Shipfic Chronicles

by Vocal Range

First published

A series of short one-shots, based around multiple MLP Shippings.

Hello everybody, this is my second fanfiction attempt, this will encompass a series of One-Shot shipfics.
The shipfics in this collection, will be between 2,000-6,000 words.
I hope you enjoy, all the diabetes induced, romance stories hope you enjoy the work. If you see any mistakes, such as spelling errors, misused words, or punctuation mistakes, please tell me in the comments, so I can correct them. Also leave any constructive criticism, in the comments as well. Hope you guys enjoy, all my hard work.
Teen Rating for possible, teen-rated themes later on.

Chapter 1: RariJack- "Coming To Terms"- Applejack has been feeling new emotions, for a certain snow white unicorn, she can't quite put her hoof on why. 2173 Words.

Chapter 2: AppleDash- "A Race For The Heart"- Applejack notices Rainbow Dash, acting strangely she can't quite understand why, but shes gonna find out, one way or another. 2214 Words.

Chapter 3: TwiDash- "Preening Is Loving"- Twilight Sparkle has recently rose up through the ranks since moving to Ponyville, she has now fulfilled her destiny and became the next Alicorn Princess of Equestria, Twilight is only having one little problem her new wings. Its a good thing one of your best friends is Rainbow Dash one of the best fliers in Equestria, but after the pegasus has an unfortunate accident Twilight's choice of how to help may change their relationship forever. 2256 Words.

Chapter 1: RariJack- "Coming To Terms"

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Chapter 1-RariJack: "Coming To Terms"

In friendship honesty is a quality most ponies look for, which is why Applejack has so many great friends from all over Equestria. Except what happens when your truthful with everypony else, but not yourself. Applejack is always truthful with everypony she meets, yet she can't seem to be truthful with herself. Recently shes been having feelings, for a certain pony Applejack has never felt this way about another pony, but shes coming to terms with the fact that its not a stallion. Knowing shes not a good liar, she knew somepony would figure it out eventually. So even with her built up anxiety, she knew she had to talk to somepony about it, knowing the one pony who would know about love, she decided she had to ask even if her secret came out. Applejack left Sweet Apple Acres, late into Luna's night heading for Carousal Boutique, to talk to Rarity. When she arrived she lifted her hoof to knock on the door, but her brain began to talk her out of it. She decided to swallow her pride, and slowly knocked on the door, the door swung open to reveal a snow white unicorn mare standing there. In nothing more than a bathrobe, mane still wet obviously from just finishing showering.

"Uh Rarity. I-I think I think, I better come back later." Applejack stammered, trying to keep her eyes from wandering to certain regions, of the soaking wet mares body.

"Nonsense Applejack, come in come in so. What brings you out here this late?" The door closed behind Applejack, with a thud causing Applejack to jump slightly. "Darling, are you alright? You're never so nervous. Is something bothering you dear?" Rarity said, looking her friend over, the orange mare averted her gaze looking at anything but the unicorn, in front of her. Applejack's face began to heat up, she became flush as she swallowed to speak. Nothing came from the mare's mouth, instead the words only rang out in her head.

Your not helpin' Rares, I'm feelin' thangs for ya that I don't think I should be feelin'. And you bein' all sweet and helpful, ain't makin' it no better. Applejack thought, calming herself down, as she sat down on the sofa beside one of her best friends.

"Applejack dear. Applejack?" Rarity waved a hoof in front of the farmpony's face, finally snapping her out of her daydream.

"Huh. Did ya say something Rares?"

"Yes darling, you don't seem like you're normal self, is something bothering you. I will do anything I can to help Applejack, I promise." Rarity said, taking Applejack's hoof in hers, causing a small blush to form across Applejack's face. She quickly shook it off, before the unicorn could notice.

"No Rarity I-I'm not ok, I feel so weird. I've been feelin' thangs, I probably shouldn' be feelin', but recently I haven't been able to help myself." Applejack, pulled her hoof away from her friend's grip, so she could place her face into her hooves, tears began following from her eyes, causing even more worry to shroud the unicorn's thoughts.

"Well Applejack, I'm here for you, if you need somepony to talk to, I'm always here. Now...Whats wrong?"

"Rarity, ha-have ya ever been in-." A pregnant pause fell over the room, as Applejack sucked in a deep breath, before she was able to continue. "In love before."

"Well um darling, I can't say that I have I've felt crushes before, nothing more than that."

"Oh well, I think I'm gonna leave." She got up to make her exit, before hearing a voice come from behind her.

"Wait Applejack, that doesn't mean I can't help you." Rarity said, patting the cushion beside her, signaling for her to sit back down. She came back to the couch, sitting down beside her friend.

"Now Applejack, you must be having strong feelings for this pony. So tell me about them."

"Well their very charmin', good-lookin', kind and an all around good pony." Applejack closed her eyes, not wanting to look into her secret loves eyes, but even with her eyes closed, Rarity's image still danced in her mind.

"They sound, simply wonderful darling, so. Why not tell this pony, how you feel?"

"Well, I'm really not what their lookin' for in a special somepony." Applejack said, tears beginning to form again in her already bloodshot eyes, her eyes remaining closed attempting to not alert her friend, to her growing depression if she didn't already know.

"Applejack. How could you know that darling? You're a fine looking mare, with great attributes, anypony who would let you go is completely crazy."

"Well thanks Rares, but that's not the only problem." Applejack said, finally looking up from her hooves.

"What else could possible be wrong dear?"

"Rarity, its just its a-." Finally she couldn't hold her emotions back anymore, tears flooded from her bloodshot red eyes, this time Rarity couldn't help but notice.

"Applejack, its going to be okay." Rarity pulled her into an embrace, both ponies began sobbing. They remained in their embrace until Rarity broke the hug, wiping her eyes before speaking. "Now go on dear, you were telling me the other problem."

"Rarity its a mare...I think, I'm a fillyfooler."

"Applejack, don't say something like that, about yourself it makes it sound so wrong. I won't have you degrading yourself, not while you're in my Boutique."

"What the hay do you mean?" Applejack asked, sniffling as she spoke.

"Applejack, liking another mare is completely normal, the term fillyfooler is used by closed-minded ponies to insult something their tiny brains can't comprehend."

"So i-its not weird or horrible." Applejack said, a smile returning to the orange mare's face.

"Of course not dear, its completely natural." Rarity said, patting Applejack's back reassuring her. "Now Applejack. Who is this mare? And why wouldn't she, want to be with you."

"Rares, its just that shes not into mares, shes looking for a stallion."

"Applejack. How do you know that for sure?"

"Well anytime I see her, she always mentions bein' sweep off her hooves, by a nice stallion."

"Darling, just because she says that, doesn't mean you don't have a chance."

"Whatcha mean?" Applejack asked, staring into Rarity's eyes she could feel the love radiating from them.

"Applejack dear, just because ponies say they like a certain sex, doesn't mean anything they may just have a preference. They could be just hiding true feelings, by trying to act like what everypony deems as normal. Or they could be another sexual orientation all together."

"Like, what?"

"Well dear, they could be Gay, Bi, Pan, Ace, or Demi." Applejack heard this making her brain, begin to buzz loudly as she tried to piece all the information together she just heard.

"What does all that mean Rarity?"

"Gay and Bi are pretty common, so I shouldn't have to explain those. Pansexual's are ponies who are attracted to anypony, including stallions, mares and even transgendered ponies. Ace or Asexual ponies feel no sexual desires, towards ponies of any sex. Finally Demisexuality is where ponies feel very little sexual arousal, unless there with a pony they care deeply about."

"Ok so. How do I know if shes any of those?"

"Well, you simply have to ask them, if they've come terms with their sexuality, they won't mind talking to you as long as your friends at least."

"So just, ask her huh."

"Yes its as simple, as that just ask her."

"Well just from curiosity. Which are you?" Applejack began, biting her lip to the point of bleeding worried what kind of answer she'd get.

"Well darling, I'm Ace I've never really cared for sex. I just want somepony, to spend my life with."

Yeah I know what ya mean, except you want yourself a stallion, and all I want, is you. Applejack thought, bringing her sadness to a new all time low, she didn't know what to do or say next.

"Yeah, I know what that feels like."

"So, are you going to tell her, she deserves to at least know. How you feel? Darling."

"Yeah, but I just don't want, to be...heartbroken." Applejack said, Rarity paused never seeing this side of Applejack, she was usually so tough.

I never knew Applejack was so sensitive, I guess I just forget that shes a regular pony, just like everypony else meaning she feels sadness, happiness, and love. Well as Celestia as my witness, I will unite Applejack with her special somepony, if it kills me.

"Applejack, that is always a possibility but you don't want to always think, what could have been."

"You're right Rarity." Applejack grabbed a hold of Rarity's hoof, looking deep into her sapphire eyes. Rarity's cheeks and muzzle began to turn a red hue, causing a small smile to come across both their faces. "Rarity, I-I love you."

"Well, Applejack I'm flattered but-." She stopped, talking seeing the smile on Applejack's face fade, into a sorrowful yet angry face.

"See, I knew I was right you wouldn't want to be with somepony like me." Applejack scowled, tears began forming again in her eyes, Applejack tried using her hoof to wipe them away.

"You didn't let me finish Applejack, I'm flattered even though I've only had small thoughts of being with another mare. I'm willing to try us, if you are." Rarity said, using her magic to levitate a box of tissues from a nearby table, removing two from the box using one to wipe her own eyes, while doing the same to Applejack with the other tissue.

"Rarity, you'd do somethin' like that...for me."

"Well of course Applejack like I said, I'd be here to help you as much as I can." Rarity said, the thought never crossed her mind that Applejack's special somepony, could really be her.

"Thanks Rares, and everythin' I said before about the mare I love was true." Applejack said, nuzzling into Rarity's mane and neck, feeling complete happiness for the first time in months, since she began feeling this way.

"I know Applejack, and what I said was true too you are very beautiful." Rarity said, the blush on both ponies cheeks, intensified as she said that.

"Thanks Rarity I-." She couldn't finish her sentence.

She felt herself being pulled closer, to the unicorn by a hoof on the back of her mane, bring her closer to Rarity's lips before meeting for their first passionate kiss. Several seconds went by, everything felt warm and tingly for both mares from head to tail, they felt like the whole world disappeared around them leaving nopony and no thing but them. Both mares finally pulled away breaking the kiss, neither spoke for several minutes. Sitting in complete silence, just enjoying each others company. Knowing that their relationship is changed forever, finally both mares felt the need to speak.

"Rari-Apple." Both ponies, tried speaking before noticing they were talking over each other.

"You go ahead, darling."

"Rarity." Applejack took a pregnant pause, lost in her marefriend's eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too, Applejack." Rarity began, nuzzling her marefriend's neck before giving her a final passionate kiss, before Applejack departed the sofa.

"Goodnight Rares, I'll see ya tomorrow maybe for a date. Love ya Rares."

"Of course Applejack a date would be nice, goodnight dear. I love you too."

As the door closed behind Applejack, she walked away into Celestia's sun heading towards Sweet Apple Acres. Neither Rarity or Applejack had ever felt the warmth and love, from another pony before both ponies began to tear up, but for different reasons. Both ponies crying came not from sadness but from pure happiness and bliss, for the first time both ponies felt complete in life. Filling a hole that neither know was there, finally both being able to be happy in a relationship for the first time ever.

Chapter 2: AppleDash- "A Race for the Heart"

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Chapter 2: AppleDash- "A Race for the Heart"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been good friends for years now, only problem is everything turns into a competition. Every walk turns into a race, but what if they found something more in each other could they put their competitive natures aside for each other. Their friendship was being put to the test during one of their competitions, a race through the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, seems a little unfair with Applejack knowing the trails and layout better than Dash. Rainbow Dash was to stubborn to admit defeat especially to Applejack, as Rainbow Dash began to stretch her legs and wings, that was until she felt a tight compression around her wing holding them tightly to her body. As she looked back she only saw the orange flank of Applejack, she began to daydream until she looked at her wings, they were tied down to her body.

"AJ. What the hay is this for?" Rainbow asked, attempting to break the rope tethering her wings to her body.

"That's to make sure ya don't cheat again, remember that Iron Pony Competition we had a few months ago."
Dash began to flashback to the competition, remembering how she had acted as she shook the memory from her mind she finally spoke.

"Come on Applejack I learned my lesson, besides this is just us a little friendly competition." Rainbow said, giving Applejack a hung-dog expression lip quivering trying to get sympathy from her opponent.

"Alright fine, Dash." Applejack walked towards the pegasus, untying her wings.

Come on Dash control yourself, so you saw AJ's extremely sexy flank who cares its not like you want her in that way right. Rainbow thought, as the final knots of the rope fell away she couldn't control herself, her wings shot out to full extension and began to stiffen. This caught Applejack's eyes who was confused from Rainbow's display, not knowing what to make of it.

"You alright there sugarcube?" Applejack asked, seeing the muscles in Rainbow's wings begin to tense up and stiffen, even more causing a blush to come across both their faces.

"Um yeah, just fine lets just uh get this race going." Rainbow said nervously, her blush intensified as she caught Applejack staring at her fully splayed wings Rainbow rubbed her hooves through her wings, trying to reduce the stiffness.

"Alright Rainbow Dash if ya say so, I'm ready when you are." Applejack said, getting into a downward position her flank sticking slightly in the air, causing Rainbow's wings to stiffen up slightly again.

"Alright AJ Ready, Set, GO."

Both ponies took off ripping through the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, only there was something wrong this time it wasn't one of their normal races. Applejack noticed Rainbow lagging behind still fidgeting with her still stiff wings, finally calming them down enough to continue. As Rainbow Dash, noticed Applejack staring at her she tore off through the trees again, Applejack was fast in tow trying to catch up to Rainbow. She had almost made up for lost ground, as she began to think she slowed her pace as her mind began racing.

Somethin's wrong with Rainbow, she ain't actin' like herself today. Maybe there's somethin' botherin' her, she did seem awful nervous earlier. Only one way to find out. Applejack slowed her running down to a slow trot, as she saw Rainbow cross the finish line she picked her pace back up.

"Congratulations Rainbow, guess ya beat me that time." Applejack said, attempting to go against her element Rainbow wasn't focused enough to call Applejack out on her lie.

"Yeah I guess I did." Dash said, as she began preening a few ruffled feathers using her free wing to cover her face, which began blushing heavily again.

"Rainbow. Is somethin' botherin' ya?"

"No AJ everything is perfectly fine." Rainbow said, spitting out a muzzle full of feathers sweat began forming on the pegasus head and cheeks.

"Are ya sure sugarcube, usually whenever ya beat me you're always braggin' so much. Somethin's wrong. What is it?" Applejack asked, in a stern voice, almost sounding like a parent scolding their misbehaving foal.

"I told you before AJ, nothing is wrong just drop it!" Rainbow yelled, Applejack was taken aback by Rainbow's outburst, she never acted like that Rainbow might be a hot-head at times, but she'd never yelled out in anger at her friends on purpose, this time it was on purpose.

"Rainbow there's somethin' eatin' ya, and ya need to talk about it." Applejack said stomping her hoof in frustration, at Rainbow Dash's stubbornness.

"The only thing eating me right now is you, now just leave me alone." Rainbow was still yelling, causing Applejack to resort to drastic measures.

"Fine sugarcube, have it you're way we tried it the easy way, now we try it the apple way." Applejack began walking closer to the prone pegasus, laying down across from her.

"AJ just drop it, there's noth-." Before she could finish her statement, she was pinned under a large orange mass of fur.

"Sorry Dash, but this is for you're own good I'm not lettin' ya up until ya tell me whats wrong." Applejack said, pinning Rainbow's hooves down with her body weight, Applejack used her hooves to pin the struggling ponies wings down.

"Nothing is wrong with me, except I have a large farmpony holding me down against my will trying to drag something out of me that's none of her business." Rainbow said, as she tried to fight the muscular mare of her chest, it wasn't working she finally gave up fighting.

"Rainbow, you haven't been yourself since the race started. What's gotten into ya?"

"Nothing, just forget about it." Rainbow said, venom sipping from her muzzle as she spoke.

As Applejack loosened her pressure on Rainbow's wings, Rainbow felt a build up of tension in her wings. She tried tucking her wings close to her body, not wanting a repeat of earlier. She keep her eyes closed, trying to not even see or think about the pony on top of her. Finally the thoughts got the better of her, for the second time her wings shoot out with a pomff. She hid her face mortified at her display, right in front of Applejack.

"Rainbow, do ya have a problem with you're wings, or somethin'?" Applejack said, knowing she wouldn't get out of this until she talked, Rainbow finally began to speak.

"No AJ, this happens to pegasus ponies when were-..." Rainbow trailed off, not wanting to continue to embarrassed, to admit the truth.

"What was that sugarcube, I didn't quite hear ya."

"When a pegasus ponies wings stiffen, it means were excited, most ponies call it a "wingboner." Rainbow said, using her two free front hooves, just enough to emphasize the word "wingboner".

"What in the hay does that mean?" Applejack asked, with a devious grin she knew exactly what it meant, but Rainbow Dash didn't have to know that. Besides she wanted to hear it from Rainbow Dash herself.

"I'll tell you, as soon as you let me up."

"Fine RD, but no funny business." Applejack said, getting up off the still flustered pegasus.

"Thank you." Rainbow said, rolling over as she sat back on her haunches.

"Now, spill sugarcube. Whats wrong?"

"Applejack, sometimes whenever a pegasus pony has the hots for another pony, our wings will stiffen and expand to full length."

"Oh you mean kinda like-." Applejack spoke, trying to joke with the still blushing pegasus before, she was stopped by a hoof to the mouth.

"Yes, not another word about that."

"Fine so. Whats this got to do with today?" Applejack asked, trying to hold back her laughter as Rainbow, began explaining her situation.

"Ahhh, you are so dense sometimes, Applejack my wings did that because..." She paused, gulped down a large knot in her throat and took in a few deep breaths before continuing. "Because, I'm attracted to you." Rainbow said, her head hanging in shame.

"Wow, well I never knew I just..." She was stopped by crying from the cerulean pegasus. "Dash its ok, everythang's gonna be fine." She said, stroking the mane of her scared friend.

"Yeah everything's gonna be fine sure, you think I'm some kinda weirdo now that's just so perfect." Rainbow said, diverting her eyes, from the emerald eyes of the pony she loved.

"No I don't Rainbow, I may be a little shocked but I understand."

"How could you possible understand?"

"Well we have alot in common, and we've spent alot of time together over the years...Maybe, I feel the same way too."

"Really." It was all Rainbow, could come up with, she was shocked at what she just heard.

"Yeah, I was just a little scared ta tell ya, I thought ya might think I was gross but I think we can try us, if'n ya want to." Applejack said, lifting Rainbow's head they looked deep into each others eyes, tears of happiness cascading down both their faces.

"Hay yeah I want too." Rainbow said, wrapping her hooves around her new marefriend's neck, she tried adding her wings into the hug too, but the were still pretty stiff.

"Uh Rainbow. What about you're wings?" Applejack asked, poking at the still stiffened appendages.

"They'll usually go down on there own after a little while, but sometimes you may have to preen them." Rainbow said, as she laid down, she began preening her left wing. As she finished the left she moved to the right, as she finished it she tried reaching the base of her wings. She didn't know why she tried, she could never reach them.

"Need some help there, sugarcube." Applejack asked, in a slightly lower voice, causing her wings to stiffen even more. Before she got an answer Applejack laid down next to her new marefriend, and began preening the base of her wings.

"What are you..." Rainbow said, winching before realizing she felt no pain or discomfort. "How do you..." She was stopped by a pluck of a feather.

"Well ya ain't the first pegasus I've dated Dashie, so I've got some experience with preening." They laid in silence, as Applejack finished preening Rainbow's wings. "There that outta do it, sugarcube."

"Thanks AJ but, if you've dated pegasus ponies before how didn't you know about why my wings were..."

"Well I already knew RD, I just wanted to tease ya a little plus I wanted to make sure I was right."

"Thanks AJ, for everything."

"No problem Dashie but..." Applejack was cut off by a passionate kiss, from the pegasus. After several seconds, Rainbow finally broke the kiss.

"Sorry AJ, I-I just had to do that. What were you saying?" Rainbow said, as both mares struggled to catch their breath.

"Oh I uh was uh..." Applejack's brain was fried so many feelings and emotions were shooting off at once. "I was just gonna say we need a rematch on today's race." Applejack said, with a slight chuckle and blush.

"Why is that Applesmack, you being a sore loser." Rainbow said, jokingly with her new-marefriend.

"Not at all Rainbow Crash but...I kinda let ya win, that there race." Applejack said, giving Rainbow a loving punch in the leg.

"Oh come on, jealous much." Rainbow rubbed the spot were AJ hit as she spoke.

"No its true, I wanted to see if somethin' was wrong with ya and when you didn't show-off about winnin' I knew somethin' was up."

"Anytime, Anywhere AJ."

"How about right now." Applejack said, tearing down the paths of the apple orchards.

"You're on." Rainbow yelled, racing after her new-marefriend.

Just because they were marefriends now didn't mean their relationship had to change. It just meant more lovey-dovey sweet moments, after their competitions. Both ponies now knew whatever the outcome of any competition between them, it didn't matter they found something much more important than winning. They found each other, they found true-love. That's worth more than any win, or any amount of riches in all of Equestria.

Chapter 3: TwiDash- "Preening Is Loving"

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Chapter 3-TwiDash: "Preening is Loving"

Rainbow Dash has been rather excited recently her best friend Twilight Sparkle has not only grown wings, giving Dash a new flying buddy but has also become a Princess of Equestria. Dash had taken it a pawn herself to teach Twilight to fly but it was going to be harder, then either pony could have expected. Especially after a unfortunate accident that would bring the two mares closer, then either would have ever expected.

"Alright Twi, just use the wind to glide don't worry about flapping to much. You only need to flap to keep you aloft, until you catch a breeze." Rainbow said, flying close to Twilight just in case any emergency occurred.

"Like this Rainbow." Twilight asked, as her wings caught a light breeze she began to glide slowly through the air, trying to listen to Rainbow's instructions and go against her judgement and not flap her wings furiously to stay a float.

"Yeah good job Twi, but stay focused you don't want-." Before Rainbow, could finish her statement Twilight began falling from the sky. Rainbow caught Twilight just before hitting the ground, she sat the alicorn princess down safely.

"You ok Twi." Rainbow panted lightly trying to not sound slightly tired, from all the work its taking to train Twilight to use her new wings.

"Yeah thanks to you Rainbow, I guess I'll never get the hang of flying." Twilight looked at the ground, ears stuck downward against her head feeling the sadness welling up in her friend, Dash knew exactly what to say.

"Twi, you'll get the hang of it eventually it takes time." Rainbow said, siting back on her haunches next to the newly crowned alicorn princess.

"I know Dash its just that I'll never be as good as you." Twilight said, leaving Rainbow dumbfounded at Twilight's response.

"Well Twi, is doing magic as advanced as you do easy for all unicorns."

"Well no Rainbow, I study advanced magic and I even re-wrote Starswirl the Bearded's spell."

"Exactly, the same goes for me I've been training to fly for years the same way you've been practicing magic." Rainbow said, standing up from her seated position beside Twilight.

"I guess you're right Rainbow, I just thought I'd be able,to pick up on flying as easy as I do magic, I guess I was acting a little crazy."

"Maybe just a little, Princess Twilight Sparkle." Rainbow said, sarcastically as she stood to bow at Twilight's hooves.

"Rainbow, don't call me Princess first of all were friends and secondly please no bowing were equals I'm no better than you are." Twilight said, covering her face with her hoof a small blush running across her muzzle and cheeks, she hated it when other ponies especially her best friends treated her differently.

"I know Twi, I just love messing with you I think that's enough practice for one day, we don't want anymore un-needed crashes do you mind if I show you this new trick I've been working on."

"Okay Rainbow, go ahead."

Twilight laid on the soft grass as Rainbow flew up high into the sky, before shooting down through the clouds. She cut two barrel rolls before something went horribly wrong. Twilight watched in horror not knowing what to do as Rainbow, plummeted to the ground she careened into the ground.

"RAINBOW, RAINBOW!!!! Are you okay?" There was no answer Twilight began to worry. She quickly felt relief as she saw Rainbow's chest raising and falling, with each breath still knocked out Twilight did the only thing she could do. She carried Rainbow over her back into the library closing the door behind her with her magic. Twilight began to notice the state of Rainbow's wings the once beautiful feathery appendages were mangled, bent and covered in dirt, with rocks and small twigs coming from between them.

Rainbow really did it this time, I better start mending her wings quickly. I should refresh my knowledge a little on pegasus wings before doing anything. Twilight thought, levitating a book over sitting it in front of them flipping through it looking for how to repair damaged wings.

Step One: Remove any foreign objects, from the wings and clean any dirt or mud from the surface. Okay that shouldn't be a problem. Twilight thought, using her magic to remove the small stones and twigs, from the wings before beginning the clean up process, levitating a damp cloth over washing the dirt and mud away. Okay, Step Two: Straighten or remove any broken or bent feathers, this is known as Preening.

Twilight began, to preen Rainbow's feathers using her mouth to remove any bent or broken feathers just like the book instructed. Just as she began removing the first few feathers, Rainbow's body began to stir Twilight payed no attention continuing to preen Rainbow's heavily damaged wings.

"Uh ow. What happened? What am I doing here?" Rainbow asked, noticing she was now in the library laying on the floor, wings fully extended to each side of her she felt a small tug on one of her wings as she turned to notice Twilight lying down beside her.

"You had a little crash landing during one of your tricks so I carried you here, your wings are in pretty bad shape so I decided to help mend them." Twilight said, as she pulled another bent feather into place on Rainbow's right wing, causing Rainbow to jump attempting to fly but fell back to the floor.

"Twilight. What the hay do you think you're doing?" Rainbow used her hooves to cover her wings, which were now bent at her side.

"I'm just preening your wings Rainbow. What's the big deal? I thought I was helping." Twilight said, pausing in confusion had she done something wrong.

"What made you think preening my wings was okay?" Rainbow asked, still keeping her wings bent at her side to afraid to even move them not knowing the extent of her injuries.

"Well they were damaged so I read a book which said it's what pegasus do whenever they have damaged feathers. So with you knocked out, I figured I would just do it for you." Twilight said, her voice squeaking slightly in terror from Rainbow's outburst of sheer anger.

"Twi. What book did you happen to read?" Rainbow said, standing up slowly as she moved closer to the lavender alicorn, fire in her eyes.

"This one right here. Why?" Twilight said, handing the book over which the pegasus snatched from the Twilight's lavender magic, the pegasus quickly glanced over it before finding what she was looking for.

"Twilight, did you happen to read all the information on preening?" Rainbow asked, looking up from the large book back at her best friend still slightly anger with her thoughtless action.

"Well not really after reading how to actually preen someponies wings, I didn't really read further. Why?" Twilight asked, she felt her chest tighten up as she began breathing heavily, sweat began forming on her forehead waiting for Rainbow's response.

"Well maybe you should have read this." Rainbow throw the book back which Twilight caught in a purple aura of magic, sitting the book on the floor she read the paragraph after the one she stopped on.

"Preening is something every pegasus/alicorn does to remove any damages to the feathers, most of the time ponies will just preen their own wings. Only two circumstances may change this, First if their wings are in immediate danger meaning their wings would possibly take significant damage without intervention by an outside source. Second in pegasus culture, ponies will let their significant other preen them such as a mare/coltfriend." Twilight looked up at Rainbow who was no longer facing her turning her back on Twilight. "Rainbow, I am so sorry I had no idea it was something that personal for pegasus ponies. Please, forgive me."

"I don't know Twi." Rainbow said, sarcastically trying to torture Twilight even more, she didn't really mind Twilight, preening her wings, she always kinda had a crush on the egghead unicorn. Now that Twilight had wings, her attraction for the now alicorn, had tripled from before.

"Rainbow, I know I messed up but-." Twilight began speaking, before being cut off by the loud mouthed pegasus.

"But, what?" Rainbow attempted to sound anger, but it was very difficult as she bit her lip trying to hold back her laughter.

"Did you honestly mind me um preening your wings for you." Twilight asked, there was a pregnant pause as Rainbow Dash began to think, causing Twilight's worried meter to shot up by one-hundred percent.

Do I honestly feel this way about Twilight, I mean she's smart, sweet, easy to hang-out with, extremely hot. Okay calm down Rainbow its probably just a crush. Oh no Twilight's staring at me say something featherbrain anything. Rainbow thought, as she looked deep into the worried eyes of her best friend did she really feel something more then friendship.

"Uh well to be honest no but its kinda something that a special somepony is suppose to do for a pegasus." Rainbow said, a small devious smile, creeping across her face, hoping their relationship could go to the next level.

Why in the hay, did you say that brain, you see why I never listen to you, I don't know if I even like her like that. Rainbow thought, as she began arguing inside her own mind.

Come on you're The Rainbow Dash you're the most awesome pony in Ponyville, are you really scared of something as small as your feelings for Twilight, you know you really want her to be your marefriend.

You might be right brain I am 'The Awesome Rainbow Dash' some little crush isn't going to stop me. Rainbow told herself as she was having her own inner monologue it gave Twilight time to think, and finally after several minutes of waiting the alicorn's voice echoed throughout Rainbow's ears.

"Well Rainbow, maybe that could um be arranged if you want." Twilight said, placing a hoof between the base of Rainbow's wings making Rainbow shutter a little.

"Twilight, what exactly are you saying?" Rainbow asked, secretly hoping it meant a possible date with her best friend.

"Well perhaps if you're interested that is maybe we could, go on a date sometime." Twilight said, attempting to hide her embarrassment with her mane. This must be how Fluttershy feels, whenever she does this. Twilight thought, as Rainbow pushed Twilight's mane out of her face.

"First off don't do that we'd hate to have that pretty face covered and secondly I'd love to go on a date with you." The usually confident Rainbow Dash was acting nervous and timid, which brought a somewhat wicked smile to Twilight's face.

"Rainbow. Does that mean were uh marefriends now."

"Well lets see how the first date goes but, I guess I'd say yes."

Both ponies were now standing up looking into eachother's eyes. Neither pony could see anything except pure happiness and love. Neither pony wanted to move a muscle afraid they may be taking it to fast but Rainbow finally made her move, closing in on Twilight. Only mere inches away from Twilight's muzzle Rainbow stopped rethinking her plan, until she was meet halfway by Twilight, with a loving kiss.

"I love you Twi, I hope this day never ends." Rainbow said, blushing slightly she never acted like this except around Twilight. Maybe this means I do love her, for real this isn' some little fillyhood crush I think this really is true love. Rainbow thought, looking into her new marefriend's eyes thinking of her next move but her concentration was broken, by Twilight's voice hitting her ears.

"Wow Rainbow. When did you get so sappy, and lovey-dovey?" Twilight said, chuckling slightly as Rainbow slight blush turned into a heavy crimson hue.

"Well, don't get use too it-." Rainbow said, folding her hooves over her chest a small frown came across Twilight's face, she was pouting wanting to see what Rainbow's reaction would be if she got nothing else out of it. "Fine I'll act a little sappy, and lovey-dovey sometimes but only around you, and if you ever tell anypony I'm gonna denie it."

"Fine with me, Dashie." Nuzzling the neck of her new marefriend as they laid together, Twilight finishing preening Dash's wings. Rainbow of course returned the favor preening Twilight's wings before she placed a wing, around Twilight's back bringing her close, to her warm body. Both ponies sighed happily slowly falling asleep in eachother's loving embrace.