Monument of Regret

by Eternal Sunset

First published

With Anon-A-Miss destroying her reputation at school and her friends abandoning her, things couldn't get any worse for Sunset. Until she recieves a surprise visit from Equestria.

The CMC is happy to be enjoying their time with their sisters without Sunset getting in their way, but despite that, they couldn't help but feel guilty about what they had done. When they see Sunset running out of the school they quietly follow and witness Sunset confronting what looks like Principal Celestia, it's not long before things start to turn sour as Celestia blames Sunset for Anon-A-Mis. Princess Twilight soon appears and also accuses Sunset of being Anon-A-Miss, and right before the CMC and a horrified Sunset, Celestia turns Sunset into stone. After leaving Sunset in a special spot, the two Princess return home but not before Twilight gives Sunset's journal to Applebloom to give to Applejack. The CMC now must live with the horrifying fact that they not only ruined Sunset's life but doomed her to an eternal prison in stone.


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Sunset sighed as she opened her locker, it had been over a week since her former friends cut ties with her, blaming her for Anon-A-Miss and posting humiliating pictures of them and Applejack’s nickname for everyone at school to laugh at. Anon-A-Miss kept posting more secrets of the girls before they started posting secrets from everyone else at CHS, and because she was called out for being Anon-A-Miss in a crowded hallway, everyone blamed her. Sunset had been trying to figure out who Anon-A-Miss might be, she first assumed that it was Trixie but after confronting her about it she realized that it couldn’t have been her. She tried to find other leads but they all came up empty, during her investigation she had to endure the spiteful looks from the student body. Unlike after the Fall Formal, she had to face the students' hatred all on her own.

Suddenly, Sunset felt her journal vibrate in her backpack, she quickly reached inside, pulled it out, and flipped it open to the new entry to see a single line.

Sunset, meet me at the portal.

Sunset was confused by the entry, not only by how short it was but because Twilight wanted to meet her by the portal. She started to worry if something might be wrong, so she placed her journal inside her backpack and closed her locker as she quickly made her way towards the Wondercolt statue. As she was running down the hall she ran past the CMC, who took notice of her.

“I wonder why she is in such a hurry?” Sweetie Belle questioned.

“Do you think someone did something to her?” Scootaloo asked, looking at her friends with worry.

“N-no, ah don’t think anyone would try to hurt Sunset,” Applebloom assured Scootaloo and herself, she noticed how Sunset has been receiving hateful looks from the students of CHS and couldn’t help but feel guilty. “Maybe we should check to see if she’s okay?”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded as they went after Sunset, despite their initial plan to break up Sunset and their sisters, the CMC started feeling guilty. No matter how many times they told themselves that Sunset deserved to be hated by everyone she’s wronged, deep down they knew what they were doing was wrong. They reached the front entrance of the school when they noticed Sunset standing in front of the Wondercolt statue.

“What do you think she’s doing?” Scootaloo asked, the three of them are standing on the other side of the doors as they watch Sunset.

Scootaloo got her answer when she saw Sunset step back as the surface of the statue’s base started glowing. Sunset waited anxiously for Twilight to emerge but it quickly turned to surprise when it wasn’t Twilight who stepped out of the portal but Princess Celestia. Sunset and the CMC watched as a tall woman stepped out of the portal and almost fell over as she wasn’t used to walking on two feet, once she steadied herself, the princess looked at her former student and frowned.

“Hello, Sunset Shimmer.”

“P-Princess Celestia?” Sunset stuttered, withering under the Princess’ gaze. “W-what are you doing here?”

“I’m simply here to put an end to your misguided ambition,” Celestia answered.

“W-what are you talking about? What ambition?” Sunset asked, she was confused as to what the princess was referring to.

“I have been informed of your situation and couldn’t help but be reminded of how you pulled a similar stunt in the past,” Celestia said as she walked closer to Sunset. “How you purposely sowed discord so you can swoop in and save the day.”

“No!” Sunset raised her voice. “Princess Celestia, you have to believe me. I’m not the one behind Anon-A-Miss!”

“Enough!” Celestia raised her voice, as she stopped in front of Sunset. “I will hear no more of your lies, Sunset Shimmer.”

Before Sunset could say anything more, the portal started glowing and Twilight Sparkle stepped out.

“Twilight!” Sunset said in relief. “Thank goodness you’re here, you have to tell Princess Celestia that I’m not Anon-A-Miss!”

“But you are,” Twilight said.

Sunset noticed the disappointed look on Twilight’s face.


“I asked Princess Celestia for help in figuring out who Anon-A-Miss might be when she noticed how similar this was to something you did in the past,” Twilight explained as her eyes narrowed at Sunset. “She told me how you pretended to be bullied at school so you can gain sympathy from her and she would help you figure out how to uncover the truth, but you tricked the Princess into teaching you how to gather information, better use it to your advantage and learn that you can do it all under her very nose.”

“No, Twilight. That’s not who I am anymore!” Sunset pleaded as tears welled up in her eyes, her only friend who had been by her side throughout this whole ordeal now believed her to be a liar. “I’ve changed!”

“Sunset Shimmer, for your crimes in Equestria and in this world I will now pass judgment on you,” Princess Celestia spoke in an authoritative tone.

Sunset slowly backed up in fear as a golden aura surrounded Celestia as she ponied up, the CMC watched in amazement at Celestia’s regal form.

“Please, listen to me! I didn’t do any of this!” Sunset begged as tears spilled from her eyes, she looked to Twilight to see her turn her head away, not bearing to see what was about to happen.

“I’m sorry, Sunset,” Princess Celestia said as tears ran down her face. “But you brought this on yourself.”

Celestia raised her hand towards Sunset and fired a golden magical blast at her.

“NOOOO!” Sunset screamed in horror as she was consumed by the magical blast.

The CMC are horrified at what they are seeing, Sweetie Belle covered her mouth as she silently screamed, Scootaloo was shaking and Applebloom stood there frozen. When Celestia stopped her attack, her hard expression softened as she gazed at Sunset Shimmer. The young girl had been turned to stone, her expression of horror forever on her face as her arms were held in front of her. Celestia walked closer to the statue and placed her palm against the left side of Sunset’s face and gently caressed it, she felt cold.

“Do not cry, Twilight,” Celestia said without turning to face her student. “You did the best you could to set Sunset on the right path….it just wasn’t meant to be.”

As Twilight continued to cry, Celestia’s gaze turned to Sunset’s backpack that lay behind the statue. She walked around the statue and bent down to pick it up, as she stood back up she noticed the CMC staring at them from behind the entrance doors.

“It appears that we have an audience.”

This caused Twilight to look at the Princess before looking at where she was staring and her eyes widened at seeing the CMC who realized that they had been caught and scrambled to get away from the door.

“It’s alright girls!” Twilight called out. “You don’t need to hide!”

The CMC looked back to see Twilight motion them to come out, the girls exited the school and nervously walked towards the Princesses. Their eyes glanced at the Sunset statue.

“I’m sorry you had to witness that,” Celestia apologized. “And I’m so sorry for all the trouble she’s caused.”

“I-it’s okay,” Applebloom mumbles, still in shock.

“W-what are you going to do with her?” Scootaloo asked, turning to look at the statue.

“She will stay here,” Celestia spoke, her voice firm. “Sunset chose to run to this world to escape her punishment, so this is where she will remain.”

“So you’re going to leave her here?” Sweetie Belle questioned as she looked around the empty lawn.

“No, I will place her in a suitable spot where she won’t disturb anyone anymore,” Celestia said, looking at the statue.

“I think I might know a spot, Princess,” Twilight spoke up.

“Show me,” Celestia said as Twilight led her to the spot, the CMC following after them.

Twilight led them to the woods behind the school, Twilight struggled a bit through the snow but the snow melted before Celestia, making a path for her and the CMC.

“Here it is,” Twilight said as she showed them a spot surrounded by trees. “It’s far enough away from the school and well-hidden unless you’re looking for it.”

“Yes, this will do nicely,” Celestia said as she snapped her fingers and the Sunset statue appeared in the center of the small clearing on a pedestal.

The group stared at the statue, some with regret and others still in shock. After a few minutes, Celestia clears her throat.

“We should be going now, Twilight.”

Celestia turns around to walk back when Twilight speaks up.

“Just a minute, Celestia.’

Celestia turns to see Twilight walk up to her and motion for her to give her Sunset’s backpack, Celestia obliges and watches as Twilight rummages inside it before pulling out Sunset’s journal.

“The journal?” Celestia questions.

“You see, this journal is the only means of communication between our worlds. If something magical happens my Canterlot friends need some way to inform me about it,” Twilight explains as she walks over to the CMC. “Do you girls mind giving this to your sisters’?”

“S-sure,” Applebloom said, wide-eyed as she took the journal from Twilight, she stared at the cover briefly before looking back at Twilight.

“I’m sorry again for what happened with Sunset, tell them that they can contact me anytime and…” Twilight closed her eyes as she tried to fight back her tears. “Tell them I’m sorry about Sunset.”

“A-ah will,” Applebloom assured her, still in shock.

“Thank you,” Twilight thanked her before turning around and leaving with Celestia.

The CMC stayed there as they turned to look at the statue of Sunset, the shock slowly being replaced with guilt as the full weight of what just happened finally settled in. Sweetie Belle is the first to break down in tears, followed by Scootaloo, Applebloom falls to her knees as tears cascade down her face.

“What have ah done?”

Truth Revealed

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The CMC stood in front of Sunset’s statue, their cheeks stained with tears, as they looked at what they had done with miserable looks.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” Applebloom spoke softly but her friends heard her. “Ah just wanted to break up Sunset and our sisters….ah wanted to spend more time with mah sister.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo hugged Applebloom as she was getting choked up.

“Ah did this.”

“It wasn’t just you,” Sweetie Belle said as she started to cry again.

“Yeah, we’re equally responsible for this,” Scootaloo cried.

The Crusaders cried for a few minutes before returning to stare at the statue.

“Ah think we should come clean about Anon-A-Miss,” Applebloom suddenly said.

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle agreed without hesitation.

“It’s the least we could do for Sunset,” Scootaloo said sadly.

The three made their way out of the clearing, sparing one last glance at Sunset before leaving the woods.

“Ah’m home,” Applebloom announced as she entered her home.

“Welcome home sis,” Applejack greeted her little sister with a smile, she’s wearing an apron and holding a mixing bowl. “Yer just in time to help me make some cookies.”

Applebloom helped Applejack make cookies like they do every year, she would normally be very happy and try to taste the cookie dough but considering what happened earlier and what she had to tell Applejack, sapped any joy she had.

How do yah tell yer sister that her former friend is turned to stone and that it’s all your fault?’ Applebloom thought sadly.

“Is somethin’ wrong, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, a hint of concern in her tone.

“Huh?” Applebloom was brought out of her thoughts and looked at her sister.

“Yah’ve been quiet since we started making the cookies, normally yah would be telling me about yer day with yer friends and trying to get some cookie dough,” Applejack said, fully turning to face Applebloom.

Applebloom avoided her sister’s gaze which only made Applejack more worried.

“Did Anon-A-Miss post something about yah?” Applejack asked, getting angry. “Ah swear ah’m gonna have a long talk with Sunset to make her stop.”

“Yah don’t have to worry about that?” Applebloom whispered.

“What was that?” Applejack asked.

“Applejack, how would yah feel if somethin’ bad happen to Sunset?” Applebloom asked, trying to see what her reaction will be.

“Somethin’ bad happened to Sunset?!” Applejack’s eyes widened in shock.

“Ah’m just saying if somethin’ bad did happen to her, would that be a good or bad thing considering what she has done?” Applebloom clarified, trying to keep her voice from cracking.

“Of course, it would be a bad thing!” Applejack said. “Ah know Sunset betrayed me and mah friends and went back to her old ways but that doesn’t justify wanting bad things to happen to her.”

Applebloom started trembling which worried Applejack.

“Applebloom, what’s-”

“Somethin’ bad happened to Sunset!” Applebloom blurted out, tears now streaming down her face.

Applejack was taken aback by Applebloom’s outburst as she broke down and fell to her knees.

“H-hey, what’s the matter Applebloom?” Applejack knelt to comfort her sister. “And what’s this about somethin’ bad happening to Sunset?”

“S-someone that looks like Principal Celestia came through the Wondercolt statue and turned Sunset to stone!” Applebloom cried.

“Turned Sunset to stone?!” Applejack couldn’t believe what she just heard.

“Me and mah friends saw it happen, Applejack,” Applebloom said. “Sunset begged her not to do it but she…”

Applebloom didn’t finish as she continued to cry, Applejack held on to Applebloom, she rubbed her back to comfort her as she tried to make sense of what she just told her.

“Yah said that yah and yer friends saw Sunset be turned to stone?” Applejack asked.

“Yes,” Applebloom answered, her voice slightly muffled as she cried against Applejack’s shoulder.

“Where is Sunset?” Applejack asked.

“The other Celestia and Twilight took her in the woods behind the school,” Applebloom explained.

“Wait! Twilight is involved in this?!” Applejack said in shock, Applebloom merely nodded. “Did she say anything?”

“She said she was sorry about Sunset and gave us her journal to give to yah,” Applebloom explained as she pulled back to wipe her eyes.

Applebloom got up and went upstairs to her room, Applejack waited until she came downstairs with Sunset’s journal.

“She said that yah can contact her anytime,” Applebloom conveyed as she handed Applejack the journal.

Applejack took the journal and stared at the cover, there was no doubt that this was Sunset’s journal.

“Applebloom, can yah show me where Susnet is?” Applejack asked to which Applebloom nodded.

As they both got ready, Applejack sent a text to her friends to meet her by the Wondercolt statue. She informed Granny Smith and Big Mac where they were going before they left the house and got in the family truck. Applejack drove the truck out of the driveway and started making her way towards the school, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as she feared what she might find.

Rarity tried to cal down her distraught sister, she had just told her that Sunset had been turned to stone by someone who resembled their Principal.

Just what is going on here?’ Rarity thought before she heard a familiar text tone, she checked her phone and saw that it was a group message from Applejack telling everyone to meet her at the Wondercolt statue, she had a strong hunch as to why.

“Listen, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity tried to get her sister’s attention. “I have to meet Applejack at the school, will you be alright by yourself?”

“I want to go with you,” Sweetie Belle insisted. “I’m sure Applebloom and Scootaloo will be there too.”

Rarity thought about it for a moment before agreeing, they both got ready before they headed towards the school. Sweetie Belle held her sister’s hand tight the whole way.

When Applejack pulled into the school she saw her friends along with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo waiting. The girls hurried to the truck once it parked.

“Applejack is what Rarity and Rainbow Dash saying about Sunset being turned to stone true?!” Pinkie Pie asked as she got right in Applejack’s face.

Applejack leaned back a bit when Pinkie got too close, she looked around Pinkie to see the worried looks of all her friends.

“Ah’m not entirely sure but Applebloom will show us where Sunset is,” Applejack said as all eyes turned to Applebloom.

Applebloom shifted nervously before she and her friends led them all behind the school, there was a nervousness in the air as the Crusaders led the Rainbooms into the woods towards the clearing where Sunset’s statue was located. When they finally reached the clearing, the Rainbooms gasped in horror as there stood a statue of Sunset Shimmer frozen in horror. The Crusaders looked down in shame as their sisters ran towards the statue, they couldn’t believe what they are seeing.

“T-this is some horrible prank right?” Pinkie asked, her voice trembling. “That’s not funny, Sunset!”

Rarity’s keen eyes looked at every inch of the Sunset statue, the amount of detail it would take to create something like this would take a considerable amount of time, especially for a master craftsman. The detail in Sunset’s eyes and expression that captures the horror, panic, and a hint of betrayal in her eyes sent a shiver down Rarity's spine.

“Pinkie’s right,” Rainbow Dash said in a soft tone. “This isn't funny, Sunset!”

Rainbow looked around her, she looked like she was on the verge of panicking.

“Come on out!” Rainbow Dash demanded, when Sunset didn’t answer she tried something else. “If you come out right now, I’ll forgive you for being Anon-A-Miss and we can be friends again!”

The Rainbooms were surprised at this but seeing how desperate Rainbow looked, they understood why she said it and hoped Sunset did come out and say this was all a horrible prank. They waited for a bit and when no one answered, Rainbow Dash decided to make the deal more enticing.

“If you come out right now, I’ll share with you a deep secret of mine!” Rainbow Dash said as she took out her phone, found Sunset’s contact, and started typing a message. “I’ll text you the secret right now!”

Rainbow Dash hit the send message, a few seconds passed before an alert told her that the message failed to send. Rainbow Dash hit resend but the same message popped up, she kept hitting resend again and again. Tears started sliding down her face, every time she saw the failure to send the message. She fell to her knees, her vision was so blurry from the tears that she couldn’t see her phone. Rainbow Dash never cried in front of people, especially her friends if she could help it but on the very rare occasions where she could no longer hold in her despair, she openly wept. Scootaloo had never seen or heard Rainbow Dash cry and seeing her big sister look so devastated pained her, her cries are like knives stabbing at her heart.

Rainbow Dash heard the crunching of the snow before feeling several pairs of arms wrap around her, she didn’t hesitate to grab on to them as she and her friends cried in front of the statue. They cried for several minutes before Rainbow Dash looked at the Sunset statue.

“You know,” Rainbow Dash sobbed, gaining everyone’s attention. “As mad as I am at Sunset of how she betrayed us, I didn’t want to see her get hurt. Which was why I kept an eye on her to make sure no one tried anything.”

“To be honest, I’ve been keeping an eye on Sunset myself,” Rarity admitted, her mascara leaving ugly black lines down the sides of her face. “As hurt and humiliated as I was when she posted those photos of us wearing my outfits from my closet of shame, I kept an ear open for any gossip that involved Sunset to make sure no one was planning to retaliate. I also noticed how she didn’t have any winter gloves or her scarf requires repairs so I fixed her scarf and made her a new pair of gloves…before telling her that even a witch needs to stay warm.”

“I’ve been leaving positive messages in Sunset’s locker,” Fluttershy spoke up. “But she probably didn’t notice them an account of the hateful messages that were also in her locker.”

“I’ve been giving her cookies to make her smile…but I had Maud give it to her for me,” Pinkie said as she scratched the back of her head in embarrassment.

“Ah give Sunset warm, homecooked meals,” Applejack said. “But ah wasn’t very nice when ah gave her the food, sayin’ that even traitors need a good meal.”

“Did Sunset deserve this?” Pinkie Pie asked. “All she did was post everyone's secrets to be laughed at, it’s still bad don’t get me wrong but is it worth being turned into a statue.”

“The punishment doesn’t seem to fit the crime,” Rarity said as she turned to her sister. “Sweetie Belle did the person who turned Sunset to stone say anything else?”

“We heard her say something about her crimes in Equestria,” Sweetie Belle answered. “Before she turned Sunset to stone.”

“Do you think she was from the same world as Sunset and Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“Twilight!” Applejack suddenly shouted as she pulled out Sunset’s journal from her back. “We should write a message to Twilight, asking her what’s going on and to turn Sunset back!”

“Then what are we waiting for?!” Rainbow Dash asked a big smile on her lips, her eyes filled with hope. “Write the message!”

Applejack nodded as she started writing a message to the Princess.

Dear, Princess Twilight,

We have an emergency and could really use your help, please respond to this as soon as you can.

“There,” Applejack said as she closed the journal. “Now we have to wait fer her to respond.”

“We should go wait in by the Wondercolt statue then,” Rainbow Dash suggested.

The rest of the Rainbooms nodded and went back to the front of the school, they gathered in front of the Wondercolt statue where they waited anxiously for the Princess to reply. They huddled close together to keep warm, the CMC is being held by their sisters. Applebloom glanced at her sister who is reading Sunset’s journal, she’s trying to work up the courage to confess to being Anon-A-Miss and just as she was about to, Applejack spoke up.

“Girls,” Applejack spoke up. “Yall might want to take a look at this.”

Applejack passed them the journal and told them to read from the date of Pinkie’s slumber party, the girls started reading and Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity started crying.

“Oh Sunset,” Rarity sobbed.

“She cared about us,” Fluttershy cried.

“She did think of us like family!” Pinkie wailed.

I was the one who’s the traitor,” Rainbow Dash realized as angry tears fell down the sides of her face.

“Ah don’t think Sunset was ever Anon-A-Miss,” Applejack stated, she started crying as she realized what she had done. “She tried to tell us but ah was too stubborn to listen!”

As the girls were berating themselves for not believing Sunset, the portal started glowing as Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia stepped out.

“Princess Twilight!” Applebloom called out gaining everyone’s attention.

“Twilight!” everyone shouted.

“Hey, girls, sorry for not responding but I came as soon as I read your message,” Twilight said, smiling apologetically. “What’s your emergency?”

“Twilight, Sunset has been turned to stone!” Rarity said in a panic. “You have to help us turn her back.

Twilight’s smile fell at that.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?!” Applejack questioned, not understanding why Twilight can’t help them.

“Because this is her punishment for the crimes she has committed,” Celestia spoke up.

The girls turn to Celestia and are surprised by how much she looks like their principal.

“She's the one who turned Sunset to stone!” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Who do yah think yah are turning people yah don’t know to stone?!” Applejack angrily demanded.

“I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria and personal mentor of Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia introduced herself. “The reason I turned Sunset to stone was to stop her nefarious plan to take over your school.”

“Isn’t that a little extreme for just posting people's secrets?” Rarity questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Sunset is also being punished for attempting to overthrow me,” Celestia said in a serious tone. “Beleive it or not I was willing to forgive her past transgression if she proved to be a changed pony but she hasn’t.”

“She has!” Pinkie Pie argued. “Sunset is a very nice person!”

“Then why was she spreading the secrets of her fellow students?” Celestia questioned. “Why after everything you’ve been through she turned her backs on you?”

“It wasn’t her!” Applejack argued, walking up to Celestia and showing her the journal. “It’s all right here, Sunset loved us! She is genuinely happy being with us!”

“She was lying,” Princess Celestia said with a sigh. “Girls, it's obvious that you are all very kind creatures but I’ve known Sunset for a long time and I know her tricks.”

“But she’s not lying!” Rainbow Dash raised her voice.

“Your royal highness, you have to believe us. Sunset has changed, she’s not who you think she is!” Rarity tried to argue.

“Wasn’t it you and your friends who accused her of being this Anon-A-Miss?” Celestia questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Well yes but-”

“Wasn’t it you who cut ties with her?” Celestia inquired further, as she teleports them all to where the Sunset statue is located.


“Wasn’t it you who outed her to the rest of the school when you publicly denounced her?” Celestia questioned.

“We were wrong!” Applejack raised her voice. “We were wrong to accuse her of being Anon-A-Miss, we were wrong fer not hearing her out, we were wrong fer cutting ties with her!” Applejack started sobbing. “Ah was wrong.”

“Princess, please free Sunset,” Rarity begged as she got on her hands and knees.

“Let me take Sunset’s place!” Rainbow Dash suddenly offered.

“Dashie, no!” Pinkie Pie said in shock.

“I’ve been a lousy friend while Sunset has been an amazing friend to me, I wasn’t there for her when I should have been and I want to be there for her now,” Rainbow Dash explained.

“You do realize what you are asking right?” Celestia asked, crossing her arms.

“I do,” Rainbow Dash said very seriously.

“Very well,” Celestia agreed, which caused everyone to gasp.

“Rainbow, you can’t!” Scootaloo said as she ran to her big sister.

“Sorry Scoot’s, but I have too,” Rainbow Dash told her honorary little sister. “It’s the only way to prove to her that Sunset isn’t Anon-A-Miss.”

“Princess, please don’t do this!” Scootaloo begged Princess Celestia.

“I’m sorry but she volunteered to take Sunset’s place,” Celestia reminded her.

“Then take me instead!” Applebloom volunteered. “Because ah’m Anon-A-Miss!”

Everyone was shocked to hear Applebloom confess, but none are more shocked than Applejack.

“Applebloom, what are yah sayin’?!” Applejack questioned.

“Ah’m sorry, Applejack,” Applebloom apologized in tears.

“Applebloom, is what you are saying true?” Celestia asked.

“Yes,” Applebloom sobbed as she took out her phone, logged into the Anon-A-Miss account, and showed Applejack. “Mah sister can confirm that ah’m telling the truth.”

“Applejack?” Twilight looked at her friend questioningly.

“She’s tellin’ the truth,” Applejack confirmed, looking like she had been stabbed in the back. “Oh, Applebloom.”

“It wasn’t just her!” Sweetie Belle spoke up. “It was me too!”

“And me as well!” Scootaloo said, already crying.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity is aghast.

“How could you, Scootaloo!” Rainbow Dash said, feeling betrayed that her little sister would do this.

“Why would you girls do this?” Celestia asked her expression calm.

“Because ah was jealous of how much time Sunset spent with mah sister,” Applebloom answered. “She used to do our holiday traditions but she missed them because she was hanging out with Sunset.”

“I wanted to get back at Rarity for kicking me out of her slumber party,” Sweetie Belle confessed.

“I’m in the same boat as Applebloom, Rainbow Dash broke a promise to hang out with me and when I found out that she broke it to hang out with Sunset I got jealous,” Scootaloo said through her tears.

“Ah never meant for Anon-A-Miss to go as far as it did,” Applebloom tearfully said.

“It got out of hand!” Scootaloo added.

“We’re so sorry!” Sweetie Belle apologized as she tried wiping away her tears but they kept on coming.

“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to,” Celestia said with a smile. “Did you get all that Sunset?”

“Loud and clear,” Sunset said from the statue as it faded to reveal her in the flesh.

“Sunset!” the Rainbooms shouted as they rushed towards her and engulfed her in a big hug.

Sunset smiled as her friends cried in relief that she was okay.

“Oh, darling. We’re so glad you’re okay,” Rarity said through her tears.

“We were afraid that we were never going to see you again,” Pinkie said as she hugged Sunset tightly.

“Sorry about that but I needed a way to get the girls to confess to being behind Anon-A-Miss,” Sunset apologized as her friends backed up a bit but still held on to her. “I figured out it was them when I was messaging Twilight and she mentioned family, I thought back to Anon-A-Miss's first two posts and how only Applejack’s family knew her nickname and the only other person at Rarity’s slumber beside us was Sweetie Belle.”

“But how did you come up with this idea?” Rarity asked.

“It was mine,” Celestia raised her hand as she smiled at the group. “Twilight informed me about what was going on, Sunset had already figured out who Anon-A-Miss is and just needed a way to get them to confess, so I devised a plan to have the girls witness me accuse Sunset of being Anon-A-Miss and punish her by turning her to stone.”

“We figured that witnessing me be punished for something I didn’t do would cause you, girls, to feel guilty enough to confess,” Sunset finished explaining.

“That’s pretty risky, how can you be sure it will work,” Rarity asked.

“I have faith that the girls would do the right thing,” Sunset said as she winked at the Crusaders.

“Sunset, I’m so sorry for accusing you of being Anon-A-Miss,” Rainbow Dash apologized as a sobbed rocked her body.

“I’m sorry too,” Rarity cried. “I’m so sorry for everything, accusing you of something you never did, how I treated you!”

“We were so cruel to you Sunset!” Fluttershy cried. “I’m so sorry!”

“We understand if you can never forgive us but we’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you, Pinkie Promise!” Pinkie promised as she did the motions for the Pinkie promise.

“Sugarcube ah’ve been such a stubborn fool, yah have every right to hate me,” Applejack sobbed. “Ah'm sorry yah had to suffer because of us.”

“I’m so sorry Sunset!” Sweetie Belle said as she tackled Sunset in a hug.

“Ah’m sorry fer even starting this stupid blog,” Applebloom apologized. “Ah never meant to hurt yah.”

“We deserve your hatred,” Scootaloo said in defeat.

“It’s alright, I’m not too mad and I forgive you all,” Sunset said with a smile.

“How can yah forgive us after what we did?” Applebloom said in shock.

“After what we did?” Applejack added.

“I saw and heard what you said while you were here,” Sunset said as she looked at everyone, “How you felt about me, and what you were willing to do to free me.” Sunset bent down and place a hand on Applebloom's shoulder. “I know what it’s like to feel lonely and do things that you regret.”

The entire group including the two Princesses hugged Sunset, the Rainbooms and CMC cried as they thanked Sunset. Sunset herself got teary-eyed as she looked at Twilight and Celestia.

“You have great friends,” Celestia commented with a smile.

“I know,” Sunset agreed, she had the biggest smile she Celestia had ever seen, Sunset looked to Twilight. “Thank you, Twilight.”

“That’s what friends do,” Twilight replied, smiling.

Merry Christmas

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Sunset finished packing her journal in her satchel and checked to see that she had everything she needed for the Christmas party at Sweet Apple acres. It had been a few days since the CMC confessed to being Anon-A-Miss, the girls told the Principal the following day and she was very upset and extremely disappointed in them. They all received six months of detention where they will be doing community service for the school and had to issue a public apology to the entire school as they deleted the profile in front of everyone. The CMC also had to write an essay on the dangers of cyberbullying and a written apology to Sunset Shimmer. They didn’t have their phones confiscated but were only allowed to use them for emergencies and had to be supervised by a staff member or one of their sisters.

When they told their families, they were all really upset and disappointed with them. They were all grounded, had their electronic devices confiscated, and are only allowed to use their computers for school work and under supervision. They were given extra chores to do around the house and were supposed to be forbidden from seeing each other for the duration of their grounding but Sunset had a talk with their families and convinced them to let the girls hang out, she even volunteered to keep an eye on them. The CMC as well as their families were surprised that Sunset would help them out considering what they had done to her but Sunset explains that she doesn’t want the girls to be without their friends, especially around the holidays. It was a little awkward when the CMC met up again with Sunset, but when Sunset started asking about how everything was going and what their holiday plans are, the awkwardness slowly faded as the girls started talking about what they are going to do for the holidays.

Sunset received a text and knew that it was from Fluttershy by the text tone, she checked her phone and smiled as she read the message.

You are a wonderful person and deserve happiness.

Fluttershy had been sending her these texts since they made up, making sure Sunset knows she is loved and appreciated. Sunset opened her drawer and pulled out a small stack of notes, each one had words of encouragement like “hang in there”, “don’t let despair win”, “you are a beautiful person”. Sunset held the notes closed to her heart, these helped her fight off the despair and keep alive the hope of getting her friends back. She placed the notes back in her drawer, put her satchel on, and exited her apartment. She still had a couple of hours before the Christmas party so she is going to meet up with Twilight at The Sweet Shoppe.

“So how are things between you and the girls?” Twilight asked as she sat across from Sunset, taking a sip of her tea.

“Things have been going great,” Sunset said with a smile. “I think we’re more closer now than before.”

“I’m happy to hear that!” Twilight said, smiling at Sunset. She was initially worried that there could still be some hard feelings but it wouldn’t be anything the girls couldn’t work on.

“Pinkie Pie has been making sure I always have a smile on my face that my face is sore from smiling so much not to mention my sides hurt with how much she makes me laugh,” Sunset laughed. “Rarity took me to the spa to get pampered, fixed my outfits, and gave me my Christmas present early which was a brand new, one-of-a-kind outfit!”

“I bet it looked gorgeous,” Twilight said if this version of Rarity is anything like her own, then Sunset’s outfit is no doubt breathtaking.

“It does,” Sunset wholeheartedly agreed. “Fluttershy has been sending me messages of encouragement every day and in-person she makes sure that I’m aware of how much I’m appreciated and loved. Applejack stops by my place to prepare me a homecooked meal and she brings over some of their family's products like their famous Apple cider. Rainbow Dash…”

Twilight tilted her head in confusion as she watched Sunset giggle.

“What did Rainbow do?” Twilight asked curiously, a playful smile on her lips.

“Let’s just say that she gave me something to symbolize her trust in me and leave it at that,” Sunset giggled, but the smile she showed and the hint of tears in her eyes told Twilight that whatever Rainbow gave Sunset meant a lot to her.

What Sunset Couldn't tell Twilight was that Rainbow Dash had invited her to her house and showed Sunset her secret collection of cute stuffed animals that Rainbow Dash had received as gifts from her parents and other family members, Rainbow explained that only Fluttershy knew about this and proceeded to pick up a stuffed unicorn and present it to Sunset. Rainbow Dash explained that this is one of her favorites and wanted Sunset to keep it safe for her, that this is proof that she trusts her. Sunset was incredibly touched by this and vowed to keep it safe.

“I’m very happy for you Sunset,” Twilight said. “You’ve come a long way from the pony you used to be.”

“I wouldn’t be where I am now without you and the girls,” Sunset said as she rubbed the back of her head.

“And I’ll always be there for you,” Twilight promised as she placed her hand on top of Sunset’s.

“Thank you, Twilight,” Sunset thanked her friend, the two then started to talk about Equestria until it was almost time for Applejack’s Christmas party.

Sunset walked Twilight back to the portal and they shared a hug before Twilight stepped through. Sunset let out a content sigh as she stared at the school, it looks so peaceful now compared to the chaos not too long ago.

“Let’s hope it stays that way,” Sunset spoke, the students of CHS were upset with the CMC and Sunset feared some would retaliate but the Principals made sure that any form of retaliation would be met with harsh punishment. She and her friends made sure that the CMC are safe at school and to Sunset and the girls' surprise, some of the students even looked out for the girls.

They told Sunset that they are sorry for accusing her of being Anon-A-Miss and wanted to make it up to her by helping out, Sunset along with her friends and the CMC were very grateful. The following days more students apologized to Sunset and wanted to make it up to her but Sunset forgave them already and instead, they decided to give the CMC a chance to make up for their mistake.

“Hey, Sunset!”

Sunset turned around to see Rainbow Dash on her motorcycle waving at her.

“Watcha standing there for?” Rainbow Dash asked, a big smile on her face.

“Just thinking, I just said goodbye to Twilight who came for a visit when,” Sunset responded as she approached Rainbow Dash.

“How is she?” Rainbow inquired.

“She’s doing good, she and her friends are having a Christmas party at her castle,” Sunset answered.

“Speaking of, do you need a lift?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I was about to text you if you needed a ride until I spotted you.”

“Sure,” Sunset agreed, smiling at Rainbow Dash.

“Great!” Rainbow said happily as she handed a spare helmet to Sunset, as she got on the bike. She wrapped her arms around Rainbow’s waist as they made their way to the Apple farm.

“Dash, Sunset!” Applejack greeted as she opened the door to see her friends and hugged them. “Welcome!”

“Thanks for inviting me,” Sunset thanked as she returned the hug.

“Happy to have yah, make yerselves at home,” Applejack said as she stood aside to let them in.

Sunset stepped inside the Apple home and hung up her coat on the coat rack by the door, she walked into the living room to see the festivities underway. Pinkie Pie is telling a joke and laughing with Fluttershy, Big Mac, Scootaloo, and Applebloom. Rarity and Sweetie Belle are helping Granny Smith bring in hot cocoa for everyone.

“Here you go darling,” Rarity said as she handed Sunset her mug.

“Thank you,” Sunset thanked Rarity as she took her cup, sunset took a sip and joined the festivities. She shared stories about Equestria, how they have similar holidays like Christmas but they called it Hearths Warming, Everyone was amazed at how Hearths Warming started, how if the pony tribes didn’t come together then their new home would be a frozen wasteland. As Sunset and the others laughed at a story Applejack was telling them about how Fluttershy’s brother would hit on Rainbow Dash much to her and Fluttershy’s embarrassment, she thought to herself that this is the best Christmas she’s ever had.