The Drone Epidemic!

by ShopperBrony90

First published

Ponyville comes infected by an epidemic of rubber drones!

Spike was cleaning the library in Twilight's castle when he comes across a book that will turn him into a pony so he can blend in with Ponyville more. He misread the spell, because when he turns into a pony, he gets turned into a mindless rubber drone! Spike then wanders around aimlessly turning all the ponies around him into drones too!

Twilight Sparkle finds out about this, and sets out to find a spell that she knows will turn everything back into normal before all of Ponyville becomes dronified and it will be the end of Equestria!

A collab fic between me and KawaruSan3.

Drone fun facts: Species X notes

Tags: Foalcon, f/f, lesbian, null bulge, bulge squishing, bulge kicking, latex, dronification, rubber drone, etc.

Instead of getting this story downvotes, anyone reading this fic can give me and Kawaru suggestions on what we can add/change to the chapters to improve this fic.

Prologue: Spike and the CMPs (Cutie Mark Ponydrones)!

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It’s a nice day in Ponyville. Ponies are trotting about doing their things and everything is in order, but that won’t last long, however.

At Twilight’s castle, Spike was busy cleaning up the place under Twilight’s orders. "Ugh, another day of cleaning. “Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning! That's all she ever asks me to do.” Spike grumbles in annoyance. "All these spell books stacked here without use, she might as well open a library!" He said as he saw a stack of books and began to sweep the dust off. He says as he sweeps, then accidentally hits a shelf, and a book falls to the ground.

Spike sees the book on the ground and looks at it. The cover said, “How to Train Your Pony?” Spike opens the book and begins to read. “First, find a pony, or make your own.” Spike reads. He reads the page with the pony transformation spell, but gets some pronunciations wrong, but it works anyway.

First, he finds his arms feeling numb and he drops the book on the floor, but surprisingly, his feet are not hurt as they are already changing into hooves. Not long after, he feels his backside changing, forcing him to fall on four legs, unable to stand back up on two easily. He starts growing purple fur around his body, forming a nice soft coat. The fins atop his head change into a luscious green mane, like he always wanted. His tail becomes smoother, with the spikes becoming shorter and less distinguished, except for the diamond at his tail, which gained a green color. Finally, a cutie mark of a fireball appeared on his flank, completing his ponification.

"I'm a pony! Wow! Now I can blend in better! Though, I wonder how I can grow wings..." Spike thinks to himself as he notices his fire cutie mark warping and changing. His cutie mark is now a hazmat hazard symbol! His flank changes from fur coat into yellow latex rubber!

"What's this mark?" He comments on his newly formed cutie mark on his yellow flank. His hind legs and tail change, "What's going on? Why am I turning yellow?"

Once the rubber covers his crotch, a throbbing bulge appears on his private area, "Ooh, must touch!" He says as mind starts fading. He touches it as the dronification spreads forward, nearing his neck as he nears nirvana, figuratively.

Spike feels himself panting more and more as his mouth and nozzle gets sealed away by the rubber then gas mask valves audibly pop out of his cheeks. His cheek valves become his main, no, only source of air. On top of his head, his spikes fuse and merge into a black rubber mohawk. Then, he sees his world disappearing as he adjusts to his new visors that formed, having his eyes disappear behind them and his pupils vanishing behind the glass, but he couldn't care less. He keeps rubbing and grinding on his bulge uncontrollably until he suddenly stops.

He hears some ponies giggling outside, and so he goes outside to check out who that was. It’s the CMCs. The CMCs look at him with curiosity. "Are you... Spike?" They ask, seeing him coming out from Twilight’s house, and also partially recognizing him by the shape of his tail, still having the pointed triangle on its end. “Spike, a pony?” asked Apple Bloom.

He moans and pants, seemingly saying yes, leading the CMCs to approach him even closer.

"You're a pony!" said Sweetie Belle. "And with a cutie mark too!” They then look at Spike’s suspicious cutie mark, noting, "I've never seen such a cutie mark before." "Yeah, it's all black!"

Unknowingly, while looking at Spike, he uses his tail and scratches the three CMCs, causing them to get infected too, thus beginning their change into pony drones. "I'm so jealous! I wish I had a cutie mark too!" said the unknowing Scootaloo as yellow latex suddenly appeared on them, and a black cutie mark too. "Woah! The same mark as Spike!"

Oh, I've got one too!" Apple Bloom said.

"Same here!" Sweetie Belle pointed out excitedly.

"Of course it's the same mark, we are all BFFs after all!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

As they were talking, their flanks became yellow latex, with hooves becoming ridged black boots, and suddenly, a bulge grew from their crotches, just like Spike’s! A sense of itchiness suddenly overcomes them from below, as they find their bulge itching. As they touch their bulge, they find themselves slowly losing their consciousness, submitting themselves to pleasure. While they do that, the rubber slowly spreads up and up, showing no signs of retreating or even stopping.

Eventually, they look at each other, filled with lust and horniness. With their uncontrollable desires, they touch each other and enjoy it. With their minds almost completely gone, their heads also go the way of the ponydrone, with their manes changing into mohawks, their eyes changing into glass lenses, and their entire muzzles get sealed with latex. Valves even appeared on each of the CMCs’ cheeks, leaving them only able to pant and moan for air. After that, they were now just horny pony drones, just like Spike.

And Spike, seeing his first task as a pony drone completed, is satisfied and goes off, looking for another victim.

To Be Continued...

Rarity: Fabulous to Unfabulous!

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Another day, another piece of clothing to work on. At least, it seems to be that way for Rarity. Though, today, she would be designing a different type of clothing, one that is meant for herself.

“La la la la la,” Rarity sang as she sewed two pieces of cloth together. It was until she ran out of thread and needed more.

“Hey, I’m out of thread.” She calls out to her sister, Sweetie Belle, but she notices that she’s nowhere to be found. “Sweetie Belle!” Rarity asked again, growing more concerned.

Soon, she heard the sound of hoofsteps, coming into her boutique, three ponies at the same time. Though they sounded weirdly soft, Rarity could still tell that it was the CMCs. So, again, while thinking of a new design for the cloth, she called out, “Sweetie Belle!”

As the CMCs were approaching her, she could hear the moans getting clearer and clearer. “Ah! You’re not Sweetie Belle,” Rarity says as she finally turns around to see the three CMPs (Cutie Mark Ponydrones). She walked around the CMPs as she examined them one by one, realizing how similar they were to the CMCs, not knowing that they actually once were the CMCs themselves.

After getting bored with standing and looking around as Rarity walked around them, the CMPs started to feel bored, and Sweetie Belle started rubbing her own bulge.

“Hey! You ponies are really the CMCs! What happened? It’s too early for Halloween… though, I am already planning some Halloween costumes myself.” She didn’t realize that the CMCs had changed, and she just thought it was a costume for pranking, the yellow rubber suit of radioactivity.

“Wait, what are you doing!?” she exclaims towards Sweetie Belle, seeing her rubbing her bulge. “What exactly are you doing? In my shop! I will not have this. Stop this lewdness at once!”

Upon hearing it, Sweetie Belle didn’t care, and just kept on rubbing.

“Can she not understand me?” asked Rarity.

Well, in fact, ponydrones ignore almost everypony that goes against what their hiveminds tells them to do, and so most scolding and communications will not work. Stubborn mules, they are. Whatever you tell them, just gets sucked through their layers of rubbery mind and ignored. They can’t even remember what you told them, not that they can tell you what they told them.

While Rarity was listening to the narrator’s explanation, she saw Sweetie Belle's muzzle rub Apple Bloom’s bulge, and Scootaloo slapping her hoof against her own bulge.

“Not in my shop!” she exclaimed, as she took a broom and tried to get Sweetie Belle to stop and listen.

As expected, she didn’t, and thus Rarity resorted to one of her worst methods yet - using pins and needles! In a fit of rage, she threw them all at the ponydrones, thinking that they would get hurt.

Apparently, they did not. With the needles and pins on their rubber bodies, they just stood there, looking at Rarity.

“Why are you all looking at me?” asked Rarity, with just a huff and a puff, they deflated and inflated their bodies in an instant such that all the needles popped out of their bodies and flew everywhere around the boutique, striking into mannequins, shelf, and even ripping clothes and dresses.

“This is a disaster!” said Rarity, looking around, while the CMPs were mending the tiny holes from the needles in their skin by use of their latex fluid. Once they were repaired, the CMPs turned around and headed out of the boutique.

“Wait, where are you going!?” Rarity said with anger. “I won’t let you go, not after you destroyed my store!”

So, she chased after them, just to trip and fall down on some needles.

The CMPs turned around, looked at her one last time and panted, then turned around and left.

“Why? Why?” she cried, as she tried to get up, but no matter how she tried, she could not. Her legs were numb and unresponsive. “Why can’t I get up?”

She tried and tried, but no matter what, she could not get up. So, she tried to kick the needles on the floor away, when she realized that her hooves were now black!

Black! How could this be? She thought she must have been seeing things wrongly, but when she rubbed her eyes to get a clearer view, she found her eyes solidifying and stiffening until a hard transparent layer appeared where her eye used to be. Still being able to see, she found herself unable to move her eyes, and only being able to look around by turning her head.

While she was looking around, her hair changed from its smooth, silky purple form to become a darker and stiffer mohawk on top of her head, giving her a gothic look, with her new black ‘hair’ and hooves contrasting with her pale white skin. This would not last long, however, as from her head slowly crept down a yellow to her neck, and from her front hooves, the yellow latex was also crawling up her legs, as she felt her mind fading.

“What’s going on with me? Is this a new kind of fashion?” She went to look in the mirror, her numbness fading away as her legs became completely yellow. In the mirror, she could see that her eyes had become purple visors, the same of her hair. Her hair was now standing erect, and she was nearly completely yellow.

Her cutie mark changed to the radioactive sign, but by then she was too busy rubbing her bulge, intrigued by it. “I must touch, must rub, must punch!” she cried out, losing her consciousness with each interaction. It didn’t take long for her to lose her mind completely, finally turning into a ponydrone.

Still sitting in front of the mirror, she saw her own reflection in the mirror, and stood up, approaching the mirror, rubbing her bulge against the mirror, as if the reflection in the mirror was another ponydrone. She was completely a mindless ponydrone, a servant, no, a slave of pleasure, no matter the cost.

To Be Continued...

Cheerilee's Bad Day

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It was just another day as Cheerilee was headed back from the Ponyville Schoolhouse, wanting to visit Twilight, only to see something that could not be erased from her mind.

After Spike turned the CMCs into CMPs, the CMPs left, leaving Spike on his own, rubbing his own bulge in the middle of the street.

“What are you doing!?” asked Cheerilee.

Cheerilee covered her eyes, not willing to see Spike. But with Spike seeming to not stop, she couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. So, she braced herself and she approached Spike, trying to push his hoof away from his bulge. However, Spike just pushed her away, and turned around.

Cheerilee was not satisfied with this, and she tried once more to stop Spike from continuing his lewd act. While turned around, Cheerilee tried to kick Spike’s butt and step on his tail. However, Spike, being a ponydrone, did not quite care about it. Then, she thought that since pushing his hoof would not work, she would push the bulge. Being quite embarrassed, she tried to use her hoof to kick Spike’s bulge, but in the process, she slipped and fell; Spike tripped her on purpose with his tail.

Cheerilee was now down on all fours, her head on Spike’s lap. Unknowingly, as she screamed while falling, her mouth was now exactly where Spike’s bulge was. In her mouth was the entirety of Spike’s bulge. Hurriedly, she tried to get up, to push herself back up. However, she found it hard as the bulge could not quite exit her mouth fully, it was stuck.

And, even worse was that with every movement, she could feel her mouth pressing around on Spike’s bulge, like what he was doing earlier. This made Cheerilee feel very disgusted, not only with Spike, but also with herself. Worse still, Spike did not realize that Cheerilee was there, and just kept hitting where his bulge was supposed to be, i.e Cheerilee's head. Cheerilee was feeling very painful and very embarrassed, until she turned a bright red.

“Mmmmmff!” cried Cheerilee, as she pulled and pulled. Nothing seemed to work. Cheerilee was now scared, scared that she would be just stuck there forever, and being the laughing stock of everyone. “MMMFFF!” She tried one last time, with all her force, but she accidentally bit Spike’s bulge as she did so, making a hole in it.

Unfortunately, not only did the escape prove to be useless, she now started to feel a liquid flowing into her mouth, filling it up until she could no longer contain it. With her mouth being very hard to open, her mouth was now filled with both the continuously flowing liquid and the bulge. Unable to stand any more liquid in her mouth, she swallowed the liquid, and felt her throat becoming weird, gaining a smooth, rubbery texture.

However, she was unable to do much, as more liquid flowed in, filling up her cheeks to the brim. This time, however, she found that the liquid would soon flow out of her.

“Mmmff!” said her, as she felt the liquid decreasing at about the same rate as the increase of liquid. She felt her cheeks getting wet, with the same feeling she felt down her throat. But how? She quickly put two and two together, concluding that the liquid was flowing out of her cheeks. Indeed, valves had now grown out of the cheeks, allowing for the liquid to flow, and for another purpose later.

Even though she understood that, she found herself nervous and pulled her mouth right out off Spike’s bulge, and she was now free, but very tired. She lied down, panting out of her valves as her mouth, once trapped, now free, was becoming trapped again. It was closing in on itself, making her unable to open it. “MMMMFFFF!”

She tried to use her hooves to keep it open, but it would not stay open, and closed quickly. At the same time, her body was turning a bright yellow, latex leaking out of her, turning her body wholly yellow. Her cutie mark changed slowly, and her hooves turned black.

Her hair then collected into a straight line, turning into a black mohawk. Her eyes were next as they solidified, rendering her unable to see for a moment, till they came back as visors. When they came back, she noticed that Spike was gone.

Or so she thought. Suddenly, she felt a sense of pleasure and pain, as Spike kicked her bulge, and with every passing moment, her mind was being taken over, submitting to the pleasure.

Once she was mindless, she turned around to see Spike, then as Spike left, she followed Spike, to wherever he was going.

To Be Continued...

Toxic Horseapples!

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Once the CMPs were done with Rarity, they headed off to find a new victim, but Scootaloo just scooted off from Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. They didn’t care, and the pair just headed off to Applejack’s barn.

Once they arrived, they found barrels of apples waiting for them in the stall that were going to be brought to the Apple Stand in Sweet Apple Acres to be sold. Seeing the abundance of apples, the two CMPs were ready to make toffee, no, latex apples.

With all their strength, the two ponies pushed down a barrel of apples, causing them to fall over, all the apples falling out. With quick haste, the ponies started leaking latex out of their bodies and spilling it onto the floor, covering the apples. Once the floor was covered with yellow, they rolled all the apples around in the liquid, turning them yellow and rubbery. Rubber apples they now had, one full barrel of them, as they picked the apples up to put back into the barrel.

Time for another barrel, as they pushed down another barrel of fresh red apples, that is, until they noticed Applejack. “What’re ya sweet fillies doin’ in mah barn?” she said in her Texan accent, after seeing the two CMPs in the barn.

“Eww, what yellow liquid is that? What’d ya fillies spill? Who's ya?” she asked and asked, feeling rather curious and disgusted by the spillage.

The CMPs, seeing her being panicky, looked at each other, then pushed a latex apple in the direction of Applejack.

“An apple? A yellow apple?” she asked, not daring to touch it.

She looked at the CMPs, and they nodded their heads, indicating that they wanted Applejack to try it.

“Ya sure? I don even knaw who ya are!”

The CMPs then started going forwards toward Applejack, who in response, said, “Alright, alright! I’ll try the apple! If ya insist!” She picked up the apple, mumbling, “Ugh, fillies nowadays, so pushy!”

Holding the apple, she found it to be rather perfect, with a smooth, soft texture, not unlike an artificial apple. Holding it tighter, she found it to be flexible and squishier and more elastic than normal apples. Looking around the apple, Applejack hesitated.

One of the CMPs, impatient, took a yellow apple and put it to her sealed mouth, showing Applejack. “Alright then,” said Applejack as she took a bite from the apple. “Mmm!” said Applejack, enjoying the apple. “This is actually quite tasty!” Applejack took another bite.

“Soup’s up! Hey, Applejack, are you stealin’ apples?” Granny Smith asked, coming to see what all the commotion was about.

“Hey, Grandma! These two fillies gave me this apple, and it’s quite delicious! Do you want to try one?”

“Of course it’s delicious!” said Granny Smith. “It’s our own apples, our blood, sweat and tears! Hey, who are they anyway?”

“I don’t know either.”

“And you’re receiving food from strangers? Though… one of them seems mighty familiar…”

“Like you said, it’s our apples.”

“What’s that yellow liquid?”

“Hmm, their blood, sweat, and tears?”

“Ugh!” Granny Smith shrieked. “Anyway, just remember to clean up after, okay?”

“Ok-Mmmmffff!” Applejack replied halfway, finding that her mouth was sealed shut. Around her lips was a yellow liquid, the juice of the apples, that sealed them shut fast.

“What’s happened!?” asked Granny Smith. “I told you not to accept food from strangers.”


“Alright, alright! I’ll go get a scissors or a doctor or something, you just wait here,” said Granny Smith as she left Applejack with the CMPs.

“Mmmmmfffff!” cried out Applejack once more, as she noticed that it was getting harder and harder for her to breathe. “Huff, puff, huff, puff,” she started panting. Soon, she collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

At this point, the CMPs who actually were bored with Applejack and Granny Smith’s dialogue and carried on making latex apples had finished with all the apples, except three. The three being the cutie mark of Applejack.

The CMPs had noticed the three apples and thought that they were real apples. So, they pushed the unconscious Applejack into the yellow spillage on the ground, and rolled her around, covering her in the same liquid that made the latex apples. They however soon realised that she wasn’t an apple, but they couldn’t care less.

Applejack was slowly turning latex, and as she was being shaken around, she eventually awoke to see the CMPs closer to her than ever. She tried to stand up but in a hurry, she slipped again. Trying to make light of the situation, she tried to look around, but found that she could not move her eyes.

The CMPs, seeing her awake, rolled her on her front, so that her back was facing upwards.

“Mmmmffff!” she felt herself subjugated, as the CMPs stepped on her.

“Mmmmpph!” she started to feel a sort of pleasure.

As the CMPs jumped and hopped on her, her bulge was being rubbed against the floor, giving her a sense of indescribable pleasure, except by - “Mmmmpppph!”

After a few cries of pleasure, the CMPs helped her sit up and Applejack started rubbing her own bulge, changing her mind in the process. But she did not care, seeing the CMPs rubbing their own bulges as well, she felt happy to be accompanied by friends in her new hobby, bulge-rubbing.

It wasn’t long before her mind completely changed, just for Granny Smith and the help she brought - Auntie Applesauce to see Applejack rubbing her own bulge, not even noticing their arrival.

“Applejack, what in tarnations are you doing?” cried Granny Smith. “What haste apples wrought?”

“Apples?” asked Auntie Applesauce. “You can’t blame our apples.”

“Can’t I? Just look at poor little Applejack, doing… whatever she’s doing.”

“Is that really Applejack?”

“Can’t you recognise her?”

“She’s all yellow.”

“It’s Applejack alright, I left her her- wait, that’s right, why is she all yellow!? Quick, Auntie, hand me that scissors! You hold her down and I’ll cut off that ugly hair of hers.”

“I’m not doing that!” cried Auntie Applesauce.

“Why not? It’s for sweet Applejack!”

“Do ya really think I’d step into that pile of ominous yellow liquid?”

“Umm, yeah?”

“Hell nah! We gotta lasso her out of there,” said Auntie Applesauce. “Now, where’s a lasso? Ah, there’s one!” She picked up Applejack’s lasso.

“A one, two, three!” Applejack was lassoed and pulled, though showing no signs of caring at all.

“Now do your business!” said Auntie Applesauce as she pounced on Applejack.

Immediately, Granny Smith took the scissors and cut off a part of Applejack’s mohawk.

“What do you think?” asked Granny Smith. “Much better now, don’t ya think?”

“Better? She’s still doing this weird stuff!”

“Oh, alright. Again!” Granny Smith cut off more of the mohawk.

“Ugh, give me that!” said Auntie Applesauce as she took over the scissors. “Hey, why are your hooves black?”


Granny Smith looked down in horror to find her hooves black. “Your scissors too! And your hoof!”

Auntie Applesauce looked at her hoof that was holding the scissors and exclaimed, “Great apple tree! This will not stop me!” Still holding the scissors, she poked Applejack with the scissors, just for the scissors to be stuck fast to the liquid that flowed out slowly from the hole that she poked.

As she tried to pull out the scissors, she found it to be stuck, unmovable. Soon, it was absorbed completely by the yellow liquid, and that yellow liquid crept up Auntie Applesauce as well. Slowly but surely, Auntie Applesauce felt a tingling feeling, and she soon realized that she was stuck as well. “Help me, Granny! I’m stuck!”

Granny Smith, busy with her transformation, heard the cry for help and turned towards Auntie Applesauce, revealing her new visors. “Ah! What has happened to you!?”


Auntie Applesauce cried as she said, “I don’t want to become a … mmmffff!”

Granny Smith, halfway complete, looked at Auntie Applesauce, whose mouth had just closed shut. With a ‘pop’, a mohawk appeared on her head, and a bulge appeared on Granny Smith, who proceeded to rub it as Applejack did before.

“Mmmmffff!” Auntie Applesauce tried to say, but to no avail. Granny Smith was a goner, and indeed, before long, she was ready to help the CMPs with more latex apples.

With Auntie Applesauce still stuck, there was nothing she could do, but to wait for the transformation to complete itself and hope she could escape. Even though for others it felt like an instant, for her, it felt like an eternity as all she could do was stand up and wait, while watching Applejack rubbing her own bulge.


Auntie Applesauce felt the tingling sensation climb up into her mind, and could not resist it. With each touch, she was losing it, and by the tenth, she was ready to get loose from Applejack and help with the latex apples.

After showing Granny Smith, Auntie Applesauce their latex apple making process, the CMPs and Applejack then brought the latex apples they made to the market to sell, waiting for more victims.

To Be Continued...

A toxic day at the cafe!

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At another place in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash was busy reading a book in a cafe. In fact, she was so busy that she did not realize what Spike and Cheerilee were doing to the ponies at the cafe, until Scootaloo arrived.

“Squirts, is that you?” Rainbow Dash asked the CMP.


“What in the rainbow's name are you wearing? You’ve lost your colors.”


“What sounds are you making? Oh, you must be thirsty. Here, have a cup of tea. It’s on me,” she said to the CMP as she made her way to the counter. “I would like a cup of tea, please.”

She waited for the pony at the counter to pour her cup of tea, but he filled it only halfway before he was transformed into a ponydrone as well.

“Is that it?” she asked, not satisfied with the amount. She waited a while longer, but the pony did not respond. Growing impatient, she stood up on her chair and found the pony behind the counter, now a ponydrone, rubbing his bulge.

Rainbow Dash is disgusted by the act, and pretends not to see him and instead she pours the milk. With the milk tea in hand, she returned to the table where she left Scootaloo at, still standing up beside the table.

“Oh, please sit down!” Rainbow Dash said as she placed the cup of tea on the table. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, the waiter is acting really weird and lewd today.”


“Oh! Please, help yourself,” Rainbow Dash said as she opened up her book and continued to read.

Upon hearing that, Scootaloo helped herself - to her bulge. She started rubbing it, just like the waiter did.

“What’s that squeaky noise?” asked Rainbow Dash. “It’s quite annoying.”

She continued reading her book, to eventually ask, “Damn that noise! Is that you, squirts?” She finally took her head out of the book, looking straight at Scootaloo.

“Ugh! By ‘help yourself’, I did not mean that! You’re a disgrace, you know?”

Scootaloo didn’t care. And neither did the other ponydrones in the cafe.


Everypony in the cafe had transformed into pony drones, except for Rainbow Dash, who was being held tight by the other pony drones. “Mmmmm!” Her mouth was gagged with a tablecloth, her front hooves were tied up with the curtains, and so were her hind hooves as well.

With a drop of latex, Scootaloo was ready to make dronification tea with the milk tea given by Rainbow Dash. As she stirred, the latex melted into the tea, giving off a faint transparent yellow color, with yellow and black bobas inside the tea.

“Huff…” Scootaloo opened Rainbow Dash’s gag.

“Help me, Scootaloo!” cried Rainbow Dash, finally being able to talk. “Get me out of here! Wait, you’re one of them, aren’t you?” asked her as she saw Scootaloo slowly bringing the cup towards Rainbow Dash’s face.

“I will never drink that, I tell youaaaah!” Her mouth was forced open by the waiter.

“Glug…glug…glug…” The dronification tea was poured down Rainbow Dash’s throat.

“Ugh… That tasted… great? It definitely didn’t taste as bad as I thought… Uhh, I feel hot…”

As her cutie mark slowly turned black and round, a circular bulge grew out as well. “This thing? Now I have one too?”

She looked around, and saw all the yellow ponies around her. They all had the same bulge and cutie mark as her, and even though she couldn’t quite recognise who they were, they somehow felt like a family to her.

“I feel… love! Hot! Hot love! Lust! Horn! Horny!” she said, as her mind bent towards that of a ponydrone. “Must touch! Help! Must touch, no, rub bulge! Must punch bulge!” she cried for help as being tied up, she could not touch her bulge.

“Must touch! Must escape! Must get out and touch it!” Rainbow Dash cried out, violently shaking the chair that she was tied to. “Help me, squirts! Help me, family! Hel—” her mouth sealed shut and her eyes became visors, a black mohawk grew on her head.

“Mmmpppph!” she cried out, still yearning for help. “Mmmmmpphhhant…. Pant… puff…huff…” Valves had fully grown on her face, and she was unable to call for help anymore, and she stopped moving violently. She accepted that she was never going to touch the bulge, even though it felt really miserable not being able to.

Once she was complete, the ponydrones in the cafe released her, only for her to lie down on the floor, bulge facing down.

“Huff…puff…” came a ponydrone, pointing and then rubbing his bulge.

“Pant…” said Rainbow Dash as she began to move her body up and down rapidly, her bulge squishing and squelching against the floor, gaining her a great amount of pleasure, but that was not enough for her, as she just continued on and on non-stop. One by one, the ponydrones left, and Scootaloo was the last one. Scootaloo just panted goodbye, but Rainbow Dash didn’t care, and she, now a complete ponydrone, was doomed to pleasure, or ‘help’ herself indefinitely, alone in the cafe.

To Be Continued...

Bad Fashion Fad!

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With the first few barrels of latex apples being done, Applejack and the CMPs rolled into the city, bringing along the barrels of latex apples. Once they arrived at the Apple Stall, they unloaded all the apples, and the CMPs then left Applejack behind to take care of the store, as they wandered off, looking for others to transform.

As luck would have it, they found Scootaloo walking around. Now, the CMPs were back together again, and to celebrate, they did the thing they knew best: pleasuring themselves. And so, the CMPs, not even caring that they were right in the middle of the street, just sat down there and started rubbing their bulges.

As they were doing so, they met up with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who were searching for their teacher, Cheerilee. They had a few questions to ask her regarding homework, but they couldn’t find her at school. What they were told by the school staff was that she was headed off to town, and so, they carried out their wild goose, no, pony chase in that manner.

They stopped when they found three yellow ponies, sitting in the center of the road. Upon closer inspection, they seemed to be reminiscent of the CMCs, though they quite doubted that they would just be sitting, considering their active and playful nature.

As the two approached the CMPs, they could clearly see what they were doing, and they were highly disgusted by their act.

“How undignified!” said Diamond Tiara. “Touching themselves in public.”

“True,” replied Silver Spoon. “And those yellow-black clothes! Ugh, what a lack of fashion taste.”

“Yeah, those colors really don’t make a pony. They make a bee.”

“A bee! Do you suppose they ought to live in a hive?”

“With those identical clothes and identical actions, they just might. ‘Bow before the Queen Bee!’ Hahaha.”

Even though Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were just joking, they actually were quite right about the ponydrones, following a certain mind. They were, in essence, part of the hivemind.

“Oh, oh! And just imagine them flocking towards their queen, begging for help touching themselves.”

“Haha!” they said as they walked off, not realizing that the CMPs were right behind them, until “Ow! What was that for? That hurts, you know?”

Diamond Tiara turned her head around and saw the CMPs right behind her. “What did you guys do?”

The CMPs just panted and moaned, saying nothing.

“You’d better stop following us!”

“Yeah!” The fillies then started walking again, along with the CMPs.



“You ponies, I get you’re mad at us, but you don’t have to kick us! Especially not there!” she pointed to the area at her crotch.

The CMPs just panted and moaned again, but this time while nodding their heads slightly.

“Let’s just walk faster,” said Silver Spoon.


So, they did, and the CMPs did too.

Not long after, they reached Rarity’s boutique. “Man, do you guys need a change of fashion.”

“If you wanna stay with us, you gotta be like us.”



“And most importantly, pretty!”


“Yeah, that’s a bit of a hard one. Though it does up your social points.”

“Time to pick some clothes!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed as she opened up the door, just to see the whole place messed up quite a bit, with needles everywhere, some clothes ripped, and a ponydrone rubbing its bulge against a mirror.

“Another one? What’s with the style?” Silver Spoon asked, entering the store after Diamond Tiara.

“Rarity? Rarity! We have three new customers for you!”

“Where is she? She’s supposed to still be here.”

“Well, you know what? We’ll go find her, while you three stay here, okay?”

The CMPs nodded their heads, as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon went out.

“Where could she have gone to? One of the best tailors in Ponyville, gone! Poof! Just like that.”

“Must have not liked the yellow suits very much.”

Suddenly, they saw a whole group of ponydrones walking past them.

“What did I just see?” “Did you just see that?” The two fillies looked at each other with much intrigue and confusion.

“Those yellow suits are in fashion?”

“Are we… the late ones?”

“We gotta ask Rarity!”

So, they searched around for Rarity once more, but being unable to find her, they decided to just take matters into their own hoofs. They re-entered the boutique just to find the CMPs and Rarity in pairs, rubbing each other’s bulges.

“Not again!”

“Why are you ponies like this?”

“I can’t believe my eyes! To think that even an adult pony would do such a thing,” Diamond Tiara said, looking at Rarity, not knowing that she was her. “Look at us! The perfect models of society! We’d never do such a thing, right, Silver Spoon?”

“Yeah! But we don’t even have bulges like them, so definitely not.”

“Uhh… Hold that thought.”


Diamond Tiara did not respond, as she was looking under her flank, seeing that as a matter of fact, she actually had a bulge. She touched it, and suddenly felt a weird sensation across her whole body. A feeling of happiness, perhaps.

“Look under your flank,” Diamond Tiara said finally, after quite some time.

Silver Spoon looked, and indeed, she too had a bulge. “AH!” Where did this come from!?”

“I expect it to be from the kicks earlier.”


“It couldn’t be anything else, could it?”

“I don’t think so,” Silver Spoon said, as she looked down once more. “What are we going to do? We can’t go out like this. We’d be discriminated against.”

“But don’t you remember the other yellow ponies earlier? They just went outside even with it!”

“Hmm, I can’t argue with that… But still… It feels quite embarrassing! Imagine, a mutated part of your body, hanging out like that.”

“Well then, we better put on some clothes.”

“What about them? Should we put some clothing on for them?”

“No, I think those yellow jumpsuits are quite enough for them.”

“Okay, then. How about this suit?” asked Silver Spoon.

“A suit?”

“You’d look handsome and cool in it.”

“Well, thanks but no thanks. I’d rather wear this gown,” Diamond Tiara said as she took off the aforementioned gown from the pony mannequin.

“Alright then. I’ll wear… these jeans!”

They each took their desired clothes and put them on, then checked in the mirror to see how they looked. Diamond Tiara twirled around in her new purple gown, not realizing the latex stained hole that existed on the gown. Silver Spoon, on the other hand, was quite regretting her choice of apparel, as her bulge was more apparent than before, her tight jeans highlighting it.

“I shouldn’t have chosen these jeans!”

“Haha, that’s why I didn’t choose the suit! It’s cool, but it doesn’t quite work, unlike my beautiful purple gown,” Diamond Tiara said, twirling once more for Silver Spoon to see.

“Yeah, hehe. Wait, purple?”

“Yeah, purple. Why?”

“There’s a yellow patch on your gown, and it’s growing!”

“Your jeans too!” Diamond Tiara said, noticing Silver Spoon’s jeans turning yellow. She then hurriedly tried to swipe the yellow off.

“Scissors! I need scissors!”

“Hurry! My gown is quickly becoming more yellow and tighter!”

It didn’t take long for Silver Spoon to find scissors, and she used it to cut her jeans, just to find that in her hurry to find scissors, her jeans, now completely yellow, had fused to become part of her skin.

“I can’t cut the jeans off! It’s now part of me! Here, take these scissors!” she said as she handed the scissors to Diamond Tiara. “Hurry, save yourself! It’s too late for me!”

“Okay!” said Diamond Tiara, who took the scissors and tried to cut her now yellow gown, trying to stop it from merging with her. “Snip!” A hole was opened in the gown, just for it to close back almost instantly as Diamond Tiara tried to snip some other part in the gown.

“Snip! Snip! Snip!” No matter how she cut, the rapidity of the recovery of the gown was too fast, and Diamond Tiara eventually gave up, tired. She sat down and allowed the gown to fuse with her, turning her coat a bright yellow.

“No! You can’t give up!” said Silver Spoon, who also had her coat slowly turning yellow, down from her jeans up to her neck.

“I can’t… I can’t do anything… All I can do is to accept this new fashion… We’re becoming the same as them, we’ve joined them.”

“No, we haven’t! Look, we don’t have a mohawk yet,” said Silver Spoon, not realizing that a black mohawk was actually growing atop her head just as she said that.

“I wouldn’t say so…” said Diamond Tiara, when she was interrupted by Silver Spoon.

“Ow! Not again… But that feels so good…”

Diamond Tiara saw a CMP stand behind Silver Spoon, but she wasn’t fast enough to tell her, and she was kicked in the bulge again.

“Do that to me one more time!” said Silver Spoon, wanting to experience the euphoria she just did.

“What’s going on?” asked Diamond Tiara, standing back up. “Ow! Oooh… I see now,” said Diamond Tiara, getting kicked by another CMP who was behind her.

“Once is never enough!” Silver Spoon exclaimed, as her mind was slowly degrading, and she kicked Diamond Tiara in the bulge.

“I agree!” Diamond Tiara said as she kicked Silver Spoon.

The CMPs, seeing the two fillies satisfied, went back to their respective pairs from before, leaving the two fillies kicking each other, forming a new pair.

Slowly but surely, the transformation crept up on them, with their eyes turning into visors and heads becoming yellow. That didn’t bother them at all, however; their mind was filled with lust, and they already knew where they were supposed to kick anyway.

As they kicked and kicked, their hooves turned black, and their tails also turned black.

“One more!” They couldn’t stop asking for more, until they finally couldn’t ask for more, as their muzzles were sealed shut with latex, leaving only two valves on their cheeks.

They were now horny ponydrones, and now the boutique was merrier, with six happy ponydrones enjoying themselves. No longer was Rarity alone with the mirror, and as such, she was happier than ever, not that she could feel any other emotions. The CMPs and Rarity rubbed, while the new pair of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon kicked, the three pairs lost to pleasure.

To Be Continued...

The Timid and the Happy!

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With all the ponies in the cafe fully dronified and Rainbow Dash released, Spike and Cheerilee left the cafe, bringing their horde of drones along, marching them around town. However, it was later that Spike realized that Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo did not follow him earlier. So, Spike sent Cheerilee to go back to the cafe to find Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

Reaching the cafe, Cheerilee found Rainbow Dash where Scootaloo left her, still squashing her bulge against the floor. Cheerilee walked around Rainbow Dash, trying to get her attention, but it was all still the same, Rainbow Dash would not respond. Cheerilee even tried standing on Rainbow Dash, but it only made Rainbow Dash pause for a while, just to continue squashing once Cheerilee got off. In some anger (characterized by Cheerilee’s louder panting), Cheerilee kicked Rainbow Dash in the face, finally causing Rainbow Dash to stop.

Rainbow Dash looked up at Cheerilee, and stood up. Cheerilee, still with anger, kicked Rainbow Dash at the butt, sending her off. Once Rainbow Dash was gone, Cheerilee left the cafe as well, returning back to the horde of Spike.

Rainbow Dash was now off to her friend’s house, that of Fluttershy. Once she was there, she knocked on her door and sat down to rub her bulge to wait, but then, Fluttershy came out.

“Yes? Who is it?” Fluttershy looked around, not noticing Rainbow Dash until she looked down.

“Who are you? What do you want?”

“Huff… puff…”

“Who are you? The big bad wolf? Or the yellow bad pony?”

Rainbow Dash ignored the question and started to rub her bulge.

“Yikes, what are you doing? Don’t do this lewd act in front of my house, shoo, shoo!”

Rainbow Dash didn’t care, and stood up instead. She stood up, and began to walk towards Fluttershy, squashing her bulge into Fluttershy’s face. “Squash!” a rubbery sound came out.

“Bleh!” Fluttershy said in revolt, backing up. As she did that, Rainbow Dash advanced once more, and they repeated that until Rainbow Dash finally entered Fluttershy’s house, closing the door behind her.

“What do you want?”

“Huff…puff…” Rainbow Dash panted and began to advance once more until Fluttershy unknowingly tripped onto her sofa. Rainbow Dash immediately took the opportunity and jumped onto Fluttershy, the former’s bulge over the latter’s crotch, the former’s head over the latter’s head.

Already in position, Rainbow Dash began to rub her bulge against Fluttershy’s still smooth crotch, and with every rub, a little bit of latex that Rainbow Dash let out would rub onto Fluttershy, changing her without notice.

Fluttershy was scared, nervous, and about to scream, when Rainbow Dash suddenly kissed her. Rainbow Dash’s sealed muzzle went as close as it could to Fluttershy’s muzzle, kissing her. Fluttershy was embarrassed and taken aback by Rainbow Dash’s action, for her first kiss had now been stolen by what was to her an alien pony, quite similar to her, yet different at the same time.

As in a deep kiss, some body fluids were exchanged, as Fluttershy’s saliva smeared onto Rainbow Dash’s muzzle, Rainbow Dash let out some latex secretions via her valves as well, dripping around and into Fluttershy’s mouth as she squirmed about. As time went on, Fluttershy could feel her crotch changing, something growing out as the distance between her and Rainbow Dash increased slowly. The kiss grew further and further apart as Fluttershy’s mouth became stuck together, her upper and lower lips closing in on each other, merging into one with the help of Rainbow Dash’s latex saliva.

With Fluttershy being unable to talk and open her mouth, Rainbow Dash gave her one last kiss, starting the growth of valves in her cheeks, and then proceeded to flood Fluttershy’s eyes with latex. Soaked completely in latex, Fluttershy stopped squirming for a while and just kept rubbing her eyes as she was unable to see. However, however much she rubbed them, the transformation could not be stopped. In fact, it only became quicker as before long, a layer of glass formed on her eyes, covering it. Her vision soon recovered after that.

While Fluttershy was struggling with her eyes, Rainbow Dash turned around quickly, her head now over Fluttershy’s bulge and her bulge now over Fluttershy’s head. Without hesitation, Rainbow Dash rubbed and knocked Fluttershy’s bulge with her muzzle, as Fluttershy started to feel hot with horniness.

“Mmmmppphhh! Mmmmppppphhhhhh!” cried Fluttershy in pleasure. Even though her muzzle and eyes were sealed, and she had a bulge, she did not, or could no longer care as she was overcome by pleasure, slowly changing her as the latex spread around her.

As her flank and legs turned yellow, her hooves and tail became the same black of her new cutie mark. The butterflies had grown into black paper fans. Still, she would not move, still being too horny for other stuff.

As her whole torso became latex, so did her wings. Her mane turned black and melded into a black mohawk, pushing her head up from the sofa, her muzzle knocking into Rainbow Dash’s bulge. Now, they were knocking each other’s bulges with their muzzles. They were pleasuring each other as much as they could, as Fluttershy was soon another ponydrone. With a few more rubs, the pleasure overtook Fluttershy completely and her mind was no more. All that she knew now was that her current task was to pleasure Rainbow Dash, and to let herself be pleasured by her.

Away from the cottage, somewhere in the middle of town, Applejack was busy selling latex apples to some pony customers, when she saw a huge horde of ponydrones walk by. They were headed to Sugarcube Corner, the home and workplace of Pinkie Pie.

The door chimes ring as the door of the bakery swings open with a yellow ponydrone entering the bakery.

“Hello, how may I help you today?” asked the cashier pony, Pinkie Pie, who was in the middle of writing a song.


“Sorry, what did you say?”


“Excuse me?”

The door chimes rang again as another yellow ponydrone enters behind the first.

“Another one?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Are you two twins? Triplets!?” Another ponydrone came in, and another, and another, and another, and another, and it was so many until Pinkie Pie, still counting, said, “Decuplets? … What comes after decuplets?”


“You’re right, it’s too silly, even for me. But why are there so many of you?”


“I guess some questions are just unanswerable. Anyway, what do you ponies want to buy? Feel free to look around!”

The ponydrones then looked at each other, not seeming to do anything.

“I’ll leave you guys to choose then,” Pinkie Pie said as she continued writing her song.

The ponydrones, seeing her not focusing on them any longer, started walking around the store, looking around the pastries and confections. As they found the pastries, they started letting out latex from their bodies and heads, coating the cakes, bread and other stuff with latex cream. The cake coated with white cream turned into a latex creamed cake, and all the donuts were yellow latex donuts now.

With Pinkie Pie quite indulged in her songwriting as the ponydrones quite indulged in their activities, Spike and Cheerilee finally entered the bakery, but this time Pinkie Pie didn’t seem to care. While Spike blended in with the other ponydrones, Cheerilee and another ponydrone soon reached the back of the counter, where the ponydrone approached Pinkie Pie and Cheerilee went upstairs.

“Hey, you’re not supposed to be here,” remarked Pinkie Pie after noticing the ponydrone standing next to her. The ponydrone knocked her chair, and Pinkie Pie responded, “Have you made up your mind?”

“Huff…puff…” The ponydrone pointed towards some pastries.

“Alright, I’ll follow you,” and Pinkie Pie followed the ponydrone.

“Agh! What happened here? What happened to all the cakes?”

Spike, still in the crowd, walked towards Pinkie Pie and pushed her face down into a cake.


“What did you do that for?” asked Pinkie Pie after recovering from the push, her face still covered in yellow, black, and white cream.

“Smash!” A pie flew towards Pinkie Pie’s face, covering her in more of the same cream.

“Hahahaha! A food fight? I get it, but stop!” said Pinkie Pie. “I’ve got a job to do, and the…”

“Mmmmfffff!” A donut was flung into her mouth.

“Wow, this cream is delicious! How did you guys make it?”

After a few pants and moans, the ponydrones started rubbing their bulges.

“Is this how you make the cream?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I don’t believe you. You’re not going to tell me that the cream is bodily fluid, are you? If it was, I would have heard about it a long time ago.”

Spike, after rubbing his bulge, went towards an untainted cake and let latex out from his valves, showing Pinkie Pie their secret.

“What!? Really? Wait… that means… your valves aren’t just costumes? I thought… I thought they were just decorations…”


“And you ponies don’t have nostrils, either, which quite explains the valves… Are you ponies some type of alien?”

Spike looked at Pinkie Pie, and rubbed his bulge, then pointed at her.

She was puzzled for a while and then looked down, noticing her new bulge. “You want me to try it as well?”

The ponydrones all nodded. “Alright then, I’ll try. One small step for pony, one giant step for ponykind.” The first touch was issued. Then came the second, third, fourth, and so on as her touches became more rapid, more of a rubbing effect now.

“This feels great! So you’re telling me that I can make the yellow cream just by doing this?”

The ponydrones all nodded again.

“I’m gonna go high!!!! Aaaaahhhhh!”


“Waaahhh!” the other cried.

Upstairs, Pumpkin Pie and Pound Cake were woken up by Cheerilee, who kept on making the squeaking noise, rubbing her bulge against almost every step of the stairs that she took. At this point, Pinkie Pie heard their cries, but was too indulged to do anything about them. And so it was up to Cheerilee to stop them from crying.

Cheerilee walked around their crib, thinking of what to do, when she noticed two empty milk bottles on a table nearby. With quick thinking, she filled the milk bottles with latex goop and gave them to the babies. Surprisingly, the babies liked it, and they drank the goop. As they did so, their skin turned yellow, eyes turned into glass, grew a small cute black mohawk, and a tiny, very tiny little bulge within their diapers.

The babies, now completely foaldrones, stopped crying and just kept rubbing their diapers. Cheerilee, happy with what she had done, also did the same.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Pinkie Pie was nearing her climax as she felt latex climbing up her throat slowly, as if she was about to vomit. “I can’t stand it! I can’t take it anymore! Bleh!”

Pinkie Pie had reached her climax and she vomited yellow latex goop onto the floor. “Is that how you dommmpppphhhh!”

The latex that had remained around her mouth fused her mouth shut, making her unable to speak. Valves then grew out of her cheeks right after.

“Mmmmppphhh!” said she, though nobody knew what exactly she was trying to say. Realizing that, she bent down and tried to lick the yellow goop, wanting to taste it, only remembering that her muzzle was shut. As she stood in the goop, its effects crawled up on her as her hooves turned black boots, torso and legs turning yellow. A cutie mark appeared on her flank, the same as all the other ponydrones.

Spike came over and touched Pinkie Pie’s bulge. Pinkie Pie, wanting more goop, began to rub herself again. As she rubbed, her head changed, with a mohawk and visors, Pinkie Pie was nearly done. Her mind also submitted itself to the production of latex via pleasure, and soon she was just another latex-goop-producing-pony-drone. While others lived for pleasure, she lived to produce as much goop as possible, not only for her pastries and confections, but also for other ponydrones.

With that, Spike, Cheerilee and the other ponydrones all exited and left Sugarcube Corner, leaving Pinkie Pie with the job of decorating the pastries and confections with a new layer of cream.

To Be Continued...

Latex Apples: The New Trend in Ponyville!

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As the hours went by, Applejack sold more and more apples, and more and more ponies turned into ponydrones. Ponies of all ages and genders, the old, the young, the male, the female, all were potential ponydrones regardless. In fact, ponies were going extinct! At the Apple family’s farm, almost everyone had turned into ponydrones, harvesting, converting and selling latex apples. In fact, now Applejack had her older brother, Big McIntosh with her at the stall, together selling latex apples.

With a huge amount of apples, Applejack had to give away the apples, as her stock was increasing fast, and only a few ponies were buying her apples. So, she started giving away the apples, delivering them to various houses around town, leaving Big McIntosh to finally take over the boring job of just standing at the stall and watching both ponies and ponydrones pass by.

Applejack brought a basket of latex apples as she went to every house, knocking on every door.

“Knock knock,” she knocked.

“Yes?” asked Trixie, coming out from the house. “Applejack? Is that you?” she inferred, looking at the basket of apples.


“My, my, what type of apples are these?”

Applejack took an apple out of the basket and gave it to Trixie, who received and examined it. “Should I try it?”

Applejack nodded, and Trixie bit into it. “Wow! This is delicious! How much are they?”

Applejack handed the basket to Trixie, giving the apples to her. “Wow, thank you so much!” Applejack then left Trixie, to get a new batch of apples.

Trixie, on the other hand, soon found herself quite addicted to the apples, and couldn’t stop eating, until her muzzle was sealed shut by the juices of the apple. “Mmmmpppphhhh!”

She still wanted to eat the apples, but found that she couldn’t. Instead, she found an apple growing on her flank; a bulge! She tried to eat it, and thus rubbed it instead. “Mmmmfff!” she cried in pleasure. She dropped all the apples on the floor, and started rubbing her bulge. As time went on, her mind and body changed to that of a ponydrone, and she was now just a ponydrone sitting at her door sill, pleasuring herself with latex apples scattered around her.

“Hey, Trixie!” called Starlight Glimmer. “How about that magic trick you said you wanted to show me today?”

“Huff… puff…”

“What’s wrong with you? You seem a bit… yellow. And… what exactly are you doing?”

Trixie was holding an apple and using its stem to rub her bulge, but then she handed the apple to Starlight Glimmer, who said, “What? You want me to take this apple? After you rubbed it against your body? I think not.”

“Huff… Puff…”

“You want me to try one?” asked Starlight Glimmer, seeing Trixie pointing at the scattered apples. “Well, if you insist…”

Starlight Glimmer took an apple, looked around it with extreme detail, and took a tiny bite out of it. However, the tiny bite was also enough to get her addicted too, and it wasn’t before long that Trixie and Starlight Glimmer sat on Trixie’s house’s door sill together, rubbing their bulges together, with a few scattered apples around the floor.

While that happened, Applejack went back to the stall, took a new basket of apples, and was off again. This time, she ran into Donut Joe.

“Hey! Are you selling apples?” asked Donut Joe.

Applejack nodded her head, and handed the basket to Donut Joe. “Can I try one? I’ll take one and test it.”

He took a bite out of the apple, and found that it was quite delicious. “Do you have more? I’d like to help you sell these.”

Applejack was happy, and would smile, if she could. She brought him to the stall and pointed. “Wow! That’s a lot of apples. Can I take a barrel with me?”

Big McIntosh looked around the stall, noting the number of barrels. He nodded a yes.

“Thank you so much!” Donut Joe said as he brought the barrel away. “I might come back for more later! Thanks again!”

“Is this the stall that I’ve been hearing about?”

“Yes, madam. This is it.”

“Hello.” greeted Mayor Mare. “I have been hearing of suspicious activity around these parts of late. And I hear that it’s because of your stall. I’ve sent my ponies but none of them have returned yet. So, what do you sell?”

“Huff…puff…” Big McIntosh pointed at a sign hanging slightly above him.

“Apples? Of course I know their apples. But spill the beans. What else do you sell? Sugar? Weed? Horsetails?”

“Yeah, we’ve heard that you’re selling some euphoric drugs, bringing wicked happiness and pleasure to ponies. WE WANT IN,” insisted Mayor Mare’s companion, who seemed like her new assistant, while winking.

“Huff.. puff… huff… puff…” Applejack and Big MacIntosh looked at each other. They took two apples and put them on the counter.

“Apples? Seriously?”

“Madam, maybe it could really be the apples? The apples seem like they’re coated with something… yellow, after all.”

“Alright then. We’ll try it.”

They both started eating the apples, and they finished eating it quickly. “That was great!” they said, feeling a bit of a high, but not realizing what they had just gotten themselves into.

“Another, please!” Mayor Mare asked.

The two of them took another two from Big MacIntosh as Applejack left to find another potential customer. They ate it as before, and they got even higher, with their transformations complete up to their flank. Their cutie marks, tail and hooves were black and their flanks and newly formed bulge were yellow.

“Another, again!” Mayor Mare’s assistant asked, as Mayor Mare found her mouth harder to move.

This time, they could not finish their apples as their muzzles sealed shut and eyes changed into visors.

“Mmmmmppppphhh!” they both moaned as a mohawk grew on each of their heads. They were really high, and they started hallucinating, imagining they had a harem, and they started pleasuring each other. They had finally reached euphoria, just as they wanted.

After taking the apples back to his bakery, Donut Joe was a bit regretful at taking so many as he was having a hard time selling the apples because of their color. So, he had to give out an apple together with each donut instead.

On the other hand, the Method Mares, a famous theatre troupe from Manehattan that had just come into town for the corresponding leg of their tour, had a very bad hair day. Not only did most of their fans not show up, they couldn’t find a suitable place to have lunch. They first went to a cafe, only to find it open but empty, not even the staff were there, and then they went to a bakery, but all the pastries and confections were covered in yellow cream, which they found alien and disgusting. Finally, however, it seemed that their day had gotten a little brighter at least, with the finding of Donut Joe’s donut shop. It seemed that at last, they had something to eat!

“Excuse me, could we please have four chocolate donuts and four cups of coffee? Thank you,” said Method Mare 3.

“Alright, here’s four cups of coffee, four chocolate donuts and four apples.”

“Apples? We didn’t order apples,” said Method Mare 1.

“Well, I’m having a special promotion today,” replied Donut Joe. “One free apple for one donut.”

“What’s it for?”

“Well, promoting these new types of apples, of course! Believe me, they’re delicious.”

“Alright then, we’ll try them.”

After eating their donuts and sipping their coffees, they started to eat the apples. “This is quite delicious!” said Method Mare 2.


The Method Mare ate the apples, and with every bite they took, they turned a shade of yellow, until they were completely yellow all over. Outside, their coat had turned yellow, and inside, on the other hand, changes to their organs were happening that they did not realize.

“Do you want to eat with us?” asked Method Mare 4. “These apples are delicious!”

“Sure,” Donut Joe said. So, he also took an apple and started to eat. He then also started changing, just like the Method Mares.

Their lungs turned into air sacs, mainly for carbon dioxide. Their digestive system, once used to make enzymes for digestion, had now become a system used to make latex, and their brains, once just like any other ponies, had turned into a hivemind connector. With their new hivemind, they could not resist doing what it told them to do, even though they still had a part of their old mind. They took more apples from the barrel and ate them.

Before long, their hair had changed into black rubber blocks of mohawks, and their tails and hooves turned black as well. Their coats fused with their yellow skin, turning into rubber. As their minds were gone, they suddenly felt horny and lustful, so they rubbed their bulges. The Method Mares eventually rubbed each other’s bulges, leaving Donut Joe to rub his own bulge. However, he was doing so with a fork, poking around it. Now, Donut Joe’s bakery was doomed.

And so was another bakery nearby, Sugarcube Corner. As one of the rivals to Donut Joe’s bakery, it has always kept a high reputation and standards for its products. Today however, that standard was not met as Mr. and Mrs. Cake scolded Pinkie Pie for the yellow cream.

“What have you done? The cakes are all yellow!”

“We just leave you with the shop for a few hours, and we come back to this!?”

“I am disappointed with you, Pinkie Pie.”

“And what’s with your new yellow suit? You’re supposed to be wearing a white apron. God, fillies’ fashion sense these days.”

“We’ll go upstairs to check on the infants, and you’d better clean up your mess!” And so they went. “AAAHHHH!”

Pinkie Pie heard the cry and immediately went upstairs.

“What have you done to our children? They look… horrendous!”

“Look! There’s the same yellow cream inside their bottles!”


Pinkie Pie was kicked out of Sugarcube Corner, leaving her out on the streets. Mr. and Mrs. Cake, however, were examining their infants.

“What happened to them?”

“They’re so… yellow.”

“But are they… our babies?”

They looked around the infants and saw something weird. The infants’ diapers were bulged.

“Did they defecate into their diapers again? Pinkie Pie really forgot to change their diapers, didn’t she?”

They opened up the diapers and saw a small round thing attached to the infants. “What’s this?” asked Mr. Cake.

They touched the bulge and the infants squirmed. “Are you foals feeling ticklish?”

The infants didn’t know what to say, and they couldn’t either.

Their bulges were touched again. “Why aren’t you foals laughing?”

“They don’t have mouths!”


“But there’s this goop on their muzzles…”

“It’s from the milk bottle!”

“What should we do now…” Mr. and Mrs. Cake pondered.

“Yeah, what should we do? Customers are getting low.” Said Aloe Vera.

“We need some new type of strategy, maybe a promotion?” Said Lotus Blossom.

“Come on, you know those won’t help.”

“Maybe we should just close up for today.”

Knock knock!

“Yes? Who’s there?” said Aloe Vera.

“Oh, an apple seller. You want to sell us some apples, don’t you? Lotus, do you want some apples?”

“I could do with some right about now,” replied Lotus Blossom.

“Alright then, we’ll buy some-”

Applejack handed over the basket of apples. “You’re giving them to me?”

Applejack nodded.

“Thank you so much! In return, do you want to try out our spa?”

Applejack didn’t reply and just left. “Not much of a talker, is she? Oh well, now we got apples!”

“Lotus, we have apples!”

“Aloe, these aren’t apples. Apples are supposed to be red, not yellow.”

“Maybe it’s just waxing? I’ve heard that the apple farmers are working on some kind of waxing technology, to preserve the apples longer.

“Like a spa waxing?”

“I don’t know,” Aloe said, throwing an apple into the spa.

“What did you do that for?”

The water started gaining a yellowish hue as Lotus got into the water to take out the apple.

“It feels… squishy.” Lotus said as she held the apple tightly like a sponge, inadvertently squeezing some of its juice out into the spa.

“How about this apple?” said Aloe as she threw another apple.

“Enough apples!” Lotus took the other apple, and got out of the spa.

“Hey, nice pants!”


“Yeah, those yellow pants that you’re wearing.”

“And your cutie mark… It looks cool!”

“Cool?” Lotus looked down, and indeed, she saw that her torso had a layer of yellow latex on it, with a black cutie mark of a hazard material symbol.

“Are these… pants?” Lotus tried to pull on her new ‘pants’.

“Wait, they aren’t yours? I thought you were doing some kind of magic trick where you could wear pants underwater.”

“These aren’t pants!!! It’s my skin!”


“Let me see.”

Aloe pulled on Lotus’s skin, and “Ow!” cried Lotus in pain.

“This… feels weird.”

“Is it because of the yellow water?”

“Maybe, but what about that bulge?”

“Bulge?” Lotus looked more closely, and indeed, there was a bulge, though not prominent.

“What happens if I press it?”

“No, don’t! Ooooohhhh…” Lotus refuted as Aloe pressed Lotus’ bulge, sending her some signals of pleasure.


“What was that? Why… why did I feel that way? Did you just seem… sexier? Ooooohhhhh!”

Aloe pressed Lotus’ bulge again, and Lotus squirmed, as she dropped the apples by accident, and the apples rolled into the spa again.

“I feel… horny!” Lotus said, not realising that her upper flank was also becoming yellow, up to her neck.

“Ooh, a yellow turtleneck shirt!” said Aloe as she pulled Lotus’ skin.

“Ow! What was that for?” Lotus suddenly snapped back into her mind from the pain. “What did you do to me? Why can’t I remember… Wait, where are the apples?”

“They’re in the spa.”

“Not again! I’ll just have to and take them.”

As Lotus did so, she slipped into the spa, causing the yellow spa water to splat everywhere, including on Aloe, who immediately checked on Lotus.

“Lotus! Are you okay?”


Lotus’s head had changed. Her pink hair was now a black mohawk, her eyes becoming pink glass visors, and her entire sky blue coat was now a shiny yellow. Her muzzle was shut and her cheeks had valves. The only recognizable aspect of her was now her white headband and collar.

“Lotus… Are you okay?”

“Huff… puff…”

Lotus was trying to say something, but she couldn’t.

“What are you trying to say? I have no mouth and I must scream?”

“Mmmmppphhh!” Lotus said loudly as she pointed towards Aloe.

“There’s bits of yellow patches all over me! They look like polka dots!” cried Aloe. “Am I turning into a giraffe?”


“You’re right, nothing’s happening.”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmppppppppphhhhhhhhhh….” Lotus’ sexual tension increased dramatically as she found herself unable to do anything but moan.

Aloe, however, kicked Lotus’ bulge as Lotus tried to get out of the spa. Lotus fell back into the spa, and she cried out, “Mmmmfffffff!”. She had felt a small release.

Lotus then continued touching her own bulge, rubbing it. “Mmmmppppphhhh!” she found herself getting less tense as she finally found release. As she did so, her latex producer became more and more active, producing more and more latex. Soon, she found that latex was pouring out of her valves, filling up the spa with yellow and black goop that mixed together.

“Huff…puff…” Lotus splashed the spa water towards Aloe.

“Ah!” said Aloe. “What are you doing? I’m changing more… where are my spots?”

Aloe looked around her body, seeing that her spots had become large patches that were soon to cover her entire body.

Lotus, who just came out of the spa, looked at Aloe, and pushed her into the spa.

“Help! Nooooooommmmmppppphhhhh….” Aloe screamed for help as she was pushed down by Lotus, causing her to change, and her muzzle to seal up.

“Mmm…mm…m…” Aloe fell into silence as her mind was changed blank, unable to talk or even think.

“Mmmffff…” Aloe walked around Lotus, kicking Lotus’ bulge each round.

Lotus just stood there, doing nothing.

Aloe then kicked Lotus everywhere, kicking her into the spa. She then jumped into the spa herself, and they played around in yellow goop, horny, together.

“Ah, I’m finally back,” said Sunset Shimmer as she walked out of the Crystal Mirror. “Twilight’s place,” she noted as she walked to the door.

“I wonder where Spike is.”

The room was rather tidy, but there was a broom on the floor with a book next to it, opened to the page of “Make a Pony”.

Sunset Shimmer looked at the book and said, “Spike.” Knowing how tidy Twilight liked things to be, she picked up the book and put it on the shelf, and put the broom back in its place, next to the mop and bucket. She then turned to leave, when there was a knock on the door.

“Yes?” Sunset Shimmer opened the door. “Apples?”

Applejack handed the basket to Sunset Shimmer. “Thanks but no thanks, I’m trying to look for my friends,” Sunset Shimmer said as she exited Twilight’s castle. “Pinkie Pie, Applejack! Where are you?”

Applejack would not give up, and she followed Sunset Shimmer.

First, Sunset Shimmer went to Pinkie Pie’s place, Sugarcube Corner.

“Pinkie Pie!”


“Why? I thought you ponies loved her!”

“We did, but she did something treacherous! Just look at our infants!”

Mrs. Cake showed Sunset Shimmer the infants as they stared into Sunset Shimmer’s soul.


“They’re all yellow, with black hair, black hooves, and a black tail!”

“Oh. And that was done by Pinkie Pie?”

“Of course! Who else? When we came back, she looked about the same too, all yellow. Speaking of that color, she also turned all our pastries and confections yellow too! Just look at the donuts, the cakes, the pies! All coated with yellow!”

Sunset Shimmer looked around her, and indeed, all the goods were yellow, and she said, “Have you tried them?”

“Tried them? For heaven’s sake, child, no!”

“Why would we?”

“Alright, where’s Pinkie Pie then?” Sunset Shimmer changed the subject.

“We’ve fired her, and kicked her out. She should be outside walking around. Though, you might not recognise her in yellow.”

“Alright then, thank you.” Sunset Shimmer exited the store.

“Did we forget to tell her something?”


“The milk bottles.”

“Eh, never mind.”

Applejack, who was hiding, waiting outside Sugarcube Corner, continued following Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset Shimmer then went to Sweet Apple Acres, the home of the Apple family. “Applejack! Big Mac! Sugar Belle!”

The house was deathly quiet, and no one was to be found there. So, she went to the orchard, but no one was there either, but she started hearing sounds. She went to the barn, and she saw Granny Smith, Auntie Applesauce, Sugar Belle (now a ponydrone too), and a few other ponydrones doing something in the barn.

She went closer to examine (but not enough for them to notice her), and she saw them making latex apples. One-by-one, the apples were coated with the latex on the floor of the barn, and they were put into the barrels. Sunset Shimmer waited for a barrel to become full to see what would happen: once a barrel was full, it was brought away by a ponydrone. As the barrel she was observing left, she followed the ponydrone and the barrel.

The ponydrone walked and walked, not noticing Sunset Shimmer following, and soon, they reached the apple stall. The ponydrone dropped off the barrel, and proceeded back to the farm. At this point, Sunset Shimmer realized that something was wrong, and it started with the Apple family, for their whole family were yellow, including Big McIntosh, who was standing in front of her, and that she recognised by his signature yoke.

“Mmmmpppphhhh?” asked Big McIntosh, placing an apple on the counter.

“No thank you.”

“Mmmppphhh?” she suddenly heard a moan behind her. It was the same pony from before, holding the same basket of apples. Seeing the farm and seeing Big McIntosh, she quickly put two and two together, concluding that the ponydrone was Applejack, saying, “You too, Applejack?”

Sunset Shimmer immediately ran away, just to knock into Pinkie Pie.

“Another one?” she said, as she got up.

Trying to act polite, Sunset Shimmer apologized, and helped Pinkie Pie up.

Pinkie Pie then vomited some yellow goop out onto the floor, with Sunset Shimmer narrowly avoiding it.

“Are you okay?”

Pinkie Pie stepped forward and vomited again.

“Ugh!” said Sunset Shimmer, who got latex vomit on her. “I was trying to be helpful here, but see what I get? Ugh! I’m leaving!”

She headed for Twilight’s castle, but little did she realize that as she headed there, she started changing, for with every step, her hooves turned a darker color. When her hooves were completely black, it spread up her legs as they turned yellow, and her tail turned black.

She arrived at the castle with her legs and tail completely transformed, along with the bottom half of her flank. The castle was just as silent as before, but when she opened the door, she was shocked to find some ponydrones inside, doing nothing but standing around the Crystal Mirror.

“Let me go!” she said.


“What was that sound?”


Sunset Shimmer turned her head around to see Pinkie Pie kicking her.

“Why isn’t it painful?” she asked herself as she realized that what Pinkie Pie was kicking was a yellow rubber bulge. “Agh! I’m yellow!”

As Pinkie Pie kicked more, Sunset Shimmer felt a sense of horniness. “Oh, I like that! Kick me more!”

Pinkie Pie kicked Sunset Shimmer more, and as she did so, the other ponydrones let out latex onto Sunset Shimmer, coating her top flank in yellow goop. Once her top flank was completely yellow, her head was next as her red and yellow mane turned into a black mohawk. Her eyes turned into light blue visors as her muzzle was sealed by latex dropped by the ponydrones. Her mind was fading away with every high she got from the kicks.

“Mmmmffff! Mmmmppphhh!” Sunset Shimmer was still getting kicked, but she was getting kicked more and more to the front, getting closer and closer to the mirror, as the ponydrones blocking the mirror moved away. With one last kick, Sunset Shimmer reached an unforgettable high as at the same time, she was kicked into the mirror. With the high, she forgot that she was ever a pony, and was now a complete ponydrone, though not for long.

In the mirror, as everypony turned into a human form of themselves, so did every ponydrone. First, her black front hooves lifted off the ground, and her body lengthened and straightened, converting her from a quadrupedal to a bipedal. Then, her tail shortened and basically disappeared, leaving a black spot at the spot of her tailbone. Her muzzle shortened and her pony ears changed into human ears. Her valves remained at her cheeks, and her visors became slightly smaller. Her face just had two visors and one nose, though her nose had no nostrils. Atop her head remained the mohawk, though a bit bigger.

With her body changing to look more like a human, her black front hooves changed into black hands, akin to gloves, the black only being on her hand, while the rest of her arm starting from her wrist was yellow. Her black hind hooves that she was now standing on morphed into black boots, with soles on the bottom. They looked like black rain boots, but they were actually a part of her legs, the rest of which were yellow.

At her pelvis, or more specifically at her pubic symphysis, she had a bulge at the front, and at the side of each of her buttocks, she had the black hazmat radioactive sign. Above her butt was a single black circle, reminiscent of her tail. With her spine slightly arched and her body slightly slimmed into an hourglass figure, she looked more and more like a teenage girl, and thus two new bulges also appeared on her chest, both larger than the one on her pelvis, and touching them, she felt more sexually aroused from them than her pelvic bulge.

Now a yellow and black humandrone, she twirled around on her newly formed boots, adjusting to them as she looked around her new body. Of course, her new body did not startle her, as it was already quite obvious to her as a ponydrone that she would turn into a humandrone through the mirror, but it being the first time she did so, invoked a sense of curiosity in the ponydrone, no, humandrone. Once the transformation was done, the magic of the Crystal Mirror opened a portal, allowing her to arrive at Canterlot High School, where trouble was going to ensue.

In Twilight’s castle, though, the ponydrones started having a party, pleasuring each other. Some rubbed their own bulges, some kicked each other, some used their muzzles on each other's bulges, some stood in a circle and kicked each other in sequence; they were all indulging themselves in pleasure! And so, Ponyville was doomed to be a red light city, with a lot, if not all, of the ponies turned into horny ponydrones.

To Be Continued...

Strange Things in Ponyville

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The moon was high in the sky when Twilight returned to her castle after her trip with Princess Celestia to Chaosville. They had been negotiating about some issues related to both of their realms. The journey was long and tiring as their guide, Discord, played his usual tricks on them, sending them into some sort of Alice in Wonderland kind of journey. It took many twists and turns and detours.

Feeling really tired from the journey back, Twilight really just wanted to lie in bed and sleep until the next morning. However, when she arrived, she found a horde of yellow ponydrones inside. “What has happened here?” she thought to herself.

“Hey ponies, what are you doing in my castle? And where’s Spike?”

She walked around her castle, and went to the library as she was worried about the Crystal Mirror. Having known that it was opening, she went to check on it, only to find her too late. “I’m late… Damn that Discord! I’ll just have to wait thirty more moons to visit Sunset Shimmer.”

While thinking about that, she felt a touch as a ponydrone used her muzzle to touch Twilight Sparkle’s buttocks.

“Yeesh!” Twilight said loudly. “What was that for?”

She noticed ponydrones approaching her, and she thus began to fly.

Feeling really tired, she could not fly far, and just barely flew to the stairs, where she headed to her bedroom, locked the door, and went to sleep.

The next morning, Twilight woke up to a strange sound. “Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!”

“What’s that sound?” asked Twilight to herself. She went to the corridor and found a ponydrone rubbing its own bulge. “What in heavens are you doing?”

The ponydrone turned around and she saw in disgust what it was doing. “Ugh! This is why I always tell Spike to lock the door! Weirdos always get in here!”

She went downstairs to check on the throne room, and sitting on the thrones were a bunch of ponydrones sitting down, and a bunch of other ponydrones standing in front of the ponydrones rubbing the formers’ bulges with their muzzles.

“Weirdos!” remarked Twilight again.

Too hungry to do anything, she ignored them and went out to find some breakfast. First, she headed to the nearest bakery, and she found Sugarcube Corner. She opened the door just to find the same squeaking sound as in the morning, and walking around the counter, she found two ponydrones pleasuring each other, and two other baby ponydrones, foaldrones rubbing their own bulges on the stairs.

“Mr. and Mrs. Cake?” asked Twilight. “What are you doing?”

Mr. Cake panted and moaned, not responding.

“I would like something to eat, please. What do you have to recommend?”

Mr. Cake pointed towards the cakes on the table, and continued on with his own ‘business’.

Twilight didn’t ask anymore, and went to see the cakes that Mr. Cake pointed to. On the table, she saw the cakes that at first glance looked exactly like the cakes that Mr. and Mrs. Cake normally sold, but today, they looked weird. While their shape and size were almost the same as before, their color and appearance wasn’t. They were coated with a yellow cream on top, of which Twilight was unfamiliar with, and so she asked, “Excuse me, what is this yellow cream called?”

“Mmmmmpppppphhhhh,” Mrs. Cake said as she reached her high.

“Mmmmmffffff?” repeated Twilight, trying to confirm the name of the cream. “Is that correct?”


“Alright, got that. Mmmmmpppppphhhhh!”

“So this Mmmmmppppphhhh, what’s it made of?”


“Well, alright then. Can’t argue with that.”

Being quite suspicious of Mrs. Cake’s answer, Twilight took a plastic knife beside and used it to inspect the cake. To her surprise, the cake was wobbly, and it shaked as if it was jelly. “Is this really cake?”

After thinking for some time, Twilight decided to find somewhere else with more edible items, and so she headed off to the cafe. However, what she found was only a yellow ponydrone sitting on a chair in the center of the cafe, with another ponydrone rubbing her bulge with the same tablecloth that was used to gag Rainbow Dash the day before.

Seeing that, she obtained two ideas: one, that she wasn’t going to be eating at that cafe; two, that some form of yellow suits were getting popular, at least in Ponyville. So, she left the diner, feeling more curious than hungry, and she went to Rarity’s boutique to find out more.

Opening the door, she found that the store was quite messed up, with various naked mannequins on the floor, ripped dresses on others, and on three of them had three ponydrones humping themselves on top of the mannequins. It was a strange sight for Twilight as she called out Rarity’s name. “Rarity! Rarity!”

But Rarity did not reply. Nobody even knew where she was, or which ponydrone she was anymore. As she exited the store, she saw loads of ponydrones walking around, all looking the same. She thought that she was either going crazy, or the world had gone crazy. Still seeking the answer, she went to find Mayor Mare.

She found Mayor Mare just where she’d expect her to be, on top of a stage behind a lectern. She looked as if she was reading a speech, but all she was saying was “Mmmmmffffff” and “Mmmpppphhh” along with some pants, moans, huffs, and puffs. Below the stage were some ponydrones, seemingly listening to her as they pleasured themselves and each other.

“Huff… puff…”

Twilight looked at the ponydrones off the stage, and noticed something weird. They were huffing and puffing, not breathing normally. She took a closer look, and saw that they in fact had no noses, and were breathing through holes on their cheeks.

Twilight was taken aback, as she originally thought that those cheek patterns that she had seen on the other ponies were just decorations, some face paint for some event. However, this did not stop her from continuing to observe them, and eventually, she sat down next to them in front of the stage, and tried to imitate what they did. Sitting down, she tried to rub her crotch with her hooves, just like the ponydrones did. However, she only found it painful and she soon stopped. Checking what she could have done wrong, she observed that they actually had bulges at their crotch. She soon started wondering if the bulge was part of them or not, and so she took a ponydrone’s bulge and pulled it away, stretching it as long as she could. Seeing that it was in fact part of them, she released the bulge which bounced back, and the ponydrone released an “Mmmmppphhhh!”

The other ponydrones who saw what had happened, stopped their own pleasuring, and started to copy what Twilight did, and they started stretching and releasing their bulges. Not wanting to know more, Twilight concluded with some certainty that the yellow ponies were some sort of new species.

Concluding that, she went elsewhere, trying to find her kind. Little did she know that her kind was going extinct in Ponyville.

To Be Continued...

Kurojyaku, the Ponydrone investigator

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Thinking about her other friends, she went to find Applejack at the market. At the market, she found everypony selling about the same stuff, yellow produce. Yellow apples, yellow cabbages, yellow eggplants, yellow pumpkins, yellow oranges, yellow cucumbers, yellow tomatoes, everything was yellow. Yellow ponies selling yellow stuff.

Of course, that was not the only thing they were selling, as some of them were also selling their own bodies. They were horny and ready for pleasure play, horse play, pony play, ponydrone play. Twilight saw some yellow ponies approaching some store owners, also yellow ponies, and started to pleasure each other.

Twilight thought nothing of it, and went to examine the fruits. The fruits were rubbery and squishy, bouncy even. Looking at them, they looked so shiny and appetizing, or maybe she was just hungry. However, she dared not eat them. Instead, she went to Applejack’s stall, just to find Big McIntosh there. “Hey, Big Mac. Nice seeing you today.”

Big McIntosh did not reply, and only put a yellow apple on the table.

“A yellow apple?”

“No thank you, Big Mac.”


“What do you mean? Why is everyone saying that word today? Can’t you say any other words?”

“Mmmmppppphhhh!” said Big McIntosh.

“And… that’s it? That’s all you can say? Mac, just open your mouth and speak!”


As he said that, Twilight realized that he didn’t have a mouth. His mouth was sealed shut, and there was no line or mark that indicates that he had a mouth.

Twilight was once again taken aback, as she saw her friend to be of another species now, with no nose, no mouth, and only valves for breathing. Now, she had made up her mind to tell Princess Celestia about the changes in her friend, as she found it quite abnormal. So, she noted down all the weird things, and made them into a list.

Weird things about McIntosh

  1. He's yellow
  2. He's shiny
  3. He has no nostrils
  4. He has no mouth
  5. He breathes using valves on the side of his cheeks.
  6. His eyes are glossy.
  7. His cutie mark is a weird sign.
  8. His hooves are black boots with ridged-soles.
  9. His tail is black.
  10. His hair is black.

After listing those details down, Twilight headed to Canterlot to find Princess Celestia. Without wasting time, she immediately called for her flying chariot, but it did not come, even after waiting for nearly an hour. It seemed that there was something wrong with it, too, and so she went to board a train.

On the train, there were a mixture of normal ponies and ponydrones. Neither were all standing up, and neither were all sitting down. Some got off at some stations, and some others got on. The train took its time, and Twilight did too, finally finding edible food that she could eat. On the dining train, she ate alone at a table, until another pony came along, and sat in front of her.

“Hey, may I sit here?” the pony said, holding a plate full of food.

“Sure,” Twilight replied, and the pony then sat down to eat.

After a while, Twilight asked, “What has happened around here? Why is there Species X?”

“Species X?”

“I forgot to explain, but it’s what I call the yellow ponies. You know, the ones with-”

“Yeah, I know those. They’re… I’m not really sure, actually. I thought I knew, but I don’t.”

“Knew what?”

“Where they came from. What I know is that they started in Ponyville, where you live.”

“Where I live? How did you know where I live?”

“Come on, everyone knows you, your Highness.”

“No need for such formality. I’d like to know more about Species X.”

“Well, first, they seem to have very odd behaviors.”

“Such as?”

“Pleasing themselves. They seem to rub or do something with what we call ‘bulges’ on their crotches that make them go ‘Mmmmmpppppphhhh’ or ‘Mmmmmmfffffff’.”

“So they are horny?”

“Yes, very. And not only that, they also eject some kind of fluid when they get horny. Just look over there!” the pony pointed to a ponydrone, sitting on a chair. “It’s rubbing itself and making latex.”


“Yes, it. As of now, we have no idea how to differentiate between the genders of ponies of Species X. We don’t even know if they have genders. All of them look the same.”

“True,” said Twilight. “I can’t even recognize them, even if I were to give them names. By the way, what is your name?”

“My name is Kurojyaku. And you are Twilight, is that correct?”


“Alright,” continued Kurojyaku. “As I was saying, they look the same. Currently, however, we have noticed that not all of them are naked, so to speak, if they actually consider themselves naked or have a sense of embarrassment towards nakedness, which I guess they do not have.”

“But some of them do wear clothes, don’t they?”

“Yes, I’m getting to that. Some of them wear clothes, and some of them wear clothes that are eerily similar to the clothes of ponies. In fact, one might say that the clothes they wear are exactly the same. As a matter of fact, we’ve been theorizing that for every pony, there is a pony counterpart of Species X. An antipony, if you will, and that’s what we’ve been calling them.”

“Who’s we?” Twilight asked, curiously.

“We? Oh, ever since we noticed some antiponies at our town at Dodge Junction, we started to take note of them, and try to figure out who they were and where they came from. We call ourselves the Antipony Analysis Assembly, or the AAA for short, or Triple A, as we prefer to call it. So, we Triple A, we have initially tried to talk to the antiponies, but with no luck. Or should I say ‘no mouths’?” Kurojyaku chuckled, joking. “They can’t seem to talk, but can only produce some sort of muffled sound, along with some squeaks, pants and moans.”

“Yeah, I know that too,” said Twilight, showing her list to Kurojyaku. “Here’s my list of what I’ve observed.”

Kurojyaku took it and read it, saying, “Big MacIntosh? I thought you called the antiponies Species X?”

“Well, it is as you said, that I have a friend called Big MacIntosh, and I once saw an antipony that wore something that he always wore. So, without a name for that antipony, I just called it Big Macintosh.”

“Ah, I see. So you’re asserting that that antipony is your friend, is that correct?” Kurojyaku suddenly said loudly.

“No, uh, I just…”

“I’m just messing with ya! Around our place, any theory is just as good, as long as there’s enough evidence to support it.” As Kurojyaku said that, Twilight calmed down, and tried to think of another possible answer to the ponydrones’ origins, but little did Twilight know that her guess was actually correct, as Big Macintosh was actually the ponydrone himself.

“Hmm, I see,” Kurojyaku continued reading the list. “Well, these are about the same as what we have observed so far. These detail their general appearance.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed that too.”

“But this list feels rather incomplete; it only describes their look. There’s a whole bunch of behaviors that have not been described yet.”


“Yes, like eating, drinking, sleeping, defecating, et cetera.”

“But they don’t do that.”

“There!” Kurojyaku exclaimed, causing Twilight to turn her head around, “Where?”

“There, that’s the point! They don’t do any of that stuff that we ponies normally do. Which is weird in some sense but it might just be rooted in their culture.”

“Culture? If they had a culture they should have had it a long time ago, right? Meaning they have existed for a long time. If that’s the case, why appear now? When did the first antipony appear in your city?”

“Hmm, I’d say…” Kurojyaku was thinking hard about the time. “Noon of the day before yesterday.”

“That recent?” asked Twilight, surprised. “It happened while I was away, then.”

“Away? That should explain why you seem left behind.”

“Yes, I was away on a trip with Princess Celestia to deal with some things.”

“Oh, lucky you! We here, were busy investigating the antiponies while you were on your trip!”

“Well, a princess’s job is never easy.”

“I agree. Let’s get back to our discussion though. So, they came at noon, on the day before yesterday.”


“So it’s been about two days now since the first antipony arrived. That’s quite recent, don’t you think? But given that they appeared in your area as well, they should have appeared elsewhere also. So, my estimate may only be accurate for Dodge Junction, but it’s a good enough estimation of when they first appeared, at least for now.”

“That leaves the question of where they came from unanswered.”

“Well, as Holmes always says, and I quote, ‘Eliminate the impossible, and what remains must be the truth!’ All we have to do is to eliminate the impossibilities, and I start with Dodge Junction.”

“Why?” asked Twilight.

“Well, we’ve never seen one at Dodge Junction until a few came down from the train.”

“Alright then. Well, Ponyville is not going to be inside because I don’t have any witnesses.”

“Muffins is!”


“Yes, Muffins!” Derpy said, then turning to me, saying, “Hey, narrator, don’t call me Derpy. I prefer Muffins!”

Well, okay, then.

“Muffins is one of the only survivors.”

“Survivors? And why are you talking like that?”

“Muffins wants to be narrated, as a protagonist from a third person view! Oh, and survivors? Well, the ponybees are reproducing!”


“You mean Species X?” “You mean the antiponies?” asked Twilight and Kurojyaku at the same time.

“Uh, well, you know the yellow and black ponies? Those.”

“Oh, those. Wait, reproduce?” asked Twilight.

“Yes, reproduce.”

“Well, that sounds rather odd. I’ve observed them, and they do not seem to have any openings in their bodies that should be sufficiently large to eject an infant antipony. Furthermore, they don’t seem to have those parts needed for intercourse.”

“‘But oh yes, they do!’ Muffins said,” Muffins narrated.


“Sorry, force of habit. I’ve really got to stop narrating. Anyway, they reproduce via their circular object down there.”

“That bulge?”

“Yeah, they rub it and they reproduce.”

“You sure? I thought a genie would come out.”

“Well, if by genie, you mean yellow liquid.”

“Yellow liquid?”

“Yes, yellow liquid. It is mostly yellow, with a tint of black. It is very bright and eye-catching, but it, like many colorful things, is poisonous.”

“Poisonous, you say? But I saw them put it on cakes! They even had a name for it. What was it… Ah! They called it ‘Mmmmmppppphhhh’!”

“Mmmmmppppphhhh?” asked Kurojyaku.

“Yes,” replied Twilight.

“Well, then it must be only poisonous to us, and not them. Added to that cakes fact, they are the one who produces the yellow liquid. They eject it out-”

“Hmm, if that’s the case, that would definitely explain the recent puddles of yellow around Dodge Junction. It’s all made of ‘Mmmmmppppphhhh’! Though, we need a better name for it.”

“Why don’t we call it Mph? You know, a short form of ‘Mmmmmppppphhhh’?” asked Twilight.

“Sure, I don’t see why not.”

“Can I continue?” asked Muffins. The two nodded their heads, and Muffins said, “Mph is produced by the ponybees, and ejects out their valves, and sometimes skin, though in minute amounts.”

“But how do they do that?”

“Good question. I… don’t exactly know. But, I have a theory. By rubbing their bulges, they produce eggs that form inside their bulges, and with every rub, it swells, until it is ejected from their bulges, to be placed somewhere else to wait. However, since there is no male counterpart for the egg, the egg eventually travels up their internal canals into their oral cavity, where it bursts after inactivity, leaking out its contents, Mph, out of the valves on their cheeks.”

“Well, for one, that would definitely solve why their bulge swells as they rub it, and why, according to you, that they leak Mph out of their cheeks. But it does not agree with my theory, or, rather, the Antipony Analysis Assembly, the Triple A’s theory, that they only reproduce asexually,” refuted Kurojyaku.

“You don’t get my point, do you?” asked Muffins. “They only reproduce asexually because they can’t reproduce sexually. All the ponybees are female, and there are only mothers, and daughters.”

“Works for me!” said Kurojyaku. “What do you think, Twilight?”

“Twilight?” Twilight had fallen asleep, from the lack of sleep from the night before, caused by all the high-pitched squeaking noises.

“You’ve bored her to sleep,” Kurojyaku said.

“And I haven’t even gotten to the important part yet.”

“Important part? What’s that?”



“Waiter, may we have some cake?”

“Huff…puff…” the waiter put two slices of cake directly on the table, without any plates, and walked off.

“An antipony! Why and how is he working here?”

“He? It’s a she! But I really don’t know, and I don’t care. Cake!” Muffins said as she took the fork and tried to cut the cake into smaller pieces.

The cake wobbled, causing Muffins to exclaim, “Mph cake!” Indeed, the cake was yellow, and it wobbled around.

“So this is the effect of Mph.”


“Well, I won’t be eating this cake then.”

“And neither will I.”

“How about Twilight?”

“Let’s just let her sleep. So, what was that important stuff?”

“Their reproduction. As you have just observed, the addition of Mph to cakes can make them, well, rubbery. Imagine just what would happen if you added Mph to a pony.”

There was a sudden silence as Kurojyaku was left in thought.

“If I added Mph to a pony… They’d surely turn rubbery…” Kurojyaku thought to himself. “And a rubbery pony… The antiponies…”

“No, not Princess Celestia!” Twilight was sleep-talking.

“Having a bad dream?” asked Kurojyaku. “So, you’re implying that antiponies are created by adding Mph to normal ponies?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”

“Hmm… I can’t rebut that, but what evidence do you have? The burden of proof lies on you.”

“Well, would you like to conduct an experiment? Turn Twilight into a ponybee?”

“No, of course not. I’ll just have to take your word for it.”

And so the two chatted as Twilight slept through their conversation, all on the train trip to Canterlot.

To Be Continued...

Canterlot in Danger!

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After the trip, Twilight finally arrived at Canterlot. She got off the train, and walked around, observing how things were. While walking around the train station, she saw that most, if not all of the ponies there were also ponydrones. Remembering the coffee stand owned by Donut Joe, she went to it, only to find about the same situation as in Sugarcube Corner.

The plates and cups were covered and stained yellow, making Twilight feel disgusted. Besides, the pastries and coffees were yellow, and even Donut Joe, only recognizable by his clothes, was yellow. Twilight looked around the shop, but it seemed that nothing else was as amiss as the coffee machine filled to the brim with yellow liquid.

She took an instant disgust, and turned away, leaving the train station. In the city, she found that the walls of the buildings were quite different from when she last visited, them being coated in yellow. She looked around, and everypony was yellow, she was living in a world of yellow. It was quite akin to the song “I’m Yellow” by Everfree 65. She sang it as she went along, “That lives in a yellow world, and all day and all night, and everything it sees is yellow, like it inside and outside. Yellow its house, with a yellow little window, and a yellow carriage, and everything is yellow for it~”

Although she was trying to keep her spirits up by singing the song, deep inside, she was disappointed with what had happened to her former neighborhood at Canterlot. She imagined the royal city, one full of fame and glory, and compared it to its now queer look. What had once been a place of comfort, a place of safety and familiarity, had now become another strange place to her. While time, she knew, could no doubt change things, bring ponies together, and split ponies apart, she did not think that once beloved city could have undergone such big changes in such a short time.

Going down to the castle, she tried to find the Royal Guards of Canterlot, who failed to show up to pull her chariot. As she thought about that, she wondered if she could stop the changes in time if she did come in her chariot. But then again, the changes couldn’t have just happened in a day, could it?

A loud squeak was heard, and suddenly, a large shadow was seen. Looking above, she saw a group of flying… ponies? Twilight looked at the shadows, and could only see silhouettes of ponies, and looking above, well, the sun blinded her, but she was sure that she saw ponies as well. Not wanting to investigate, she then ignored them, and walked forward.

She walked down the street, until she found a puddle of yellow. “Mph!” she thought. She jumped over it, and continued to the castle. Walking more, she suddenly was shocked by a blob of yellow goop falling down in front of her. Looking up, she saw the flying ponies from before, dropping down the goop. She swiftly and nimbly avoided the goop, and ran to the castle at a faster pace than before.

Soon, she arrived in front of the yellow castle. “Yellow!? She thought to herself. Sure, the castle’s roofs were always quite golden, but now, all the roofs, the walls, were yellow. Seeing it, and turning around to see the rest of the city she just passed through, she swallowed her feelings of disgust and fear, and headed forward.

Entering the castle, she was relieved to find the interior the same, but there seemed to be a different atmosphere, a creepy and eerie feeling enveloping the castle, seeping into the castle walls, and even into its residents, and anyone who dared step hoof into the castle. At the entrance was an obvious lack of the royal guards, who usually took care of the corridors near the entrance.

Walking through the hallway to the throne room, a gust of cold wind blew through, and Twilight soon felt cold. Soon, she reached the throne room, and sitting on the throne was Princess Celestia, watching, waiting for Twilight.

“My faithful student,” she called. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been…”


“What’s that sound?”

“That sound? Just ignore it. My castle has been infiltrated by the yellow ponies downtown, so as you can see, I only sit here, doing nothing. The hallways are cold, the yellow ponies not needing heat or feeling cold, even. I sit here, basking under the sunlight emanating through the windows of stained glass, for the ponies will find me easily near pony-generated heat like fires. Squeak!”

“Are you cold?” asked Twilight, noticing Princess Celestia’s blanket.

“Yes, I am.”

“Would you like to go out?”

“No, I’d rather stay inside. It’s a yellow pony world outside.”

“And so is the situation at Ponyville and Dodge Junction!” reported Twilight.

“Is that so? When I returned from the trip, about twenty five percent of houses were yellow already.”

“That’s fast. What should we do about them, anyway?”

“I… I don’t know. Squeak!”

“Are you feeling alright? I keep hearing squeaks coming from you.”

“I assure you, I’m quite- squeak!”

“Squeak? I think you need to see a doctor,” said Twilight.

“Doctor? There’s no doctor around here anymore. They’re all like me.”

“Like you?”

“Gone the way of the yellow pony road.”

“You’ve gone down the way of the yellow, wait, what am I saying? What’s the yellow pony road?”

“Oh, you’ll soon see,” replied Princess Celestia. “I’m afraid it’s too late for me. I’m halfway there. Just a few more squeaks, then…”

“Squeak!” “Squeak!” “Squeak!” A bunch of ponydrones entered the throne room.

“My friends… They’ve finally come to get me…”

“Your friends?” Twilight remarked as she observed the yellow ponies. Compared to the other ponies of Species X that she had seen before, they were rather weird, as they lacked the black cutie mark that all the Species X ponies had.

“Yes, friends. Or rather, guards, at least, formerly. Now they’re just friends for pleasure and fun! Peers!”

Indeed, upon closer inspection, Twilight found their cutie marks were merely covered by the now bright yellow armor that the royal guards originally wore. Now, she finally knew why the chariot did not come to her. The royal guards were now of Species X, which meant, the ponies of Species X were actually the ponies themselves!?

As Twilight made the revelation, she heard more squeaks, and Princess Celestia spoke.

“Do you want to know a secret?” Princess Celestia lifted off the blanket covering her, revealing her bottom flank, which was now yellow instead of white, and a big yellow bulge.

“I’m… one of them. Come, my brethren. Bring your wrath of yellow upon me.”

“Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!” The ponydrones pressed and kicked Princess Celestia’s bulge.

“I’m feeling.. Hor… Ugh…” Princess Celestia said, as a yellow spherical orb suddenly came out of her mouth, followed by a few more. The orbs bounced on the ground, some bursting and splatting yellow goop, while others remained as they were, but on the floor.

“What’s going on with you?”

“I’m breeding, ejecting eggs. Those orbs… min-ahhh!”

As she said those words, Twilight noticed that the yellow on Princess Celestia’s torso was climbing up and down, spreading more and more across her body.

“Ahhhhh…. Mmmm!” Princess Celestia accidentally bit open an orb in her mouth, causing the goop to fill her mouth, sealing it shut. “Mmmmmpppppphhhh!”

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight cried out, seeing holes, no, valves forming at the sides of her cheeks.

Gradually, Princess Celestia’s colorful hair turned darker and darker until it was black and shiny, and her colorful tail also turned black too. Princess Celestia was losing her color! Her horn turned yellow along with the rest of her body.

Soon, with a few more pants and moans, Twilight saw Princess Celestia squirming about as her eyes changed into visors, then stopping all of a sudden.

“No, not Princess Celestia!” said Twilight, attracting the attention of the new ponydrone, Princess Celestia, and her ponydrone guards.

Princess Celestia dashed towards Twilight, who immediately started running. She ran and ran out of the throne room, and into the garden. However, the garden was not as she had known. The grass was all yellow, the soil, a different black from normal, the flowers and bushes yellow. The trees were yellow in their leaves, and black in their sticks, branches and trunk. Twilight was horrified by the sight, but she kept on running, and so did Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia chased after Twilight like a bull seeing a red cloth. Soon, however, Twilight entered a maze of shrubs, which she had traversed many times before, knowing the maze like the back of her hoof. She knew that if she was careful enough, she could escape from Princess Celestia.

However, things didn't go as she had planned, as the landmarks in the maze that were previously identifiable to her, were now barely recognizable in their new color scheme. She got lost frequently, reaching dead ends and having to backtrack a lot. Even so, she eventually found the exit, but Princess Celestia, who, by great luck, or great misfortune to Twilight, had found her way, and was not far behind Twilight, who immediately started running again. It seemed that she still could not lose Princess Twilight.

They ran more and more until they finally reached a small lake. Seeing a boat, Twilight got on it and started to row as fast as she could, thinking that it would take Princess Celestia longer to go around or swim. However, Princess Celestia seemed pretty much unfazed, just inflating herself, and using her legs to paddle herself across the lake. She was not fast, but her speed was still fast enough to keep up with Twilight. Reaching shore, Twilight ran off again, while Princess Celestia took a little time to deflate.

It wasn’t before that Twilight reached the center of the garden, where the old water fountain was standing, except it looked different. Not only was the color scheme different, but the look and feel of the statue were radically different. The fountain, all yellow and black, had a new statue atop the middle, spouting not water, but yellow and black goop. But that was not the eerie part; the statue was just a ponydrone posed there in some sort of pirouette, standing on one hoof, holding two hooves in the air, and the last hoof rubbing its bulge as it continuously discharged yellow and black goop from both of its valves.

The statue was not the worst part, as upon further inspection by Twilight, the bricks below that contained the goop, formerly water, were not merely yellow and black blocks of latex; they were also ponydrones! The ponydrones stuck to each other, muzzle to bulge, and buried their hooves in the ground, making them appear shorter. They stood there knocking each other’s bulge, with each one knocking the bulge of the one before it, all in a circle around the fountain statue.

Looking at the macabre fountain with morbid curiosity, Twilight had completely forgotten about Princess Celestia, whose squeak made Twilight remember her threat. She ran some more, beyond the fountain, trees of yellow and black, and soon she re-entered the castle, with Princess Celestia still hot on the trail.

Not wanting to stay in the castle or be chased by Princess Celestia any longer, Twilight rushed out of the castle, headed back to the train station. She knew that Canterlot was no longer a safe haven for her, and she wanted to leave as quickly as possible. However, stepping out from the castle, a new sense of dread washed over her, as the city was even stranger than when she had arrived earlier.

Now, the roads were also yellow and black, but unlike normal. The roads were not painted yellow and black, but were yellow and black ponydrones! The old road was dug up, and around five layers of ponydrones were in the road, lying down. With every step, Twilight heard a squeak from below, and sometimes some “Mmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhh''s when their bulges were stepped on. In that instant, Twilight suddenly realized what Princess Celestia meant by the “yellow pony road”. The pants and moans were already enough to creep her out, when she realized that the pants and moans were not only coming from below, but also from above. Looking up, she noticed the street lamps were no ordinary street lamps, as they did not need to be lit.

In fact, they lit themselves. The lamp posts were not just a recolor, but an upgrade. The pole’s top half was yellow and the bottom half was black. But that was not the strangest part, the top was. Like a normal lamp, it had a similar shape on top, with the topmost being black, but the bottom of it yellow. The lamp was split into four sides, a squarish shape at its perimeter. At every corner was a yellow cylinder, splitting the four plastic panes, which each emitted faint lights of various colors. On the pole was a rubber circular item that when pressed, increased the intensity of the light, and weird squeaks could be heard each time. That’s right, the lamp posts were in fact ponydrones!

Under the light of the lamps, Twilight started to feel a bit light headed, and she looked at her hooves to find that she was in fact getting shinier, and maybe a bit lighter. Seeing that, she ran faster and faster to the train station, where she found that even the walls of the train station were just ponydrones covered in yellow and black goop, as if the ponydrones were the bricks and the goop was the concrete. There were no doors; Twilight just ran through the now empty door sills as fast as she could, though she felt it was getting harder and harder for her to run as she was slowly floating bit by bit.

“Squeak!” a sound came from behind, but she did not bother to look, and continued running. Luckily, the train, still normal, had just arrived with its door open. She dashed through the door, closing the door, and the train started to move. Out of the window she saw the ponydrone Princess Celestia, standing there, looking at the train going away. She then sat down on a chair and fell asleep.

To Be Continued...

Back to Reality!

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Waking up, Twilight found herself to be in the company of her two acquaintances, Kurojyaku and Muffins. She looked around, panicked, only to find herself still in the middle of the train trip to Canterlot.

“Where am I? What happened?”

“Good morning, sleepyhead.”

It seemed that what she had seen earlier was merely a dream, or rather, a nightmare. “Good… morning???”

“Yeah, good morning. We’re almost there.”

“Did you have a bad dream, Twilight?”

“I… I saw her standing there…”

“Who?” asked Muffins.

“Princess Celestia. In my nightmare, I saw her as an antipony, looking into the train carriage at me from the platform of the train station.”

“Princess Celestia? An antipony?”

“Yes, and the rest of the ponies in Canterlot were also antiponies. I hope that nightmare was not real. I hope we’re not too late.”

“Say no more, Princess!” said Kurojyaku as he ran off at top speed to the front carriage, hoping to take over as the train conductor.

Going through the train, it seemed that there were fewer ponies than before, and more antiponies instead. “Twilight must be right,” he thought to himself. “But that means that… Ponies are going to be extinct?”

While he was carefully thinking about the implications of Twilight’s theory (if it were true), he went through different carriages, seeing the ponydrones do weird stuff, like rubbing their bulges against the table, poking their bulges with a fork, cutting their bulges with a knife, knocking their bulges against the walls and seats, and clipping their bulges between the window and the windowsill repeatedly.

Seeing the ponydrones doing so, a great epiphany came to him, that not only did ponies turn into antiponies, but they turned into mindless, nihilist antiponies, only looking to rub their bulges for fun. Like all those that had that epiphany, he felt a sense of disgust and disdain flow through his bones, and at the same time feeling both a pity and a hatred towards the antiponies.

Not placing much importance on them, he continued to dash towards the frontmost carriage, where he found the conductor as a ponydrone. “Mmmmpppphhhh!” he heard the conductor cry as he opened the door. Without any hesitation, he kicked out the conductor, and took matters into his own hooves. With the shovel available, he quickly put coal into the fire, heating it up more and more so that the train carried on at a fast and steady speed. With the train speeding up, she felt more confident and relieved, finding that her nightmare was over, and was not real.

With her lifted spirits, she asked Muffins, “What did you two discuss earlier?”

“We discussed…” Muffins told Twilight about the ponybee eggs theory, of which Twilight nodded along to. “What do you think?”

“To be honest, something similar happened in my nightmare,” Twilight recalled. “Princess Celestia was spitting out spherical orbs of Mph. And they splat down on the floor, scattered everywhere. It was a total mess.”

“Yes! I knew my theory was correct! Tell me more!”

Twilight then started to tell Muffins her entire nightmare, but as they were nearly approaching the end of the story…

“We’re here!” said Muffins. “We’ve finally arrived at Canterlot.”

“Finally!” said Kurojyaku, finding Muffins and Twilight. “What do you think of me? An excellent train conductor, right?”

“Well… you forgot to stop at the intermediate stations. But no matter, our Princess here has important work to do!” Muffins said as she pushed Twilight off the train.

“Yeah… okay,” said Twilight, not as enthusiastic as before.

Walking around the platform, she was at least relieved to find the train station being normal, and not like the one in her dream. Though there was a tingling sense in her that maybe it was because she had just arrived, she had hopes that her nightmare was not real.

“So, are you two coming?”

“Well…” said Muffins.

“Okay!” said Kurojyaku. “I’d like to check out Canterlot Castle for myself.”

“Alright then. Let’s head off!”

And so, the three of them started their journey towards the castle.

To Be Continued...

Meeting Up with the Princess

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After exiting the train station, Twilight and her acquaintances were greeted by the sight of a nice big city. Twilight gave out a sigh of relief seeing that her former home was still in its glory. Without wasting time, they started walking down the same path that Twilight had gone down so many times before; the same one as in her dream.

Twilight walked while noticing the houses standing around, still the same as old, though some actually had some stains of Mph. It seemed that Canterlot, too, was not immune to the ponydrones’ invasion, but was merely more resistant. As she walked, she observed some more, seeing that the lamp posts were fortunately still normal.

“Relax, Twilight. This isn’t like your dream at all!”

“Her dream?” Kurojyaku asked. “She told you about it?”

“Yeah, she did. But this isn’t like her dream at all.”

“Well, my dream only became a nightmare near the end…”

“Let’s just keep our hopes up, okay?”

The three continued walking and soon they reached the castle. Entering the hallway, Twilight felt the same chill that she felt in her dream, but now at least she knew what it meant; ponydrones were lurking around inside the castle. As in her dream, there were no royal guards, making it a bit weird for her to not be greeted. Entering the throne room, Twilight was suddenly washed over by trembling anxiety, for she hoped so much that she would not have to find Princess Celestia in the form that she found her in her dreams.

However, Twilight found herself even shocked when she found the throne room to be empty, no ponydrones and no Princess Celestia. She was worried sick, worried that she had come too late, and that no one could save Equestria anymore.

“She’s not here,” sighed Twilight. “Are we too late?”

Kurojyaku and Muffins nodded to each other and Muffins said, “Relax, I’m sure the princess has her ways, Kurojyaku and I will split up to find her in the castle, you just stay here and wait, okay?”

“Okay,” Twilight said as the other two split up and started looking for Princess Celestia. Twilight was left walking around in the throne room, waiting for the other two’s results. Twilight particularly examined the thrones and windows, then looked through the corridors leading to other rooms from the throne room.

“My faithful student,” a voice suddenly called from behind. “How have you been?”

“Princess Celestia! How wonderful it is to be able to see you.”

“Yes, it certainly is. Why have you come here? To discuss about the yellowness?”

“You know?”

“I am not ignorant, child, and as I was returning from our trip, I found some of my guards turned into the yellow ponies. Do you have them too? The yellow ponies?”

“Yes, we have them. In fact, almost all of Ponyville are now antiponies.”


“Yes, that’s what we call the yellow ponies.”

“I see. Why didn’t you come earlier?”

“The chariot did not come.”

“Ah, my guards! They’re just busy pleasuring themselves now, I’m afraid.”

“I see. Well, it seems that you know how the antiponies are formed then.”

“Yes, I do.”

“But do you know how to turn them back into normal ponies?”

“That I do not. If I had, I would have cured them by now. As a matter of fact, I was just searching in the library for a solution.”

“Were there any?”

“I haven’t searched all of it yet, but so far, no. It seems that there’s no magic that can solve it.”

“I’m sorry for disturbing you. Do you need my help finding a spell for it?”

“Yes, any help would be appreciated.”

“In that case, let me go find my friends for more assistance.”

“No need, my chime system at the library can tell me where they are if they pass a sensor.”

“Wow, you have sensors?”

“Well, it’s just a simple tripwire.”

“Alright then.”

The two of them then headed into the library. Along the walk to the library, they saw ponydrones pleasuring themselves. Twilight saw them, and felt a sense of disappointment that the royal guards so valiant and chivalrous before had now turned into self-indulgent and hedonistic ponydrones. Twilight wanted to commend and reprimand them, but seeing Princess Celestia’s nonchalant attitude, she decided not to.

Soon they reached the library. It was locked shut, and Princess Celestia opened it with her key. “It’s locked.”

“Yes, to keep the yellow ponies out. Lock it back after you come in.”

“Okay,” Twilight said, locking the door. “So…”

“Those stacks on your left are the ones I’ve checked through and the ones on the right and on the shelves have not been checked yet.”


“Well, you should know all these spells by heart already, no?”

“Magic, as you know, is not static, and every few moons there are new spells and new innovations, so I can’t really keep up all that much. If I did, I wouldn’t need all these books, nor would I be unable to solve the yellow pony crisis.”

“All right.”

“Enough of chatter-” “Ring!” A bell rang. “That must be one of your friends, Twilight.”

“How do you know it’s not an antipony?”

“Well, as far as I’ve observed, the antiponies have a slightly odd way of walking, that makes them not hit the strings, or at least based on where I’ve placed them.”

“I see. So where does that bell correspond to?”

“The east wing.”


“How about that one?”

“The northwest wing. Seems like they’re headed in two different directions.”

“Yeah, we split up to try to find you.”

“Well, you’re lucky it was not a wild goose chase; for I was planning to leave this small library and go to the Library of Magic to find the spell directly.”

“Why didn’t you go there in the first place?”

“Well, I thought I might have had a book about the yellow ailment, but no, I do not. All I have is a cure for jaundice.”

“Why don’t we go directly to the library now, then?” Twilight asked Princess Celestia as the both of them were still examining the books.

“Aha! Got it!”


“To cure a bee sting… Hmm… I doubt that the ailment can be caused by a bee sting…”

“On that matter, how did the guards turn yellow?” asked Twilight.

“I don’t know, nearly all of the guards were already yellow when I arrived. And when I heard a large scream, I was too late as when I got there, the guard had already become yellow. All I saw was a few yellow ponies, and a puddle of yellow goop on the floor.”

“Hmm… well, the ponies were all yellow too when I arrived at Ponyville.”

“Enough of chit chat, we have to go find your friends.”


The two of them then went in their own directions, looking for Twilight’s friends. It did not take long for them to get both Kurojyaku and Muffins, and with the expanded party, the four of them head off to the Library of Magic.

To Be Continued...

At the Library

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While walking down the road, Kurojyaku and Muffins asked Princess Celestia about Canterlot, and everything that they wanted to know. Although Twilight wanted to stop them from asking their constant questions, she did not as she saw the patient and kind Princess answer their questions clearly and politely, even though some questions were quite unfit for the occasion.

They soon reached the library, which was unfortunately not as well guarded as the castle’s, leading to an infestation of ponydrones. “Squeak… pant… moan… mmmmppppphh…..mmmmmmfffff…”

The four heard it all and decided that they had to do something about it. Immediately, they locked the door to prevent any more ponydrones from entering, and they started combing the shelves of the huge library.

A portion of the books were overlaps of the books in the castle library that Princess Celestia and Twilight had already checked out, so they first eliminated those books. Still, the books were many, and they knew that they were going to take a long time, so they chatted.

“So, you two are Kurojyaku and Derpy?”


“Oh, sorry, Muffins. To be honest, I have never heard of Kurojyaku before, are you new?”

“No, Kurojyaku is just a nickname.”

“I see. Well, do you two know magic?”

“No.” “Yes.”

“Alright then.”

“So, what do you guys call the yellow ponies?”

“Ponies of species X.” “Antiponies.” “Ponybees.”

“Hmm, different names.”

“So you just call them yellow ponies?” asked Muffins.

“Yes. It seems cumbersome and inappropriate to name them when I do not even have a single clue of their biology or where they come from.”

“But don’t you know where they come from? You told me you almost witnessed a guard turning into a yellow pony, didn’t you?” asked Twilight.

“Well, assuming the yellow ponies are caused by a plague, we do not know the origin of the plague, and we do not know patient zero. Although, with current information from you three, abductive reasoning gives the idea that patient zero is from Ponyville, if other regions of Equestria are neglected.”

“I wonder how much of Equestria is affected…”

After a while, Muffins asked, “How many more books do you think this will take?”

“I don’t know. The problem with solving the yellow ponies is that they are not organic, or natural. I can easily deal with the elements, or soils, grass, water, ice, et cetera, but not with rubber ponies.”

“Rubber ponies… They’re made of rubber… Do we even have any spells related to rubber?”

“Well… Not usually. We have spells of rubber for inanimate objects, but not for animate rubber objects.”

“Ah, I’ve found it! Rubber ponies!” Kurojyaku exclaimed.

“Really?” asked Twilight.

He took a good look at the book cover, and indeed, there was a rubber pony on it, but the rubber pony was different from a ponydrone; the rubber pony was just an inanimate rubber ponydoll, used by normal ponies for, well, pleasure.

“Sorry, this isn’t it,” Kurojyaku said as he tossed the book aside.

“Hmm…” Twilight looked at the book. “Why don’t we capture an antipony and test spells on it?”


With great trouble, they found a metal cage used to keep dogs, and Twilight enlarged it to be able to fit a ponydrone. Then, the four of them went to get a ponydrone, which turned out to be easier than they thought, as they easily led (read: kicked) a ponydrone who was a former librarian towards and into the cage. With the test subject captured and ready, they started testing their spells on the subject.

With the first spell, the ponydrone’s valves sealed up, and a circular hole grew at the front of its muzzle. Under its tail a similar hole grew, and the ponydrone suddenly fell on all fours, its legs perpendicular to the ground. The glow in its eyes slowly faded as it turned inanimate.

“It’s a sexdoll!” said Twilight. “This is rubber, but…”

“At least we got its mouth to open, sort of…”

“Next spell!”

“Hold on, how do we return it back to a normal yellow pony?”

“There’s a reverse spell in this book.”

So, with the reverse spell, the ponydrone doll returned back to a normal ponydrone.

“What spell should we try next?”

“I think we need something that can make them look more normal, I guess.”

“Ah, how about this mirror spell?”

“A mirror spell? What for?”

“Seeing through its deepest desires.”

“Well, we don’t need that spell.”

They continued searching and eventually stumbled on a talking spell, where an inanimate object could gain a mouth and a voice to speak.

“Ooh, this feels so nice!” a squeaky, high-pitched voice was heard suddenly.

The four ponies looked at each other in the atmosphere of awkwardness.


“Hello!” said Twilight to the ponydrone.

“Hello? Wait, I can talk!”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m… rubbing this circular object.”

“Alright then. What are you?”

“I’m a pony. Just like you.”

“Are you sure? Just look at yourself,” Princess Celestia said as she conjured up a mirror.

The talking ponydrone looked in the mirror, and saw itself. “So?”

“You’re different from us. Just compare yourself to us.”

A moment of silence followed as the only sounds heard were squeaks as the ponydrone turned around, examining itself, then saying, “So, you’re not ponies.”

A brief moment of silence was there once more but soon broken, “No, we’re different types of ponies.”

“And why should that matter to me then? We should accept each other’s differences, right?"

“Yes, but ponies of our kind seem to be assimilating into your kind.”

“What a wonderful thing! Do you not want to be like us, all yellow and black, the colors of perfection? Not to mention, our perfect rubbery bodies that are virtually indestructible? We’re practically immortal!”

“Immortal?” asked Princess Celestia.

“What are you thinking of?”

“I believe no such thing exists!”

“Immortality does.”

“Alright then, why don’t you turn me into your kind and see?”


“No? Why not?”

“Why should I transform you?”

“Hmm… Alright then.”

“Do you want to become like us then?”

“Me? No way!”

“Alright then.”

Suddenly, Kurojyaku, who had left in the middle of the conversation to search other parts of the library, had come back, tired and panting, “I think I might have found it! A solution!”

“What solution?”

“Well, to be honest, it’s not really a definite solution, but more of a suggestion. I hypothesize that the spell for the antiponies exist but are just hidden in the restricted section of the library.”

“Sounds promising. Alright, let’s go!”

“But I thought…”

“I have a way.”

After some time, the four of them arrived in the restricted section, along with the talking ponydrone.

“I’m here…” the ponydrone started saying. “Please save me…”

“What’s going on with it?”

“I think… it’s connecting…”

The ponydrone ran free towards the inside of the restricted section, and the four followed it, finding another ponydrone, locked up in a cage of magic.

“Blah…blah…blah…” read Princess Celestia of some ancient words on a plaque. “It seems that this event occurred before a long time ago, and this is one of the last ponydrones from that event.”

“Why didn’t they restore it back?”

“I have no idea. But it seems that they can connect with each other.”

“Please, free me!”

“Hmm… Is there any spell that can cure them?”

“Yes, there is.”

“It’s written here.”

Princess Celestia read the spell, and the two ponydrones started turning back into ponies.

“Wow! Where was I? What happened to me? What am I doing here?”

“It worked!”

“You’re…” Kurojyaku and Muffins explained the situation to them as Princess Celestia taught Twilight what the spell was, and set off to cure everypony who had been transformed.

First, they flew around Canterlot, and found everypony who had been transformed, then turning them back to normal. But that was not enough, as Princess Celestia explained, “I think there’s more ponydrones, but we’ll have to check at the library to be sure.”

At the library, they found the ponydrone, now a pony, still stuck in the cage. “How can we free it?” asked Muffins.

“I’m afraid you cannot,” said Princess Celestia. “Only we can. The pony will only be free once all the yellow ponies are turned back into normal ponies.”

“How many more yellow ponies are there?”

“We’re not sure, actually.”

“Hey, how about the spell of magic spread? We could encapsulate the magic in a crystal and shine it all over town.”


The two did so, and with the power of the sun, every ponydrone that was touched by the rays refracted by the crystal started to turn back into normal ponies. However, the method was not complete as there were still quite a number of ponydrones left. Nevertheless, with the help of the royal guards who were now rejuvenated, the two of them traveled around the whole of Equestria on the flying chariot, trying to get everyone recovered.

To Be Continued...

Memory Troubles / Back to Ponyville

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“What am I doing here? What was going on? What am I doing to myself!?” Rainbow Dash found herself waking up confused, especially with one of her hooves rubbing her crotch. “I was…”

“What am I doing here?” Rainbow Dash saw another pony near her asking the same question. It seemed that all the ponies around her were having a bout of amnesia, just like her.

“Let me try to recall what happened to me…” she said as she stood up and walked away.

“First, I went to the cafe in the morning… Then… What happened to me?” she asked herself, while being in the cafe. The cafe was rather messy, with a bunch of chairs scattered around, some still standing properly, and others knocked over. In the middle of the room were a bunch of curtains lying around the floor with a chair knocked over in the middle. Small puddles of yellow goop were everywhere around the floor.

“I… I… I actually don’t remember.” she said as she was about to turn away, then, “Wait, that’s mine!” She saw her book lying on the floor on top of a curtain. However, it seemed hard to take as there was yellow goop around it. Somehow, even though she did not know what the yellow goop was, she still feared the yellow goop. In fact, in her mind there was this intuition that told her that one wrong move would render her in dire peril. What dire peril though, was unbeknownst to her.

However, being a brave pony, she tried to get the book by herself, but alas, she accidentally slipped on a curtain and fell face flat into a puddle of goop. “Mmmmmppppppphhhhhh!”

“I can’t breathe… I can’t see” she thought to herself as she started feeling her mouth and nostrils getting sealed up, and with her eyes coated with latex, she couldn’t see. “What’s going on with me? I feel like this has happened before…”

“Are you okay?” asked Cheerilee, who had just come into the cafe, and noticed Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash turned her head towards Cheerilee, who was looking at her from afar. “Mmmmppppphhhhh!”

“Ahhh!” cried out Cheerilee, running away.

“Bump!” she had bumped into Fluttershy, who was just passing by. Fluttershy, who had just come out of her now wrecked house after trying desperately to fly with her rubber wings, shocked Fluttershy as well.

“Who… who are you?”


Cheerilee, shocked by both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, ran away as fast as she could. She ran and ran, and eventually reached the Ponyville Schoolhouse. At the Ponyville Schoolhouse, she found Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom together, feeling down.

“What’s wrong?'' She looked around, and eventually saw a ponydrone standing behind them, who she suspected was Scootaloo.

“It’s Spike!”

“We visited Spike one morning, and he was so rude! He didn’t talk to us, and only mumbled to himself!”




“Hmm…” said Cheerilee.

“Oh yeah, why are there only two of you?”

“Two of us? It’s always been the two of us.”

“Alright then,” said Cheerilee as she walked elsewhere in the school.

Elsewhere in the school, she found Silver Spoon wearing a yellow and black tiara, one that she had never seen before.

“Hello, Silver Spoon!” said Cheerilee. “I’m sorry for coming back late, I kind of passed out in Ponyville.”

“Never mind, teacher. It’s alright. I’ve also passed out for some time.”


“Yeah, and most of the school did too, or so I’ve heard.”

“Is that so?”


“Alright then. So where’s Diamond Tiara?”


“Diamond Tiara. Your best friend, remember?”

“Best friend? I don’t have any best friends.”

“Really?” asked Cheerilee. At this point, she was very confused, and started thinking that her memory had issues.

Thinking so, she retreated to the teacher’s lounge to rest. However, even after sitting on the couch, she found herself restless as her mind felt disturbed by the happenings around her, not only by the apparent amnesia of Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Silver Spoon, but also the condition of the teacher’s lounge. She looked around, and found the color of the room disturbing, being in part, the old and usual green color, and in other places, splats of yellow and black were to be found.

Sitting alone in the lounge, she found the silence deafening, as nopony else was in the lounge. Looking around, nothing else was weird, until she jumped up from her seat, noticing the peculiarity in the couch that she was sitting on. It was yellow and black!

Intrigued, she walked around the couch, looking at it from different angles. What she found out was that the whole couch was a smooth and shiny yellow and black, and had two weird holes at the back of it. From the two weird holes, she could hear some sounds of wind, going into and out of the holes.

Not wanting to sit anymore, she walked out of the teachers lounge, thinking to herself that it was time to find Twilight, to consult her again.

“So, what can we actually do?” asked Twilight. “The light only reaches a certain distance.”

“I think that if we can leave the crystal out on a pillar, baked in the sun, it can eventually convert everyone back to normal.”

“Alright then, but we’ll have to place the crystal pillars in strategic places.”



“Or we could have lured all the yellow ponies outside.”

“But how?”

“Well, what do they like? What can be bait for them?”

“I think they like to rub themselves, so what if we introduce a bunch of things for them to rub themselves on?”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

“So what things can we use?”

“How about other ponydrones? We can catch some ponydrones and use them to lure the others out.”

“Alright then.”

With that, the two of them headed out to catch some ponydrones, starting with Ponyville.

When they reached Ponyville, they found Ponyville in chaos once again, as yellow and black splats were everywhere again, along with countless ponydrones.

“What’s happened here?” asked Twilight.

“I think that reinfection has occurred; the yellow ponies who have not recovered have reinfected some more normal ponies. By the way things are looking right now, if we don’t cure everypony fast enough, then Equestria will be overrun with the yellow ponies.”

“So we’ve gotta hurry then! Give me a crystal and I’ll find a place to put it.”

“No, Twilight. Remember, we have to catch some yellow ponies.”

“How do we catch them? We might get infected if we get too close to them.”


“How would you like to become a yellow pony?” asked Princess Celestia.

“Me? A yellow pony?” Twilight asked, trembling in fear as images from her nightmare reappeared in her mind, vivid as can be.

“Why? Is something the matter?”

“I’d rather not become a yellow pony,” replied Twilight.

“Never mind, I was just joking anywa-”

“We’d like to become yellow ponies, please!”

“What?” said both Twilight and Princess Celestia as they turned around to see Trixie Lulamoon and Starlight Glimmer standing behind them.

“We’d like to become yellow ponies, please!”



“Well, alright then.”

“So all you have to do is to…”

“Never mind, we’ve got it! All we have to do is to touch the yellow latex goop.”

“So you know too?”

“Yeah,” said Starlight Glimmer, pointing at a pony at a distance who was getting turned into a ponydrone.

“Wai-” Twilight said, trying to stop them from following that idea, but it was too late.


“Uh, we need a cage for you guys.”

“A cage? Why?”

“Because we need you as bait.”

“Alright then. Hurry up and find a cage, it won’t take long for us to turn into full-fledged yellow ponies.”

“Never mind, I’ve got magic,” said Princess Celestia as she transformed an empty barrel into a metal cage.

“Here, quickly get in.”


With that, Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle locked the cage, constraining the two ponies, now ponydrones, inside. But it didn’t really matter for the both of the ponydrones, who were both enjoying themselves, pleasuring each other, being oblivious to the physical and mental constraint that they were both in.

“Time to test it,” said Princess Celestia.

Thus, Princess Celestia moved the cage nearer to the pony that Starlight pointed to before, now fully a ponydrone as well. As they did so, the ponydrone did not care about its changed surroundings, and continued pleasuring itself. So, using a wooden stick found lying around, they poked the ponydrone, invoking it to approach the cage. As expected, the two ponydrones inside the cage stopped pleasuring each other, and turned to face the ponydrone outside and two of them started pleasuring each other, taking turns rubbing each other’s bulges through the narrow gaps between the metal bars of the cage.

“It works!”

“So it seems. But with this system, we can only catch two ponydrones at once. It isn’t quite efficient enough,” Princess Celestia said as she turned the ponydrone on the outside back into a pony, who immediately ran away.

“So, we lure ponydrones, and catch them to get even more ponydrones, like a pyramid scheme?”

“That’s the plan.”

“Alright then. Let’s do it!”

“No, you’ll do it.”

“Me? How about you? Where are you going to?” asked Twilight as Princess Celestia called for her chariot.

“I’m going to other parts of Equestria to give instructions; you will stay here and settle the issue in Ponyville, alright?”

“Okay, Your Highness.”

And with that, Princess Celestia departed for another place, leaving Twilight to handle the situation herself. Twilight, being on her own, suddenly wished that she could have the help of Trixie, but alas, she was the ponydrone bait. Thus, leaving the two ponydrones who were once again pleasuring each other, she set out to find her friends.

To be continued...

Reunited with Muffins and Kurojyaku

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Without taking much time, Twilight successfully found Muffins, who was just walking around, observing the chaotic situation as best as she could, without getting infected.

“Hello, Muffins.”

“Oh, Twilight! Where have you been?”

“I’ve been… busy. See all these antiponies? We have to fix them. Where’s Kurojyaku? We’re going to need more help.”

“Kurojyaku? He’s returned to Dodge Junction.”

“I see. So, could you please help me? We’ve found a solution to our problems, and I need your help.”


“So, all we have to do is to set up bait for the antiponies, and we do it by grouping more antiponies.”

“Fighting fire with fire? I like it!”

“We already have made a cage for the antiponies, here,” said Twilight, bringing her friend to the cage, just to see a pony approaching the cage, trying to interact with a ponydrone.

“Shoo!” The pony immediately ran away.

“So, as I was saying, we have this cage here to catch and lure other antiponies.”

“So what I need you to do is to lure some antiponies while I go to make some more cages, alright?”


Thus, Twilight went off to make more cages and Muffins was left to try luring more ponies.

Walking around the area, she found more barrels, but they mostly were filled with stuff, and being the courteous pony that she was, Twilight found that she was obliged not to use those barrels and continued searching for more. It wasn’t long before she arrived at Big Mac’s stall again, finding Big McIntosh back to normal.

“Hey, Big Mac!”

“Yeah, Twilight?”

“Do you have some spare barrels that I can use? I need them for a spell.”

“Ooh, what kind of spell?”

“One that makes barrels into large metal traps. I need them to be able to catch those antiponies.”

“Antiponies?” asked Big McIntosh, curiously.

“Yes. Those yellow ponies you see running around.”

“Oh, darn those yellow ponies, they keep trying to get my beautiful yellow apples.”

“I see. If they have, then that means you might have some empty barrels, right?”

“I sure do! Here, take them.”

Without hesitation, Big McIntosh gave Twilight the barrels, and also a rope to tie them with.

Thus, now Twilight had some barrels, albeit with some yellow goop inside them, and with them and Muffins’ help, they soon caught as many ponies as they could find, restoring the whole Ponyville back into ponies.

On the other hand, Princess Celestia was having trouble with the places she visited. Although she was sure that she had restored every ponydrone in sight back to normal, she was sure that she had still missed a few ponies as the population count didn’t add up. Not only did she do the count herself, but she also asked her guards to do the same, and when doing a roll call, some ponies were noticeably absent. While she hypothesized that some of them were possibly in other areas, she found the number of disappeared ponies to be too large for that theory to hold much water.

So, after her side was virtually done, she returned back to Ponyville, where she met up with Twilight once again.

“Twilight, I’m done with the rest of Equestria, how’s Ponyville going along?”

“I’m done,” said Twilight, who was just turning the cages back into barrels. “Though, I feel like Spike is still missing. I haven’t seen him around yet. Oh, and also Rainbow Dash, Cheerilee, and a few more are missing.”

“I see. So, it’s not only on my side then.”


“Yeah, I’ve been missing some ponies at other places in Equestria too. I thought they could be outstation, but the number of missing ponies has been far too many.”

“I see. So, what should we do?”

“We have to think of a search plan.”

“Wait, maybe there’s an answer to this in the library as well!”

“Hmm, maybe. It won’t hurt to look.”

And so, the both of them went to the Library of Magic again.

To Be Continued...

The Search Begins

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In the Library of Magic, they saw the librarians, who were now back to normal, trying to arrange the books back into their original places without touching the yellow goop. While some of them were putting the clean books back in place, some others were collecting the dirty books with whatever suitable tools they could find.

“It really seems like a mess,” Twilight commented.

“Yeah, it does. I hope they can clear it up soon.”

“Can we help them?”

“No, we have much more important stuff to do.”


The two of them went to the secret location once more, and scoured all the books, but it turns out that there was no solution inside. None of the books could explain the lack of ponies. So, they returned to Ponyville without any solution, just to find Muffins looking for Trixie and Starlight.

“Trixie! Starlight!”

“What’s the matter, Muffins?”

“I can’t seem to find Trixie and Starlight. How about Your Majesties? Any leads on the missing ponies?”

“None so far.”

“Hmm, that sounds disappointing. Hey, how about we go take a walk around town for a while? How long has it been since you last took the leisure to stroll around Ponyville, Your Royal Highness?”

“Well, I suppose I could take a walk for a while…”

And so, the three of them set off for a short walk.

“Sale! Sale! Come support the bee-themed sale!”

“Bee themed?”

“Good day, Your Highness. What can I get for you?”

“What are these?”

“These are thingamajigs; forks, spoons, bowls, lamp shades, and all kinds of stuff.”

“They’re all yellow and black?”

“Yes, bee themed.”

“Why have I not heard about this sale before?”

“Oh, it’s the first of its kind. We recently found a lot of bee themed items scattered around the town, and since no one seems to care about them, we have taken the liberty to collect them and now sell them.”

“So, you stole them?”

“Oh, no! Finders' keepers, losers' weepers!”

“Alright. How much for one?”

“One what?”

“How about this spoon?”

“It’s on the house for both of you. I’m giving you both a free item, pick whatever you want.”


“Are these really… normal items?”

“Take a look. At our shops, we do not dare to sell items of low quality or that have been cut corners. In fact, these products are of very good quality, and are guaranteed to last forever.”

Twilight picked the spoon up and knocked it against the table, but she heard no loud sound, so she asked, “What is this spoon made of?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know? And you’re selling all this stuff?”

“Not all, actually,” the shopkeeper lifted the tablecloth slightly, revealing that the table was also colored yellow and black.

“This isn’t for sale.”

“This is yours too?”

“Why, of course it is! But if you want it, I can sell it to you too. After I sell all these other items first, of course.”

“Hmm…” Princess Celestia was left there thinking while Twilight took the spoon and knocked it against a tree to test it. Knocking it a few times, she concluded that it was some sort of rubber, like that of an eraser.

“It’s… rubber.”

“That’s right!”

“They’re all rubber. That’s what makes them so special. Imagine, using something so elastic as it.”

“Come here, Twilight.”

“Do you really believe this seller?”

“Of course not! In fact, the materials these are made of seem really suspicious, for I do not know anyone who would make objects in this material. It seems… magical. Maybe Discord’s in on this?”

“Discord? I didn’t see anything like this in his area when we visited him.”

“Good point, but even so, I think that we should be on high alert. Anyway, should we even let this seller continue selling his products?”


“Twilight! Come look at this!”

Twilight and Princess Celestia immediately dropped their conversation to follow Muffins, where she showed them a dark and shady place.

“What do you want to show us?” asked Twilight.