• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 1,197 Views, 37 Comments

Filly Angel(Hell's Angel Sequel) - Resurgent Wanderer

Sequel to Hell's Angel. Upon her return to Equestria, Scootaloo finds herself once more in the throes of combat, this time to keep her family safe, not just herself.

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Chapter 3

Faolan awoke in his bed next to Scootaloo feeling a little more bubbly than usual. The fact that his first thought was of how sexy Scootaloo looked draped across the bed cemented his thought that he was, in fact, recovering from being absolutely smashed, most likely from the prior night.

Grinning, the man rose from his bed to find that Black Raven was passed out and sprawled across the floor. Lifting the gryphoness, Faolan placed her down on his spot on the bed and dressed himself for a quick PT run.

What's the worst that could happen from one unsupervised run?


About eight hours after the Remnants original assault on the city of Maliwan, Krix 'Ustomee and his fellow Loyalists engaged in battle in the orbit of the new planet dubbed Avol. Around three hours after that Krix led his fellow Sangheli down the the planet's surface. They touched down just outside Maliwan, and 'The Right Blade of the Arbiter' as Krix was sometimes called, quickly led his comrades to the main building that he knew the natives had their leader.

Upon reaching the front steps, the hiss of energy blades filled the air as the Loyalist and Remnant forces of Sangheli stared off against each other. It quieted down enough to where one could hear a pin drop.

The leader of the Remnant Sangheli stepped forward in hopes of convincing his brethren to rejoin their crusade, but Krix had none of it, quickly moving forward with two energy swords, sheathing both in the traitor Sangheli's stomach. At that movement the rest of the Loyalists charged, slamming into the Remnants with the force of a vengeful god.


Nothing. Nothing is exactly what a harmless unsupervised run accomplished for Faolan outside of making him wish to drink some water. Upon returning to their hotel room he found that Black Raven was sitting on a chair nursing her head slightly and Scootaloo was making eggs.

"Morning love, how's the chick?" Faolan asked as he wrapped his arms around Scootaloo from behind. The mare lifted onto her hindlegs and leaned back against her lover and best friend.

"Black Raven's fine, woke up after me with a headache. So where'd you go?"

"Just ou' for a run 'roun' the block. Ah figured the chick wouldnae be feelin' to keen on doin' much today."

Letting Scootaloo go sit down, Faolan took over making breakfast, which comprised of fish and pancakes. Not his usual mix, but the planet of Avol was not his usual planet.

Grabbing a plate, Faolan settled down to wait for his final companion to awaken.


Krix cut down one final Sangheli Remnant before booting the door open into the main war room. Just inside the door he found a number of day old Sangheli corpses. Rummaging through the place he found a data pad that held the images of Scootaloo and the Spartan Faolan that he was sent to protect. Moving to the balcony he called in his forces to follow the Remnants to the next city and was about to turn around when three red lasers in an upside down triangle pattern flashed next to his shoulder. Krix was just about to dodge when the round went flying past him.

Ducking and turning around at the same time, Krix realised that whoever fired that shot saved his life as a Covenant Remnant Jiralhanae hit the ground and disintegrated. It was also upon turning around that Krix realized that there were nine more Jiralhanae and a strange metallic creature.

The metallic creature leapt at Krix first, but the lasers appeared and ripped its leading arm off and sent it flying backwards. Next to charge Krix was a brute, but the Sangheli easily side stepped him and drove his energy sword home into the beasts gut. Two more brutes tried to press at Krix's exposed side, but successive shots from a beam rifle carved tunnels in both their heads.

Krix was quick to down another four brutes while four more went down under a barrage of beam rifle shots. The metallic creature suddenly reared up and made a move at Krix's back, but a beam rifle round hit its shoulder knocking it back just long enough for the Sangheli to leap atop it and thrust his sword into what appeared to be its head.

Once sure the creature was dead Krix made to leave the room, but when he turned for the door he found himself faced with a beam rifle barrel. Just past it was a glimpse of pink and black hair.
"You're going to help me save my friends, and avenge the one's I lost."


Gilda stopped for but a moment to make sure Dash was still secure on her back. They had been cruising along for a while now, but only now just realised that the aliens were overtaking them and headed for Hyperion.

"Dash, that data pad said they were headed for Hyperion, we need to double-time, so hold on tight." Gilda barked.

"You got it, just find my daughter!"


Scootaloo lounged across Faolan's lap lazily. It had actually been a long time since they had truly gotten to rest. In response Faolan rubbed Scootaloo's chest idly, content to sit there and do nothing.

"It's been a long time, you know?"

Faolan grunted as sign for Scootaloo to continue.

"Since we've gotten the chance to just not do anything." Scootaloo sighed, "Back in Equestria it was always questions and scheduled meetings, and we never got to just sit and do nothing It's nice being able to do that."

Thinking hard, Faolan realised that before today he never got a true day to himself. In fact, before Equestria, he'd never known such simplicity. And now, a month later, he was beginning to realise how much he valued the peace.
"Ye know, you alway said tha' whether we stayed or not was mah choice, an' you would go with wha' Ah chose?"


"Well," Faolan grinned, "Ah think, given the choice, Ah would like tae stay here with ye. It's a lot nicer than Ah would ha' expected, even wi' all the mess. When we find yer mum, Ah think Ah'd be okay to settle down, ye know?"

Scootaloo smiled wide and leaned up to nip at Faolan's neck.
"I never did thank you, by the way."

"Fer wha'"

Scootaloo got an unsure look in her eyes, looking a lot more sensitive than she'd ever looked since Faolan first met her. It reminded him of the pictures back before Scootaloo was teleported off of Avol.
"You weren't allowed to walk around freely...not like I was..."

"Scootaloo, wha's wrong?"

"I..." the mare stopped as she realised she really didn't know how to explain the situation to Faolan, "We obviously judged each other on how we acted, not how we looked...but other ponies..."
At this point Scootaloo couldn't help but tear up a bit, something that immediately grabbed at Faolan's attention.

"Tae the others...yer probably real scary Ah'm assumin', Ah'm sorry abou' tha'." Faolan assured.

"I'm not ugly am I?"

Faolan was taken aback that someone would have told Scootaloo such a thing. It hurt him to know that someone could have hurt Scootaloo in such a way, but was refreshed to know that she could still show her emotions. Some soldiers weren't so lucky when they got home.
"Hey, hey, don' you be listenin' tae some random fuck who thinks he can mouth off tae ye."

"I know... I guess everything just finally caught up to me. I finally get a moment to think, and all I can think about is what's wrong with me." sniffed Scootaloo.

Faolan pulled Scootaloo closer and kissed her gently.
"There's not a damned thing wrong with ye. Now here's the plan, we find yer mum, we go back tae Equestria, we opt for the citizenship, an' we get some much needed time tae oursel's."

Scootaloo smiled just as there was a loud thump against their door.
"And what about that?"

Faolan just growled fiercely as he stood up and grabbed his SRS99-S5 Anti-Materiel rifle and slammed in a magazine and cocked it, training it at the door.
"Ah don' know quite yet, but i's abou' tae wish it picked a different door."

Scootaloo just grabbed her twin M6C/S's.
"Fuck right."


Scootaloo and Faolan stood back to back, panting hard. Both of their undersuits were coated and dripping red with blood, the formers knife was held at ready, the latter had bleeding knuckles. All around them were the dead or dying bodies of gryphons that had poured in to try to take them.

"Well, that was exciting." laughed Scootaloo, once she was sure it was over.

Faolan wiped a particularly large chunk of...something, off his shoulder before replying.
"Aye, ye think tha' was all tae try an' get tae ye?"

Before any reply could be given there was a coughing gasp from the corner. Scootaloo made her way quickly to the gryphon that made the noise.

"They...*Gragh*...said that it would only be *Huuaagh*.....the chick...."*Crack*

After snapping the thugs neck Scootaloo made her way over to the bedroom to find Black Raven missing.
"Fuck, so I'm off to go save 'Raven's' ass again? Well, let's go Faolan, they took our new friend!"

Digging through the corpses the pair found their weapons and ammo while Scootaloo spent a specifically longer amount of time looking for her hardcase. Ten minutes later the mare was still trying to find the hardcase.
"Damnit! Have you seen my hardcase anywhere?"

Faolan was about to respond, saying he hadn't, when he tripped over said case while it jutted out from under the bed.
"Aye, s'righ' here lass."

Pumping her hoof Scootaloo in triumph threw the case open, revealing a zero-space spell. The first thing Scootaloo removed was a hand held tool for applying MJOLNIR armour. Then out came the armour pieces.

Ten minutes later they were in their armour and on their way out the door.


The trail was easy to follow, namely due to the blood on the fleeing gryphons claws and paws. Tracing it swiftly, the two armoured Spartan-IV's rushed down the street bowling over any gryphon unlcuky to remain in their path. Even still it wasn't a large worry, as the majority of the gryphons leapt from the paths of the two mechanical monstrosities tearing down the street. Rounding a corner both Faolan and Scootaloo stopped short in the face of a large number of thugs swinging chains and the like.

"You lot migh' want tae get ou' o' our way..." growled Faolan as he glared violently through his visor. He secretly sometimes wished the visor wasn't so opaque so his enemies could see how murderous he look.

When none of the thugs moved Faolan drew his sniper rifle whilst Scootaloo whipped out her twin M6C/S's.

"Ye move or ye die....wai', Ah know tha' no-Scoots, down!"

Both Spartans threw themselves to the ground as a roiling ball of green plasma rushed over the pair and slammed into the horde of lowlides gryphons sending many flying and flat out disintegrating others. Behind it came numerous smaller bolts of plasma as a Type 26 Ground Support Aircraft, or Banshee as it was known due to its keen as it flew, passed overhead.

"When the fuck did the Remnants get here?!" roared the armoured Spartan pegasus.

Even as the pair began to surprise from their positions they could only watch in shock as Type 25 Troop Carrier lowered from the skies in tandem with Type 44 Troop Carriers and more Banshees. The Type 25 Spirits began dropping off Wraiths and Ghosts in the streets, and any gryphon not pulling sword and charging the Remnants were gathering the young or old and fleeing. Chaos rained in Hyperion as the Remnants made their presence known.


Gilda held her body over Rainbow Dash's own as debris flew through the air. As soon as she was able the gryphoness turned to her left over War Guards and shouted her orders.
"Flanking manoeuvres! Don't take them head to head, work your way behind!"

Dash rose shakily to her hooves before lending her own voice.
"Take their weapons if you can! The hilt will be at the back, the front the end furthest from the hilt! Press every advantage, Hyperion is your home, not theirs! Show them that they won't be taking it any time soon!"

The War Guard cheered as they fanned out, collecting any war ready City Guard or 'civilian'(as all gryphons are trained to be war ready). Rainbow listened intently as her and Gilda stood behind their cover. How Gilda breathed when she was ready for a fight, the crackling of the flames, the crunch of glass as something large came up behind them...

Rainbow suddenly grabbed a spear that she saw a hoof away and raised onto her hindlegs, yelling loudly.
"Aaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh-nd you aren't sneaking up on us!"
The war cry having been a ruse, Rainbow spun around and slammed the spear haft into the invisible form.

The form caught it and multiple other invisible Sangheli uncloaked and grabbed the pair before they could properly fight back.


Dodging plasma and thug alike, and killing those that couldn't be dodged, Spartans Scootaloo and Faolan were just about to duck into a sewer access hatch on Black Raven's trail when they caught a glimpse of something both reassuring yet damning for the idea of peace on Avol. Two golden Loyalist CCS-Battlecruisers began engaging four SDV Heavy Corvettes and two CPV Covenant Destroyers. While admiring the bravery of the Loyalists, they did not seem to be the dominant side in this fight.

"We need to find Black Raven and then get them help, and I mean yesterday!" Scootaloo noted.

Nodding, Faolan booted the entrance open and jumped in.


Black Raven flinched slightly as she felt the pair of claws run across her body, occasionally kneading at the sensitive spot between her wings, causing her to flush. Eventually a claw traced up and found purchase on her chin. The claw pulled her into a sensual kiss with Blood while the over claw slipped lower and lower until its touch caused her face to grow red with excess blood flow. After a time Blood pulled away, smiling satisfactorily at his little gryphoness.

"You've served me well, you know that Raven?" Blood asked rhetorically. "I think we should have a bit of a tussle under the covers, as thanks for your support of course."
The large gryphon began pulling the gryphoness towards his bed when there was a thud from the door and a particularly sleazy looking gryphon stumbled in.

"Sir, the human and the pony have taken the bait, but we can't find a way to get through their armour!"

Blood just laughed as he stroked Raven's head lovingly.
"That's fine, I'll bet some acting on little Raven's part would do just fine."