• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 8,989 Views, 230 Comments

MLP FIM/Halo: Towards the broken dawn… - Evident Disaster

"The way to salvation is through the path of damnation..." Supreme Commander of the Helldivers 33rd

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Vocal initiative


Location: Unknown
Time: 12:22 PM

James couldn’t believe his luck, he had found the source of the signals, and it was civilisation, bad news was, it wasn’t the civilisation he wanted. And it wasn’t what he liked either, he staked himself about 30 meters at the top of a ridge overlooking what was a small encampment of aliens, humanoid ones. They were about human size, many of them were coloured, sporting stripes and multi-coloured hair and clothes, it looked as if he was watching a damn spectrum scanner, the multi coloured beings went about their daily business in their town.

It was about 8 hours since his landing in the jungle and he had found civilisation of sorts. But he was going to play it safe, the UCAF directives had been clear not to allow underdeveloped species contact with the human race, especially if they don’t have FTL or space flight abilities. James was smarter than that; he was going to play it safe. But if the town was the only one around here, he might as well see what kind of beings they are.
He pulled his Omni-scopes back and began to head down to the small town, he’d look around and then head back into the jungle, he’d use the town as a focus for searching for the marines, and possibly finding something to eat.


Location: Ponyville
Time: 9:30 AM

Roughly a day had passed since the meeting with Celestia and Luna at Whitetail Woods, and from their last meeting, Twilight had to go and alert the others for their upcoming meeting with Celestia and Luna at Canterlot. Of course there were plenty of questions being asked about what and why they needed to prepare, and she told them that she wasn’t allowed to disclose because of the bracelets on her wrists, they’d have to learn about it when they got to Canterlot.

Celestia by her promise sent Twilight a letter about the arrival of the escorts and security to take her and the other elements of harmony to the castle. There they’d have to be processed and then permitted into the compound in the Cyrene Peaks, the facility was an old fortress with mining networks built into the mountain hundreds of years ago by the first settlers of Canterlot. The complex served as a shelter and research facility for the Equestrian Guard and the command centre for the few military ponies out in the world. Celestia however had kept the facility rather discrete and ponies don’t usually ask questions about the army.

The Cyrene complex was going to be a rather interesting experience as they’d be the first civilian ponies in a long time to go into such a place. Twilight felt rather excited and nervous, she wondered what had happened to the being that she had found, and if it was still alive. But what got to her most was that Celestia and Luna hadn't told her about the other crash sites, from the pony-net news, there were more than a dozen crashes near civilized regions.

Celestia and Luna reassured everypony that nothing had gone terribly wrong and there was no attack from anyone, it was just an unlucky meteor shower which had gotten too close to the planet. He Equestrian Astrological Society had gotten down onto the ground as soon as they were available. The quarantine sites were practically censoring the sites and what they hid, it made ponies think that there was more than just meteors involved, but even the anon ponies wouldn’t dare to delve deeper into the mysteries.

Twilight hoped that this wasn’t starting to become a situation which would cause more harm than good, Celestia and Luna were already trying to keep things calm, and the last thing they’d need is more problems. On top of which, there had been some murmurs that the griffin kingdom had also received a meteor impact, but from what the griffins say, it was nothing more than a hunk of metal.
As the mage librarian waited at the front of her home, she was greeted by the other mares.
Applejack was equal first on the scene; she had Rainbow right next to her as she ran over to the library, she huffed as she finally stopped to catch her breath.

“Ha… I made it by a nose!” The orange mare said in triumph to the cyan Pegasus.

Rainbow landed next to her in dismay, and retorted.
“Hey I could have gotten ahead easy if you let me get into the air first.”

“Dash, fairs fair, I gave you 3 seconds to get up and then we got into gear.” AJ replied with a raised eyebrow.

“Hey I thought you said on three not at three.” Rainbow defended.

Twilight sighed, her friends as usual. She smiled at the thought and went.
“Okay, so I take it that both of you packed for the stay at Canterlot?” She asked.

Applejack nodded pulling up a suitcase and her Stetson, the orange skinned earth pony mare smiled and said. “All ready to get going.” Applejack, was a fine athletic woman at 5’8, going for one of the best runners around Ponyville, aside from Rainbow Dash, she was strong and rather independent and stubborn about it. She tried to avoid asking for help, unless it was really that necessary, like the time the Flim Flam brothers came to town, or the Apple Bucking season that almost wore her down to a crawl. AJ was honest, and that was her element, being honest to all ponies as much as she can, only very rarely having to put on a face when things got tight or desperate. AJ wore a denim shorts with her red and white checker shirt knotted with her white singlet underneath, her long blonde hair running down her back.

Rainbow answered Twilight with an annoyed response.
“Yes.” She was competitive in the sense that she didn’t like losing, she learnt that winning wasn’t necessary all the time, but it was a hard habit to drop. Rainbow was a nimble 5’6 slightly taller in comparison to Twilight herself. She was a cyan blue Pegasus with rainbow coloured hair, she had a very athletic, agile, build. She was trying to get into Equestria’s best fliers, the Wonderbolts and her aspiration was to join their ranks and show the world her stuff.

Rainbow had a very competitive mind, she always tried her best to outdo other ponies in certain competitions and she was also a type of pony who was rather independent, she never really asked for help unless she needed it. Or she’d just go hunting for answers herself and ignore everypony else, which can be rather bothersome for ponies around her. Rainbow of course never means for anything bad to happen, she just has a hard head. But the most defining quality of Rainbow was that she was loyal to the group, she was loyal to her friends and to all those with a just cause. Her heart was always in the right place, if her head wasn’t. Rainbow was dressed in her jogging shorts and sweat top with a sky blue jacket lined with white stripes.

Twilight let RD and AJ have their little competitive discussion as she waited for the others to get here, it wasn’t long until Fluttershy and Rarity came. Rarity in her usual habit of perfection came with 3 bags of what Twilight assumed were clothes and dresses for the occasion, of course being the fashionista, she always wanted to be prepared for whatever she might need to wear at the castle. Fluttershy was trailing slightly behind with a suitcase and a medicine bag, the yellow butterscotch Pegasus usually kept to herself and tended to her animals most of the time, being here it was a bit of a worry for her, she didn’t like the idea of leaving all her pets. But Twilight reassured her that nothing would go wrong leaving a few other ponies to take over for the time being, the Pegasus agreed to then come along, she just hoped that Angel was going to be fine with Bon Bon and Lyra.

Fluttershy, the heart of kindness and absolute fear, the yellow Pegasus was a nice hearted pony, but she had a core of steel, and that was something Twilight feared, on one occasion she managed to paralyse a Cockatrice by staring at it with her own power of control, she used it on a dragon as well and managed another amazing one to paralyse a tribe of diamond dogs during an unprecedented adventure sometime before. Fluttershy was quiet but very strong at heart; she cares for every animal big and small and tends to them as best as she can. Fluttershy wears a green jumped over a blouse and has a long skirt which reaches her shins; she is about 5’6ft.

Rarity, the element of generosity was a mare of integrity and stature; she tried hard to get herself well known as such and tries to fit into the world of industry, but doesn’t wish to leave Ponyville, at least not yet. She spends her time providing help to those when she can, unless it results in less than clean situations, then she’d try skirting around it. But in all honesty Rarity tries to provide those around her with nice things, such as dresses and planned events, tea parties and certain occasions. Rarity is 5’7ft and wears a white long sleeve blouse; she has a black short skirt which is accompanied by net stockings. Rarity is a white pastel mare with a beautiful velvet hair which curls in and around to the length of her back.

-Exactly as soon as Fluttershy left…

Angel tapped his feet on the ground and waited as the 2 new mares arrived to take care of the house, the light green mare and her cream coloured friend arrived at the door when Angel hid and got prepared.

“This is so exciting; I wonder what all the animals are like?” Lyra asked.

“They’re probably docile; they’re like that with Fluttershy, I’m sure that they’ll be fine with us.” Bon Bon replied.

As soon as they entered through the doorway…

Lyra’s face was covered in carrot cake and Bon Bon ducked as a dozen more flew through the air at the two mares, they ducked outside the door of Fluttershy’s cottage and wondered in absolute shock what was going on. They took a peek as a dressed up Angel in a general’s uniform smiled with carrot in paw and pointed at the mares, dozens of mice and other animals loaded cake cannons and catapults.

The two mares ducked from the door as a new barrage came through and almost nailed them in the face. Lyra went.
“You want to rephrase that with me?”

-Back at the library…

Twilight waited for the last and surprisingly the slowest member of the group? It usually never takes Pinkie Pie this long to get here, even with the Pound Cake twins, the mare usually shot here in less than a moment…

“Don’t you mean less than a sentence?” A pink blur suddenly asked breaking the laws of physics once again. Which reminds me; get off the text Pinkie and focus back on the story, I don’t want to have this argument again.

“Okie Dokey Loki!” The mare commented without noticing that Twilight was staring at her in bewilderment.

“Pinkie who are you talking to and how did you get here from thin air?” Twilight asked.

“Easy I jumped the paragraph and landed here, and I was talking to the storywriter, he’s a fellow all the way up there in the place beyond, and he makes things happen here.” Pinkie smiled comically while Twilight rubbed her head when she listened to the insane chatter of her friend.
“…So yeah, going over from the other fics I gotta say, you have talent big guy.” She finished saying at me.

Pinkie turned about and focused on Twilight and said.
“I got all my things packed with help from ED.” She punctuated with a smile.

Twilight went.
“Okay, so I guess that’s done, Princess Celestia’s escorts would be here pretty soon.”

Pinkie nodded and hopped along with her bag and sat down happily munching on some sweets. Pinkie was the element of laughter, the party mare was a bright pink skinned pony who as anyone can guess loved parties, and she loved to celebrate and she loved everything colourful and fun. She was a playful pony who had a strange habit of breaking the rules unwittingly and accomplishing the near impossible with nothing more than a lift of her hoof. Pinkie was a 5’6 mare with puffy hair and wore, strangely the least out of the group, hot shorts and a tight fit top which were both white and blue stripped.

The group waited for about half an hour until the escorts arrived, the ponies who arrived were not the normal guards that Celestia sent on most of her previous tours or occasions, they were armoured black ponies who happened to be earth ponies and unicorns with pegasi, they had arrived on what Twilight could see were metal Dirigibles.

The escorts greeted the mares and showed them to their seats, and packed the bags, to which AJ refused help with her own clothes and so did RD, the guards backed off and let them do it themselves while they prepared to leave. But before they did, a young black maned guard, Twilight could see was an officer greeted her.

“Greetings Twilight Sparkle, I am lieutenant Blackburn, of the first Equestrian Marines, we were told to get you ready for the trip, Princess Celestia had told me to introduce myself before we arrived at the castle to discuss the sensitive matter of what will be happening. Celestia regrets to inform you that she will not be able to meet with you right away and that she will see you and the other elements later in the night.” Blackburn told her directly.

Twilight understood, Celestia would have business to attend to, and surely the princess would make time later. But something didn’t feel right.
“Did she specify why she would be busy for the day?”

Blackburn replied.
“There has been a border incident last night in the griffin kingdom, the princess had been speaking with the clan representatives on the matter and she has been busy trying to keep them from pointing fingers.”

Twilight took in the information and boarded a dirigible with Fluttershy and Rarity. As the vehicles began to pick up speed and get off the ground, ponies in the surrounding area watched the escorts take the elements off to Canterlot, and to their strange visitors from beyond. But something else was brewing elsewhere.


Location: Town- Equestrian- Evergreen Jungles

Time: 12:45 PM

James had arrived in town about an hour earlier and hid himself in the depths of the shrubbery to keep the aliens from noticing him. It really didn’t matter much anyway, it seemed that there was a sort of carnival in town today, or a performance, he couldn’t tell from the noises being made by the aliens, his neural implants and SCCS attempted to translate, but most of the language had a mix of dialects which was screwing with his translators.

He remained in his bush until the ponies went off for lunch, then he slipped out and began to search around the outskirts of the town, he picked out a couple of homes to look at and began his quick search, a couple of farms were here, and the homesteads were rather large. Not to mention had guard dogs and animals that seemed to react to him.

He had made 3 close calls thanks to dogs and a frightened cow, for now he noted to avoid getting too close to those places. He tried his luck with a house that seemed to be perched at the top of a ridge, it was a small dwelling with 1 occupant or so he assumed from the number of shoes at the front door. He found that the being was busy napping, he took his time to investigate the outside of the home and found himself surprised and slightly embarrassed that he found that being’s underwear on a hanging line, well at least he knew it was a she.

James took another poke at another building which seemed larger in height than size; from what he got it was meant to be owned by someone who researched in the night skies, a type of astrologist. But not only that, he entered into the being’s dwelling and found that it had noticed his arrival from a couple of nights earlier, it seemed that the being planned on going out looking for his crash site.

James was sure that the being would be disappointed, James had left nothing to salvage at his crash, but the pod would be of some concern, these beings had yet to encounter other races like the human race, and then suddenly going after aliens wouldn’t be too smart. James however knew that there was nothing in the UCAF first contact directive about hiding the HEVs, so it was a lose situation, and it wasn’t like he could shift the pod anywhere, it was jammed inside of a tree.

He made his way around the room of the alien’s home, observing all that was around him, it seemed that the tall building was a sort of library as well as an observatory, he noticed that whole volumes were in shelves that were over the whole room, he didn’t pick any out, he doubted that the translators could read any of it yet.

It was then that he heard noise downstairs; he quickly activated his camo-cloak and vanished into the walls of the room. He watched carefully as a young woman, what he guessed was in her early 20s walked into the room with books in her arms and a map. She sighed and placed the books into a messy pile and pinned the map to a board nearby. She stretched a bit and went off to a room nearby.

James sighed, that was close, he began to move to the window when the being came back, he froze in his spot and watched as the alien noticed the window. She muttered something and went to the window and looked out of it, and then closed the exit. James hated his luck, the alien narrowly missed his cloak as she headed to a desk and removed a jacket from her back and placed it on a chair and began to write.

James decided to avoid trying to go through the window; he doubted that he’d get away with opening the window without the being noticing, not to mention jumping out the window wouldn’t be smart as he was on the 4th level, trying to jump at that level would get a lot of attention. He decided to go by the stairs and find another exit.
He crept by the alien female quite easily; she was rather intent on writing whatever it was she was writing. He slipped by her in moments and made his way down the stairs to the next landing and found that this level was filled with windows, but they were all too small for him, and there wasn’t any clear route of exit, so he went down the next level. He came up against a door that led into the second level and opened it quietly. Upon entering he found that the level was also clear of any exits, and there was one balcony which exited to the front of the building in the midst of the town, so that was out of the question. He finally reached the first floor and found that there was the front door, which had a bell on the front with a spring retraction that would make a lot of noise. He went to the back of the building and found that there was a back door, and it was locked.

He went to work and began to pick the lock with a small knife and a pinning needle used for stitching wounds. He carefully found the sweet spot and opened the door in a matter of moments, he moved the door and got out into the backyard of the building, he rushed off back into the foliage and out of sight. Unwittingly for James he didn’t notice that a certain alien was watching him escape.


Location: Unknown

Time: 2:20 PM

The rumble of engines kept the driver warm, he wasn’t alone in this place, and as long as Sandra kept running he’d be fine. Also the fact that he really wasn’t alone, he had his gunners and crew in the back of the LAT, light armoured transport, cruising their way through the great outdoors, it was amazing that the crew managed the fall without breaking the Bulldog’s back, but then again these were tough buggers. They don’t fail on account of plasma fire or fuel rod damage; unless it was anti-tank pulse cannon then that would be a very different story.

The bulldog crew got the vehicle going after a whole day spent in some swamp, clearing the engines and getting the transport unstuck from the depths of the muddy earth. The crew managed that and got them on the trail, of sorts. They had heard of light radio transmissions from other members of their force, one had gone far off the grid, another crashed somewhere that he had lost contact, but the others were still within range, at least most of them.

The com officer was blaring over the lines.
“This is bulldog, 3-1, we’re on route to rally point theta, anyone on the line head to grid position 233-445, and follow us in. If not then hold your peace.” He repeated for the 30th time.

There were a few pings on the com hub that acknowledged that there were some of the troops who had an idea where to head, others would have to go in some other way, or wait until the main force regroups. From what the com officer could tell there were 3 drop pods which landed 18 marines across the region, 2 others had come along, but one went down after an afterburner failure and cooked the marines alive, another crashed into the ocean and wasn’t heard after.

20 HEVs had also come down with various members of the helldiver’s division, the most elite force of marines in the UCAF, and they had experience with these sorts of drops. Not to mention getting out of hot situations. 5 LATs and LRVs had also come down, but 2 had survived from the LATs and there had been no word from the LRVs which had gone off the grid.

4 fighters had also come along, 2 of which suffered catastrophic failure from the transition and crashed or burned up on re-entry. The other 2 were elsewhere, one being reported to have taken too much damage and forced to land, while another looking for a site to land safely.
There was also a core of armoured mechanised suits launched after the marines, but they had scattered after the pod that was carrying them failed due to damage in slip-space.

The last of the whole mess was a flight of UCAF gunships and Falcon light VTOL. The gunships which followed them in were lost when they hit the atmosphere, they probably went off the grid, or crashed. But the falcons were nowhere to be found, even though it was reported that they were landing next to the LATs.
The com officer was no trying to unfuck the whole thing before they lost anyone else, but for the rest of them out there, it was every man for themselves.


Location: Unknown

Time: 2:44 PM

The pilots of the falcons hated the fact that they were grounded, and not because of bad weather conditions, it was because the pods which were carrying their falcons had screwed up their trajectory horribly and crashed them about 5 miles into a forest which was now entangling their birds, and some of them hit ponds and swamps on the way down, so the pilots now had to figure out a brilliant way to get clear of the forest and clear of the swamps and regroup with the rest of the force.
At one of the falcons, a pilot was on a short ranged com trying to get anyone’s attention, but they could only receive the transmissions from the LATs which were now going away from their location to the rally point and leaving them all behind. Someone was going to pay for this fuck up. The commander in charge of the whole flight was busy tied up with trying to dig out a falcon stuck in a meter’s worth of muck.

Back at the coms, the pilot yelled again.
“This is Wasp Actual, we’re currently 30 miles from the rally point and stranded at grid location, 129-744, we need assistance, can anyone hear us?” He called.

This time there was nothing on the operator’s frequency until a voice came over.
“This is AC-03, I can hear you, and how’s it going?” The person replied.

“Good to finally hear someone aside from the LATs, we need assistance here AC, we’ve got 3 birds grounded and another 2 more stranded up in these damn forests, were attempting to clear them manually, but there’s too much foliage to remove, if you can get to us, it’ll be much appreciated to get us in the air.” The pilot said with relief.

“Sure thing, I can’t fucking stand these swamps anymore anyway, if you can get me a lift then I’ll be there in about 3 hours, I’ve got the drag my ass through a lot of muck right now. I’ll contact you in 30.” The mech pilot said.

“Acknowledged AC-03, happy trekking.”


Location: Canterlot

Time: 1:15 PM

From their hour’s trip from Ponyville, the convoy of dirigibles arrived at Canterlot, but they didn’t land in the front entrance, it wouldn’t be such a good idea to attract public attention to such thing. The teams flew the girls to a secure landing zone at the back of the castle which led to separate locations.

From there the girls got off from their vehicles with their escorts, Blackburn helped them down from the landing pad and showed them through a private entrance into the castle via a few massive sets of doors. They wound up inside the castle chambers, each room was marked out for all the girls and there was a set map on the walls of each of their rooms to indicate where they could and couldn’t go.

Blackburn stopped them before they went into their rooms and addressed them.
“I’m glad to have been of assistance this afternoon, I do hope that you all enjoy your time here, and for the situation at hand you will be required to attend the meeting at 9:00PM at the private study which has been provided by the princesses, I hope to see you all then and there.” He said to them and respectfully bowed and took his leave.

AJ asked.
“Why is it at 9?”

“Well from what the lieutenant told me at Ponyville the princess was supposed to be busy dealing with a situation with the griffin kingdom, there was a border incident and no one knows what’s going on there. So the princess said she’d be busy.” Twilight answered AJ.

The farmer nodded and went to her room, Twilight followed the sign with her cutie mark, and she opened the door and found herself in her old room at the castle. Celestia had put in the effort to make sure she felt at home alright. The others settled in, with Pinkie jumping over the whole place about how spectacular her room was.

Twilight took a look and found that it was packed with colours of pink and blue and a few others, but that wasn’t it. The room had candy in it, local Canterlot specialities, it must have been provided by Celestia definitely, which only made Twilight wonder why the princess was trying to distract them. Did it really matter now? Twilight wasn’t so sure about what was going on, it just felt like the princess was trying to avoid making contact with them.

She shook her mind from that thought and focused on tonight, Celestia never lied to her or tried to hide the fact in such a manner, she’d come around when the time came, and she’d tell Twilight and the others what was going on. She was sure of it.


The throne room was quiet, quieter than it should have been, quieter than that of many years since it was first constructed. Celestia sat upon her throne with a look of concern, things had gone far worse than the princess could have ever imagined, the griffins had reported that there was a monstrous metal being devastating its way across the border and every attempt had failed to stop it.

From the ambassadors of the clans, he revealed that the metal being was discovered a couple of nights ago, at the same time that the rifts had come. The thing that the daughter of General Volt had found was terrifying for sure, the griffins attempted to open it up, but after a few hours after they brought it back to the outpost, the thing unfurled and began to rampage its way through the base and left utter ruin.

The griffins were inquiring into what the ponies might know of the thing, but Celestia had little knowledge aside from the ‘supposed’ meteor shower, the griffins swallowed the answer and asked for assistance, but Celestia had little clue as to how to stop such a thing, if their reports were right, it had powerful energy capabilities, far surpassing normal technology. Not to mention she doubted her magic would be able to penetrate the ‘bubble field’ it created.

It was that and the fact that Celestia was opposed to harming living things, and from what the machine was doing, it wasn’t trying to harm them, it was trying to escape. The griffin ambassador would have none of it though and said that it was claimed by the griffins and the griffins would deal with it if Celestia wasn’t willing to.
The ambassador left without a word afterwards and headed off with his escorts back to the clans. Celestia had a feeling that she’d have to break a few rules soon enough. She sat there and gathered her thoughts.

(Okay, so let’s see, we have about 45 humans on a world of magic monsters and humanized ponies with a lot of other races and are trying to regroup while their comrades are either chased or dissected. This can only get worse. And also Pinkie broke the 4th wall again, with a sledgehammer. Not to mention we’re soon going to have other visitors… and they aren’t going to be like the UCAF.)

So any suggestions?

Also, I’d like to have some OCs for use in this story, anyone want to spare a character for use?
Just remember, they’re only throw ins for short term use, or reoccurring characters.
And we need to have Trixie show up soon. Zecora is going to be a little more difficult.