• Published 7th May 2013
  • 5,219 Views, 365 Comments

The Implicit Neighs - FanOfMostEverything

Ponies have always been one of the many races of Ravnica. Some familiar ponies happen to be members of guilds. These are their stories.

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The Meaning of Generosity

A lady does not sweat; she glows. But when she glows, certain undesirable residues are still left behind. Similarly, a lady does not show haste, especially not when those residues might discolor her fine linen traveling robe. Thus, Rarity did not gallop. She did, however, move with exactly as much speed as her station allowed her, because she was late. Very, very late. Far too late for it to be brushed off as fashionable. No, this lateness had long since gone out of style, though if she slowed down, she might be able to arrive when it became retro.

The worst part was that she was late for an event she herself had planned, a much-needed show of interguild solidarity in these troubled times. She'd extended invitations to all her friends and a guest each, and they were all no doubt already there at the Maze's End, rolling their eyes and shaking their heads at silly little Rarity, who was so high and so low, whose plans never went as she intended, and wasn't that the story of her life? All too literally at that, for—

Rarity cut off that thought before it could go any further. The spires of the old forum were in sight, and so she slowed down. She still wanted to be there as soon as she could, but a shape rushing towards the End would draw attention from everyone there. Everyone would assume she was a maze runner. With the Orzhov pavilion next to the Gruul one (for some reason that had been forgotten in the past ten thousand years and change,) that attention would be anything but positive.

As it was, a few of the savages still approached her: two humans, a goblin, and an earth pony Rarity would swear was growling at her. She gave them as a wide a berth as possible, which fortunately put her near the Selesnya pavilion on the other side of her own guild's. The Selesnyans were very happy with Rarity at the moment.

Thankfully, it seemed she didn't need to cash in any of her goodwill today; the Gruul were content with intimidating her. For now, at least.

So, with a few quick nods and pleasant words to passing Conclave members, Rarity finally arrived at her party. Wonderfully familiar faces happily conversed with one another, resting on the soft cushions and low tables Rarity's subordinates had prepared for them. Thrulls shuffled back and forth, refilling teacups and offering trifles.

Had Rarity been on time, she would've announced herself. Instead, she chose to slip into the pleasantries as though she had always been here. The admittedly implausible deniability would still allow her to save a bit of face and avoid interrupting her friends' conversations. Rarity was sure some of them hadn't seen each other in months.

"Well, whip my withers! Hey, everyone, Rarity's finally here!"

Or Applejack could announce her to the world. Face flushed from embarrassment and exertion alike, Rarity waved a hoof at her guests. "Hello, all. My apologies for being so late, but a client—"

A fragrant leg didn't whip her withers, but it did stretch over them. "Aw, don't worry none, Saprolin'," Applejack assured her. "We all know yer workin' harder'n Ah am come the harvest. Jus' takin' time t' get us all together is treat enough." Sundry nods and encouragements confirmed this.

"Ah. Well." Rarity smiled, suddenly feeling much more like a shy filly she'd thought she'd left behind long ago. "Thank you all. Please, don't let me disturb you. As Applejack said, I know many of you don't get to see one another often." When they refused to stop being disturbed, she laughed and tossed her mane. "Then I must insist. Mingle, everyone, mingle!"

Rarity put deeds to words, moving to Applejack's table, nodding at the other pony present. "Rainbow Dash."

The skyjek waved a wing. "Hey, Rares. Someone tryin' to get out of a debt?"

"I appreciate the effort, darling, but you needn't feign interest."

"Oh, cool. Thanks." Rarity blinked at this as Dash turned back to Applejack. "So I go to the witness's house to make sure the Forties fixed the place up, and it turns out her daughter's, like, my biggest fan ever."

Applejack tapped her chin. "She named Scootaloo?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"She's one o' Apple Bloom's pen pals." Applejack nodded at Rarity. "Rare's li'l sis is th' other. Small world, ain't it?"

Rarity pondered this for a moment. "You know, I've always wondered how you got mail in Sunken Apple Acres. I imagine any hawks would become a quick snack."

"Zombie couriers. Neither rain nor sleet nor not breathin' no more."

"Well, they're unquestionably effective, given what Sweetie Belle says about her little pen pals in our letters."

Dash scowled. "Still can't believe you have to ask just to—"

"We have had this discussion, Rainbow Dash. I am content, for my sister will have opportunities I did not." Rarity rose and nodded. "Ladies."

"C'mon, Rarity," Rainbow moaned, "don't be like this. I didn't—"

"I am not mad at you, Rainbow. I simply wish to give my regards to everyone. I've kept them all waiting long enough." With that, Rarity made for another group.

Dash slumped and plopped her head on the table. "AJ, you knew what I meant, right?"

Applejack nodded. "'Course Ah did. And Ah know Rarity agrees. But that don't mean she c'n do nothin' 'bout it."

"Hi, Rarity."

"Hello, Twilight. Where's Spike?"

"He's with the Firemind. Something about 'official dragon business.'" Twilight shook her head. "I want to believe that it's a discussion of some incredible concept my equine mind can't begin to grasp, but I can't help but suspect that it's..." she trailed off and blushed, "well, not."

"Even Niv-Mizzet has instinctual drives," noted the other unicorn, a mint-green mare in the organic garb of the Simic. Judging by her oddly thin coat and the edges of scars Rarity could make out through it, it wasn't an entirely cosmetic choice. She dipped her horn to Rarity. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Lyra Heartstrings." Suddenly, the fur trim on her cushion unwrapped itself, and Rarity realized it was actually a ludicrously long tail topped with a humanoid hand. The hand was directly in front of her, open for a shake. "A pleasure."

"Ah, yes." Rarity hesitantly took the hand in hoof. It had a surprisingly firm grip. "Rarity Belle-of-Karlov. And may I say that's certainly a... novel appendage you have."

Lyra smirked. "It's a compromise."

Twilight beamed, almost bouncing in place. "Lyra was just telling me about the modifications she'd installed before the Combine had her... how did you put it?"

"Reverted to baseline." Lyra grabbed her teacup with her tail-hand. "Mostly."

"I never knew biomancy could be so fascinating! Thank you again for accepting my invitation."

"I've been trying to get more equine contact, after..." Lyra's teacup shook for a moment. "Well, let's just say 'after.' Plus, it's nice to get some variety. You can only talk about kelp telomeres so long before it starts blending together, you know?"

"Eh heh, yes, I'm sure..." Rarity cleared her throat. "Well, you two seem to be having a wonderful time, so I'll just leave you to it."

"Cadence, so good to see you. But wherever is dear Skyla?"

"Oh, she's keeping her father company while he sulks. He was so sure Lavinia would be too busy being the best arrester in the District to run the Maze." Cadence rolled her eyes. "Stallions."

The unicorn sitting next to her nodded. "Can't live with 'em."

Cadence quirked an eyebrow. "There's another part to that saying."

"Not that I've noticed." Fleur de Lis saluted the latecomer with her teacup. "Rarity."

"Fleur." The unicorn and the "unicorn" shared a smile. "How's the family?" Rarity asked.

Fleur rolled her eyes. "Yeah, that one never gets old."

"What brings you here, if I may ask?"

The svelte mare tilted her horn at Cadence. "A light snack."

"If you can call it a snack," Cadence observed. "You've had nothing but tea. And what's this about your family?"

"You don't want to know, Cady. Aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, nieces, nephews..." Fleur shook her head. "It is a mess, pure and simple. I'm lucky I'm not Orzhovist. Taxmass cards would bankrupt me on an annual basis." She smirked, glancing at Rarity. "Of course, that's the idea."

Rarity put her muzzle in the air and huffed, but there was a smile there. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm afraid I have two more dear friends waiting for me, as opposed to one dear friend and a not unwelcome nuisance."

She walked off, but kept her ears pointed at the pair. She wasn't disappointed. "Wow. Hear that, Cady? You're 'not unwelcome.' A few more years, and she might consider you worth fleecing."

"Hello, darlings." Rarity seated herself on a cushion, magically pushed her teacup out of the way, and slammed her face down on the table, all without disrupting her smile.

"Six out of ten," Pinkie proclaimed. "Good enthusiasm, but the technique needs work."

"Not. Now. Pinkie." The words were slightly muffled by the furniture, but volume overcame that.

Fluttershy scooted over and spread a wing over her friend. "Rough day?"

Rarity shifted her head. She was still in danger of scoring the table with her horn, but now she could speak more clearly. "You know how I like to say I'm in the business of selling dreams? Sometimes it seems like all I have in stock are nightmares."

"Please, we've done such excellent work together in the past, if you could just—"

"The answer is 'no,' Mr. Rich." Rarity's tone was scrubbed of all emotion. She had always been good at cleaning.

"But Ah know you have Miss Karlov's ear and—"

"Yes, and I retain that ear by not bothering her with trivial—"

Filthy cut her off with a stomp. "This isn't trivial, Ms. Belle, this is mah daughter!"

"I know." A glance downward, breaking eye contact, cracking the mask. "And I am sorry." Head back up, glasses adjusted, the past moment seemingly forgotten. "But the contract clearly states—"

"That if Ah cannot pay back the loan in cash, Ah can do so with mah firstborn son. Mah son." Filthy leaned in over the desk. "Now Ah know that contracts can be interpreted flexibly, but you cannot tell me my precious Diamond qualifies as a colt."

Rarity sighed. "No. I cannot. What I can tell you is that if you had read the fine print, you would have seen that in the event that the debtor has no sons, his oldest daughter can and will be accepted instead."

Filthy Rich was taken aback, physically and emotionally. "Wha... But, but..." His accent slipped out of the carefully cultivated "Fourth District gentlesapient" affectation. "Ah nevah saw anythin'—"

"Yes. I know. Few do. You were offered a lawmage to help you look through the contract for a reason, Filthy, and it wasn't so the Syndicate could milk you for a few more zinos." A small, sad smile. "Well, not entirely."

Both ponies were silent for some time. Finally, the stallion asked, "Is... is there any other way?"

"Filthy, I'm going to be honest here. You don't have a hoof to stand on. Diamond Tiara isn't just your firstborn daughter, she's your only daughter. Your only child. Given how you were aware of the basic collateral contingency but not of the nondiscriminatory primogeniture clause..." Rarity shook her head. "I'm not a suspicious pony, but you have to know how it looks."

"Please, Rarity." Filthy was leaning across the desk again, this time with hooves together in front of him, pleading, praying. "Is there any other way?"

Rarity made a show of looking over the contract, as though she hadn't already hunted for every loophole better syndics than she might have forgotten to close. "Well, you specifically excluded the possibility of postmortem indentures when making the contract, so that's the usual answer out. You could offer the Syndicate three appendages of our choice." Rarity held up a hoof. "And because we have had such excellent dealings with you in the past, I will tell you before you agree to that offer that for its purposes, the head is considered an appendage."

"Ah..." Filthy gulped. "Please, is there anything Ah can do... under the table? Ah know you have an in with Miss Karlov, you could—"


"Please, Ah—"

Rarity removed her glasses and shook her head. "Mr. Rich, I'm afraid you misunderstand my relationship with Teysa Karlov. I am her majordomo, her advisor, and to my continuing amazement and perplexity, her friend. But first and foremost, as I have been from before the day I was born, I am her servant. I am a debt-foal, Mr. Rich, literally born to serve one of the Orzhov elite. I can observe, I can advise, I can offer, but I can not make Miss Karlov do anything any more than I can sprout wings and fly." She took a deep breath. "At best, I can try to make Diamond Tiara part of Miss Karlov's staff, and even then, I offer no guarantee. Beyond that, my hooves are tied, and you're the one who bound them."

Fluttershy nuzzled her friend. "Oh, Rarity..."

Even Pinkie drooped a little. "Poor Filthy."

"The worst part is that with Miss Karlov running the Maze, I have more agency than I've ever had before, and I still couldn't do anything." Rarity drained her tea and found herself wanting something stronger.

Pinkie scrunched up her muzzle in thought. "But isn't this what you're supposed to do?"

Rarity gave the entertainer a look so utterly incredulous that neither spoke for several seconds. Pinkie was quite familiar with this situation. Finally, Rarity managed to process enough to speak again. "No! Firstly, the last thing a bank wants is for its customers to default on their loans, as that's capital it will never see again. Even if I wasn't tearing that filly from her home to pay for her father's foolishness, she's still a resource sink; it will take years before she starts returning on the investment."

"Oh. I guess that makes sense." Pinkie offered an awkward smile. "Sorry, Batara's better at baking the books than I am."

"'Cooking the books,' and you shouldn't be..." Rarity scowled. "You're trying to distract me."

Pinkie shrugged. "Well, yeah, but this is clearly hitting close to home for you. Would you rather focus on how you were never given the chance to choose your own fate, or on the silly pink horse?" She crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue to emphasize the point.

The unicorn's expression softened, but not by much. "I'd rather focus on you misunderstanding what my job is meant to be."

"Nah, that sounds boring. C'mon, silly pink horse!"

"I think not." Rarity's gaze moved down as she shifted the back of her robe away from her hindquarters. "Consider my cutie mark."

Her friends did so. "White pearl, gold pearl, black pearl," said Pinkie, describing the nacre triangle from left to right. "Which is weird, 'cause I'm pretty sure you've never wanted to have anything to do with oyster snot in your life."

"And I've never seen you tie balloons to demon skulls," Rarity countered.

"Only because you never come to the club on the Nephilversary. There's ooze wrestling and everything!"

"My point," huffed Rarity, "is that my talent is more figurative than pearl farming. Otherwise, I'd be managing some of the Syndicate-owned sky reservoirs. Instead, I take adverse circumstances, situations like little pieces of grit, and I turn them into something beautiful, something anyone would want."

Softly, Fluttershy asked, "Something that can't hurt you anymore?"

"Well, that is..." Rarity coughed into a fetlock. "That might be overextending the metaphor a touch. In any case, I offer other people the same opportunity. I give them a chance to make their dreams come true, but it comes with a challenge."

Pinkie nodded. "Pay back the loan or off with your head."

"In some cases, yes. But I am not some loan shark preying on the gullible. I want them to succeed. I want to give them what they need to become better than they already are." Rarity wilted. "But it seems few people know what that actually is."

Pinkie rocked back and forth as she considered this. "Well, I can't argue with wanting to make people happy, but you're the one Orzhov who does."

Rarity scowled. "Miss Karlov taught me everything I know. I cannot even hope to usher in as much positive change as she has. She has been my life's inspiration, my mentor, my patroness—"

"Your mother."

Unicorn and earth pony both turned to face the speaker. "I... I beg your pardon, Fluttershy?"

"Last I checked, Teysa-Teysa Bo-Beysa wasn't a unicorn."

"She doesn't need to be," said Fluttershy, smiling with enviable serenity. "Rarity, she raised you from birth, brought you into the family business, and as you said, taught you everything you know. Every day, you try to repay the debt you feel you owe her, even when you're a living repayment of a debt yourself." She gently shook her head. "But you received a gift. A wonderful, wonderful gift given out of the goodness of Miss Karlov's heart. And you don't pay back gifts."

The others considered this for some time. Finally, Rarity spoke. "Fluttershy, darling, that was a beautiful sentiment, but it was also the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I was raised by nursemaids and nannies until I was old enough to carry an adult conversation. Furthermore, I can assure you that my life was anything but a gift, because every zib in excess of what my parents owed was tabulated and repaid in full."

"Oh." Fluttershy's ears flattened as she toyed with her empty teacup. "Never mind, then."

"That being said, she has done much for me, and I hope to do the same for others." Rarity sighed. "But some people just can't be helped, it seems."

"Maybe not by gold," said Fluttershy, "but sometimes that's not what people need."

Pinkie nodded. "There are some things money can't buy. Like happiness."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "In my experience, even if money can't buy happiness, then it can certainly rent it."

"Luxuries don't bring happiness," answered Fluttershy. "They make you forget unhappiness. True happiness comes from doing what you were meant to do."

"Fluttershy, sweetness, a stallion with bags of money on his flanks came to me for a loan. It didn't make him happy. And that's just ponies. How am I supposed to know what someone without a cutie mark is 'meant to do'?"

Pinkie shrugged. "Well, I'd tell you 'give the people what they want,' but most folks want money. And it's not like you can follow all of them around to make sure they're using it wisely." She paused and brought a hoof to her chin. "Or can you?"

"No, I can't." The table beckoned. Rarity resisted the urge to return to its comforting embrace, but it was a hard fight. "Girls, I really do appreciate the consideration, but you just don't have the right perspective. I'm just going to have to hope that Miss Karlov finishes this dreadful Maze soon."

Her friends wrapped her in a three-pony hug. The moment was broken only when Pinkie gasped and leapt back. "Whoa, what's that!?" She pointed towards the sky, and the others' gazes followed.

A streak approached the pavilion, occasionally juking around a slower flier. "That can't be Rainbow Dash," noted Rarity. She glanced at the skyjek, who was just noticing the new arrival. "Besides, the colors are all wrong." Rather than the bold spectrum Dash displayed as she took off, this was a three-striped contrail, two of silver bordering one of gold.

"It's definitely a pegasus, though," Fluttershy noted. "But I don't know anypony else who can..." She faded off, her mouth hanging open.

Pinkie nudged her. "Uh, Flutters? You okay?"

"RUN!" By the time the other mares were able to process that Fluttershy had just bellowed something, she had a respectable head start.

Pinkie shrugged. "Well, you heard her." Rarity and she got going just as the racing pegasus passed them by.

And then everything went mad.

Orzhov Guildpony WB
Creature — Unicorn Cleric
Whenever a source an opponent controls deals damage to one or more Ponies, Pegasi, and/or Unicorns you control, that player loses 1 life.
"A guild is like a herd. The lines of enemy and ally are clearly drawn for all to see."

Rarity, Syndicate Diva 2WB
Legendary Creature — Unicorn Advisor
Rarity, Syndicate Diva has protection from converted mana cost X or less, where X is your life total minus your starting life total.
"I appreciate the finer things in life: jewels, rare fabrics, souls..."

Author's Note:

Way back when I first planning this story, Celestia and Luna were going to be the Orzhov and Dimir representatives respectively, with Rarity in Azorius. This post in the FiM:tG group convinced me to make Rarity white-black, and the awkwardness of alicorns in guilds cut the other two.

The "Forties" are the members of the Boros Theater of Fortification. While their chief focus is the Warmind Initiative, a collaboration with the Izzet to design and build the next generation of military and law enforcement technology, they also have the far less glamorous job of repairing collateral damage caused by the Legion.

Ravnica definitely has a postal system of sorts, including air mail.