Apple Bloom and Tender Taps

by Creativa-Artly01

First published

After learning about Apple Bloom's love for Tender Taps, Sweetie and Scootaloo try to set up the perfect date for their friend.

After learning about Apple Bloom's love for Tender Taps, Sweetie and Scootaloo try to set up the perfect date for their friend. All they can do now, is hold their breath and hope their plan to get the two together doesn't backfire in their face like the Cheerilee incident with Apple Bloom's big brother.

Chapter 1

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One day as she's talking with her friends, Apple Bloom accidentally lets it slip that she has a crush on Tender Taps, the little orange show pony.

"What do you mean you like Tender Taps? Do you have your first crush, Apple Bloom?" asks a shocked Scootaloo.

"Yes, I have a crush on Tender Taps, he's cute, handsome, funny, a good dancer," replies Apple Bloom blushing.

The two then take this information and tell Apple Bloom to go get some supplies for their school project all on her own. While Apple Bloom is out gathering supplies, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are setting up the tree house for a date for their friend and Tender Taps. Apple Bloom has no idea. Once she has the supplies gathered for the project, she takes them back to her house and then she's sent out to take pies to all the rest of Ponyville by her sister, who is in on the whole thing. Apple Bloom doesn't think anything of it, however, because Applejack always sends her out to do the Ponyville pie deliveries.

Meanwhile, back at the club house, Sweetie and Scootaloo put the last touches on the date setup. There's flowers and breadsticks. Everything is perfect. Sweetie and Scootaloo share a hoof bump, they then go and give the invitations for a dinner for two to Tender Taps and Apple Bloom. They grin, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps don't have a clue that Sweetie and Scootaloo have set up a romantic dinner for the two of them.

Chapter 2

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A few minutes after they're left alone by Sweetie and Scootaloo, the two open the invitations and read them. "Come to a dinner for two at the Crusaders Club House tonight at 7:00."

The two look at each other puzzled. "Who sent these?" asks Tender Taps.

"Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have their names written all over this," replies Apple Bloom. "But honestly, I like the idea of us going on a date, I was going to ask you personally, but clearly, they thought they had to ask you on my behalf."

"I don't mind, it shows they care," replies Tender Taps. Apple Bloom nods. She knows he's right.

A few hours later, at 7:00, the two arrive at the Crusader Clubhouse. The two are then greeted and seated by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Sweetie then lights the candle on the table with her magic.

"Well, this isn't too bad," admits Apple Bloom. A smile appears on her face. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle then bring them out their meals and then leave them be for the night.

Now left on their own, the two enjoy their meals and enjoy a nice long conversation.

"So, a dance competition is coming up and I need a partner, if you'll oblige?" says Tender Taps.

"Of coarse, I'd love to be your partner for the dance competition," replies Apple Bloom blushing.

"Great!" exclaims Tender Taps. "The dance competition is in two weeks, practice starts this Friday. Don't be late."

"I won't, I promise," replies Apple Bloom.

The two then finish up their meals and even share a kiss. The two then go walking along the pier and even play some of the carnival games there. Tender Taps even buys her ice cream. Apple Bloom smiles then nuzzles his shoulder. Tender Taps smiles back, blushing a little bit. After a few hours, Tender Taps walks Apple Bloom back to Sweet Apple Acres.

As she enters the farmhouse, she gets asked a barrage of questions by Applejack. "How'd the date go? Did he treat you well? Do you like him? Does he like you? When's your next date with him?"

"Slow down, slow down," replies Apple Bloom, "the date went well, Tender Taps is nice. Yes, I like him. Yes, he likes me. I don't know when our next date is, but I am doing a dance competition with him in two weeks."

"Good for you!" replies Applejack. Apple Bloom sits her sister down and brings her a glass of water.

"Please just calm down, Applejack, please," begs Apple Bloom.

"Fine, I'm just so happy for you," replies Applejack. She stops talking and gulps down the water and lets out a burp. This makes them both burst out laughing. Apple Bloom is glad her sister supports her blooming young love, she'd honestly have it no other way. Still, she has no idea that her big sister played a part in setting up her love story just as much as Sweetie and Scootaloo did.

Chapter 3

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A few days after their date, Apple Bloom shows up to the dance studio for practice where she is happily greeted by Tender Taps and the other dancers.

"Okay, I'm here and ready to practice," says Apple Bloom.

"Great, pair up with Tender Taps," replies Miss Ballet.

The two nod and do so. They then begin to practice their routine. The two smile as they dance. They're glad that they're partners. The two continue to practice for three more hours before practice is finally called to a close. "I'll see you tomorrow," says Apple Bloom, hugging Tender Taps goodbye.

"I have a better idea, why don't I treat you to some ice cream?"

"Okay, sure," replies Apple Bloom with a smile. The two then head for the ice cream parlor. A few minutes later at the ice cream parlor, the two happily enjoy their ice cream cones. They laugh and talk in between licks. The two are glad Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle set them up. If they hadn't, they don't know if they'd ever come together on their own.

A few hours after finishing their ice cream, Tender Taps walks Apple Bloom home. There, they hug and part ways. "I'll see you tomorrow," says Tender Taps.

"See you then," replies Apple Bloom, kissing him on the cheek and closing the door behind herself. She then goes up to her room and plops down on the bed.

A few minutes later, the door opens and Applejack enters her bedroom. "How'd practice go?" she asks.

"It went well, thank you," replies Apple Bloom with a smile.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that, now do you want to come down to dinner?" replies Applejack. Apple Bloom nods and follows her sister down to dinner. Everything is perfect and Apple Bloom couldn't ask for it any other way.

Chapter 4

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Two months later, the two and the rest of the ballet academy do their performance in front of their friends in family. As they watch, Applejack and Big Mack can't help but smile. "She has mom's nimbleness," whispers AJ to her brother.

"Mmhmm," he whispers back. The two then quiet down and get back to watching the performance. They couldn't be prouder of their little sister.

The performance continues for three hours before finally coming to an end. Once it does, Applejack and Big Mack hop up and embrace their little sister in a hug. "We're so proud of you!" they exclaim, smiles across their faces. Apple Bloom struggles to get out of their arms.

"Uh, thanks, now can you put me down?" replies Apple Bloom.

"Sure," replies Applejack as Apple Bloom falls out of her hooves and plops onto the ground. Tender Taps then approaches the Apple siblings and begins to talk to Apple Bloom.

"I had fun with you today, Apple Bloom," says Tender Taps. "Will I see you tomorrow? I want to take you out to my big brother's lake house."

"You can go tomorrow if you want," says Applejack giving her okay.

"I'll see you tomorrow. What time do you want to meet up?" replies Apple Bloom with a smile.

"6:30 work?" he inquires.

"Sure," replies Apple Bloom as she embraces him in a hug before letting go.

"Great," he replies before kissing her goodbye on the cheek. "I'll see you then." The three Apple siblings then part ways and head towards the ice cream shop. It's truly been a great day and for Apple Bloom, it's going to be a great weekend as well!

Chapter 5

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The next day at 6:30, the two meet up and head out for the carnival. At the carnival, the two enjoy the rides and the nice hot funnel cakes, the cold ice cream cones, and nice hoof made cornbread. "This is fun," says Apple Bloom as she puts her head on his shoulder. "More fun than a movie."

"I can't argue that," replies Tender Taps as he takes a drink of his soda. The two then finish up their food before getting onto the next ride. While on the ride, Apple Bloom puts her hooves up in the air and squeals.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the park, Sweetie and Scootaloo watch the two from the ground as they enjoy a bag of popcorn behind a bush. "You sure we should be spying on them?" asks Scootaloo.

"Yeah, we need to see if they really truly do have feelings for each other," replies Sweetie Belle.

"I'm just saying, we don't do this when it comes to you and Button Mash, how is Apple Bloom's relationship with Tender Taps any different?" replies Scootaloo.

"Good point, let's go enjoy the rides then," replies Sweetie. The two drop their popcorn and go get in line for the Tilt a Whirl ride. Scootaloo is glad she finally was able to talk some sense into Sweetie Belle. Now, she can breathe a sigh of relief. While on the Tilt a Whirl, Sweetie ends up getting sick and pukes all over the ride causing it to end early and she has Rarity come and pick her up.

"Get well soon, Sweetie!" says Scootaloo as she watches Rarity carry Sweetie Belle off the grounds.

A few minutes later, Scootaloo ends up running into Apple Bloom and Tender Taps. "What are you doing here?" says Apple Bloom confused.

"Enjoying the carnival just like the two of you," replies Scootaloo.

"Oh, okay," replies Apple Bloom before walking off and getting on the Tilt a Whirl with Tender Taps. Scootaloo then follows them to the ride and hops on as well. The three then enjoy the coaster together before parting ways once the ride is done. Apple Bloom and Tender Taps head off to ride the carnival swings while Scootaloo goes off and plays the flight simulator game.

Around an hour later, Tender Taps and Apple Bloom leave the shop and go ride the Swan Boats in the park before walking to the fountain once the boat ride comes to an end. Once their walk comes to an end, Tender Taps takes Apple Bloom home so she can enjoy some time with her grandparents, sister, and brother. He then returns home to his own father and mother and enjoys watching his favorite show between the two of them on the couch.