• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen May 27th



Luna has a nightmare. A bad one. Images of her past, long forgotten by her, pleague her mind and she awakes in a state of panic. After consulting her sister Celestia about this she realizes what she has to do. Together with her first and best friend Twilight Sparkle she now embarks on a quest. A quest to cleanse Equestria from these last remnants of a nightmare.

More character tags may be added as story progresses.

cover art by LeLittleLuna

Edit: [img]http://i.imgur.com/fZr5857.png[/img]

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 42 )

I didn't read it yet but its look for me like TwiLuna shipfic with some backstory or story about self discovery of Luna or maybe i'm wrong?

Pretty good so far. Looking forward to the rest of it :pinkiehappy:

2485465 ^///^ Thanks very much:twilightsmile: I hope I wont disappoint

2485148 I'm not going to spoiler what I have planned lol^^ if you wanna know what's going to happen you'll have to read it^^ But you're right about the TwiLuna part^^

will this story have Alicorn Twilight?

Aw man this looks like it'll be good but i really don't like twiluna shipping. It's so overdone and I don't think their personalities match well.

2485498 It's not planned to happen^^

2485565 well this won't focus on the romance so you may still be able to enjoy the fic:twilightsmile: I'd be happy if yougave it a try. If it doesn't match your taste though then that's fine^^

I've put it on read for later don't worry I'll give the story a proper chance, and i won't judge it on my personal preference on shipping either that wouldn't be fair. But i still will be meticulous content wise.

2485607 Thank you :twilightsmile:

But i still will be meticulous content wise

Fair enough. I honestly didnt expect (or want) anything else^^

Looking good mate! I have a soft spot for TwiLuna and I do like a good adventure story. Liking and favouriting :twilightsmile:

2485771^///^ thank you:twilightsmile:

The fact that you refer to thunder as individual instances of something is just a tad weird, BUT I am enjoying the story so far...

Well I will not be following this, but I'll upvote it! It is no fault of your own - I just don't like the idea, but the writing is adequately done, so I feel bad not upvoting it. So see you! :D

2486964 Thats fine by me^^ Thank you for the feedback :twilightsmile:

what do you mean by " refer to thunder as individual instances" though?

"the thunder"
"the sound of another thunder"

See what I mean? :D You refer to thunder as if it a lot of something hence '"another" thunder'. Whilst I would just say, "thunder" and as for the other example something like, "another boom of thunder" or something like that... IDK, it just struck me as a little strange. lol

Have a nice day :D

I haven't read the story yet, but I'm already drooling happily.

I like the idea of this story, but I've got to say that your choice of wording and your grammar could use quite a bit of work. I don't mean to sound harsh, but so far this fic really needs an editor. Nearly every paragraph had me wincing at, and more than a few times correcting aloud, wording and grammar mistakes.

The way you used thunder(as already mentioned) was probably the most obvious. There's no such thing as 'a thunder' or 'another thunder', it would be 'a crack of thunder' or 'a roar of thunder'. The most obviously strange wording choice I noticed was when describing the scrolls in the prologue you said that they 'gave off a vibe'. Vibe is far to casual a word to use for this scene. I would think that they gave off an aura, or maybe inspired feelings, but 'giving off a vibe' sounds too modern for ancient scrolls.

Again, I'm really not trying to be inflammatory, but you might want to consider getting an editor.

2488597 2487609 Yeah, I think I see what you mean. I will do my best to find a good editor before I publish the next chapter of it. Thanks for the feedback guys :twilightsmile:

2488556 Oh? Why's that?^^

2487558 You know that you can still write your story? Just because I was a bit quicker than you doesn't mean that you arent allowed to write yours anymore :twilightsmile: I'm pretty sure that our ideas aren't that similar so I doubt that it'd be like writing the same story^^ So go ahead^^ Write your story dude^^ (or girl^)

I await more chapters. This looks interesting. :pinkiehappy:

2489563 Oh trust me. After this awesome feedback I got in just one day there're definitely be more chapters in the future^^

Ooh! Write more! :D Please? :raritystarry::pinkiehappy::raritywink::twilightsmile:

2491507 dont worry^^ I'm planning on doing just that^^


'Cause it's got Luna and Twi in it. :rainbowkiss:

2492177 lol^^ thats a good reason^^

well, i like stories that try to explain the whole "how nmm happened" but i still find it hard to swallow all that resentment and bitterness luna so rightfully felt towards her sister celestia and yet seem to have forgiven her so easily... oh well, i got high hopes for this, you may impress me ;)

2495449 high hopes, huh? wow... that's something I havent heard about my writing yet^///^ I'll do my very best to meet your expectations

On the whole TwixLuna topic. Is it going to be a "Oh hey Twilight by the way I love you. now let's go on a quest" type of deal or a "Greetings Twilight, Celestia said it would be a good idea for you to tag along." Kinda deal and the romance progresses from there starting with friends/good friends and going to a romantic relationship.

Awe poor Woona had a nightmare...holy hell that was one bad nightmare. This is a great fic. Consider it Approved for Twilight's Library :twilightblush:

2783604 and it's only two chapters in^^ Thanks a bunch though. Really means alot to me that people are enjoying it like that :twilightsmile: I'll do my best to deliver the next chap within June. If I fail that then it'll come during the first week of July so keep your eyes open for it^^

2785234 so we're a few weeks into july so...... any news?

2944170 I know... sorry about that. Life has been kind of an asshole to me lately but it is in the works so it will come. Just a bit later than planned. *sigh* I hate it when that happens.... I'm sorry

2944394 its alright trust me i know that feel

2944399 Thank you. Might sound a little harsh but the last time I need right now is pissed of readers. Thanks for understanding, dude. :twilightsmile:

2944484 so is this story dead...or what?

6711583 No, not dead. I still have everything in my mind^^ thing is, I dont have any time to write thanks to my job^^; but I guess I should put it on hiatus for now.

6712291 oh ok, at least its not dead

6712302 No^^ just VEEEERY slowly due to lack of time to write^^;

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