An Erotic Escape

by Some Leech

First published

Instead of dealing with the mess he made, Anon goes on the lam...

Equestria is a magical place - sure, the mythical creatures, sorcery, and talking ponies are all pretty weird, but they aren't the strangest thing Anon has had to deal with. For some reason, defying all rational explanation, the denizens of his new homeland seem to have a very peculiar idea of how babies are born - an idea he's determined to get to the bottom of...

Kinks Include: Male on Female, Oral, Vaginal, Interspecies, Size Difference, Slight Coersion, Ruffled Feathers, and a Blackmailed Booty-Call

Artwork by B-Epon

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Passionate Passenger

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Being caught balls-deep in a mare was bad, being walked in on while creampying a married mare was worse, but being discovered fucking an alicorn Princess, by her husband and a host of royal guards, well, that’s about as terrible as it can get. It wasn’t like Anon had planned for his little trip to the Crystal Empire to go off the rails in such a scandalously depraved way, having been coerced into plowing Cadance, yet it had happened all the same. Still reeling from the experience, having shooed the royal couple and their retinue of praetorians away, he did what he could to gather himself and process everything that had happened.

Following the mortifying intrusion, things had gone to hell in a hand-basket. Cadance wouldn’t shut the hell up about how good sex was, Shining was low-key pestering him for a turn, and Twilight had been very, very interested in what he’d been doing with her sister-in-law. Thankfully, once he’s managed to clear everyone out of his room, he’d been given some modicum of peace and quiet - that being said, his refuge would only be temporary.

He felt certain that it was only going to be a matter of time until ponies started asking questions - questions he had no interest in addressing. Even if Shining, Twilight, and the castle staff comprehend what adultery was, the entire situation left a bad taste in his mouth. If he played his cards right, downplaying the tryst and the specifics thereof, he might get lucky enough to have creatures forget about it entirely.

“Anon?” Twilight called, rapping on his door. “I know you said you wanted some time to rest, but really want to talk to you. I...if you have a few minutes, is it ok if I pick your brain for a minute? I’ve already talked with Cadance about it, but even she really doesn’t seem to understand what you did…”

Glancing to the entrance of his room, and the dresser he’d barricaded it with, Anon sighed. “Can we do it tomorrow?” he loudly groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I really don’t want to -”


The sound of discharging magic and displaced air was unmistakable, but that wasn’t what caught his interest. Rolling over and cracking an eye, wondering who was brazen or rude enough to magically invade the privacy of his room, his heart seized. Positioned between the bed and the door, glowering over at him, stood Princess Luna and Princess Celestia.

While he wasn’t all that familiar with either of the ancient diarchs, having only met them on a handful of occasions, he could immediately tell that something was wrong. For starters, there’d been no mention of the pair joining them at the Crystal Palace - secondly, and more troublingly, they looked exceedingly displeased. Swallowing hard, feeling his blood run cold, he watched the elder sibling stomp over to the bed.

“Anon the human,” Celestia flatly stated, affixing him with her baleful gaze, “what did you do with Princess Cadance?”

Lifting his finger to reply, seeing a golden aura wreathe the alabaster alicorn’s horn, his mouth went dry. Throughout all his time in Equestria, he’d seen ponies act in all sorts of different ways. From joyous to somber, surprised to upset, the colorful and pleasant equines of the land behaved very similarly to humans, but he’d never once felt threatened by one - that was, until that moment.

The furrowed brow, the menacing stare, and the imminent threat of unfathomable arcane might proved too much for his id to handle, prompting his fight or flight response to kick into high gear. Without so much as a second thought, he rolled from the bed, bolted towards the nearest window, and defenestrated himself. Sailing through the air and into the cool night sky, he remembered all too late that his room was close to eight stories off the ground.

Landing atop one of the four monolithic support struts of the keep, knocking the wind from his lungs, he tumbled towards the earth. It wasn’t nearly as traumatic or fatal as a free-fall, yet it wasn’t what he would describe as a fun experience. Fortunately, between the adrenaline coursing through his veins and the imminent threat of sorcerous disintegration from a demigod horse Princess, he barely noticed the scrapes and bruises caused by his escape.

Rolling to the ground, without skipping a beat, he pushed himself up and bolted. Be damned if he knew where he was going, but he had to get away - preferably as far away as possible. As he blindly dashed through the streets, barely able to think, something peculiar caught his eye. Less than a dozen blocks away, moored to a large, raised platform, floated what he could only describe as some sort of dirigible.

If he could get aboard the airship, possibly stowing away with whatever goods they were ferrying, he might just be able to make a clean getaway. It really didn’t matter where the vessel was going, what they were carrying, or who was manning the damn thing, but it was his best chance of escaping the incensed and overpowered sisters he’d just fled from. Pushing himself onward, only vaguely aware of his burning lungs and aching legs, he rushed to the dock.

It was only when he was less than a block away, with the mighty zeppelin overhead, did he force himself to slow. Pursued or not, he couldn’t just run aboard and hope for the best; the crew would have questions - questions he would best address if he was at least somewhat composed. As he gave himself a moment to catch his breath, hiding within a small alleyway, he concocted a nonsensical, albeit somewhat plausible scheme.

Quelling his panic, and dusting himself off, he steadily made his way up a winding stairwell and towards the loading platform. Despite being dressed in a well-worn pair of pajama pants, a t-shirt, and a single slipper, he had a handful of cards up his sleeve. His near-celebrity status as the human of Equestria gave him a bit of clout and mystery, but that wasn’t nearly as useful as being the live-in guest of the Princess of Friendship.

“Can I - uh -” a voice uneasily called, catching his ear.

Looking to the side, fully expecting to see a pony, Anon slowed. Peering over at him, looking just as surprised as he was, a slender, bird-like creature idled by an open crate. He’d met all sorts of exotic creatures on his travels, from boorish yaks to adorable changelings, but he’d yet to see a sapient, bipedal avian before.

Adorned in a doublet, breeches, and the biggest, fanciest hat he’d ever seen, he could only describe her - yes, her - as some sort of swashbuckling parrot. Covered in cream-colored plumage, with a minty-green plumage and tail, she even had a crystalline pegleg. As his eyes moved up her frame, trying to gauge exactly who and what she was, his gaze ultimately settled on her face.

“Twilight,” he blurted, only eventually remembering his hastily laid plan. “Twilight said you could hide me!”

“Twilight Sparkle?” she responded, her eyes widening ever so slightly.

Nodding enthusiastically, thankful that she recognized the name, he glanced over to the gangplank leading to the hovering vessel. “I can explain later, but we need to leave now.”

Squinting over at him, she crossed her arms over her fluffy chest. “How do I know this isn’t some kind of setup?”

“You don’t, but you’ll have to trust me,” he pleaded.

A tense moment passed, before she turned towards the ship. “If this is a joke, I’m throwing you overboard,” she groused, waving for him to follow.

Thanking lucky stars, Anon trotted to her side. “By the way, I’m -”

“Anon, I know,” she chuckled, offering him a clawed hand. “Captain Celaeno, pleased to meet you.”

“So this is your ship?” he asked, stepping aboard the zeppelin.

“It is, and we were just about to cast off - speaking of which…” she trailed off, looking to the side. “Weigh anchor and release the moorings!”

To Anon’s amazement, with his nerves only just starting to calm, he noticed a number of similar bird-like creatures begin to scurry about the deck. Moving crates of god knows what, securing rigging, and unfastening the birthings, the crew moved like a well-oiled machine. As the vessel shifted beneath him, lazily drifting away from the elevated pier, they ascending into the open air.

“Come on,” Celaeno tutted, resting a hand on his shoulder, “you’ve got some explaining to do.”

Looking over at the Captain, seeing her moving towards a doorway leading to the ship’s interior, Anon followed his savior. He’d made his escape, well away from the irate pair of Princesses, but he wasn’t out of the woods yet. Unless he could come up with a plausible explanation as to why he was fleeing the Crystal Empire like a wanted convict, there was a very real chance he’d get detained or possibly handed over to the authorities.

Lost to his thoughts, blindly following his host through a galley, he didn’t even realize where he was being led until it was too late. The lithe avian turned, strolled around behind him, and closed a door they’d just passed through. Looking around, finding himself in some sort of office he gulped.

“So,” she huffed, barring the exit, “why am I supposed to be hiding you?”

His mind raced, trying and failing to come up with any sort of believable excuse, as he broke into a cold sweat. “It’s - uh - hard to explain,” he murmured.

“Try me,” she chuckled.

Unable to think of any sort of plausible ruse, his shoulders slumped. “I may have plowed Princess Cadance…”

Celaeno cocked her head, staring in disbelief at the man. “Plowed?”

Burying his face in his hands, Anon wearily shook his head. “Screwed, fucked, rutted, shagged, railed,” he grumbled, praying he wouldn’t have to clarify himself. “Please tell me you know what I’m talking about…”

“Can’t say I do, but it doesn’t sound pleasant,” she muttered, shifting one arm.

Noticing her hand resting on a sheathed saber, a saber he’d failed to notice earlier, he held up his hands in surrender. “It’s not a bad thing, I swear!”

Having no other option, Anon steeled himself, took a deep breath, and awkwardly launched into a talk about the birds and the bees. To the Captain’s credit, despite keeping her claw on her sword, she keenly listened to his apparently outlandish explanation of reproduction. As he drew to a close, only then summoning the courage to look her in the face, he weakly smiled.

“Does that make sense?” he softly inquired.

Shaking her head, and massaging one temple, she screwed her eyes closed. “So you’re telling me that males, regardless of species, have a penus which they jam into a girl’s vageena to have a baby?”

Subconsciously peeking at her veiled groin, pondering what sort of mysterious bird anatomy she had hidden, he nodded. “Basically, yeah.”

Nonplussed, casually hooking a thumb over her waistband, Celaeno pulled her slacks down a few inches, revealed her groin, and pointed to her crotch. “So you’re telling me things are supposed to go in here?”

Anon’s heart skipped a beat, as he gazed at her loins. With a lightly colored tuft of down above the bare, rosy flesh of her sex, her nethers were strickingly similar to a human’s. Perhaps because of the excitement of his day, or possibly because he found himself suddenly staring at a very picturesque snatch, he felt his manhood twitch.

“And it feels good?” she pressed, bending over to peer at her hen-bits.

“It’s supposed to, y...yeah,” he stuttered, feeling suddenly parched.

Hmph,” she harrumphed, straightening up and leaving her breeches lowered. “I don’t believe it.”

“But it’s true!” he insisted, wrenching his attention from her muff.

Without a care in the world, unsheathing her saber, Celaeno wriggled out of her trousers, kicked the garment away, and strutted over to what he assumed was her desk. “Here’s how I see it -” she began, seating herself on the edge of the tabletop, “I can either turn this ship around and ask Cadance what really happened, or you can prove that you’re not pulling my one good leg.”

Seeing her legs part, getting a perfect view of her sex, Anon suddenly found himself between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, if he didn’t indulge her, he’d be screwed - on the other, if he screwed her, he may very well dig his hole deeper. With little choice left in the matter, unwilling to confront Celestia, Luna, or the mess he’d unwittingly made, he slowly sank to his knees before her.

“Hey, I thought you said the sex thing involved your thingy?” she protested, eyeing him suspiciously.

“It does,” he admitted, shuffling closer to her, “but this is called foreplay.”

“Foreplay?” the parrot parroted, quirking a brow.

Anon rolled his eyes, attempting to ignore the growing erection within his slacks. “Do you want me to show you or not?”

Fine,” she sighed, running the tip of her blade over his shoulder, “but no funny business.”

The sensation of steel against him sent a chill down his spine, standing juxtaposed to the tent in his pants. Leaning in, between her parted legs, he steadily moved his face closer to her immaculately presented puss. He’d be lying if some part of him wasn’t excited to fool around with an exotic creature, and a biped no less, yet that did little to help his precarious circumstances.

Breathing deep, flooding his sinuses with the unusual aroma of her nethers, he licked his lips. She smelled not unlike a human, bearing a markedly feminine fragrance, but there was a unique, unplaceable tang to her scent. With nothing else to lose, keenly aware of the irony at work, he gently started kissing his way up her inner thigh.

“T...that tickle...Oh...Mmmm,” she hummed, as his lips graced her entrance.

Telling himself it was because he had to, Anon drew his tongue up her snatch. Her taste was hard to describe, being somewhat piquant and earthy, though it was far from unpleasant and spurred him onward. Taking his time, relishing the new experience, an odd realization struck him; as he steadily probed her depths, he discovered she lacked any sort of discernible clit.

Undeterred, subconsciously lowering a hand and reaching into his slacks, he lapped away at her. She definitely didn’t seem to mind the attention, what the pleased whimpers and moans she was making, which was reassuring and, if he was being honest, exceptionally hot. As he cracked an eye open, peering past her pubic down, up her abdomen, and to the semi-plume on her chest, he wondered exactly what she was concealing beneath her doublet.

As he plunged his tongue into her, she clamped her legs around his head. Yeah, there was no doubt about it, she was definitely enjoying herself, which both thrilled and terrified him. Growing more aroused by the second, tenderly caressing her hip, he steadily began stroking himself off - not that he needed any help getting hard.

Nectar dribbled down his chin, the muffled sound of her soft groans graced his warmed ears, and the silken touch of her canal fueled the fires of his passion, dulling his concerns and inspiring him to continue. Only the dull clang of her clattering sword, abandoned under his ministrations, let him know that he was no longer in any real danger. With the imminent threat gone, having more fun than he cared to admit, he feasted on her loins.

Panting, practically leg-locking his melon, she lightly bucked into his face. “W...wha...I don’t - Hah - I’m...I’m…”

As surprising as it was, her trembling thighs and the pitch of her voice left little room for doubt - she was about to pop. Though he was far from what he’d call an oral expert, knowing he’d pushed her to the brink, in such a short span of time, sent him into a frenzy. Positively ravishing her, while jacking himself off, he pulled out all the stops.

Oh Gods!” she bleated, flexing her legs and trapping him against her quivering sex.

Realizing what was coming, unsure of just how the impending climax was going to hit her, he closed his eyes and held his breath. Sure enough, after a few more lashes of his writhing tongue, she met her orgasmic demise. A torrential flood of fem-cum erupted over his face and into his awaiting maw, bathing his countenance in her essence.

Angling his head upward, weakly coughing her juices from his nose, he took a deep, satisfied breath. If there was something more rewarding than bringing a female to climax, he hadn’t discovered it. Quietly wheezing above him, as her legs went slack over his shoulders, she dreamily gazed down at him.

“T...that was the sex?” she croaked. “I’ve...I’ve never felt anything like that before! It was amazing!”

Pulling away, wiping his mouth with a forearm, he grinned. “Oral sex, but yeah. The amazing thing was called a climax; they tend to happen if the sex is good.”

“Well if that was bad sex, you have got to show me what the good stuff is about,” she chuckled, reaching down and rubbing her moistened snatch.

Getting to his feet, staring down at her, he noticed her eyes lock onto his groin. Truth be told, he wouldn’t have been opposed to missing out on getting his dick wet, considering how poorly his time with Cadance had wound up, yet his raging hard-on didn’t escape her. Shifting uncomfortably, he kept his mouth shut and waited to see what, if anything, she had to say.

Virtually tearing her eyes off the swell at his groin, Celaeno glared up at his face. “Well?”

“Well what?” he uselessly countered, already seeing where the conversation was going.

“The clothes,” she rasped, “lose ‘em.”

Pursing his lips, doing as she asked, he lifted an arm and pulled his shirt up and over his head. Far be it for him to disobey his rescuer, yet he couldn’t help but worry about the inevitable fallout. Word would definitely spread about his time with the recently despoiled Princess of Love, but having an aeronautical pirate bird blabbing about his carnal exploits wasn’t going to help matters; speaking of which.

“Mind if I ask you something?” he asked, tossing his shirt to the side.

Hmm?” she disinterestedly responded, expectantly watching tugging at his pajama bottom’s drawstring.

Attempting to stall, genuinely curious on the matter, he wriggled out of his pants. “So are you an actual pirate? I mean, what’s up with the getup?”

“I’m legally obligated to tell you no, but we used to be,” she explained, hungrily peering at his steadily unveiled groin. “We’re currently merchants and occasional privateers.”

“Fair enough,” he sighed. Working the bottoms down his thighs, letting his manhood spring free, he let the garment drift to the floor. “Mind if you take off your top?”

“Wha - Oh - uh - sure,” she distractedly grumbled, gawking at his equipment. “I gotta admit, that’s a pretty nice piece of hardware you got there - bigger than a few of the stallions’ I’ve seen.”

Unbuttoning her top, letting the fabric fall to either side of her torso, she looked around at her surroundings. “Should I move for the penus part?”

Shaking his head, accepting the inevitable, he stepped forward. “Nah, you can stay right there,” he whispered.

Bending at the waist, running his hands up her abdomen and to her chest, he felt his cock excitedly twitch. Though she didn’t seem to have mammaries, her breast was startlingly warm and soft to the touch. Grinding his length over her sex, feeling her meaty folds sandwich his cock, he rolled his hips back and brought the tip of his dick to her entrance.

“You ready?” he whispered, gazing into her eyes. Nodding, keeping her eyes glued to his package, she gave him the green light.

Cautiously sinking into her depths, Anon savored the heavenly sensation of her velvety interior. Hotter than he’d expected, and deliciously moist, she was just as amazing as he’d hoped. Though it took everything he had, constantly reminding himself that it was her first time, he moved at a snail’s pace. She’d wanted it, sure, yet that didn’t mean he could go all out.

“How’re you…” he fell silent, as her guttural moan cut through the air.

“It’s so big,” she reverently murmured, watching his length disappear into her snatch. “It feels like it’s splitting me in half!”

Anon stopped dead, not wanting to cause her discomfort, but she was apparently displeased with the delay. Slapping her legs around his waist, feeling the cool gemstone prosthesis against the small of his back, she pulled him deeper - at least she tried, until her pegleg popped free. The surprise of feeling the nub of her ankle hock digging into his side gave him a moment for pause, yet that did little to deter her.

Deeper!” she demanded.

Though the reminder that he was bedding an amputee was slightly jarring, he was too turned on to give it much thought. Missing limb or not, having a woman who knew what she wanted was a rare treat and something he was not about to pass up on. Resting one hand on her abdomen, while cradling her right knee, he continued his gradual plunge.

He didn’t have x-ray vision, nor any sort of knowledge of whatever race she was, but her goods sure as hell felt like an exquisitely taught snatch. Only stopping when he felt some resistance, with his groin a hair’s breadth from her nethers, he braced his legs and steadied himself. Be it from fate, luck, or some combination of the two, their anatomy seemed remarkably compatible, chipping away at his self-control and fanning the flames of his desire.

“I’m gonna - Oomph!” he grunted, as she grabbed his shoulders and wrenched him closer.

“Keep doing that thing!” she fervently muttered, her eyes wildly playing over his face.

“T...that thing?” he sputtered.

“The moving thing!” she clarified, locking eyes with him.

It took him a moment to comprehend what she was asking, that she wanted him to start plowing her, but he was more than happy to oblige. Leaning forward, placing her legs on his shoulders, he brought his face to hers. If she wanted to sample the otherworldly carnal delights he had to offer - by God, he’d give her the best he had to offer.

Wasting no more time, nearly as enthusiastic as the swashbuckling bird, he began to move. While he still hoped to take his time with her, her damn near rabid zeal practically demanded he not fuck around - well, not in a figurative sense. The head of his cock lightly beat against what he could only presume was her womb, as he fell into a steady rhythm.

Writhing beneath him, in some approximation of a mating press, Celaeno mewled and trembled. Much like Cadance, she took to the act of being rutted like a fish to water. In a matter of seconds, after no fewer than a dozen or so thrusts, she began to reciprocate. Clenching on his backstrokes, while relaxing on his plunges, her sex eagerly milked his length.

F...faster,” she whimpered, begging for more.

Increasing his pace, only barely cognizant of what she’d said, Anon struggled to restrain himself. He would never have guessed he’d end up plowing the Captain of an airship before, yet he wasn’t about to complain; as far as he was concerned, having already laid a Princess, the achievement was just another notch in his belt. Her encouragement inflated his growing hubris, mingling with his lust, motivating him to give her his all.

Dipping his head, bringing his face to her chest, he pecked his over her breasts, up her neck, and to her cheek. Spontaneous or not, a bit of affection would perfectly compliment the experience for her - that and he’d always been a sucker for romantic nuances. Feeling her beak grace his lips, having forgotten about her keratinous jaws, he kissed her.

Making out with an avian was definitely new, immediately putting him on the back foot. Though he continued to plunder her depths, gradually bucking with increasing speed and force, the sensation of her hard, sharp mouth left him unsure of how to proceed, yet she didn’t skip a beat. Grasping the back of his head, with her other arm wrapping around his neck, she groaned into his maw.

The element of peril, sensing the pointed tip of her beak against his skin, somehow elevated the event. Closing his eyes, outright frenching her, he flung his inhibitions to the wind. As he loomed over her, pounding into her unsullied sex, the primeval portions of his brain went alight, goading him to conquer and breed his gracious and all too receptive savior.

The desk rocked beneath them, his balls slapped against her soft tush, and their tongues coiled around one another. As their lovemaking grew more and more intense, the air was filled with the sound of their lust. Reverberating throughout the small chamber, somehow magnified by the closed confines, their bestial grunts, groans, and sinful whispers became a depraved chorus, yet they craved more.

Though he had no way of knowing it at the time, only having an inkling of the repercussions, Anon had unwittingly sparked an amorous interest in Celaeno. He’d hoped she’d like her introduction to sex, but even he was stunned by just how quickly she embraced it. While she was as inexperienced as any of the creatures in Equestria, her tenacity for the lecherous event was beyond reproach - hell, had he not known better, he could have believed she’d always had a love of being dicked-down! Enjoying themselves, losing themselves to the moment, their passion soared.

Fiercely constricting around his pistoning cock, she fought against his withdrawals. Her pelvic control was sublime, as was the sensation of her down against his skin, pushing him ever closer to his limit. Judging from her hitched breaths, trembling legs, and the steadily increasing strength of her grasp on his head, he was left to assume she was nearing the edge herself.

Pulling away, breaking their kiss, she buried her face in his shoulder. Moving her hands down his back, sinking her talons into his flesh, she secured him with a death grip. The tinge of discomfort blended with his bliss, leaving him teetering on the brink. Sadly, as he grit his teeth, doing everything in his power to hold out, she dealt the final blow.

Without the slightest bit of warning, catching him totally and completely off guard, she reared back and savagely bit down on his trapezius. Unprepared for the influx of pain, what little self control he had left disappeared. Ferociously sheathing his manhood within her heavenly snatch, he returned the favor and clamped his jaws on the side of her neck.

Climaxing in near-unison, having effectively forced one another to peak, they met their orgasmic end. A heady cocktail of nectar and spunk erupted from Celaeno’s confines, Anon’s seed gushed into her deepest depths. While neither could have foreseen a fit of masochism would bring nigh unfathomable rapture, they rode out their bliss with unfettered glee.

Anon had busted more nuts than he could count, with the latest and possibly greatest having been with Cadance, yet that couldn’t have fathomed how intense his finale with the Captain would be. Every muscle on his body seized and jerked, as he fitfully humped against her. Though he was only dimly aware of it, lost to his ecstasy, she fared little better than himself.

Uncontrollably shivering, from her clawed foot to the crest on her head, Celaeno’s climax hit her like a freight train. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her cunt spasmed like mad, and she grunted through her clenched beak, as she struggled to remain conscious. As his motions dulled, bringing with it a nirvanic sense of euphoria, her higher functions clawed their way back to the fore.

I - Cough - I...What was that?” she wheezed, moving her head back.

T...that was called a cream pie,” he dully responded, rubbing his bitten flesh. “Pretty good, right?”

She nodded and stared up at the ceiling, going limp against the table. “I’d say. You think we could - uh - maybe do that again?”

“Maybe in a bit,” he sighed.

Releasing her legs, letting them drape over the edge of the desk, he hesitantly stepped back and hauled his softening tool from her. With nothing to catch the deposit, unwilling to dirty their discarded clothes, he winced at the thought of the impending mess - then again, it wasn’t like a good portion of the floor wasn’t already slickened with their juices. The moment the tip of his length slipped from her battered sex, a deluge of spunk pattered from her confines.

Sorry,” he whispered, feeling a blush creep into his cheeks.

Shakily pushing herself up, peering down at the sullied floor and her dislodged prosthetic, she dismissively shrugged. “I’ll take care of that later,” she glibly remarked, turning her attention to his face. “So you said we could do that again?”

Cursing his libido and arrogance, he hesitantly nodded. “I mean, if we have time before we arrive, sure - say, where are we headed anyways?”

Hmm?” she hummed, eyeing his cum-slathered nethers. “Oh, we’re sailing to Hope’s Hollow. We shouldn’t arrive until tomorrow, so I hope that’s enough time for you to recuperate.”

Opening his mouth to ask where Hope’s Hollow was, Anon fell silent. For whatever reason, in spite of having just nearly been plowed into a coma, she reached out and pawed at his hip. Curious to see what she was after, yet having a slight inkling, he stepped over and brought himself nearer. As she leaned in, nearly falling from the desk, she drew her tongue up his semi-rigid length.

“The next time we go at it, I want to try that oral thing you did - you know, maybe return the favor,” she endearingly noted, cocking her head and shooting him a wink.

Though the prospect of a beak-job set his nerves on edge, blood rushed to his loins. For the second time in less than twenty-four hours, he’d managed to turn what had been a functional female into a cum-drunk harlot. Silently kicking himself, yet surreptitiously musing on what else he could try with the bipedal bird-woman, her mention of more lewd shenanigans evoked an important question.

“So are there bedrooms on this ship?” he asked.

“We’ve got a spare room we use for storage, but you can sleep in my cabin,” she sweetly replied. “I bet the sex would be great on a bed, don’t you think?”

“Yeah...Yeah it would,” he falteringly breathed, retrieving her pegleg and handing it to her.

At the very least, he should be able to get some rest on a mattress that night - having said that, he had little doubt he wouldn’t get much sleep until she was fully satisfied. With nearly an entire day left on their voyage, and a very lustful Captain who would almost assuredly be glued to his side throughout the trip, he considered himself somewhat lucky. He’d narrowly escaped from Celestia’s clutches, fled the Crystal Empire, and somehow managed to broaden his interspecies boundaries by railing a giant parrot pirate - still, he couldn’t help but wonder how his bizarre and licentious adventure would ultimately conclude…