotting forward, the pegasus mare smiled and dipped her head. “H…hello.”

Whoever this Thunderlane was, Blueblood had to admit that she was quite comely for a mare. The teal tones of her flowing mane contrasted the gray of her coat, her eyes twinkled like a pair of yellow diamonds, and her figure was curvaceous to say the least. With generous hips, an expansive backside, and a pair of respectable teats hanging just behind her gravid belly, she was a beauty - even if he had no interest in her.

He turned his attention back to Gilded, feeling his temper wear thin. “I don’t know how you and this little tramp of yours got in here, but security will -”

“Blue ~ may I call you Blue?” the titan interrupted. “Since you seem a bit confused on a number of topics, allow me to clarify things. First and foremost, nopony is going to bother us - secondly, this isn’t a mare.”

Pheh -” he scoffed, dismissively waving a hoof. “If that’s not a mare, I’m not a Prince.”

“Thunder,” Gilded murmured, drawing the mare’s attention back at him. “Be a dear and help him understand what I meant.”

The pegasus carefully sat down, eased herself onto her side, and rolled onto her back without the slightest bit of hesitation. Blueblood looked down upon her and pursed his lips. He had no interest in some pregnant, obedient strumpet of a mare, yet what he saw when she shamelessly splayed her hind legs made recoil in shock. While it was small and somewhat dainty, a sheath and coin purse rested beneath her breasts and between her - his thighs.

“That…that’s…” he croaked while mind went absolutely haywire.

“That’s what?” Gilded snickered, stepping over and caressing Thunder’s engorged teat. “Your eyes don’t deceive you, he is - pardon, was a stallion.”

Blueblood stared down in disbelief, trying and failing to process what he was looking at. While he’d run across femcolts before, Thunderlane was something else entirely. Not only did the pegasus lack a single stallionly feature, save for his package, but he looked like he was on the cusp of delivering twins or possibly even triplets. As he peered at the expectant pony, his brow knit.

There it is,” the giant hummed, snapping him from his thoughts.

Forcing himself to look up at the behemoth, he grimaced. “There what is?”

“Don’t be so coy, Blue,” Gilded clucked, smiling wolfishly over at him. “There’s no need to be ashamed…”

His mouth went dry and his pulse quickened. There was no way - no possible way the fiend could know about him ~ could he? Watching the titan smoothly step over the pegasus and approach him, he held his ground and did everything he could to appear unmoved. Rationally speaking, the only thing that made sense was that the bizarre interaction was a figment of his imagination - that or he’d died in his sleep and somehow wound up in Tartarus.

“Explain that,” he demanded, pointing at Thunder.

“Of course,” the incubus tittered, “but only if you admit it.”

With his knees quaking and a cold bead of sweat forming on his brow, Blueblood gulped. “Admit w…what?”

Gilded closed the gap between them and brought his muzzle to his ear. “Admit that you’re jealous…”

The word affirmed his greatest fears. As impossible as it was, though he’d never seen this monster before, his deepest, most guarded secret had been discovered and laid bare. Throughout his entire adult life, he’d done everything in his power to conceal his amorous feelings from everypony he’d ever met - his parents, the nobility, and even his closest friends, yet Gilded had seen through him. Sensing his stallionhood slipping from its sheath, he cast his eyes to the floor.

Blue,” Gilded cooed, tenderly hooking a hoof under his chin to lift his face, “I can make it a reality.”

This was a dream - it had to be. As he reluctantly looked up to the beast’s face, a shuddering breath escaped him. With his guards in sight and no sign of rescue to be seen, alone with Gilded and the feminized stallion laying mere feet from him, he closed his eyes and steeled himself.

I…I…” he faltered, struggling to give voice to something he never thought he’d confess to anypony. “I am…

Shying away, Gilded beamed. “See, that wasn’t so hard. Don’t you feel so much better getting that off your chest?”

Blueblood nodded and peered down at Thunder. Though he felt a bit of relief, the envy that coursed through him was all but palpable. More than ready to hear how the pegasus had gone through such a metamorphosis, he bit his tongue and waited for an explanation.

“To address your curiosity about little Thunder here,” Gilded muttered, “it was a trivial affair. He, like yourself, wished to bask in true subservience, to dedicate himself to a real stallion, so it was my honor - nay, my duty to lend him my aid. Should you -”

“I want it,” Blueblood pouted as his composure broke. “All these years, I’ve been living a lie. My family expects an heir of me, the aristocrats of Canterlot constantly badger and tease me for being single, and I’m constantly having to pretend that I’m somepony I’m not. I want what Thunder has - actually, I want more than what he has!”

Trotting forward and circling the noble, Gilded appraised Blueblood as though he were a prime piece of produce. “Is that so? Pray tell, what more would you want?”

“More of everything,” he lamented. “A larger pair of teats - no, udders, a small, useless prick that can’t get hard, and a fat ass that’s meant to be bred!”

“I must say, I’m liking the sound of that,” the incubus mused. “Anything else?”

Wheeling to face the beast, he sternly looked up at his guest. “I wish I could give all this up, my riches and my title, to experience true pleasure.”

Bursting into laughter, Gilded held up a forehoof and fought to contain himself. “Spoken like a true sow, I’ll give you that. Yes - yes, I believe I could deliver on those accounts, although I’d be remiss for not testing your determination. If you meant what you said, prostrate yourself and serve me like the cum-drunk slut you wish you were.”

Blueblood crouched and practically shot under the titan, fueled by a lust like he’d never known. The demon’s musk, meaty sheathe, and gradually emerging stallionhood were just as impressive as the rest of the colossus, though he gave himself no time to revel in it. After having spent years and years denying himself, too fearful and anxious to actually act on his carnal instincts to do anything with a stud, he leapt at the chance to live out his fantasies.

Seating himself, he made out with Gilded’s hoof-sized cock-head and extended a forehoof to fondle the fiend’s fat, cum-filled balls. The scent filling his sinuses, the flavor of unwashed flesh on his palate, the sound of the stud’s throaty, approving groan above him - they made him nearly manic with desire. He wanted to control himself, to be the smooth, sensual bitch he daydreamed of being, but it was no use - trying to rein himself in was like asking a foal to be calm on Hearth’s Warming morning.

French kissing the massive, ebony tip of his otherworldly visitor’s length, he openly moaned. His own stallionhood was as hard as a diamond, so rigid that it actually hurt, but he paid it no mind. There was only one way he was going to get any relief, if he had any say in the matter, and it would be from getting his ass positively destroyed by the demon.

Seconds passed and Gilded stepped back, removing his tool from the desperate pony’s face. “Now that you’ve quite enthusiastically sealed the deal, allow me to fulfill my promise…”

As a golden aura surrounded him, Blueblood gasped. His hair stood on end, an intense, almost electric sensation shot through him, and he felt lightheaded, yet he was somehow able to remain on his hooves. He couldn’t fully see it, barely able to stay upright, but he swore he could feel his body changing. The experience couldn’t have lasted for more than a hoofful of minutes, but it felt weary when the light finally faded from around him.

Oh my,” Gilded breathed, slapping his then rigid shaft against his underbelly. “I don’t say this often, but I may have outdone myself with you…”

Blueblood didn’t say a word as he turned and rushed over to his vanity. His heart raced, his body felt odd, and his thoughts were a jumbled, excited mess, as he hurried to the mirror. He knew - well, hoped he’d look different, yet the sight of his reflection took him aback. Save for the baby blue eyes and sandy blonde mane and tail, he found himself looking at a stranger.

His lips were full and exceedingly plump, his slim waist and expansive rear made him look like he belonged on a street corner, and his breasts - sweet, merciful Celestia, Gilded hadn’t skimped on giving him a pair of teats that would put most dairy cows to shame! Smiling like an absolute idiot, turning in place and looking himself over from top to bottom, he was overjoyed with the results. For the first time in his life, he felt like he had the body he was meant to, although his appearance was only one facet of his desires.

Mirroring Thunders actions from earlier, he - correction, she cast herself onto her back and squeezed her breasts between her thighs. She may not have been a mare in the purest sense of the word, assuming she had a diminutive colthood hidden behind her mountainous tits, but she’d be darned if she wasn’t going to revel in her newfound femininity. Igniting her horn and levitating a pillow under her head, she peered over to her savior as he approached her.

“H…hey - uh - what do I look like - you know, down there?” she practically mumbled, splaying her legs.

Turning his eyes down to her nethers, he grinned from ear to ear. “Let’s just say that small and useless would be generous descriptions of your little clit.”

He reached out with a forehoof and nonchalantly caressed her loins to hammer his point home. Trembling from the tips of her hooves to the top of her horn, she writhed as she was beset with bliss. She honestly couldn’t say if she had an endowment or not, feeling fantastic regardless, but that didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. On the off chance that she had some shriveled nub of a colthood, it would only serve as a decoration and perhaps a plaything for any stud handsome and imperious enough to bed her.

“There is one more thing I could offer you,” Gilded hummed, withdrawing his foreleg and stepping over her. “By chance, since you’ve such a delightful little broodmare now, would you like me to christen you?”

She gnawed her lip while he ran his length forward and back between her breasts. “Y…yes.”

“Then put those cock-pillows to use,” he chuckled, driving his dick up to her face.

If she hadn’t lost a bit of her size, Gilded’s endowment was somehow bigger than it had been a few short minutes ago - in either case, giving the logistics of how she’d accommodate something so gargantuan in herself, she closed her eyes and wrapped her lips around his cock-head. Every part of her felt incredible, with the slightest bit of stimulation sending bolts of pleasure through her, and it shattered her inhibitions outright. She may have been a Prince, a refined stallion who mingled with the elite of Equestria, but that was the past. Now that she had the physique she’d always pined for, and a true stud to put her in her place, she was a Princess.

Bobbing her head and sucking him off, she peeked down his immense length and to his bucking hips. While she’d never felated anypony before, she had given herself plenty of practice on dildos and sex toys she’d surreptitiously purchased over the years. Her tongue massaged the sensitive underside of his shaft, she pressed her tits together to stroke him off, and she hummed around his pistoning tool. She’d never had any urge to use her stallionhood herself, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t aware of how to make a stud feel good.

The only unfortunate thing, if she had to name one, was that her position only allowed her to suck on a fraction of what he had to offer. Situated as she was, lying supine with him straddling her, she only able to suck on the first few inches of his length - sure, he was still able to bump against the back of her throat when he thrust into her face, but she made a note to ask him for a real throat swabbing before everything was said and done. Slowing just enough to let him take the lead, she marveled at her new self.

She knew it was silly, that she’d ultimately wake up in bed with her old, masculine body as it always had been, yet she couldn’t help but imagine the things she could do if she stayed like this. Revealing attire would be a must, just classy enough to display her wealth but provocative enough to catch any stallion’s eye, and she’d have to get plenty of makeup to match her various outfits. The notion of strutting her stuff and being branded as a homewrecker, the envy of most mares, added yet another layer of thrill to the spontaneous, perverse exchange.

“So - Mmmm - eager,” Gilded blithely sighed. “You will make a fine mother for many, many imps.”

The mention of his progeny and the pregnant pegasus lingering nearby brought a fleeting bit of clarity to her lust-addled mind. Seeing as how she’d been transformed into a bombshell of a bimbo, was getting tit-fucked by an incubus from Tartarus, and had met a gravid femcolt in such a small period of time, she was absolutely sure she was still sleeping - as such, realizing that anything was possible and that there was no harm in indulging herself, she pulled back and freed her muzzle with a soft, wet pop.

Leaning to the side and gazing down to her face, Gilded quirked a brow. “Done so soon?”

Fuck me,” she bleated. “I want you to knock me up with so many imps that I can’t move.”

“How could I say no to such a lovely request,” he mused. “But first…”

Trotting in reverse, he dipped his head and wrapped and suckled on her teat. She’d liked to play with her nipples when she’d been a stallion, rubbing them when she was fucking herself with a sex-toy, yet the sensation of his lips and tongue on the sensitive bud of flesh was leagues more pleasurable when when she’d done anything to herself. Bending forward at the waist, she locked her hind legs around the back of his head.

Gilded snorted and stood, freeing himself from her without any effort whatsoever, and sent power into his horn. “Patience, little sow. Soon enough, you’ll have more than enough imps nursing on you.”

Images of herself breastfeeding a pair of healthy, tartarian foals assailed her and heightened her arousal. She knew it was wrong to want to be knocked up as a stallion, that such a thing went against the natural order of the world and ran contrary to what was accepted, but wasn’t shackled by conventions - not anymore. Thanks to Gilded, the first creature to know of and accept her true self, she was liberated.

Calling upon his magic and hovering her onto her bed, he glanced over to her vanity. “Darling, do you have any lube? Since I’ll be breaking you in and making a mother of you, I want you to enjoy yourself as much as possible.”

She nodded over to her dresser as she scrambled up to her hooves. “Top drawer of my dresser. Do you mind if - um…”

“Mind what, dearest?” he sweetly inquired, opening and lifting a large bottle from the drawer she’d noted.

“C…can I ride you?” she nervously asked. “I’ve always wanted to try cowgirl on a big, sexy stud.”

Crossing to the bed, Gilded lingered at the bedside. “In time, my sweet. This is your special day, the first day of your new life, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. But first, I’m going to make you feel like a mare on her wedding night...”

Too enamored to question him, she got onto her back and wiggled to the very edge of the mattress. The notion of being claimed in such an intimate decision took her thoughts off of riding him in an instant. She expectantly splayed her hind legs as he trotted over to her while magically slathering his monstrous stallionhood with the lube.

He tossed the bottle over his shoulder and brought his face between her thighs. “Such a lovely pussy. It’s almost a shame that I’m going to ruin it - almost…”

The dirty talk was the icing on the cake and it sundered her self-restraint. “Fuck me, please. Make a mare out of me.”

Raring onto his hind legs and kissing his cock-head to her winking, trembling entrance, he prepared himself. “As you wish, darling…”

No sooner did he finish speaking than he drove his hips forward and gradually sank his shaft into her. She’d anticipated a struggle, unable to comprehend if or even how he’d be able to fit inside of her, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. Her pucker yielded, stretching open to embrace Gilded’s mammoth stallionhood, and the rapture she felt broke her entirely.

She screamed and thrashed beneath him in ecstasy, painting the underside of her bust with her impotent load, while she was devastated by the most astounding climax of her life. Though it was the definition of madness, she swore she could feel every little detail of being impaled. The veins along his length, the fat, battering ram-like head, the subtle curve of his cock, they were all amazing.

Barely recovering when he’d fully hilted himself, resting his balls against her rump, she panted and glanced down at herself. The imprint of his dick snaked up from past her breasts and disappeared beneath her rib cage. Excited though she was, the impossibility of what she was seeing, along with how there wasn’t the slightest bit of pain or discomfort, lent more weight to the fact that she must be dreaming.

“Are you ready?” Gilded rumbled, gazing down at her.

Setting her fetlocks on his hips and reaching up with her forehooves, she drew him in. Of course she was ready ~ why wouldn’t she be? He’d made her into a depraved parody of a stallion, a creature stripped of masculinity but denied of being a full mare, and she loved him for it. As she closed her eyes and drove her tongue into his muzzle, he began rutting her in earnest.

Every plunge of his titanic cock divine havoc upon her, the way her nipples caressed his underbelly while her breasts jostled was fantastic, and his kiss left nothing to be denied. She’d known Gilded for less than an hour, but there was nothing she wouldn’t do for him. Should he wish her to become a foal-factory for the imp creatures he’d mentioned, that would be a small price to pay for being his mate.

Her second climax struck as suddenly and fiercely as the first, leading her to whimper and mewl into his snout, yet he didn’t slow - instead, he gradually hastened his pace. She’d often wondered if Heaven and Tartarus were real places or if they were simply made up to scare little colts and fillies, but the revelation of their existence contradicted the stories she’d heard. If Gilded was to be believed, and she had no reason to doubt his word, she’d much rather join him in the infernal depths for all of eternity than to ascend.

Clinging tightly to his neck, she broke the kiss and pressed her face against his collar. While she’d always enjoyed playing with her sex-toys, using her magic to have the things screw her in all manner of different positions, her masturbatory habits couldn’t hold a candle to the genuine article. It was like she and Gilded had been made for one another, like a key made for a lock, and that understanding cemented a new desire.

She pulled back while pushing him away before she could cum a third time. It was her deepest hope that she wouldn’t offend him, realizing that it wasn’t a mare’s place to bring a stallion’s good time to an end, but she had to risk it. He slowed, if only just, and turned his head to peer at her with a single golden eye.

M…may I ride you, Sir?” she breathed, her voice shaking and uneven.

“You have to let me go first,” he giggled, rocking his hips from side to side. As she withdrew her legs, he stood and stepped onto the mattress next to her. “And it’s Master.”

Seeing him roll onto his back beneath the headboard and make himself comfortable, she nodded. “Yes, Master. I…I’m sorry, Master.”

“Come now, don’t worry that pretty little head of yours,” he tutted. “If you truly wish to thank me, come over here and fuck yourself on me.”

She scrambled over him, got into position, and did as he asked in a flash. There was no buildup, no steady escalation or teasing, she simply screwed herself with reckless, giddy abandon while placing her forehooves on his broad, powerful chest. Though it was a bit different than when he’d been doing her in a missionary style, having most of the control herself, but all the time she’d spent with her dildos had prepared her for this moment.

Hammering her ass on him like a bitch in heat, she glanced back when he shifted. She hadn’t asked him for it - heck, she hadn’t even thought about it, but he’d raised and braced his hind legs and made a backrest for her from his thighs. Recalling a position from naughty magazines and peep shows she’d seen, she leaned back and brought a forehoof behind her head.

Marvelous,” he murmured, watching her bounce on his dick. “Had I not seen that adorable little button mushroom you used to call a colthood, I wouldn’t believe you were ever a stallion at all.”

She tried to snicker, flattered by his complement, yet all she could manage was a disjointed series of moans. Her physical bliss paired perfectly with the gratification of what she’d become. Arching her back and rhythmically clenching and relaxing her hole, sensing his pre-cum oozing into her depths, she mewled as her nipples were twisted and pulled on.

The additional stimulation proved too much for her, earning Gilded a spattering of her climactic essence on his abdomen and groin. She could no longer call her essence cum, noting how crystal clear and watery it had become, yet the development only drove her deeper into the depths of depravity. Now that she had the body she’d always yearned for and found a stud imposing enough to claim her, there was only one thing left that she desired.

C…c…cum in me!” she begged, flying into a frenzy. “Give me your imps!”

Sitting up and grabbing her hips with his forehooves, he tensed and smiled. “As you wish…”

With a speed that belied his colossal size, he seized the reins and plowed her as though she were a field in spring. She fell forward and howled against him, teetering on the brink of lunacy as she climaxed over and over and over again. His onslaught went on seemingly without end, surpassing anything any mortal stallion could accomplish, although even he wasn’t without his limits.

Sensing his length throb and the tip of his length beginning to flare, she clung to him for dear life. This was it, the moment she’d fantasized about for most of her life, and she would never be more ready. As he hilted himself and bit down on her collar, mingling her rapture with the slightest trace of pain, a heat surged into her.

Every throb of his stallionhood sent gouts of his precious, virile seed into her welcoming depths, yet that wasn’t the best part - the best part was that she could all but literally see the results from his deluge of foal-batter. Eggs - dozens and dozens of her eggs, things which hadn’t existed an hour prior, were fertilized over the span of a few seconds. Life had been sewn within her, marking her as a mother to be, and the gravitas of that impossible fact gave her the most powerful climax of her life.

In a dream-like, blissful haze, she weaved in and out of consciousness. At some point, though she knew not when, Gilded had unsheathed his stallionhood from her and rested her on his back beside him. When she eventually came to, sticky with climactic juices and more exhausted than she could ever remember being, she wearily looked down at her belly.

If Thunder had looked pregnant with twins, she appeared to be past her due date for quadruplets. The skin on her belly was stretched taut, the pink of her flesh peeking through the white of her coat, and her breasts somehow looked larger as well. Staring at her bosoms and seeing a slight stream of white leaking from her nipples, she closed her thighs and clamped her tits together. Sure enough, just like every other inconceivable thing that had happened that evening, streams of milk sprayed from her teats.

“Don’t worry,” Gilded noted as he impassively watched the display, “our imps will be sure to keep your udders drained - by the way, dearest, I had a small question.”

Struggling to take her eyes off her teats, she glanced up at him. “Y…yes?”

“Considering the size of this lavish estate, would you mind if my other broodmares and vassals come and stay here with us? I don’t expressly need your permission, since you did pledge yourself to me, but it would be rude not to ask,” he chuckled.

She had a nagging sense that something was amiss, that she may have quite literally signed her soul over to a devil, but she nodded and beamed all the same. Regardless of whether she was in the waking world or a dream, real life or a fantasy, she was happy - truly happy. Caressing him as he leaned in for a kiss, she wondered exactly what the future would hold for them, their family, and the guests he’d just mentioned…


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Seated on a downright opulent recliner in what was now his estate just outside of Canterlot, Gilded smiled as his eyes swept over the hedonistic orgy before him. For anypony, be they tartarian or otherwise, to conquer and claim several ponies in such a short period of time would be worthy of acclaim, but he wasn’t finished yet - not by a long shot. His gaze drifted over to one side of the cavernous chamber and settled on the youngest members of his newfound troupe.

Rumble tensed slightly, his thrusting faltering as the imp plowing his ass beat against his prostate. While he still wasn’t the biggest fan of bottoming, much preferring to be the one topping any creature who held any interest in him, he wouldn’t deny that having his tender p-spot battered while he was getting his dick wet felt incredible. Looking down at the imp that he was positively destroying, he smirked.

The imps were curious little things. Appearing somewhat like eyeless pygmy ponies, the creatures were as simple as they were libidinous. Each and every one that he’d encountered was the same, small, fanged, covered in black fur, and utterly insatiable when it came to carnal affairs - not that he minded. Fucking ponies was all well and good, but having an endless supply of asses or throats to sheath his monstrous endowment in was both convenient and gratifying.

Tighten - Nnnph - up,” he grunted, reaching down and pulling the small beast’s tail.

The imp complied, clenching its hole around his pistoning length. One of the more interesting things about the beasts was that they all appeared to be male, although that was of little consequence. Gilded had mentioned that the runtish tartarians were effectively sterile, unable to reproduce on their own, but it was useful that they had stallionhoods - well, for some of his new roommates anyways.

Glancing over to Button, he watched his oldest friend being unceremoniously spitroasted by a pair of the demonic little buggers. Unlike himself, the young earth pony hadn’t taken the expression ‘’tis better to give than receive’ to heart. He shook his head as he turned his attention back to the imp beneath him and gave a particularly brutal thrust.

The creature under him mewled and arched its back, blowing its not inconsiderable load over the floor. Gay or not, there was something extremely satisfying about being able to make somepony cum without touching their dick. Hilting himself, he gyrated his hips and earned a pitiable whimper from his diminutive lover. Yeah, tagging along with Gilded had been the smartest move he’d ever made.

Though he’d never bedded an actual mare, his desire to do so had dwindled into inexistence ~ and why wouldn’t it? He could get laid whenever he wanted, only having to find an imp or pay Blueblood a visit to get some sensual satisfaction - besides, he doubted there were many, if any females who’d be interested or able to handle what he had to offer. While he may have still been a colt, his stallionhood could put most dragon’s to shame.

Chuckling to himself, he shook his head and continued rutting the imp. Even if his sexuality had taken a dramatic hit, he wouldn’t have changed a thing about himself or his situation. His best friend now lived with him, he had everything he needed to get by, and Gilded even gave him a small allowance to buy snacks or new games for his Joy Boy - in short, he was as happy as a clam after he’d moved away from everything and everypony he’d grown up around.

He’d never really given much thought about his future, figuring he would end up in a hopefully decent job that kept him afloat while he grew older, but he was happy he’d abandoned his half-baked plans to pursue a life of self-indulgence. Between having Filthy and Blueblood for financial support, Gilded had more bits than he could possibly count - which meant he, Button, and Thunder would only have to worry about pleasing their master and following what few orders they were given.

Sensing himself gradually reaching his limit, he hastened his pace and beat his hips against the imps upturned rear. He really didn’t understand what was expected of him, aside from occasionally being commanded to top either Gilded or one of his housemates, but that didn’t bother him in the slightest. As long as he didn’t have to go out and take some crummy job flipping hayburgers and slinging sweet potato fries, he’d eagerly stick his massive cock in whoever or whatever his master wanted.

He momentarily debated pulling out, painting the nameless imps back and face with his seed, but decided against it at the last second. Sheathing his shaft and groaning, he relished the sensation of his preternaturally large load surging into the small beast. Like many times before and many times yet to come, either due to the overstimulation or the influx of his essence, the hellish creature collapsed beneath him.

Riding the imp down, he rhythmically rocked forward atop his living cock-sleeve while the second fiend pulled out all the stops with fucking him. Ordinarily speaking, he would have kicked the impertinent critter off and told it to find a more willing hole to breed - fortunately or unfortunately, due to the mind-numbing ecstasy of his release, he was too euphoric to give it much thought. Sure enough, after only a few seconds passed, a warmth began flowing into him.

For being as small as they were, the imps were staggeringly productive. He’d watched them fill an entire pint glass with cum from a single climax - paired with their ability to go multiple rounds in short order, they could and occasionally would leave their partners bloated with jizz. Waiting until the fiend was at least partially finished, he bucked back, mutely sent the creature on its merry way, and turned his attention over to his friend.

Even if Button’s eyes weren’t clamped shut, the only thing he’d be able to see is the underbelly of the imp fucking his face. All he could smell was sex and musk, his tremendous stallionhood wept pre-cum over his bulging belly, and the carnal symphony playing out all around him filled his ears as he rocked forward and back between his pair of minuscule studs. While there was a pretty good chance that at least one of them was the fruit of his loins, he’d stopped caring about such things long ago.

Be it from luck or out of courtesy, the imp railing his ass shifted and started hammering his bitch button. He wasn’t sure if it was funny or sad that he’d become like this - either way, the irony didn’t escape him. Months prior, long before he and Rumble had managed to summon Gilded, he’d considered himself as straight as an arrow, having no interest in being anywhere near another stallion in a sexual sense, although that had changed in the most dramatic way. As - no, more prone to taking it up the ass than he was to be on top, he savored every moment of being used.

He reached upward and clutched the imp’s tush, spurring the tiny beast on. His throat, like the rest of him, had become more accommodating as of late. There’d been a time when he’d retch when trying to suck somepony off, back before his gag reflex had been beaten into submission, but things were different now. Now able to hold his breath for a significant amount of time, he could easily get his gullet swabbed by everypony save for Gilded himself.

Dwelling on his master, he inched closer to his limit. Gilded was perfect in every conceivable way. Just as likely top as he was to bottom, the incubus was everything he now wanted to be. He wouldn’t have thought his aspirations would be to follow in the hoofsteps of a literal demon - heck, he hadn’t even known demons existed a year ago, but fate had a funny way of throwing curve balls.

Up until several months ago, he’d always aspired to find a marefriend for himself, preferably a hot one who loved to slobber on his stallionhood. Little did he know that his wish would be turned on its head - sure, he still ended up topping from time to time, but he was on the receiving end of things more often than not. There was no way for him to know how things would eventually turn out for him, if he’d fully embrace his submissive inclinations like Thunder or Blueblood, but he was excited to see where his path would take him.

He flexed his legs and lifted his lower half as his stallionhood jerked excitedly. He could have cum several minutes ago, if his intention was to get off as quickly as possible, although he had more than himself to consider. With Gilded watching, he yearned to prove himself a worthy stud, to show how far he’d come, so he held off until he sensed the imp he was fellating begin to flare.

It was only with the wellspring of experience he’d accrued under Gilded’s discerning eye that he was able to hold back the tide of bliss threatening to consume him - still, the split second the pair of imps peaked, his resolve crumbled. With demonic spunk spurting from his nostrils, past his lips, and out of his winking pucker, he glazed his belly, chest, and face with his seed. His climax was fantastic, just as amazing as any other he’d had since moving to Canterlot, but there was one thing that would elevate it.

Pushing the imp away, he twisted his head to the side and freed his slickened airway. He was an abject mess, both filled and covered in jizz from the rutting and a spontaneous fucking he’d received not an hour before, although he wore his slatternly state like a badge of honor. As he looked over and noticed Gilded eyeing him with approval, a well-earned smile split his muzzle.

The rewarding moment was fleeting, lasting a scant few seconds before the incubus turned his attention to an even more depraved spectacle. Following his master’s gaze and looking to the side, he grimaced. While he and Rumble had taken to training themselves, exercising restraint to hone their amorous skills to a razor’s edge, the same couldn’t be said for everypony in the household. Almost the polar opposite of his brother, Thunder’s degeneracy was a thing of awe.

Straddling the once middle-aged earth pony, Thunder gnawed his lip and did his best to fuck himself on the stud’s massive cock - tried in that the brood of imps in his belly and udder-like tits made the task all but herculean. He was still a he in the most technical sense, having the biology of a male and viewing himself as such, but that didn’t stop anypony from treating him like a pair of warm, welcoming holes to breed as they saw fit. Flapping his wings to stabilize himself, having nearly lost his balance, he peeked down when Filthy sighed.

“Seriously, I expected better from you,” Filthy grumbled.

Thunder continued bucking his hips, doing what he could to please the older pony, and winced. “S…sorry, Sir.”

“Just get off and present yourself,” Filthy huffed, effortlessly lifting the pegasus off his turgid shaft. “For buck’s sake, I’ll do it myself.”

Knowing better than to question the stud, Thunder did as he was asked. Flopping to the side and rolling onto his back on the sofa, he splayed his legs and grabbed his fetlocks. If he hadn’t been knocked up, expecting a duo or possibly trio of imps within the next week, he would have gleefully bucked ridden the stallion like a seasoned cowgirl - regrettably, with his due date quickly approaching, his mobility was significantly hindered.

The good news was that Filthy was more than happy taking the reins and seizing control of the situation. Without a trace of hesitation, more concerned with his pleasure than anypony else’s enjoyment, he impaled Thunder and began thrusting. This was the natural order of things, a stud rutting a sow, and both ponies accepted and reveled in it.

Thunder’s eyelids fluttered and his breasts began leaking milk as he was dominated. Stars above, he didn’t know what he’d been thinking. For most of his life, he’d denied himself true bliss, ignorantly telling himself that he was only interested in mares, but Gilded had shown him the light. A pale shadow of who and what he once was, his figure having become more curvaceous and appealing to true males, he loved every part of his role in the household.

Cum, whore,” Filthy demanded.

The words alone compelled him, resonating within him and forcing him to obey. His prick, shriveled and virtually useless though it was, twitched and painted the underside of his tits with useless spunk. Everypony in the house joked about how his endowment or lack thereof was nothing more than a lube dispenser, a limp little faucet to slicken real stallionhoods, and he loved it. Ever since Gilded had waltzed into his life, he could count on one hoof how many times he’d used his dick to get off - that being once and purely because Rumble and Button had forced him to jack off for their amusement.

Turning his eyes upward, he peered up at the stud making use of him. Filthy was a fantastic lover, basically a miniature version of Gilded, and he’d somehow been lucky enough to capture the stud’s interest. He couldn’t say what it was about himself that the earth pony enjoyed, whether it was the fact that he was a pathetic parody of a stallion himself or some other trait he held, but they shared a bed on almost a nightly basis. Reaching up with his wings, he caressed his beefy mate, closed his eyes, and expectantly pursed his lips.

Filthy looked down at the pegasus, knowing just what the simpering bitch wanted, and relented. Though he could have easily ignored the unspoken request and continued rutting Thunder like the cum-dumpster that he was, he shot forward and locked lips with the femcolt. Merely emptying his balls was all well and good, but having a trace of passion was the perfect accompaniment to the physical bliss of breeding his would-be mare.

Thoughtlessly pounding away, leaving his balls to smack against Thunder’s plush rump, he mused on how fortunate he was. His youth had been restored, his endowment and physique magnified to that of a demigod, and his earthly woes were a thing of the past, allowing him to live his life as he so chose - sure, he’d abandoned his estate, his estranged wife, and his ungrateful daughter, but those were insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Now that he had the power he’d always wanted, the world was his oyster.

He broke the kiss with Thunder and looked over his shoulder as an amused chuckle crept to his ear. Gilded gazed over at him with approval, warming his heart and reminding him of how much he owed the glorious bastard. His life was well on its way to going off the rails until the incubus had shown up, his marriage being in shambles and his business empire under threat - mercifully for him, he’d ended up being able to keep most of his wealth and had been granted a body to match his indomitable personality.

There weren’t many creatures he’d met who’d earned his respect over the years, but he’d be darned if Gilded wasn’t one of them. Though he’d sworn fealty to the titan, the two were practically equals; they took turns topping or bottoming for one another, enjoying one another’s company regardless of whom was fucking whom, and he honestly looked up to the incubus in a great many ways. He wasn’t sure if it’d be possible for him to become an incubus himself, but he was going to do everything in his power to earn a place in Tartarus next to his master.

His eyes shot downward when Thunder convulsed and was wracked with another climax. The pleasant sensations of a needy hole milking his cock were as fantastic as ever, but the knowledge that he could deliver such rapture to a pony who’d once called himself a stallion provided most of his enjoyment. He hadn’t claimed a femcolt of his own yet, corrupting some unsuspecting twink into a marish and comely concubine himself, but he was sure that would change in time - in fact, it was practically inevitable.

Repositioning himself ever so slightly, he transitioned from deep, steady strokes to jackhammering Thunder’s ass. The pegasus’ howls of delight shifted an octave, sounding more effeminate than ever and causing the corners of his lips to turn up. It was anypony’s guess as to whom had sired the batch of imps in the former Wonderbolt, but he liked to think he was the father - even if he wasn’t, he was going to make sure the next brood was his.

He lowered his head and nibbled on Thunder’s ear, causing the femcolt to squeal with glee. There were some ponies in the world who would look upon him with disdain, viewing him as some sort of abomination who’d sold his soul for power, but those ponies were fools. Only the chaste or the unenlightened, those who hadn’t tasted the decadent wonders of sin, could claim he’d forsaken himself.

With his heart thundering in his chest and his stallionhood starting to flare, he pulled back, grabbed his pulsing length with a forehoof, and stroked himself off to finish. Ropes of thick, impossibly virile seed shot over and onto the pegasus’ teats, chest, and face. Like the good little slut he was, realizing what was coming, Thunder opened his maw and extended his tongue to catch and consume the rich essence painting him.

Filthy heaved air into his chest and smiled as he looked down at his work. Barring the feeble colthood and adorable little coin purse, Thunder could and often was mistaken for a mare - an unbecoming, promiscuous, and gravid mare, but a mare nonetheless. While he tried not to play favorites, asserting himself with everypony in the manor, he’d admit that he’d developed a fondness for the pegasus that would likely last until he had a sow to call his very own.

The notion of having a personal concubine faltered when Thunder looked up at him. He swore he wasn’t the sentimental type, but the look on the pegasus’ face stirred something within him. Perhaps he was getting sentimental in his age, or maybe it was just the post-coitus euphoria having an effect on him, but he was momentarily inclined to ask Gilded for a favor. Seeing as how it was only a matter of time until the incubus moved on, he might - might be able to take ownership of his favored plaything.

Succumbing to his impulses, he locked lips with Thunder and sheathed his length in his lover. No matter how things ended up, even if Gilded were to deny his impetuous request, he would stay the course and keep the femcolt to himself as often as he could. Groaning into the pony’s maw, he ignored the howls of ecstasy taking place just out of reach. His mate was demure and soft spoken, unlike the largest whore in the household.

Buck ye-Glk!” Blueblood’s cry was cut off when an imp’s cock slid into her muzzle and down her throat.

Straddling and screwing herself on one of the diminutive demons, she was the eye of a licentious storm. No fewer than eight imps swarmed her, each vying for her attention, and she tended to them each in turn. She had four hooves, two holes, her magic, and a number of crevices on her voluptuous body that could be used by an advantageous stallion, and she was elated that she was the star of the show.

To claim she was living his dream would be an understatement of unimaginable proportions. Her equipment had become so small that it may as well have not existed at all, being so insignificant that it wouldn’t be of any use even if she could still get erections, and the rest of her was no less wondrous. He’d assumed his transformation after crossing paths with Gilded was complete, that she’d reached her zenith, but she’d been mistaken.

Only to the most discerning eye, she was unrecognizable. With a long, flowing blonde main, a pair of tits that outclassed even the most productive dairy cow, pouting lips, a succulent ass, and a slender waist, she was an absolute bombshell of a mare - yeah, her clit was a bit bigger than on a traditional females, although that was just a bonus. On the occasions when one of her lovers decided to play the sensitive bud of flesh above her marble-sized balls, she always - always came in an instant.

Sending power into her horn, she wrenched the imp she was sucking off forward and sheathed the entirety of his length past her lips. Sometimes she was completely submissive, sometimes she wasn’t - at the end of the day, as long as she ended up with an ass and belly full of seed, she was content. Her actions drove the group of little demons, a great many of whom she’d birthed herself, positively wild.

Setting themselves upon her like a pack of lustful wolves, the imps descended. The two luckiest little beasts screwed her face and tush respectively, hammering their tools down her throat and into her depths, but that didn’t mean they were the only ones having fun. There were few parts of her that couldn’t be used in one way another, and each one was utilized by her host of diminutive lovers.

Hearing the imp beneath her grunting furiously as he peaked, she bore down and hilted herself on his throbbing shaft. She was already pregnant, yet the thought alone of being knocked up pushed her to the edge of another orgasm herself. One benefit of being the communal slut of the household was that she never knew who would seek her out for relief or when they’d come knocking, leaving her days and nights a blissful, at times unending haze of pleasure.

The imps were, in spite of their unsettling appearance, generally well mannered and pleasant to be around - that was until they fell into a rut lust. Giving their companion no time to savor his climax, they pulled the beast out from under her before scrabbling to take his place and get a better piece of the action. It was cute in a way, to be so fiercely coveted by them, although there was no reason for them to squabble like they did - not because it wasn’t endearing, but because she would make sure each and every one was left satisfied.

Having a fresh, turgid stallionhood railing her out would have been enough to please her in and of itself, but the imps had a trick up their nonexistent sleeves. In their fervor to gratify their bestial urges, well beyond consoling, what little patience they had wore out entirely. As a second cock buried itself in her ass, another was forced into her muzzle.

Now with a quartet of dicks in her, along with the half-dozen others gliding between her joints or in the crevices of her expansive cleavage, she was completely and utterly overwhelmed. A single stallionhood would be enough to bring her to the gates of heaven, so servicing an entire squadron of the creatures made her all but delirious with joy. Cumming for the umpteenth time that day, she succumbed to the ecstasy consuming her.

She knew not what her family thought of what she’d become, nor did she care. Her riches, the fineries she’d grown up with, that few friends she had - she would give them all up again to be under Gilded’s care. Meeting the incubus was the best thing that had ever happened to her, even if she’d foolishly thought her first encounter with him had been a dream, and there was nothing she wouldn’t do for him.

Snapping from her bliss when she felt something shift within her, she instinctively contracted and clenched her abdomen. She realized she would be giving birth soon, likely within the next day or two, but she wasn’t opposed to delivering a new batch of imps while being gang-banged. Most of the imps in the estate were hers, and they were about to have some new little siblings.

Her backdoor relaxed as a foal emerged past the twin lengths sawing into her. The newcomer was quickly joined by a second, then a third and a fourth, before the fifth and final member of her brood joined them on the floor. The imps around her paid their brothers no heed, too blinded by their insatiable libido to care, although that wasn’t much of a concern. Considering imps were autonomous and able to fend for themselves as soon as they entered the world, she felt confident they’d be alright for the time being - at least she would have felt confident, had she not been weathering a mind-shattering climax.

Getting fucked was fantastic, being used like a sex-toy was even better than that, but giving birth while being rutted by a pack of horny animals was, in her opinion, an addictive experience. As she gushed watery spunk and leaked milk uncontrollably, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. As insane as it may have sounded, there was a very good chance that she’d end up with another batch of buns in her oven before the night was out.

Gilded sighed as he called upon his power and lifted the quintet of young imps away from the action and over to a clear area on the floor. Of all his vassals, Blueblood had fallen the furthest. The aristocrat had fallen from grace, blossoming into a creature that could give most succubi a run for their money, although her metamorphosis had taken a heavy toll on her faculties.

Coolly unseating himself, he crossed to her. The imps scattered as he approached, giving him space and respecting his unquestionable authority, although they didn’t go far. Scatting around the room to sate themselves, his progeny set themselves upon his thralls. He wouldn’t have minded if one of his sons expanded his ever-growing family, but it was his duty to produce as many offspring as possible.

Mmmmmm,” he hummed, stepping over Blueblood and driving her onto her chest. “I hope you weren’t planning on getting knocked up without me…”

Rut me!” she brayed mindlessly, peeking up at him with a crazed look in her eye.

Shaking his head as he plunged into her, he started thrusting. Her velvety confines and unquenchable thirst for him were divine, yet he had little interest in it. While he enjoyed sensual, erotic moments as much as anypony, this was a task. His motives were to create more offspring to assist with his grand designs - that said, her slack grip on his stallionhood was delightful.

While he idly plowed her like a fertile field in spring, he magically plucked and hovered a magazine from the coffee table over to himself. Sex under any circumstance was enjoyable, though he pined for something more. His desires were like a double-edged sword, as much of a gift as they were a curse, and it was never long before he craved a new conquest.

He opened and peered down at the publication, taken aback by an unexpected sight. Ponies, diamond dogs, and even yaks were nothing new, he’d known of them for millennia, yet it appeared as though things had changed in Equestria throughout his protracted absence. Turning his head, he cleared his throat and caught Filthy’s ear.

There was a good reason why he’d taken Filthy as his second in command. The businesspony was level headed, worldly, and the corruptive magics influencing him had done nothing to impede his functionality. As the stallion abandoned Thunder on the sofa, he nodded down to the magazine floating before him.

“At the risk of sounding ignorant, what do you make of that?” he asked while he languidly railed Blueblood.

Ignoring the former noble’s gibbering, Filthy knit his brow. “What? The hippogriff?”

Gilded turned the page and motioned with a forehoof at another photo. “And that?”

“The abyssinian?” Filthy quipped.

Fascinating,” Gilded breathed. “Tell me, how many sapient species are there these days?”

Looking a bit confused but not daring to remark on the question, Filthy rubbed his chin. “To my reckoning, at least a dozen.”

Aaaaaaagh!” Blueblood wailed, trembling as she was rocked by an orgasm.

Hush, darling,” Gilded softly admonished, relentlessly fucking her while and delicately running a forehoof through her mane. Having glanced over to Filthy, he turned his head and peered out the window. “Name them, if you would…”

“Dragons, abyssinian, zebras, hippogriffs, griffons, yaks, and changelings have become much more common since Twilight opened her school and brokered treaties with the surrounding nations,” Filthy explained. “There are rarer species around, such as kirin and bat ponies, but -”

“Bat ponies?” Gilded inquired. “I’m aware of unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies, and even alicorns, although I don’t believe I’ve heard of bat ponies.”

“They came about shortly after Nightmare Moon’s banishment - at least that’s what I’ve heard,” Filthy sighed. “I presume you are - rather weren’t aware of them?”

“I was not, no,” Gilded thoughtfully replied.

He hadn’t kept track of how long his most recent stay in Tartarus had been, but it seemed as though a lot had changed. The last time he’d been freed, the ponies had held a tenuous relationship with their neighbors - to the point where seeing any non-equines was almost impossibly rare. Staring out the window and into the night sky, ceaselessly bucking his hips, he was stricken with a thought.

Awaking in a different world may have been overwhelming for many, but it was an opportunity for him. He knew well the delights that ponies could offer, having broken and played with countless ones over the millennia - now it was time for something new. Yes - while a bit spontaneous, perhaps a bit of fresh air would be just what the doctor ordered.

“Filthy, on the morrow, I’ll be taking a small leave,” he remarked.

“Sir?” Filthy quipped. “Should one of us -”

“No no, it’s quite alright,” he cut the earth pony off, “I’ll be alright to wander on my lonesome for a time. Simply tend to my - pardon, our little flock while I’m away.”

Filthy bowed deeply and closed his eyes. “Of course, Sir, I’ll make sure everypony is tended to and that our businesses are managed to the best of my ability.”

Pleased with Filthy’s fealty, Gilded smiled. While he had no intention of abandoning his vassals, the temptation to stretch his legs and a few exotic holes would do him a world of good. His fangs glimmered in the moonlight and his eyes twinkled while he wondered whom and what novel creatures he’d stumble upon in the near future…