• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 1,192 Views, 37 Comments

Filly Angel(Hell's Angel Sequel) - Resurgent Wanderer

Sequel to Hell's Angel. Upon her return to Equestria, Scootaloo finds herself once more in the throes of combat, this time to keep her family safe, not just herself.

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Chapter 1

The path was obviously rugged and under used. Shrubbery and trees occasionally attempted to impede the path of the two black clothed travellers, but it was nothing troubling for either of them. The only true issue was that it heavily obstructed their sight, meaning that if there was a checkpoint up ahead, they would know nothing about it.

"How are ye holdin' up Scoots?" asked Faolan as they walked.

Shrugging, Scootaloo realized she still was unable to fully wrap her head around everything that had happened.
"I just don't get it, you know? My mom is the living embodiment of loyalty itself, how did she just turn her back on her friends and attack Equestria?"

The man thought on it for a few minutes before responding.
"Did you ever think that maybe she wasn't breaking her loyalties at all? You can be loyal to anything, from people to places to ideals."
When Scootaloo didn't answer Faolan continued.
"What if Rainbow Dash foun' 'erself more loyal to 'er family and frien's than to 'er country, and then 'er country turned its back on her, or at least she felt it did, like when you disappeared. She felt her country led to your death, and being more loyal to you and your friends, she decided tha' there needed to be a leadership change to keep everyone she cared for safe."

Slowly Scootaloo nodded, starting to understand.
"So, not betrayal, but safeguarding? My mom is trying to protect the others from suffering a similar fate as mine?"

Nodding Faolan pushed past a small tree as Scootaloo cut down another with her wing guards.
"Now we jus' have tae reach your mother without any trouble."

"We're Spartan-IV's Faolan, and I don't think that's something anypony will be able to deal with on this planet." Scootaloo reasoned, "What could actually cause us problems?"

Seemingly unworried the pair continued forward. They knew that Celestia aimed to stop them, and that they wouldn't be free to do as they pleased until they reached the Gryphon lands. Pressing forward through yet another shrub, the two came out on the other sides to find a club coming down towards the taller of the two, but one outstretched wing and a hardlight shield later everyone present froze.

"Ah'd suggest you all drop the clubs, 'cause while Ah'm more cordial, this one has a penchant fer violence."

One of the larger gryphons, a burly deep brown coloured one, stepped forward.
"You are entering Gryphon lands....creatures, and we do not allow Equestrians! Leave now with your pony friend."

Rather than get angry like Faolan implied she would, Scootaloo adopted a rather uniform stance and eyed the gryphons authoritatively.
"Spartan Faolan and Spartan...Angel of the UNSC military. We have been sent as envoys to ascertain whether or not peaceful negotiations between our two cultures could be obtained."

The gryphons eyed both the pony and the human and looked over their odd attire before settling on asking for their identification. Scootaloo and Faolan both displayed their dog tags before the gryphons nodded.

"Black Raven! You've just got your first mission!" the large brown gryphon called, "You will be required to escort these...dignitaries while they make their way to our capitol. Do not fail, and due to one being...equine, do not let them get into trouble."

As Scootaloo and Faolan turned, a small jet black gryphoness about Scootaloo's height emerged from the group. She had amber coloured eyes that almost shone in the evening light. She was also nearly bouncing giddily as she came forward.
"Thank you sir! You have no idea how happy I am you've entrusted me with this!"

The burly gryphon just pulled her close.
"Do not mess this up niece, or even I won't be able to help you."

As Black Raven readied her bag Scootaloo stepped forward to the large gryphon and proffered a hoof.
"Thank you for your hospitality sir, and I promise my companion and I will do our best to ensure your nieces first mission ends with her commendation."

Nodding and giving his thanks, the gryphon ordered his fellow soldiers back to their posts as he watched the two dignitaries and his niece begin to head down the path and further into his country.
"I wish you two a safe journey," he murmured, "If not for your own safety, than that of my favoured niece."


"So, you know, they kinda figured that it'd be safer with me on the outskirts, after the incident with the fireworks, and the other incident with the fish, and that third one with the tribal diplomat's son from New Whinny. But this is the first time I've ever gotten a truly important mission, and now I get to protect you two!" Black Raven giggled enthusiastically, "I can't wait to get into this first town. Its called Hyperion and I grew up there!"

As the gryphoness continued her talking Scootaloo and Faolan toned her out somewhat. They were going over their different plans in their heads on what they could or should do once they reached the capitol.

"You know what we really need a plan for? How do we shut her up?" grumbled Scootaloo.

Casting a glance up to Black Raven, the Scotsman shrugged.
"Ah haven't the foggiest. You know, we could try getting 'er tae do something else."

"Hey, Black Raven," called Scootaloo, "Think of your favourite song and sing it in your head, it passes time better."

"A song? Just one? But there are so many? What about our favourite bands? Or our favourite concerts? Ohhhhhh, nightclubs! I know some awesome nightclubs in Hyperion, we should totally check some out. There's this-"

Sighing, the two Spartans just settled that they'd be in for a long, long walk.


"Rainbow Dash, Warlady Gilda, I've just received word that two beings, one pony and one strange biped have entered our realm. They claim to be from a group labelled You-En-Ess-See. Our best guess is this is the group that destroyed our first assassination plot!" a messenger barked as she stood rigidly before the pair.

Narrowing her rose hued eyes Rainbow Dash growled once before barking her own orders back.
"Then why haven't they been dealt with? What, does nopony think that if they wiped out an assassination party then maybe they shouldn't be coming here. Damnit, I'll do it myself!"

Before Rainbow could move, though, her friend and current lover Gilda placed a claw on her shoulder.
"Hey Dash, cool your jets. Messenger, you were there when that one assassin made it back. do you remember what he said?"

"I...er...not to disrespect anyone of course ma'am, but I believe he noted that he had, in fact, attacked the new group first, and that the bipeds reacted violently."

Nodding and withdrawing a claw from her friend Gilda gave new orders.
"Dash, I don't see them causing any issues outside of coming to visit. We'll send a platoon to pick them up, but that is all."

Nodding, the messenger exited the room.

"An exciting turn of events, eh Dash?"

"Yeah sure...Sorry I'm in a bad mood G, but the anniversary is coming up in a few weeks, you know?"

Nodding Gilda stepped up next to Rainbow and kissed her on the cheek.
"I know, but how about we take your mind off things for a bit, 'kay?"


Not the most important city(such as the Gryphon capitol Maliwan), but definitely the largest and most busy, Hyperion stood out as a safe haven for any who needed a cheap place to stay or a quick bit made. Due to this it was known notoriously for its large soldier presence to keep the crime rates down. This also meant that for any pony to enter the city, it was going to be trouble. That and once they did enter, it wouldn't make things any easier.

At the moment though, they still needed to pass through the front gate, and one unfortunate and brash young guard was currently receiving and amazingly clear view down the barrel of an M6C sidearm. Faolan stood between him and Scootaloo. Behind him Scootaloo had her Jiralhanae combat knife brushing the chin of a gryphon that had attempted sneaking up behind Faolan. To top it all off Black Raven was still talking about her favourite ice cream and was seemingly oblivious to it all!

"Throw down your weapons, you are here by being arrested by the Hyperion Guard!" shouted one to the soldiers that had hemmed them in.

"Aye? An' you expe' us tae be the ones to go 'long with wha' you say? Especially since you attacked me'n'mah mate here firs'?" Faolan shot back, his eyes never once leaving the gryphon before him, arm steady as a stone as he continued to level the M6C at the nervous guard.

"I...er...Equestrian citizens are not allowed in our lands!" the guard captain growled back.

"Spartan-IV Angel of Fireteam Raven of the UNSC. Currently a Peace Envoy on my way to Maliwan, the capitol of the Gryphon Lands." Scootaloo answered back under guise of her old code name, Hell's Angel.

Eyeing the pair suspiciously the guard captain couldn't help but find fault in their claims.
"Peace dignitaries do not often carry weaponry, yet you do, why is that?"

Both Foalan and Scootaloo eyed the two that had first assaulted then pointedly, and the guard captain took notice of this and coughed uncomfortably.
"Ahh, right. Guards, stand down! My apologies to you both, I did not know, and current standing with Equestria is not at its best. When I saw you, well, I'm sure you understand."

Rather than play angry about how contemptuously the gryphon spoke of Equestria but instead thought of it from a tactical understanding. Essentially use the gryphons' highly militaristic nature and exploit it by use of the UNSC.
"Perfectly understandable guard captain. If anything you should be proud your soldiers reacted with such haste."

"Aye, if anything they are some of the most readied soldier Ah've seen ou'side of the UNSC, you should be proud of tha'." Faolan agreed, nodding in time with Scootaloo.

Just then Black Raven suddenly appeared, Faolan and Scootaloo realizing that she'd disappeared just before they'd arrived at the gate.
"Hiya guys! Totally saw someone I hadn't seen in ages. We got to talking and stuff, but then they told me I should get back to what I was doing so I came back and you made friends with the guards and stuff and it's all happy! You wanna go to a night club later? I know a really good one!"

Casting a look that damn near pleaded for help at the guards both Spartans were near crestfallen when the guards shrugged and tried not to laugh.
"Alrigh' then, but firs' find us a place tae stay, d'you understan' me Raven?"

Nodding over enthusiastically the small gryphon began skipping further into the town merrily, humming a lively tune. As if that itself wasn't enough to draw attention, there was, of course, a large mare and a man to follow. It was going to be an interesting day to say the least.


A large gryphon sat head of the table, his mere presence demanding a fear ridden respect from the other thugs and low lives in the room. No, he was of a greater breed, large like the ancient gryphons and jet black as the shadows. A cowl hung loosely from his shoulders, threaded with fine silks, and a sickly yellow iris peering from his skull, the other missing along with all feathers from the left side of his face. His dagger sharp beak, cracked slightly, curled up in a cruel grin as he saw his awaited news arrive as a scrawny light brown gryphon entered the room.

"Blood! I bear news of a pony and a being called a human! They have entered the city along with a low ranking soldier by the name of Black Raven!"

The gryphon known as Blood smiled even wider at such information as it fell upon his ears. His eye seemed to find a new light as he rang a bell to call in his aide.
"Gooood. Go, find where they bed for the night and send a few petty thugs to test their mettle."

At this the messenger shifted nervously, something Blood's sharp eye noted immediately.
"You have troubled thought?"

"I...er....informed the young soldier of a nightclub. I played story of us being old friends and informed her I would be there tonight. I told her to bring her new friends, the dignitaries. I apologize if I have acted out of turn master."

"That is fine actually, plays in my favour." Blood grinned cruelly, "Aide, have a few petty thugs make attempt on the pairs life in the club tonight. We can use guise of drink as the incentive."

The tawny gryphon that Blood called as 'Aide' nodded resolutely and moved to find ten such gryphons fit for the task.

Author's Note:

First chapter, shorter than usual. Honestly just used to set the mood and the scene for the Equestrian bound members of this story. Or at least the ones on the planet of Avol at the moment.

Introduction of characters, setting of moods, stuff like that.