• Published 9th Apr 2013
  • 15,960 Views, 1,449 Comments

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon - Aegis Shield

SEQUEL! Nightmare Moon tries her hoof at wooing one of her subjects. Meanwhile Chrysalis returns to feed on Celestia.

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Fury Unbound, Bandaid!

The Affection of Princess Nightmare Moon
Part 15: Fury Unbound, Bandaid!

Hate. Bandaid could certainly tell you how much he’d come to hate changelings since the drone had pounced on him mere minutes ago. There were hundreds of feet of veins, arteries, and muscles pulsing with it throughout his body. Even his half-thrilled stallionhood, if the word hate was engraved all over it like a slimy, spidering tattoo, could not begin to express the hate in his heart. The love was gone, sucked out by that parasite. He’d paid for it with his life. For all of them, hate! Hatred and bloodlust and coiled Earth Pony muscle ready to destroy whatever he came across. He quivered at the thought, wound taught like gauze over a swelling limb, ready to burst and gush with violence.

He staggered along the half-lit hallways, salivating and snorting steam. He could smell them, smell their stink. Honey and oil and earth and stone, he could politely ignore it no more. Marked with earth and grime from sidling along the walls he peered about with slitted eyes, jowls lifted like a dog ready to attack.

Most of the changelings must’ve been outside building their stupid mud city. Let them, the bucking monsters. See what happened to them the first time it poured with rain. Stopping, he scratched at what felt like a door. There was a shuffling beyond. Smiling with an inner madness he waited to see who would answer.

“Hullo,” he husked. It blinked at him stupidly, for he was just a shape in the dark. Bandaid dove on him like a releasing spring. It shrieked in fear before he pounced on its head and struck it over the head. It limpened in only a few quick, brutal blows. Looking up, he found himself in an organized supply room. Nothing useful. He needed supplies. He needed weapons. He needed something to cover his head before he tried to cross the wasteland. Pulling the body along, he stuffed it in a crate and closed the lid. Pausing a moment, he clicked the padlock shut.

A pair of drones armed with spears appeared in the doorway. Turning with a furious shout, Bandaid leapt upon the first one, placing a hoof right where its knee should’ve been. The leg snapped and it went down with a scream. Rolling before he was speared in the back he connected with the second guard’s chin. Grabbing the loose spear, he raised it high and beat it like the sharp weapon was a club. It shrieked and thrashed about as the brown fury laid into him. The spear finally snapped over the poor creature’s hide, so he switched to kicking instead. It tried to crawl away. “Where are you going?!” Bandaid roared, following it among crates and into a corner. There he kicked and stomped on it. It whimpered aloud, pitiful and cracking under his fury. It curled into a ball like an infant, yelping with every blow. Finally until it stopped moving. “Useless bucking bug,” Bandaid said, watching the dribble of orange blood travel across the floor and touch his hooves.

He turned when he heard shuffling, for the first guard drone was trying to crawl away with one broken leg. He caught up, and crushed it beneath a heavy supply crate. Only its poor swollen hoof stuck out, which wriggled a little, then went still.

High on the fresh exchange of blood, Bandaid heaved a deep breath. He’d forgotten the feeling. Forgotten the thrill and the fury and the power. It felt good! He cursed himself for not signing up to be a soldier these past few months. Hurting things was more fun than healing! Gibbering nonsense to himself and making sure all three changelings were down for the moment, he exited to the tunnel again.

He needed water. Needed a covering. Needed to get back to Equestria where he belonged. Finally, he found the main chamber, the reverse beehive shape Chrysalis had shown him before. Grinning at the massive skylight, he peered about for stairs, ramps, anyth— there was the small group of larva, paused on one of the ramps, staring at him. Staring at the dripping blood and gore all over his body. Their eyes were fearful, and they’d frozen like deer in bright lights. Their painted mudball rolled forward, bouncing idly until it stopped in front of Bandaid’s hooves. He grinned at it, reeled back and LAUNCHED the ball as hard as he could!

The projectile dashed across the face of the front larva, making in squeal and launching it over the edge into the chasm below. The others skree’d in horror and scattered. Bandaid made to chase them, but a loud buzzing drew his eye. Holding the larva that had fallen, a caretaker changeling emerged from the black abyss. He stared at her, cocking his head to size her up. The gore dripping over one of his eyes made it hard.

She was a fat thing, with bulging egg sacs on either side of her. They quivered with new life, held in soft netting like water balloons in thin trash bags. She chirruped at him. Clenching his teeth Bandaid charged her with all his fury! She froze in place, horrified.

“SKREEE-OOOOOOOOOOO-HHHHHH!” The many-legged, sledge-puller changeling burst from a side tunnel, startling everyone present. It’s massive, centipede-like body motored down the stone walls, coiling about the caretaker and spiriting her out of Bandaid’s sight. The Earth Pony crashed into his armored side and the dozens and dozens of legs flexed at him. The nurse shouted at him in a wordless rage, bucking his back hooves against the beast. It reared up, cocking its head backward to make sure the egg caretaker and larva got away through the side tunnels. “SKREEE-OOOOOOO-HHHHHHHH!” It trumpeted, deafening and shaking the entire hive great-cave with its voice. Bandaid stubbornly stood his ground, and the great beast heaved itself upright like an angry cobra. Bobbing about for a moment, it bashed its head against the stone wall, avalanching a stream of rocks and debris over the earth pony until it buried him.

The impossible weight of earth and sand and stone pressed in all around him.


Nightmare Moon’s fork paused part-way to her mouth. A strange shiver worked its way down her throat. She stared at her plate for a time, trying to examine the prickly feeling going up her spine. Reaching, she regally wiped her mouth. “Something is happening,” she said softly.

Celestia looked up from her fruit-cabobs (it was ‘tropical night’ according to the kitchens). “Huhm?” she said. “What is it?”

“I’ve a sixth sense when it comes to dear Bandaid,” Nightmare said. “I think a changeling has fed on him.”

“We don’t share mother’s omniscience, sister,” Celestia said gently.

“When I grew attached, I could sense his distress when his gaggle of siblings were tormenting him,” Nightmare countered, looking out the window and towards the southern horizon.

“Oh? How?” Celestia asked.

“Luna tells me, sometimes shows me,” Nightmare gestured at the silvery moon. “It sometimes comes as just a feeling, though.”

Celestia looked up at the moon, wondering if Nightmare used it like a focus for her magic, or merely a reflective mirror to spy on others. Clouds covered half of it that evening, could she really sense her stallion half a world away? She took a small cube of hot pineapple into her mouth, chewing with a frown. She watched her sister fret a bit, then saw the expression morph into a rather wicked smile. “What?” Celestia asked.

“If they fed on him, then his fury is unbound,” Nightmare’s fangs glittered a bit. “And they’ll most certainly regret it!”


Chrysalis arrived on the scene, having heard the hive’s Colossus drone trumpeting wildly. “What’s the matter with you, huhm?” she said. He bowed deeply and she rubbed the top of his head. He nuzzled into her with his massive craggy face. “Yes, yes I am here now. What’s happened? A cave-in?” she glanced over at the damage. The spiraling path that lead to the surface was cut off because of the debris. “Hrm, we’ll have to have this cleaned up before tomorrow. The sledges of deep-stone come through here, and we have a city to build!” she patted his massive head, but he nudged her again, all the harder.

“Skree-ooo-hhhh!” he trumpeted, making a big circle around the avalanche of loose rock. He did his little happy dance with all his drum-drum-drumming legs, but his face was not a happy one. Chrysalis tilted her head, coming near.

Bandaid burst from the rock with a gasp for air, startling them both back. The Colossus quickly curled tight around him, its endless legs interlocking like the bars of a cage. “Let me out!” he shouted, bucking against the beasts hide. Its armor was too thick to break, even in his frenzied state. “Let me out let me out I’ll bucking kill you all!” he roared angrily, frothing at the mouth.

“I thought you were gone already,” Chrysalis said, instantly spotting the puncture marks on his neck. “Ohh, I see…” she trailed off, frowning angrily. “I told them not to feed on you… I’d wager whoever did is already dead…”

Analyzing his captor’s body with a critical, medical eye, Bandaid switched gears. With a roar of fury he seized one of the many legs in his teeth and tore it from its socket! The spray of blood and trumpet of agony blasted across the cavern. Turning as the creature uncoiled about him he launched the still twitching limb like a spear.

Chrysalis took it in the chest with a shriek. It went in through her neck and pierced all the way through to the back of her left shoulder. She coughed a little, spattering the ground with orange. Her legs went weak under the pain. Like a puppet with its strings cut, she fell limply over the edge and into the darkness below. It was several long seconds before the sound of impact. Bandaid stood there, panting loudly. “Hah!” he reared, flailing his hooves. “Got you! Finally, finally got you!” The injured Collosus was squirming away, gecko-ing up the wall and then motoring into a side-tunnel and out of sight. It left a thick, gooey trail of blood, squealing in agony as it went. Bandaid stood there, panting, looking around.

“That,” a voice said from the chasm, turning Bandaid’s head. “Was a mistake.” Chrysalis buzzed up, landing daintily before him. Pulling angrily on the severed limb, she tossed it aside. Her organs hung out, blood and gore gacking across the landscape as she did so. The Earth Pony, frenzied though he was, stared in disgust. The open hole began to slurp the organs back in. The blood ran backward like watching a film in reverse, and the splinters of her carapace closed around each other. “Have you forgotten that I’m immor-!”

Bandaid leapt upon her, tackling her onto her back. Straddling her shoulders he rained blows upon her with all his fury! Bash bash bash bash BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH-BASH-BASH-BASH-BASH! “Ahh-h-h-h-h-h-h!” he roared with all his boiling, unbound might! The ground under the Queen began to crack and be pounded away beneath them. An actual, rather comical crater began to form around them, several inches deep. Earth Pony might could shape the earth, but now he was simply pounding it away! He rained blows like so many hailstones: erratic, furious and punishing. Froth and saliva flew from the screaming stallion’s muzzle as he did his damnest to brain her on the spot.

When his front hooves finally started screaming with heat and exhaustion he leapt from her, out of the hole, to pant. A long line of spittle stretched from his mouth. Heaving for breath, thrilled and spent for the moment, he stared at the bloodied body.

One of Chrysalis’ wings flick-a-flicked, then buzzed, then stopped. With her long legs and massive wings, she looked a bit like a squashed mosquito. Her wing flick-a-flicked again. Slowly, she sat up. Her beautiful face destroyed, she let out a long groan as her muzzle righted itself. The crackling, popping sound of rapid regeneration was like milk over popping cereal. He stared as she made her way at last to her hooves. One of her primary fangs simply grew back, jutting from her gums like a sprouting dagger. It dribbled blood down her front, then healed as well. After a time, she was as good as new. She sighed at the fresh pain, touching her cheek and smiling a little. “So what now, Bandaid? Are we two titans to clash until kingdom come? One of us immortal, the other just a fury unbound?” she asked. “I’m topped off with Mother’s love, I could do this for days!” He clenched his teeth, cheeks vibrating. With a horsey scream, he charged at her once more. Chrysalis' horn lit and she rushed forth to meet him.

End of Part 15