A Bet Worth Cuddles

by Twilight Star

First published

Twilight has been very busy lately. Rainbow noticing this, decides to propose a bet for Twilight.

Twilight has spent a lot of time in her library, reading, and Rainbow misses Twilight of they both spending time together. She decides to propose a bet for Twilight. If Rainbow wins, Twilight will be her body pillow for a week. If Twilight wins, Rainbow will be her pillow body. Who will win and be lucky enough to be able to hug the mare they like best in bed?

This history is a request of superfun

This is the last request story I will do.

Chapter 1

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Rainbow was in her room, lying on the bed, thinking about her marefriend with a smile on her face. Since Twilight became an alicorn princess, she and Twilight have spent a lot of time together, mainly because Twilight was able to fly just like her. Obviously, in the beginning Twilight didn’t know how to fly, and Rainbow saw it as an opportunity. She offered to teach Twilight to fly; Twilight accepted Rainbow’s help. But as the days went by, Rainbow started to feel weird around Twilight. For some strange reason, whenever she was around Twilight, her heart was beating faster than normal, she felt like she would stutter just having to talk to Twilight, and she even blushed just thinking about Twilight while she was in the cloud or at home.

So, she came to the following conclusion after putting the puzzle pieces together: she had a crush on Twilight. And it made her feel good outward as well as inward, because she would never have imagined that she would fall in love with one of her friends. But soon her head came from having to confess to Twilight, and that made her nervous, because she feared that Twilight would not feel the same as she did and would not accept dating her because of her ego. But for some reason, in one of the flight classes, Twilight started acting strange around her, and when the classes ended, they landed on a cloud so they could watch the sunset together. Rainbow took advantage of the quiet moment between her and Twilight to confess what she felt, and for the joy of the blue pegasus, Twilight accepted and said she felt the same as Rainbow since she started teaching flying lessons. As soon as it was dark, they both slept in the cloud, hugging each other.

Rainbow closed her eyes when she remembered that day, it was an unforgettable day for both of them. But her smile soon fell as she blew out a breath. Unfortunately, that was several days ago, and as much as Twilight was her marefriend now, she missed being hugged by Twilight. Twilight has spent most of her time in the library, her sad face changed to a frown as she crossed her hooves at the thought. Did Twilight really stick to those tedious books? Daring Do’s books did not count as tedious, as they contained adventure and excitement, unlike many other books they had in Equestria.

She needed to do something. Something for Twilight to drop and take the head off the books and do something with it. But what could it be? Perhaps she could invite Twilight on a date, either by taking an air tour or betting on a race. But obviously, Twilight would deny her invitation. She moaned in frustration at the recent thought. Why did Twilight have to be an egghead? Why couldn’t she let go of the book’s snouts for a minute? The blue pegasus looked at the balcony in thought. Knowing Twilight, she must be reading those boring books about Equestria’s story right now. If only she could do something so that Twilight could spend a day with her - no, a week with her, just like when they slept cuddled in the cloud after each flight lesson. She wanted to embrace Twilight, but the flight lessons ended, which was a shame, because that was the last time they had physical contact.

Until, an idea came to her mind. What if she made a bet with Twilight? The bet could be a race. If she won, Twilight would have to be her body pillow for a week, if Twilight won, she would be her body pillow. Yes, the bet would involve that. No matter who lost the bet, one of them would be hugged for a week. But she knew she would win, because after all, she was the fastest pegasus in all Equestria.

She got up from the bed, spread her wings, flew to the door and opened it, intending to go to the library to challenge Twilight on the bet. She needed to confess that she was excited to talk about the bet and win the bet. Twilight may have learned to fly with her help, but Twilight was not so fast when it came to flying, which would be a great advantage for her.

Rainbow landed in the library and knocked on the door, waiting for Twilight. Footsteps were heard from inside the library and the door opened, revealing Twilight.

“Hi, Rainbow!” Twilight greeted with a friendly smile. “What brings you here?”

“Hey, Twily!” Rainbow greeted back. “I came to do a bet.”

Twilight curiously raised an eyebrow when he heard what the blue pegasus said. “A bet?”

“Yes, a bet. This bet is nothing more than a race, and whoever loses will be the winner’s body pillow for a week,” Rainbow explained how the bet would work.

Twilight needed to agree: the prize was a very good thing, but she didn’t know if she should accept the bet, since she had plans for this afternoon. “I don’t know, Rainbow. Today I intended to organize the books on the shelves.”

“Oh! Come on, Twilight! Are you going to deny something tempting? Imagine if you win, you could hug me in bed in the afternoon for a week. Don’t you want to relax a little after the days you’ve been having lately?“ said Rainbow, trying to convince Twilight to accept the bet.

Twilight started to think about what Rainbow just said. She needed to confess, as much as she has had busy days since she finished the flying lessons, she kind of missed hugging Rainbow, either in a comfortable cloud or in a cozy bed. But even so, she had already planned to do something today. But, at the same time, she didn’t want to deny her marefriend’s bet. She looked at the bookshelves and saw that the books were still on the shelves. Maybe she better leave that for the next week. Because after all, she has gone several days without seeing Rainbow, and what better way for her to relax than with the mare she loves most?

“Okay, Rainbow. I accept,” said Twilight decidedly. “Where’s the finish line going to be?”

Rainbow then looked across the sky and saw few clouds, until she saw a cloud that was close to the city hall. It was a little far from the library, but you could see it from afar. She looked back at Twilight to reply, “It will be that cloud that is right above the city hall. Whoever lands on the cloud is the winner.”

Twilight agreed and left the library, closing the door with her pink magic. “All right.”

Rainbow spread her wings and stretched them, preparing to fly. Twilight did the same.

“One… two… three!” Rainbow said, before flying away quickly. Twilight followed, and seemed speechless because Rainbow was ahead, she accelerated the flight. The ponies watched Rainbow and Twilight fly, and they couldn’t help smiling, especially the foals that hopped around. The two mares didn’t care, since what was important for them now was the race they were betting on.

Rainbow looked back and saw that Twilight was inches close to her, but they weren’t close to each other.

“You’re kind of fast, Twily,” Rainbow thought with a smile. The flight lessons certainly made Twilight able to fly fast, she needed to confess. But she wasn’t flying as fast as she was, since Twilight’s special talent was magic, not speed. Then, she accelerated the flight, leaving Twilight behind with her mouth slightly open, but soon recovered and started flying even faster with the intention of passing the pegasus.

Come on wings, don’t fail me! I can’t lose this race!

Rainbow could see the cloud a few meters away, she just needed to fly a little more. She decided to look back and saw that Twilight was now right next to her. She got a little startled, but that didn’t distract her or stop her from flying even faster. She needed to win this bet! She was the most awesome and fastest pegasus in all of Equestria! She couldn’t lose! She deserved to win! She looked ahead and saw the cloud very close to them. A smile crossed her face. Then, she flew even faster, allowing her to reach the cloud first and land on it. Twilight landed in the open-mouthed cloud with that. She lost the bet!

“I won!” said Rainbow, celebrating in the air. When she stopped celebrating, Rainbow looked back at Twilight and said, “Twily, let’s go to my house. It’s time for you to receive my hugs.”

Twilight spread her wings and flew across the sky accompanied by Rainbow, who led the way to the house in the clouds. Twilight still seemed speechless due to the fact that she lost the race, while Rainbow was still happy to have won, and also to get to her house so she could hug her purple alicorn on the bed.

After a few minutes of flight, they finally arrived at Rainbow’s house. Rainbow opened the door and entered first, she soon made room for Twilight, allowing Twilight to enter. She soon closed the door and they went up the stairs to the bedroom.

Twilight was no longer surprised that she lost the race, but she was curious what Rainbow would do other than hug her, like, if she was going to kiss, etc. Twilight’s ears perked up when she heard the sound of a door opening, she looked straight and saw Rainbow open the door and enter the room, she too I did, but soon closed the door with the pink magic.

They approached the bed and lay down on it. Twilight was the first, and then it was Rainbow, who wrapped her with the front hooves in a warm embrace.

“I finally have you here in my hooves, Twily,” Rainbow said with a smile, stroking the mane of Twilight. “You have no idea how much I missed having you on my hooves.”

Twilight let out a little laugh at that. She knew that she has been very busy lately, but she would never have imagined that Rainbow would miss hugging her. She always believed that Rainbow was not such a fan of hugs because she dislikes physical contact so much. Well, it looks like the pegasus doesn’t like physical contact when it’s out in public. Twilight agreed with the very theory that she created in her head.

“Tell me Twily, what have you been up to lately that has kept you very busy?” asked Rainbow, stopping caressing Twilight’s mane.

“I have been doing research on dragons, mainly because they grow up depending on the amount of things they have,” Twilight replied, “and this subject has really interested me. I’m sorry if I seemed a little distant from you.”

“As always, you are with your snout in these books, egghead,” said Rainbow in an unhappy tone. Twilight seems to have been offended by the comment.

“Hey! The subject was very interesting!”

“Everything you read you find interesting, egghead,” said Rainbow.

“And you find Daring Do books interesting,” said Twilight with a playful smile.

“Sure, but at least I don’t keep my snout on books all day,” said Rainbow. Twilight’s smile fell with that.


“It’s just the truth, eggheand.”

Twilight decided to change the subject of the conversation to forget what Rainbow just said. “How about you, Rainbow? What have you done lately?”

“Aside from the fact that I missed you, I was training my skills for the Wonderbolts, resting on a cloud and reading Daring Do books,” Rainbow replied.

“Well, it looks like you could do things while I was busy,” said Twilight with a smile.

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t think about you while doing all of this.”

After a few minutes, they decided to relax in the embrace, both with their eyes closed and breathing softly, but they did not sleep. Rainbow was happy to finally have Twilight in her embrace. As for Twilight, although she has been very busy lately, she was happy to be able to relax in her marefriend’s embrace.

She opened her eyes when she felt Rainbow kiss her, she could even feel Rainbow’s tongue inside her mouth, which made her blush. The kiss Rainbow was giving was intense, as if it had been years since they had kissed or seen each other the last time. She was surprised at first by the sudden kiss, but then relaxed and returned the kiss, putting her tongue inside Rainbow’s mouth.

“You have no idea how much I missed it,” said Rainbow.

After two minutes, they left the kiss because they both needed air and returned to relax in the embrace. Twilight felt Rainbow caress her neck with the head, which resulted in her cheeks turning pink.

“So, Twily? How do you feel about being my body pillow?” asked Rainbow.

“I’m enjoying it,” Twilight replied with a smile.

“I could see it.” Rainbow started to give nuzzles on the ear of the purple alicorn. Twilight closed her eyes with a smile of affection. She started to remember what she was going to do today, and she needed to confess, what she was doing now was so much better!

After five minutes, Rainbow stopped with the nuzzles and got up from the pillow to pick up the light blue blanket of lightning to cover her and Twilight up to their necks. They snuggled up in the warm blanket and blew out a light breath, relaxing in the warm of the blanket.

“Thank you, Rainbow. I was already getting cold,” Twilight said in a relaxing tone.

“You’re welcome, Twily,” said Rainbow with a smile, stroking Twilight’s cheek with a hoof.

After five hours, both felt their eyelids become heavy. They slowly closed their eyes and fell asleep, snoring softly.

Several hours passed, and the sun was rising on the horizon; the rays arrived at Rainbow’s bed. The two mares were still asleep hugging each other. Twilight was the first to wake up, and then it was Rainbow.

“Good morning, Rainbow,” Twilight greeted.

“For you too, Twily,” Rainbow greeted back.

“So, should we get up now and have breakfast or would we stay in bed for a while?” asked Twilight.

“Let’s get up, but remember: as I won the bet, you will always come to my house when it is late so that you can continue to be my body pillow for the whole week,” Rainbow replied. Twilight could only smile at that.

Chapter 2

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Twilight and Rainbow had just finished eating their breakfast. Rainbow went to the kitchen to wash the dishes and cutlery, and Twilight accompanied her there with the intention of helping her with the housework. While Rainbow planned to wash the two cutlery and plates, Twilight planned to wash the two glasses they used. Twilight watched Rainbow put the two cutlery and plates in the sink before she turned on the sink. Rainbow put soap on the sponge before wetting it and starting to wash it; Twilight did the same.

“So, Twily? How are you going to come back here only in the afternoon, what will you do in the morning?” asked Rainbow.

Twilight looked at Rainbow and said, “I think I’m going to read a book to distract myself until the afternoon comes.”

Rainbow let out a little sigh with that. “You never change, egghead.”

“What about you, Rainbow?” asked Twilight.

“I think I’ll be training my skills for the Wonderbolts,” Rainbow replied. She watched Twilight dry a glass with a kitchen cloth before putting it away in a cupboard.

“What time do you think I should come here this week?” Twilight asked, taking the other glass to wash it.

“I think two hours is a good time,” the light blue pegasus replied. Twilight agreed.

“All right.”

When they finished the housework, Twilight and Rainbow said goodbye with a kiss. Twilight left Rainbow’s house and flew to the library. She watched the ponies and saw that some were already walking through the streets; some taking a walk, going to work and others going to stores. She looked straight and saw the oak house directly in front of her. Landing on the ground, she closed her wings and entered her library.

She approached a bookcase to choose which book she would be reading, but she soon heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs. She saw that it was her number one assistant, he had a look of concern on his face.

“Twilight, where were you yesterday that you didn’t come back?” asked the purple dragon.

“Sorry Spike, but yesterday Rainbow made a bet with me. The bet was a race, and whoever lost would be the winner’s body pillow for a week. Rainbow had won the bet and I went over to her house to receive cuddles from her, only Rainbow and I ended up falling asleep after a few hours,” Twilight explained. “And it is very likely that this will happen again during this week.”

“So, does that mean you’re going to be staying at Rainbow Dash’s for a week?” Spike asked, now in a calmer tone.

“More or less. I will go there only in the afternoon, but as I said before: I am likely to end up sleeping there,” Twilight replied. Spike nodded in agreement.

“I understand. So, I believe you already had breakfast with Rainbow?” asked Spike.

“Yes, Spike.”

“Okay, so I’m going back to breakfast and then I’m going to see Rarity at the boutique. I agreed to help her with today’s orders.” Spike went up the stairs, leaving Twilight alone on the first floor. Twilight watched Spike go up the stairs before returning to choose which book to read.

Meanwhile, outside, Rainbow was flying through the sky, practicing her maneuvers. Only despite that, her thoughts were on Twilight and the bet. She can’t help but feel happy to have won the race and to be able to have her marefriend as her body pillow for an entire week. She stopped her maneuvers and looked down, watching the Golden Oka’s Tree Library in the distance with a smile, knowing that she could cuddle Twilight for a week. A sigh of happiness soon came out of her.

“Well Twilight, see you this afternoon.” She then turned around, continuing with her maneuvers.

Twilight left her library and closed the door behind her. She spread her wings and flew across the sky, intending to go to Rainbow’s house to continue to be the pegasus body pillow. While flying, many of the foals pointed at her and called out to the new princess in a cheerful tone, but Twilight was not paying attention to that, since she had to meet Rainbow this afternoon.

After a few minutes of flight, she finally arrived and knocked on the door to signal her arrival. “Rainbow! I arrived!”

The sound of wings was heard and the door opened, revealing itself to be Rainbow, who smiled amicably at her. “Hey, Twily! You can come in.”

Twilight came in at Rainbow’s request, in which the pegasus closed the door and approached her. “So, Twilight? Ready to receive cuddles today?”

“Yes, I am,” Twilight replied with a smile on her face.

“Then, follow me.” Rainbow led the way to her room. Twilight followed right behind her, wondering what she would receive during the hug that afternoon.

Rainbow and Twilight soon arrived and entered the room. They both lay down together on the bed. Rainbow then wrapped Twilight in a warm hug with both front hooves. Twilight decided to snuggle in the embrace that she was involved. Twilight soon felt Rainbow kiss her cheek, resulting in her blushing with the affection. Rainbow couldn’t help but agree that Twilight was cute when she blushed.

How can you be so cute, egghead?

Rainbow then decided to lovingly stroke Twilight’s purple fur. She loved that feeling of stroking Twilight’s fur, while Twilight loved being stroked by Rainbow. It was such a soft and fluffy feeling...

After two minutes, Rainbow stopped stroking and decided to kiss Twilight on the cheek. Twilight closed her eyes with a smile of affection, she never felt so special and dear as now.

After five minutes, Rainbow decided to stop kissing. Both closed their eyes and let out a slight breath in the embrace, Rainbow was because she was hugging the one she liked most for an entire afternoon, while Twilight was because she found the hug very comforting.

“So, Twilight? What book did you read during the morning? Did you continue to read about dragons?” asked Rainbow.

“I haven’t read about dragons, I will continue reading about this in the next week. I was reading a book about a vampire pony who falls in love with a mare and wants to turn her into a vampire pony too,” Twilight replied. Rainbow opened her eyes in surprise at what Twilight just said.

“Do you like horror stories?” She asked.

“Yes, but actually, I don’t have a favorite book genre. I like all kinds of books,” Twilight confessed.

“Egghead...” Rainbow thought, not at all happy with the answer.

After an hour, they decided to relax in the embrace. Twilight opened her eyes when she felt Rainbow give nuzzles on her snout, which resulted in her giving off a little laugh because of tickling. Rainbow just loved hearing her marefriend laugh, it was so cute.

After five minutes, Rainbow decided to stop the nuzzles and began to lovingly stroke the mane of Twilight with a hoof. Twilight shyly turned her eyes to the left, her cheeks soon turned pink. Rainbow noticed the shyness present in the alicorn and can’t help but find it cute.

How does an egghead like you manage to be so cute?

After an hour, Rainbow stopped the stroking and decided to give Twilight a kiss on the cheek again. Twilight looked surprised to receive another kiss on the cheek, but despite that, she liked having received the same affection from Rainbow twice. They then relaxed in the embrace, letting out a light breath at the same time. They both smiled, but for different reasons: Rainbow was because she was enjoying having Twilight here with her, while Twilight was because she was enjoying being Rainbow’s body pillow.

After three hours, Rainbow got up to pick up the light blue blanket with lightning to cover her and Twilight up to her neck. Both closed their eyes and let out a slight breath at the same time. The blanket was so cozy and warm…

“Are you comfortable, Twily?” asked Rainbow. Twilight nodded in agreement.

“Good...” Rainbow said, lovingly stroking Twilight’s cheek with a hoof.

After an hour, they started to feel sleepy because the blanket was so warm and they felt so cozy in the embrace. Their eyelids became heavy and they yawned, both falling asleep at the same time.

Chapter 3

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Twilight soon woke up to feeling the sun’s rays on her face. She blinked her eyes for a moment before stretching. Twilight looked to the right and saw that Rainbow was not in bed with her. Before she could ask herself where Rainbow went, she smelled a delicious breakfast. She got up from the bed and tidied it up before leaving the room and walking down the stairs. She needed to confess that despite having woken up without her marefriend, she liked to wake up with the smell of breakfast.

Upon arriving in the living room, she saw that there was orange juice on the table and two plates of toast. She noticed Rainbow filling both glasses with juice before stopping and looking at her with a smile.

“Good morning, Twilight! Sleep well?” asked Rainbow.

“Yes, mainly because you were hugging me,” Twilight replied, sitting up and wrapping the dish’s toast with her pink magic.

Rainbow looked at the left side regretfully. “I’m sorry I left you sleeping alone in bed, but I just had to make breakfast for both of us. I even wanted to wake you up, but you happen to be very cute in your sleep.”

Twilight swallowed the piece of toast and said, “It’s okay, Rainbow. I was not sad about it. And besides, I even enjoyed waking up with the smell of breakfast.” A smile appeared on Rainbow’s face.

“I am relieved to know that.” The blue pegasus sat down, picked up the toast from the plate and started eating.

As they ate, Twilight thought of yesterday afternoon, and she couldn’t help but love it. She needed to confess that she was loving how this week was going, even if it meant she couldn’t continue her studies on dragons. Rainbow, on the other hand, was finding this week pretty awesome!

After a few minutes, they finished their meal and went to wash the dishes, cutlery and glasses. Only this time, Twilight took the plates and cutlery, and Rainbow took the glasses. When they got to the kitchen, Rainbow turned on the sink and she put soap in the sponge and started washing, and Twilight too.

“So, Rainbow? I know it’s only been two days since I became your body pillow, but what do you think so far about me being your body pillow for this whole week?”

Rainbow looked at Twilight and said, “It’s been so awesome! This is certainly twenty percent cooler!” Twilight smiled at the answer and went back to her task. “What about you, Twilight?” asked Rainbow, looking at Twilight.

“I’m enjoying it too,” Twilight replied, looking at Rainbow. She took the kitchen towel and started to dry the glass.

After a few minutes, they finished washing the cutlery, glasses and plates, put them in the cupboard and went to the living room.

“So, Twily? Since you already had breakfast here, do you intend to return to the library or would you like to stay here for a while?” asked Rainbow.

Twilight put the hoof on her chin in thought. She needed to confess that she would like to go to the library to read a book, but she would like to spend some of this morning with Rainbow, even if it meant that she would spend an entire afternoon with Rainbow all week. She looked at Rainbow to speak her answer. “Rainbow, I hope you don’t mind. But, is it okay if I stay with you for a while this morning?”

“Of course I don’t mind, Twily. What would you like to do?” asked Rainbow.

Twilight thought for a few seconds before replying, “I don’t know. It could be maybe reading Daring Do books, or maybe taking a flight trip.”

“Well, after doing the dishes, I intended to take a flight ride, so since you want to spend a bit of this morning with me, I think we could be flying together,” Rainbow replied, approaching the door to open it with a hoof. Twilight accompanied her with a smile. “Come on, Twily!” Rainbow signaled with a front hoof before spreading her wings and leaving the house. Twilight spread her wings and followed.

Rainbow watched her marefriend leave the house before going to the door to close it. She approached Twilight and they started flying together across the sky. While Rainbow watched the sky, Twilight watched the ponies trot through the streets. Rainbow saw that there were even a lot of clouds in the sky today, but she would do that in ten seconds flat after she spent a little bit of that morning with Twilight.

After about twenty minutes of flight, they landed on a cloud and watched the ponies from below. Most were already out of the house and were going to stores, going to work or just taking a walk.

“Rainbow, have you ever observed ponies on top of a cloud?” asked Twilight.

Rainbow took her eyes off the city and looked at Twilight curiously. “Sometimes, yes. I also like to watch the sun go down and watch the stars on top of a cloud, it looks like I can touch the sun and the stars on account of being so close to me. Why? Have you ever watched ponies on top of a cloud?”

Twilight looked at Rainbow and said, “Unfortunately no, this is my first time doing this.”

“I see. After all, it’s been a few days since you got wings,” said Rainbow. Twilight agreed.

“Yes, and I need to confess that the view from up here is beautiful,” said Twilight, returning to watching the ponies.

“Yes, it’s beautiful,” Rainbow agreed, also looking back at the ponies.

After an hour, they stopped watching the ponies and said goodbye, both returning to their homes. It didn’t take long for Twilight to arrive at her library, since the cloud she and Rainbow were on was close to the library. She landed very close to the door and went inside.

Twilight decided to look at a clock and saw that it was still ten o’clock in the morning. Perhaps, she should read a little while lunch was not yet ready. Then, she approached a bookshelf and to choose a book to read. The purple alicorn placed the hoof on her chin, thoughtful among which book she should read now.

Let’s see… which book should I read? There are so many options that I don’t even know which one to choose. Maybe I should read a book of Daring Do, but there is also a book by a ghost pony who lives in a basement of a theater. Hmmm...

After a few minutes, Twilight decided to pick up a book about a pony that solves mysteries and went up to her room to read it in bed. Upon reaching the second floor, she saw Spike wearing a pink apron and chef’s hat, making lunch. But she soon stopped looking at Spike as she started up the stairs to her room. She lay on her stomach, opened the book and started reading the book.

After an hour, she stopped reading it when she smelled a delicious smell of food. “Twilight! Lunch is ready!” Twilight got up from the bed, leaving the book open for her to read later. She went downstairs and sat down, watching Spike put the pasta on the plate and then hand it to her.

“Here’s your plate, Twilight,” said Spike.

“Thanks, Spike,” Twilight thanked, taking the fork with her pink magic. She took some of the dough and put it in her mouth, tasting the food. It was very tasty. She watched her assistant put the pasta for him on the plate, sit down and start eating.

Twilight then lost herself in thought, thinking about Rainbow Dash and what she and Rainbow were doing during that week. She needed to confess that even though she had a few busy days, what she and Rainbow are doing now, was exactly what she was needing, because all of that she has been doing has left her with no time to relax. Good thing Rainbow gave the idea of ​​the bet, because then she could relax in the embrace of her marefriend. She intended to thank Rainbow for this when it arrived Monday.

When they finished eating, Spike picked up and stacked the plates and cutlery and took them to the sink to wash them, already Twilight went down the stairs and opened the door, leaving the library and flying through the sky, on the way to Rainbow Dash’s house.

Rainbow was reading a Daring Do book on the bed, with her head on the pillow and her abdomen up. She had finished lunch an hour ago, and now she was reading to distract herself while Twilight was not yet here. Her ears perked up when there was a knock at the door. With a smile, she got up, put the book on the side table, went down the stairs and opened the door, facing Twilight on the other side.

“Hi, Rainbow! I came to be your body pillow,” said Twilight.

“Good. Come on in, Twily,” Rainbow said, making room for Twilight to come in. Twilight came in, at Rainbow’s request, and Rainbow closed the door and led the way to the bedroom.

When they arrived at the room, they lay down on the bed together. Rainbow wrapped Twilight in a loving hug and closed her eyes. Twilight let out a slight breath because the hug was very welcoming, she opened her eyes and saw a book on the side table. Curious, she looked at Rainbow and said, “Rainbow, what book were you reading?”

Rainbow opened her eyes and said, “Why, the most awesome book of all: Daring Do!”

“And which Daring Do book was it?” asked Twilight.

“Daring Do and the holy temple,” Rainbow replied. Twilight smiled.

“This is certainly a good book of Daring Do.”

“Good? This book is awesome! No, all Daring Do books are awesome!” said Rainbow in a cheerful tone. Twilight smiled about it, she loved Rainbow’s way.

“So, Rainbow? What did you think of our morning together?” asked Twilight.

“I like it, Twily,” Rainbow said, lovingly stroking the mane of Twilight. Twilight looked to the left with a pink flush on her cheek from the affection. “How about you?”

“I ... I liked it,” Twilight replied timidly because of the affection she was getting from Rainbow.

“And... are you also enjoying being my body pillow for this entire week?” asked Rainbow, stopping stroking the mane of Twilight.

“Of course yes. This is definitely being very relaxing after what I’ve been doing for the past few weeks,” Twilight replied looking at Rainbow, not blushing anymore.

“Sometimes, it’s better to take a break and spend time with those you like,” the light blue pegasus said, “and of course when I say you should spend time with those you like, I mean me.” Twilight rolled her eyes at Rainbow’s boast with a smile. Her marefriend was certainly an displayed. But even so, she still loved, and would always love the pegasus.

They then closed their eyes, both released a slight breath at the same time, relaxing in the embrace. Twilight can’t feel anything but the happiness of having Rainbow as a marefried. Suddenly, she felt Rainbow give nuzzles to her ears, it made her blush a little and close her eyes again.

After two minutes, Rainbow stopped with the nuzzles and started giving light kisses on the alicorn’s neck, which resulted in Twilight blushing even more. She SURELY didn’t expect the pegasus to decide to kiss her neck. She started to moan.

After two more minutes, Rainbow stopped giving kisses on the neck and went back to relaxing in the embrace, but started to stroke the mane of Twilight in the meantime. Twilight was still recovering from what happened two minutes ago, but when she felt Rainbow’s hoof caress her mane, she relaxed and closed her eyes, enjoying this moment.

After ten minutes, Twilight opened her eyes when she felt Rainbow kiss her cheek, which resulted in her blushing about it. Rainbow couldn’t help but smile when she saw Twilight flushed, no matter how many times Twilight blushed, she would still be cute.

After two hours, the two mares felt sleepy, yawned and fell asleep at the same time, with both sleeping in the embrace.

Two hours later, the moon had risen on the horizon, Rainbow and Twilight were still sleeping together in bed. Twilight was the first to wake up, and then it was Rainbow. They both looked at the balcony and saw that it was already dark.

“Rainbow, I think I better go home now. It’s already night,” said Twilight.

Rainbow looked back at Twilight and released her from the embrace, allowing Twilight to get up from the bed. “Okay Twily, but don’t you want to stay here for dinner with me?”

“Thanks for the invitation Rainbow, but I would like to have dinner at the library with Spike tonight,” Twilight politely declined the invitation. “Who knows, another night?”

Rainbow sighed at the answer, crossing her hooves. “Fine…”

The two mares then left the room, went down the stairs and went to the door. Rainbow opened the door and said goodbye to Twilight with a kiss. Twilight flew across the night sky and saw that she still had a few ponies out of the house, but the percentage was minimal; most of the house lights were on. She soon saw the oak house directly ahead and with the lights on. She posed and entered the library. She soon smelled a delicious smell of food. Going up the stairs, she saw Spike put two plates of soup for her and him on the table.

Spike soon heard the sound of footsteps and looked back to see who it was, but he soon smiled when he saw Twilight. “Twilight! You came back! How was the afternoon with Rainbow?”

“It was really cute, Spike,” Twilight replied, sitting up. “How about you? How was your afternoon?”

“Mine was really good! I helped Rarity find precious jewelry for a dress,” Spike replied, sitting down to start eating.

Twilight wrapped the spoon with pink magic, took some of the soup and started eating. She started to think about what she did today, and she started to remember the book that she hadn’t finished reading in the morning. Luckily, she already knew what to do after dinner, which was to continue reading the book she was reading this morning.

Chapter 4

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The sun rose on the horizon, making the rays of sunlight enter the room of the Golden Oak’s Tree Library, Twilight slept peacefully in bed with the dark blue blanket of stars and moons covering her up to the neck. She opened her eyes, getting up and making the bed. Down the stairs, she saw Spike placing two plates of pancakes on the table; one with whipped cream and blackberries, the other with blackberries and raspberries. Spike turned around and saw Twilight, a smile formed on his face.

“Good morning, Twilight!” Spike greeted.

“Good morning, Spike,” Twilight greeted back, sitting down to start eating her pancake. Spike did the same.

“So, Twilight? What do you plan to do this morning?” Spike asked after swallowing the pancake.

Twilight looked at Spike and replied after swallowing the piece of pancake, “I am thinking of going to the library. How about you, Spike?”

“I think I’m going to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders. You know, trying to help them get their Cuties Marks,” Spike replied. Twilight agreed in response, returning to her meal.

After a few minutes, Twilight and Spike finished eating and went to do their activities: Spike went to wash the dishes and Twilight took her saddle bag, put it on her back and left the oak house to read a book in a library. She watched the ponies walk the streets of Ponyville and saw the adult ponies going to stores or just walking alone, or with their special somepony, now the foals were going to school. Twilight looked ahead and saw the library just ahead. She opened the door and went inside, she saw that there were already some ponies inside, some were already reading and others were choosing which book to read.

Twilight approached a bookcase and looked at the book titles, trying to decide which book she should choose to read. She was on the bookcase that had the mystery book genres. Putting the hoof on her chin, she began to examine the books it had of this genre, trying to choose which book to pick up to read. Until after a few minutes, she made up her mind and took a book from the bookshelf. She went to the table and put her bag beside the table and sat down to start reading it.

After a few hours, Twilight finally finished reading the book, got up, put the bag in her cell and went to the mare who was on the table with a stamp. She put the book on the table and said, “I’m going to take this book.”

The mare took the stamp, put ink on it, opened the book and stamped it. “Very well! Don’t forget to return it next week.”

Twilight agreed, closing the book and placing it in her backpack. She approached the door and opened it, leaving the library. She soon heard her stomach growl. A small laugh came out of her. She didn’t even realize that she had spent a lot of time reading and that it was already lunchtime. She started walking, but she wasn’t going to have lunch at her house, she was going to her favorite restaurant in Ponyville: Daisies Lunch.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, she saw some ponies sitting on top of a pile of hay, some were choosing what to eat, while others were already eating. She saw a free table and approached. She placed her backpack very close to the hay and sat on the hay. Wrapping the menu with pink magic, she opened it and started to see what it had, but she stopped what she was doing when she heard the sound of the flapping of wings. The alicorn looked where she heard the sound and saw Rainbow land on the floor and enter the restaurant. Rainbow was looking for a empty table, until she saw Twilight and approached her with a smile.

“Hey, Twily! I didn’t expect to see you here!” said Rainbow, sitting on the hay.

“Me neither, Rainbow. Do you also come to this restaurant to eat?” asked Twilight.

“Sometimes yes. But usually, I eat at home,” Rainbow replied, picking up the menu.

“Have you chosen, madams?”

Twilight looked at the waiter and said, “I would like a daisy sandwich.”

Rainbow took her eyes off the menu after a few seconds and looked at the waiter. “I would like a sandwich with tomato and lettuce.” The waiter left the table and entered the restaurant. Twilight and Rainbow watched the pony waiter enter before looking at each other.

“So Rainbow, what did you do this morning?” asked Twilight.

“I was training my maneuvers and then rested for a while on a cloud,” Rainbow replied. “You had to see it. It was every awesome somersault!”

“Yeah ... it must have been,” Twilight agreed.

“How about you? What did you do this morning?” asked Rainbow.

“I went to the library,” Twilight replied. Rainbow’s smile fell on that.

“Here are your orders, madams,” said the waiter, placing the two plates of sandwiches on the mushroom table.

“Thank you, sir,” said Twilight, wrapping the sandwich with her pink magic and starting to eat.

Rainbow picked up the sandwich with the hooves and started eating. She can’t help but love the sandwich. The last time she ate this sandwich was when she, Twilight and the other girls had a picnic, but that was months ago.

After finishing her meal, Twilight paid for the sandwiches and went with Rainbow to her house to continue being her body pillow, since they had finished their lunch at two o’clock in the afternoon. They unfolded their wings and flew across the sky together, both side by side.

After a few minutes of flight, they finally arrived at the cloud house and went inside, Rainbow closed the door and led the way to her room. Upon arriving at the room, they both approached the bed and lay down, first it was Twilight and then it was Rainbow, who soon wrapped the purple alicorn in a hug as soon as she lay down. They both let out a light breath at the same time, relaxing on the bed. Rainbow began to caress the Twilight mane with a hoof, still keeping her eyes closed. Twilight just loved being caressed, it felt so soft, and it made her cheeks turn a little pink.

“Twily, in case we ever fall asleep and we only woke up at night during this week, would you like to spend the night here with me?” Rainbow invited, opening her eyes and looking at Twilight with a smile.

Twilight thought for a few seconds before replying, “Well, I suppose so. I had already warned Spike about our bet, so he won’t be worried when I don’t return sometime this week.”

“Great! So that means we can read Daring Do books together in bed,” said Rainbow, closing her eyes and lovingly caressing Twilight’s chest with her head. Twilight blushed, closing her eyes with the sudden affection. What a touch!

Upon stopping, Rainbow kissed Twilight on the lips, resulting in Twilight’s ears perking up and her pupils diminishing with the sudden kiss, but she soon relaxed and returned the kiss. Twilight soon felt Rainbow’s tongue inside her mouth and also felt her tongue touching Rainbow’s, both started fighting for control, but unfortunately for Twilight, Rainbow’s tongue won. They both stopped the kiss after a few minutes and Rainbow said, “I hate lose, Twily.”

Twilight rolled her eyes with a smile at the answer. Rainbow was definitely a very competitive pony, even during a kiss. But even so, she didn’t care about that competitive way.

After a few minutes, they both closed their eyes and took a deep breath. They could hear each other’s heartbeat. Rainbow began to lovingly stroke Twilight’s fur with a hoof. Twilight can’t help but smile with the affection.

“Your fur is so soft...” said Rainbow.

“T-thank you, Rainbow,” Twilight thanked timidly with pink cheeks because of the compliment received.

After a few minutes, Rainbow stopped with affection and went back to embracing Twilight. Twilight felt so comfortable in the embrace that she let out a slight breath. Rainbow, on the other hand, just smiled because she was having one of the best weeks.

After a few hours, Rainbow stopped hugging Twilight and took the blanket from the bed and covered them up to the neck because they were both shaking. Rainbow returned to embrace Twilight and they snuggled into the blanket, both of them let out a slight breath, relaxing in the warmth of the blanket. The hug was already very cozy, but being covered in a blanket while hugging who you like? That was certainly twice as cozy!

“This blanket is sure to makes your hug even more comfortable,” said Twilight in a relaxed tone.

“Yes, and on top of that, it makes my embrace twenty percent more comfortable,” Rainbow added proudly in the sentence. Twilight rolled her eyes at the phrase, but she wasn’t angry about it. She closed her eyes again and relaxed in the embrace, Rainbow did the same.

After a few hours, they felt their eyelids get heanvy and yawned, with both falling asleep at the same time, by account of the blanket and hug were very cozy.

Chapter 5

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Twilight and Rainbow slowly opened their eyes and yawned at the same time. Twilight looked at the balcony and saw the sun shining in the morning sky, she looked at Rainbow and said, “Rainbow, it’s morning.”

“Yes Twilight,” Rainbow agreed, looking back at Twilight.

“Should we get up now or should we stay in bed a little longer?” asked Twilight, knowing the hug was quite comfortable.

Rainbow looked up from the balcony and began to think. When she made up her mind, she replied, “I think we better get up. I’m kind of hungry.”

“Okay,” said Twilight. She felt Rainbow release her from her embrace and get out of bed. She got up and followed Rainbow into the kitchen. Twilight began to wonder what she could do after eating and washing up. Maybe she and Rainbow could use this morning to relax on top of a cloud, with both of them soaking up the sun.

When they reached the kitchen, Rainbow opened a cabinet and took out the cookbook. She opened it and began turning the pages, looking for the desired recipe.

“Rainbow,” Twilight began. Rainbow pulled her attention away from the book and looked at Twilight.

“Yes, Twily?” She asked.

“Would you like to lie on a cloud later?” Twilight invited.

“Of course, what would you like to do on top of the cloud? Watch the ponies? Sunbathing? Or just relax in the cloud?” asked Rainbow, wanting to know what they were supposed to do while in the cloud.

“I was thinking about us sunbathing,” Twilight replied.

“It’s okay, Twi,” said Rainbow, turning her attention back to the book. She soon found the pancake recipe and started picking up the ingredients. Twilight helped her gather the ingredients and prepare the pancakes.

After an hour, the pancakes were ready and they took the pancakes to the table. Rainbow took with her front hooves while flapping her wings, while Twilight took her pancake with her magic. They soon arrived at the table and placed their pancakes. Their pancake had whipped cream and chocolate chips. They both sat down and started eating their pancakes. As they ate, they both had only one thing in mind: the fact that they would be together on a cloud after eating the pancakes.

After an hour, the two of them cleaned themselves up with a napkin and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes, cutlery, and glasses they had used. While washing the dishes and cutlery, Rainbow watched Twilight with a smile, she never imagined that Twilight would invite her to spend a morning on a cloud, of course, they’ve stayed on a cloud before, but they sunbathing together on a cloud? This was something new! And she knew it would be pretty awesome! Twilight, meanwhile, was focused on her task, but her thoughts were on what she would get this afternoon with her being Rainbow’s pillow.

After finishing the task, they opened the cupboard and put away plates and glasses while the cutlery was stored in kitchen drawers. When they were done, they left the kitchen together and headed for the door. Rainbow opened the door and allowed Twilight to exit first, Twilight unfolded her wings and flew out of the house. Rainbow closed the door as soon as she left the house.

As they flew, they watched the ponies walk the streets and noticed that there were hard as many ponies on the streets because it was early. They looked forward and saw a cloud that overlooked two ponies. They approached the cloud and landed on it, folding their wings and lying on their stomachs. They felt the sunbeams on them, it was a very nice feeling, like when you are in a warm hug. Both let out a light breath at the same time.

“I never imagined that sunbathing right next to the sun would be something so enjoyable,” said Twilight in a relaxed tone.

“Everything has a first time, Twily,” said Rainbow, opening her eyes and looking at Twilight with a loving gaze. Twilight just agreed with the answer.

After a few hours, they both opened their eyes when they heard a stomach growling sound. The growling stomach was from Twilight, which made the little purple alicorn chuckle at that.

“I think we’d better get up and eat something,” she said.

“It’s okay, Twily.” Rainbow got up.

“So where are we going to eat? At your house or a restaurant?” asked Twilight, also rising from the cloud.

Rainbow looked at her marefriend and said, “I was thinking about us having lunch at my house.” That said, she unfurled her wings and climbed out of the cloud. Twilight did the same and followed Rainbow to her house.

After a few minutes, they finally arrived and entered the house. Rainbow allowed Twilight to enter first, she soon walked in and closed the door. The two mares trotted together to the kitchen.

Rainbow approached the table and opened the cookbook. The pegasus and the alicorn looked at the recipes before choosing a recipe and began to get the ingredients from the cabinet to prepare their lunch.

After a few minutes, they left the kitchen, each holding a plate of sandwiches; Rainbow’s was tomato and lettuce and Twilight was daisies. They sat at the table and started eating their sandwich.

A few minutes later, they got up and picked up the crumbly dishes, and took them to the kitchen to wash. As she washed the dishes, Twilight’s thoughts were on what she would get from Rainbow while being hugged by her, while Rainbow was thinking about what she could give Twilight while hugging her.

When they were done, they put the dishes in the cupboard, left the kitchen, and walked upstairs to Rainbow’s room. As Twilight wondered what she would get besides hugs, Rainbow thought about what she intended to give her marefriend while she hugged her.

They entered the room and got into bed at the same time. Rainbow soon enveloped Twilight in a warm hug and began stroking the purple fur on Twilight’s back with a front hoof. Twilight closed her eyes with a smile as she felt Rainbow’s hoof on her, she loved feeling being stroked on her back by Rainbow. It was so comforting…

After a few minutes, Rainbow stopped stroking and began to lightly kiss Twilight’s neck. Twilight soon turned red, resulting in her letting out moans of pleasure. A smile crossed Rainbow’s muzzle and it descended to her collarbone, Twilight turned her head to the left, letting out more moans.

When she stopped, Rainbow began nuzzling Twilight’s ear, causing her cheeks to turn pink and her head to turn slightly to the left. Rainbow watched Twilight’s cute way as she continued with the nuzzles.

“No matter how many times, you’ll always remain cute, Twilight,” Rainbow thought with a smile, stroking Twilight’s fur. Rainbow took advantage of the shy look of purple alicorn and began nuzzling Twilight’s nose and cheek kisses, making Twilight chuckle.

Five minutes later, Rainbow stopped her affections and decided to be silent. Both had their eyes closed, just enjoying this cute moment between them. They breathed in unison and were able to hear each other’s heartbeats. They decided to take advantage of this moment by staying silent.

A few hours passed, Rainbow and Twilight were still lying on the bed, relaxing in the comforting embrace. Until they felt sleep come to them. They yawned in unison and fell asleep, knowing that even though their week of spending an afternoon cuddling in bed was running out, they were having a great time this week.