• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 8,399 Views, 732 Comments

Transformers: Equestria's Darkest Hour - JDPrime22

Direct sequel to Transformers: Fall of Equestria. A new war is raging on between the Autobots and Decepticons on the peaceful land of the ponies. The Legend of the Transformers will fall in Equestria's darkest hour.

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Desertion of the Dinobots


"Me Grimlock no bozo, me king!"


INTEL: Grimlock is known for not following orders or trusting in Optimus Prime's ability to be an effective leader. As the leader of the Lightning Strike Coalition Force, Grimlock enjoys smashing things first and asking questions later. Due to Shockwave's experiments, Grimlock has been left with a malfunctioning voice processor and an alt-mode inspired by a strange creature from a primitive world.


Cliffjumper was the one who sent their tracking signal all the way back to Canterlot. It only took a couple of hours until Grimlock and his team had arrived. Jazz and Cliffjumper looked up, startled from where they were sitting to see the dead trees fall to the ground and let the Autobots through.

Grimlock’s red visor and glowing red lights were all that were seen in the darkness until he got closer to the small Autobots. Slug, Snarl, and Swoop came from behind him, all of their optics landing on the gigantic cave.

Jazz lifted up his hand for Grimlock to shake it. He said, “Glad you could make it, Grimlock.”

The leader of the Dinobots simply stared at Jazz and walked around him. “Just point me in the right direction and stay out of my way.” He growled

Jazz put his hand down and frowned. “Geez, rude much?”

Slug “accidently” bumped into Jazz’s shoulder, almost making Jazz fall on his face. Slug looked back and chuckled, “Watch where you’re going.”

“I was about to ask you the same thing.” Jazz smiled and dusted himself off. Snarl patted Jazz’s shoulder as he made his way passed him with Swoop on his trail. These Autobots towered over Jazz and Cliffjumper. They were also the strongest group of Autobots who ever lived. Optimus sure made the right decision to have the Dinobots save the Element Bearers in an infested bug hive.

Grimlock stood at the entrance of the dark cave before he looked down to Cliffjumper. He asked, “Are you sure they are in here?”

Cliffjumper nodded and said, “I’m sure of it, big guy. Now get movin’, we’re countin’ on ya.”

“Very well,” Grimlock growled and pulled out his massive sword. He gripped the orange blade in his right hand as the rest of his team stood by his side. “Lightning Strike, let’s roll out.”

Swoop coughed in his fist causing each Dinobot to bring their attention to the team flyer. He smirked and asked, “Don’t you mean ‘Dinobots?’”

Grimlock shook his head and walked inside the darkness of the cave without saying a word. Slug, Snarl, and Swoop followed and soon they were gone. Consumed by the darkness. Jazz and Cliffjumper stood alone in the moonlight with only their thoughts to keep them company.

‘Good luck, Grimlock. Those ponies need you.’


It was pretty quiet in the large cave; it seemed to go on forever with only the sounds of footsteps echoing off the walls. The only light visible was the Dinobots’ glowing optics and lights. With Grimlock leading the way, Slug was second with Snarl behind him; Swoop was the last one who kept looking at the dripping walls.

Their footsteps began to get louder, the cave was getting smaller and Grimlock had to duck his head just to keep moving. Soon enough, just like Jazz predicted; the sounds of buzzing and screeching reached them.

“We’re getting closer.” Grimlock struggled over his words when the cave kept getting smaller and darker. Slug caught this quickly and ran forward to catch up to his leader.

“Grimlock,” Slug began, “this cave is getting smaller, and judging from our size I don’t think we’ll be able to go any further.”

Grimlock growled and stopped in his tracks. The others did too and watched as Grimlock smashed his hand against the hard wall. The three of them backed away when Grimlock began to speak.

“We need to find the ponies. I promised Optimus Prime I wouldn’t let anything happen to them….especially Rainbow Dash. So if you guys want to leave, so be it. But I’m going on….alone if I must.” Grimlock grunted and moved forward.

It wasn’t long before he heard the sounds of footsteps catching up to him.

Several more minutes of continued walking had proven to be useless. The cave was still getting smaller and soon enough Grimlock had to put his sword away and crawl on his hands and knees to get farther. The other Dinobots hated this idea but considering it would help them get the equines back, then all actions were being considered.

Grimlock stopped when his head hit the end of the cave.

“No, it can’t end here.” Grimlock muttered and punched the wall in front of him. Several cracks appeared from his mighty hit. He just kept going. Swoop was about to say that it was useless when the wall broke and an even larger room appeared on the other side.

Each Dinobot crawled inside and got back to full height. They took this time to look this room over. Several torches were displayed across the walls illuminating the room in a nice glow. The room was circular and in the center was a deep hole.

A deep hole.

Snarl approached the hole and looked down; he got closer and inquired, “This is the entrance to the Changeling Hives. Once we go down we won’t be able to come back up without the ponies.”

“Then we’ll do just that.” Grimlock said and pulled out his sword. He jumped down the dark crevice and dug his sword into the wall to allow him a safe landing. When Grimlock finally hit the bottom, he ripped his sword out of the wall and roared in preparation when his other teammates arrived.

They all faced a long corridor with mucky walls and large holes surrounding the walls, as if space slugs lived in this place. The darkness just wouldn’t let up as Swoop stepped in front of his leader and transformed.

Swoop flapped his wings and flew forward. “This has gotta be the right trail! I’ll scout ahead!”

“Wait!” Grimlock shouted and ran forward with Slug and Snarl struggling to catch up. When Swoop flew passed the corridor, Grimlock and the others stepped on it causing the entire ground to break apart. The three of them fell and landed on their backs on a not so far below ground.

“Dangit, Swoop, can’t you calm down for once!” Slug yelled and wiped the slime off his chest. Grimlock lifted up his hand and found a trail of slime connected to his fist and the ground. They were getting closer to the heart of the Hives.

When Grimlock and the others picked themselves up, Swoop stuck his head up from the upper portion of the caves and tried his best to look as innocent as ever.

“Grimlock, you guys okay?” Swoop asked.

Grimlock shook his head and picked up his sword before saying, “We’re fine. Let’s split up. Snarl, Slug, and I will go forward and will hopefully find the heart. You keep going up and try to contact us if you find the ponies.”

Swoop was taken aback by this and yelled, “But Grimlock-!”

“Get moving!” Grimlock roared causing the flyer to flee into the upper portion of the caves. Grimlock stared ahead for a brief second until he began to move again. Snarl and Slug reluctantly followed while eyeing their surroundings.

They were REALLY deep underground now. Small torches lit the walls but still couldn’t cover all the darkness that filled the massive rooms. The dirt walls and slime falling from the ceilings didn’t bother the stone-cold warriors a bit; it was the eggs that made their circuitry freeze.

Grimlock stopped as did Snarl and Slug. They had entered a portion of the room with hundreds if not thousands of tiny eggs. They scattered across the ground and walls and there were even some on the ceiling. They all glowed a bright green color with black veins on the outsides of each one.

Snarl got closer to one and looked inside. He backed away when he saw a little black creature stirring inside with tiny blue eyes. Slug breathed in heavily and said, “I think we made it the breeding grounds.”

“We have to keep moving.” Grimlock growled and didn’t even care when he stepped on several of the eggs. They splattered all over his giant feet while the tiny creatures died on the spot without the warmth of the egg. Slug and Snarl followed while Slug stepped on them and Snarl tried his best to avoid them.

After they passed the breeding grounds, they had reached a dimly lit, muddy corridor. The ceiling rose higher as they went in deeper allowing Grimlock to stand up to full height. It was a peaceful walk and Swoop wasn’t here to ruin it.

A perfect time for Grimlock to begin reminiscing.

The lives of six terrified ponies were in his hands. Bloody, beaten, and old hands that had been through so much that Grimlock had almost realized that he wasn’t good for anything except to kill. That all changed when he met Rainbow Dash.

He didn’t know for sure but…he could be calm when he was near Rainbow. He didn’t feel like killing or ripping someone’s head off when they were together. She made him feel….happy. That’s why Grimlock was so mad.

These Changelings captured his friend, and if they’re torturing her or even laid a hoof on her delicate little head…they were going to pay. But Grimlock knew better. He knew Rainbow Dash could take care of herself; she beat up Starscream for Primus sake!

Rainbow was a strong mare….so Grimlock didn’t have to worry much.

‘Do you really believe that?’

Grimlock stopped dead in his tracks.

‘As clear as I am speaking to you, your precious pony friend is having her skin ripped off.’

Grimlock clutched his sword in blistering fury.

‘It won’t be long before her cries of pain shall reach you.’

“Grimlock, are you okay?!” Slug yelled. Grimlock didn’t hear him and focused on the voices.

‘She tastes delicious. Listen to her scream.’


“NOOOOOO!!!!!” Grimlock screamed in fear and ran forward. Be it stupidity or bravery that made him act this way, but he knew only one thing right now: save Rainbow Dash.

“Grimlock! Slow down!” Slug screamed and ran for it. Snarl struggled to catch up with them. But Grimlock wouldn’t slow down. He would never slow down until he knew that Rainbow Dash was safe. His visor scanned the entire room, small black creatures began to appear from the holes covering the room, but Grimlock didn’t care about that.

“I’m coming, Rainbow!” Grimlock screamed and smashed through an entire wall! Slug and Snarl jumped through the tattered debris of the wall and watched as Grimlock kept breaking through more and more walls.

His fears grew bigger when that same high pitched voice echoed throughout the entire Hives. “Somepony help us!” It screamed.

“I’LL NEVER LET YOU DIE!!!” Grimlock yelled and broke through the last wall.

When the dust cleared, Grimlock got a full view.

This room was probably the biggest in the entire Hives. The ceiling stretched so high above that Grimlock could jump and still not touch it. The walls had several holes across it as tiny heads popped out with glowing blue eyes filling the room. At the very end of the room on top of a tall rock structure was none other than the ponies.

The Element Bearers.

The six of them were trapped in the same types of eggs that the black creatures were in. They each were trapped in their own egg as Grimlock moved closer to them. Grimlock was just relieved when the voices were just messing with him and Rainbow Dash wasn’t actually injured.

“You’re…all alive.” Grimlock sighed with relief as they opened their eyes.

Each of the ponies gasped and began tapping on the walls of their eggs. Rainbow Dash’s eyes were the biggest as she bucked the egg with all her strength but still nothing happened.

“Hold on…I’ll get you all out of there.” Grimlock said and began to move forward. But before he could take another step, a high pitched laughter filled the room causing the mighty Dinobot to spin around in panic.

The laughter grew louder when suddenly a green flame erupted on top of the rock structure right in front of the equines. Grimlock growled in frustration when he finally realized who it was when Optimus told him about her.

Queen Chrysalis smiled with her fangs clearly slowing. She spread her wings and snickered, “How precious, you’ve come to save your little friends.” She motioned her hoof over to the egg encampment cells with the ponies screaming inside.

“Grimlock, help us!” Twilight screamed and banged her hoof on the eggshell.

Grimlock’s anger reached a height he never though he could reach when he saw Rainbow Dash shivering in fear. He pointed the end of his sword at the Queen and yelled, “I’ve come to tear you apart, Chrysalis!!!”

She didn’t even look scared. She simply chuckled in delight and hissed, “Well, I really hope you are a challenge. But I cannot deny my children a nice dinner when they see it,” She lifted up her hoof and slammed it on the hard rock. “Changelings, feed!”

The room was suddenly filled with screeching and buzzing of wings as a swarm of Changelings came from all directions and attacked.

“Uhhh…Changelings….grrrrr.” Grimlock growled and gripped the end of his sword.

Then they struck.

Grimlock swung his sword around in all directions as the plague known as Changelings bit and hissed at him. He only struck a few of the creatures as they crawled away or died on the spot. His sword was an unstoppable killing machine as he smashed it on the ground causing a shockwave to knock away the remainder of the Changeling swarm.

Chrysalis was not amused and pointed at the Dinobot with her hoof.

“It’s time for the heavy artillery!”

Before Grimlock could retaliate, many large creatures came out of the holes that covered the room. But Grimlock knew these…. He didn’t want to remember but he had to when several Insecticons filled the large room.

They stood up to reveal horrifying memories.

“How is this possible?” Grimlock muttered when he was suddenly surrounded by at least twenty Sharpshots, Kickbacks, and Hardshells. They were completely identical to each other only making Grimlock’s confusion grow.

He looked back up to see Chrysalis obviously enjoying the scene. Her laughter faded as she silently chuckled, “I have made some upgrades with my army.”

It happened so fast. The Insecticons charged forward and leapt on the Dinobot. Grimlock swung his sword as hard as he could that only decapitated a few of them. But they just kept coming. Right when Grimlock was about to be consumed by the clawing and biting, a loud roar entered the room.

The Insecticons were pelted off of the Dinobot leader’s armor and flung to the ground when the Triceratops rammed the remaining ones with its sharp horns. Slug looked up at the black Changeling and shouted, “Shut it, Chrysalis! Unless you want us to crush you where you stand!”

Chrysalis only laughed at the death threat and shouted, “Do you really think you stand a chance against the entire Changeling army? You may have strength in brute force, but we have strength in numbers! You will fall…eventually!!!”

Slug ran forward with his head low when he rammed the rock structure holding the terrified equines. They all screamed when the rock began to break. Grimlock took quick notice and shouted, “Slug, find another way on top! We can’t have the ponies hurt in any type of way!”

“Sounds good to me!” Slug yelled and ran backwards. He went head-first into a Changeling hole, creating a massive entrance for him to enter.

Grimlock got back to his feet and kept his visor on the Queen. She screeched so loud that several more Changelings erupted from the holes and charged at the mighty Dinobot.

“Little bugs do your worst!” Grimlock screamed and slashed his sword about. Several hisses of pain came from all directions when the deadly sword struck with such power it would rip them in half. This was nothing! Grimlock was easily killing these things!

Chrysalis frowned and screamed, “Bring out the Insecticons!”

As she said that, several more clones of the three main Insecticons rushed from the holes and at the mighty Dinobot. Grimlock killed each one that tried to get close with pure ease. But the Queen was right, they had strength in brute force, but they had the numbers.

Rainbow Dash screamed.

“So…much…rage!!!” Grimlock roared when he felt as if his armor began to melt. His visor grew brighter as did his anger. It was soon released when he smashed his fists to the ground and transformed.

The Changelings screamed in fear and tried their best to retreat, despite the Queen’s orders. Grimlock’s body changed and his new head roared so loud it shook the underground Hives.

“KILL IT,” Chrysalis screamed, “KILL IT NOW!!!”

“You can’t kill me!!!” Grimlock roared and opened his dino mouth. His torrent of flames overcame the entire ground in a blazing glory while Changelings burned to a crisp and the clones melted on the spot.

“I gotcha, Grimlock!”

The Dinobot leader turned his head to see Snarl charge forward and ram the remaining Insecticons in his path. What remained of the Changelings was simply crushed by Snarl’s strength. The Stegosaurus turned around and swiped his tail against a large crowd of the morphing creatures.

“Keep fighting, Snarl!” Grimlock yelled and crushed the tiny Changelings trying to attack him. Another roar made both Snarl and Grimlock bring up their heads to see Slug running alongside the upper platforms in the cave. The Changelings were being run over by the bad boy’s strength.

“Ugh,” Slug grunted as he kept ramming into more and more Changelings, “I cut through these guys like beryllium bologna!”

Grimlock bit down on an Insecticon and yelled, “You mean cesium salami!”

Slug shook his head and yelled, “No, beryllium bologna!”

“Cesium salami!!!”

“Beryllium bologna!!!!!”

“Cesium salami!!!!!!”

“Can you both just shut up and fight!?!”

All three Dinobots lifted up their heads to see an entire hole explode and Swoop flying out of it with Changelings clinging on to his outer armor. He shook them off and continued to bombard the Changelings on the ground with his missiles. The room was soon cleared leaving only the Queen.

Queen Chrysalis stepped up, her green eyes blistering with rage. She stomped her hoof on the ground and screamed, “You may have won the battle, but you will NOT win the war that is soon to come! Retreat, my children! Retreat into the deeper Hives!!!”

And with that, Queen Chrysalis spread her wings and flew straight into the nearest hole. The rest of the Changeling soldiers scurried away into the holes leaving only the four Dinobots.

Swoop flapped his wings. He grabbed the eggshells with his feet and lowered each Element Bearer onto the ground where the Dinobots were waiting. They all transformed back while Snarl and Slug cracked open the eggs. The six ponies stumbled out and shook themselves of all the ick the eggshell had to offer…especially Rarity.

Twilight looked up at Grimlock and smiled. “Thank you, Grimlock, for saving us again.” Grimlock could only nod as he approached Rainbow Dash. She smiled and flew up to him. Rainbow stuck out her hoof where Grimlock generously replied with his fist, pounding the two together.

“Thanks, big guy. That’s pretty cool of you to come all this way just for us.” Rainbow smiled with sincerity.

Grimlock chuckled and said, “Anything for you, Dash.”

But before any of them could get out of there, a large earthquake began to grow inside the massive room. The ponies fell on their bellies and looked around in full panic. Grimlock and the others just watched as the dirt ceilings began to break apart and large pieces of rock began to fall.

Grimlock shielded his head and shouted, “Take the ponies! Get out of here now!”

“What about you, Grimlock?!” Swoop shouted over the rumbling of the tremor. Grimlock turned away from them and faced a new entrance that was created when the rocks began to fall.

“I’m going after Chrysalis.”

“WHAT?!?!” The ponies and Dinobots yelled together.

Grimlock turned his head back and shouted, “I can take care of myself! NOW GO!!!”

Rainbow stepped forward and screamed, “No, you big idiot! We’re all going together!!!” The tears had been forming at the ridges of her magenta eyes. If Grimlock was doing what she thought he was doing….

Grimlock sighed and faced away from her.

“I promise…I’ll come back.”

Before the ponies could intervene, especially Grimlock’s team, the entire ceiling collapsed thus separating the Dinobot leader from his team and the equines. Rainbow screamed and bucked the rocks until she was pulled back by Applejack and Rarity.

Slug felt another large tremor pass through the caves before he transformed in his dino mode. He roared causing each mare to turn his way, he lowered his tail and yelled, “Climb on! We gotta get outta here now!!!”

None of them argued and stumbled on Slug’s back. With each pony secured, Slug roared and rammed his head through several more walls and towards the way they came. Rainbow turned her head back one more time to see Swoop and Snarl on their trail….but Grimlock was staying.

A rare tear fell from her eye.


Grimlock touched the rock the landed right behind him. The tremors had stopped only slightly allowing Grimlock to stomp forward with his sword gripped in his right hand. He kept walking until he reached a very large dome shaped area of some sort.

“Coming for you, Chrysalis!” Grimlock yelled and entered the room.

Changelings alike scattered away in fear when this new beast had entered their dwelling and began searching. He stomped on several Changelings alike; he could hear their hissing under his foot forcing him to finish them off by planting his foot on the ground.

He kept stepping on them until a loud screech was heard followed by Chrysalis floating above him, her wings buzzing in a motion that reminded Grimlock of the Insecticons.

She growled with anger, “Stop killing my children!”

“Then come down here and fight me!” Grimlock roared which overpowered her weak meager voice. She shrank back and landed on a podium quite far from his position. She waved a hoof in front of her.

“I think I’ll allow my newest friends do just that. I believe you have already met Kickback.” Chrysalis smiled and backed away on her podium to allow the familiar Insecticon make his way through. But he wasn’t the only one, Sharpshot and Hardshell arrived just as Kickback did.

Kickback glared down from the podium and giggled, “Kill me if you can! Can! Can! HAHAHA!!!”

“Kickback.” Grimlock growled and clutched his sword even harder. Kickback leaped in mid-air and jumped on another podium behind the might Dinobot.

He waved his hands in the air and shouted, “Once again, we have to put you in your place! But we have more friends this time, Grimlock! And they’re just as big, strong, and tough as you are!!!”

Grimlock swatted his sword and screamed, “No one’s tougher than me!!!”

“Not even….yourself?” Kickback quietly said and snapped his fingers. The ground where Grimlock was standing broke apart and a complete double ganger of the Dinobot appeared. Grimlock stood back up with his confusion growing when a complete copy of him just stood a few feet away.

“Ohhhh look, Grimlock,” Kickback hissed, “a little Changeling could morph into you!!!”

“Crush you just the same!!!” Grimlock screamed and drove his sword forward. It sank in perfectly with his clone’s chest allowing Grimlock to finish him off. He ripped out his sword and stabbed the clone several times in the chest.

Grimlock’s clone fell to the ground with several puncture wounds. The Dinobot watched as his clone began to glow green until it was nothing but a dead little Changeling. Kickback was disappointed and shouted, “There’s more where that came from, Grimlock!!!”

Soon enough, more and more clones of the Dinobot leader appeared all around the original. They rushed forward and jumped on top of Grimlock. But he was too strong. Grimlock pushed each one off and roared in pain when one got lucky and punched him in the back. But he wouldn’t let up and used his shield to bash the closer ones away until he could get back up.

With Grimlock fighting to the death with an unlimited number of Grimlock clones attacking him, he could almost hear Queen Chrysalis speaking with Sharpshot.

“…I assure you, the other Decepticons are waiting for your orders. After we finish off this stupid Dinobot we can begin with your plan, my Queen.”

“The Empire will not be vulnerable for long. It is only a matter of time before Canterlot stops focusing on the capture of the Element Bearers.”

“It will not be for very long, then. We must act now while the going is good!”

“Excellent idea, Sharpshot.”

Grimlock’s anger was growing by each second. If Chrysalis was planning something about this…Empire she was talking about, then it would be most catastrophic to let her continue to live.

“I’m not leaving here without your head!!!!!” Grimlock bellowed and smashed his fists on the ground. His body changed, his legs twirled, and his chest opened up to allow the demonic head to growl in anger over the clones of himself.

The Dinobot bit, slashed, and breathed fire all over his weak clones that burned on the spot. Kickback screamed and escaped the podium to regroup with the others. Grimlock’s red optics glowed with hunger as he slowly approached the Queen and the Insecticons.

Queen Chrysalis hissed as her horn began to glow.

“Changelings! Abandon the Hives! Destroy it now!!!” Chrysalis screamed as she, Sharpshot, Kickback, and Hardshell disappeared in a green flash.

His anger died down. Grimlock transformed back into robot mode and looked around in confusion. It wasn’t long before the earthquake returned even bigger this time. Grimlock held his place and looked directly where he had come from.

“Gotta go! The Hives are going to collapse!” Grimlock screamed and ran as fast as he could out of there. He couldn’t even remember how long he was running, but when he came back to reality the rock collapse was still in its place….

He was trapped.

Grimlock looked around frantically for a way out. There was nothing. He was trapped and the Hives were beginning to collapse at any second now. Grimlock punched the rocks over and over again but it was already useless…


Grimlock screamed one final time as the entire weight of the earth came down upon him. His entire body was crushed by the massive weight this world had to offer. As the dirt overcame his vision, Grimlock felt something he only felt one other time before, the way he felt when he had lost Sludge’s life.


'I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. Please forgive me."


“We made it!” Snarl screamed and stopped. His head looked up to see the dark hole they had entered in the first place. Now that they had the ponies, they could get out of here.

The six mares climbed off of Slug’s back as the Dinobot transformed and faced the opening above them all. He was out of ideas on getting out of here….but Swoop wasn’t.

“Here, hold onto my legs!” Swoop yelled as his wings flapped about in Slug’s vision. Slug grunted and gripped Swoop’s foot. The Dinobot looked back and said, “Now grab the ponies!” Slug quickly turned around and scooped up Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. He held them in his left arm in a tight grasp while Snarl finally got the idea.

“What are you-Whoa!” Twilight yelped when Snarl picked her, Rarity, and Applejack up. He held each mare in his right arm as he gripped Swoop’s other leg with his left arm.

“I’ve always wanted to go fast,” Swoop yelled and turned his large beak back behind him, “Hold on tight and don’t let go!”

Before the Dinobots could ask why, Swoop spread his wings and activated his thrusters. Slug and Snarl felt a mighty push hit them as Swoop blasted his way higher and higher up the hole. Fluttershy held onto Slug’s arm as she looked up to see Rainbow Dash flying all by herself.

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy screamed causing the cyan mare to look right and see the trembling Pegasus.

She forced a smile and shouted, “I’m fine, Flutters! Just hold onto Slug!”

Fluttershy whimpered again as she pressed her cheek against Slug’s arm in a tight embrace. Rainbow focused ahead and dodged the falling rocks that were coming her way. It wasn’t long before the light was getting brighter.

“We’re almost through!” Swoop yelled as the light suddenly became visible. Rainbow shielded her eyes when the torch light had reached her. She was in the darkness for so long that it was hard to adjust so quickly.

“Follow me, Dash!” Swoop screamed and made an immediate right turn into a large hole. Rainbow looked that way and saw Swoop leaving her in a long dark cave with the entrance only a few hundred feet away. The tremor had finally reached them as the entire cave began to collapse.

Rainbow Dash pumped her wings to the limit as shutting her eyes became necessary when she had gone to speeds beyond imaginary. She had past Swoop and opened her eyes slightly to see the entrance of the cave getting closer…..and closer…until…


Jazz and Cliffjumper backed away when the cave literally exploded with dust and rocks shooting out of the entrance. Jazz looked through the dust to see Swoop crash in the dirt with Slug and Snarl tumbling on their heads.

“What the-?!” Jazz screamed when a blue blur smashed right into his chest. After a few moments of tumbling in the dirt, Jazz looked up to his assailant. When he looked up he noticed the adorable rainbow mane and blue face staring at him with wide magenta eyes.

“Rainbow Dash, you’re alive!” Jazz screamed with joy and hugged the mare in his arms.

But to his surprise, she pushed away and screamed, “Get off me!” Jazz backed away when he saw Rainbow fly passed her friends with her focus only on the cave.

The rest of the Changeling Hives began to fall apart. The mountain shattered and the cave buried itself in with several tons of dust and debris flowing past them when the mountain finally collapsed.

It was all silent.

The equines groaned in pain and rose from the dirt. Cliffjumper lifted up Snarl and found Rarity curled up into a ball with her eyes shedding several tears. Cliffjumper reached for her with his voice cracking.

“Rarity…are you okay?” Cliffjumper asked with his voice hopeful. Rarity looked up at him when she suddenly wailed in despair and jumped in Cliffjumper’s embrace. The red Autobot gently stroked her back as she continued to whimper in his chest.

“It’s okay, Rarity, you’re safe now. Don’t cry, please don’t cry. Shhhhh….shhhhh…” Cliffjumper whispered to her which only caused the unicorn to cry even louder. Jazz past Cliffjumper comforting Rarity and onto Swoop.

He asked with his head looking side to side, “Where’s Grimlock?”

At the mentioning of that name, Swoop hung his head low as he turned towards the cave. Jazz followed his gaze until it landed on the blue Pegasus sitting alone. Jazz walked forward and looked at Dash’s face.

“Rainbow…what happened?” Jazz asked. Rainbow Dash didn’t answer as her lower lip quivered. Her eyes watered and her wings fell limp to her sides. Her head slowly sunk to the ground when she had finally accepted the fact.

Jazz finally figured it out. He thought it wasn’t even possible from Grimlock’s brute strength and undying power. But of course….no one was deathless. He stared with Rainbow Dash, he felt sad just like she did. He didn’t want it to be true…

Rainbow Dash cringed when a fresh tear of sorrow and pain fell from her hurting eyes. It hit the ground with a soft drip as she looked up one more time at the smoldering remains of the Changeling Hives. It hurt so much to accept the fact that he was gone and could never return. He gave up his life for her and her friends…what a terrible sacrifice he committed. But she now knew…that what he did was because he truly did care for her.

He did it for her.

He did it for her friends.

He did it for Equestria.
