• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 9,592 Views, 797 Comments

Lyra's Ultimate Item Emporium - Thunderbug80

Lyra, with some help from Bon Bon, converts her home into a shop in Ponyville to pay off some debts. But who knew running a shop could be so difficult?

  • ...

Chapter 9 - Availability

Chapter 9

Lyra deftly hopped down from the Friendship Express and landed on the wooden platform below, where she stopped to take a deep breath of the fresh country air.

"I'm so excited!" she cried. "I can't wait to see what Appleoosa has to offer. I hear you can get cherries that have been imported all the way from Dodge Junction!" She spun in a circle as her eyes took in everything around her, then stopped when she spotted something several carriages away. "Oh look, there's Trixie! Let's wave to her!"

Lyra happily waved first one, then two hooves, before finally hopping up and down on her hind legs in an effort to get her competitor's attention. She was preparing to shout when Trixie finally looked up from adjusting her cape, noticed Lyra, and angrily shook a hoof at her before turning tail and galloping away.

"Yayifications, she waved back!"

"Iron Will does not believe that the blue one was waving," Iron Will stated. He squeezed his large frame through the train's exit and stepped onto the platform. Bon Bon followed close behind.

"In Lyra's world, everypony is waving," Bon Bon said flatly. She took a moment to look at their surroundings.

Appleoosa Station was buzzing with activity. Important-looking ponies in suits carried briefcases as they went about official business of one sort or another, families of ponies, complete with mischievous colts and fillies, bustled to and from the train carriages, and large buffalo pushed their way through the crowds in order to get to their destination.

"So many customers..." Lyra whispered. Her mouth hung open, and her eyes were wide with wonder.

Bon Bon tapped Lyra's head gently with a hoof. "Hey now, settle down," she said. "We're no longer in the shop, so try and remember why we're here."

"You're right," Lyra said. Her eyes showed her determination. "Let's go purchase some inventory!"

It is a universally accepted fact that ponies love to shop. Whether they are getting the week's groceries, picking out a new dress, or even hiring a DJ for the next party, a pony who is parting with their bits is usually a very happy pony indeed.

Unfortunately, Lyra Heartstrings was not a happy pony.

"What do you mean you're all out of cherries?" she asked the cherry vendor. "What do you call those right there?" She pointed to a large crate of what looked to be some of the freshest, juiciest cherries she'd ever seen.

The cherry vendor, a stout fellow in a straw boater hat and a striped vest, sighed. "Those have already been sold. I'm sorry, but somepony just came by a few minutes ago and bought my entire stock. I won't receive another shipment for at least a few days."

Lyra's ears drooped. She took one last look at the delicious-looking cherries, then hung her head and walked away. It was the third stand she'd been to that had been completely wiped out. She looked up and saw Bon Bon approaching from down the lane, and couldn't help but notice that she was empty-hooved.

"Can you believe it?" Bon Bon said when she had drawn near. "Everypony's out of stock! Even the turnip stand was sold out. Honestly, who buys turnips by the crateful?" She frowned and kicked a stray pebble, then looked up apologetically. "I guess you've had no luck either, huh?"

"No," Lyra admitted. "Maybe I should have opened up my shop in Appleoosa. The ponies here sure do like to spend big."

Bon Bon snorted. "Yeah, I'm not buying it. Something's not adding up."

The two friends stood in silence for a few moments before they realized that it wasn't silent at all. Lyra raised her head and noticed that a small crowd of ponies was heading rapidly toward some kind of commotion down the lane. Angry shouting could be heard all the way from where they stood.

"Well well," Bon Bon mused, swivelling her ears to hear better. "It looks like we've found Iron Will. Come on, let's go see what kind of trouble the lug's gotten himself into."

There are times when two individuals might not agree upon something. This can lead to some very awkward situations if those who disagree can not come to some kind of compromise. Thankfully, there are quite a few calm and reasonable methods of sorting out differences.

Iron Will was not using any of those methods.

"Iron Will was here first!" The minotaur could be heard bellowing even before Lyra and Bon Bon could see him. By the time they arrived, a decent crowd had gathered to witness the spectacle. When they finally made their way through the sea of ponies, their jaws dropped at the sight they beheld.

"Well Trixie is willing to purchase the entire stock!" the corporate unicorn shouted. She jumped up onto the vendor stand they were arguing over as if it were a stage, and scowled at the minotaur. "Unless you're willing to beat Trixie's offer, she suggests you go crawling back to your master." A sudden, sly grin appeared on her face. "Though Trixie supposes she might be willing to hire you on to work at Filthy Trix. It's bound to pay more than they're offering," she said, pointing an accusatory hoof at Lyra and Bon Bon.

"How dare she!" Bon Bon growled.

"Filthy Trix?" Lyra asked, confused.

Trixie was taken aback for a moment. "It– it's the name of Trixie's shop," she said, somewhat uncertainly. "Trixie had no say in naming it," she added meekly. At the sound of a few chuckles from the crowd, Trixie drew herself up and addressed the gathered ponies with conviction. "Yes, that's right!" she cried. "Filthy Trix, owned by yours truly, and financed by the respectable Filthy Rich, has just opened up in Ponyville, and Trixie guarantees you will find no finer items anywhere in Equestria!"

Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other. Trixie had a certain kind of charisma to her, and now she had the full attention of everypony in the area. She'd turned her argument with Iron Will into an opportunity for free advertising!

"In fact," Trixie continued, growing more confident by the moment, "Trixie will offer the first fifty customers who make a purchase a ten percent discount! Consider it Trixie's gift for having to listen to such a brute," she pointed a hoof at Iron Will, "and having it ruin your day!"

Cheers erupted from all around Lyra and Bon Bon, who couldn't believe it. In one fell swoop, Trixie had not only cleared out Appleoosa of any usable inventory, but had also stolen away any potential customers there may have been.

Lyra looked at Bon Bon. "What are we going to do now?"