Should I Stop Them Or...?

by Dark Tail

First published

Button becomes a witness to some sexy shenanigans.

Late one evening, Button decided to go out and just relax under the stars next to his family's outdoor pool. What he expected was some sounds of the night and maybe a shooting star or two. What he did not expect is to bare witness to three hot woman sneaking into his pool and doing various lewd things all while not realizing he was there. Should he let them know? Or should he just sit back and enjoy the show?

Derpi# 2571315
Everyone is 18+ Contains Skinny dipping, exhibitionism, steamy making out session, open relationships, vanilla sex.
Chapter 2 Light exhibitionism, plot, casual sex.
Chapter 3 Skinny dipping, open relationships, threesome, slight foursome.
[Featured on 7/28/23]

"Should I just let this play out?"

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Button let out a soft sigh as he pulled open his sliding glass door. The air was warm but still cooler than it had been. A real heat wave had been moving through lately. Thank goodness he had a pool for days like this while nights it made for a nice spot to relax.

He really should thank his dad again next time he saw him for buying such a great place even if at this point its more like a place for him and his mom. That overseas job of his means its going to be awhile before he will get the chance. Though 19 and now in college, he had decided to stay and live here while working his way through his degree in Computer Programming and Design. The only problem was the anxiety and how rough the tests could be. He had just finished up a test today and while he figured he did well enough, he was still too spun up to sleep well this evening. So perhaps some time outside might help ease him into a better state. It was pretty nice out, sort of a decent breeze. Perfect night to sit out for awhile and hey, no classes tomorrow at least.

He was currently dressed in a nightshirt and boxers, not really worrying if anyone was going to see him. There was a large fence surrounding their home. It got even higher going around their pool to give some privacy. The houses were spaced out well enough anyways and a few trees also helped to block things out while also providing something nice to look at.

He was carrying a blanket and had an old Joy Boy in hand, ready to spend the evening playing an old classic adventure game involving playing a green pointy hat wearing elf, changing the seasons. The earth pony got setup on a lounge chair near the corner farthest from the house on the right, placing the blanket over him so his screen was less likely to attract bugs. He had just turned it on, listening to the theme start to play as the elf started to walk towards these three triangles as a mysterious voice in the text told him to "accept his quest here young hero."

When suddenly a sound perked his ears. It sounded like someone attempting to climb the fence across from him on the far opposite side. Button instinctively closed the game and peaked out from behind the blanket. The only light came from the pool but he could just make out three figures all jumping over at the same time. They were dressed in bathrobes, one of them holding a few towels underneath their arm.

"Are you sure no one is going to see us like this?" Came a familiar voice.

"Sure am." Came another voice that had twinge of a southern accent.

"Its just after midnight, the house is dark, we just can't be too rowdy is all." Came the third, spunky and also familiar voice.

The three got closer to the pool and Button went wide eyed as he spotted his friend Sweetie Belle along with the rest of the CMC. They had been working to expand their reach, helping others find their purpose. Sort of a none profit organization but they had managed to get a good hoof hold so to speak. He used to hang out with them from time to time when they were younger, Sweetie Belle especially. Though they hadn't spoken in awhile, he still considered them friends. Heck, he still had a slight crush of Sweetie.

He watched them glance about, somehow not noticing him. Maybe due to the dark blanket and the light from the pool making it harder to see across it? He was unsure.

"I don't see anyone round 'ere." Apple Bloom mentioned, glancing about.

Scootaloo turned and looked back at the house. "No lights on inside. I think we are in the clear." She started to undo her robe, Button sucking in some air as her body came into view. She was dressed in a two piece bikini, rainbow colored most likely to honor Rainbow Dash, her big sis. She had small B cups but a thin athletic build. Wonderful toned ass. She stretched out, running a hand through her short spiky hair.

Sweetie Belle looked over at Scootaloo in confusion as Apple Bloom dropped her robe. She revealed a red string bikini, C cups breasts that bounced slightly but still a rather strong farmer's build. Toned looking abs and legs that look like they could crush a melon. She gingerly began running her hands through her red hair and untying the bow, showing that she had long shoulder length hair. She checked the strings on her bikini to make sure they weren't too loose and looked over at her unicorn friend expectedly.

"Uh..." Was all the came from the whip cream colored unicorn.

Scootaloo stretched her arm behind her head. "What's up? Something wrong?"

"Yeah... I thought we were... Skinny dipping..." She said slowly.

Apple Bloom seemed to perk up a bit at that as did Button who sat up slightly. She pointed downwards at her. "Ya mean to tell me... Ya'll got nothing under thar?"

She blushed and nodded.

Scootaloo looked around again before chuckling. "Well I did say it was going to be just us three. Its fine. We are gonna be in big trouble if they catch us anyways. What's a little extra body showing going to matter?"

"I'm not so sure about this anymore. And... You both have such wonderful bodies and I just..."

Apple Bloom placed her arms on Sweetie's shoulders. "Now you listen 'ere. We've been together fer years now. We've seen and done tons of stuff. Some that stuff is mighty personal. Never once 'ave we ever said anythang about that cute bod and lovely ass of yers."

"You think I have a lovely ass? You think I look cute?" She perked up a bit. Button nodded, knowing all to well just how cute she could be. Last time her saw her, she was wearing a one piece swimsuit for a senior school beach day. Button was sure he was going to pass out with how good she looked that day. He managed to play it cool back then but now it had been a little while...

Scootaloo went over and began to slowly untie her robe. "Not only that, we think your brave for coming out here like this. I should be the one here ready to go skinny dipping, I'm supposed to be the cool one after all." She grinned up at her friend.

Sweetie Belle nodded and helped Scootaloo open the robe. When it fell off her shoulders, the rest of the CMC grinned while Button gasped.

She looked amazing, upper C cups, might be Ds Button was unsure but nice and squishy. Toned core, lovely round ass and those wonderful legs. Long curly hair ran down past her shoulders, she was hot on so many levels. Button felt a bit of blood run down his nose as he stared, slack jawed. "I should not be seeing this." But damn he was glad that he was.

Apple Bloom gave a low whistle while Scootaloo admired the view. "Yep... that's a hot bod alright you got there Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo said with a wheeze. "How have I not really noticed this before? We've freaking slept in the same bed how many times now?"

"Slept together? Scoots, we've showered together... Yet its like I'm seeing her naked fer ta first time again."

Button felt his dick spring up at the thought of these three beautiful ladies showering together. They were just slightly older than him but not by much. A year tops. He watched as Sweetie Belle seemed to relax and dip her hoof in the water. He got a brief glimpse of her slit, then her breasts wobbling again. She was still the hottest of the bunch by far and the cutest and they way she looked in the light of the pool... Whoa...

"Feels warm. I'm gonna get in." She nodded to her two friends before sitting down, leaning forward and quietly slipping in. Button sat up a bit more, watching her take a few strokes in the water, watching her ass rise up a bit as she swam.

Scootaloo glanced over at Apple Bloom. "Well now I just feel upstaged here." She grasped her bikini top, untied it and pulled it off. Button was certain all the blood from his head was rushing down south as she stripped half naked before pulling down her bottoms. He could now see her slit for just a brief second before she turned and did just as Sweetie had done, sitting down before quietly slipping in. She sighed a bit. "Oh wow, that's bathwater right here. Nice..." She turned and began to back stroke a she took in the warm water.

"Both of yall are crazy." Apple Bloom said, moving towards the ladder and climbing down into pool from it. She too let out a low moan at the warm water, taking a few careful paddles towards the middle. The three took a few strokes in the water before joining back up again.

Scootaloo placed an arm around both of them. "So what should we do? Can't do anything too loud or Miss Milano Mash is gonna hear us. That or her son."

"Could just chat fer a bit." Apple Bloom suggested.

Sweetie Belle blushed. "Sure... What do we do if one of them sees us though?"

Scootaloo thought for a second. "Well, if its Milano Mash. We bolt. If its Button, we-"

"Invite him to swim with us?" Sweetie Belle asked before putting two hands over her mouth. Her expression read well to Button that she did not intend to say that out loud but still slipped out.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow to that. "Oh ho, almost sounds ya want to get caught by a certain pony. Ya still got a crush on that stallion? Even aft'r all the silly thing's we've done?"

Sweetie Belle sank lower in the water but nodded. "He's really cute..." She said softly.

Button nearly swooned at that. "She likes me too! This is the best day of my life!"

Scootaloo closed the gap, place her hands around Sweetie Belle and getting in close to her face. "I might be getting jealous Sweetie. You saying we aren't good enough?"

She shook her head. "No, I love both of you, really. I just really like him too."

Scootaloo grinned and shook her head. "I'm just teasing. But I'll keep that in mind. I've seen him at the arcade. He's really turned into a looker lately. Got skinny, built himself up a bit. Seems really chill. Also he's an earth pony so you know he's got a damn fine cock."

Button shifted in his boxers. His damn fine cock was currently pitching one heck of a tent.

"Damn Scootaloo." Apple Bloom said while ducking under the athlete's arm, moving around, coming up from behind, placing her hands around her waist. "Maybe he might be willing to share like we do. Sounds like you have a little bit of a crush as well."

The Pegasus shook her head. "Nah, just want to take a ride or two on his dick. Sweetie Belle can do whatever else she wants with him." She made a circle with her fingers on her right hand and extended out her pointer finger with her left, she then began to push her finger inside the hole. "I just want to see how deep that tool of his can go. I haven't had good earth pony cock in some time. Oh well, still got my one favorite unicorn in the mean time."

The athlete dropped her hands and dove in to Sweetie Belle for a kiss, the two becoming intertwined as lewd moan escaped both their mouths, much to the surprise of Button but damn again if it weren't really freaking hot.

Scootaloo placed her arms around Sweetie Bell's back, the unicorn returning the kiss as the two crashed against each other. Breasts rubbed against each other as their hands traveled over their bodies. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and waited. Scootaloo was the first to break away. "Sorry." She took in a breath. "HA. I got carried away there for second. Gotta share after all." She turned around and immediately shoved her lips against Apple Bloom, the two's hands traveling over each others backs for a few seconds before leaning back again, lips apart but still leaning against each other. Both were starting to breath heavily, clearly getting super horny.

"We've got our pact setup so we all know its ok for me to go after him." Sweetie Belle said softly. "I love you two as well." She moved passed Scootaloo, Apple Bloom untying her bikini and letting it float away as the three docked their breasts against one another, locking lips in a passionate moment, their hands traveling to their hips as they moaned in each others mouths. All three locked in a passionate moment.

Button couldn't take it, he sat up more, now really engrossed into what he was seeing. Unfortunately, that also caused the chair to squeak and creak in response. He might as well have yelled with how much it echoed. His body froze at the noise.

The three jumped a bit, breaking away from each other slightly and turning back to look at where the sound came from. They began to squint, now able to recognize the chair and someone siting on top of it. Button lowered the blanket, trying to pretend he somehow hadn't noticed them yet.

"Hey there ladies... Didn't uh... See you there..." He softly lied.

Scootaloo squinted. "Have you been here the whole time?"

Button scratched the back of his head. Already quickly picking up that it wasn't working. Instead he answered honestly. "Well this is my pool."

Sweetie Belle looked like she wanted to melt into the pool as her face turned deep red. Apple Bloom covered her breasts while Scootaloo glanced back at the house.

"How much did you hear?" She asked, somehow managing to keep calm despite Apple Bloom going deer in a headlights and Sweetie Belle slowly sinking deeper into the water.

He opened his mouth, about to say he really didn't hear much. But then that would be a crazy lie they would absolutely see through. Its not like he really did anything wrong anyways. He was here first... Freaking lives here. He really was curious about how Sweetie Belle felt about him. "Since you got here. I was really surprised to see you all and was unsure what to do. Then you all started stripping and well... I froze up."

"We have no one to blame but ourselves." Scootaloo sighed. "I'd call you a pervert, but its not like we weren't trespassing. Besides, it would be no better if you caught us after walking out of your house." She leaned back and groaned. "Well, I guess we should go..."

"You can stay if you want. I don't mind." Button said, surprised at his own words.

Apple Bloom regained her senses. "Really? Your cool with us be'in here?"

Scootaloo chuckled. "Not like we haven't been giving him one heck of a show. Speaking of..." She glanced over at Sweetie Belle who was currently underwater. Scootaloo reached down and pulled her back up to surface. "Seems he heard you. So now the question is, does he feel the same?"

Button quickly nodded. Sweetie turned back to him and he smiled at her. "Yeah, I got a big crush on you too. Of your two friends, I think you look the sexiest."

Scootaloo clapped her on the shoulder. "You see, told you. Now go be a gracious guest and give him a blow job or something."

Button dropped the blanket the rest of the way in surprise as Sweetie Belle jumped back in shock. The two locked eyes. Then the two went down to his boxers and very large tent.

Apple Bloom pushed Scootaloo back a bit. "Actually, why don't you join us? It is yer pool after all."

Button got up without thinking, peeling his shirt off. "Yeah... If you don't mind." Sweetie Belle seemed to get a hold of herself as she nodded too, taking a few steps towards him. Button pulled down his boxers, glad to finally allow his cock some freedom. Scootaloo whistled. "Yep, I'm jealous. Give him a good time for me Sweetie."

Button pencil dived into his pool, making a small splash before making his way over to Sweetie Belle, half swimming and half walking. His dick remained at full attention the whole time. Once her reached her, he stopped and gave an awkward smile.

"Hey..." He said softly.

"Hey.' She answered back, blushing as she stared back at him, her eyes somewhat glazed over as she felt a bit of a horniness take over again.

Scootaloo gave a light push to Sweetie Belle who stumbled into him, his arms wrapping around hers and she wrapping around him, their faces now inches apart.

"I'm gonna go over here in the corner and screw Apple Bloom senseless with my fingers, you two have fun." Scootaloo said with a chuckle, heading over to Apple Bloom who was waiting patiently, her bottoms of her bikini now resting off to the side.

Button slowly lined up his cock with her love tunnel. "You ready?" He asked.

She nodded. "I have been wanting to do this with you for so long."

The earth pony nodded and slowly slid his way on in. The two let out loud gasp, feeling stars shoot across their eyes. Buttons hands fell onto her ass while Sweetie Bell clutched his back. He could feel her breasts squish against his chest, her walls clamp down on his cock, her body felt so soft and good.

He had never felt anything like this before. Sure he had a few one night stands but to finally bang his crush, feel his dick move insider her, feeling the warm water surround them as she softly moaned in front of him... This was incredible. If this was a dream, its the best dream ever and he did not want to wake up. Not to mention he was going to have a serious amount of cleanup, he would cum freaking buckets into his bedsheets from this.

He gripped her ass tighter, feeling her legs wrap around him, he moved his hips, slowly walking her towards the wall to get some better leverage. She softly gasped. "So good... So big... So warm..."

Sweetie Belle was on cloud nine. That face alone Button could tell she hadn't felt anything like him before. The fact that she loved him so much, loved what he was doing to her, it just drove him onwards. This was the stuff he would daydream about. Have fantasies about. And here she was in his arms, taking his dick and moaning his name with each powerful thrust.

The two crashed against the wall, Button picking up the pace as he could feel his body start to chase that high. Pleasure shot through his mind, his body and soul. She was everything he had ever dreamed off. Everything from the soft sexy moans to the lovely feeling of his hands upon her lovely ass. He wanted nothing more than to feel this every time they met. To feel her warm body against him. To feel his dick get massaged by her tight walls. She was softly moaning his name. Oh by the goddesses, she was incredible! A light was practically shinning down upon this wonderful goddess!

"Sweetie!" He let out a loud moan. "AH... Gonna... Cum soon!"

"P-protection... Spell..." She licked her lips. "Go ahead and fill me up with that big deep dick of yours!"

Button moaned and shoved his hardened spear in as deep as he could before he felt his orgasm crash against his mind and body. He cried out, releasing a torrent of warm cum deep into her core. Sweetie Belle felt her whole sense of self shake as she felt his cum shoot deep into her, feeling his warm seed rush around inside. It was so much but it felt so good. She was certain she came harder than she ever had before. She nearly passed out, feeling stars run across her eyes.

She took a deep breath and let out a slowly, feeling Button's dick slowly dislodge itself as they continued to hold one another. Button was the first to speak. "I think... Think we should start dating..." He said slowly.

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah... I think... That would be great."

Scootaloo slowly waded on over. "Well it looks like you two had fun, so glad for you. But in case you may have missed it, a light in the house just turned on."

Button glanced up and sure enough, his mom's room light had just flicked on above them. Turns out the light upon his goddess was actually his mom's bedroom light. He glanced back over at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who were out of the water, grabbing their swimsuits and pulled back on their robes. They were quick to run to the wall. "Take care of Sweetie Belle for us or we will kick your butt!" She called back before sprinting over the fence. Apple Bloom gave them a friendly wave as the two stared in shock. She too disappeared over the fence.

A light went on in their living room. Button looked back at his new lover. "How long can you hold your breath?"

"Long enough." She said, sinking down, head vanishing beneath the water.

Sure enough, his mom, dressed in a blue nightgown, soon walked out and looked around. She glanced over the pool then back at Button.

"Late night swim?" She said with a grin.

"Y-yeah." Button said, trying to hide the hot woman hiding on the floor of the pool next to his hooves.

"Cool, maybe keep it down sweetie..." She said before turning back around. Just as she was stepping back in and shutting the door, she glanced back. "May want to invite your new girlfriend in when you are done."

She shut the door, leaving Button in a stare of shock.

Sweetie Belle bobbed back up. She gasped in some much needed air. "Bah! Huh... Did I hear that right?"

"Yeah... I think so..." He said slowly. He glanced around before looking back at her. "Wanna come in and get dried off?"

She grasped his hand and chuckled. "Yeah sure. Might as well get used to the house of a my new boyfriend. Scootaloo is never gonna let me hear the end of this though."

Button laughed as the the two slowly sunk back into a loving kiss. What a crazy night, the two thought to themselves.

"I did not see this coming... Not complaining."

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Button awoke to the best sleep he had ever gotten. He opened his eyes slowly, taking in his room, comfy bed, TV with his favorite console hooked up, gaming posters all around. Maybe today he should just sit back and play a fun adventure game today? His eyes went down, spotting the morning sun through his window, a nice hot woman sleeping on his chest... Wait...

He lifted the covers more, finding Sweetie Belle still very naked resting on his chest. He was naked as well. "What?" The flood of events came rushing back. After getting out of the pool, he invited her to come sleep in his bed. They dried off, talked about hanging out more, then passed out next to each other. He felt his dick get hard again as he stared down at her lovely form.

Feeling something hard grow against her belly, Sweetie woke up up, yawning and staring up at him with a smirk.
"Wow, so this must be that morning wood I keep hearing about." She slowly got her hands positioned on his sides and sat up, watching Button's dick come springing up as it bounced against her belly and breasts. "Normally, I'd be willing to do a quickie." She licked her lips. "But I need something to drink first."

Button nodded, slowly attempting to get up as Sweetie moved off of him. The two climbed off the bed, blanket fluttering off, as the stood up on there hooves and stretched out. "I've yet to really show you around." He said with a follow gesture.

"Wait, shouldn't we put some clothes on? Isn't your mom going to think its weird having us walk around naked?"

Button opened his door and chuckled. "First, she's off at work by now, she works 1st shift at a daycare. Second, we've got plenty of privacy despite having plenty of windows. So walk around how you want. I used go skinny dipping in the pool all the time."

"I think I would prefer of T shirt for now, just in case." She said while scratching the back of her head.

The earth pony turned and went back over to his dresser. Pulling on the second to the top drawer, he reached in and pulled out a shirt that had an eight bit pink ghost on it. "This one his a bit big on me, will this work?"

"Perfect." She said while grabbing it and pulling it over her head. The shirt went down to just above her knees. The neck showed off most of her right shoulder but it worked. She stared down at it for a second. "Did you lose weight or something? This seems really big."

"Yeah, got a little too big around the waist so I decided to cut back on the soda and start walking more. Mom says its one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am no stud but at least I look healthy as she put it."

Button fished out a pair of baggy shorts and pulled them on, deciding that being the only one naked would be awkward now. He then began to walk out. "Lets go see what we can find for you."

The two walked out, heading down a small hallway. They past a small bathroom, what looked like his moms room, a den with a computer setup before entering a large kitchen/living room area. There were large windows on both sides, with a fire place in the middle. The living room had a few recliners and a sofa in front of a TV in one corner. A wooden table with plush looking chairs at the other. The front door could be seen next to a small night stand and hook rack, while the kitchen on the opposite side had a fridge, stove, oven, island counter, a large sink and dishwasher. Just next to it was the sliding door leading out the pool sitting between that and the living room. Just past the kitchen and front door was a hallway leading to another bathroom and someone else's room.

Sweetie whistled as she looked around. "Nice place."

"Dad works over seas so he is able to supply us a nice home. I don't see him often but I appreciate what he is able to give us. Mom doesn't even need to work but likes having the extra cash and she just really loves kids. My older brother has a decent music career going so we don't see him much either. That's his old room across from us."

He walked across the living room, past the fire place, into the kitchen and over to the fridge. Opening it, he glanced around. "Orange juice or apple?"

"Orange juice, thanks." She said softly, still looking around at the nice maple finish on everything. It had a bit of a 70s Miami beach house vibe going for it. Even had some beach themed stuff place around like pictures of board walks, ships, sea life and a few exotic fish on the walls.

The shorts wearing earth pony came over and held out a tall glass of orange juice. "Mom really likes the beach, its part of the reason we have a pool. The only reason I think we don't live there is because she has too many friends and family here."

"Well I'm glad you are here, if not, I may have never run into you again like this." She said sweetly.

The earth pony blushed, went over and sat down on the couch. "So." He shook his head in an attempt to cool his jets again. "I have been meaning to ask, what is the deal with you, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom?"

The curly haired unicorn went and sat down on the chair opposite of him. "We are in an open relationship. There was already a set precedent that if we found someone else, then there would be no hardships about it. If we started dating, which at this point I think we can both agree is most likely going to happen, then we would just focus on each other. I won't ask you to try and fit them in. Though I may want to have some fun with them from time to time."

"Yeah that's fair... Did they... Ditch you though?"

Her face turned sour. "Yes... Yes they did." She took a sip of her drink. "Ah, that's the stuff." The face of terror transformed back into a more pleasant look. She took another large sip, gulping down large amount before putting the down the glass on the night stand between them, letting out a low sigh. "And they are going to pay for that later. But I am glad I got to spend the night with you. That was fun."

"So what now?"

"Now... We wait to see if or when they come by this place with some clothes as while I am sure I could get away with you wardrobe well enough, I think I would prefer something that fits a little better. I am confident enough we will be hearing from them soon."

Two knocks suddenly sounded off at the door. "Ah, speak of the devils."

Button got up and went over to the door. He opened it to find Apple Bloom dressed in overalls and a red T-shirt and Scootaloo dressed in a tank top and gym shorts. She was carrying a large bag. "Sup, special delivery for Sweetie Belle."

He offered to let them in but both shook their heads no. "Yeah we left Sweetie Belle behind, last thing we need is for her revenge to unfold upon us right now." Scootaloo said passing the bag over to Button. "Apple Bloom and I are gonna hit the mall and knowing that revenge is on the way, we prefer we actually are able to go before she has a chance to enact righteous judgment upon us."

Apple Bloom leaned forward. "Ave some fun fer us and I am sure we'll hear from ya soon. Give Sweetie our regards."

With that, the two gave a small wave before quickly running off. Button closed the door and went back over to Sweetie, holding out the bag for her. The unicorn took it with a grin. "They are right to fear me. Though I regret not having anything in mind at the moment. Revenge plans will come later." She glanced in the bag. "Hmm, looks like a white sundress and..." She pulled it out then glanced back in the bag. "Yep, no bra. Did remember panties though. Guess I should thank them for at least giving me that." She glanced up a Button.

"Gonna need to wash up, though I didn't see a shower in the bathroom we passed..."

Button nodded, quickly got up and walked across the house towards where his brothers old room was. "This way." He called back to her.

The unicorn stuffed the sundress back into the bag and got up, following him across the living room, past the kitchen and past the room that looked like a true music lover lived there. She caught sight of several albums on the wall, a guitar on display, several posters of famous rockers and a small recording setup in the corner. The grey bed was the only thing that felt out of place.

Button glanced back at her, opening a door all the way to a fairly nice large bathroom. Sweetie paused, taking it all in. There was a large bathtub in the corner that could pass for a hot tub on the right, a walk in shower that could fit four ponies in there comfortably on the left, two sinks and a large mirror in the middle, a small tv mounted on the wall next to the door, a walk in closet just next to that. The room was being lit by two sky windows and a blurred out window next to the bathtub. She dropped her bag in awe.

"Dibs on the bathtub." Sweetie said with a glimmer in her eyes. Button went over and turned the knob next to a large spigot, shaped like an urn. Warm water began to pour out.

"This will take a hot minute. If you want anything in the mean time, let me know." He turned and began to make his way out.

"Uh, yeah. Could go for a cup of coffee actually. Black." She said while looking around the room again.

"Coffee it is." He left, feeling a bit awkward.

"Never had a girl in this house like this. She is so freaking casual and cool. I don't even know what to say to her. Is she just going to leave after this or are we gonna go do something? Gah, I have never been with someone like her before." Button thought to himself as he carefully headed back towards the kitchen.

He glanced around once reaching it, finding that his mom left a cup of brewed coffee in the pot for him, still warm. He grabbed two cups from the shelf above and poured coffee into both. "I wonder what she is into? Is it weird to ask? I've been trying to play it cool as well but I feel so out of my depth. She is so freaking hot and I just don't know where to begin." He stared down at their coffee mugs. "Huh, she likes it black, just like me... That's something."

He grabbed both coffee mugs and began to walk back. "I should ask at the very least what she thinks of this place? Maybe get a conversation started. Something... Perhaps she likes some of the things I do? Or maybe..." His thoughts were interrupted as he walked back to the bathroom.

Sweetie Belle was naked again, sitting on the edge of the tub, sighing in delight as the water slowly rose against her hooves. She turned around, smiling. "Oh yes, oh wonderful wake-up water, how I love you." He walked in, now back in his daze as he handed her a cup. She took it, blew on it, took a small sip and set it down on a small table next to the bathtub. She turned back to him. "So I gotta say, you have such a cool place. I have never seen such a lovely house before and that pool is lovely."

Button scratched the back of his head. "Thanks, I have to admit, I haven't had anyone over like this before. It feels nice to have someone else here to enjoy it with me."

The nude unicorn let out a low chuckle. "Heh, trust me, I'm gonna be enjoying more than just the place. The cool earth pony living in it is what I really love, everything else is just a bonus."

Button suddenly felt elated as his love interest seemed to notice the bathtub getting to just about the right level. She dipped her hand in, testing out the temperature. She picked up a bottled of lavender soap and squirted some in, watching as bubbles began to coat the top of the water.

She then got in, slowly slipping into the large tube and letting out a soft moan as the warm water went up to her shoulders. Button stood there for a second, admiring the view. Sweetie glanced up at him with a smile. "More than enough room for another." She grinned up a him. Button felt his shorts hit the floor in an instant as he set his mug down on the same table and got in, sitting down opposite of her and watching the water rise a bit. He turned off the water just to be safe.

She took a scrubby and began to run it up and down her arm. "So, tell me about yourself."

Button struggled to get his brain into gear as he stared at this wonderful woman, still trying to process that he was taking a bath with this wonderful woman. "Uh... I like games... And swimming... And hanging out?" He mentally kicked himself, he was going to lose this cool persona like this.

Sweetie ran the scrubby over her leg as she rose it out of the water. "Games, huh? Like what?"

Button finally managed to get his brain into gear. "I love adventure games. Also party games too."

The scrubby went to her other leg. "Oh cool, adventure games. Do you like Tunnel-Build?"

Button sat up. "I love Tunnel-Build! I haven't found anyone to play with in years." His eyes lit up at the thought of having someone to play with again.

She smiled and nodded. "I used to play with my sister but she's been so busy all the time. Wanna play some after we get all cleaned up?"

Button couldn't nod his head fast enough. "Yes. Absolutely!" He then grinned. "Just remember..."

Sweetie locked eyes with him and both sang out at the same time. "Don't Dig at night!"

The two chuckled as Button crossed his arms. "So I get the feeling you love swimming too."

"Yeah..." She said with a silly look on her face. "I just can't help it. I love swimming but skinny dipping is just this whole other experience and its just feels more exciting in a way."

Button put up his hands and made a motion towards her. "Completely get it. Remember I mentioned doing the same from time to time. When you got a pool, you got to do it at least a few times. Got to do something fun when you are bored some evenings."

She ran a hand through her curly hair. "Ever thought about having a pool party?"

Button crossed his arms again. "Sure but never really had that many friends interested in it. Also mom doesn't like full on parties so it would have to be a small thing. This is still her and dad's house after all."

Sweetie Belle sat up, slowly crawling to the middle of the tube. "How about me, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom?"

Button eyed her as she plunged under the water for a second then came back up, running both hands through her hair again. He watched as water and soap fell down from her hair and body. "Uh yeah, that should be fine."

"Oh my gosh she is so freaking... I can't believe she is even interested in me... I am taking a bath with her... This is all so crazy... Yet awesome!"

She glanced down, seeing a gap in the bubbles, clear enough water showing his dick at full attention. "Sitting in a tub with you hot new girlfriend seems to have gotten our friend downstairs riled up, huh?"

Button nodded. Girlfriend. Love the way that sounded. No way he could ever be this lucky!

She crawled over him, positioning her slit over his extended tool. She placed her hands around his shoulders before sitting back down. Both let out a low moan as his dick plowed deep back into her again. "Yep. That is one satisfying dick you have there Button." She grinned down at him.

Her breasts pushed against his chest as she leaned forward, pushing up before slamming back down. Button felt the water shift in the bathtub as he felt her walls clamp down about him. She felt do good. His hands scrapped against the plug as he pulled it, already knowing that water would be splashing soon if he didn't.

Sweetie went up again and slammed right back down. Again pleasure massaged his dick as he moaned at the wonderful feeling. She had her eyes closed, concentrating on her task, biting her lower lip. Water splashed around them.
Hands of excitement sprung up from the earth pony, crashing them over the lovely orbs. The moans that filled the room turned to a gasp followed by another long hard moan. "Yeah, that's it... So good!" She dolled out, feeling those hands push against her nipples, hard a rock as she used her legs to to pull up, plunging back down with incredible force.

Her pace began to quicken. Button could feel her body seem to take on a life of its own, water was now splashing against the sides of the tub, thank goodness it was going down. They were making a bit of mess with the water but neither cared as they continued to chase that high, feeling their bodies rock against each other. Button could feel his orgasm coming. He wanted to last longer but she just felt too good. Her walls were an absolute bliss and those moans were turning him on like nothing else.

"Gonna... CUM!"

She took in a deep gulp of air. Up and down, powerful drop after powerful drop. Up and quickly down. Up and quickly down. There were a strong rhythm to it. "Yes... Fill me up... Let me feel that lovely seed wash over me... So... AH!"

Button couldn't take it. He let out a his own loud moan as he felt his release come shooting out. Sweetie Belle nearly went hoarse as she petered out, sinking down as far as she could, moaning as wave after wave of cum shot deep into her core. "So... Warm..." She whispered.

Both were left gasping, water slowly draining out. Button took a minute to catch his breath, dropping his hands to his sides as Sweetie Belle slowly climbed off of him. "I may need to clean myself up a bit again..." She said with a dazed look on her face. She leaned against the side of the tub, gently running her fingers over pussy.

Button took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "What do you say we shower, minus the sex, then... Play some Tunnel-Build?"

Sweetie Belle crossed her legs and ran a hand through her hair. "Sounds good to me..." She glanced out for a second out the blurred window. "Maybe we can talk more about that pool party later too."

"Yeah." Button said with a grin on his face. "Sounds like fun."

Bonus Chapter: Pool Party

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Button surveyed his back yard, making sure everything was set. He had the cooler out filled with soda and waters. Plenty of towels stacked on a table in the corner. Next to that was a small folding table that had snacks such as chips, salsa, brownies and pretzels. He dragged out and setup a slide that curved into the pool that had been sitting in the shed for some time. He made sure it was clean and setup properly. He could hear the water trickling down it even now. Finally, he made sure to pick a day when his mom would be out of town. She was very much aware of the party but still felt like it would be awkward having her around. He had sneaking suspicion things were gonna go from PG to R very quickly this evening.

He glanced down, making sure his swimsuit was loose but not too loose. It was black with tiny blue 8 bit ghosts covering it. He had on a T shirt with a yellow electric mouse from one his favorite games of all time, Capsule Monsters. His new girlfriend meanwhile had just finished getting ready, walking out in a purple bikini and a sleeveless jacket. He eyed her bouncing breasts before placing an arm around her shoulder as she neared. "This look good to you?"

"Yeah, looks fine... Though something tells me we are gonna look over dressed in that next hour or so." She said with a snicker.

"Did I hear Scootaloo correctly over the phone earlier that she was going to bring her best birthday suit?"

The unicorn next to him shook with barely contained laughter. "Yep, you heard that right. Good thing its just us four here tonight." She glanced up at him and cocked her head slightly, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"You sure you are alright with how things are gonna most likely play out?"

Button carefully moved to stand in front of her, placing his hands around her back and looked down at her with a smile. "Yeah, I know how I feel about you and I know what we are going to do means nothing compared to what we mean to each other. This is just something fun. Its not going to detract from us."

Sweetie Belle leaned forward, her lips nearing his. "I just want to say that before things start going off the rails, I love you Button."

"I know..." Button said cheekily causing Sweetie to laugh as she gave him a peck on the lips.

The doorbell suddenly sounded off as the two broke from each other. Button quickly went past the sliding door, past the living room and over to the door. He opened it to find Scootaloo and Apple Bloom on the other side. Apple Bloom was dressed in a red bikini top and jean shorts with a brown vest on. Meanwhile Scootaloo had on a slightly over sized T shirt and short shorts.

"Howdy." Apple Bloom said with a nod. Button gestured them in as the two quickly made there way inside, across the living room and past the sliding glass door and back out into the pool area. Button shut the door and followed a little ways behind.

Once outside again, he closed the sliding door, just in time to see the three CMC hug each other before quickly breaking up. Scootaloo glanced around, taking in the lit pool and the few outside lights on from the house. "Not to bad on the mood lighting. Oh, snacks!" She eyed the table and went over to grab a brownie.

Apple Bloom walked over to the cooler and pulled out a water bottle. Button hit a small remote and Vinyl Scratch rave music began to softly play in the background. Scootaloo shot up at the music and grinned.

"Oh yeah, lets get this party started!" She pulled up her shirt and slammed it into the ground before gripping her shorts and pulled them down. True to her word, she was wearing nothing but her birthday suit underneath. That is to say, Button got an eyeful of a her wonderful naked ass once again.

There was an orange flash that headed for the slide. She ran up, took a few second to get her legs into position as she sat down, let out a brief war cry before sliding on into the pool with a splash. An orange naked blur began swimming around and diving underneath. Apple Bloom sighed and placed her arm around Button. "Sorry, that pony as zero tact nor class."

Button shook his head. "Its cool, she's just speed running that night is all."

"Might as well take a dip." She said, taking her arm off of him, throwing off her vest, pulling down her shorts and diving into the pool. Like a shark, Scootaloo was quick to turn back towards her. The farm pony shook her head and leaned against the opposite wall, eying her friend rapidly swimming towards her. "Hey, I know what yer thinking Scoots... Don't you dare. Not yet at least!" She began to swim away as Scootaloo followed in hot pursuit.

Sweetie Belle and Button sat down on a small bench near the pool, watching the event unfold. "Not how I saw things starting, but at least they seem to be having fun." Sweetie Belle said with a sigh.

Button put his arm around her neck and shoulder. "We are just getting started. I have a feeling we will be able to ease into things soon enough."

Scootaloo caught up to Apple Bloom, grabbing at her bikini bottoms with her teeth, pulling on it and managing to get it off to Apple Bloom as she fell, legs going up as the thief managed to strip her. She quickly turned around, half running and half swimming away with her treasure. The now disgruntled farmer let out a low growl as she came back up for air, wiping the water from her eyes and pushing her hair back. "Dang it Scootaloo, yer teeth dug into my leg. Better hope you 'aven't done scratched it!" She called out, raising her fist in the air. Scootaloo took the fabric out of her mouth and laughed.

"That's one down, two to go!"

Sweetie Belle sighed and got up, breaking way from Button as she went over to Apple Bloom's side of the pool. She slipped out of her jacket and knelt down next to Apple Bloom. "Want me to kiss it and make it feel better?"

Apple Bloom blushed but nodded. "I'd not be opposed ta it."

The unicorn slowly extended her legs out and slipped into the water. She smiled up at the farm pony before slipping beneath the water. Her lips grazed the side of the "injured" ponies hip. Her fingers danced over that wonderful round ass while her mouth slowly trailed over, makings way slowly until it was faintly pressed against the farmers lower lips. Apple Bloom let out a soft coo at the touch. Sweetie's tongue came out to play, dancing around the edges, slowly and carefully teasing the poor pony who could only grasp her head lightly.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo was looking for new prey and spotted Button with his legs now in the water, sitting at the edge and enjoying the show. She quickly swapped over, making smalls waves with her quick movements. There was a brief dive beneath the water but like the predator she was quickly upon her prey. Soon, their head shot up between his legs as her eyes locked with his. "You know, I have suddenly found myself in need of some swim trunks. You wouldn't happen to know where I could get some, would you?"

Button felt his dick go hard as Scootaloo reach a hand up to pull his shorts down. She yanked them down hard, pulling them pass his legs. He stared in awe at her efficiency and ability to remove them so quickly without him hardly needing to move. He sat there now half naked below the waist with his dick now at full attention. The naked athlete held up his swim trunks.
"Two for two." She grinned, toss them behind her before pushing her nose against his extended tool. Taking a whiff, she moaned. "Mhm... Can't wait to ride that later. For now, I must continue to my hunt."

Button watched her slip beneath the water and make her way towards where Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom were making out. The farmer's top was now gone, leaving her completely exposed as she dominated tongues with her favorite unicorn, the only one left with her whole swimsuit still intact.

Scootaloo could not stand for this, that much was apparent. She zipped on over, hovering underneath the water behind her. She reached out and yanked those bottoms down in a flash. Sweetie glanced down, just in time to see an orange blob below, swim beneath her legs and poke just her head out of the water between them.

"Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom cried out. "What in tarnation are you-"

"Ima shark." She interjected. Sinking beneath the water, she moved between Sweetie's legs, pressing her mouth against her love tunnel, slowly dragging her tongue over and inside it. The now bottomless unicorn let out a low moan as she lightly held the head of her apparent shark pony now eating her out.

Apple Bloom sighed. "Well now, what am I s'possed ta do?"

Sweetie nodded in a slight daze. "Get up on the wall... I got you."

Apple Blood smiled and quickly got out, still sitting on the edge with her legs in the water, she opened herself out, allowing for Sweetie Bell full access to dive on in. Her mouth open, she wasted no time and sliding her tongue on in, moving it around in circles and taking dips like a cat drinking out of a bowl of water.

Scootaloo meanwhile was running low on air, she wanted to make her snack orgasm though before she came up for air. With little else to think of, she gripped that wonderful ass and stuck her tongue in as deep as it could go. She dug in, diving against her love button, seeking it out, trying desperately to attack it on all fronts. Though she could feel her prey shake and jerk around, there was no distinct orgasm to by had. With the risk of drowning now at hand, she could only release her hold and shoot back up, gasping for air. Placing an arm around the edge as she glared back at her still very un-eaten prey.

"Gah... How... How come I couldn't get you to cum?" She panted.

Sweetie Belle held up a finger, waiting for Apple Bloom to shake a bit as she came, lapping up what she could get before turning back to Scootaloo. She licked her lips. "Tongue work is incredible but after you've tried earth pony dick, it just isn't quite the same. I just need a little more is all. You were close though."

"Again I am teased by that cock!" She shouted furiously, now stared daggers back at Button who was simply watching the show, now looked on in terror as an orange blur began making its way towards him. He had just gotten into the water, his shirt now off to the side. He was exposed and there was a very hungry predator now coming towards him. He could only brace as she practically jumped on top of him, clamping her legs around him and her arms around his neck. "Now take that stupid dick of yours and make this shark pony wannabe moan, she needs her cummies!"

Button nodded in shock but quickly got to work, helping to guide his cock into her entrance, turning around to help provide a bit more support with her against the wall as he felt himself slip into her wonderful walls. Scootaloo looked like she was seeing stars as she let out a loud moan. "Whoa, ok... Now I think I am starting to get it. That is something... Ah!" She let loose another moan as Button began to move his hips, plunging his long tool deep into her depths.

Sweetie Belle went over and leaned next to them on his right while Apple Bloom went over and leaned against the wall on his left. The two watched in silent fascination as their horny friend continued to pounded, water splashing as she continued to gasp and moan with each movement.

"I gotta admit... Starting to get super horny all over again watching you plow her."

"Same, 'aven't seen Scoots this revved up in some time."

Button grinned and reached out, finding their slits with his hands and plunging two fingers into each other them, making the two let out a soft moan. "How about I help with that a bit?" He felt Scootaloo tighten around his waist as he began to pump up and down into the two woman next to him, watching them softly moan, their bodies shake, their breasts bouncing slightly as he continue to feel his capture begin to grow louder and louder.

"YES... YES... YES... That's it... Almost there! Gonna... Gonna... Ah... AH... AHHHHH!" She wailed like a banshee. Her body was trembling, clamping down on his dick as he felt his own peak hit like a train. White hot love shot out, deep into her body, covering her insides with is wonderful cum. He felt a bead of sweat run down his face as a thought suddenly occurred to him.

"That... Was... Awesome..." He said slowly, trying to take in the feeling. "But I have to ask... You are protected right?"

Scootaloo looked almost ready to pass out. "Uh... Yeah... Got the spell reinstated a few days ago. Can't be running laps with a foal on the way. Gotta admit though, with how much cum you just pumped into me, if I hadn't, pretty sure I would have totally gotten knocked up just now..." She let out soft moan as Button leaned back, allow her to slide out of his grasp.

He continued to softly finger bang the other two who smiled and chuckled as Scootaloo began to slowly turn and crawl out of the water. "Alright... Gonna take five..." She rubbed his cum soaked slit as some of it began to spill down her leg. She went over to a nearby lawn chair and collapsed on it.

Button turned to Apple Bloom. "Is she gonna be alright?"

"Yeah, just bit off more than she could chew if I had to reckon."

"Would you like a turn?" Button asked, removing his fingers from her. She shook her head however.

"Nah, prefer woman mostly. Don't mind a bit of foreplay from ya, but I prefer some lip smacking if you know what I mean."

Sweetie Belle hooked her arms around her lover. "Looks like things may be winding down soon then. So I guess I should ask, how was your first real pool party?"

Button kissed her on the lips before grinning. "Great, can't wait to do another one again some time."

Apple Bloom crossed her arms. "If it means I get to do fun stuff in the water with those two again, can't wait either."

Scootaloo let out a soft moan. "So... Good... Awesome..."