• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 3,457 Views, 63 Comments

Reckless Abandon - Closer-To-The-Sun

Repeated dreams about Big Macintosh have been bugging Rainbow Dash for a while. She comes to the conclusion that she needs to talk to somepony about the issue.

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Chapter 3: Storm In A Teacup

Chapter 3: Storm In A Teacup

Rainbow’s mind was stuck on Big Mac. She couldn’t help but be bashful at the thought of the red stallion. As she flew through the air, the night in which she and Big Mac shared cider replayed over and over in her head. This led to Dash hit her head with a hoof to have her stop thinking about it.

“Stop it, Rainbow Dash,” she scolded herself with a bonk on her head, “You’re not some sort of stupid, love struck filly….” She continued to fly back toward the town, trying her best to think of anything else except the red stallion that had filled her nightly dreams. Rainbow sighed, “I need some help about this. I guess the egghead might know something about this.” Banking on her flight, Rainbow Dash took a turn to the Ponyville Library, hoping the purple unicorn would be present.

Dodging trees and buildings, the blue pegasus navigated her way through the town and to the library. Upon landing near the door, Dash’s ear twitched again. She could hear the same noise that she heard while trotting to Sweet Apple Acres. It was the cicadas making a clamor with their ‘singing’, as Applejack called it.

“Dumb bugs….” Rainbow Dash said quietly. Their sounds were starting to get on the pony’s nerves the more she heard it.

Trying her best to ignore the insects, Rainbow Dash knocked on the door of the library.

“Just a moment, please!” a voice called out from inside. The door opened to reveal a small purple and green dragon, Spike, “Hiya, Rainbow Dash!”

“Hey, squirt. Is Twilight in by chance?” the pegasus asked, looking down at Spike.

“Yeah, she’s inside having a cup of tea with Rarity, come on in,” Spike spoke, moving aside to allow Dash to trot through.

“Uh, thanks,” the instant that Spike mentioned Rarity, Rainbow Dash began to have second thoughts about talking about her issue.

At the table in the center of the main room, the two unicorns were sipping tea and chatting amongst themselves. Twilight Sparkle looked over her shoulder and saw Rainbow trotting in. “Oh, Rainbow Dash, welcome! Come in, come in, to what do we owe the pleasure?”

“Hey….um, I have something I wanted to talk to you about, if that’s cool and all,” Rainbow looked away as she spoke, rubbing one of her hooves against the other front limb.

“Of course you can, dear,” Rarity insisted happily.

“And….uh….can we just talk….the three of us?” Dash added.

Twilight nodded as she looked toward her assistant, “Spike, could you do me a favor and go out to get some more groceries?”

“Aw, can’t I stay and listen in?” Spike asked, not wanting to miss out and whatever it is they were going to talk about.

Before Twilight could say it, Rainbow Dash replied fast and firmly, “No.”

The dragon shrugged, “Alright, alright, I’m gone.”

After waiting for Spike to leave, Rarity spoke, “So, Rainbow Dash, what is it that is on your mind?”

“Before I say anything,” Dash began, “You both have to promise not to say anything to anypony else about this, got it?”

Both unicorns nodded as Rarity replied, “Our lips are sealed.”

“I….think I have a crush on a certain somepony….” Rainbow admitted.

While it caught both of them of guard, they both seemed to be very happy.

“That’s wonderful, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said.

“Simply wonderful, darling! Just a moment, I’ll get us some more tea and then we can talk more about it!” Rarity stood up from her seat and trotted with the tray with the tea kettle back to Twilight’s kitchen. Along the way, she began singing a light tune, “This thing, called love, I just, can’t handle it….” She then hummed the tune as she came back into the room with the tray of fresh tea and clean cups.

Rainbow Dash sighed, “This is what I was afraid of, this becoming some big deal….”

“This is kind of a big deal if you think about it, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight claimed.

“But why did she have to be here?” Rainbow pointed to Rarity as she placed the tray down on the table.

Lightly humming, Rarity used her magic to pour tea into the cups, placing a cup down in front of each of them. The aroma of green tea filled all of their lungs. “Oh, how I just love girl talk! Now, don’t spare any detail, Rainbow. I want to hear all about it!”

“I can kind of understand what you mean now,” the purple unicorn stated.

“Hush, Twilight, I don’t want to miss a thing!” Rarity stated before turning her attention to the pegasus. “So, whose the lucky pony?”

Rainbow Dash looked off to the side. She raised up her cup of tea to her mouth and mumbled her reply with a sip, “Big Macintosh….”

Rarity squealed happily at the answer, “Oh, that is simply marvelous, Rainbow! He’s such a gentlecolt!”

“How did this come about?” Twilight asked, taking a drink from her cup.

“I guess you gals want to know of how this all started. Well, back when those Film Flam phonies were here. After we ran them out of town, I went to go talk with Big Mac. I thought he would be at the party with everypony else, but turned out he was back on the farm cleaning up the mess we all made,” Rainbow explained, carefully piecing her story together. She paused for a sip of her tea before she continued, “We just chatted for a bit, nothing all that much, but then out of nowhere, he got his own personal barrel of apple cider and shared it with me.”

“My, that’s quite an honor for you to have Big Mac to have shared his personal barrel of cider with you,” Twilight pointed out.

The white unicorn began to squeal, “Oh, how romantic! That’s just lovely, isn’t it?”

Rainbow resumed, “But, it doesn’t end there. For quite some time now, I’ve been having reoccurring dreams that involve Big Mac. Like….romantic dreams, ya know? Just last night, I had one where I was flying around above the farm. I landed and talked with Big Mac for a moment and the next thing I knew, we were about to kiss and junk.”

“Fascinating,” the purple pony remarked.

“Oh, if only I had a dream like that with the one I want to be my special somepony,” Rarity mused.

“I’ve been having really weird ones, too. There was one when I was falling from out of the sky, like my wings wouldn’t move. And then, out of nowhere, Big Mac flies in on some wings and saves me. It was really trippy,” Dash took another drink of her tea, looking down at her cup.

“Hmm, it could be something in your subconscious as the source of those dreams,” Twilight suggested, recalling a book she had once read.

“I don’t think finding the source of the problem is the issue here, Twilight,” Rarity stated, “I believe that our lovely little Rainbow Dash is wishing for a certain red stallion to take charge and be her knight in shining armor.”

Twilight nodded, “That could be it.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash stood up from her seat, her face flustered.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, darling,” the white mare explained, “in fact, I personally think that all mares secretly wish to have a certain somepony to come on in and sweep them off their hooves. I know I would, what about you, Twilight?”

Twilight giggled slightly, “Well, it does sound kind of nice.”

Rainbow Dash’s face was red, “This is not what I came here to talk about! I’m here to ask the two of you on what you think I should do.”

“You want our advice on your attraction to Big Macintosh? Gee, I don’t know what to say to help,” Twilight admitted.

Rarity thought for a moment before speaking, “I think I know something that might help you out, Rainbow. You need to come to terms with yourself.”

“Huh?” Dash gave a puzzled look to her friend as she sat back down.

“The way I see it, Rainbow Dash, you are having trouble admitting your own feelings to yourself. Everypony knows you are one of the toughest ponies in Ponyville. But the problem I think you have is that you find it hard to face the fact that yourself that you have a soft side within. It’s completely fine to have one, darling,” Rarity explained, “There is nothing wrong with it.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t reply. She stared down at her teacup, stirring it slowly with the tip of her hoof.

“Have you talked to anypony else about this?” Twilight asked, taking note of the pegasus’ action.

“I went to Applejack earlier this morning, but I didn’t tell her that it was Big Mac or anything like that,” Dash continued stirring her tea cup, looking at the liquid move in a circle.

“I think you should tell her, Rainbow,” the purple unicorn insisted.

Rainbow’s face turned red again, “Wh-What?”

Rarity chimed in, “I agree with Twilight on this. I think it would be helpful for you to express how you feel to Big Mac’s sister. Applejack can help us with this, but you have to let her know.”

“How can she help?” Rainbow bit back.

“She is Big Mac’s sister, she might know a thing or two about him,” the purple unicorn commented the obvious sarcastically.


“Rainbow, it couldn’t hurt to tell Applejack about this. In fact, why don’t you?” Rarity asked, tilting her head slightly.

“Well, I guess I could….” Rainbow said shyly.

“Wonderful! Then I wish you luck then, Rainbow Dash! And please let me know how it goes with Big Macintosh!” Rarity seemed to be giddy at the thought of her friend having a relationship with Big Mac.

“Uh, thanks….I think I’ll see myself out now….” Rainbow Dash shuffled her body a bit.

“Why don’t you stay and relax, Rainbow? I promise we won’t just talk about you,” Rarity offered, “Before you arrived, we were talking about some of our favorite books. You’re more than welcome to join in.”

“It might help you get your mind off your dreams and stuff,” Twilight suggested.

Rainbow thought of what her unicorn friends said. With a smile, she made herself comfortable in her seat again, “Sure, why not? It might be what I need to get my mind off everything.”