• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 9,592 Views, 797 Comments

Lyra's Ultimate Item Emporium - Thunderbug80

Lyra, with some help from Bon Bon, converts her home into a shop in Ponyville to pay off some debts. But who knew running a shop could be so difficult?

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Chapter 2 - Idea!

Chapter 2

Lyra thrashed about on her bed, unable to get comfortable. It wasn't fair. How could her parents not only vanish without a trace, but also leave her with a debt so large that the collection agency was afraid to tell her how much the total was? She had always been responsible with her bits, however few there may have been, and had never gotten herself into debt. It was absurd to think that she would have to deal with this. The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became. The more annoyed she became, the more she wanted to somehow, as ridiculous as it would be, pull it off, pay off the debts and be done with it. By the time she had finally given up trying to get back to sleep, her face had become set in a mask of determination. She would pay the minotaur and prove that she was a far more responsible pony than her parents had been.

The problem was that she didn't have much money to begin with. The lifestyle she had chosen for herself didn't require a large income to support, so she had never really needed to seek actual employment. She generally just earned some bits here and there by playing her lyre in town and getting tips. It wasn't much, even for a unicorn of her talent, but it kept her fed, happy and carefree. She would need to figure something quickly if she was going to do this.

With a small snort, Lyra hopped off the bed and made for the front door. She needed some fresh air to think things through, and being inside the house only reminded her of how much she would miss it if it were repossessed. As she neared the front door, a quick burst of magical energy leaped from her horn and pushed it open, allowing her to step out into the sunlight. She decided to head over to her best friend Bon Bon's house. Perhaps she might have an idea as to what to do.

"You want me to help with what?" Bon Bon asked, her cerulean eyes wide with shock. She set down the tulip sandwich she had prepared just before Lyra had arrived and shrugged. "What can I possibly do about it? From the sound of it, your parents were in it pretty deep. I'd like to help out, but if I loaned you any bits I'd just end up in the same situation you're in. Besides, we don't even know how much you're going to need to pay it all off!"

Lyra looked at her beige-colored friend sheepishly. "Ehehe yeah, well... I thought maybe you might have some idea as to what I could do."

"Skip town," Bon Bon suggested sarcastically. She picked her sandwich back up and took a bite.

"No, I can't do that." Lyra sighed and walked over to a window to stare outside. "The big minotaur they sent to collect the debt seemed really worried that I might try to run. Besides, he's just doing his job."

Bon Bon shook her head, exasperated. "I wasn't being serious, you know." She rolled her eyes. "Next thing you know, you'll be trying to sell off what little you own in a vain effort to try to buy yourself more time."

Lyra's ears perked up and she turned to face her friend. "That's it!" she cried. She cantered over to her friend and wrapped her hooves around her in a big hug. "Bon Bon, you're a genius!"

"Wait, you can't be serious," Bon Bon said quickly, holding up her hooves. "Lyra, seriously. Don't sell everything you own, you'll probably end up with nowhere near enough..."

"No no," Lyra assured her. She began to hop in place. "I won't sell everything I own. I'll just sell everything!"

There were times in Bon Bon's life when she had felt that her friend Lyra was a little odd. Never actually strange, mind you. Just a bit odd, as if the mint unicorn was constantly suffering the end effects of a bad sugar rush. She could go from fatigued to excitable from virtually out of nowhere, and vice versa – usually with no warning whatsoever. But Bon Bon had never really thought of her as, say, Pinkie Pie weird. Until now.

"Lyra, I think you may have finally lost it. Why don't you just come sit down and... hey!" Bon Bon called as Lyra suddenly galloped to the front door and opened it. "Where do you think you're going!?"

"I've got to get home and prepare!" Lyra responded. "You really are a genius, Bon Bon. Thanks!" Then, without another word, she turned and bolted out the door.

Bon Bon stood in stunned silence. She had jokingly imagined her friend finally going crazy and causing an uproar in the past, but she never in her wildest dreams actually thought that it would happen, and especially not because of something she had said. With a long sigh, Bon Bon slowly walked out the door after her friend.

Maybe she just ate something weird, Bon Bon thought as she made her way through the streets of Ponyville in pursuit of Lyra. There were certain flowers and mushrooms that grew on the edge of the Everfree forest that could cause a pony to suffer delusions or even hallucinations if ingested, and she wouldn't be surprised if the silly unicorn had gobbled up one or two dozen. The plants usually also came with a bellyache though, and Lyra seemed to be jumping around just fine. Perhaps she had bumped her head? It wouldn't be the first time, as Lyra could be quite excitable at times and was prone to hopping up and down; sometimes without looking to see if there was anything above her before doing so.

Bon Bon brought her attention back to what she was doing when she noticed a small crowd gathered just outside of Lyra's house.

Oh no, what has she done this time? she thought. She picked up her pace and galloped the rest of the way before slowing down and gawking at what everypony else was staring at.

Lyra was facing her home, a look of concentration on her face and her horn aglow with magic. As Bon Bon watched, Lyra levitated a large banner and moved it into place just above the front door to her home. The words Grand Opening had been hastily painted in green and gold on the banner, which was quickly nailed into place by a levitating hammer and nails. When she was satisfied, Lyra turned around and addressed the crowd.

"Welcome to the grand opening of Lyra's Ultimate Item Emporium!" she beamed.