• Published 16th Apr 2013
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My Little Bubble Bath: Alicorns take very long bubble baths - CosmicAfro

Celestia and Luna take a bubble bath which soon spawns into a game that takes three days to resolve.

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Journals, Day 2

Luna’s Journal

End of Day 2

I had meant to make these entries far more frequent, establishing my rule over the court as time proceeded. Unfortunately, my time and sleep has been sorely divided by Celestia’s own increasingly savage tactics. Yelling in the night, maniacal laughter? I don’t know how but she has manufactured bubble cannon balls from parts of the obstacles and successfully created an unknown combustible element that can fire these from the previously inoperable cannons. What’s worse, these game changers are effectively clearing my side of the field and turning it into a flat terrain.

Ingeniously, her guards were using the brubble (bubble rubble) as more ammo, swiftly moving across my side and grabbing them before my team can make use of them. During the mid-day, as thankfully these cannon bubble balls couldn’t reach the tower, we started to devise a plan. We first had to discover why and how Celestia could reverse engineer the spell to have it keep the same properties of the never-popping bubbles but reform it to a new shape without altering the magic. The answer was frighteningly simple once I had figured it out when my assistant, Poe, pointed out the shape of the cannon balls.

Then we copied the spell and have fortified the tower stairs so that when any of her guards dare try to reach it when we make our move, they will fail and be sent back to the start. If we planned it just right, using easy to avoid traps first that will inevitably slow them down and then a trap they can’t disengage at the end when we’re making our escape, we would win.

There was only one small problem. Celestia had made a surprise attack on the tower. They completely abandoned their side of the field and approached from every angle. We didn’t know what to do. But… Poe, who was not Eclipse or I, decided to make a brave sacrifice. He grabbed a hooffull of brubble and flung it at an enemy guard. I fear the worst, as he may have had sensitive eyes. He rolled on the floor in pain which, for some unexplained reason, gave way beneath him and he fell into the cold water. Realizing this, Poe too jumped in to rescue him.

But it became worse than that. The soap had been mixing with the water for days now and Poe apparently had an allergic reaction to something in the water. I don’t wish to tarry on with this journal, so I will summarize it and say I will be giving him medical leave for a few days until that rash goes down. My Lunar Guards are supposed to be blue, not red. We both lost one troop, leaving it to just two on each team.

I wonder if the steam is doing something to me in this room, I keep thinking I hear whispering from somewhere. No, it must be Celestia. She must have a trick stowed away in her crown. Well, if she were still wearing it; no pony wears jewelry into a bathtub.

Celestia’s journal

End of Day 2

Today was one step forward, another step backwards. During the night, I hadn’t slept a wink as an intriguing idea took root in my mind and no matter how much effort I expended, it continued to grow. Something in my ageless thoughts had remembered a fascinating lesson on pressure. More specifically, a bubble and how the pressure outside was the same as the pressure inside. In one of my vacations, I cannot remember the exact occasion, I had seen a traveling performer who made shapes with these bubbles. It took many of them, but eventually he could craft trees, structures, ponies, and even famous art pieces. He was truly a master of his craft. For reasons he wouldn’t reveal, he named himself Oval.

I asked him if he could spare me a lesson. When he asked me why, as one might when approached by a princess, I gave him the honest truth: I needed a new pastime. In retrospect, it probably wasn’t the best of hobbies, but I had a tendency to be able to perfect the basics of any trade within a week. Besides raising the sun, I never did much else in the field of hobbies due to my duties so mastering the basics was enough for me.

I say this because I had recalled this lesson and realized if I could change the shape of the bubble without changing the pressure, I could craft it into shapes I could use to my advantage and advance the war far quicker than it was going. The first of many attempts failed miserably and it occurred that I would have to make many subtle changes over time. It took over two hours, but I eventually turned a bubble into a cube. It was remarkable, actually.

But cubes would do me no good, so I continued to work at it. I focused on morphing cubes into pyramids and after another mind-numbing thirty minutes of pure focus, I achieved that goal on my second attempt. For the record, I sneezed the first time.

I vertically slimmed the pyramids and then used their shape to create cannonballs. Luna’s magic aided me in helping them not to pop and keep their new shape. But I came to another problem. How would I get my cannon to fire? I returned to my old friend, pressure. I borrowed some bubbles from a tower window, expanding it ever so slightly so Luna would not have noticed, and my mind recalled the stallion blowing bubbles inside of bubbles. So that’s what I decided to do, put bubbles after bubble into a bubble. These popped easily, so easily that if I faltered in keeping a magic veil around it for a split second, the thin veil of soap would release radically. This further wasted another hour of my time, tediously forcing masses of pressurized air. I tested my theory and placed the cannonball on one end of the desk and the pressurized ammo on the other end. I released my influence and the ball, along with a few other things, bounced like rubber against everything. The bubble lamp, which didn’t even work I might add, flew out the window.

I borrowed bubbles from another window, as to not increase the gap in the one I had borrowed from previously, and created another round. This time, I stuck it to the cannonball. I half expected it to not work, but the two shapes clung to each other perfectly. The ball did droop slightly to my expectations, but that wouldn’t matter much once it was loaded into the cannon. Out of all my accomplishments, my most proud one would have to have been not waking up my sister during the entire process. I know for a fact my screams of frustration awoke my guards on more than one occasion, I suppose she was just too exhausted.

Flash approached me after my successful attempts to create feasible bubble weapons and questioned why I simply didn’t make the bubble bigger and into the cannonball I had holding before him. Though Luna’s bubbles do not pop under normal conditions, they are incredibly thin. Even if I could expand them, they wouldn’t last long enough if thrown or launched to make it to the target as they’d either shrink or pop, either of which was useless.

Dawn arrived. I fired the cannon and leveled part of the field, awaking my sister with a rude surprise. I don’t quite recall what happened after that, I began to nod off and eventually my guards insisted that I take a few hours rest. Take to the afternoon and my guards informed me that they were huddled in their tower and they had an idea: a full on assault from up the stairs, outside climbing of the tower, and I to carry as much brubble (bubble rubble as Flash had named it) back to base. Seeing as failure merely meant a restart in their position, I gave it the green light.

I wish I had reconsidered.

Peeps received a blow from the bubble lamp to his eyes, which had apparently flung itself far into the land of Luna’s domain. He was climbing the tower and fell into the cold, soapy water underneath. I only found out now that, despite his name, he had sensitive eyes to soap products. The guard who had defended his tower dived after him, much to my own surprise, and managed to get him to shore. But apparently he had sensitive skin. He dived in blue, but came out red.

Luna and I, from a distance, silently agreed to teleport them to the infirmary. I had made progress, but in doing so lost a brave guard. Now with a third of my resources missing, I fear this game will be dragged out even longer.