• Published 9th Apr 2013
  • 15,952 Views, 1,449 Comments

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon - Aegis Shield

SEQUEL! Nightmare Moon tries her hoof at wooing one of her subjects. Meanwhile Chrysalis returns to feed on Celestia.

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Rest and Recovery, Bandaid!

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon
Part 17: Rest and Recovery, Bandaid!

“Hold him down!”
“AUGH! He bit me!”
“Keep your hooves and ankles away from his face!”
“Wheel him in! Over here, over here!”
“The room is ready, we’ve got it ready!”
“Tie the straps tighter! His strength is in his fury!”
“I’m bleeding!”
“I want those sedatives in here NOW!”
“He’s bending the entire bedframe! Hold him, Faust damn it!”
“Don’t talk about my mother that way!”
“Send for my male nurses! I want muscle in this room!”
“Make a path!”
“We’re moving him to the operating bed! One! Two! THREE!”
“Get the heavy straps! The leather ones! No the other leather ones!”
“Two nurses there! And two nurses there!”
“It didn’t work! Again!”
“YOU PUT YOUR FILTHY COCK-SUCKING LIPS ON ME AGAIN AND I’LL TEAR OFF YOUR TEAT NIPPLES ONE AT A BUCKING TI---MRRMMPH-RRRRHM!!!” Bandaid flailed against his bonds, the four nurses, and Nightmare Moon’s lips. After two, three, four love-filled kisses he seemed to have worn himself out. His eyes softened, and he went slack. There was silence and heavy breathing all around. His eyes slid from nurse to nurse, from the doctor to Nightmare Moon. With her wings aloft she dominated his vision, leaning over him with concern. The male nurses braced in case they had to hold him for another round or two. “N…. Nightie?” he mewled softly, looking around in a haze. Everypony in the room let out a sigh of relief. Fury unbound, indeed! It had taken a whole team to get him in there for the procedure!

“Sedatives set,” A nurse appeared with a syringe.

“Go ahead,” Doctor Heart Starter nodded.

“Owch!” Bandaid flinched a little. He saw her pull the needle from his fur. “Nightie I’m scared, what happee…uhhhrm-m-m-m….” his eyes slowly rolled into his head and he flumped back into the pillows. Everypony leaned at him, sweat dripping from their brows. Love-drained ponies were certainly not something they’d been trained for… but they’d done it! They leaned on each other, smiling wearily at a job well done. Two male nurses exchanged a hoof-bump.

Nightmare leaned forth for a softer kiss to Bandaid’s forehead. She stroked his brow a few times, then sighed in relief as well. “Tell no pony of this,” she said softly. “And have him moved to my chambers in the Obsidian Hall. I will send for any further supplies.” the black alicorn said.

“Yes your Majesty,” the head doctor and all the staff present bowed.


Bandaid awoke to black silken sheets, a cover of dark feathers, and a soft muzzle resting over his side. Great arms encircled him, and a hypnotic tail of stars soothed his aching eyes. “N-Nightie…?” he husked softly. Her head lifted and she nuzzled him a few times. “Th-thirsty…” he husked. Water levitated from the darkness to him. He drank from a shallow bowl, greedy for the cooling liquid. Then he lay his head down again.


Bandaid awoke to find one of the curtains of the bed pushed back. Nightmare sat at her desk, quietly writing and sending scrolls. He husked softly, a sort of whining sound, trying to lift his head. She looked over at him, concern etching her features. She hadn’t been sleeping. She brought his shallow bowl, this time with vitamin juice. He’d given this to her when she had been bedridden. The changeling that had drained him had taken so much… he felt so weak… she gingerly took the bowl away before he fell asleep into it. He’d only taken half the liquid.


Bandaid felt a wafer-thin slice of strawberry being pressed against his muzzle. He nummel-nummeled at it with his lips, and sucked it down eagerly. He felt himself being nuzzled, a great black wing flowing down over his back and shoulders. “Dear one… dear, dear one…” he heard her soft voice in the darkness. He nuzzled into her barrel, frightened of the open space and cool air on his back. One of her arms lifted to enclose him in her quiet blackness. He sighed in relief.


Bandaid’s splayed ears flicked, flicked, then lifted when he heard a quiet voice in the darkness. To the tune of "Hush Little Baby", there was a lullaby floating in the night:

“I see the moon, and the moon sees me,
Shining through the branches of the old oak tree.
Oh, let the light that shines on me,
Shine on the one I love.”

His dry throat made him cough a few times. She soothed him with rag and blanket, letting him drink what he could. Luna peeked in at them, between clouds. Nightmare looked up at her, brow knitted with fretful worry. Unfinished papers and scrolls lay strewn about her desk and room. The fire roared but the stallion shivered. Pulling more blankets from her closet, she piled them on him. When he went slack with sleep, she kissed him deeply. The fang-shaped holes in his shining little soul grew just a little bit smaller. Luna watched, ever diligent, ever quiet, ever thoughtful. Nightmare looked up at her again, ears perking and then rotating. Her cheeks colored and she lay her head over his. She sighed a worried, pregnant sigh. “Yes. Yes, very deeply,” she said to Luna, a certain softness in her eyes.


Bandaid sucked eagerly at the vitamin-soaked rag, squirming a little. He poked his muzzle and head out from under the covers to get fresher air. Nightmare leaned over him eagerly. His fever seemed to have broken. She coddled his head with her forelegs. He turned his head to hide from the moonlight, for it hurt his sensitive eyes. The black alicorn still hunched over him like a worried, love-sick mare. She hush-hushed his vulnerable whimpers, fed him more juice when she could, and let him sleep all the more.

A near month in the Badlands, no doubt being fed sub-standard food… then being love-drained… then fighting like a madpony… all this mess and stress had left the poor thing rattled and frayed like so much worn silken lace. Nightmare only hoped he would mend. She snuck tiny berries into his nutrient juice when she thought she could. Little bits of bread, and the occasional speck of cheese. His strength seemed to waver back and forth.


Bandaid awoke sweaty, moaning, and sore all over. He lifted his head, then his neck. Everything crackle-popped like he hadn’t moved in ages. “Ohhh…” he sighed out.

Nightmare lay next to him. Her ears flicked to life at his moan, and she sat up right away. “Bandaid?” she called automatically, eyes bleary for a few moments. They looked at each other for a time. “You’re awake,” she said softly.

“I’m hungry,” he mewled softly, leaning weakly on her. She nodded, reaching for whatever she could with her magic. He ate a small block of cheese, three bread slices, two cups of juice, a bit of unflavored hay, two strawberries, and a small hoof-full of orange slices. He was panting from the effort by the time he was done. Nightmare’s spirits lifted at his bigger appetite. She helped him to the bathroom, quickly changing the sheets of the bed with her magic, then helped him back into it with the fresh linens attached. He lay on his side, curled into a little ball, then went back to sleep.


“N-nightie!” a small voice cried out in the darkness, tear-streaked from nightmares.

“Shhhh, I’m here, I am here dear one…” Nightmare uncurled from the blackness, her mane and tail ever flowing in his vision. “Ohhh dear one…. dear, dear one…” the black alicorn whispered, pulling him to her breast. Belly to belly they entwined together. She pulled heavy blankets over them both, nuzzling his mane and withers with her great head.

“You’re so warm…” he mumbled softly, the moisture of tears spilling across her breast. She nodded a little, careful of her horn as she pressed in about him for comfort.

“…I love you, my dear one,” she whispered in the blackness.

“I love you, Nightie…” he whispered, deeply touched. She stroked him over and over until he slept again. Luna smiled from where she hung in the sky, a certain softness in her glow that night.


Bandaid stood in the shower, his head dipped down in a half-sleepy soft of haze. Instinct kept his legs locked without cutting off blood-flow, and he sort of hovered there. Nightmare lingered with him in the shower, scrubbing him. Being bedridden for over a week, well, he smelled. Nopony else would know. She’d stealthily acquired a few stallion soaps and a coarse shower brush, then had set to work. While she would’ve certainly been giddy and giggly before, this had a certain sacredness to it. His tender body, plain brown and unknowing, was hers to care for. She averted her eyes when the warm water made him pee into the drain. Coughing twice, she lathered him and set to work on his mane. He snuffle-snorted, then sneezed himself awake. “Uh-whuh?” he looked around for amoment. Nightmare froze. The warm water lulled him back, and his head sunk again.

When he was clean, she took him before the fireplace and gently toweled him dry. Brushing his mane while a soft record played on a player, she read aloud from a novel while her levitating brush went through his mane. On the twelve-hundredth brush, she decided he looked quite handsome. Getting a thinner blanket since he was a little damp, she took him back to bed.


The brown stallion sat up in bed. Aware. He looked around. “Nightmare?” he called, his voice returning to him. Nightmare moon looked up from a canvas of numbers and angles she’d been seeing to in a corner.

She came slowly, peering at him. “How do you feel?” she saw there was awareness in his eyes at last. She touched his forehead, then kissed it. No fever.

“Sore, like I’ve been sleeping for ages….” He trailed off. “How did I get back from the hive?” he asked.

Nightmare looked to one side worriedly. Should she spring this on him just now? She turned for a moment, then rang a servant’s bell. “Eat, and I will tell you everything.” She promised. He nodded slowly, seeing her hesitance. After a time, when a proper meal was brought before them, Nightmare began to explain. From what details she could get from Celestia, a recovering Noble Cause and a few others, she related everything that had happened from when Bandaid had been love-drained to the present. She stopped, skipping details of her personal care, though. It almost seemed too personal to say aloud.

“You took care of me?” he said softly, trying to catch her eyes. She nodded mutely. “Thank you,” he said. “Not every mare would split the earth, close national borders and sign treaties for somepony.”

“Thou art my beloved stallion,” Nightmare said, shifting in her seat a bit and staring at her food. “I would move much more than a bit of earth to see to your safety.”

Bandaid stood, working his way around the table, to embrace her. He touched her cheek so she would look him in the face. “My hero,” he said softly, nuzzling her. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear. Nightmare shivered a little. Gently, he took her ear in his teeth and began to pull. Nightmare allowed herself to be pulled along. “C’mere,” he whispered softly, red-cheeked.

Bandaid took her to bed as the lights fell to dim glows. The curtains pulled themselves shut by magic and their two shadows became one. In the quiet of the night, under Luna’s watchful glow, they made love. Gentle, quiet and tender. When it was over, they lay entwined together, sighing and a little sweaty. “Oh’hhhh Bandaid…” Nightmare whispered quietly, feeling flushed and alive.

End of Part 17