• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 29,006 Views, 1,593 Comments

Why Am I Crying? - Rated Ponystar

The CMC each deal with their emotions when their hated enemy, Diamond Tiara, dies in an accident

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Apple Bloom 2

Why Am I Crying?

By The Rated Ponystar

Formally Edited by: Clavier, Mr. Minimii and Apple Cinnamon

Edited by: Unnamed Pawn and First_Down

Thanks to Catnipfairy for her artwork!


Apple Bloom didn’t remember sleeping. She didn’t recall ever closing her eyes. But something must have happened, because sometime during the night the world lost focus, sound lost its voice, and colors blended into a darkening fade. A dull, heavy pulse echoed deep within her consciousness, until, like a crashing wave, it sped up and Apple Bloom woke to the sound of knocking at her door. She yawned, and her sister’s voice called out from the hallway. “Apple Bloom?! Ya up yet? It’s past ten and Ah’ve been knockin’ for the last ten minutes!”

Mumbling, Apple Bloom shook her head but quickly remembered her actions from last night. With barely any energy, she rushed toward the door and opened it. Applejack recoiled upon seeing the face of her dreary-looking sister, complete with bags under her eyes. Putting her hooves over the filly’s shoulders in concern, Applejack leaned forward and asked, “Sweet mother of Celestia, Apple Bloom. Did ya get any sleep last night? Ya look terrible."

“Ah...” Apple Bloom nervously looked away, “Ah couldn’t sleep. Kept thinkin’ about... yesterday.”

Sympathy soon replaced Applejack’s worried expression, and she leaned forward and hugged her sister. “Ah know. It’s terrible what happened, but don’t ya worry. We’re gonna get through this together, along with Mr. Rich. Speakin’ of which,” Applejack pointed to the bathroom across the hall, “y’all should get cleaned up first before we head on over to Mr. Rich’s to give our condolences.”

Apple Bloom’s expression quickly slid into horror. “Ya mean she’s... she’s still dead?”

Applejack whipped her head towards her sister, looking slightly frightened. “What? Apple Bloom? A-are ya sure yer alright?”

Realizing her blunder, Apple Bloom quickly pushed past her sister and entered the bathroom. “A-ah’m fine! Just still tired! Ah’ll be out soon!” She closed the door and locked it before resting her head against the door. Her sister banged on it a few times, calling out her name. “D-don’t come in! Ah’m... Ah’m on the toilet!”

The knocking stopped and Apple Bloom heard a faint sigh from the other side. Applejack said, “Listen, Apple Bloom. If ya want to talk about anything ya can come to me. Okay?”

“Yeah,” answered Apple Bloom, slowly huddling her rear legs closer to her chest, curling into a ball.

“Just don’t take too long. We leave in an hour,” said Applejack, before the sound of her hoof clops receded into silence.

When she was sure Applejack was gone, Apple Bloom stopped resisting and let the tears fall down her cheeks. She had failed. A whole night of wishing wasted. Diamond Tiara was still dead, and it was all her fault. Ah did this... Ah killed her. Slowly, Apple Bloom dragged herself into the tub and turned on the shower, ignoring the cold water that began to rain down on her. It was nothing compared to the empty, icy feeling inside.

This wasn’t what Ah wanted. Ah wanted somethin’ bad to happen to her, but not like this. Ah didn’t want her killed. Now... now Ah have blood on mah hooves, thought Apple Bloom, thinking back to her wish for ill fortune on Diamond Tiara. It had come true, but it was the worst kind of fortune a pony could get: death. Bully or not, Diamond Tiara didn’t deserve to die. She may have done many mean things, but this wasn’t what Apple Bloom wanted.

Apple Bloom gritted her teeth and banged her head against the wall. It’s all yer fault! She’s dead ‘cause ya made a wish on a shootin’ star and it came true! Why didn’t ya just wish for yer cutie mark or somethin’ else? Ya made Mr. Rich childless! Ya made Silver Spoon friendless! How could ya?!

Eventually, she started to feel lightheaded and stopped. Taking in a deep sigh, Apple Bloom looked up at the ceiling and wished her headache would wake her from this nightmare. After a few more minutes underneath the cold shower, Apple Bloom stepped out and dried herself off before heading downstairs.

Somber faces awaited her when she saw the rest of her family. Big Macintosh looked the worst, being close friends with Filthy Rich. She had heard that the two didn’t get along well at first, with some of the stories not sounding too far off from what she and Diamond Tiara were like. How they suddenly became friends was a mystery.

Would the same have happened to me and Diamond Tiara if she... Apple Bloom pushed away such thoughts, fearful she’d start crying again otherwise.

Once Apple Bloom presented herself, Granny Smith, carrying a basket that smelled of apple pie, turned to the door. “Let’s go,” she said in a tone that Apple Bloom only ever heard when they were talking about her parents.

As the Apple Family left the grounds of the farm and made their way into town, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but wonder how her other friends were doing. Sweetie Belle looked like she was in tears last time she saw her, and Scootaloo had still been shocked. What were they feeling at the moment?

None of her family members spoke as they passed through town. Apple Bloom noticed the signs of Ponyville mourning its loss. It only caused the nail of guilt to be hammered deeper into her coffin. Her wonderful town had lost all its color and charm, becoming one big memorial ceremony. Apple Bloom even dared to say it was worse than the time Discord was running wild and loose. Sure, things looked grim and she would never forget the horrible feeling of being ‘Discorded’. But deep inside, some small part of her had faith that her big sister and her friends would save the day and everything would go back to normal, which it did. This, however, couldn’t have a happy ending. Diamond Tiara couldn’t come back, and nothing was ever going to be normal again.

Before Apple Bloom knew it, she was at the entrance of Rich Mansion, home to her former greatest enemy. She winced upon thinking such a thing. Especially now that she’s gone forever…

Big Macintosh knocked on the door and a pegasus maid answered, looking relieved when she saw them. “Oh, thank goodness you’re here, Big Macintosh. It’s Master Rich. He’s...”

Eyes narrowing, Big Macintosh growled, “He’s drinkin’ again, isn’t he?”

The maid slowly nodded her head. “Can you blame the stallion?”

“No,” said Macintosh, sighing in frustration. “But Ah’ll be damned if Ah let him waste away like he almost did with Crystal Eyes.”

He turned to his family. “Go on home. Ah’ll take care of this.”

“Ya sure?” asked Applejack, placing her hoof on his shoulder.

Big Macintosh nodded. “Ah’m sure. Ah figured this would happen.”

Applejack nodded in understanding as she led Apple Bloom and Granny Smith away from the mansion while Big Macintosh went inside. Apple Bloom hesitated to say something. She really wanted to go inside and talk to Mr. Rich, comfort him, and apologize for the loss of his daughter. She then noticed the basket still in Granny’s mouth and got an idea. Nudging her sister, she asked, “Hey, sis? We forgot to give Mr. Rich our pie. Can Ah deliver it to him and then go meet mah friends afterwards?”

Applejack took a look at Granny, who nodded in agreement as she placed the basket on Apple Bloom’s back. Applejack smiled and said, “Alright, just be home in time for supper, Apple Bloom. And be careful on the streets, okay?”

Nodding, Apple Bloom quickly rushed back to the mansion and knocked on the door. She explained to the maid about the pie and how she’d also need to wait for her brother to take her home. Granted she could have left on her own, but she wanted to stay as long as possible to talk to Mr. Rich. Ah... Ah have to tell him about the wish and everythin’. It’s the right thing to do.

The maid allowed her inside where she saw, for the first time, the home of Diamond Tiara. She couldn’t help but stare at the clean and decorated hall with its silver chandeliers, fancy vases, and portraits of the Rich family. It was something she never liked to admit, but Apple Bloom had always been envious of how Diamond Tiara had so much wealth and she didn’t.

It wasn’t that she wanted nice things, but the fact of the matter was that farming didn’t make as much money as the various businesses Mr. Rich associated with. Even just a small fraction of the money Tiara’s family had would have made her family’s life a lot easier.

After placing the pie on a nearby table, the maid guided Apple Bloom into the living room where she sat on what had to be the comfiest couch ever. The maid excused herself, saying she would bring some tea, which allowed Apple Bloom time to look around more. The living room was filled with enough books to make Twilight jealous, and there was even a small bar filled with drinks, some of which were her family's apple cider. However, the most eye-catching feature in the room was the fireplace mantle across from her, where two pictures sat framed by wreaths and lit candles.

She walked closer for a better look and saw that one of the photos was Diamond Tiara, smiling and looking happy as can be. The other one was of a mare Apple Bloom had never seen before, yet she looked strangely familiar. Her mane was the same shade of light purple as Tiara’s, complete with the telltale white streaks evenly layered, except it was more smooth and reached past her shoulders. Her coat was also a much darker magenta, and she had a crystal necklace around her neck. She was absolutely beautiful, like one of those models she saw on magazines such as Fleur Dis Lee.

Apple Bloom tried to figure out why this mare looked so familiar, but for the life of her she couldn’t. A voice behind her, nearly spooking her, said, “I see you’ve met Mistress Rich.” The maid had returned with the tea and placed it on the coffee table.

“So... she’s Diamond Tiara’s mother?” asked Apple Bloom, looking at the picture in amazement. “But how come Ah’ve never seen her before?”

The maid held back a sob and sniffed. Apple Bloom’s eyes lit up and looked back at the photos, which she realized was a memorial. “No,” Apple Bloom whispered, “you mean she...”

The maid’s nodding only confirmed Apple Bloom’s worst suspicions. She was like me... all this time. She lost her mother too. Tears began to drip down her cheeks as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Ah... Ah need some time alone. Is there a restroom around here?”

The maid nodded and gave her directions, which Apple Bloom immediately followed. She reached the end of the hall and was about to turn the corner when her brother’s voice stopped her in her tracks. Rubbing her eyes, Apple Bloom turned her head in the opposite direction and, curious, began to walk towards the door where the sound was coming from.

She peeked inside and saw her brother in some kind of office, but what nearly made her gasp was the pony lazily sitting on the seat next to the desk. Mr. Rich had always been one of those types who dressed neat and looked proud, often reminding Apple Bloom of Rarity and her obsession with looking good. If it wasn’t for the fact that the stallion she was seeing had his cutie mark on his flank, Apple Bloom would have been hesitant to believe it was Filthy Rich. He had the worst bed mane she had ever seen, and his clothes were scattered around the floor, ripped up and torn to shreds. He looked dirty and it was clear from the smell that the stallion hadn’t been bathing. She hesitated to look at his bloodshot and baggy eyes as he lifted his drink and gulped it down faster than Rainbow Dash did during cider season.

Holding her breath, Apple Bloom watched as her brother shook his head at the sight and said, “Rich, Ah know this is hard for ya. Celestia help me Ah know, but look at ya...”

“You think I care about my looks anymore, Mac?” asked Rich as he took a chug from the bottle. Wiping his mouth, his near dead eyes gazed at the floor. “She’s gone... my baby girl. My little diamond.... g-gone. I... I have nothing.”

“That’s not true,” said Big Macintosh, stepping forward. “Ya can’t just go out there and say that when ya still have—”

“What?” snorted Filthy Rich. “Money? Power? My business? My home? All of that I would trade in a heartbeat for my daughter. Even just five more minutes with her!” He leaned back against his chair and sobbed. “She told me she didn’t want to die, Mac. Before they tried to operate on her, she said she didn’t want to die. I said she wasn’t going to, and we were going to head back home. And look what happened! Look what happened!” Apple Bloom winced as Rich got up from his seat, screamed, and threw his bottle against the wall. “She was all I had left! After Crystal and the baby died, I should have loved her even more, but I failed! I drove a wedge between me and my daughter and don’t deny it, Mac! I was a terrible father!”

“That ain’t so, Rich,” said Macintosh, trying to place his hoof on Filthy’s shoulder, but it was shrugged off. “Ya loved yer little girl, all of us could see that. Ya just... ya were still adjustin’.”

“Three years, Mac?” mumbled Rich, somehow finding another unopened bottle of liquor among the mess and pulling the cork loose. “I pushed her away. We were all we had and I pushed her away because she reminded me too much... too much...

“Work. That was my balm. That was how I justified it. Always so much work to do, I couldn’t spend time with her. And look what she became! You think I don’t know?!” He took a long swig from his bottle and gasped when he finished. “A-and now, this is p-punishment. I know, it has to be... I-I-I couldn’t raise her right, so whatever higher power exists took her. My precious diamond... I f-failed!”

Apple Bloom had never seen a grownup cry so much, and the sight of Filthy Rich bawling and calling out his daughter’s name as he rocked back and forth brought her to tears too. She wondered if this was how Granny Smith felt when she lost her son. Was this how any parent felt when they lost their child? She never once thought that Diamond Tiara was loved by anypony, but despite all the nasty things she had done she had to have been loved. Her father, Silver Spoon, and there had to be other ponies out there who had loved Diamond Tiara.

Was Ah so blind to hatin’ her that Ah forgot she was a pony just like me? With family and friends, just like me? thought Apple Bloom.

Macintosh shook his head. “But is drinkin’ yerself to death gonna be the answer, Rich? Ah know this is hard, but ya can’t let yerself waste away like ya did after Crystal’s death. Ah know—”

Know?!” shouted Rich, rising up and getting into Big Macintosh’s face. “You know nothing about what I’m going through, you dumb hillbilly!”

Macintosh groaned. “Really, Rich? Name callin’?”

“Buck you! You have everything! You still got a family and purpose! My family was my purpose and they’re all dead! I might as well be dead too, at least I wouldn’t have to suffer like this!” shouted Rich, saliva splashing all over Macintosh’s calm face. This only seemed to make Rich even more angry. “And you know jack squat! What makes you think you know anything about me? And stop with that stoic look of yours! I bucking hate it!”

Apple Bloom gasped as Filthy Rich struck her brother in the face with his hoof. To his credit, Macintosh didn’t even flinch when he was hit. Slowly, he turned his head back to Rich and proceeded to hit him with his own hoof. The two soon grabbed each other and started wrestling all over the office, making an even larger mess than before. Every second there seemed to be something new either broken or knocked down from their tumble. After minutes of fighting, Big Macintosh managed to pin Rich, who still struggled to escape.

“Let me go! You stupid farmer! Let! Me! Go!” shouted Rich, screaming some more until his shouts became whimpers. He opened his eyes as Macintosh looked at him with pity before slowly getting up. The two friends looked at each other before embracing, Macintosh letting a sobbing Rich rest on his chest. “Mac... I’m sorry. I’m so sorry...”

“It’s alright, Rich,” muttered Macintosh, closing his eyes as a tear dripped down his cheek. “When mah parents died Ah remember blamin’ myself just as much as y’all are right now. Ah didn’t talk to anypony and was just so angry all the time. Ah blamed myself for not being strong enough to help Pa or quick enough to help Ma... it really was a shocker. Ah was now the stallion of the house all of a sudden because of a terrible tragedy. The only thing we had to smile about was Apple Bloom being born.”

“Big brother,” whispered Apple Bloom. Out of all her family, her brother had always been the least reluctant to talk about their parents.

“Do ya remember our days growin’ up?” asked Big Macintosh with a small smile.

For the first time since she walked in, Apple Bloom heard Rich chuckle. “Hard to forget. We were so stupid back... well, mostly me. I thought you were a poor farmer with filthy habits, and a freak because of your size and silent ways. I lost count how many times we fought.”

“Yeah, and Ah couldn’t wait to graduate so Ah could be rid of ya,” chuckled Macintosh. “‘Course, nothing changed, even as adults. But do ya remember what ya said to me two months after Ah lost mah folks?”

“I believe it may have been, ‘Stop being all depressed and such, you’re spreading it around.’” Rich quoted. He paused as if remembering, and then a small smile slipped free along with another soft chuckle. “And then you proceeded to slug me a good one. Crystal and your granny gave us such a scolding that day, calling us foals at our age. How long was that fight?”

“About an hour. After that y’all were huggin’ me while Ah was bawlin’ mah eyes out.”

The two old friends looked at each other and hugged again. Apple Bloom didn’t know if she should feel confused or relieved. She even wondered if what happened to her brother and Mr. Rich could have happened to her and Tiara. Could they have eventually grown out of their hate for each other and become friends? Big Macintosh and Filthy Rich sounded like they hated each other back then, just like her and Tiara, but it all changed. Now Ah’ll never know... because of what Ah’ve done.

“What do I do, Mac?” asked Rich, sighing and looked above his fireplace. Above it was a family portrait of his entire family. “My wife is gone. My children are gone. What am I supposed to do?”

“Rich,” said Macintosh, putting his hoof on his best friend’s shoulder, “Ah can’t give ya an answer because, honestly, Ah don’t know what Ah would do if Ah lost mah sisters and Granny Smith. But Ah can tell ya this much: they wouldn’t want me to waste myself in such a way as yer doin’. They’d kick mah butt from the grave if it ever happened. Crystal and Diamond Tiara wouldn’t want to see the stallion they both love fall to pieces. It ain’t gonna be easy, but Ah’ll be there to help ya all the way.”

Filthy Rich nodded. “Thank you, Big Macintosh...”

Apple Bloom turned away from the scene and ran. She saw some stairs and ran up them, not stopping until she reached the top. Sitting down on the top step she buried her head into her hooves and cried. What have Ah done? Ah’m so sorry, Mr. Rich... Ah’m so sorry. Oh Diamond Tiara, Ah’m so sorry! Ah never wanted ya to die!

Never before in her life had Apple Bloom felt more alone in the world than she did now. Her one wish, her hatred, had ruined the lives of so many. Everypony was crying and a filly was dead, all because of her. As Apple Bloom continued to sob, she noticed out of the corner of her eye a door with a familiar silver tiara cutie mark engraved into the wood.

Diamond Tiara’s room, thought Apple Bloom as she slowly opened it. It was like a room fit for a princess, complete with velvet walls and a bed that looked similar to Rarity’s, only smaller and more pink. There were tons of stuffed animals all over the place, each of them cuter than the next. Apple Bloom guessed she could fit two of her bedrooms into the available space with room to spare.

Apple Bloom nervously entered the room that used to belong to her bully. Turning to the nearest wall, she saw dozens of pictures from Diamond Tiara’s life, some of them with her as a foal; others looked so recent they couldn’t have been from more than a few months ago. She could see Silver Spoon, Tiara’s family, and even members of the staff with her occasionally. Then she saw something that made her stop in her tracks.

Granny Smith had never missed an opportunity to show how “cute” Apple Bloom was when she was a foal. That same foal with her mother’s red bow was right there in diapers, sleeping next to another foal she assumed was Tiara. She quickly remembered Applejack telling her how she used to be crib pals with Tiara. Of course, she didn’t believe a word of it then.

And yet the proof was clear as day. She wondered what Diamond Tiara thought as she passed this photo every day. Did she remember a time when we were friends? ‘Cause Ah sure as hay can’t.

Stepping away from the wall, Apple Bloom turned around and saw a desk that was completely bare except for a small leather book and a few pencils lying around it. Curious, she walked toward it and looked at the book, spotting a bookmark in between the pages.

Opening the book, she started from where the bookmark left off:

Dear Diary,

I’m so excited I can barely keep it in me from crying out in joy! Daddy says he can stay home for the holidays this year! In fact, he even wants to host a party at our house next week! Silver Spoon and a bunch of other important ponies will be coming over, but Daddy says he’s even inviting the Apples if they want to come.

Ugh, I don’t understand why they need to come over, but if having Apple Bloom and her loser family at my house is what I’ll have to deal with to have Daddy for Hearth’s Warming Day then I’ll live with it. I just hope he doesn’t want us taking pictures together. Can you imagine that? So lame. Besides, Silver Spoon will be coming over so I won’t be alone, and maybe we can even have a sleepover! Actually, maybe I’ll hold on that. I want to spend as much time with Daddy as possible this year!

I’ve already picked out Daddy’s present! I’m gonna make him a bracelet with our cutie marks together! Normally I would just go buy something, but this is the first time we’re gonna be together for the holidays since... since Mommy and Golden Pockets died...

I wish all of us could be together, but Mommy and my little brother are both in Elysium. Do they celebrate the holidays in Elysium? Does Santa Hooves go there too? Sebastian says that they’re watching me and Daddy from above; well, I hope they’ll do so when we open presents and such. Maybe it will feel like we’re a family again.

Anyway, I’ve got to go to bed. Silver Spoon and I are gonna go ice skating tomorrow because of the upcoming snow day! I can’t wait for Hearth's Warming Day!

-Diamond Tiara

Apple Bloom slowly held the book in her hooves as she stared at the page without making a sound. As delicately as she could, she read the entry again. And again. She looked at the next page only to find it blank. Forever more it would be.

She turned to the previous pages, quickly scanning them and finding quite a few entries with her name on it. She wondered how far back it went and what Diamond Tiara really behaved like. The answers were all here. A part of her told her to put it back. It wasn’t hers to take, especially since the owner died. But a part of her wanted to know more, about Diamond Tiara and her past, about why she was a bully and why she hated Apple Bloom.

In the end, her curiosity got the better of her. Apple Bloom quickly ran out, making sure to close the door, and snuck back to the living room. The maid was already gone, which made the next part easier. The basket was right where she left it, empty now save for the blanket that had kept the pie warm. Apple Bloom quickly hid the diary underneath the apple-scented fabric. Just as she put it away, her brother came in from the hall.

“Apple Bloom? What are y’all doin’ here?” asked Big Macintosh.

“Ah came back to give Mr. Rich the pie and wait for ya,” replied Apple Bloom, hastily.

Big Macintosh raised an eyebrow, but before he could say anything, Filthy Rich came in and asked, “Everything alright, Mac?”

“Y-yeah, we were just leavin’,” said Big Macintosh.

The Apples bid Filthy Rich farewell, but before they left he quickly said, “Wait, Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom stopped and looked at him. Nervously, Rich pawed the ground. “My daughter, I know she did some... really bad things to you and your friends. Do you hate her for it?”

The earnest intensity in Filthy Rich’s voice surprised Apple Bloom almost as much the question itself. Did she hate Diamond Tiara now? Even after her death? “A-ah... Ah don’t know, Mr. Rich. Yer daughter did a lot of mean things,” she winced upon seeing his frown increase, “but there had to have been some good in her, right? Maybe Ah never saw it, but she had to still be a good pony in some way.”

Filthy Rich only nodded before retreating back into the hall. One of the butlers guided them out as Apple Bloom wondered, Do Ah really still hate her?

Author's Note:

Sorry I took so long to get this out, I'll try to avoid another incident like this again. I'm already working on the next one.

I think the main character for this chapter, besides Apple Bloom, is Filthy Rich. I don't know how many of you are parents, but from what I can tell the children you have are your life. To lose them is to lose everything and, unfortunately, many have. I remember a quote from Lord of the Ring, "No parent should have to outlive their child" and that quote really strikes you.

It's even worse for a man like Rich who has lost everything. He has nopony left in his family and is driven by his own guilt of pushing his daughter away. Yet despite this, it's clear Diamond Tiara still loved her father very much and wanted nothing more then to be with him. More will be shown about this later in the next Scootaloo chapter while in the next Sweetie Belle chapter we learn more about Crystal Eyes's death as well as the baby's death. It's not gonna be pretty I'll tell you that much.

For all those of you who are parents, love your children no matter what. For all those who have fathers and mothers(Or stepparents or adopted parents), love your parents no matter what.
