• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,449 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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Never Smile at A Crocodile with Anti-Aircraft Missles

“Any sign of the control spire yet?” Submarimon shouted. He carried Cody along the surface of the ocean, with Kelpiemon swimming next to them both. Just above, Pegasusmon and Nefertimon carried their partners through the sky as they scanned the horizon.

“I see it up ahead!” T.K. called back. “We’ll be there in about five minutes!”

“Great! If everything goes smoothly, we’ll be able to destroy it no problem!”

Suddenly, Submarimon’s console began to emit a shrill beeping noise. Cody grimaced, and took a closer look at the radar display. “You just had to say it, didn’t you?”

“This doesn’t look good,” said Submarimon. “Everyone!” he shouted “There’s something big coming at starboard! Be on guard!”

“Starboard? What’s that?” Kelpiemon asked.

“He means from the right!” Kari shouted back.

Look out!” T.K. called out.

With a deafening crash, a massive beast broke through the surface of the water some distance away, splashing Kelpiemon and Submarimon with the displaced water. It was an immense reptilian creature with massive jaws, and covered in thick metallic armor from head to tail. On its back was what appeared to be a massive anti-aircraft launcher.

Digimon Analyzer: Deckerdramon

Type: Cyborg
Attribute: Data
Level: Ultimate
Special Attacks: Crocodile Cannons, Cyclone Crusher

Crocodile Cannons!

The hatches on Deckerdramon’s anti-aircraft launcher opened, and a flurry of missiles shot upward at blinding speeds. Pegasusmon and Nefertimon reacted quickly, swerving to avoid the onslaught. The missiles exploded forcefully as Pegasusmon and Nefertimon expertly weaved through the detonating projectiles, narrowly avoiding being blown to pieces.

As the attack came to a stop, the two flying digimon looked back to check on their riders.

“T.K., are you alright?” asked Pegasusmon.

“What about you, Kari?” asked Nefertimon.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” said T.K.

“My hair’s a little singed, but I think I’m okay,” said Kari.

“Look out!” shouted Pegasusmon. “He’s preparing another attack!”

Deckerdramon gave a ferocious roar, and the missile launcher on its back opened once again, readying another volley of missiles.

Mystery Blade!

A crescent-shaped beam suddenly hit Deckerdramon square in the back. He roared and turned towards his attacker, who had leapt high into the air as she launched her attack. Kelpiemon descended back into the waters with a splash, and turned towards the two flying digimon and their riders.

“You go on and take out the control spire! Submarimon and I will handle this!”

“Got it!” said T.K. “Let’s go!” Without hesitation, Pegasusmon and Nefertimon took off, leaving Kelpiemon and Submarimon faced with the massive reptilian digimon.

Deckerdramon let out a ferocious roar, charging forward through the water towards Kelpiemon. It swiped with its massive claw, and Kelpiemon narrowly dodged it, leaping out of the water’s surface. Maneuvering expertly, she twisted around and kicked Deckerdramon right between the eyes with her rear hooves, sending it recoiling backwards.

As Kelpiemon landed back in the water, she called out to Submarimon. “Let’s take the fight underwater! I’ll keep him busy, you see if you can destroy whatever’s controlling him!”

“Got it!” said Submarimon. “Let’s go, Cody!”

With a splash, Kelpiemon dove beneath the water’s surface. Deckerdramon growled, and quickly followed pursuit, chasing after Kelpiemon through the ocean’s waters. Submarimon dove beneath the water as well, with Cody deftly piloting the vehicle-like digimon through the currents, chasing Deckerdramon from behind.

“Submarimon! I think I see a dark spiral on its tail!” said Cody.

“I see it too! Targeting now!” said Submarimon.

Deckerdramon continued to swim through the sea with frightening ease, and the distance between itself and Kelpiemon shortened. The beast’s massive jaws opened as it closed in, ready to clamp down on Kelpiemon as she struggled to get away.

“Hurry!” Kelpiemon desperately called out.

Cody grimaced as he gripped Submarimon’s steering handle tightly, chasing the massive beast through the sea currents. The targeting system beeped frantically as it homed in on the dark spiral, before letting out a single loud beep of confirmation.
“Target locked!” Cody announced. “Fire!

Oxygen Torpedo!

Several bursts of super-compressed oxygen erupted from Sumbarimon’s weapon hatches, which exploded forcefully against Deckerdramon’s tail. Just as it was about to chomp down on Kelpiemon, Deckerdramon recoiled in pain as the dark spiral shattered. Dejected, the reptile slunk deeper into the depths of the ocean.

“Alright, that takes care of that,” said Submarimon. “Let’s head back now.”


Fire Rocket!

Starlight Swirl!

CaptainHookmon narrowly dodged the attacks that launched at him, gracefully weaving through the projectiles as they soared through the air. He rapidly charged at Espermon, and with a swipe of his weapon, sent her flying backwards, collapsing unconscious onto the deck. Her body glowed and began to shrink, reverting to her alicorn form.

“Twilight!” Flamedramon cried out.

Without losing momentum, CaptainHookmon quickly leapt backwards, turning around as he changed targets, setting his sights on Shurimon.

“Look out!” Irismon shouted.

Ninja Wind!

In a puff of smoke, Shurimon vanished just as CaptainHookmon was about to strike, the length of his weapon passing harmlessly through the airborne cloud. For an instant, he paused in bewilderment, only to quickly look upwards as though he were anticipating something.

Sure enough, Shurimon had appeared in the air above the ship, descending upon CaptainHookmon with a predatory glare behind his cowl. CaptainHookmon wasted no time in pointing his weapon at the attempted ambusher.

Pirate’s Punisher!

There was a loud crack as CaptainHookmon pulled the trigger, and a bullet shot forth from the gun’s barrel. Shurimon was instantly knocked backwards, collapsing onto the ground and de-digivolving into Hawkmon.

Spectrum Staff!

With a shout, Irismon charged forward, her staff glowing radiantly with all the colors of the rainbow. She swung her weapon downward in a vertical strike, and CaptainHookmon parried it easily, countering with a slash of his own gun barrel. Irismon shouted in pain as a large gash was inflicted on her armor. Stumbling backward, she clutched her side in pain.

CaptainHookmon followed with a swipe of his anchor, and Irismon flew backwards into the air, going over the edge of the ship and crashing onto the docks, reverting to her pegasus form.

Rainbow! Ah’ll get you for that, you rum-guzzling varmint!” TimberGarurumon charged forth, leaping high into the air.

Forest Fire!

Turning downward, TimberGarurumon exhaled a massive blast of flame towards the pirate captain, the force of the flame fighting against the downward pull of gravity and keeping her in the air. CaptainHookmon grabbed his coat and pulled it over his body, the flames dissipating harmlessly as he shielded himself from the attack.

TimberGarurumon fell onto the ship’s deck unceremoniously, glaring ferociously at the pirate captain. With a snarl, she charged forth, intent on tackling CaptainHookmon with the full force of her body.

Bracing himself, CaptainHookmon raised his anchor in a parrying motion. As TimberGarurumon collided with him, she stood his ground, his feet digging into the docks as he was pushed back several feet from the impact. TimberGarurumon bit down on the anchor as she attempted to overpower her opponent, her front paws pressing against CaptainHookmon with all of her strength.

CaptainHookmon twisted his body slightly, and in a single motion, threw TimberGarurumon off to the side at rapid speed, where she collapsed near the edge of the ship’s deck. He pulled out his weapon and aimed at her prone body.

Pirate’s Punisher!

With a loud crack, CaptainHookmon’s weapon fired again, and TimberGarurumon howled in pain, before glowing briefly and reverting to her pony form.

The two remaining Digimon stopped dead in their tracks, staring at CaptainHookmon dumbfounded.

CaptainHookmon grinned. “Feel free to come at me any time ye like! We’ll see how long ye’ll last before I turn ye into shark food!”

“Don’t worry, Flamedramon!” said Shinobimon. “I’ll handle this! Mirror Mirage!

Performing a series of hand gestures, Shinobimon generated several illusory copies of herself. Each Shinobimon charged at the pirate captain in succession, throwing a series of punches and kicks at CaptainHookmon. He flinched as each of the Shinobimon threw their strikes, only for each of the pink ninja to disappear as soon as their hits connected.

One last Shinobimon charged at CaptainHookmon, leaping into the air and throwing a flying roundhouse kick. CaptainHookmon anticipated the strike and raised his anchor to parry the attack.

“Yowch!” With a cry of pain, Shinobimon, now solid, bounced off of the anchor, landing onto her rear end on the surface of the massive ship’s deck. She rubbed her foot in pain, nursing the ache from the sudden impact. “Owie...” she moaned. “I guess I didn’t think that one through, huh?”

CaptainHookmon grinned maniacally, and pointed the barrel of his weapon at Shinobimon. “Nope! Pirate’s Punisher!

CaptainHookmon’s weapon fired, and Shinobimon shrieked in pain as the shot impacted her. She collapsed backwards as her body reverted, leaving the unconscious Pinkie Pie laying prone on the wooden surface.

CaptainHookmon turned towards Flamedramon, who was staring at the scene in shock. The fiery lizard hesitantly raised his claws into a battle-ready stance as the pirate captain faced him.

“Well then,” said CaptainHookmon, “Looks like it be just the two of us now. Why don’t ye show this old salt what ye’ve got?”


“Come on, Flamedramon! Don’t give up! I believe in you!”

Despite the waning odds of victory, Davis cheered on his partner as enthusiastically as ever, words echoing across the docks with a burning passion. And yet, there was a slight hint of nervousness in his speech, a subtle quivering in his words that betrayed his own worry for his partner, despite his attempt to hide it.

Ken stared at his friend, a look of deep concern filling his eyes. “Hey, Davis...”

“Huh? What is it, Ken?” Davis replied. “You’re not worried, are you?”

“Yeah,” said Ken. “But there’s something else, too.”

“Well, what is it, then?” Davis asked. “Wait, let me guess. You want to help out but you’re bummed ‘cause Wormmon can’t armor digivolve. Is that it?”

Ken shook his head. “No, something other than that. It’s something that I’ve been wondering about for a while now. Ever since we met CaptainHookmon, actually.”

“Oh?” said Davis, intrigued. “And what’s that?”

“Petermon’s disappeared,” replied Ken.

Author's Note:

Going all out with the Peter Pan references! I was originally planning on making this chapter longer, but due to time constraints and the fact that it was already more than 5 pages long I decided it would be best to split it in two.

Now that the school year's started again updates might be more sporadic, especially since it's my final year before graduating and I'm anticipating a lot of difficult coursework, but hopefully I'll be able to keep the story chugging along!

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