• Published 2nd Mar 2013
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Transformers: Equestria's Darkest Hour - JDPrime22

Direct sequel to Transformers: Fall of Equestria. A new war is raging on between the Autobots and Decepticons on the peaceful land of the ponies. The Legend of the Transformers will fall in Equestria's darkest hour.

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Rest in Pieces


2 Days before the Rise

"The least likely can be the most dangerous."


INTEL: Despite being one of the youngest and inexperienced Autobots serving under Optimus Prime, Bumblebee's courage makes him stand apart from others. Despite losing the ability to speak at the hands of Megatron, Bumblebee presses on and has become one of Optimus Prime's closest friends.


“….Today we mourn the death of one of the bravest Autobots I ever knew. He gave up his life so that the Element Bearers could remain alive. He did it so that peace could remain in this glorious land. Many years ago, on Cybertron, I always knew Grimlock wasn’t the one to obey orders; he always had different ways to lead. His ways of fighting proved to be dangerous for both Decepticons…and Autobots. That is what made Grimlock so special. He was always a dangerous warrior, a warrior that could be provoked easily. And even though most of us thought he was nothing but a bloodied warrior without any feeling whatsoever, I never thought he was. I knew Grimlock as….my teammate….my friend…my brother.”

Optimus Prime sighed heavily before he backed away from the coffin. Grimlock’s coffin was designed just the way he always wanted it, with a large sword crafted on the top and rising flames overcoming the blade. The flames of course weren’t real and were just designed into the coffin.

Celestia wiped away a tear before she turned back to her fellow guards. She nodded as they all picked up their trumpets. The falling rain was in tune with the funeral music as the large group of both Autobots and equines stood in Canterlot’s cemetery.

Jazz and Cliffjumper remained silent and just stood with their fellow Autobots. Jazz never wanted to tell anyone that he knew someone was going to die if they entered those Changelings Hives…he just never thought it would be one of the strongest Autobots who ever lived.

Twilight forced a weak smile when Rarity placed an umbrella above her and the rest of her friends. Even in these dark times, their friendship always made her feel a little bit better. The continuing funeral music filled them all with dread as the empty coffin was slowly lowered into the ground.

They never recovered Grimlock’s body. It would be forever lost in what remained of the Hives.

Shining Armor held his whimpering wife close to him, her belly a little larger than before. They both shared a sweet nuzzle before he turned towards several of his fellow guards and nodded. They all held up a hoof against their forehead and saluted the Autobot hero’s coffin.

When the coffin finally hit the ground, Rainbow Dash burst into tears but tried her very best to hide them. It wasn’t difficult to see the Pegasus crying. Princess Celestia and Luna turned their heads and sighed in defeat when they saw even the strong Rainbow Dash crying.

Never once did they see the Element of Loyalty shed tears.

While the Element Bearers held each other close under the small umbrella, the Dinobot clenched his fists in raw anger. Slug’s red visor glowed darker than it usually should as he witnessed the coffin of his dead leader enter the deep hole.

Snarl looked up from his feet and saw Slug beginning to get a little unstable. He put a hand on his shoulder and calmly said, “Slug, it’s okay. Grimlock did what he had to do.”

“That’s a lie.” Slug silently growled.

Some of the Royal Guards caught this small argument and turned their heads to face the three Dinobots. Slug caught their eyes turning towards them, his fists balled even harder. He hated it when these ponies looked at him…silently mocking him and calling him a freak.

“Slug, it’s not a lie. Grimlock really did-,” Snarl was saying until Slug swatted his hand away in released all his hatred and anger.

“IT IS A LIE!!!!” Slug screamed. The trumpets stopped. The Princesses turned their heads onto the Dinobots as did the large group of ponies and Autobots. Slug wasn’t done yet…he wanted them all to hear. And he didn’t give a care what they thought.

Slug pointed at the shivering equines and shouted, “Those THINGS are responsible for Grimlock’s death! Our leader would still be alive if we didn’t go in there! But no! This entire planet goes off the brim of chaos when six little ponies are missing! NO ONE GAVE A FLYING FRACK WHEN WE WENT MISSING!!!!!”

“Hey, watch your mouth, soldier!” Ironhide screamed which only received a glare from the massive Dinobot. Ironhide pointed to the tiny ponies looking at Slug with fear clearly visible along with the tears. “We already have enough grief here!”

Slug retreated his gaze from Ironhide and on the little equines. The six mares cuddled together when the massive Dinobot approached them, anger strewn across his face.

A massive finger was dealt their way as Slug screamed to the already terrified ponies, “It’s your FAULT!!! It’s your entire fault that Grimlock is dead!!! Especially….you.” Slug pointed his finger at the cyan Pegasus. Her whimpering grew louder as did the tears falling from her eyes.

“Grimlock cared so much for you and this is how you repay him?! By letting him die in those Primus forsaken Hives?!?!” Slug screamed making each mare recoil and cry together. Swoop stepped in and pulled the angry Dinobot back.

“It’s not their fault, Slug,” Swoop yelled, “We all abandoned Grimlock!”

Slug pushed Swoop so hard that he landed back but was luckily caught by Snarl. Slug pointed his finger at Swoop and screamed, “You keep your mouth shut! I’ve had it with your happy asset attitude all the time!!!”

He faced the trembling Pegasus again and shouted directly in her direction only, “Stop crying, you little wimp! You don’t think I feel bad that I just lost the closest friend I ever had?! Of course you wouldn’t, BECAUSE YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO LOSE YOUR CLOSEST FRIENDS UNTIL NOW!!!! You’re just as WEAK and WORTHLESS as the rest of this world!!!!!”

Slug stopped yelling when the cyan Pegasus cried even harder than before and flew off into Canterlot. He didn’t yell anymore when he saw the Pegasus fly away. He didn’t yell anymore when all that heated glares were turned his way. He didn’t even yell when Bumblebee ran from the crowd and punched the Dinobot right in the cheek.

Slug fell back which released several gasps from both Autobots and ponies alike. He looked up and saw Bumblebee holding up his fists and a scowl present on his face. Slug chuckled and picked himself up. “You wanna go?! LET’S TUMBLE!!!”

Slug and Bumblebee leaped for each other. Suddenly, a massive blue wave appeared in front of them sending both Autobots to the ground. They both looked up to see Princess Luna with the worst frown they had ever seen.


“Sometimes I wonder.” Bumblebee growled and stood back up. His glare never left Slug’s, which is until Optimus Prime approached from behind.

Optimus frowned at both of them and said, “Princess Luna is right. Stop your fighting now.”

Both Slug and Bumblebee backed away from each other. Twilight Sparkle watched as Optimus faced the road where Rainbow Dash had fled. He began to walk towards it with only these words being said:

“I will find Rainbow Dash and bring her back here.”

Twilight stood up from where she was sitting and shouted, “Wait up, Optimus!” Twilight never liked funerals. It was always too much for her to handle. And besides, helping Rainbow Dash was more important right now. She soon caught up with the Autobot leader as they both entered the streets of Canterlot. The other mares exchanged looks before following as well.

“We’re coming, Dashie.”


The storm outside caused several Canterlot ponies to stay indoors from the pounding rain. Optimus Prime didn’t care; neither did the shivering ponies beneath him. They all were too focused on finding the hurting Pegasus.

She was somewhere in Canterlot crying her heart out….it hurt Optimus so much to see one of HIS Autobots blame a pony for the death of another. Optimus wasn’t the only one hurting, the mares below him couldn’t even imagine what their friend must be feeling right now.

She was probably blaming herself for Grimlock’s death.

Twilight looked up with her mane shielding her eyes to see Optimus Prime turning his head side to side, obviously searching. It wasn’t long before they heard the whimpering.

Optimus turned his head left and sighed deeply when he saw the cyan Pegasus curled in ball at the end of an alley. Her body was soaked in rainwater counting the puddle she was sitting in. He couldn’t reach her from the alley being so tight, so he just spoke out hoping she would hear.

“Rainbow Dash….it is alright…please come out of there.” Optimus gave his most calming tone as Rainbow wiped her nose. She didn’t even turn around.

“Don’t come near me….” Rainbow whimpered, “…or I might end up being the cause of your death too.” When she finished that statement, the Pegasus broke down into tears again.

Optimus sighed while his blue optics softened on the hurting pony, Twilight and the others began to approach but stopped when Optimus spoke to her. “You must understand, Rainbow Dash. I do not blame you for Grimlock’s fatality…no one does. Slug was just upset because he lost a very close friend of his. I feel the same way…but I do not hate you, Rainbow Dash. I care for you just as I care for each and every one of the species on this entire planet. You saved my life after all….how could I ever hate you?” Optimus asked sincerely.

After hearing his words, Rainbow’s ears perked up as she slowly turned her head towards the towering Autobot. Her eyes were stained with both rain and tears and her mane was a ragged mess. Even with Optimus’ calm words, she frowned and shouted, “I don’t need your sympathy, Prime!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight screamed in shock. None of her friends ever lashed out on Optimus Prime! She looked up at the Autobot leader expecting him to start yelling…but was even more surprised to see his hand reaching for her.

Rainbow looked up and began to scrunch up into the wall when she saw Prime’s hand reaching for her. She glared at the hand as if it was going to explode right then and there. But it didn’t even harm her, Optimus’ grasp was so gentle that he calmly picked up the shivering pony and brought her to her friends.

“Understand, Rainbow Dash,” Optimus’ voice was stern but calm, “how can you truly be Grimlock’s demise…when he gave up his life to save each and every one of you? That is because Grimlock cared for you like his own kin, as do I. Grimlock would have never done what he did for an Autobot…not even me. Think about that…”

Optimus stood back up and watched as Rainbow Dash became surrounded by her closest friends. She stopped shivering when Fluttershy came up to her and gave her a big hug.

Fluttershy whispered into her ear, “Don’t blame yourself, Rainbow, please don’t.”

Pinkie Pie was next as she embraced her hurting friend. She calmly whispered, “I don’t like it when you’re sad, Dashie. I like it when you smile, when you’re happy.”

Rainbow tried to smile but still couldn’t as Pinkie and Fluttershy embraced her even harder. Their warmth intensified as Applejack came forward and wrapped her forelegs around the group. She smiled at Dash and said, “Sugercube, Ah’ve known ya fer such a long time that Ah already know fer a fact,” she jabbed her hoof in Rainbow’s chest softly, “that you are NOT a wimp. Ya don’t have ta cry anymore, hun.”

Now Rainbow Dash felt better, but still didn’t feel the same. Rarity quickly caught this and joined in on the group hug. With her tears joining Rainbow’s, she sobbed, “Rainbow Dash, we love you, darling! And we don’t want to see you sad. But if you must cry, than we all must cry!”

Rarity planted her body with the rest of the group. Rainbow Dash’s smile began to spread through her teary face as she saw Twilight Sparkle approaching to finish the group hug. Twilight smiled as a tear flowed down her cheek.

“None of us blame you, Rainbow. We know what Grimlock was because he cared for you as he cared for all of us. And we’ll never forget him for that.” She finished as she embraced the rest of her friends. Optimus sighed happily when he saw Rainbow Dash smile again.

She whimpered, “You guys….are the greatest friends ever.” When they broke off, the now happy Rainbow Dash looked up to Optimus Prime and sighed, “I’m sorry, Optimus. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I was just so mad and….I’m…I..”

“It is alright, Rainbow Dash,” Optimus said, “but time is short. We must head back to the castle to discuss several topics with Princess Celestia and Luna….I’m sure you all understand.”

They did.

One by one, Optimus led the way as the six ponies trotted behind him on their way back to Canterlot Castle. Rainbow Dash couldn’t stop smiling. Her smile grew bigger when the sun broke through the clouds and the rain stopped.


“This is not good, sister. We keep getting the strange feeling that…something bad is going to happen. We must put Canterlot in full alert in case the Changelings plan another assault.” Princess Luna admitted to her older sister.

Princess Celestia didn’t even turn her way as she continued to stare completely forward from her throne. It had been a very long day. Not only had calming the pony folks drained most of her energy, but just suffering through the death of an Autobot was too much for the sun goddess. It had been a very long time since an Autobot spark was extinguished….in fact, this was the only time….and it indeed didn’t feel right.

She lowered her head with her eyes closed. She mumbled something barely audible to her little sister. Princess Luna had to scrunch her head in closer just to hear what she had to say.

“Will putting Canterlot in full alert really solve this problem?” Luna was taken aback by this for a short moment before Celestia continued, “I do not feel comfortable about warning the pony folk. It has only been a few months since the last attack…and it feels just terrible to know that they have gotten so used to start going back to their normal lives….mourning the ones who were lost…and to just tell them that we are at full alert…I can’t do it, Lulu. I just can’t. It breaks my heart to see my loyal subjects simply cry over the ones who were lost so many months ago. Truly you understand…?”

Princess Luna sighed heavily. It would be very hard to inform all of Canterlot to take precaution to anything coming from the skies to try and annihilate them. Those were awful and terrible times…the worst Equestria had ever faced. And to do it all over again….

“I understand, Tia,” Luna sighed with her eyes beginning to burn, “but…what will we do?”

Celestia looked up for a short period before turning to her younger sister. Her face was hard as stone but her eyes were soft as clouds. She stuttered a bit before answering, “Hopefully….we will find out before….”

“Before….what, Tia?” Luna asked with her ears perked up.

Celestia shuddered at the thought and looked back; the Crystal was kept safe in its container. She couldn’t shake away the feeling that….that the Crystal will-

The doors opened.

Both Princesses looked forward to see some familiar Autobots and ponies walk inside. The towering aliens had to duck under the small door as they approached the throne of Princess Celestia. The sun goddess recognized the familiar Autobots to be Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ironhide, Perceptor, Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Wheeljack. The ponies happened to be the keepers of the Elements of Harmony.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight shouted and ran up to her teacher’s throne. They both shared a sweet nuzzle before breaking off. Celestia looked at her with a soft smile.

“I am so glad you are all safe from your….capturing…especially you, my student.” Princess Celestia smiled and watched as her student back to her friends. There she caught Rainbow Dash shuffling on the ground. She cleared her throat and began, “Rainbow Dash,” the cyan Pegasus looked up with her head hung slightly, Celestia continued, “I hope you are alright. Luna and I had a stern talking to with the one called Slug. He won’t bother you anymore…I give you my word.”

Rainbow Dash forced a smile but still felt awful.

Princess Celestia and Luna both nodded before turning towards the Autobots. Celestia noticed that Prime and his followers had their arms crossed or hands placed on their hips, obviously waiting.

She began, “We may have a problem on our hooves…or hands I should say. It seems that since the Autobot attack on the Changeling Hives had proven to be most helpful, considering the fact that the entire Hives were demolished. But due to the sad fate of the Autobot Grimlock, we do not know if Queen Chrysalis is still alive, or what she is planning.”

“Perhaps…I could answer that, your highness.”

All the heads in the room turned towards the small Autobot. Jazz smiled. He loved getting attention. Seeing as they were all waiting for an answer, he began, “Swoop told me ‘bout somethin’. Says he heard Chrysalis shout these exact words: ‘You may have won the battle, but you will NOT win the war that is soon to come.’ If that helps out in anyway of course then I just wouldn’t want to be a waste of time.”

Princess Celestia gave a slight chuckle at Jazz, she calmly explained, “You’re not a waste of time. And that was very helpful information. Thank you, Jazz.”

Jazz smiled. “It’s my pleasure.”

Luna stepped forward and thought out loud with a hoof on her chin, “A war that is soon to come? If that is true, than we fear that it will not only be Canterlot in danger this time.”

Celestia nodded, “Of course, my sister. For the Changeling Empire is massive. Their numbers spread from thousands to millions. Who knows what kind of damage they can cause to Equestria with that army?”

“Again…can I interrupt?” Jazz slowly raised his hand. Celestia and Luna chuckled again and nodded. Jazz began, “Snarl told me…that when they were fighting the Changelings…something happened. He said they didn’t just fight Changelings…they fought Insecticons too. And I’m not talking ‘bout the Insecticon swarm….I’m talking ‘bout Sharpshot, Kickback, and Hardshell. He said they fought at least a hundred of ‘em.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie shouted and sped across the room while making bug faces, “I saw it with my OWN EYES! They were complete clones of those nasty bugs! I SWEAR IT!!!” She finished by resting on Jazz’s shoulder, her chest puffing in and out.

“How can that be?” Optimus turned his head towards the Princess of the sun, “There can only be one of each Insecticon. So how can there be clones of Sharpshot, Kickback, and Hardshell?”

Celestia sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. She looked up at Optimus and admitted, “Perhaps that is my fault for not telling you in the first place. Changelings have this special ability to allow them to morph into whatever host they choose. They feed on love from the host’s partner…or at least that is what Chrysalis had done. I had no idea they could actually grow in size and change into a Transformer.”

Wheeljack’s, Ratchet’s, and Perceptor’s optics grew wide as all of three of them approached the throne closer. Wheeljack stuttered, “W-Wait a minute, did y-you just say they could morph into us?”

“Yes…why?” Celestia asked with a brow raised.

Ratchet rubbed his fists and muttered, “We are a very dangerous and powerful race… And if others were to form into us….and not only are their numbers large….they are at least a million strong.”

Perceptor finished for the group with his hands swatting from side to side, “They have an army with millions of legions that can morph into us! Do you know what this means?”

Luna and Celestia gulped together while Luna forced herself to ask, “No…what?”

Perceptor stepped away and calmly muttered, “They can create a new Decepticon army that will be SO powerful…it will wipe out all life on this planet.”

The room was so silent one could drop a pin and hear it echo throughout the continent. Celestia nearly fainted as did her younger sister. All life as they knew it…could be gone from their kingdom. A Changeling army so massive that they can morph into Decepticons and can become even stronger….could be the end of Equestria as they all knew it.

“What do we do?” Celestia heard her thoughts out loud.

Twilight and her friends slowly turned their heads to the Autobot leader hopefully to try and get an answer…or even a response. Nothing. Optimus Prime’s optics were wide as they can be. His arms were limp as stared at completely nothing.

But what could he do? He had no idea if Megatron was behind all of this, or where Chrysalis was to stop her. The Changeling army, as they said was so powerful that just an elite team of Autobots alone could not stop an army this big. They needed help….or even better….a plan.

Optimus blinked for a while before his faceplate began to move and words came out, “We cannot allow war to spread throughout this world once again. If Megatron is truly the one causing all of this…than we will have a fight on our hands that will be catastrophic. If Chrysalis is not found as well, the results could be horrible. What we need to do is…”

The room lit up as a loud screech entered the room.

All heads turned to see the door open and a flaming bird enter the room with a scroll in its beak. It flew past the Autobots and landed on right on Celestia’s shoulder. It gave the Princess a short nuzzle before dropping the letter right in front of her.

Celestia smiled and said, “Thank you, Philomena.” The phoenix let out a small screech before flying off and landing on Bumblebee’s shoulder. The little Autobot flinched as the phoenix pecked at his shoulder.

“Whoa…this is pretty cool.” Bumblebee quietly said and scratched the flaming bird under her belly. Fluttershy giggled and approached Bumblebee and the phoenix.

“She’s quite a sight, isn’t she?” Fluttershy asked as Bumblebee didn’t say anything and simply nodded. He never took his optics off the flaming bird on his shoulder. Optimus slowly took his optics off Bumblebee and onto the Princess.

It didn’t feel right.

Celestia’s including Luna’s eyes were wide as saucers as they both read the letter. Optimus could see their chests beginning to pant faster and faster. Whatever they were reading…it was not good.

Optimus could she her lips muttering the words but they were too silent for him to clearly hear. When she finally finished, she put the letter down and scanned the room with horrified eyes. Optimus couldn’t stand it anymore and asked, “What is wrong, Princess Celestia?!”

Before she or her sister could even speak, the doors flew open as several Royal Guards spilled into the room with Shining Armor leading the way.

“Whoa, watch out now!” Ironhide yelped and lifted up his feet as several armored ponies ran right past him. When they finally reached the throne, Shining took off his helmet. His mane was a mess while his eyes were burning red. Sweat was dripping from his forehead as he slowly spoke.

“Princess Celestia, I don’t want it to be true but…the Changelings are attacking the Crystal Empire.”

Celestia’s jaw dropped as did each of the small mares’.


Author's Note:

Step one: Befriend Megatron.

Step two: Capture the Element Bearers.

Step three: Invade the Crystal Empire.

Step four: .....