• Member Since 29th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday



Everypony who is anypony knows what happened at the near-disaster of the Royal Canterlot Wedding. The Changeling Queen Chrysalis captured the bride and impersonated her, invading the capital of Equestria with her swarm at her back, intent on feeding on the love of the loyal captain of the guard and capturing a swarm of ponies to feed her and her hive, wounding Celestia and nearly winning, before being ejected and tossed to her inevitable doom by an immense burst of love-fueled magic. The story is simple, it's straightforward, and it's obvious.

And, of course, incorrect in so many ways.

When you're dealing with Changelings, it is wise to not take anything at face value...

Two interwoven tales of the consequences of the Royal Canterlot Wedding.

Days after the wedding, Chrysalis is brought to trial by the Changelings for her actions, and sentenced to personality death without ever being permitted to defend herself, as the hive prepares for the inevitable war to come.

Months later, Spring Bounty is a mare on the run, fleeing from Changeling capture after being rescued by a pegasus named Papillon, determined to make an escape and seek protection and safety - if any such safety still exists.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 13 )

Oh, and as always, please let me know if you see any spelling, grammar or other errors.

And if anyone can suggest a better story image, let me know =D

God yes. So excited for this. Huge Chryssy fan. Make it so. Good handle on sentence dynamics. Short chapters always leave wanting so have an upvote from me to continue. Support and love. If you need any help with pre-reading let me know.

Oh my, if that means what I think it means!... I hope the drone-ization can be reversed, but that "Tragedy" tag is whispering otherwise... :fluttercry:

2418336 Your praise feeds my ego and in turn my creativity. My muse appears to be a changeling itself. How concerning. Also, check your inbox.

2418428 ...Yeahhh... also, Dark tag. Also, see the title of the story. This isn't going to be a cheerful one.

I have a feeling, that is not Chrysalis... :rainbowderp:
Really, for her to wonder at first about everything, that is said, I guess Chrysalis, used a scapegoat.

Poor Chrysalis, she'll be fed just enough love to live on.:derpytongue2:

Hmm thats interesting, i didn't think you would go into something like that.

I grow tired of silly author's note function!

So... um... it got worse? Almost as worse as my "I'll probably have the next chapter up in the next few days!" Yeah that worked.

But I'm almost finished with the final chapter now. And I really want to get it out ASAP, if only because I have another story idea that won't get out of my head and I swore not to write anything else until I finished this one.

And plus, leaving you all on that note is just cruel, right? :twilightsheepish:

And Applejack just BUCKED UP!!!

Seriously, if she finds out that this could have saved HUNDREDS of PONYLIVES, she will feel BAAAAAAAAD.

EDIT:: And I missed the green eye part. Sorry. :twilightblush:

14 months since update...

*kicks story with toe of shoe* She ain't lookin' too good there, JIm.

J: Naw, no she ain't. Lookin' real sickly there, s'matter a' fact.

Uhm... we kinda SAW the episode.

It all went down exactly as we, the omniscient voyers, saw it happen.

Chrysalis' little song about dreaming of ruling the world since she was a kid kinda tells the whole story of motivations pretty clearly.

"There's one way I can be sure if it can be trusted." Applejack stated darkly.


"Oh, certainly." She walked up to the Changeling again. Spring watched curiously, wondering what wonder of Elemental magic she might be about to witness...

Then cried out once again as Applejack reared up, and slammed both her hooves down on the creature's head.

And of course the AJ is a changeling and the changelings will win because, as is always the case in fics like this, they are given NEW and BIGGER more advantageous powers, far greater numbers, and are hyper-competent while the ponies are dumber than usual.


Seriously, the ponies never kill anything! This act alone would cause quite a bit of concern... as it's the sort of OOC behavior that Twilight noticed in Cadance.

well years after i ask will you continue this plsss?? also very nice!

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