• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 3,456 Views, 63 Comments

Reckless Abandon - Closer-To-The-Sun

Repeated dreams about Big Macintosh have been bugging Rainbow Dash for a while. She comes to the conclusion that she needs to talk to somepony about the issue.

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Chapter 1: In My Dreams!

Chapter 1: In My Dreams!

The weather was perfect for her. The blue pegasus loved not only the setting sun in the distance as it painted the Equestrian sky a colorful mixture that matched her mane, but she also loved the few clouds that dotted the sky. The mare bolted across the sky, moving from one cloud to the next in a race against herself. Her eyes squinted from behind her goggles, picking up more speed. As if she was using the clouds as both checkpoints and obstacles, Rainbow Dash flew quickly around leaving a streak of rainbow across the atmosphere.

Slowing down, Rainbow Dash looked at the land below her. She saw Sweet Apple Acres sitting below her. With a smirk on her face, the pegasus flew down in for a landing, circling around the farm a few times as she lowered herself down. Rainbow looked at the ground, noting the shadows of the apple orchards seemed to stretch across the ground. Following the shady dirt path she landed on, she began trotting towards the barn.

Working in front of the barn, a red stallion was taking barrels inside. Dash saw the stallion and made her way over to him. The red pony also noticed the pegasus trotting up to him. Both of the ponies exchanged glances and smiles to each other.

Rainbow Dash was the first to speak, “Hey, Big Mac.” She lifted her goggles up and off of her eyes, resting them on her forehead, flattening a bit of her mane against her coat.

“Good evenin’, Miss Rainbow Dash,” Big Macintosh greeted back, smiling gently to the blue mare as he moved another barrel, prepping it to be moved inside the barn.

A light pink tint brushed across Rainbow Dash’s face at his words, “How, uh, how are you doing today?”

Pausing in his work, Big Mac turned his attention to the pegasus, “Ah’m doin’ quite fine. Jus’ finishin’ up some of mah day’s work. And how ‘bout you?”

Rubbing a hoof against the back of her head, Dash recalled her day to the stallion, “Oh, ya know, nothing all that special. Just did some good old fashion cloud kicking in the morning and then some racing against some of the slowpokes that I work with,” her face was still slightly flushed, “And this afternoon I was just flying around until right up until a second ago.” Taking a deep breath, she looked up at the rainbow dyed sky, “I really like flying around at this time of day. Celestia’s sun makes the sky look like some sort of painting or something.”

“That it does, Miss Rainbow Dash,” Big Mac smiled, looking up at the sky with her, “It’s really quite lovely, ain’t it?”

Dash focused her gaze back to the stallion before her, “It really is.” Her expression was one of both happiness and longing. Big Mac gave a warm smile to the mare, causing her to fidget in embarrassment and blush a darker shade of pink. “Hey, um, if you need to get back to work or whatever, I could leave so you can get it done if ya want,” Rainbow shifted her glance to the side, avoiding eye contact with the red stallion.

Taking a step forward, the stallion brought a hoof up to Rainbow Dash’s chin, moving her head back to it’s where it was previously, “Now why would ah want ya ta leave, Miss Rainbow Dash? Ah always enjoy ya stoppin’ by.” Big Mac’s smile was just as warm as ever to the pegasus.

“H-Heh….well, I really like seeing ya, Big Mac….” Dash was starting to trip over her own words with her reply.

The two looked into each others eyes longingly for what seemed to be an eternity. Slowly, the two had their faces close the gap between them.

Rainbow Dash was shaking at the thought as well as the action that was happening before her. Leaning in, she closed her eyes and waited patiently for her partner. The anticipation was bothering her.

Something interrupted the moment, however. A very loud ringing echoed through Rainbow Dash’s head. Opening her eyes, she saw the ceiling of her bedroom. Sitting up, she found herself on her bed. Looking to the source of her sound, she saw her alarm clock going off. Hitting the clock to stock the noise, she raised her other hoof to her head.

“Ugh….stupid dream….” Rainbow mumbled. She threw off the covers of her bed and laid across the bare mattress. She sat back up and noticed her pillow had been kicked onto the floor, “Did I kick my pillow off again?” She didn’t bother to answer her own question. Instead, she laid her body back down on her bed and muttered to herself, “Why did I have a dream about him again? Ugh! This is so stupid.”

She hit her head with both of her hooves, “Why does this keep happening to me? I mean, what is this, the tenth time I’ve had a dream like that since? Guh, it’s so dumb and stupid. It’s….dupid!” Dash felt that she had to make up a word to express her anger and frustration.

Hearing the shouting, Rainbow Dash’s pet tortoise flew into her bedroom on his mini-copter. He hovered over Rainbow’s bed and looked at her.

Dash sat up again and faced her tortoise, “Oh, hey, Tank. Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout like that or anything. It’s just….things have been really weird in my dreams. It’s been like this since we hung out one night. It was after those Flim Flam Brothers came to town and made a mess of things. We just….you know, talked, hanged out, and cleaned up the farm. Uh, actually, he did all the cleaning. But, he shared his own personal stash of apple cider. It was….just really cool, ya know, Tank?”

Tank was silent save for the sound of his copter that kept him propelled in air. He moved around a bit from side to side.

The pegasus continued with her statement, “I don’t know. I guess that I just saw him as someone different, ya know? I mean, for once, I saw Big Mac as more than just as Applejack’s brother and somepony that works on the farm. I saw him as a pretty awesome stallion. We made such an awesome team against those stupid Flim Flam losers.” Rainbow watched her tortoise hover around the room. She sighed, “Maybe I’m losing it? What do you think I should do?”

Tank continued his moving around Dash’s room before flying out of her room entirely.

“Maybe, I am….” Dash sighed, crawling off her bed, “I think I should talk to somepony about this all of this.”

Trotting out of her room and stretching her wings out and open, Rainbow Dash yawned. She was quick to leave her house and glide down to Ponyville and into the warm summer day.