• Published 7th May 2013
  • 5,219 Views, 365 Comments

The Implicit Neighs - FanOfMostEverything

Ponies have always been one of the many races of Ravnica. Some familiar ponies happen to be members of guilds. These are their stories.

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So Many Wonders

Fluttershy had never wanted to be a living saint of Mat'Selesnya. She had been perfectly happy running the little all-species clinic on Skyshade Landing. Just beneath Nimbus Court, so she could still see Rainbow Dash regularly, but on solid material, so she wouldn't have to personally support every creature she had to care for. It had been a good life, a peaceful life. She'd made other friends, usually soon after Dash made them. She'd done good work, helping just about every kind of creature in the Tenth District.

It wasn't totally uneventful, of course, but while Fluttershy was gentle, she wasn't helpless. Like the butterflies on her flank, she seemed fragile, but she'd adapted perfectly to her environment. She didn't need a strong body; she had strong friendships. When Orzhov busybodies had tried to get her to sign off on loans that they assured her had very favorable terms, she referred them to Rarity and never saw them again. When Krenko's henchgoblins had burst in, intent on Celestia only knew what, they'd recognized the pony who'd saved their boss's life, apologized, and even tried to rebuild the front door. (Not very well, but it was sweet of them to try.) When that dragon had torn the roof off, looking for anything shiny enough to add to its hoard, she... actually Fluttershy didn't remember what she had done. One moment, she was watching a dromad yearling breathe its last. The next, the hellkite was flying away at top speed, more than a dozen magical devices were littering her floor, and representatives from several guilds were arguing on her front step, each claiming the right to go in first.

It was that last event that had gotten the Conclave's attention, and nothing Fluttershy had tried could shake it. According to the evangels, her graciousness was second only to her humility. Her "all customers welcome" policy and boundless care were signs that she was doing the Worldsoul's work without even knowing it. But, they insisted, she was like a beautiful flower growing wild. She needed to be tended, trimmed, trained, and most importantly, transplanted.

Fluttershy's attempts to deny her holiness were seen as more of her saintly humility. Outright refusal was met every time with "But you must!" Finally, one day, she had screwed up her courage and declared, "You know what? Fine. I'm a saint. I'm the saintliest saint that ever sanctified a sanctum. What do you think of that?"

As it turned out, they thought it was cause for celebration and parading her through the streets, discretely securing her to a howdah atop a ceratok. As they passed through the milling masses, some cheered when they heard a new living saint had been canonized. Some cheered because it was a parade and that was the sort of thing you did at parades. Some cheered because this parade wasn't being done by the Rakdos, and thus had much lower odds of someone exploding.

As they approached Vitu-Ghazi, the enormous tree that served as the Selesnya guildhall, more and more joined the merry march. Fluttershy heard them at first, more and more voices at constant volume and feet and hooves in motion. Eventually, unable to escape, she'd dared to peek out from behind her hooves, and was astonished. Humans and elves practically leapt with ecstasy. Loxodon trumpeted their joy to the sky. Centaurs and ponies pranced like it was a dressage competition. Somehow, her procession of one had swelled to dozens, and it was all for her.

And, she realized, she wasn't afraid.

You should not be. You are welcome.

Fluttershy's ears perked, but she knew they had nothing to do with hearing that voice. It had been... odd. Regular. The words had been chanted as though the rhythm was more important than what was actually said.

Heh. Yeah, she's like that. But still, ♪ welcome to the family ♪ !

That one was almost like Pinkie Pie on a good day. Fluttershy knew she would normally be afraid right now. In fact, she could feel that fear, not as an emotion but a... she didn't have words for it. It was like the heat of a fireplace, but cold, and in her head, only kept separate from it...

In time, you will learn to better understand this.

What's to understand? It's the Worldsong! Well, her first sample of it. One for all when all are one.

You no doubt have many questions. Don't worry, Fluttershy. You'll be seeing us shortly. All will be made clear.

The third voice in her head made Fluttershy forget the fear somehow being kept out of it. The only word for it was motherly. Gentle and comforting and...

She smiled. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

It hadn't been. But then, the first and last time Fluttershy had been before Trostani, she hadn't brought a Golgari guildpony with her. She took a deep breath and turned to Applejack. "Now, remember. Trostani is—"

"Ah know, Ah know. Three dryads, one mind. Snooty one's on th' right, happy one's on th' left, an' mama's in th' middle." More than a few of the myriad Selesnyans they passed as they moved up the City-Tree scowled at Applejack's flippant attitude.

"Order, Life, and Harmony, yes. But you must treat them with more respect, Applejack. They're the avatars of Mat'Selesnya herself."

"An' she's plenty mad at me as it is." Applejack's smirk grew rather sheepish. "Don' worry, 'Shy. Ah'll be on mah best behavior. Ah already got an earful from Master Jarad."

"Applejack on her best behavior?" The pair turned and saw a white unicorn trotting towards them. "Well, and to think I specifically picked out something stain-resistant." There seemed to be more gold brocade than anything else in her outfit. Indeed, she bore a faint glow — not sweat, a lady never sweated — that suggested just that.

"Huh. Ah'm surprised." Applejack smiled, small but sincere. "Didn't think ya'd make it."

"Oh, my mistress insisted I take the opportunity." Rarity fluttered her lashes at the rot farmer. "I trust that isn't a problem?"

Jack rolled her eyes, but held her smile. "Always happy t' see ya, Rare. Even if Ah'm still hearin' from that fella who wouldn't gimme a moment o' peace fer a good week."

"Trenderhoof acted according to his cartel's whims, darling, not mine." Rarity's tired tone told of the argument's age. Neither party really cared anymore, but it was still a sticking point. "I cannot be blamed for every action the Syndicate takes, no more than you can the Swarm."


"Yeah, well don't go tellin' 'Shy that. We ain't gonna make good representatives if we ain't responsible fer nothin'."


"By the same token, we cannot afford to emphasize the negative. A good impression is key he—"


The bickering mares stopped in their tracks and, as one, turned to Fluttershy. Applejack scowled. "Y'know Ah hate it when y' do that."

Fluttershy pawed at the floor, but managed to hold her friend's gaze. "We're here."

Applejack and Rarity blinked and looked. Sure enough, a massive set of double doors, bearing bas-relief motifs of growth and unity that were not carved but coaxed into the wood's grain, stood before them. They shared an "Oh."

Fluttershy swallowed her nerves as best she could. Her still-fluttering wings showed how well that worked. "Ready?"

"Of course."

"As Ah'll ever be."

And with that, the doors swung open. Beyond was a carefully tended grove, open to the sky and sunshine. The artful arrangement of branch and leaf made two of the ponies pause in awe.

Applejack looked around with a more professional eye. She kept her thoughts to herself.


Fluttershy and Rarity flinched for a moment, their attention brought to the others in attendance. A dozen dryads, willowy humanoids with the features of female elves and curtains of ivy for hair, were arrayed before them. They were the Chorus of the Conclave, the only centralized leadership Selesnya allowed itself. At their center was Trostani themself.

The triune entity had been transformed from their communion with Mat'Selesnya. Like the nature spirit, they had formed from dryads joining together to form a greater whole, the ultimate expression of Selesnyan philosophy. From the waist up, they resembled their sisters, but below that, their lower bodies were twining trunks that came together and joined with Vitu-Ghazi itself.

Fluttershy bowed her head, and her friends followed suit.


They did so. "Thank you, ma'am," Fluttershy murmured.

So, what brings you here?

Rarity and Applejack stepped forward. "At Saint Fluttershy's request," Rarity began, "we have come to offer a proposal."

"Ah'm sure y'all've seen Niv-Mizzet's flunkies gettin' everywhere they don't belong." Applejack scowled. "Had t' pick more brass 'n' glass outta th' fields in th' past few months'n th' five years b'fore 'em."

"And you have no doubt noticed those same intrusive fellows have been retreating of late. While this would normally be welcome, it has taken a turn for the distressing in light of the dragon's announcement regarding this 'Implicit Maze' of his."

"They've been mappin' out th' Maze this whole time. That ain't fair." Applejack smirked. "So, we figgered we'd even the odds."

The dryads murmured to each other over this. Order silenced them.

You are proposing an alliance.

Rarity nodded. "Each of our guilds offers no real resistance to the others' maze runners. Enough for plausible deniability, but not enough to actually hinder anyone."

"This way, we all got seven guilds t' worry 'bout 'stead o' nine. And when one o' ours wins, we all share th' prize."

More hushed discussion followed until Life voiced a thought.

Fluttershy, what do you think?

Unicorn and earth pony looked behind them with building dread. Fluttershy being asked to speak before her parun. This did not look good.

A stare that spoke of a will of iron looked back. Fluttershy strode forward with astonishing confidence, nary a feather in motion. "There are many ways this could go," she said, her voice strong and clear. "The specter of betrayal hangs over this proposal. While I trust that we would not initiate such a thing," and here her gaze went diamond-hard for a moment, "the other guilds have not earned such trust. Orzhov follows its deals to the letter, but is too skilled in manipulating spirits, contractual or otherwise. Golgari has learned the potential cost of treachery from its history, but all that means is that it only carries out such acts when it knows they will succeed."

She paused for a breath. All eyes were on her, most minds wondering what she was thinking.

"But," and now the hard stare melted into a soft smile, "I trust my friends." Fluttershy spread a wing over each other pony. "I asked them to extend the offer to their superiors, to join me today only if they truly believed that this would work as I envisioned. They would not be here if their leaders weren't willing to put group success over personal gain, and to ensure the guilds as wholes followed suit. And... well, they're here, aren't they?" Her smile widened. Something squeaked.

The dryads on either side of Trostani brought their attention to the nearer outsider. The parun themself kept their eyes on Fluttershy, thinking. After the better part of a minute, Harmony broke the silence.

Are you certain?

Two eyes met six. "I would bet my life on it."

Any of the Selesnyans present would object to the term "staredown." That implied a disharmonious clash of egos, not the communal unity of purpose that obviously existed between living saint and Mat'Selesnya's voice.

Applejack and Rarity, unenlightened as they were, were just trying to avoid a disharmonious clash with their bladders.

Finally, Trostani turned their attention inward.

This... this is heavy.

We have much to discuss.

We're going to have to ask you three to step out while we come to a decision.

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, ma'am. Thank you for the consideration." She led her friends out of the chamber.

Once the doors shut behind them, Applejack released a long breath. "Damn, 'Shy. That was..." She shook her head. "Damn."

"I agree." Rarity perked up. "Oh, but I'm so proud of you, darling! Such strength of purpose! I always knew you could do it."

Fluttershy said nothing, her eyes closed.

Applejack nudged her. "C'mon, Saprolin'. Y' did real good there. Like Rarity said, Ah'm proud of ya, an' y' oughtta be proud o' yerself."

Fluttershy remained silent. And motionless.

Applejack nudged her again "Uh, Shy?" The farmer couldn't help but think of gorgons and the victims thereof.

The pegasus tipped over, her serene expression not shifting in the least.

"Oh dear. Is she breathing?"

"Usual split if she ain't?"

Rarity scowled. "This is hardly the time for jokes, Applejack."

Applejack quirked an eyebrow. "D' you really think Ah'd be crackin' one if she weren't fine?"

"Ah. Of course." Rarity cleared her throat. "Well, in that case, I'm fairly certain her body and soul are both spoken for." She looked back at the doors into the chorus chamber. "What do you think they'll decide?"

This got a shrug. "Just 'cause Ah'm a farmer don't mean Ah can read dryads' minds."

"They'll say yes."

Both turned to Fluttershy, who was getting her hooves. "Are you certain?" Rarity asked.

"I know they felt how nervous I was. How every eye made my heart leap into my throat." Fluttershy turned, sat before the doors, and smiled. "And how my faith in you was what kept me pushing ahead regardless. They'll say yes, girls. To do otherwise would be to betray everything they stand for."

Selesnya Guildpony GW
Creature — Pony Shaman
Whenever another nontoken Pony, Pegasus, or Unicorn enters the battlefield under your control, put a 0/1 green Plant creature token onto the battlefield.
"A guild is like a herd. United, we not only strive to make the world a better place, we truly can."

Fluttershy, Saint of the Meek 3GW
Legendary Creature — Pegasus Cleric
Defender, flying, protection from creatures
Other creatures you control with power 2 or less have hexproof.
"All creatures great and small comprise the Worldsoul. What some forget is that there's much more small than great."

Author's Note:

A short chapter, I know, but the Conclave is a straightforward guild.

Yes, Trostani's middle head/body/personality aspect is named Harmony. This might make Voice of Resurgence an Elemental of Harmony. :raritywink:

For quite some time, Fluttershy had "If you would populate, populate twice instead" and the hexproof was an activated ability. However, I decided that was kind of ridiculous. As much as I want to crowbar each guild's keyword into each pony, there are limits, and she's pretty awesome as she is.