• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 4,350 Views, 85 Comments

Conversion - CrutioAstarothChaos

After the invasion of Canterlot, three changelings find out they have suffered a worse fate than the rest of the army: they were left behind. With their hive likely waging war on itself, an unnatural thought emerges: Self Preservation.

  • ...

Twisted consequences

Nurse Redheart slowly took a stack of papers out from her saddlebag, and dropped it between her and the unease changeling. Shiftlight realized it was the test he wrote that morning. The score was a hundred and ten.

Out of a hundred.

“You completed the test far too quickly, and far too precisely,” the mare explained, answering the obvious yet unsaid question. “Other than that I barely saw you out of your room, and haven’t seen you devour any sort of physical food. Nopony could really go without at least a snack and read through all those books I gave you. Much less get about four hours of sleep and then score ten points above the full score on this test. Well maybe except Twilight Sparkle, but she’s the Princess’s protege for a reason.”

Shiftlight let out an unease sigh.

“What am I going to do about it right?” Redheart contiued, before Lancet could open his mouth. “For starters, I could report you, crush your plans, and the party for you, then ask the princesses for a permit to study you, while you growl at me locked up in a cage.”

Shiftlight stared at the pony, trying to consider his chances. He couldn’t wipe her memory, killing her would eventually blow everything they worked for, and he couldn’t escape fast enough to warn his brothers without arising suspicion.

“I intend to listen.” She said, surprising the shifter.

“Why?” Lancet said after a minute of silence.

“Why?” Redheart asked back. “Why not? What reason do I have to see you captured and locked up?”

“Canterlot.” he replied.

“True,” the nurse tapped a hoof to her chin. “But I also know what it’s like when you have no option, but to obey an order. I had several moments myself, when I would’ve gladly ended the lives of those lying on the operating table before me. The lives of many ponies ended thanks to the hoofwork of criminals I had to get in proper shape to be presented to their court. I could’ve killed them. I had the chance to do what I wished to do. Instead I obeyed, for Celestia knows what reason.”

“How do you know I followed orders?” Shiftlight interrogated further. A voice in the back of his skull asked him to stop, but he silenced it.

“Because I hope now you’ve tasted freedom,” Nurse Redheart answered. “I suspect that you experience something entirely new. You gave your best shot at this test, and performed, may I boldly predict that even beyond changeling standards. You got careless, but it comes with taking your first steps. You want to do this, and as a nurse, the only thing I truly care about is the benefit of every creature.”

“Even a changeling?” Lancet asked, entirely unconvinced.

“Why would you deserve a lesser treatment than ponies?” Redheart gave him a quizzical look. “And don’t say ‘Canterlot’.”

“We feed on you.” Shiftlight pointed out.

“We feed on grass and vegetables. Sometimes we drink milk, and use eggs to bake cakes. I have barely seen any vegetables, cows or chickens attack ponies.”

“Your point being?”

“You don’t need to kill us to feed on us,” she stood up. “And I’m certain that if you do your part of work, the meals you take from the ponies are entirely… well let’s say that you can feel it’s justified to take enough to sustain yourselves.”

They both slipped into silence. Shiftlight was trying to take in what the pony just said. He couldn’t really believe it. The logical part of him said he should take his brothers and run. But the small voice, the voice he heard so many times before and yet he easily ignored, convinced him otherwise.

“I…believe you,” he slowly said. It was hard for him to say it, much less admit that his voice wasn’t poisoned with lies and betrayal.

“That was… unexpected,” Nurse Redheart said, her face stoic as ever. “I hoped I would have to hold you down against your will and literally beat some sense into you.”

The changeling tilted his head, not able to decide whether it was a joke or not.

“I guess your silence doesn’t come free,” he replied after a small pause.

“Of course not. I would like you to drop your disguise.”

“No.” Shiftlight shook his head.

“I didn’t mean ‘now and always’.” Redheart scolded the shifter, like he was a small colt. “I am simply interested in your anatomy that’s all. Also, I’m extremely curious as of how you survived in Canterlot. You satisfy my hunger for knowledge, and you can feed all you need in the hospital.”

“I hope your hunger is not insatiable,” Lancet said with a small smirk.

“If you’re done joking around, you have a party to attend to,” Redheart remarked. “And our first session in changeling anatomy will begin on Saturday morning. I hope you don’t have anything planned.”

The changeling shook his head, and after setting the details the two of them returned to the party.

Two hours later the party was winding down. Zaffre already left with the few foals he managed to sneak out to the party, and only a hoofful of guests remained. The musicians were long since gone, the muffins and cupcakes were almost all devoured, and everypony was getting too tired to play games. Soon, only a few ponies remained, with the intent of helping Pinkie and Lime clean up some of the mess. Lancet was among them, reorganizing the tables to their original positions, torn between reality and his own thoughts.

“Hey! Lancet!” Buzzer jumped on top of the table his brother was pushing, poking him on his forehead with a hoof. “Where do you plan on taking this one?”

“Hmm?” Shiftlight looked up, letting go of the table. “Where it belongs?”

“It surely doesn’t belong in the restroom!” Lime replied, pointing at the door that the other shifter was pushing the table towards. “It belongs in the kitchen.”

“Sorry,” Lancet apologized, pushing the furniture to its place. “I guess I’m a little dreamy that’s all.”

“Hey, don’t worry!” Lime reassured his brother. “Pinkie and I are more than enough to clean up the place. If you wish you can go, take a walk and clear your head.”

“If you say so,” he answered. “I’ll just head back to the hospital.”

His small sibling nodded, and used his magic to move the rest of the furnishings back to their original place. By the time Shiftlight got to the door everything was almost back to the ordinary, with both bakers sweeping up. The tall changeling let out a sigh, stepping outside into the quiet evening of Ponyville.

What am I supposed to do? Shiftlight thought. I screwed up, and endangered my brothers. I should’ve warned them, and we should’ve left the village. Start over somewhere else. But no, I decided to remain silent, and be a part of that pony’s game!

“What is wrong with me?” He asked out loud.

“Who are you talking to?” A familiar voice called out to him. He turned around to see Lime trotting towards him.

“What are you doing here?”

“Well, you seemed worried, so Pinkie made me come after you, to ask whether it was the party that got you so down.” Buzzer explained. “That, and she said you left without a goodbye hug. Also, the hospital is in the other direction.”

Shiftlight shook his head. It was no easy escaping the reach of that pink monster, and now his small brother was under her influence. Could things get any worse?

“Lancet, there is something wrong with you.” Lime stated, stepping closer to his brother. “You act like you’re under some confusion spell, or something. What bothers you?”

“Do you… Would you get mad if I said I would not like to discuss that topic?” he asked back.

“Mad? Ancestors no!” Buzzer shook his head. “Curious as of why, yes, but mad?”

“It’s… complicated.” Shiftlight said, hoping it would be a sufficient explanation. “Something I heard during the party. But it’s not important.”

“Of course the latter I guessed.” Lime replied. “If it would be, I’m sure you would’ve told us by now. Well, I’ll leave you to your thoughts then. Oh, I almost forgot!”

The small unicorn embraced his brother in a hug. Shiftlight stood there shocked, waiting for an explanation.

“Pinkie ordered me to give you a goodbye hug.” Buzzer said, letting go of his sibling. “I hope you didn’t mind.”

“Not at all.” Shiftlight said with an unease smile, though his brother could barely see anything in the dark. “Well, have a good night!”

“You too!”

The two of them parted ways, each heading towards their new homes. Shiftlight felt like he could scream. Not only did he keep his talk with Nurse Redheart a secret, but with his brother’s words, he also felt like he was downright betraying them.

What is happening to me? He thought, looking up at the moon. When did I get so weak?

When did I become so weak? Zaffre asked himself, as he sat on the bed of the small pegasus foal. Black Cirrus, the small colt whose bed he was sitting on, woke him up an hour ago, with the reason that some monsters kept him awake. Thorax felt like he should just reassure the foal that there was no such thing, and return to sleep, but there was something in the eyes of the colt that made him change his mind.

I can’t believe it. He thought. He’s been asleep for half an hour now. So why can’t I get myself to leave?

His mind urged him to move, yet every other inch of him refused to obey. He just sat there, eyes on the small foal, still ready to reassure him that he’s safe from the monsters.

I am a monster. He realized, and that got him to move. He opened his fake wings, and soared to the door, landing softly and silently on the carpet in the corridor. He closed the door and headed for his own room. Once inside, he locked his door, walked to the window, sat down and stared outside, at the moon.

What am I becoming? He thought, unable to find any answer.

“Why are you staring outside?” A small voice asked. “And why did you lock the door?”

Thorax quickly turned around, just to see another small filly cowering on his bed. It was Dandelion, he realized.

“I don’t know.” He replied, sitting down. “Something’s just bothering me I guess. Why are you here?”

“My tummy hurts.” She said, scratching her belly with a hoof. “I guess I ate too many muffins at the party.”

“Well, you can stay, until your pain goes away.” Zaffre offered with a faint smile, hopping next to the filly on the bed.

“You shouldn’t have locked the door.” Dandelion said, shuddering a bit. “It won’t be safer.”

“I guess I just wanted to be alone for a while.” Zaffre replied, gently hugging the filly. “No big deal.”

“May I tell you something?” She looked up at the pegasus with pleading eyes. “Something that’s been bothering me?”

“Sure, I’d be glad to listen.” Thorax said.

“I… was once like this.” Dandelion started, and the changeling realized: he was about to hear a long repressed memory of the filly. “Something bothered me, and I thought locking myself in my room would help me clear my head. That being alone would make me feel better. My parents tried to get me out, but I… I yelled them to leave me alone. I was so wrong.”

The small unicorn let out a heavy sigh. Zaffre felt uncomfortable: he wanted to help the filly, but realized he should just listen for now. The inside of his mind was a mess; he felt good, because he was there for the foal, but on the other hand it confused him that he cared so much for a creature he fed on.

“We lived in an old house back at that time. Much like this farmhouse, just a bit older.” She continued, trying to remember what she suppressed for so long. “I was inside, when some fire broke out. Nopony knew what caused it, but by the time I realized why my parents were yelling, it was too late. I ran to the window, and luckily some pegasus just passed by, and heard me shouting. He saved my life.”

Tears were streaming down on Dandelion’s cheeks. She buried her face in the blanket, and continued with a muffled voice.

“My parents burned inside, and all because I locked the door, and they tried to get me out!” She cried, and Zaffre pulled her close, embracing her in a warm, comforting hug. “I wanted to be alone, and I got my wish! Oh, dear Celestia, I still hear them calling out to me, trying to help me, when I selfishly pushed them away! I never want to be alone ever again!”

Thorax gently jumped off of the bed, walked to the door and opened it.

“You’ll never have to fear that.” He promised, getting back next to the small unicorn. “I’ll never ever close my door again. If something bothers you, you can come talk to me; I’ll be here.”

He hugged the filly tight, Dandelion crying herself to sleep in his embrace. The changeling’s thoughts only drifted off when the small unicorn was deeply dreaming. Thorax felt her love around him, but couldn’t bring himself to devour any of it.

What made me become so soft? He wondered. And why am I not bothered by it?

The third changeling in Ponyville had no such problems. He did his fair share of work that day, lay down on his makeshift bed in Pinkie’s room, and was already fast asleep.

Sweet dreams however, did not come without a price.

Buzzer dreamt of his hive. In his sleep vision he walked inside the web-tunnels connecting the underground spires of his home, enjoying the buzzing sound of hundreds and hundreds of his siblings. He saw the huge tower in the middle of their enormous city, the Ascended Citadel, throne room of his queen, surrounded by smaller towers, containing the precious hatching chambers. Those always reminded him of his time spent as a small nymph, along with dozens of his siblings. His two brothers and him, they all hatched on the same day, along with at least twenty more eggs from their cluster. Only seven of them ever managed to learn the basics of infiltration, and only four of them were ever sent out to the field. The fate of the fourth was always somewhat of a sad memory for the small changeling. He was just reaching the guard-tower of cluster nine when his dream took a different turn.

The web-tunnel in front of him disappeared, torn apart by an unknown force. He quickly took flight, and watched as not flames, but a strange blue mist burned his home to ashes. He heard the screams of his siblings, the unmistakable cracking of fire, and almost felt the smell of burned chitin. Slowly, the smoke surrounded him, and he saw the silhouette of a tall familiar-looking figure.

“My queen!” Buzzer shouted in his dream, dashing towards the shade, only to be stopped by a harsh voice.

“We are not thy queen!” The voice boomed, and a blue alicorn appeared in front of the shifter. “But thou have trespassed in our realm of the dreams! Thou should not be within our reach, unless of course…”

The changeling cowered, fearing what was about to come, as the princess of the dreams moved closer, leaning down to face him.

“…Thou art sleeping on Equestrian soil.” She stated coldly. “Tell me little changeling, what art thou doing in our kingdom, feeding on our subjects?”

“I have to wake up!” He yelled to himself. “This can’t be happening!”

“Thou will not escape us!” The lunar empress yelled in her royal Canterlot voice, grabbing the shifter in her magic, holding him in front of her, her nose inches from the changeling’s. “Mark our words, we will find thee, and we shall make thee pay for thy crimes!”

Buzzer awoke from his dream, his carapace burning under his disguise, ears ringing, limbs shaking, and his head spinning. He remembered it all, knowing that from that point on his very life was in danger every time he would even just as much as take a nap.