• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,459 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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The Lost Digimon

The air of the port town was thick with unease. It seemed that no matter where the group of humans, ponies, and digimon went, there was not a soul to be found, and the only sounds to be heard were the sounds of footsteps and the clopping of hooves against the cobblestone as they explored the deserted streets.

“Now where do suppose everyone went?” said Rarity. “Shouldn’t a town like this be bustling with activity around this time of day?”

“Maybe they went on vacation?” said Davis. “It is summer, after all.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Davis, don’t be ridiculous.”

“Yeah!” said Veemon. “This town seems like a prime vacation spot if you ask me! Right about now it oughta be packed with tourists!”

“No, that’s not what I meant!” Twilight huffed. “Ugh, nevermind that. If the town’s been abandoned, it had to have been very recently. All the buildings and roads still seem very well maintained. But what would drive an entire town to be abandoned so quickly?”

“Could the control spire Izzy mentioned have something to do with it?” said T.K.

“That’s the most likely explanation,” said Twilight. “But we don’t know how it’s connected. Did the inhabitants flee from the dark rings? Or was it something else? And where is the control spire, anyway?”

“Well, why don’t we have Ken here look it up on Izzy’s laptop?” Yolei suggested. “I’m sure he’ll have us on the right track in no time at all!”

“Um... I’m afraid there are two problems with that, Yolei,” said Ken. “One, the program to detect control spires can only show the area of the digital world under its effect radius, not its exact location, and two... I don’t have the laptop with me.”

What?” Yolei exclaimed. “Why didn’t you bring it with you this time? Don’t you know how useful that thing is? It has the digimon analyzer, for crying out loud!”

“I didn’t think Izzy would let me use it a second time,” Ken admitted. “I’m kind of surprised he let me take it with us at all.”

“Yeah, I suppose,” Yolei sighed. “Let’s just keep moving.”

As the group continued down the path, the cobblestone street soon gave way to a large intersection where the path they took intersected with a much larger street, undoubtedly one of the town’s main roads. The larger street continued down in one direction towards what appeared to be a housing district, while in the other direction the street continued down to another coast which was lined with piers and docks.

The road we came from had a coast in the opposite direction too, Twilight thought. That means that the coast surrounds the town from at least two sides. Either we’re on an island or some kind of small peninsula.

“Everybody hold up,” said Twilight, stopping the group in their tracks. “It’s clear that we’re not going to be able to explore this town all on our own. We’ll need to split up.” Twilight pointed to the harbor that was down one end of the larger road. “We’ll have everyone who’s capable of flying or swimming will exploring near the pier. The control spire could be out in the sea and we’ll need to be able to search the waters. Everyone else will go in the other direction and search for any inhabitants.”

“So that means me, Kari, and Yolei, will be heading towards the harbor with our partners,” said T.K. “And Armadillomon can armor digivolve into Submarimon to search the water, so Cody can come with us, too. Anyone else?”

“Water is my evolution’s specialty, so I’ll be joining as well,” said Rarity.

“Hey! Don’t forget me!” Rainbow Dash interjected. “You’re looking at the best flyer in all of Equestria!”

“So that leaves Davis and Veemon, Ken and Wormmon, and Applejack and Pinkie Pie.” said Twilight. “I’ll be heading with them just to even our groups out. Sound like a plan?”

The other members of the nodded in acknowledgement.

“Good! Then let’s move out!”


Vespimon’s eyes glinted in satisfaction as she watched the two groups part through her surveillance monitor, which flickered with faint scanning lines across the holographic screen. With a single stroke of a keyboard, the holographic projection split into two separate screen, each depicting the two split groups as though they were followed by an invisible camera.

“So they’ve decided to explore Port Digital. This will be interesting to watch. When they see what drove the inhabitants away...”

Vespimon let out a low chuckle of amusement. “Well, they’ll find out soon enough.”


“Jeez, there really isn’t anyone here, is there?”

Davis’s comment had, for the most part, appeared to be true. No matter where they looked or walked, the streets of the town appeared completely deserted. Buildings made of concrete and wood surrounded them on both sides, but with shuttered windows and no sign of life coming from them. The feeling of utter stillness and abandonment remained constant no matter how far along the path they walked and no matter what buildings they saw, be they shops, inns, or residences.

“There has to be something here,” Twilight assured. “An entire town’s population doesn’t just disappear without leaving something behind. Some kind of clue we can use to figure out what really happened.”

“I know!” said Pinkie, hopping along excitedly, “maybe they’re planning on throwing a surprise party! Any second now they’ll all pop out and yell ‘surprise!’

“We’ve no time for frivolous theories,” Ken abruptly retorted. “Our top priority is finding clues. We need to track down the source of the signal Izzy found and destroy the control spire.” His eyes were cold and dispassionate, and seemed to disregard the others completely as he scanned the surrounding scenery with laser-guided focus. Pinkie’s boundless enthusiasm seemed to deflate just a little bit at Ken’s response.

“Ken, don’t you think that’s a little bit rude?” said Wormmon. “She is our new friend, after all.”

Ken let out a brief sigh, slowing his steady pace to a full stop. The others paused and turned to Ken, seeing him close his eyes clutch his forehead in frustration.

“Wormmon, I... I just want to keep moving. We need to track down that signal as soon as possible. If we don’t find it we’ll never be able to put a stop to Vespimon. This is the one chance I have to finish what I started.”

“I understand your frustration,” said Wormmon, “but you really shouldn’t be so hard on Pinkie, she’s just trying to help. I know you didn’t mean any harm by it, but I think you might have hurt her feelings. Why don’t you apologize to her?”

“Yeah, you’re right...” said Ken. “I’m sorry, Pinkie.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it!” said Pinkie. “We’re the good guys, so that means we can’t lose! So no need to get all down in the dumps about it!”

Keen shook his head. “I only wish it were that simple. But you’re right, I can’t let it get to me like this. Let’s keep looking.”

“That’s the spirit!” Pinkie cheered.

“Now hold up a minute,” said Applejack. “Before we start moving again, what Ah wanna know is where the hay are we supposed to be going? We’ve been walking down this street and so far we ain’t seen nothing but a bunch of plain old houses and buildings. Do y’all even have any idea what we’re doing?”

“Um, well... That’s a good question, actually.” Twilight smiled sheepishly, placing a hoof behind her head. “Why don’t we try knocking on some of the doors? If any of these buildings are still inhabited, we might be able to get some more information.”

“Hey, good idea!” said Davis. “Maybe one of them might help us find that control spire!”

“Way ahead of ya!” Pinkie exclaimed. She zipped over across the cobbled street and towards one of the houses, stopping just before the wooden door on the front. Taking a deep breath, she raised her hoof in front of the door and knocked seven times in a row in a familiar rhythmic pattern.

“Was that ‘shave and a haircut?’” asked Ken, approaching Pinkie with the rest of the group.

“Haircut?” said Pinkie. “I don’t cut my hair, silly! I cut my mane!”


The group paused momentarily in front of the door, waiting for a response. When none came, Pinkie loudly began knocking on the door again.

“Hello? Is anybody there?”

Once again Pinkie was met with silence. She began knocking on the door again, this time more vigorously, but no response came from within.

“I don’t think anyone’s home,” said Twilight. “Let’s look somewhere else.”

Suddenly, with a loud creak the door began to swing open, leading to the building’s interior.

“Hey, neat! Come on guys, let’s go in!”

“Wait a minute, Pinkie, don’t you think we should-”

Twilight’s words fell on deaf ears as Pinkie eagerly rushed into the building, leaving the others behind.

“Ugh, why does she always have to be so difficult?” Twilight grumbled. Resigning herself to Pinkie’s antics, Twilight followed her in, leading the others through the door.

The interior of the building was almost stiflingly quiet, and the shuttered windows made for little light. It was easy to see, however, was that the building was some kind of residence, with a simple foyer that opened up into several other rooms, and single staircase leading to a second story.

“Pinkie? Where did you go?” cried Twilight.

“Over here!” came a reply from the far end of the house.

Twilight led the group out of the foyer and through a living room with simple furnishings, and into what appeared to be a kitchen. In the center of the room was a simple wooden table and several chairs, and the walls was lined with various shelves and racks which held a variety of dishes and utensils. At the far end of the wall was an alcove which housed an iron stove.

“Pinkie, where are you?” Twilight called.

“Knowing her she’s probably gone about snooping around the house,” said Applejack.

“That’s exactly the problem!” exclaimed Twilight, her voice increasingly distraught. “We can’t just go about messing around in someone’s home when they’re away! We shouldn’t even be here right now! We’re... We’re trespassing!

“Hey, check this old stove out, Veemon! Wonder what’s inside it?”

“Huh?” Twilight looked across the room to see Davis and Veemon approaching the iron stove, eyeing it curiously. “Davis, wait! Don’t touch that!”

Davis paid Twilight no mind, grabbing the handle to the stove’s front door and swinging it open. He then peered curiously through the open door, into the stove chamber.

“Hi Davis!”


Davis staggered backwards and fell onto his rear as the soot-covered image of Pinkie Pie suddenly burst from the stove’s opening.

“Pinkie Pie!?” Veemon exclaimed. “What the heck were you doing in there?”

“Looking for clues, silly!” Pinkie replied. Though the stove door was seemingly too small to fit, she somehow had managed to fit her entire upper body through the opening. Resting her front hooves on the floor, she began to pull herself through the door, eventually squeezing out with a loud, almost cartoonish popping noise.

“Geez Pinkie, don’t scare me like that,” said Davis, picking himself up off the ground.

Pinkie grinned sheepishly. “Sorry.”

“I don’t think we’re going to be finding anything useful here, Pinkie”, said Twilight. “We shouldn’t even be trespassing on someone else’s private property like this.”

“What? But I haven’t even looked upstairs yet!”

“Ah don’t reckon we’ll find much of anything here, anyway,” said Applejack. “Why don’t we go out and explore some more of the town? Ain’t no purpose wasting our time here in this old house.”

Pinkie nodded vigorously. “Okie dokie, lokie!”

Just as the others turned to leave, however, a tiny orb of light flew into the room. Like a glowing insect it flitted about the room, catching the attention of the group.


Davis and the others stared in curiosity as the glowing light danced in front of them, bobbing and weaving through the air in a mesmerizing display of choreography.

“Hey Veemon, what is that thing?”

Veemon scratched his head. “I dunno Davis, it looks like some kind of bug...”

The glowing light seemed to grow more agitated at this remark, quivering in the air in annoyance.

“Hold on... I think it’s trying to tell us something!” said Twilight.

The light responded enthusiastically, bobbing up and down in midair. It happily danced through the air and approaching Twilight, who flinched briefly as the light flew in a circle around her head.

“Hey! Cut it out!”

The light merely giggled in response. It flew outwards and made a beeline straight for the door, stopping briefly in front of the opening. It bobbed up and down cheerfully, beckoning the others to follow.

“Hey wait!” Said Twilight. “Where are you going!”

“Come on, let’s follow it!” said Davis.

The group didn’t hesitate, quickly going after the light as they followed it through the living room and into the foyer. The light led them further up the staircase and across the simple hallway into what appeared to be a small bedroom, furnished with a simple wooden bed, a bedside table, and accompanying dressers.

More importantly, however, was the single open window on the far wall, and the green-clad elven figure standing in front of it. The light flew up to meet the figure, hovering in the air in front of him.

“Good work, Tinkermon!” he said. “I knew we’d find them around here after the digiport opened!”

“Um...” said Davis, “I’m sorry, but who are you?”

“Glad you asked! The name’s Petermon!”

Digimon Analyzer: Petermon

Type: Fairy
Attribute: Data
Level: Champion
Special Attacks: Snipe Sting, Twinkle Shoot, Midnight Fantasia

Digimon Analyzer: Tinkermon

Type: Fairy
Attribute: Virus
Level: Rookie
Special Attacks: Speed Nightmare, Nightmare Pandemic

Author's Note:

Phew! This took a lot longer to write than I'd hoped. Hopefully once finals are out of the way I can continue writing at a more regular pace.

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