Royal Treat(ment)

by Crysis Commander

First published

When Cadance requests an unorthodox birthday present from Shining Armor, he is happy to oblige. Part of him wishes he wasn't.

It's Princess Cadance's birthday, and aside from the celebrations such an occasion brings, it gives Shining Armor a chance to spend some quality time with his marefriend. The gift Cadance has in mind for her special stallion to give her is simple: his rump.

This simple request will send Shining Armor down a path he never thought he'd have to walk. Is the stallion's place in the bedroom set in stone, or are the "rules" in place really so absolute?

Contains: futa, futa on male, anal, rimming, anatomically correct genitals, facesitting, BJs, light femdom, light cumflation, creampies and two dorks being in love

Takes place before Season 1
(All characters are 18+)

Written for Dezmo's NSFW Contest

Image is 1426648 on derpibooru (Artist: dimwitdog)

Royal Treat(ment)

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Shining Armor strode along Princess Cadance’s flank as they made their way towards the throne. Professional, he thought. Keep it professional. Head high, proper gait, eyes forward…

Those trained eyes soon wandered from their mark, stopping at the cutie mark on Cadance’s flank. They traveled further still, trailing along the shimmering pink coat up to that gorgeous mane, tied back in a ponytail unable to tame the oh-so-cute curling at the ends. His eyes finally came to rest on her face. Her’s was a face that he never grew tired of seeing, whose smile could snuff out even the most dreadful darkness. Despite countless hours of practice in marching, standing and the art of proper posture, the sight of her alone weakened his knees and stole his breath.

“Cadance, there you are!” The matronly tone echoed through the throne room, snapping Shining Armor back to reality. He assumed the position, awaiting further orders as the voices of royalty took center stage. “I trust you enjoyed today’s festivities?”

“They were wonderful, Aunt Celestia. I don’t think I’ve had a more exciting birthday in all my life.” Cadance giggled, her feathers ruffling by her sides. “Though as you can imagine, it’s been a long and tiring day. As such, I’m here to request taking my leave for the night. I can practically hear my bed calling out to me.”

Celestia smiled warmly. “I know the feeling. I don’t blame you for needing your rest. By all means, don’t let me keep you.” She cast a brief glance at Shining Armor. “I trust he will be keeping you safe on your walk through the hallways?”

Shining resisted every urge to betray his laughter. To think Cadance, of all ponies, would need protecting…

Cadance nodded and gestured to the armored unicorn beside her. “Yes. Shining Armor here kept a close watch of me at the party, and if I trust any guard at my side, it’s him.”

“Shining Armor?” Celestia squinted. “I’ve heard that name before… Oh yes!” Her horn lit up with a field of golden shimmers. In the next moment, Shining’s helmet lifted off his head, letting his azure mane free. “You’re the older brother of my little protegee, Twilight Sparkle, correct?”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Shining stepped forward and knelt. A wave from Celestia’s hoof gave him permission to stand once more.

“She speaks rather highly of you.”

Unable to hide a chuckle, Shining canted his head slightly to one side. “I would hope so. Half of the books she owns are from me.” Celestia’s raised brows spurred him to continue. “Good grades, birthday presents, you name it.”

Celestia perked up. “Speaking of birthday presents,” she turned her attention back to Cadance, “The party isn’t the only time I’ve seen you attentively at my niece’s side. I assume you two have gotten to know each other decently.” She paused. “Have you planned on giving her anything for her birthday?”

Shining froze.

“Oh, silly me,” Celestia cleared her throat. “You don’t have to tell me what it is. What, with her standing right next to you. I was just curious, that's all!”

The answer was yes, though not anything specific. The plan had been to make it to Cadance’s room once all the partying had died down so the two of them could finally have some time alone. It was a simple enough plan, but one obstacle stood in the way: Princess Celestia.

“Yes, Aunt Celestia,” Cadance interjected. “He gave me quite the lovely bouquet of tulips earlier today before the party. Quite delicious, I must say.” She looked back at Shining and mouthed a quick “play along.” She opened her mouth to speak again, but a fake yawn cut her off. “Hmm, well, we’d best not delay any longer. Come along, Shining Armor.”

With that, Cadance turned to depart, beckoning Shining to follow her. He complied after putting his helmet back on, but not without a final look back at Celestia. He couldn’t discern the look he received. While retaining her formality even in the waning moments of conversation, he could have sworn he saw the faintest hints of a smile. No, not a smile… A smirk?

When Cadance and Shining passed the doors of the throne room before stepping into the first of many hallways, the latter exhaled a hefty breath, as though he’d held it for the entire time he’d been in Celestia’s presence. “Princess Cadance,” he began, “do you think we –”

Cadance chortled. “Shiny, we’re not around my aunt anymore, you can drop the act.” She swished her tail to flick against Shining’s nose. “Have you ever thought about going into theater? I think it might suit you. My big, strong stallion sure knows how to keep things under wraps, if I do say so myself.”

“You think she knows?” Shining altered his gait to walk alongside Cadance rather than on her flank, a move any other guard may consider unprofessional. “I mean, she is the leader of all Equestria. And your aunt.”

Cadance shook her head and draped a wing over Shining’s back. “Oh ye of little faith.” The wing about him flexed, pulling him in for her to deliver a kiss to his cheek. “Answer me this: would I ever steer you wrong?”

As Shining opened his mouth to answer, Cadance stopped to put a gilded hoof to his mouth. “Don’t answer that.” Her hoof only pulled away when Shining gave her a kiss of his own. “Hey, you dork!”

“Yes, Princess?” Shining asked as the two rounded a corner down another towering hallway. Luckily, most of the guards had already turned in for the night, letting such young tomfoolery face no opposition. “What can Her Majesty’s humble Dork do for you?”

Cadance gave him a look. “I think I may know. Something involving a birthday present, but I think it best to discuss in private.”

When Shining and Cadance arrived at a set of massive golden doors to the princess’s room, a guard stood at attention on either side. As Cadance approached, both knelt.

“At ease,” Cadance said with a tone fit for a queen. She briefly looked the guards over before casting a quick glance back at Shining. “You both are relieved of your duties for the evening. Do get yourselves some good food and rest.”

The two looked at each other confused before one spoke up. “With all due respect, Your Highness, are you certain?” He continued after a brief pause. “I do not mean to question your authority, of course.”

“I am quite certain.” Cadance gestured back to Shining, who offered a firm salute to his comrades. “I will not be alone. This guard will keep my quarters secure tonight.”

The guard turned his attention to Shining and gave him a once over. Bewildered, he asked: “One guard? Inside your quarters?” As the confusion morphed to understanding what was truly at play, he cleared his throat. “S-surely this is a violation of some kind of etiquette or – ”

“A week off for the both of you if you depart immediately and mention this to nopony,” Cadance interjected. The guards – Shining included – perked up at the proposition. “Well?”

“Understood, Your Highness. A happy birthday to you, as well. You…” A pair of knowing eyes were cast at Shining Armor. “... Both have a great evening.”

As the first guard passed Shining, he offered a quick wink and a smirk the likes of which displayed his full knowledge of the unicorn’s purpose there. The second guard was a bit less subtle, canting his head ever so slightly in Cadance’s direction before opening his mouth and pushing out the side of his cheek with his tongue.

Shining pursed his lips. He got the message; he prayed Cadance hadn't caught a glimpse of the silent exchange between stallions. Silence answered him before Cadance moved to open the door, so he took the opportunity to release his badly bitten tongue and speak. “How exactly are you going to get two guards a whole week of vacation for no discernable reason?”

Cadance flashed a devilish grin and shrugged. “I’m a Princess.” The handles of the doors lit up in a soft blue aura from her horn before creaking open. “I may not be my aunt, but do not doubt my sway, little guard.”

“Little guard?” Shining asked. As playful as he tried to sound, something about the term struck a chord somewhere he could not discern. Good? Bad? He couldn’t say for certain, though he did wonder if it had gotten warmer in the castle in the last few minutes.

Unlike the grandiose hallways of the castle decorated with ornate columns, stained glass windows and artistic choices that brought him images of the old and decrepit, Cadance’s room provided a much more colorful environment. A faint shade of pink on the walls with darker, heart-shaped trim brought a far livelier aura than what Shining could only guess was Celestia’s decorative choice made long before he was even a twinkle in his father’s eye. A stray poster for bands he’d only heard of through Cadance’s recommendation adorned the walls. He’d only needed to hear Neighlor Swift a single time to know that, despite his marefriend singing her praises, he would be better off hearing no more of her singing. Stuffed animals from years past lined a section of shelving off to the right, ranging from as small as Shining’s hoof to larger than his whole body.

At the other end of the room, beside a window overlooking the city of Canterlot, sat a bed whose softness was unmatched by any he’d ever slept in. Though he’d only spent a few nights in the embrace of such cloudy goodness, he could never forget a single moment. A deep purple comforter of the finest satin sat neatly tucked into the sides, partially shrouded by alternating pink and gold curtains from a canopy above.

Colors of perfection, Shining thought, looking at his marefriend’s similarly colored mane.

Cadance ditched her golden shoes and tiara by the door and zipped over to the bed, parting the curtains and falling across it with the grace of the most adorable swan Shining could ever imagine. She stretched out her forelegs and gripped one of the many pillows beside her to her chest. “Mmm, so good to be back.” Turning onto her side, she flipped her hair and beckoned her suitor over. “Come and guard me, Shiny,” she said with a giggle.

Shining didn’t need to be told twice. Ditching his armor and helmet took longer than he anticipated; his racing heart was not accounted for in usual drills. Once free from his protective confines, he bounded over and leaped onto the bed with a soft thud.

“Smooth move, sweetie,” Cadance said. She unfruled her magnificent wings and enveloped Shining’s larger form in them, pulling him in for a tender embrace. “It’s been too long since we’ve done this. I’ve been wanting to get you in here for a while, but ya know. Princess stuff.”

Nuzzling his snout against the feathers around him, Shining exhaled a happy sigh, though a definite burden of exhaustion was unmistakable. “Yeah, I hear that. Well, not on the Princess stuff, but I’ve been busy with training and guard duty. I was lucky to get tonight off.” He leaned in and bumped the tip of his nose against that of his marefriend, scoffing at her flustered reaction. “But it’ll probably mean a lot more work when I get back.”

“Shiny,” Cadance sighed and patted the stallion’s cheek. “If it meant more work for you, we could have figured out something else other than today.”

“No way.” Shining shook his head. “It’s your birthday. I wasn’t gonna miss it. Even if it meant still technically doing my job without officially doing my job. Every second I get to spend with you is worth it.”

Cadance’s face scrunched up before she slammed her lips against Shining’s. “I love you so much, you big doofus!” She pushed Shining onto his back before taking her position atop him, her haunches resting her weight on her stallion’s hips. “Gosh, even since we were last together like this, you’ve gotten bigger.” Her weight shifted as she brought their chests against one another. She placed a trail of kisses along his jawline before speaking once more, barely above a whisper. “Whatever they’re having you do, it’s working wonderfully. Just feeling you. All of you…”

Shining relaxed as best he could under Cadance, but her hooves traveling down his body and riding the waves of his musculature did little to keep him still; her attention to detail on how to make him squirm improved every time they met.

“So.” With her chin resting ever-so-comfortably on Shining’s chest, Cadance looked up at him with eyes more fit for a puppy than a pony. “I guess that kinda ties in with what I wanted to talk to you about earlier. What I wanted for my birthday…”

“Of course, babe,” Shining said. Cadance cast her eyes downward and buried her face in his chest, mumbling and giggling to herself. “Aww, c’mon. Anything you want – just say it.”

“I want your rump.”



“I. Want. Your. Rump.”

Shining was about to answer, but something from the depths of his mind emerged. Some grotesque, slimy, slippery being from the deepest recesses of his thoughts came crawling to the forefront. Enthusiasm to agree and take part in such intimacy with his marefriend was touched with a single word, one that served to taint everything of beauty and love and morph it into something just as ugly as itself: weak.

Weak, Shining thought. Is that what that would make me? The taint continued to spread, incorporating the words of his superior officers. As a guard, it was expected of him to be strong, stoic, to not surrender or submit, lest his ultimate goal of protecting the Princesses be compromised.

Submission is weakness.


Though snapped from his stupor, Shining could not shake off the dark cloud stretching across his thoughts. He struggled to arrive at an answer. Say something – anything you idiot!


Except that.

Cadance cocked a brow. “Well,” she began, “because I love you, first of all.” Confusion soon took influence from a tender heart, a smile spreading across her muzzle. “And second, you’re a stallion I trust. More than any other, really. You know the real me – you’ve seen it, and you’ve never shied away.”

“W-well of course I wouldn’t.” Salvage this, Shining. Salvage this. He lifted a hoof to rest against her cheek, one she readily nuzzled against. “I love you for you. All of you.”

“So is that a yes?” Cadance kissed at the hoof on her cheek hoof before cradling the foreleg, guiding said hoof down her neck to her chest. Strong but gentle thumps resonated against Shining’s touch, and despite the influence of the new voice within, he nodded.


Cadance reared back and let out a “Buck yeah!”, nearly falling off the bed. Once she’d stabilized herself, she flopped down onto Shining and squeezed him in her grip. “Oh, I’m so so so glad you’re open minded about this. I promise you won’t regret it.” She rolled off of him and sat up on the edge of the bed, propping herself up on her forelegs. “But before we can get down to the butt stuff, I think my stallion has to get me ready first.”

Shining took the cue. He knelt down at the bedside as Cadance spread her legs. There, between those glorious rose thighs sat a sheathe and sack, the size of which rivaled his own. He was not unfamiliar with the sight. She’d let the magic hiding them for public decency fade around him behind closed doors soon after their relationship escalated in intimacy, and what had started as standard cunillingus had progressed to a kiss, a lick, a taste of a fruit he had previously been unaware he’d enjoy so thoroughly. Still, in all the times he’d serviced his marefriend’s cock and how much of her seed he’d swallowed, he’d never once thought of it as anything other than him pleasing his marefriend; she just happened to have both sets of genitals.

The taint, however, said otherwise.

You would like it, wouldn’t you?

With a steadying breath, Shining leaned in and pressed his lips against Cadance’s balls. Tentative kisses and licks peppered along the hefty sack before him drew blissful breaths from the mare above. He couldn’t help but smile to himself at the noises she made, but the reprieve from the taint was short lived.


The practiced attention to Cadance’s sack brought the first signs of her arousal into view. The flat tip of her cock began to poke through the opening of her sheath, bringing with it a fat glob of precum. Given Shining’s position, this glob plopped right onto his snout. Under normal circumstances he’d eagerly lap up the treat and savor the flavor of his lover, but enjoyment was not to be had.

More fit for a brothel than the Guard.

Shut up!

Shining didn’t wait for Cadance’s cock to emerge more than a few inches before wrapping his lips around it and bobbing his head with a fervent urgency. He barely registered the surprised moans his actions received or the hoof placed on the back of his head; his own moans droned out all else, as was his intention. If you won’t go away, he thought, I’ll just be louder.

The meaty spire in Shining’s mouth grew further and further. His tongue battled against the heavy throbs of Cadance’s cock as it continued to stretch his jaw and throat. If he were an amateur, this is likely where he would have stopped, but an amateur he was not. Having studied every curve, vein and inch of his marefriend’s girth before, he used such experience to his advantage. Ferocious sucks and slurps accompanied his attempts to drown the inner noise in a desperate symphony all his own. Lashing against the opening with every opportunity he could, he was further rewarded for his efforts. Flavor. Such sweet savoriness he’d come to anticipate every time he serviced his lover’s rod.

“Sh-Shiny… Don’t stop, please! Almost there…”

The hoarse whisper of Cadance’s words barely reached Shining’s ears. Even if they hadn’t, the greater volume of precum slathering his tongue and the faster throbs between his lips were a dead giveaway. He pressed her tip against the inside of his cheek and assaulted the embedded length of her cock with his tongue, humming softly to enhance the experience for her.

He remembered the guards. The gesture. What would they say if they saw him in such a position?

What a wimp, taking cock instead of giving it.

They laughed. They didn’t stop laughing and jeering, no matter how loudly Shining moaned to try and once again drown out the second voice. It wouldn’t go away.

Leave me alone!

Cadance snapped Shining from his stupor when she gripped either side of his head and pulled him down on her until his nose slammed against the fur of her crotch. “Gonnacumgonna cuahhh!”

Shining braced himself as Cadance’s dam broke. Spurt after spurt of hot, thick alabaster flooded down his throat and into his mouth. He swallowed as much as he could, but some unfortunately passed through his tightly-sealed lips, down his chin and onto the floor. Though he tried to enjoy the taste he had many times before, it wasn’t the same. The laughing continued.

It wouldn’t take long for Cadance’s flare to die down enough for Shining to free himself from the meaty spear lodged in his throat. He pulled off with a lewd, wet pop, licking his lips.

Panting and gasping for breath, Cadance fell back on the bed. “Gosh, Shiny… You’re getting better at that. So much better…”

A natural cocksucker, you are.

Shining grunted and drew his tongue along Cadance’s slowly-shrinking cock, cleaning her of all he could.

“Everything okay?” Shining perked up. “I didn’t go too hard on you, did I?”

“No, no you’re good.” Shining got up from the floor, only then noticing his own raging hardon. A stain on the floor made by his own arousal overshadowed that of the one made by Cadance by a significant margin. Whether it was enough to convince Cadance that all was well, he couldn’t discern. Just in case it wasn’t, he tossed his chest onto the bed and stuck his rump in the air behind him. “Let’s just uh… Do this, okay?”

Cadance hesitated. “Okay.” Shining winced at the sheer presence of suspicion in her voice. “It’ll be a little bit before I can go again, but I can get you all warmed up in the meantime.” She slid off the bed and sauntered behind Shining. “You've been such a good boy, after all.”

Good boy. Oh, how two simple words could set one’s heart aflutter and momentarily take away their knowledge of how to breathe, how to think, how to convey any coherent thought other than how to giggle like a school filly with a new lunchbox. Not only that, but the thought of what was probably to come made his will all the more pliable. He shimmied his legs further apart and rested his cheek on the comforter and waited with bated breath.

“Nice and toned.” Cadance’s compliment, as equally smoothe as sultry, played at Shining’s ears and tugged at his thumping heart to beat faster. “Your flanks have always been so wonderful to look at.” Her hooves took hold of either side, pressing into the stallion’s glutes and softly massaging them. “But enough looking from afar. Let’s get a little closer…”

Shining gasped. His body tensed as Cadance spread his cheeks, leaving his virgin hole more vulnerable than he could ever recall it being before. Puffs of hot air washed over his exposed flesh, bringing with it an insurmountable anticipation. He froze as what he could only guess were a pair of lips connected with his tailhole. Another kiss, then another.

The idea alone that his marefriend was building such tension just to be a literal kiss-ass amused Shining as much as it irritated him. “Wait, so you’re just –” A sharp moan cut off his sentence and halted all attempts at levity. Where lips had once been, a tongue followed, making slow circles about the outer ring while granting the occasional prod toward the center. His breaths drew in sharply, steadiness undone by the alien sensation outside his view. If any doubt existed before that he may have liked attention to his ass, it faded with the stallion’s soft mewls muffled by him burying his face in the bed.

“Just relax, baby,” Cadance said before giving Shining’s hole another sloppy kiss. “Gosh, your noises are so cute.”

What were words of praise and encouragement, supposed to grant Shining a sense of relaxation and comfort, soon met the touch of the taint. They morphed and mutated, turning to something new entirely:

Relax? Submission. Cute? Weakness.

“Weakness has no place in the Royal Guard.” Shining heard the voice of his commanding officer loud and clear, though it, too, had been altered. “To do your duty, to protect Equestria and its rulers, you cannot submit. You cannot be weak. Not only will it mean the end of you, but for Equestria itself!”

Shining did not retort.

“Are you a guard or a weakling? A stallion or a mare?”

“Guard… Stallion, sir.”

“Then act like it!”

“Stop, Cadance!” Without waiting for compliance, Shining jerked away, turning about to face the mare and keep his rump as far away from her as possible. “Just… Just stop. Please.”

Cadance, stunned and hurt, took a cautious step forward. “Shining Armor, what’s going on?”

Exasperated, Shining huffed and looked away. He couldn’t bring himself to meet her eyes, lest the inner voices grow any louder. “Nothing, it’s just… Kinda weird is all.”

“Shining, you’re doing that thing.”

“What thing?”

“That thing where you say you’re fine but you’re not.” Cadance took another step forward only for Shining to back away. “Shining, please. Talk to me. Did I make you uncomfortable? Did I hurt you?”

Shining didn’t answer. Nothing made sense. Words lost all meaning, letters coupled together to form amalgamations of no purpose or reason. The taint, so tame and quiet before, shouted over his own inner voice and berated him for allowing himself into such a vulnerable position. He wanted to reply to Cadance – something, anything – but how could he?

“Shining Armor, I love you. If there’s something wrong, please let me help.” Cadance’s tone gained far more desperation as she spoke, ending on a tell-tale crack.

In the awful silence, Shining scrambled to put together something to keep both himself and the situation from falling apart more than it already had. Looking around, his eyes fell upon the bathroom on the other end of the room. “Gimme a minute.” One hoof in front of the other, he willed himself forward until he could safely shut the door behind him.

Shining dared not listen for Cadance on the other side of the door. Instead, he drug his hooves over the chilly tile floor until his reflection from the sink’s mirror stared back at him. “What are you doing?” he asked. He didn’t answer.

“I was going to ask you the same question.”

The voice from off to his right made Shining jerk upright out of forcive habit as well as the unbridled terror of not expacting company. He knew that voice well. Slowly, he craned his head to meet the gaze of his guest in sulking. “Your Majesty…?”

Princess Celestia looked down at him with a most displeased visage, though if she were trying to be intimidating, her billowing mane pressed up against the ceiling did her little favors. The room had not been designed for a pony of her stature, it seemed. “Hello, Shining Armor.”

Feeling the breeze between his knees, Shining looked down and noticed that, despite the disaster beyond the door, he was still at half mast. He sat and shielded his stallionhood from Celestia’s gaze, but she shook her head and gave a relaxed “at ease.”

“Dare I ask how long you’ve been here?”

“Long enough,” Celestia replied. “What is more important, however, is whatever’s going on here” – she trotted forward to reach out and tap on Shining’s head – “you figure it out and tell her.”

A sigh escaped through Shining’s clenched teeth. Standing back on his hooves, less urgent to hide his unmentionables, he tapped at his head where Celestia had. “I think I know what it is, but it’s just hard to describe.”

Celestia smiled. “Try me.”

With great hesitation, Shining gestured toward the door. “When we’ve… done things before, when I’m the stallion and she’s the mare, it feels good.” He cleared his throat. “Right? That’s not weird.” Celestia nodded. “But the other stuff. Like, uh –”

“Fellating her?”

Shining paused. “Wait, how do you know she has a penis?”

“All alicorns have one. She does, my sister did, I –”

“So yeah, the fellating. It felt good for me to do.” As much as Shining hated the thought of interrupting Celestia, her mentioning her equipment was farther up on his list of loathings. “And then when she was going at my rump, that was… incredible. But should it?”

“Should it not?”

“I mean, it feels like it shouldn’t.” Shining turned to face the mirror once again, stepping up and placing his hooves on the countertop. “Being on the bottom is like surrendering control, and that isn’t –”

“It isn’t what a Royal Guard would do?” Now it was Shining’s turn to be interrupted, but for good reason. “It isn’t what a real stallion would do?”

Neither pony spoke for a time.

Celestia hummed softly to herself and nodded. “I see. A few things to shed some light on, then.” She dipped her head down to look into the mirror along with Shining, her mane blocking view of the door entirely. “What do you see when you look in the mirror, Shining Armor?”

“Am I supposed to see something other than us?”

“I see a fine, strapping young stallion who I am proud to have among my Guard. I am also more than happy to grant my blessing to him being my niece’s coltfriend.” Celestia took Shining by the chin and drew his attention further up; her eyes looked tenderly but firmly back into his own – the gaze of a trained ruler. “All ponies in Equestria are deserving of love and affection, and that can be in whatever way they wish to accept it, just as any are open to give it how they wish.” She paused for a beat. “So long as there isn’t any harm being done, of course.”

Sitting back on her haunches, likely to no longer have the back of her head against the ceiling, she continued. “Liking to receive in such a way is not a weakness, Shining Armor. There is a great difference between the bedroom and a battlefield.”

“It’s on more of a personal note, as well.” Shining huffed. “Like, what would the other guards think if they found out? I’d never hear the end of it.”

Celestia canted her head. “Found out what? That you have a strong bond with one of Equestria’s princesses or that said princess cares for you so deeply she’s willing to share one of her greatest secrets with you?” Her smile grew. “Or that she loves you so deeply that she is willing to share her deepest carnal desires with you, and that those desires just so happen to coincide with your own?”

“Well when you put it that way…” A light chortle from Celestia made Shining’s ears perk. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh nothing,” Celestia said. “All in its time.” The warmth of her smile turned to something far more stern, rivaling that of a scolding mother. “You spoke of weakness in liking to receive. Do you think Cadance is weak for liking to receive from you?” Shining shook his head. “Do you think mares as a whole are weak for liking it?” Another shake of the head. “Well, then it seems it does not make you weak.”

For the first time in his knowing of Princess Celestia, he could have sworn he saw her hesitate for a brief moment. “Don’t restrain yourself from enjoying what you enjoy, Shining Armor. Whether it be a hobby, a place, a pony” – she drew a sharp breath – “or in this case, intimate activities with the one you love.”

Shining pondered on Celestia’s advice. The taint had grown quiet for some time. Whether that was the princess’ doing or of his own accord, he could not say for sure. “Princess?”


“It’s a long shot, but is there some kind of spell you can cast on me? A spell that can make it easier to say these things to Cadance or to get rid of that voice telling me I shouldn’t like what I like?”

Celestia’s smile faded. “I’m afraid not, my little pony.” She leaned in and delivered a soft kiss to Shining’s forehead. “You will have to figure that out on your own.” Turning about to return to the other end of the bathroom, her horn lit up in ribbons of sparkling gold. “I know you’re capable, though. You have the necessary strength.” A soft giggle from the older mare accompanied the crackles and sparks of arcane energy. “I wish you well, Shining Armor. Have a wonderful evening.”

A slow but sure nod from Shining followed. “You as well, Your Highness.” He knelt to the floor just as she disappeared from view with a poof.

He had to go out there, Shining knew that much. Sure, he may face an irritated or potentially-furious marefriend who would make his desperate attempt to put the pieces of the night back together all the harder, but he couldn’t stay in the bathroom forever. With a deep breath to steady himself, he opened the door and stepped back into the bedroom. “Cadance?”

“Yes?” Cadance, laid across the bed in a sullen slump, shifted to look at Shining, eyes brimming with concern.

“Can… We talk?”

Like an overzealous angel to his rescue, Cadance leapt up from the bed and fluttered down to land beside Shining. “Of course, sweetie.” She grimaced and idly played with her ponytail. “Look, I know it was a lot to put on you so quickly. The whole eating you out thing and the – “

“No, that’s not it.” Shining knew what he wanted to say, but summoning the words to his lips proved arduous. “I do want to do this stuff with you. The thought alone makes me all giddy and gives you that butterfly feeling you get on roller coasters. But when we actually got deeper into it, some stuff happened in my head and I was afraid to mention it.”

“Afraid?” Cadance nearly scoffed at the notion. “What would you be afraid of?”

The aforementioned fear gripped Shining’s throat once more and threatened to keep him quiet. Celestia, grant me strength. “That you would think less of me as a stallion. And as a coltfriend.”

Cadance recoiled, appalled. “What?!” She reached over and grabbed Shining’s face and pulled it to her heart. “You are my most beloved Shiney Hiney and I adore you to pieces!” Shining burst into laughter. “Wait, what’s so funny?”

“Shiney Hiney?” When Cadance’s lips pursed in a pout, Shining returned the embrace she’d given him moments before. “I don’t think you’ve ever added that second part before.”

“...You like it?”

Shining, coming off his humor high, kissed Cadance on the snout. “It’s just fitting, I guess. Considering.”

“Considering…” Cadance slipped out of Shining’s grip and bumped her nose against his. “That I wouldn’t think any less of you in the slightest? Considering I’d actually find it really, really hot?” Her hoof found purchase on his chest, kneading deep into his alabaster fur against where his heart lay underneath.

“It’s hot that I wanna be all submissive?”

Cadance nodded. “You’re in tune with who you are, and you have the strength to admit it. No dodging, no hiding. Just you.” Her horn lit up for an instant, pulling away the band holding her hair back to let it fall about her face. “Couples have so many ways of demonstrating their love, and one of them is being open and honest with their interests. You trust me with that, just as I trust you with this.” She gave her hips a shake, sending that cock of hers swaying back and forth.

Before Shining could answer, the hoof against his chest began to push him back toward the bed. “After all, I am the Princess of Love. I might know a thing or two about it.” Cadance’s words were accented by a sultry undertone, plucking further at the stallion’s nerves and sending a frigid tingle down his spine.

One little push. That’s all it took to send Shining reeling back onto the bed with his mighty conqueror looming over him. “I must say, Shiny Hiney, you are the perfect birthday present. I promise I’ll enjoy you.” Cadance’s eyes closed before she leaned in closer. “Thoroughly.”

The next moment saw Shining’s breath stolen by a fiery kiss from his lover. Cadance’s silver tongue prodded and poked at his lips amidst the collision of their mouths, greedily seeking entry. Permission was readily granted.

As their tongues met and struggled against one another, Cadance pushed Shining tight against the mattress and rested her full weight against him. The stallion’s inability to move under the deceptively-heavy alicorn brought him less discomfort than he imagined. In fact, it only served to excite him further. Between his legs, his loins stirred with renewed vigor; his cock peeked out from his sheath and, as it grew further, poked against the meeting of midsections.

When Cadance finally pulled away, Shining took the biggest gulp of air he could ever recall taking. He had little chance to regain his breath before his marefriend’s horn lit up. A soft but firm compression formed around his cock. Looking down, he watched as the constricting aqua aura stroked his stiffening length.

“On the bed, dear,” Cadance said. “Let’s put that eager mouth of yours to work.” Shining did as directed, laying down in cloudy, pillowy comfort. The magical stroking along his shaft continued, though it went far slower than he would have liked. “Good boy. Just like that…”

Shining’s mind was sent spinning once again at the words of praise. Reeling, his eyes closed, though he didn’t need his sight to know what Cadance may have in store for him. The shifting of the bed around him drew his eyes open just in time to watch two pink globes come crashing down around his face.

“The perfect coltfriend makes the perfect seat,” Cadance said with unmistakable amusement. Shifting her weight back, she straddled Shining’s face with her hips, grinding that ample rump of hers back against him. “Three taps if you need me to come up, hun.”

Pink-tinted darkness clouded Shining’s vision. Where it failed him, his other senses picked up the slack. No sooner had he stuck out his tongue than he tasted the sweet, honied tones of Cadance’s pussy. He dragged up and down the crevice pressed against his lips, bringing it with it sharp gasps and gyrations from the mare atop him. It wasn’t the first time she’d sat on his face, but this time was different. He did not restrain himself from enjoying his marefriend’s weight squishing him against the bed, to be deprived of so much control and to have his nostrils force-filled with equal parts feminine and masculine scents.

“Hooh, buck yeah, Shiny! Don’t you dare stop!”

Not wanting to ignore a direct order from his princess, Shining pushed forward. He attacked her lower lips with voracious fervor. His tongue drove between her folds and buried as deep as he could manage. That sore but lively muscle thrashed about within, adding further ferocity to the assault on her inner walls. Twitches and involuntary bucks rocked his hips upward as the pumping of arcane magic around his cock began to get the better of him. His body cried out for release, for a hole to be buried deep inside so he could flood it with steaming-hot spunk.

To Shining’s surprise, his wish was granted. Cadance’s velvetine lips wrapped about the tip of his length. It took every ounce of his remaining will not to thrust up into her mouth as hard as his instincts wished him to. Even if he wanted to, she adjusted her weight to keep her front legs pressing down against his rear ones; trying to buck was useless. Less weight on his face provided an unforeseen advantage, however.

Slipping his forelegs out from underneath Cadance, Shining gripped either side of her plot and spread her cheeks. Not only was he finally granted a full breath of air not ladened by her scent, but some of his vision was granted back as well. With a better view of his target, he dove right back in. He kissed and sucked at the hood around her clit, transforming those moans muffled by his cock into borderline squeals of ecstasy. She didn’t need to tell him how close she was; he’d known her for some time – he could take an educated guess. Once he grazed that winking button of hers with his teeth, his guess was made for him.

A muted scream escaped from Cadance’s cock-sealed lips. Previously coming off as confident and in control, Cadance writhed and shook against Shining as her pleasure reached its zenith.

With Cadance’s cock tucked tight between their bodies, the warm splatters of her liquid love across Shining’s lower stomach and legs were ground into his fur with both pony’s erratic movements. His face was not spared, either, receiving a healthy dose of marecum across his mouth and nose. All this on top of the frantic tonguework of his marefriend along the ridge of his flare was enough to bring the fire in his loins to its peak.

Shining’s hips bucked upward as much as allowed in a short spurt of movement before he, too, fell over the brink. His cock flared in Cadance’s mouth, forming a makeshift plug to keep rope after rope of thick, virile seed from going anywhere other than down her throat. Despite this, the sheer volume of his release was enough to cause some drippage onto the bed, but it mattered little. In the blissful embrace of his afterglow, troubles all but melted away.

Both ponies lay there for a time, tired, messy and riding a happy high. Shining was the first to speak, licking at some of the mare juice around his mouth. “Made you cum first,” he said with a soft chuckle. “Imagine losing on your birthday.”

Cadance did not reply at first. Once Shining’s flare had died down enough, she pulled off of him and swallowed the large gulp of seed still in her mouth. “What was that? Shiny Hiney?” Cadance turned around to loom over Shining, her multicolor hair hanging about her features in a matted veil. “Don’t think I’m done with you yet.”

Shining looked down. Cadance’s cock, still dripping with seed from her fresh load, stood firm at attention and twitched violently. His jaw dropped slack. “...There’s no way. You just came!”

“You do things to me, Shiny.” Cadance grinned. “Wonderful things.” She plopped down on top of him and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “I suppose you know what comes next, don’t you? If you’re still unsure or uncomfortable, we don’t have to go any further.”

Yeah, go all the way, you buttslut!

The taint had not died; Shining knew it wouldn’t. However, brushing it aside proved far easier than before. Celestia’s words did not ring hollow, nor would he allow them to. “I do want to go further. You’re the only one I’d even dream of offering this to. May as well go for it.” A pressure started at the back of his throat, mounting as the silent moments of gazing at Cadance ticked by. Wetness formed in the corners of his eyes, much to his dismay. “Nnng, um, anyway.” He tried to laugh it off as best he could after giving his eyes a quick wipe of the foreleg.

“It’s okay to cry, too, ya know,” Cadance said.

Shining pursed his lips in thought before shooting her a soft smirk. “One thing at a time, babe. One thing at a time.”

Cadance huffed playfully. “Okay, but I’m not gonna let you forget about it.” Her scolding tone brought more levity to Shining’s heart than shame. “Now, if you would be so kind as to lay on your stomach for me, that would be wonderful.”

“Of course, Your Highness.” Shining didn’t need to look back at Cadance to know the look she likely gave him. A little pout, a huff; he’d seen it enough times and loved every single one. Taking one of the many pillows and resting it under his head, Shining shimmied his rump up high enough to give proper leverage from behind. Then he waited.

Nothing happened.

“Uh, Cadance?” Shining asked. He didn’t need to wait long for a reply. “Oh… Okay.”

From behind, Shining felt Cadance wrap her forelegs about his midsection and bring her cheek to rub against his own. She let out a contented sigh, giving the stallion’s plot a kiss. “Shiney Hiney,” she said under her breath, just loud enough for her words to not be mistaken.

“Oh c’mon, are you serious?” Shining asked, practically pouting, himself. Given the context, however, he couldn’t hold back his amusement. “Are you hugging my plot?”

“Yes.” Cadance placed another kiss on Shining’s nearest cheek. “And rubbing it. And kissing it. It’s worthy of worship.” Her hoof came up to massage the cheek that her face could not. “So says a Princess of Equestria.” With one final parting kiss, she pulled herself away. “I also say that we can’t do this just yet. Can’t be careful for the first time.”

The familiar crackles and pops of arcane energy accompanied a small bottle on the bed’s nightstand floating over to Cadance. From what Shining could see of the bottle passing by, it was filled with a clear liquid with the label “Butt Stuff”. He could only guess the purpose of such.

A sharp chill on his tailhole hit Shining hard, making him hiss out a breath. “Ahh, is it supposed to be that co –” He stopped. The cold faded, and with its absence came an enveloping warmth over his ponut. Irritation shifted down several notches to relaxation as he basked in the new comforts provided by the lubricant.

“Good stuff, huh?” Cadance asked. Shining nodded, tacking on a drawn out ‘mhmm.’ “I agree. I’ve used it quite a few times before with toys. Very relaxing!”

Shining waited with bated breath as Cadance lubricated his hole to a generous degree. A stray drip or two of the liquid ran down the length of his taint, down his sack and onto the bed, but most remained outside and inside his tailhole. After hearing a few slick strokes from his marefriend’s cock, she draped her legs over his back. Her crown pressed against his rump with an urgent few prods.

“Ready?” Shining asked.

“Hey, I’m supposed to ask you that.”

“Are you asking?”

A soft groan rumbled up from Cadance’s throat. “Okay, here we go…” Shining knew she was nervous just as well as he. Her legs shook the bed behind him, her forelegs on his back trembled, and her breathing came in shallow draws. He wanted to say something to reassure her, but he opted not to. If any mare had this, it was his Cadance.

Silence held onto both ponies until, finally, a push forward from Cadance sent the first few inches of her pulsing rod slipping inside.

“Holy buck, Shiny!” Cadance exclaimed between labored breaths. “So tight… So warm.”

Shining couldn’t bring himself to speak. Even if he still had the ability, he’d bit down on the pillow the moment Cadance entered him. All he could do was moan and shudder while his tailhole was stretched further and further by that beautiful tool. The legs across his back pressed harder down on him, but he held his position firm as best he could.

Cadance stopped once she’d nearly reached the hilt. “Just – oooh – tell me if anything hurts, okay?”

Cloud nine had already cast a haze over Shining’s thoughts, though he still grunted a reply. The set of heavy nuts between Cadance’s legs pressed up against his own. The warmth and fullness of that throbbing, pulsing cock inside him was so alien, yet so addicting.

Once Cadance’s hips began to draw back and pull, Shining’s muscles acted of their own accord, gripping down and massaging the thick phallus within. He groaned in a meak protest for her to stay inside and was answered by a breathless giggle from the mare behind him.

“Nnng, you like it that much, do you?” Cadance’s hips drove forward once more, sending that length back to sheathe inside Shining’s rump. Any attempt she may have made to put on a powerful persona was shattered by her words interspersed with unhampered moans.

Shining bit the pillow to suppress a laugh.

The laugh was short lived, however, as the bucking hips of his marefriend picked up considerably in speed. Resonance from the smacking of flesh on flesh and the wet slaps of their sacks colliding with one another formed a wonderful rhythm, one that Shining’s own moans played along with in perfect harmony.

It took some time for Shining to regain enough sense to move. Once he did, he found himself shoving his hips back against Cadance with a desperate, love-drunk vigor to match her own. Every slam of his marefriend’s length inside reached as deep as possible, letting him caress and squeeze every inch of her rod and coax her closer to the point of no return. He barely noticed the soreness mounting in his muscles with each drive back and each reciprocating slam he received in return; that was a problem for future Shining Armor.

“What the – “ Shining couldn’t finish his sentence before he cut himself off with a moan. Cadance’s magic had once again encircled his stiff girth, but this time was different. The strokes came faster, much faster, and attention was focused primarily toward the tip. Strikes of ecstasy shot all across his body, sending every hair on his coat to stand on end and every nerve to kick into overdrive.

Shining’s legs failed him. He hadn’t been standing, but what little distance they provided from the bed collapsed just as he did. A defeated growl escaped him. For a brief moment, the carnal cloud blocking his mind was pierced by reality. Before he could dwell too much or allow the fatigue in his muscles to come to the forefront of his thoughts, he found himself turned onto his side, a leg pulled into the air.

“Don’t fret, sweetie,” Cadance huffed. “Now I get to see – nnfff buck! – your face when you cum…” Her onslaught did not let up. In fact, given the change in position, she didn’t need to move nearly as much to hilt herself in Shining’s rump.

“Oh Shiny…” Cadance wrapped her forelegs around Shining’s leg she held up. “I’m getting close… So bucking close…”

When these words broke through to Shining, he summoned his remaining strength to go for broke. He ground his hips against those ramming into him, squeezed down on her with all his might, anything to bring Cadance that much closer to the peak of her pleasure.

Success was assured when a fever-pitch broke in those jackhammering thrusts. “Sh-Shiny, I’m gonna cum inside… Fill you so bucking full of my love!” With little more warning and a muted croak of a scream, Cadance thrusted in one final time before the dam burst. Torrents of thick, hot alicorn spunk spilled into Shining’s guts and painted his inner walls white.

The sudden heat and swell of such a load on his insides – not to mention the magic still stroking him off – sent Shining plummeting over the edge, as well. He cried out in carnal bliss as his cock erupted, rope after rope of stallion jizz splattering onto the bed. After that single moment of every nerve in his body calling out in a synchronized scream of elation, it was over. Drifting down from his peak on the gentle wings of his afterglow, he giggled – it was all he could think to do in the emptiness of his post-orgasmic mind.

Cadance nibbled at his ear, clearly just as delirious in her hazy, blissful afterglow. “Holy horsefeathers, Shiny,” she slurred, “I don’t think I’ve ever cum that much. And you took it so well.” She brushed a hoof against Shining’s stomach, where the volume of her load had caused a light distension. “It’s like I got your butt pregnant.”



“Yes, love?”

“I know it’s your birthday, but can you never say that ever again?”

Cadance brought a hoof to her chin in thought. “I didn’t hear a ‘please’ or a proper address, Mr. Royal Guard. How am I supposed to know if what you’re saying is serious or not?”

Shining sighed. “Can you, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of Equestria, please never say those awful words ever again?”

Seemingly satisfied, Cadance pressed her lips to Shining’s cheek. “Of course. Anything for my big, strong stallion.”