• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 4,350 Views, 85 Comments

Conversion - CrutioAstarothChaos

After the invasion of Canterlot, three changelings find out they have suffered a worse fate than the rest of the army: they were left behind. With their hive likely waging war on itself, an unnatural thought emerges: Self Preservation.

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Volatile solutions

Zaffre had no idea what he was doing. The book was telling him he was cooking food, but being a changeling had its advantages: love came in its pure and unchangeable form. So when the shifter had to prepare tomato-cabbage-vegetable soup, he had no idea where to start. Fortunately as always, a book was able to help him. He really considered wooing a mare, who would teach him how to cook. As far as dating books told him, a stallion that knew how to cook proved to be more popular than one who didn’t.
The boiling of the water brought his attention back to the meal he was supposed to prepare. He followed the instructions of the book precisely, and soon the soup was ready to be served. The changeling thought that his request for taking the rest of the day off wouldn’t be improper now that the meal was ready, so he headed for Madame Tender’s room.
“Ah, Zaffre, I can tell that our dinner is ready,” the blind mare said as he entered her bedroom. “Shouldn’t you be herding the foals to the table?”
“I thought I should ask it before the chaos erupts, if it’s all right for me to take the day after the meal off?” Zaffre replied.
“Trying to skip the dishwashing, eh?” Tender jested with a smile. “Sure, you can go ahead. Tell your brothers I send my regards!”
“But I never… how did you?” Thorax was shocked.
“So you are going to see your brothers,” she giggled. “And here I was, hoping you would at least try to date a proper mare!”
“But… Nevermind,” Zaffre said, still embarrassed. “I’ll just bring you your dinner.”
He returned with a platter with a hot bowl of soup and a plate stacked with cinnamon buns from Sugarcube corner.
“I hope life treats you and your brothers well,” Madame Tender said suddenly. “The foals tell me they are strange ponies.”
“Tell me about it, I’ve lived my life with them,” Thorax replied with a smirk.
“You should appreciate that you have them,” she retorted. “And they should be glad they have you. Family is a very important thing, and most ponies never learn it. I heard many sad stories from my little foals, and my heart goes out for the poor souls. They treasure family far better than other ponies do.”
“I don’t even know what happened to the rest of my family,” Zaffre whispered.
“All the more reason to keep what you have together,” Madame Tender replied.
“Thank you,” he said. “But then I should hurry up! My brothers might already be waiting for me!”
An hour later a blue pegasus left the building of the Ponyville orphanage, heading into town. He just passed by a small park, when he heard a familiar voice. He looked around, and what he saw made him feel really confused.

Buzzer was in heaven. He managed to talk more than two complete sentences to the mare that set his heart on fire, and she enjoyed it. The changeling couldn’t imagine any day to be better than this. Well, maybe, but for the sake of the present he pulled his mind out of the gutter, and savored the moments he could spend with Lyra.
He followed the aquamarine mare to the small park, and after watching her practice for a while, he couldn’t stop himself from approaching the mare, and engaging in a seemingly small talk. The two have been chatting for hours now, none noticing the time passing by.
“Imagine my best friend’s face when she found out I asked someone to magically enchant some of her favorite candies!” the mint-blue unicorn let out a hearty laugh. “From that day on for at least a month sometimes when Bon-Bon talked, her voice was different each time!”
“That’s a good one!” Lime chuckled. “I wish I would’ve played some pranks on my brothers! Unfortunately my sup… parents wouldn’t have allowed that.”
“Yeah, I know.” Lyra replied. “My parents wanted me to become some secretary in a famous company of Canterlot, but I was more devoted to music. I can create something with it; become somewhat more than a hollow shadow behind a desk!”
“I wish I would be more than just a hollow shadow.” Buzzer said, his voice filled with sorrow. “In a big family such as mine, we are barely different from each other.”
“Well, Applejack has a big family, and I never heard her having problems with that.” Lyra retorted.
“Yeah, well Miss Applejack’s family isn’t a Canterlot stuck up noble one!” Lime let out a heavy sigh. “All the regulations, all the etiquette, all the ‘you can’t do this’ attitude limits our opportunities. Actually now that I think of it, I’m glad I’m rid of them for a while.”
“That sounds harsh,” she replied. “Even though I can somewhat understand you.”
“Well, if I might be harsh for just a second more, then I’d like to say I’m glad I interrupted your practice,” Lime said with a smile. “I really enjoyed talking to you.”
“I liked it too,” she agreed. “I would like to resume this some other time.”
“Lunch in Sugarcube corner on Monday?” Lime suggested.
“Sounds good,” Lyra nodded with a smile.
“Can I join too?” A third voice asked.
The pair looked at the source; a blue pegasus with a dream-catcher cutiemark.
Oh, you just didn’t, Lime thought, recognizing his brother’s disguise.
“Sure, why not?” Lyra replied.
“Of course he could,” Buzzer added. “If he’s not busy in the orphanage, that is.”
“All right, I really need to get going!” the mare hopped off of the park bench she and Lime were sitting on. “See you later!”
“Are you insane?” Zaffre almost yelled at his brother, once Lyra was out of hearing distance. “Dating a pony? Has the fire burned your mind?”
“We’ll be stuck here for a year!” Buzzer replied. “What do you want me to do? Ignore her?”
“I suppose it wasn’t her starting the conversation.” – The retort made Lime blush. – “We’re supposed to keep a low profile.”
“So what?” Buzzer asked back, staring to walk toward the inn where they were supposed to meet Lancet. “Am I forbidden to socially interact with anypony?”
“You were setting up a date, Lime,” Thorax sighed, following his sibling. “A date.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“What if she wishes to meet with the rest of your family?” Zaffre asked. “Or wishes to know more about your past?”
“I’m a good liar. From the three of us I’m the best infiltrator!” he struck back.
“And we know that ponies don’t take it kindly if they’re being lied to,” Zaffre retorted. “It almost literally breaks them.”
“Well, I haven’t thought of it that… wait a second –” Realization struck Lime. “– are you putting the feelings of a pony before the feelings of your own brother?”
Now it was Zaffre’s turn to defend himself.
“Of course not!” He lied. “I just think a mare we hurt might turn the public attention against us.”
“I don’t know which surprises me more: the fact that I feel something towards Lyra, or the fact that you do too,” Lime shook his head in disbelief.
“Am not!” Zaffre argued. “I… just… oh, crack it, I am!”
“Really?” Buzzer asked. “I mean, in what way? Are you... attracted to her?”

“Attracted? I don’t think so.” Thorax replied. “I think I would just feel sorry for her if she would fall in love with a lie, that’s all.”
“We should not mention this to Lancet.” Lime suggested. “I’m sure with us being this light headed, he’s the one who has the perfect life now. By the way, when did you become so soft?”
“I don’t know.” Zaffre said blushing. “I guess when I realized that I have to truly care for the foals at the orphanage to gain their affection.”
“Man, ponies are complicated.” Lime shook his head.
“Tell me about it.”

“Why are you so complicated?” Redheart asked, trying to catch up with Lancet.
“I’m not complicated!” He replied annoyed. “I am simply trying to get some peace for myself!”
“Well, as far as I can tell you’re infuriating your own self,” she retorted, and Shiftlight gave her an angry look. “The more you’re trying to suppress it, the more it will bother you!”
“I am not going to talk about it!” Lancet stated. “It’s a weakness, and I am not weak!”
“Wow, now you are just downright stubborn!” Redheart said. “Why can’t you accept help from anyone? Why won’t you let me help you?”
“It’s because –” the changeling stopped. “– we didn’t care about each other in the hive. Well, not in this way. We endured everything, and blamed only ourselves when things turned worse.”
“You blame yourself?” she asked taken aback. “For how many things?”
“I lost count,” Shiftlight replied, and started walking again. “I told you, I endured worse.”
“Wait!” Redheart said after a moment later, catching up with Lancet. “Look, I know I’m a pony and all but... if you ever find the courage to talk about it, you’ll know where to find me.”
Shiftlight stopped and looked at her with a stoic expression. He didn’t need to use any ability of his to feel the concern of Redheart for him. Not able to bear it he looked away.
“I must go now,” he said, turning to leave. “But, I’ll think about it.”

The Retching Griffon was Ponyville’s most average pub. It served the Apple family’s famous hard cider, among with other weaker brews and a few exotic drinks. Its interior was lit up by lanterns, which threw long shadows on the floor, on each of the tables was a candle, some lit up, signing which were reserved.
Zaffre and Lime selected an empty table, one near the entrance and far from the walls. From that table the three of them could watch every corner of the pub, looking for signs of suspicion.
“What may I serve for you today, gentlecolts?” the waiter asked. He was a pale yellow earth pony, with light blue mane and blue eyes.
“A Sweet Apple hard cider for me,” Buzzer said.
“I’ll have the strongest whisky you have,” Zaffre added, earning a strange look from Lime.
“Since when do you drink whisky?” he asked, eyeing Thorax.
“Since always,” the other replied. “During infiltrations I always drink whisky when I can. Helps me focus less on acting perfectly and more on acting continuously. Or it just makes me dull enough not to fuss over every little detail.”
“Figures,” Buzzer smirked. “Wonder when our–“
At that moment, the door opened, and a furious grey stallion entered the pub. He walked straight to the counter, ignoring his brothers sitting at the table.
“A mug of your strongest drink.” Shiftlight said, putting a hoofful of bits on the counter.
The bartender watched as Lancet turned around and took his place next to his brothers, who sat there, their jaws hanging open.
“If you say a word, I’ll promise I make your end very painful,” Shiftlight threatened Buzzer, who immediately closed his mouth with a loud snap. “And don’t ask.”
“All right, we won’t,” Zaffre replied, holding his hooves up in a defensive position. “Just calm down.”
“Okay, let’s sum up this week,” Buzzer suggested silently. “We managed to craft credible aliases, got a welcoming party, a whole lot of affection, a roof above our heads and some sort of jobs.”
“I think that is a success,” Thorax nodded with a weak smile.
“Your drinks, gentlecolts,” the waiter announced, putting two mugs and a glass in front of them. “A hard cider for the unicorn, a whisky for the pegasus, and a mug of absinthe for the earth pony sir.”
“Thank you Goldengrape.” Buzzer said, handing a small bag of bits to the stallion.
“Well, cheers?” Zaffre asked hesitantly after the waiter left, but seemingly Shiftlight couldn’t wait and was already swigging his drink.
“Maybe this will help,” Lancet said, burping loudly after he finished the absinthe.
“Help?” Buzzer asked cautiously, shooting a worried look at Zaffre. “With what?”
“Ain’t none of your business!” Shiftlight replied harshly, and Thorax gently touched Lime’s shoulder, shooking his head not to press the matter.
Buzzer gave a quizzical look to Lancet, but remained silent. Both he and Zaffre sipped their drinks quietly, keeping an eye on their third brother and the rest of the yet empty pub. Shiftlight did nothing else, but muttered under his nose, and stared at the bottom of the candle on their table. Lime and Thorax did not dare to make a sound, and both were praying to their ancestors that this night will pass without trouble.
Luck however denies to be kind towards those who most wish for it.
With a loud thud the door snapped open, and four stallions barged in, all of them at least tipsy, probably from the contains of a now empty bottle, levitated by a drunk unicorn. Shiftlight paid them little attention, but unlike him, his brothers were watching the scene terrified. Both of them knew very well, that in a busy pub, the best strategy to evade capture was to start a fight with a drunk customer. This time however, starting a fight was not an option for them.
“Aiee, waissar, we wanna drink, hic!” a muscular light brown earth pony with darker mane yelled. “Givuss your sstrongest drink!”
The other three members of his group, a grey earth pony with dark mane, a yellow unicorn with purplish-blue mane and a cream-brown scabby earth stallion agreed with a cheer, despite none of them having any idea what their leader said.
“Sirs, I might have to ask you to leave,” Goldengrape said, coming out from behind the counter. “You already appear to have drunk enough.”
“It’s bollocks I say!” the unicorn said, levitating the bottle in front of the waiter. “We only drank a couple bottles of these!”
“That’s the strongest vodka you could’ve found in this small village isn’t it, Comet?” Goldengrape asked giving the group a deadpan look. “We play this game every month, and you still think after the first occasion that you can just barge in and drink my finest brews like nothing happened?”
“It’s not like we didn’t pay for the trouble we caused!” the grey earth pony babbled. “Why can’t we come here for a nice drink?”
“Because you get tipsy even from drinking sarsaparilla, Felix!” the waiter replied annoyed. “And don’t get me started on the rest of you! Pigpen and Rivet you’re the worst! I see you lying on the streets, passed out from alcohol every week!”
“Issnot true!” the accused Rivet whined. “I can’t remember the last time I drank more than a bottle!”
“My point exactly,” Goldengrape retorted. “Now leave my pub! You’re scaring my customers away!”
“Well I ain’t leavin’ till I get a mug of cider at least!” Pigpen wobbled closer.
“Hey!” another voice joined the conversation, and all attention turned towards the table of the three changelings. “He asked you to leave, so you leave!”
“Uh-oh,” Buzzer said, as he and Thorax exchanged worried looks. Shiftlight already stood up, and he was walking towards the group, his movements telling that he was getting tipsy from the absinthe.
“Oh yeah?” Rivet asked, turning to face Lancet, who was a bit taller, but a lot skinnier than the stallion. “What are ya, a bouncer? Gotta hand it to you Grapey, you picked the skinniest bouncer in all of Equestria!”
His friends laughed at the comment, as Shiftlight’s expression turned more and more furious. Lime and Zaffre left their table, intending to stop things from getting worse.
“I could take you drunkards all by myself,” Lancet stated coldly, staring at Rivet. “And I wouldn’t even break a sweat.”
“There is no need for violence!” Lime stepped in between the two. “Or if you really intend to fight, do it outside!”
“You aren’t getting me out of this shop shortie!” The stallion yelled, shoving Lime out of his way.
Things suddenly turned rough, when the empty bottle hit Buzzer’s head with the speed of a missile. He turned to face the threat, only to get a quick glance at Felix’s flank and hind hooves. After that, the world turned to black.
Shiftlight immediately reacted when Felix bucked Lime in the face, sending him flying through the pub. The tall shifter ducked to avoid the first hit from Rivet, and then launched himself at the stallion, aiming a hit at his neck. When his hoof found its target, the earth pony shuddered and gasped for air. But quickly Pigpen was on him, wrapping his hooves around Shiftlight’s chest and trying to bring him to the ground.
Zaffre on the other hand had to deal with Felix and Comet, while Goldengrape ran behind the counter. The unicorn threw chairs at the changeling, who grabbed one, and threw it at Felix. It hit the earth pony on his head, but he quickly got on his feet again, and he jumped at Thorax. He took off, and bucked Felix in his head, knocking him out, when a table landed on top of him.
Shiftlight gave Pigpen the rodeo of his life, and after a short struggle the shifter managed to break free. Lancet quickly grabbed a chair, and knocked out the stallion, before he could try anything. By this time Rivet managed to catch his breath, and charged at the changeling. Shiftlight just turned around, and met his assault with a full-force buck. That stopped Rivet in his tracks, and after a shudder he collapsed on the floor.
Thorax climbed out from under the table and faced Comet, who grabbed another table to knock him out. Zaffre just smiled and pointed to the left of the unicorn. The drunk pony looked in the direction, and while he was distracted Thorax took off, and dashed right into him, putting him down.
After the struggle was over, Zaffre ran to his unconscious brother. After quickly examining him, he found that he was still mostly unharmed, but his shape wasn’t good.
“We need to fix him!” he called out to Shiftlight.
“Put him on my back, I know someone who can help us,” Lancet replied, walking to him.
“Are you insane?” Zaffre yelled in his face. “You drank a mug of the strongest drink and you started a fight! I’m not putting my brother on your back!”
“All right, I screwed up!” Shiftlight admitted. “But I still know who can help!”
“Put him on my back, and lead the way.” Thorax hissed, his eyes glaring at Lancet with fury.