• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 29,008 Views, 1,593 Comments

Why Am I Crying? - Rated Ponystar

The CMC each deal with their emotions when their hated enemy, Diamond Tiara, dies in an accident

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Sweetie Belle 1

Why Am I Crying?

By The Rated Ponystar

Edited by: Clavier, Mr. Minimii and Apple Cinnamon and First_Down

Thanks to Catnipfairy for her artwork!


It was an odd sight. School was cancelled and everypony was waiting to be picked up by their parents. On any other day, they would be jumping for joy or planning what to do with their extra time off. Instead, their tails were low and ears flat as can be. The shocking news from their teacher’s mouth only minutes ago left a somber mood to the point where some were still in tears. Even Miss Cheerilee was crying her eyes out when Sweetie Belle left the room with her best friends. She had never seen an adult cry so much in all her life. Although most tried to keep silent, Sweetie Belle could hear the occasional whisper or sob from her classmates, lamenting over the fact that one of them was gone forever.

Sweetie Belle herself was still shedding tears. The idea that somepony she knew, saw almost every day, was no longer among them sent shivers down her spine. Even if it was Diamond Tiara, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor filly. Yesterday, she and her friends were chasing after Tiara for stealing her scarf. Today, at ten years old, she was dead.

She had only ever questioned death once and that was when her pet goldfish died two years ago after being overfed. Her mother said death was like a long sleep, only you never wake up. That was Diamond Tiara now, a pony who would stay asleep forever, buried deep within the earth.

Never again would Sweetie Belle and her friends be bossed around, called blank flanks, or get stuck in embarrassing situations by Diamond Tiara. She's gone and so is her meanness, and normally I would be glad about this, but... thought Sweetie Belle, wiping her tears, she was still an innocent filly like me! Even if she was horrible, she didn’t deserve this! Why is this happening? Why did she have to die? Why does anypony have to die?! It’s so... so... scary!

She glanced at her friends. Apple Bloom held the same horrified look on her face, occasionally mumbling to herself as she glanced down at her hooves. Scootaloo was gazing out into the open, seemingly emotionless. Yet her eyes showed something different, like she was ready to start an argument with somepony. Before Sweetie could question either of them, she heard the cries of various names being called out from the school’s front yard. Turning around, she saw numerous adults rushing over to their young ones as both groups quickly met. Some immediately started walking away with only a few words exchanged; others cried in their loved ones' embrace as the elder ponies tried to soothe their sorrows. She even saw a few smiling while they left, much to her shock. How can anypony smile on a day like today?

Sweetie Belle glanced left and right, searching for her sister until she saw a familiar indigo-styled mane galloping towards her. “Rarity!”

Sweetie dove into her big sister’s forelegs, resting her head on Rarity's shoulder while shedding whatever remaining tears she had left. Rarity held her little sister tight around the waist and gently stroked her head. “Oh, Sweetie Belle, I am so sorry. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.”

“I wanna go home,” replied Sweetie Belle. This whole thing was making her head hurt. She just wanted to lay on the spare bed at her sister’s place, go to sleep, and wake up to find out that all this was just some terrible nightmare.

“Of course, darling. I closed the shop, so there won’t be any interruptions between us,” said Rarity, lowering her sister back to the ground.

Before they left, Sweetie glanced back at her friends, spotting Applejack and Scootaloo’s father right beside them. The three fillies looked at each other for a brief moment and nodded before being taken away by their families. The message was clear: “Talk later.”

She followed Rarity down the road, taking one last look at her class that once consisted of twenty-eight students. Now they were a class of twenty-seven…


The journey home was mostly a quiet one, at least on Sweetie Belle's side. Rarity made a strong effort to get Sweetie Belle to talk but eventually gave up when it was clear that her sister had no interest. It wasn’t that Sweetie didn’t appreciate her sister’s efforts, but all she wanted was to go home and try to put the day's events behind her.

She was still processing the idea that Tiara was even dead to begin with, wishing that all of this was a bad dream. At one point she even started hoping that Diamond Tiara would show up around a corner, ready to mock her for being an airhead with no cutie mark like always. Sweetie would gladly take any insult just to bring her back and get rid of this terrible feeling in her chest.

“Sweetie Belle! Careful!” cried out Rarity, stopping her from crossing the street with her telekinesis. Sweetie gasped as a carriage passed by them, missing her by a few inches. Her heart sank, remembering that it was a carriage that killed Diamond Tiara as well.

What if... Sweetie Belle gulped, continuing to eye the wheeled vehicle until it turned around the next corner. Even after she and Rarity safely crossed the street, she still kept her focus on it. If Rarity hadn’t stopped me, the carriage would’ve—

Shaking her head, Sweetie hoped they would arrive at the boutique before her imagination drove her crazy. They turned on to the street where Carousel Boutique sat at the far end. Sweetie Belle was ready to rush for the shop when she noticed something across the road. Walking closer, she saw that there was a collection of flowers, cards, and stuffed animals all surrounding a set of lit candles on the corner. Signs such as ‘We Miss You, Diamond Tiara’ and ‘Rest in Peace’ were also there. Ponies were slowly gathering, some bringing their own gifts or bowing their heads in respect.

Without knowing it, Sweetie Belle soon found herself among the group. Standing in front of the makeshift memorial, she slowly realized that this was it. This was where it all happened.

Like a movie playing out in front of her, she envisioned Diamond Tiara walking down the road with Silver Spoon as the carriage slid on the ice towards them, unable to stop. She screamed before being flown into the air, landing on the ground like a ragdoll with blood all over her and—

A hoof lay across her shoulder, nearly causing Sweetie Belle to jump in fright as her imagination of the incident quickly faded. She looked up and saw her worried sister, eyes both gentle and warming. “Do you want to stay here for a minute?”

Sweetie shook her head and the two soon walked away from the growing crowd of mourning ponies. When they entered the boutique, Sweetie Belle made a break for her room, not even bothering to take off her boots or scarf.

Locking the door behind her, Sweetie dove onto her bed and proceeded to wrap the covers around herself like a cocoon. Shutting her eyes, Sweetie tried to fight the images her imagination conjured: Tiara, the carriage, blood, death.

“Sweetie! Are you alright?!” shouted Rarity, banging on her door from the outside.

“Leave me alone! Please!” begged Sweetie Belle, bringing her legs closer to her chest. She tried to fight back the tears but couldn’t. Diamond Tiara was dead. Somepony she knew was dead. Somepony got run over just a few hooves away from where she slept at night. She grabbed her pillow and held onto it like a lifeline in a raging sea storm. It happened, all of it, on her street. Diamond Tiara met her death just outside her window.

The thought continued to plague her until she fell asleep.


The first things Sweetie felt upon waking up were the tear marks that crusted the fur on her cheeks. Shivering, she used her blanket to wipe them off, slowly unraveling herself. Feeling a cold breeze from a half-cracked window, she got up and went to go shut it. Upon reaching the window, she quickly shut the blinds too and turned away. She’d seen it again.

The very same corner where—she shook her head and immediately turned away. Stop! Just stop thinking about it!

Taking a deep breath, she retreated back to her bed and tried to ignore the unending questions in her head. However, her efforts were futile as they began to overwhelm her. Why did Diamond Tiara have to die? It’s not fair. She was only a filly. A mean filly, but still a filly. Aren’t old ponies supposed to die when it’s their time? Like Granny Smith?

Such a thought made her eyes widen. Granny Smith was really old, in her hundreds if she remembered correctly. Would she die soon? Just one day never to wake up again from her bed or rocking chair? Why am I even thinking about that? I don’t want her to die too! I don’t want anypony to die!

Shaking her head, Sweetie made for her bookshelf and looked through the covers until she dragged out a big book titled Dictionary. Flipping the pages, she found the “D” section and found the word she had been looking for; a word that had been plaguing her all day.



1. The act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism.

2. The state of being dead

3. Extinction; destruction

4. Manner of dying

Sweetie stared at each explanation and even the synonyms and antonyms below. Looking at the “total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism” part, she realized it meant a dead person couldn’t breathe or even think.

Her mind turned to a memory from last summer, where she and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders had once tried to be Cutie Mark Crusader Gunslingers. Applejack and Big Macintosh took a break from their chores to play with them, bringing down their grandfather’s old popguns from when he was a colt. It was fun, shooting corks at each other and pretending to be cowboys and outlaws, but then one of them managed to hit Sweetie Belle. Taking a page out of her sister’s book, she did a dramatic faint and lay there as still as possible, having been "killed". Yet she was still breathing, still thinking.

But that was a game, a fantasy. Was it the same in real life? Curious, she lay flat on her back and found herself staring at the ceiling. Closing her eyes, Sweetie Belle held her breath and tried to clear her mind of all thoughts. She remained as still as possible, but all it did was cause her chest to ache as her lungs demanded air. Trying to shut her mind was equally hard. She couldn’t prevent even the simplest of thoughts from forming. After sitting back up, Sweetie tossed the useless book away and sighed, trying to think of another way to solve her questions about death.

The library could contain some answers, but she and her friends were still on that two week ban for trying to be Cutie Mark Crusader Dragon Catchers. How were we supposed to know that yanking Spike’s tail would make him belch fire? There was only one pony she knew that could answer her questions, so she proceeded to head downstairs.

Entering the kitchen, she spotted Rarity reading a book at the table with her glasses. Sweetie Belle cleared her throat, and Rarity immediately took notice of her little sister, putting the book down before giving her a hug. “Oh, Sweetie Belle, I’ve been so worried. Is everything alright? Is this about Tiara? Do you want to talk about it?”


Nodding, Rarity levitated a cushion and planted it right next to her own, encouraging her sister to sit beside her. The two sat down, Rarity continuing to keep Sweetie Belle close as she used her magic to get some tea started from across the room. “Okay, let’s talk, sister to sister. What’s troubling you?”

“I... I feel sad, confused, and... scared, I guess,” whispered Sweetie Belle, lowering her gaze. “I never got along with Diamond Tiara, but... I can’t help but feel sorry for her. I mean, she didn’t deserve to die, Rarity! Why did it happen?!

Although taken aback by her outburst, Rarity took a deep breath and shook her head. “I don’t know, Sweetie Belle. I can’t honestly give you a clear answer. These things happen for a reason. It’s unfortunate, and sometimes we never learn why.”

“But I don’t understand why and that scares me, Rarity!” shouted Sweetie Belle, looking deep into her big sister’s sympathetic eyes for any hint that would solve her problem. Sniffling, Sweetie held her hooves close to her heart. “I read about it in the dictionary, but even that didn’t really tell me what death was. What is death, Rarity? Why do ponies have to die?”

“Oh, Sweetie Belle. If I had the answer, I would certainly give it you,” explained Rarity, biting her lip. “Death is just as confusing for everypony as it is for you. Ponies have tried to explain it, but all of it is just a bunch of ideas that they decide they want to believe in.”

“So what do you believe, sis?”

“Me?” Rarity closed her eyes and sighed. “I guess, you can say I think of it as a way to keep things in balance. You know how I always say that certain colors must never appear more or less than others depending on the design, yes?” Sweetie Belle nodded. “I like to believe that applies to life. Where we have those that live, we must also have those that die. At least that’s how I like to see it. I know that things seem confusing now, but I promise it will make more sense when you get older.”

Sweetie Belle huffed; she hated that saying. Everypony says you’ll understand when you’re older! I bet they don’t know either!

“Well, what happens when you die? Is it like sleeping? Only not waking up?”

Rarity paused again, taking a moment to levitate the finished tea towards the table and pour both of them a drink. Sweetie accepted a cup but didn’t drink from it as Rarity answered, “Well, to be honest, I never thought about such a thing before. I’ve never put any thought into what would happen if I were to pass away. I guess it would be nice if there was an afterlife to go to. Maybe a grand, heavenly city like Canterlot, only ten times better. Some actually believe that there is no afterlife, that nothing exists after death. No offense to them, but I shudder to think of such a thing. And then others say we are reborn as a different pony, or even race for that matter.”

Sweetie Belle felt another headache coming. Why does everything have to be so confusing?

Sensing her discomfort, Rarity placed her hoof over Sweetie’s own and rubbed it. “I know this is a lot to understand, but try to remember that Diamond Tiara is at peace.”

How can she be at peace? She’s dead! Wouldn’t she be more at peace by being alive and with those that love her? Sweetie Belle’s mind jerked at the realization. Her father, Filthy Rich, what is he going through? I really hope he’s okay. What about Silver Spoon? She and Tiara were such good friends. I’d be heartbroken if I lost either Scootaloo or Apple Bloom.

The very thought of one of her best friends dying made her stomach turn. She quickly turned to Rarity and asked, “Is there a way to reverse death? Or bring back somepony from the dead? Maybe a magic spell?”

Her idea was shot down the moment she saw Rarity shake her head. “Good heavens no, and such a thing would be horrible, Sweetie Belle. Do you really want to see a corpse walking around?”

“But...” Sweetie Belle fidgeted in her seat. “What if... what if somepony else dies? What do we do?”

Rarity bit her lip. “Sweetie Belle, really, I know this is a new experience for you, but you shouldn’t worry about such things.”

“But Rarity, I—”

A series of knocks from the front door interrupted Sweetie. Rarity groaned and walked up to the entrance of her home, Sweetie Belle right behind her. When they opened the door it revealed a white stallion with a combed back silver mane and dressed in a warm overcoat. Clearing her voice, Rarity said, “I’m sorry, but we’re closed for the day. You’ll have to come back tomorrow.”

“Forgive me, but I’m here at the request of my employer, Master Rich,” said the stallion in a low bow.

“Oh, dear me. Is Mr. Rich alright? I’m so sorry for what happened to his daughter. If there is anything my sister and I can do...um...”

Wiping tears from his eyes, the stallion nodded. “Sorry, Miss Rarity. My name is Sebastian. I’m a butler in service to Master Rich. Thank you for your kind words by the way. It’s been terrible for all of us, losing Mistress Tiara.” He sighed and shook his head. “At least she is with her mother and younger brother now.”

Sweetie Belle gasped. M-mother?! B-brother?! Did they also…

“Is there something we can do to help?” asked Rarity.

“Master Rich would like it if you would prepare Mistress Tiara’s funeral dress. He wants to make his daughter look beautiful one last time before... well...” He started to choke up a bit and Rarity levitated him a tissue that he proceeded to use. “Yes, thank you. He would like it if you were to do this. Naturally, you will be paid and—”

“No,” insisted Rarity, raising her hoof. “I’ll do it for free, I insist. I’ll do everything I can to make such a great dress that she’ll look like a princess come her funeral.”

Sebastian bowed again, this time lower. “Thank you, very much. Truly, you are worthy of being the Element of Generosity.”

He bowed one more time and left. Rarity closed the door and turned her attention back to Sweetie Belle. “I’m sorry about that, darling. Shall we continue talking?”

“A-actually,” said Sweetie Belle, shifting on her hooves, “I wanna get some fresh air. I-I have a lot on my mind.”

Thankful that she still was wearing her boots and scarf, Sweetie Belle bolted out of the boutique before Rarity could question her.


The sky looked grayer than normal, and the wind seemed to blow even harsher. With no destination in her mind, she resolved to wander around while thinking back to her conversation with Rarity. Her big sister was the one pony Sweetie Belle thought she could depend on for answers, but now she was even more scared and confused than ever. As she continued her walk, she overheard a few other ponies talk about current events, mostly about the loss of Diamond Tiara. It only made her feel worse. Gazing into the sky above, Sweetie Belle wished for even just a little bit of sunlight. It would at least be better than all this cold.

With her focus above rather than what was in front of her, Sweetie Belle didn’t see the incoming pony until they bumped heads. Clutching her head in pain, Sweetie heard a familiar voice. “Jeez! Careful with that horn!”

“Scootaloo?” asked Sweetie Belle, surprised to see her friend so soon. “What are you doing?”

“Taking a walk, just...” Scootaloo paused, “...clearing my mind.”

“About Diamond Tiara?” asked Sweetie Belle, noticing the pegasus filly’s shoulders tense up. “Yeah, I was thinking about her too. It’s so sad...”

“I guess...” said Scootaloo, shrugging her shoulders.

Sweetie Belle’s ears shot up as she slowly stared at Scootaloo, her mouth slightly opening. “Y-you guess? Scootaloo, this is horrible. Aren’t you sad about what happened?”

To her surprise, Scootaloo didn’t answer with a simple "yes", but rather cast her eyes downward a bit before shaking her head. “Not really, it’s just... it’s just not a big deal for me.”

Falling to her haunches, Sweetie Belle tried to process what she was hearing. She then remembered the shocked expression on Scootaloo’s face when the news was told. Thinking back, she slowly realized that her fellow crusader didn’t look horrified so much as surprised if she was to put it into words. Does... does she really not feel anything?

“I mean, yeah it’s unfortunate, but I can’t honestly say I’m going to miss her,” admitted Scootaloo, rubbing one of her legs. Sweetie Belle let out a tiny gasp, but she doubted Scootaloo had even heard it. “We were never friends with her. Hay, she bullied us all the time, remember?”

“How can you say that?!” shouted Sweetie Belle, glaring at the startled pegasus, who took a few steps back. She shouted so loud that it attracted the eyes of a few others nearby. “She may have been a bully, but she didn’t deserve to die! It’s a big deal when somepony loses their life, Scootaloo!”

“Well, obviously it is, but not to me!” replied Scootaloo, shaking her head and gritting her teeth. “Why should I care about her at all? She made fun of us, don’t you remember?! The way she called us blank flanks, blackmailed us, and more? She made our lives miserable!”

“That doesn’t make it right! Nopony should have to die and not be cared about because they made a few mistakes!” Sweetie Belle shouted back, stepping forward until the two were in each others’ faces. “Are you saying it’s alright for ponies you're not friends with to just drop dead and not care about them at all?! It’s not right for her to die so young! It’s not right for anypony to die! This isn’t something we can throw away, Scootaloo, and you’re being horrible!”

“I’m horrible? She was the one who was horrible! I can’t think of a single good thing about her, and yet you’re acting like she was your best friend when she was nothing more than a jerk! I’m not saying I’m glad she’s dead, but why should I care?!”

“Because somepony died!” pointed out Sweetie Belle, running away and crying. Scootaloo cried out her name, but she didn’t want to hear anything more from that cold-hearted jerk. She just wanted to run and keep running. Away from Scootaloo. Away from the pain.

Away from death.

Author's Note:

So this is the series of chapters that are the hardest to do. Sweetie Belle's chapters focus on the concept of learning about death and how serious it is for the first time. We've all had the moment when we learned just how fragile our mortality can be in the world. Some kids take it well, others like me tend to be a bit more afraid yet also curious as to how death works.

So I mostly find myself writing a bit about myself as I write Sweetie Belle's chapters, as well as her reactions to what she learns. People have a tendency to research or try to find as much information about the unknown and what they fear with death being not so different at all.

Some people are going to point out about the "Mother and Brother" thing that is mentioned in this chapter. It is part of the backstory I'll be giving Tiara, but you won't learn more about these two until Apple Bloom's next chapter. We also got a taste of what Scootaloo is going to be like in her chapter coming.

They're as also be a recent debate about whether or not people should feel sorry for Diamond Tiara or not. It's okay to have this, but please keep this in mind. The fic's focus isn't what is morally right or wrong when it comes to jerks who died and how you should treat the situation, bur rather to see it in not only in the eyes of a child, but also in various ways that reflect the nature of people.

I hope you enjoyed this one.