What are Friends For?

by EroPony1000

First published

Rarity proposes an idea to Fluttershy over a cup of coffee.

In need of models for her new line of summer clothes, Rarity turns to Fluttershy for help, but has to work up the nerve to ask first.

What are Friends For?

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“Thanks for agreeing to meet.” Rarity pushed aside her drink, which she had ordered more as a formality, to rest her elbows on the table.

Fluttershy sipped delicately at hers, hurriedly wiping the foam from her lips at Rarity’s subtle gesture, for which she was silently grateful. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

That, as it turned out, was the very question that had Rarity stumped.

“I don’t know...” she sighed, leaning back in her chair, head tilted toward the ceiling.

The deep neckline of her shirt bared much of her pale skin, her slender build exaggerating the protrusion of her collarbones.

These were Fluttershy’s observations, which she guiltily made as she waited, admiring her friend over the top of the beverage clasped in both hands, taking her turn to rest her elbows.

Rarity eyed her own latte for a moment before sitting up, deciding she wanted it after all.

While she blew across the surface of her drink, Fluttershy spoke.

“Rarity, I’m not a business associate. I’m your friend.”

Rarity took a sip and rejoiced that she had not burnt her tongue, then set it back on the saucer with a click.

“Yes yes, I know.” she said, twisting about to lean on the back of her chair. She watched a young girl, likely an intern, balance six coffees in a drink-carrier while struggling with the door.

She sighed again, wordlessly this time, turning back to Fluttershy and trying to avoid looking at her latte. It wouldn’t do to gulp it down, after all, and she didn’t know if she could resist the urge indefinitely. “What if…you were though?” she asked unexpectedly.

Fluttershy tilted her head to one side. “What do you mean?” She set her cup down on the saucer, then wiped her mouth just in case, as Rarity’s gaze seemed miles away.

Using her drink to buy her time to think, Rarity tried to formulate an answer. She wondered briefly if she ought to just let it go, then thought back on the intern at the door, recalling her own time in that girl’s shoes before she discovered the Carousel Boutique. If she let this opportunity pass her by...

“Do you remember that line of... bold warm-weather wear I have been working on for the boutique?” ‘Bold’ was putting it delicately, but ‘nothing ventured’ and all that.

Fluttershy nodded. “Of course. After all, you said it could be your ‘big break.’”

The way things were going, Rarity was beginning to think it would be her only break. She had worked so very hard to make something different, something youthful that would appeal to her peers. Yet, without models, all her effort would go to waste.

She could not rely on the charity of her mentor forever, and unless she could drum up some recognition the boutique might not even last until the summer.

Things were going fine until, unfortunately, the venue had changed due to… unforeseeable circumstances, causing her models to, understandably, walk out on her. After all, who would want to model bikinis in the fall, outdoors, just for the experience? She couldn’t exactly afford to pay them in anything else. If only she had worked faster, or perhaps been less ambitious...

“Rarity?” said Fluttershy, releasing the girl from her self-inflicted torment.

Rarity blinked, then looked up at her friend and was reassured by her kind expression. She had beautiful eyes and soft lips. If she were a pastry she would be lemon poundcake, which would go swimmingly with her latte…

Rarity gathered herself. It couldn’t hurt to ask, she supposed. “Darling, would you... Would you mind terribly if I were to ask you to model some of my designs?”

After the initial question was out the dam was broken and Rarity began to speak very quickly, following up with a great deal of thoughts and concerns that had been welling up inside.

“I realize the auditorium is still in disrepair, but I managed to convince the superintendent to allow the use of a temporary venue set up on the soccer pitch. Now, I know that it would be rather chilly-“

“Rarity.” said Fluttershy.

“I realize this is unfair of me to ask, and that you are probably busy and I would never expect you to-“

“Rarity.” said Fluttershy once again, more firmly this time, placing her hand on Rarity’s shoulder and stopping her friend before she bit her tongue. “I would be glad to help.”

“You- You would?” Rarity perked up, then her expression turned serious. “Are you sure?”

Fluttershy smiled. “Of course. What are friends for?”

Rarity stood and placed her palms on the table, leaning forward and nearly spilling both their drinks. “Oh, I could almost kiss you!” she said.

Fluttershy blushed and looked away. A part of her almost wished she would kiss her. Almost.

Rarity sat back down, her mind racing. “That’s one model down. I’ll still need a couple more…” She began mumbling to herself, staring out the window and sipping more frequently at her coffee.

Fluttershy continued to sip at her drink, letting her friend sort through her thoughts in her own time.

“What size bra are you wearing?” Rarity asked suddenly, and loudly.

Fluttershy blushed, hiding her face with her hair.

“Actually, I may have some measuring tape in my bag. I can just measure your bust. Let me see your boobs.”

A passerby choked on their coffee, and Rarity gritted her teeth, realizing what had just come out of her mouth and hiding her face behind her hand. “Ahem. Actually, just come by the boutique after school tomorrow and I’ll take your measurements there.” she said, embarrassed.

Fluttershy’s heart was beating a little faster. The thought of Rarity measuring her body was somehow… exciting.

“Is that alright with you?” said Rarity, trying to sip from her now empty cup, then setting it aside with disappointment.

“Yes! I mean, that would be just fine.” said Fluttershy, finishing the last of her coffee and wiping the foam from her lips.