• Member Since 29th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday



Ever since she was a filly, whenever she has been at her wits' end and didn't know what to do, Crystal Chime has had something strange happen - her reflection gains a life of its own and helps her overcome her problems with good advice and emotional support.

As she grows up, however, she begins to notice more and more that the one she talks to has a personality and knowledge that is no reflection of her own, and begins to wonder who exactly has been giving her this advice, and why. However, as it only happens when she is in the middle of an emotional crisis, she is hardly in a state to start questioning the apparition as it appears.

Who is the Mare in the Mirror, and what is her interest in this up-and-coming singer?

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 14 )

And now we have a multi-chapter submission! Hopefully this one will have its second chapter done before it even gets accepted...

Writing fillies is hard!

Inspiration for this one a little bit from I Forgot I Was There, which is a fantastic little look into the problems you might not consider in an unsual but theoretically benevolent situation; but mostly just a thought experiment on... well, that's a bit of a spoiler. Maybe in a few more chapters' time.

Expected length: 6 chapters. (See if you can guess the theme!)

Very happy to receive constructive criticism, as I'm keen to hone my style and talent before I get onto my more sprawling fics...

Also, I am sad that i had to resort to the pony creator to get an image for this, but I fail at all things art. At least it gives a good idea what the character looks like. :)


Sorry, posting from my phone, access to entertaining images is premium. Anyone care to help me out? =D

Damn it people, who let SCP-1620 into Equestria? How many times do I have to explain that ponies are NOT D-class test subjects?

Next time we put 682 in Equestria.

1574626 Oh god, SCP D= I've only read up to like the 800s! Now I need to keep reading, I don't have time for that, I already have a thousand awesome things to read!

1574710 Man, I doubt it will be anywhere near as awesome as that fic. It's just where I first got the idea from, it really won't turn out anything like that. But thanks for the vote of confidence =D

The prospect of SCP-682 participating in one of Pinkie's musical numbers would singlehoofedly justify this entire crossover idea.

The SCP wiki is a time sink that rivals even Tvtropes. I've often theorized that the intersection point between the two will one day create a singularity that draws in all free time in existence.

I would love to see that. Damn genius..

You'll just have to go ahead and write it then. I still have SCP on the brain after it managed to leak into the story I just posted in an unacknowledged but incredibly obvious way. I can't write crossovers. They always strike me as gimmicky and constricting. When I write I need to be able to branch out and go wherever the inspiration fairies take me, ya know?

Someone wrote one. Should suggest it to him.
See SCP: To Kill A Lizard.

:ajsmug: Little Applebloom can fritter away her time on anything she wants until she gets her cutie mark. And then... THE APPLES. :ajbemused:

Is this something I should be waiting for?

Are they Rarity and Flutershy dolls?

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