The Human Form

by Blck-Dynomite

First published

Princess Celestia becomes quite curious about Twilight's human form, very curious.

Celestia and Princess Twilight finally get a chance to just meet with each other and talk. One topic that comes up, is the parallel world Twilight visited. You see, Celestia has become intrigued by the differences between human and pony bodies. And, ever the faithful student, Twilight is able to replicate the spell that turned her into a human.

Needless to say, Celestia becomes very intrigued with Twilight's human body and decides to examine in in great detail.

Will Include: Scent/Musk, Cunninglingus, Futanari, Large Insertion, Cum-Inflation, and Fisting

Note: Twilight, while mentally much older, her transformed state will be of consenting age. Zero story, just shameless clop for clop's sake.

Note 2: Creator of the cover image is named Guinefurrie .

Featured: 4/15/2022 - 4/18/2022. Wow, thanks for the love y'all, been gone for so long, glad to know I still got it!

My faithful student...bend over please.

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It was lovely sunny day out in the gardens of Canterlot Castle. Twilight had invited Celestia over for tea, now that the alabaster alicorn was no longer the reigning co-regent of the land, she could now relax and enjoy herself without the weigh of the crown. Twilight sometimes would seek her council during their teatime, but most of it was spent talking about the goings on in their new lives. Which was well deserved by all after defeating three villains amped up on ancient dark magic and uniting the different creature tribes.

Finally, everything was peaceful – knock on wood. Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow were all trapped in stone. Some ponies questioned why Celestia, Luna, and Discord found it necessary to stone prison a filly. Tirek and Chrysalis were one thing. But her? That was taking it a bit too far. After Twilight’s coronation as the Princess of Equestria, many petitioned to try and get the filly released from her punishment, all of them stating that she was coerced into doing such deeds. Such was the current topic of talk for the retired Celestia and Twilight.

“I’ll admit, our decision was a bit…harsh, honestly, I had hoped to talk to you about releasing her after a few months had past,” said Celestia as she sipped her tea.

Twilight waved off the concern. “Pfft, no, you three did the right thing. I actually looked up Cozy Glow in the National Cutie Mark Registry. You know, the one that has all towns and provinces catalogue all ponies’ cuties marks for easy identification in the unlikely chance that a crime is committed, or to identify a deceased pony if all other identifiable features are gone.”

“Yes,” Celestia answered.

“I looked up Cozy Glow’s mark and found her birth certificate. She’s no ‘little filly’.” Twilight’s horn lit up and produced a file out of thin air, which she placed neatly on the table before them. “She’s actually five years older than me.”

Celestia spat out her tea when she heard that. “Y-You can’t be serious?!”

“I am. Apparently, she’s stricken with a rare disease that stunts the growth of a pony’s body. In some cases, it can strike as early as fillyhood or even just a bit later, but it most often appears when they are young,” Twilight explained.

Celestia opened the file and indeed there was a medical report on Cozy Glow’s condition. From what she read, the disease kicked in when Cozy was ten years old, and since then she has not gotten any older. Celestia had to admit, in all her years on this planet, she had never heard of this condition, not even in passing.

“Huh…now I’m wondering of those filly prostitutes who kept going back to that work were stricken with that disease? They certainly sounded, acted, and talked more like adults than their age portrayed,” Celestia pondered.

Now it was Twilight’s turn to spit her tea. “I-I’m sorry, ‘filly prostitutes?! Since when?!”

Celestia blinked and then titled her head. “Huh? Did I not mention that? Oh, right, I had that part of our history erased. Well, yes, we did have filly prostitutes, this started a bit after Luna was banished to the moon. I became…negligent for a time, consumed by my grief about what happened. And in my absence, some unscrupulous ponies decided to take the opportunity to start doing some unsavory things. Illegal drugs and potions, a bit of murder here and there, and of course, prostitution.”

Twilight’s left eye twitched, she had read many history books, but she did not remember any of that.

“Then by the time I finally got my head out of my flank, I decided to crack down on all of it. Nothing gets a criminal to stop their illegal activities like the rage of a sun goddess, ha-ha-ha!” Celestia chuckled. “But yes, there were some fillies who just refused to do anything else than sell their bodies. Our medical knowledge was not as good as it is now, with this revelation, some things make sense. I simply just thought that they were brainwashed into doing such things, so we used memory erasing spells and potions to make them forget and have them start over. Now that I think about it, the fact that they never got bigger after a couple of years should’ve been the red flag.”

Twilight shook her head, chalk that up to another thing in Equestria’s history she was probably going to look up for herself. Now that she was the Princess of all Equestria, she doubted such secrets were above her. “Well…anyway…I brought this information to the petitioners and brought in several witnesses who testified that they’ve known Cozy Glow for years…and in some cases she bought their silence with promises of sex. Which she fulfilled so she could later use that as blackmail material should said pony try to out her real age or tell the authorities about any nefarious schemes she was planning. I can’t believe I let somepony like that into my school!”

Celestia shrugged as she took another sip of tea. “The important thing is, she’s no longer a threat to anypony.”

“That’s true,” Twilight replied.

A coy smile formed on Celestia’s muzzle as she brought her forelegs up and leaned in as she asked, “So, Twilight, have you found anypony yet? Or have you already formed your harem with your friends?”

Cue another spit take.


“Come now, Twilight, we’re both adult mares, and I am no longer your teacher, nor am I am your Princess, I am just a mare. I’ve wanted have conversations with you like this for years, and now that you’re the pony in charge, we can be frank with each other! So, tell me!”

Twilight’s muzzle was bright red as she composed herself. “I-I haven’t! I just…” Twilight tapped the tips of her hooves together as she glanced off to the side. “I’d like to, but I don’t want to interfere with their potential love lives. Pinkie’s definitely going to be going out with Cheese Sandwich, Rainbow Dash and Applejack finally said they’re going out, Fluttershy and Discord are going to give it a shot.”

“What about Rarity?”

Twilight rubbed the back of her head. “She’s kind of taking a hiatus from relationships, but says she’s not opposed to having sexual ones.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “In other words, friends with benefits?”


“But not with you?”

“I won’t say I’d turn down the offer…and she’s said that if I ever did want to, she’d happily come when called,” Twilight admitted.

“I see.” Celestia took another sip of tea and asked, “Have you heard from Sunset?”

Oh, thank Faust, something not sex related. “Yes, she’s already graduated from Canterlot High School, and is attending Canterlot University with my human double. According to her last correspondence, they’re currently roommates sharing a dorm at the university. She does miss Equestria, but she’s very happy with the life she’s leading so far.”

Celestia smiled, the fate of her former student had always weighed on her mind, but it was good to hear that Sunset was doing alright in that world. Even if it was devoid of actual magic. “There is one thing I’ve been curious about.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ve always wanted to see a ‘hu-mane’, up close. I know you described that world and the denizens who dwell there, but…”

Twilight understood her former mentor’s curiosity. “I get it, seeing is better than being told what something looks like.” Twilight felt a bit giddy as she thought now was a perfect time to bring up the topic. “What if I told you I could turn myself into one?”

Celestia’s ears perked up. “You can?”

“I figured out the magical component of the portal that transforms anyone who passes through it to turn into a different species on the other side. When people from that world come through the portal, they’re instantly transformed into ponies, and vice versa for their world. So, I extrapolated that part of the portal’s magic, and made a copy of it. And after some tinkering, I managed to weave together a spell that will turn me into one, for at least two hours,” Twilight explained.

“Why only two hours?”

“Well, the transformation takes away my horn and wings. So, I built in a safety protocol that will forcibly end the transformation after at least two hours. Otherwise, I might not be able to change back.”

Celestia clopped her hooves together and said, “That’s amazing, Twilight. And completely what I would expect from my former number one student. Can you show me now?!”

Twilight thought for a moment, they were in the garden, having their tea outside since it was a nice day. But considering the spell would do away with her fur and hooves, walking around out here would not be very conducive to the semi-fragile form of a human body. “If you don’t mind, Prin – uh – Celestia, we should do this in my chambers.”

“Even better…”

“What was that?”

“Lead the way.”

After arriving at Twilight’s Royal Chambers – formerly Celestia’s – Celestia sat down on the floor and awaited Twilight to cast the spell. The purple alicorn took a few steps back, and once she had, she lit up her horn. A bright flash of magenta colored magical energy filled the room for a moment before the energy wrapped around Twilight’s body, turning it into pure light and energy. Celestia watched in awe as Twilight’s body started to morph, her hind legs shifted around and became longer, her forelegs became thinner, and her hooves replaced with hands and fingers.

One thing that did confuse Celestia was when she saw Twilight’s teats move up from her crotch and on her chest and become bigger, along with her tail disappearing, and her muzzle shortening. After a minute, the transformation ended, and Twilight was in the human form she had when she visited the other world. It took the magical genius a moment to reacquire the knowledge of how to balance on two legs, but after a moment she was able to stand and allow her former mentor to see her body in all its naked glory.

“What do you think, Celestia?” Twilight asked.

Celestia stood on all fours, realizing that Twilight was now half a head taller than her. Even Twilight’s scent was different, and not in a bad way, either. Celestia slowly circled Twilight, inspecting her body from different angles. “Interesting – Your cutie mark is gone!”

“That’s normal. Humans don’t have cutie marks, it’s both fascinating and frustrating, they’re like permanent blank flanks, free to choose whatever profession they wish, and change it on a whim. The freedom of it is very liberating, but at as I said, frustrating, as it can take them some time to finally understand what they’re special talent really is,” said Twilight.

“Uh-huh…” Celestia kept circling, finding Twilight’s cute rear even cuter since she became this way. The alabaster alicorn raised her right hoof and gently pressed it against Twilight’s right thigh. “You don’t have any fur or a tail?”

“No, humans don’t have fur, in order to protect themselves from the elements they’ve adapted to wearing clothes. Where clothing here is a matter of fashion and choice here, over there it’s a matter function and protection, and it’s required by law in public places. Actually, being nude in public, outside of designated places, is considered a crime. And humans do have a ‘tailbone’ but, no tail.”

Celestia looked up at her former student and said, “Wait, being nude is a crime? Why is that?”

Twilight scratched her head as she recalled how Sunset had explained it to her. “Humans have a different viewpoint when it comes to nudity. The only times humans see another human naked is when they’re…ahem…about to become intimate with each other. Plus, certain parts of the human body are considered ‘lewd’ and not something to show off to everyone. Most specifically, for females, it’s their flanks, marehood, and teats.”

“And speaking of…they moved up to your chest…why?”

“It has to do with species. Humans evolved from a descendant of monkeys, and therefore, their teats are located more on their chest as opposed to mares which are lower and closer to our genitals.”

“I see…and…are you with foal now? They’re quite big,” Celestia pointed out.

Twilight looked down at her breast, gently cupping them both in her hands. Thanks to Sunset, she learned that she was at least a C-cup. “To answer your question. No, I’m not. The size of a human’s teats vary from person to person. They can be small, medium, large, or anything in between. They even have a system of measurement for the different sizes of a female’s breasts.”

Celestia had to admit, those two round orbs of flesh on Twilight’s chest looked strangely enticing, they were bigger than hers. Not that she had looked on purpose, mind you, but before, among the four alicorns, Twilight’s were the smallest, Luna was third, and she and Cadance tied for first. Cadance was the Princess of Love, so, certain attributes of her body were enhanced by her natural alicorn physiology and magic. But, looking at Twilight’s, she’d have to say that it was now a three-way tie. Something else was drawing Celestia’s attention, which scent she was smelling earlier, now that she was closer to Twilight’s front, she could tell that it was coming from her crotch.

“You’re marehood isn’t as…puffy, as it was before. It’s smoother.”

“Oh, uh, yes, I’m not completely sure of the evolutionary reason for that it, yet, as Sunset keeps getting flustered whenever I bring up the topic…” Twilight was starting to notice that Celestia was staring intently at her pussy. “Um…Celestia?”

Without much warning, Celestia pressed her snout against Twilight’s vagina, causing the mare turned human to release a squeak and go rigid from the contact. Twilight shuddered when she felt Celestia’s hot breath, and even more when she felt the mare take in a long inhale.

“Hmm…Twilight, are you in heat?” Celestia asked.

“Uh…n-n-no, I’m not!”

“Forgive me…but…you smell like you are.”

“Oh, that might have to do with the fact that female human bodies are always ready to conceive,” Twilight explained, her face heating up.

“They are?! They don’t have to wait until they’re in estrus?”

“N-No, it’s an evolutionary advantage they have over other species in their world. They’re more or less ready to have children at any time.”

Celestia understood now why Twilight smelt so good. Her body was subtly releasing pheromones telling her she was ready to rut, which was strange because she did not smell that from Twilight earlier, but the moment she turned into a human, that scent kicked her in her olfactory senses like a baseball bat to the face.

“I must admit, that does sound advantageous, and at the same time, a bit inconvenient,” said Celestia as she advanced on Twilight.

The mare turned human slowly started to back up on instinct. “Y-Yes, I concur…unlike us, they don’t have the benefit of knowing that there’s only a certain time out of the month that you can get pregnant, and the rest of the time you can’t…”

“I take it Sunset has had to be especially careful then?”

“…She has mentioned a close call once or twice, but thankfully the humans have medicine that can prevent a pregnancy. It took her a while to, uh, to control the sexual urges of her new body and…um…Prin – Celestia, w-why are you coming closer to me…?” Twilight asked nervously as she continued to back up.

“Twilight, I must confess, there’s another reason why I’m interested in humans,” she said.

“O-Oh…w-what reason is that – eep!” Twilight yelped as she finally hit the edge of her bed, making her fall backwards onto it.

Celestia took this opportunity to pounce, advancing quickly on Twilight and pressing her own body against her former student’s, effectively pinning her. “I have a bit of a fetish you see…”

“W-What do you mean? W-What kind of fetish?”

“I’m a bit of a xenophile, Twilight. When you’re an immortal alicorn, you tend to broaden your horizons to stave off boredom and monotony. Even sexual ones.”

Celestia lowered her head, resting it between Twilight’s breasts as she gently ground her body against Twilight’s, enjoying the softness of Twilight’s human skin.

“I had the privilege to have rutted with many different creatures. Queen Novo of the Hippogriffs. A few male and female Griffons. More recently I’ve had sex with King Thorax and his Military Commander, Pharynx, at the same time. And just last month I visited the Dragon Lands and rutted Dragon Lord Ember, let’s just say, that dragon knows that ponies can fuck hard, too.”

Twilight’s face was burning crimson red as Celestia so casually regaled her former student with tales of her sexual escapades. More specifically, with leaders of two of her current students.

Unfortunately, this was having the affect that Celestia wanted, telling Twilight of her past exploits, along with her light grinding was making more of the human girl’s pheromones release. It seemed Twilight had not learned to control the urges of the human body as well, she could feel her loins getting wetter as the thoughts of her former mentor getting rutted from both ends by Thorax and Pharynx played in her head, alongside that were images of her bending Ember over, wielding her alicorn phallus, and fucking the petite blue dragon into submission.

“And now you’ve presented me with something new, and something intoxicating, Twilight. You’re scent is overwhelming.” Celestia raised her head and stuck out her tongue. She lowered her head a little and gave Twilight’s left nipple a little lick, causing the human teen to release an involuntary moan. “And you sound cuter in this form, too.”

“C-Celestia…I don’t…I…”

Celestia moved up a little so that she was eye level with Twilight. Both teacher and student held each other’s gazes for a long moment before the former pressed her lips against the latter’s. Twilight felt Celestia’s tongue invade her mouth, it was longer than a human tongue, a bit bigger, too. She never noticed how big their tongues were until now. That same tongue pushed more into Twilight’s mouth, gently reaching towards the back of her throat, causing Twilight to cough.

The alabaster alicorn quickly retracted her tongue and waited until Twilight stopped her coughing fit. “I-I’m sorry, Twilight! Are you alright?!”

“I-I’m fine. You’re tongue went deeper than I was expecting…”

“Oh…wow, we’re even different orally in that regard, too.”

“True…but…” Twilight glanced away as she said, “T-There’s another part of me that your tongue can go that’s deep enough…”

Celestia’s eyes widened before turning into seductive slits. “Say no more my faithful student.”

Hearing Celestia call her that in this context felt dirty, and so good at the same time. Celestia gently pulled back until she was standing on all fours at the edge of the bed. Twilight scooted back until her legs were dangling off the edge and laid herself back as she prepared for what was coming next.

Celestia approached Twilight’s smooth pussy, she pressed her snout against that spot again and took a long whiff of Twilight’s scent. The smell was like a drug that she could not get enough off, making her own pussy wetter as it started to wink. “Huh, you’re not winking, Twilight, are you not enjoying yourself?”

“T-That’s not it! Human vaginas don’t wink…”

“Oh, fascinating. But it seems there’s one thing we both have in common. We both seem to get wet.”

Celestia dove in, lapping at Twilight’s folds and causing the young Princess to squirm in place. The older alicorn stuck out her tongue and slowly began penetrating Twilight’s sopping wet pussy. Twilight pressed her right hand against her mouth, trying to stifle a squeal as her left hand gripped the sheets. Celestia’s tongue probed deeper into her, lapping at the inner walls of her former student’s most intimate parts. The taste was far different from a mare’s, it was sweeter, with a bit of hearty musk, and…salty. Which was even better as salt was like an addictive drug in Equestria.

Celestia dove in with a bit more gusto as she pressed her muzzle against Twilight’s crotch, circling her tongue inside of her, and sucking on it whole. Twilight kept squirming and squealing, panting every now and again as she felt her former teacher’s tongue come close to hitting her cervix. Only a few inches separated Celestia from entering the deepest part of her body, the thought of that both excited and scared Twilight.

Wet slurping sounds echoed in the room, adding to the chorus of other sounds Twilight was making. Celestia lit up her horn and focused her aura on Twilight’s breasts. The mare turned human moaned louder when she felt her breasts getting squeezed. They were pulled out in opposite directions and then squished back together, then Celestia would focus more on her nipples, tweaking them just enough to make it feel good, without completely passing the line of pain.

“C-Celestia – P-Princess – I’m – I’m going to – to – AAAAAAH!” Twilight screamed as her back arched.

Celestia felt a gush of fluid pass into her mouth as Twilight’s walls clamped down around her tongue. The alicorn drank down Twilight’s bounty, reveling in the taste of a human mare’s feminine cum. After a few more moments, Twilight stopped arching her back and came back down on the bed, allowing Celestia to gently pull out her tongue and as smacked her lips, enjoying the remnants that still clung to the fur on her muzzle.

“You tasted good, Twilight,” said Celestia.

“T-T-Thank you…Princess…” Twilight replied through her pants.

The older mare chuckled as she remarked, “You know you’re the Princess, right?”

“Not right now…” Twilight countered. “Right now…I’m just a human girl…here to…to be used by the ruler of this land…!”

Celestia blinked in confusion for a moment, but then started to understand where Twilight was going with this, which only made her smile broaden. “Oh, yes, little human. I’ve called you here to my world, to be nothing more than my plaything. I’ve indulged you long enough, now it’s your turn to please me.”

Twilight watched as Celestia got onto the bed, crawling up to the pillows where she laid on her left side.

“Now, human, seeing as you don’t possess a stallionhood, you’ll have to please me in another fashion,” Celestia spoke.

Twilight managed to sit on the bed and asked, “Y-Yes, Princess, how would you like me to please you?”

“Your foreleg. I want you to fuck my marehood with it.”

Twilight did a double take. “Y-You want me to…” Twilight looked at her right arm. “To put my arm in your marehood?”

“No, I said fuck me with your that appendage as deep and as hard as you can. Bear in mind, there will be severe consequences if you don’t manage to make me cum,” Celestia warned with a fake edge in her voice. “Understood?”

“Y-Yes, Princess!”

Twilight maneuvered herself around until she at Celestia’s rear. Her tail flagged, preparing for Twilight’s inevitable deed. Twilight herself was unsure about this, she had heard of mares getting “hoofed”, where a mare or stallion shoves their hoof and foreleg up a mare’s vagina. Such a thing is not done often due to the roughness of a hoof and the potential damage that it could do if done incorrectly. However, that was not the case here, Twilight’s fingernails were neatly trimmed, and her arm was half the size of a stallion phallus, so there was no way she could possibly hurt Celestia. But that still did not mean there was a possibility.

“I’m waiting, human!” Celestia snapped.

“Uh – uh – yes! I-I’m going in slowly…”

Twilight balled her right hand into a fist and pressed it against Celestia’s sopping marehood. The mare shivered a bit upon contact. Twilight pushed against Celestia’s folds and after a moment her whole fist popped into Celestia’s pussy. Celestia released a gasping moan upon feeling the foreign appendage inside of her, but managed to maintain her composure, nonetheless. Twilight pushed more, sinking her arm in inch by inch, feeling the heat of Celestia’s insides. The mare turned human found that she had enough room to unclench her fist and let her fingers explore the inside of her former mentor’s genitalia.

The former alicorn had to admit, this was exciting, to explore her former teacher in such an intimate fashion was making her heart pound in her chest. The wetness, the warmth, she could feel all of it along her arm. Twilight pushed more and stopped when her elbow was against Celestia’s entrance. Without much warning, Twilight pulled back and then shoved it back in again, making the older alicorn release her own moan of ecstasy. Twilight widened her stance and held onto Celestia with her free hand, and once she had, she went to town.

Twilight began thrusting her arm in and out of Celestia’s marehood with wanton abandonment, fucking her like a stallion would a whorse.

“AAAAH! FUCK! Yes! Yes! Oh, FUCK it feels like you’re punching my organs! OH AAAAAAAAAH!!!” Celestia moaned.

“I-I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, Princess!”


Twilight did as she asked, pumping her right arm in and out of Celestia harder and faster. Celestia squirmed as she moaned louder, her release coming quickly as she was already on edge after eating out Twilight. That moment finally came when Celestia released a long moan, her pussy clamping around Twilight’s arm and holding her in place as she cummed hard, staining the sheets and coating Twilight’s arm in a hefty dose of mare cum. It took a minute, but Celestia’s pussy finally relaxed enough to allow her to pull it out.

The former alicorn looked at her right arm, which glistened with the excretions of her mentor, the mare who guided her and taught her all she knew. This…This her essence…Twilight brought her fingers to her mouth and began sucking them, relishing the taste of her mentor’s pussy.

However, Celestia cut Twilight’s enjoyment a bit short. The alabaster alicorn lit up her horn, wrapping Twilight in her aura and lifted the human into the air. “You did splendidly, human…I admit, that was a vigorous rutting you gave me.” Celestia stood on the bed as she plopped Twilight down in the middle, using her magic to put the human girl on all fours. “I must return the favor.”

Twilight was confused for a moment, at least until she looked down between her legs and watched as a stallionhood, coated in Celestia’s golden aura, appeared. Twilight, in a panic, quickly flipped around, crossed her legs, and said, “W-W-Wait, Princess, no! You can’t do that!”

Celestia was snapped out of her lustful haze, noting the concern in her former student’s voice. “Twilight, why not? Will…Will you get pregnant if I do? If that’s the case, I can cast a spell that will make me sterile.”

“No, no, that’s not! It’s…well…anatomy. Well…look at yourself!”

Celestia carefully raised her right hind leg to look at her alicorn phallus. It was a girthy thing, about a foot and a half long, and four inches in diameter. “It’s the same as it always has been.”

“Now look at my marehood.”

Celestia did as Twilight asked, after a few seconds of staring at Twilight’s pussy, it finally clicked in the older mare’s head. “Oh my, you’re marehood is small…”

“Yes…if you put that in me, you’ll most likely tear me apart…” Twilight shuddered.

Celestia shuddered as well. If Twilight had not said anything she could’ve seriously injured her.

“I’m sorry, I know you were excited to…do the deed, but if you want, I could felate it? Or maybe you can grind it against my body?” Twilight suggested.

Celestia had not run into this problem for quite some time. Most adult, and older teenage mares could take her alicornhood with little trouble. Pony bodies were surprisingly stretchy in certain areas, and one of those, for mares, was their vaginas and wombs.

“Well, like all things, we turn to magic to remedy the situation,” said Celestia.

“Wait what – GAH!”

Twilight was suddenly flipped back into “pony style” position, “P-Princess, what are you doing?!”

“Hold still please.” Celestia’s horn glowed brighter, intensifying the glow around Twilight’s body. “You’re not the first none pony I’ve had to make adjustments for.”

Twilight looked over her shoulder and asked, “Wait, are you going to reduce the size of your penis?”

“Oh heavens no. I’m actually going two cast a couple of spells on you. The first one will be an elasticity enhancement spell. This will allow your body to stretch and give without breaking or tearing. The second spell will increase the amount of pleasure you feel, this will overcome whatever possible pain you might feel from this.”

Before Twilight could raise and objections, Celestia had already cast the spells. The first one was not immediately noticeable, but the second was. Upon taking affect, Twilight’s pussy felt like it was on fire, as if her heat cycle had kicked in early, causing her loins to burn with desire. Just the faintest brush of the wind was causing her to moan like a bitch in heat.

Now that her spells had taken affect, Celestia decided it was time to sample the pleasures of a human’s marehood. Celestia drew closer to Twilight, rising on her hindlegs as she began to mount her former student. The flat head of Celestia’s prodigious girth pressed against Twilight’s pussy, which had become slickened by the increased amount of womanly fluids. Twilight was feeling anxious, but the moment that Celestia pressed her dick against her folds, that anxiousness was forgotten as another loud moan escaped her, her hips involuntarily began bucking backwards towards her former mentor, her body begging to be rutted by the mare atop her.

Without any words, Celestia pushed herself against Twilight, she grunted a little, finding it a tad difficult, while Twilight gritted her teeth, feeling the strain of her entrance being forced open by the large phallus about to invade it. After a few moments more, Celestia released a small, primal grunt and bucked her hips forward, allowing the head of her dick to slip inside with a wet pop sound. Twilight immediately orgasmed, it was more than she was expecting, but Celestia was not done yet.

The alabaster alicorn pushed more of herself into Twilight, determined to bottom out before she began ravaging the teenage girl’s hole. More and more of Celestia’s cock pushed inwards, widening Twilight’s pussy as it did. Twilight found herself releasing strained sounds from her mouth, feeling the huge cock force her love tunnel to expand more than it was supposed to by human standards. The mare turned human dared to look under herself, past her breasts, and that’s when she saw it. Celestia’s dick was pushing so much against her insides that she could see it bulging, a long rod-like shape that was going deeper and deeper into her.

Twilight’s tongue began to loll out of her mouth as felt every inch of Celestia’s cock, every vein that pulsed along it, the heat that it radiated, and of course, the head that pushed her inner walls wider than they were supposed to go. Every inch that sank into her was pure bliss, putting her into a near endless orgasm. Twilight released a gasping moan when she felt the medial ring of Celestia’s cock finally push in, indicating that half of Celestia’s cock was inside of her. And after another moment Twilight felt Celestia stop as the head of her former mentor’s dick made contact with her cervix.

Celestia lowered herself until her muzzle was close enough to Twilight’s right ear, and then she whispered, “I’m about to be in the deepest part of your body, Twilight. I must confess, I’ve had fantasies about this moment since you came of age. Now, I’m about to fulfill two of my fetishes at once, fucking a new creature, and fucking my former student’s pussy!”

The alicorn drew her hips back and gave one powerful thrust forward, the head of her dick burst through Twilight’s cervix like a battering ram, granting her access to Twilight’s fertile womb, but she kept pushing more until the head of her cock was pressed against the wall of Twilight’s womb, finally bottoming out completely into Twilight.

The former alicorn released a lust filled moan as her back arched and her pussy gushed more of her fluids, creating a large wet spot beneath her as it ran down her legs. Celestia was so deep inside of her, her dick filled up Twilight’s pussy completely, and her womb, she had never been able to reach this far into her body, even with her dildos. Her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head, threatening to pass out at any moment, but miraculously she held onto her consciousness.

The spell was working perfectly, Twilight’s body was taking Celestia’s girth just fine. And now that she had bottomed out in her former student, Celestia began to fuck her in earnest. Celestia placed her hooves against Twilight’s back as she began thrusting into the former alicorn. But these weren’t slow thrusts, oh no, Celestia had waited a long time for this moment, and the cherry on top was this new form, so Celestia was not going to waste time with slow thrusts. She was going to RUT Twilight like a broodmare. Celestia began thrusting her hips like a piston, back and forth, in and out, fucking Twilight with lustful abandon. Each thrust shook Twilight’s body, causing her breasts to swing pendulously each time.

Twilight was a moaning, screaming mess, her mind was quite literally full of fuck. Every pleasurable thrust was amplified by Celestia’s second spell, making it feel twice as good as it should. There was pain but compared to the amount of pleasure that was flooding her nerve receptors, it might as well have been nonexistent.



“No need to ask, human! I’ll fill your womb with my virile seed and watch your belly expand with my foal!” Celestia stated.


Twilight gasped and moaned, panted, and mewled with each thrust. Her body was becoming licked with sweat, she drooled heavily as her mouth hung open, tongue hanging out like a dog as her face formed into the classic “fucked silly” expression Sunset had shown her in those human porn books.

Celestia could feel it coming, the big one. The alicorn mare draped herself over Twilight’s back and began delivering short but powerful thrusts into her. Twilight could feel it coming, her own big one, which was being urged on by feeling Celestia’s dick expand and pulse, telling her body that she was about to receive a healthy does of her mentor’s baby batter.

“I’M GOING TO CUM, TWILIGHT!” Celestia warned.


Those words were enough to push Celestia over the edge as she hilted inside of Twilight and released all her pent-up lust in the form of a deluge of cum. The white liquid poured into Twilight’s womb, making it rapidly expand to try and hold it in. On the outside, Twilight’s stomach enlarged at a rapid pace, to the point it appear as if she was at least ten months pregnant. Twilight screamed her orgasm loudly into the air, as her pussy sprayed out her own womanly jizz everywhere, Twilight was lost in the sea of ecstasy, her whole body radiated with pleasure as she felt her womb getting filled up with Celestia’s hot seed.

With nowhere to go due to Celestia’s huge cock filling up the entrance, her cum could only fill Twilight’s womb up more and more. After a minute, Celestia felt her orgasm waning, and then it was over. Twilight had completely passed out, her face contorted into a slutty, blissed out expression. Celestia felt her former student go limp below her, the only thing holding Twilight up was Celestia still stiff dick. The alicorn mare used her magic to carefully extract herself from Twilight’s entrance, shivering with delight and oversensitivity. The moment that Celestia popped her stallionhood’s head out of Twilight’s pussy, cum came gushing out of Twilight.

The milky stream of alicorn seed was pungent and musky, and completely slathered the bedsheets. Celestia lowered Twilight so that she was lying on her back, keeping her legs spread so that the cum could keep draining unimpeded. Celestia lied down next to Twilight’s right side as she happily gazed upon her.

Twilight’s head was spinning, and her body was sensitive as well. She tried to get up, but exhaustion had taken hold of her. “What…”

“Welcome back, Twilight,” said Celestia.

Twilight turned her head to the right and saw Celestia lying there. “Oh…Prin – Celestia, what…what happened?”

“We had quite the session, you and I.”

Celestia gestured with a flick of her head towards Twilight’s lower half. Twilight managed to garner enough strength to sit up and look down at herself. Only now that her senses were coming back to her did she notice the pungent smell that permeated the room, not to mention the wetness and crustiness of the dried cum, both from herself and Celestia. Her stomach was still bloated, which made her look five months pregnant. Her legs were unresponsive, not that she could not feel them or get them to move, it was more like they were too tired to move at all.

“Oh dear…yeah…I remember now.”

“Forgive me if I was overzealous, Twilight. I…I must admit that what I said earlier was not just talk…I really have wanted to have sex with you since you came of age…But I was afraid of interfering with your life, and any potential suitors that might catch your eye or court you.” The older alicorn sighed somberly. “I hate to say it, but I took advantage of the situation to fulfill two fetishes at once, even knowing that you weren’t in complete control of your new body’s urges.”

Twilight smiled at Celestia, she then reached out with her left hand, placing it gently against the alicorn’s right cheek. “It’s alright. It was a bit…overstimulating…but at the same time, it was probably the best sexual experience I’ve ever had.”

“How many sexual experiences have you had?” Celestia questioned.

“Over the last few years……two.”

“TWO?!” Celestia gasped.

“The first was with…Sunset in the human world. I visited another time a while back, and…well…one thing led to another…”

“And the second?”


Celestia sighed a little, she knew her student was dedicated to her work, and her friends, but she really needed to get out and sow some oats a bit more. “Wait…are you saying that Sunset took your virginity then?”

“Technically my virginity was taken by a dildo when I was seventeen…but…if you don’t count sex toys–”

“I don’t,” Celestia interjected in a deadpan tone.

“Then, yes, Sunset Shimmer was my first…”

Celestia held a deadpan expression for a few moments and then she said, “Twilight, when you’re rested up, and return to normal, we’re going to pay my other former student a little visit.”